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Formerly  Editor^  of « '  Chemical  Abstracts ' ' 






Copyright,  1917,  by 

307-317  West  Twenty-fifth  Street,  New  York 





As  the  title  is  meant  to  imply,  this  book  is  not  solely  a  dictionary  of 
chemical  terms.  It  includes  words  from  related  fields  of  science  and, 
what  is  perhaps  a  novelty  in  a  technical  dictionary,  a  general  vocabulary 
(see  the  INTRODUCTION).  More  attention  has  also  been  paid  to  abbre- 
viations, prefixes  and  suffixes  than  in  the  average  work  of  its  kind.  For 
historical  reasons  a  number  of  old  terms  are  defined;  where  these  might 
be  confused  with  modern  meanings  they  are  distinguished  by  the  label 
"Old  Chem."  or  hi  some  other  way.  It  should  be  remembered,  too,  that 
some  terms  which  have  been  replaced  in  chemistry  are  still  in  use  in  phar- 
macy or  industry. 

If  some  of  the  chemical  industries  do  not  seem  to  be  represented  in 
due  proportion,  this  must  be  ascribed  to  the  fact  that  glossaries  of  them 
are  not  available  and  that  war  conditions  have  made  it  extremely  difficult 
to  secure  German  books.  It  is  hoped  that  these  departments  may  be  added 
to  in  a  later  edition. 

The  INTRODUCTION  is  intended  especially  for  students  and  classes  in 
chemical  German,  but  the  sections  on  nomenclature  should  be  of  general 

The  author  is  indebted  to  many  friends,  most  of  them  assistant  editors 
of  "Chemical  Abstracts,"  for  information  in  then*  respective  fields  and 
for  the  loan  of  books.  He  is  specially  indebted  to  Prof.  William  T.  Hall, 
of  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  and  to  Prof.  C.  W.  Foulk, 
of  Ohio  State  University,  who  have  read  the  proofs  and  whose  suggestions 
have  been  of  great  value. 

Dictionary  authorities  chiefly  consulted:  General:  Muret-Sanders, 
Encyclopadisches  Worterbuch;  Flugel-Schmidt-Tanger,  Worterbuch; 
Duden,  Orthographisches  Worterbuch.  Technical:  Eger,  Technologisches 
Worterbuch;  Harras,  ditto;  Lang-Meyers,  German-English  Medical  Dic- 
tionary; and  various  special  vocabularies.  Text-books,  journals  and 
dealers'  catalogs  have  also  been  examined  for  words. 

The  publishers  have  offered  every  facility  for  improving  the  dictionary 
and  the  author  invites  correspondence  as  to  errors  and  omissions. 

XENIA,  OHIO,  January,  1917. 


With  Their  Roman  Equivalents 



Co    O  o 



6  b   o  5 



$)    PP 



Oq    Qq 



fflt     Rr 



2  f  *  S  s 



2t     Tt 



Uu    Uu 


ttii    Ufl 



JBtt     Vv 



28  to  W  w 



X  J     Xx 



8!)    Yy 


t  M  m 

88     ^z 



ft     ss 

















neuter  noun. 












participial  adjective. 






Biology,  Biological. 








Calico  Printing. 










past  participle. 


























feminine  noun. 

















Thermochem.    Thermochemiatry. 


masculine  noun. 


auxiliary  verb. 




intransitive  verb. 




reflexive  verb  (with  sich). 




transitive  verb. 






To  the  advanced  worker  in  chemistry  a  knowledge  of  German  is  almost 
indispensable,  since  a  very  large  proportion  of  chemical  literature  is  pub- 
lished in  that  language.  Even  if  he  has  had  a  good  general  course  in 
German  (which  is  too  often  not  the  case),  he  must  become  familiar  with 
an  immense  special  vocabulary  which  no  dictionary  can  give  completely. 
It  is  hoped,  therefore,  that  the  following  hints  as  to  the  use  of  this  dictionary 
will  be  found  helpful. 

General  Words.  A  general  vocabulary  which  is  superior  to  many 
pocket  dictionaries  has  been  included,  for  two  reasons:  first,  to  save  the 
user  the  trouble  of  looking  up  the  more  common  German  words  in  a  separate 
dictionary;  and  secondly,  because  many  general  words  have  a, technical, 
or  at  least  a  customary,  chemical  meaning.  In  a  general  work  this  meaning 
is  often  either  absent  or  buried  among  other  senses.  In  this  dictionary 
the  special  chemical  meaning  is  put  first  or  indicated  in  some  way,  the  aim 
being  in  all  cases  to  give  the  user  immediately  the  meaning  he  is  most 
likely  to  be  seeking. 

Self-evident  Words.  Words  which  are  common  to  English  and  German 
(even  with  a  slight  variation  in  spelling),  and  which  are  therefore  so  readily 
recognized  that  they  are  not  likely  to  be  looked  up,  are  omitted  from 
the  vocabulary,  unless  there  is  a  special  reason  for  inserting  them. 

Spelling.  Owing  to  recent  official  German  spelling  reform,  many  va-_ 
riant  spellings  appear  in  the  current  literature.  In  this  book  both  old  and 
new  forms  are  freely  given,  or  what  seems  to  be  the  prevailing  chemical 
usage  is  followed,  tho  in  doubtful  cases  the  official  form  is  preferred.  Those 
who  wish  to  know  the  correct  official  spellings  should  consult,  Duden's 
'*  Orthographisches  Worterbuch "  (inexpensive)  or  some  similar  book. 
For  ordinary  purposes  it  will  suffice  to  know  the  following  changes,  which 
are  not  all  invariable,  but  which  apply  to  many  words: 

C  (hard)  becomes  k,  as  in  Kohasion. 

c  (with  sound  of  ts)  becomes  z,  as  in  Zylinder. 
.     fff  and  similar  triplets  lose  one  member,  as  Schiffahrt  for  Schifffahrt. 

!  becomes  ie  in  the  verb  ending  -ieren  (formerly  -iren). 

ph  becomes  f,  as  in  Efeu  (formerly  Epheu). 

th  becomes  t,  as  in  Ton  (formerly  Thon)., 

ti  becomes  zi  in  certain  cases,  as  in  Reagenzien. 



Umlauts  are  represented  by  two  dots  (never  by  e),  as  &  Instead  of 
Ae.  In  this  dictionary  the  only  effect  of  an  umlaut  on  the  vocabulary 
order  is  to  make  the  word  follow  a  word  of  the  game  spelling  without  the 
umlaut.  Thus  fallen  immediately  follows  fallen  and  is  not  placed  under 
fae-.  Similarly  Ather  is  found  under  At-,  not  under  Aet-. 

In  the  vocabulary  s  is  used  to  represent  both  {  and  8,  and  ss  for  § 
(and  sometimes  for  SZ  when  the  word  is  spelled  in  capitals;  thus  STRASZE 
would  be  found  as  Strasse). 

Noun  Endings.  Since  the  case  endings  of  nouns  are  occasionally 
puzzling,  a  re'sume'  of  the  ways  in  which  German  nouns  may  form  nominative 
plurals  from  nominative  singulars  may  be  of  assistance  (note  especially  7) : 

1.  No  change,  as  Kasten  from  Kasten. 

2.  Umlaut,  as  Vogel  from  Vogel. 

3.  Ending  -e,  as  Jahre  from  Jahr. 

4.  Umlaut  and  -e,  Baume  from  Baum. 

5.  Ending  -er  and  umlaut  if  possible,  Manner  from  Mann,  Kinder 
from  Kind. 

6.  Ending  -n,  -en,  or  -nen,  Blumen  from  Blume,  Doktoren  from  Doktor, 
Wirtinnen  from  Wirtin. 

7.  Plurals  from  Latin  and  Greek  neuters:    Studien  from   Studium, 
Materialien  from  Material,  Dramen  from  Drama. 

The  other  cases  are  either  the  same  as  the  corresponding  nominative 
or  formed  from  it,  as  follows:  genitive  singular,  -en,  -ens,  -es,  -n,  -ns,  or  -s; 
dative  and  accusative  singular  and  dative  plural,  -n  or  -en. 

Irregular  Verbs.  The  preterite,  past  participle,  and  present  third 
singular  (indicative)  of  simple  verbs  are  given  in  all  cases  where  the  student 
might  miss  finding  the  meaning.  In  the  case  of  compound  verbs,  if  the 
irregular  parts  are  not  given  one  can  easily  find  them  by  going  back  to 
the  simple  form;  thus,  if  verschob  is  not  found,  schob  is  looked  for  and  found 
to  be  the  preterite  of  schieben,  whence  verschob  is  the  preterite  of  verschieben. 
Again,  if  zerrissen  were  not  found,  the  form  gerissen  would  be  looked  up, 
because  it  is  the  corresponding  part  of  the  simple  verb;  it  is  the  past 
participle  of  reissen,  and  accordingly  zerrissen  is  from  zerreissen.  Regu- 
larly formed  "  strong  "  past  participles  like  gebacken  are  not  systematically 
entered  because  they  merely  prefix  ge-  to  the  infinitive.  Participles  used  as 
adjectives  are  "  run  in  "  after  the  verbs  from  which  they  are  derived. 
For  the  inflection  of  verbs,  adjectives,  etc.,  a  grammar  must  be  consulted. 

Adverbs.  Since  in  German  nearly  any  adjective  may  be  used  ad- 
verbially without  change  of  form,  the  user  of  the  dictionary  is  ordinarily 
left  to  form  these  adverbial  meanings  for  himself. 

Prefixes  and  Suffixes.  Combining  forms  are  given  plentifully  in  the 
vocabulary  in  the  hope  that  the  reader  may  often  be  able  to  determine  the 


meaning  of  words  that  are  not  found  in  the  dictionary.  He  is  earnestly 
urged  to  make  use  of  them,  especially  the  suffixes,  which  are  likely  to  be 
overlooked.  Some  of  those  denned  are:  -ahnlich,  -artig,  -bar,  -de,  -el, 
-en,  -er,  -erlei,  -era,  -fach,  -fait,  -faltig,  -formig,  -haft,  -haltig, -heit, -icht, 
-ieren,  -ig,  -in,  -isch,  -keit,  -lich,  -ling,  -los,  -massig,  -nis,  -6s,  -sam,  -schaft, 
-ung,  -ur,  -warts,  -weise. 

Abbreviations.  Many  abbreviations  found  in  German  chemical  liter- 
ature but  not  in  English  are  entered  in  the  vocabulary  in  their  proper 
places,  as  if  the  letters  composing  them  spelled  a  word. 

Inorganic  Nomenclature.  Compounds  may  be  named  in  German 
merely  by  compounding  the  names  of  the  elements;  as,  Jodkalium  (potas- 
sium iodide),  Siliziumfluorwasserstoff  (hydrogen  silicofluoride,  fluosilicic 
acid).  Words  formed  from  the  names  of  two  elements  are  usually  to  be 
translated  by  giving  the  -ide  ending  to  the  first  part  (Jodkalium,  potassium 

Compounds  are  also  named  in  a  manner  more  like  the  English  method; 
as,  Strontiumchlorid  (strontium  chloride),  Kaliumsulfid  (potassium  sulfide). 
To  indicate  a  lower  compound  the  ending  -ur  is  used  where  -ous  or  sub- 
would  occur  in  English;  as,  Kupferchlortir  (cuprous  chloride),  Silber- 
chlorur  (silver,  subchloride).  In  corresponding  names  -id  and  -ur  are 
contrasted  like  -ic  and  -ous  in  English;  thus,  Kupferchlorid,  in  addition 
to  its  general  sense  of  "  copper  chloride,"  is  used  particularly  to  designate 
cupric  chloride.  Another  way  of  distinguishing  between  two  compounds 
of  the  same  elements  is  by  the  use  of  Latin  combining  forms;  as,  Cupro- 
chlorid,  cuprous  chloride;  Cuprichlorid,  cupric  chloride;  or  by  the  use  of 
di-,  tri-,  etc.,  as  in  English.  For  the  old  prefixes  zweifach,  dreifach,  etc., 
see  the  Vocabulary. 

Higher  and  lower  oxides  are  distinguished  as  -oxyd  and  -oxydul  (Eiserv- 
oxyd,  ferric  oxide;  Eisenoxydul,  ferrous  oxide)  or  by  Latin  forms  (Ferri- 
oxyd,  ferric  oxide;  Ferrooxyd,  ferrous  oxide). 

Names  of  acids  in  German  are  formed  very  simply  by  attaching  the 
word  Saure  to  some  other  word;  as,  Salzsdure  (literally  "  salt  acid  "), 
hydrochloric  acid;  Osmiumsdure,  osmic  acid.  These  names  are  translated 
into  English  by  attaching  the  ending  -ic  acid  to  a  suitable  combining 
form;  as,  Zinnsdure  (literally  "  tin  acid  "),  stannic  acid,  from  stannum, 
Latin  for  tin.  Hydracids  are  designated  in  German  by  the  ending  -was- 
serstoffsdure;  as,  Bromwasserstoffsdure,  hydrobromic  acid.  The  German 
equivalent  of  -ous  in  naming  acids  is  -ig;  as,  schweflige  Saure,  or,  less  com- 
monly, Schwefligsdure,  sulfurous  acid.  Similarly,  unter-  corresponds  to 
hypo-  and  uber-  to  per-  (unterchlorige  Saure,  hypochlorous  acid;  Uber- 
mangansdure,  permanganic  acid).  Any  acid  name  may  form  an  adjective 
ending  in  -saner;  as,  saltpetersaure  Losung,  nitric  acid  solution;  mangan- 


saurer  Blei,  manganate  of  lead;  mangansaures  Salz,  salt  of  manganic  acid, 
manganate.  Latin  names  for  salts  are  also  used;  as,  Manganat,  manganate; 
and  these  occur  in  combination;  as,  Bleimanganat,  lead  manganate; 
Chromisulfat,  chromic  sulfate. 

Words  ending  in  -it  in  German,  as,  for  instance,  the  names  of  a  great 
many  minerals,  should  always  be  translated  with  the  ending  -He;  as, 
Kainit,  kainite  (not  kainit).  If  it  seems  best  to  retain  the  original  spelling 
of  a  trade  name  it  should  be  placed  in  quotation  marks  to  show  that  it  has 
not  been  translated;  as,  Permutit,  permutite  or  "  permutit." 

Organic  Nomenclature.  There  has  been  much  carelessne'ss  in  trans- 
lating German  organic  names,  and  as  a  result  many  uncouth  forms  are 
seen  in  English  articles.  The  following  rules  represent  the  usage  of  the 
American  Chemical  Society  as  embodied  in  the  "  Directions  to  Abstrac- 
tors," and  this  harmonizes  weU  with  the  best  usage  in  Great  Britain: 

(1)  Translate   oxy-  by  hydroxy-  when   it   designates   hydroxyl,  as  is 
commonly  the  case.     When  oxy-  designates  the  ketonic  group  it  is  prefer- 
ably translated  keto-. 

(2)  Translate  names  of  compounds  the  chief  function  of  which  is 
alcoholic  (or  phenolic)  so  that  the  name  ends  in  -ol;  as,  glycerol,  resorcinol, 
mannitol,  pinacol  (not  pinacone). 

(3)  When  the  German  ending  -ol  does  not  indicate  hydroxyl  it  should 
be  translated  -ole  (as,  anisole,  indole),  or  in  the  case  of  a  few  hydrocarbons 
-ene  (as,  Benzol,  benzene;    Toluol,  toluene;    Styrol,  styrene). 

(4)  The  ending  -in  should  be  translated  -ine  in  the  case  of  basic  sub- 
stances and  -in  elsewhere;    as,  aniline,  glycine,  palmitin,  albumin.     (But 
for  names  of  alcohols  see  (2)). 

(5)  The  form  amido-  should  be  so  translated  only  when  it  is  in  com- 
bination with  an  acid  group.    Usually  it  is  to  be  translated  amino-;    as, 
Amidopropionsaure,    aminopropionic    acid;      Amidophenol,    aminophenol. 
The  same  holds  for  imido-,  anilido-,  etc. 

(6)  In  such  combining  forms  as  bromo-,  cyano-,  chloro-,  nitro-,  the 
connective  o  is  to  be  used  invariably  (with  the  exception  of  a  few  well- 
established  words  such  as  acetamide,  cyanamide);   as,  Chlorbenzol,  chloro- 
benzene;    Chloressigsdure,  chloroacetic  acid.     This  usage  is  by  no  means 
universal,  but  those  who  can  not  reconcile  themselves  to  such  spellings  as 
"  bromoacetic  "  should  at  least  avoid  the  German  forms  bromphenol,  acet- 
phenetidine,  benzhydrol,  etc.,  and  use  the  connecting  o  before  consonants. 

(7)  The  German  ending  -an  should  be  translated  -ane  if  it  is  the  name  of 
a  hydrocarbon  (or  parent  heterocyclic  compound)  which  is  fully  saturated; 
otherwise,  -an.    Examples:   methane,  menthane,  tolan,  furan,  pentosan. 

(8)  Most  German  simple  names  of  organic  acids  are  correctly  trans- 
lated by  substituting  -ic  acid  for  -saure.    Most  of  the  exceptions  are  old- 


established  names  such  as  Milchsaure  (lactic  acid)  and  Valeriansaure 
(valeric  acid).  When  the  name  ends  in  -insdufe  the  translator  may  sub- 
stitute -ic  acid  for  this  unless  another  acid  already  bears  the  resulting  name; 
thus  Akridinsdure  is  often  called  acridic  acid  instead  of  the  longer  acridinic 
acid,  but  Mekoninsdure  should  be  translated  meconinic  acid  because  Mekon- 
sdure  has  preempted  the  translation  meconic  acid.  Such  exceptions  are 
given  in  the  dictionary  as  far  as  possible,  but  in  doubtful  cases  the  longer 
form  "  -inic  acid  "  would  be  the  safer. 

Names  ending  in  -carbonsdure  are  translated  -carboxylic  add,  not 
-carbonic  acid. 

The  student  should  be  warned  against  confusing  chemical  endings 
and  case  endings;  for  example,  -en  may  be  equivalent  to  the  English  -ene 
or  only  a  plural  sign;  Terpenen  means  not  terpenene  but  terpenes;  Ketorie 
means  not  ketone  but  ketones;  Terpene,  not  terpene  but  terpenes. 

How  to  Handle  Difficulties.  If  the  word  sought  is  not  in  the  vocabu- 
lary, or  if  its  meaning  is  not  clear,  the  experienced  dictionary  user  still  has 
many  resources.  He  is  often  able  to  "  puzzle  out "  an  obscure  word,  and 
the  student  should  practise  the  art,  using  the  context  to  guide  him.  A  few 
possibilities  are  suggested: 

1.  The  word  may  be  a  variant  spelling.     See  Spelling,  above,  and 
look  up  other  possible  forms. 

2.  It  may  be  an  inflected  form  of  a  word  given  in  the  dictionary.    See 
Noun  Endings  and  Irregular  Verbs,  above.     A  thoro  knowledge  of  German 
grammar  is  of  course  the  best  assistance  here. 

3.  The  word  may  be  a  verb  with  a  separated  prefix,  such  as  ab,  an, 
or  zu.    Look  for  this  in  the  part  of  the  sentence  that  follows,  and  hunt  the 
meaning  under  the  compound  verb,  or,  if  necessary,  deduce  what  meaning 
you  can  from  the  meanings  of  the  prefix  and  the  simple  verb.    For  example, 
in  the  sentence  es  fdngt  an  zu  sieden,  the  meaning  of  fdngt  an  is  found 
under  anfangen.     Such  compound  verbs  are  very  numerous,  and  if  not 
found  in  the  vocabulary  their  meanings  can  often  be  guessed,  for  the 
prefixes  are  in  reality  merely  adverbs  attached  to  the  verb. 

4.  The  word  may  be  formed  from  some  word  which  is  in  the  vocabulary 
by  the  addition  of  one  or  more  prefixes  or  suffixes  (see  the  paragraph  on 
these,  above).    A  number  of  these  combining  forms  are  common  in  chemical 
writings,  as  ent-,  -frei,  -los,  -widrig,  and  their  meanings  should  be  familiar. 
So  also  verbal  nouns  are  freely  formed  from  verbs  by  capitalizing  the 
infinitive  or  by  substituting  -ung  for  -en,  as  Schmelzen  or  Schmelzung  from 
schmelzen,  and  these  cannot  all  be  given. 

5.  The  word  may  be  a  compound  of  two  or  more  words.    The  capacity 
of  German  to  form  such  compounds  is  much  greater  than  that  of  English, 
and  while  a  large  number  are  found  in  this  dictionary  they  are  only  a 


small  part  of  those  in  the  literature.  Many  words  drop  letters  in  combining. 
The  general  meaning  of  many  such  combining  forms  is  given  in  the  vocabu- 
lary. Occasionally  the  beginner  may  make  a  wrong  division  of  a  compound 
word,  and  he  should  bear  this  in  mind;  for  instance,  Gastrolle  is  from  Gast 
and  Rolle,  not  from  Gas  and  Trolle.  See  also  the  rule  for  dropping  one 
member  of  a  triplet  letter  (under  Spelling,  above).  In  deciphering  the 
meaning  of  compound  words  the  student  who  is  able  will  frequently  find 
it  helpful  to  think  of  the  Latin  or  Greek  equivalents;  thus,  tlberfuhrung 
means  trans-ference;  Konigswasser  means  aqua  regia;  Lichtmesser, 

Persistent  practice  is  the  great  essential  to  acquiring  a  foreign  language 
vocabulary  and  sensing  its  word  order  and  idioms.  At  the  outset  the 
chemical  student  will  find  it  very  helpful  to  read  in  German  elementary 
chemical  text-books  with  the  subject  matter  of  which  he  is  familiar.  This 
will  serve  the  double  purpose  of  review  and  German  practice. 


a.,  abbrev.  (asymmetrisch)  asymmetric  (al). 

A.,  abbrev.  Alkohol;  Annalen  der  Chemie. 

X.,  abbrev.  (Ather)  ether. 

Aal,  m.  eel. 

a.  a.  O.,  abbrev.  (an  anderen  Orten)  elsewhere; 

(an  angeftihrten,  or  angegebenen,  Orte)   in 

the  place  cited. 
Aar,  m.  eagle. 
Aas,  n.  fleshings,  scrapings  (from  hides) ;  carrion, 

carcass;  groats, 
aasen,  v.t.  flesh  (hides). 

Aasschmiere,  /.  (Leather)  flesh-side  dubbing. 
Aasseite,  /.  (Leather)  flesh  side. 
ab,  adv.  off,  away,  down. — ab  und  zu/  to  and 


abandern,  v.t.  modify,  change,  alter. 
Abandoning,  /.  modification;  alteration. 
abarbeiten,  v.t.  work  off;  rough-work;  tire  out. 
Abart, /.  variety. 
abarten,  v.i.  vary;  degenerate. 
abatmen,  abatmen,  v.t.  glow  (a  cupel) ;  anneal. 
abatzen,    v.t.  eat    away,  corrode,    destroy   by 


Abb.,  abbrev.  (Abbildung)  cut,  illustration. 
Abbau,     TO.     decomposition,      disintegration, 

analysis  (as  opposed  to  synthesis),  degrada- 
tion; demolishing;  (Mining)  working. 
abbeizen,   v.t.   remove    with    corrosives;     dip, 


abbersten,  v.i.  burst  off,  crack  off,  fly  off. 
abberufen,  v.t.  call  away,  recall. 
abbestellen,  v.t.  revoke,  countermand, 
abbiegen,  v.t.  bend  off,  bend  aside,  snap  off; 

(Grammar)  inflect. 
Abbild,  n.  copy,  image,  likeness. 
abbilden,  v.t.  portray,  copy,  model;   describe, 

Abbildung,  /.  illustration,  cut;  representation, 

portrait,  copy. 
Abbildungsvermogen,  n.  resolving  power  (of  a 

abbimsen,  v.t.  rub  with  pumice;   (Leather)  friz, 

fluff,  buff. 
abbinden,  v.t.  unbind,  untie,  loosen;    tie  off; 

castrate;     frame. —  v.i.    (of     cement,    etc.) 

harden,  set. 

Abbindezeit, /.  setting  time  (of  cement,  etc.). 

Abbitte,  /.  apology;  deprecation. 

abbitten,  v.t.    apologize    for;    beg. — abbittend, 

p.a.  deprecatory. 

abblasen,  v.t.  blow  away,  blow  off,  blow, 
abblassen,  v.i.  fade,  lose  color,  grow  pale. 
abblattern,  v.r.  &  i.  scale  off,  exfoliate;  shed 

the  leaves. — v.t.  strip  of  leaves. 
Abblatterung,  /.  exfoliation;  stripping  of  leaves. 
Abblatterungsmittel,  n.  exfoliative. 
abblauen,    v.t.    blue    (fabrics).— v.i.  lose   blue 

abbleichen,  v.t.  bleach,  bleach  out. — v.i.  fade; 

finish  bleaching, 
abblenden,  v.t.  screen  off. 
abblicken,  v.i.    (Assaying)  brighten,  give  the 

"  blick." 

abblitzen,  v.i.  miss  fire;  cease  lightening. 
abbliihen,  v.i.  cease  blooming;  fade,  wither. 
A b brand,  m.  burnt  or  roasted  ore;  waste  (in 

forging,  etc.) ;  loss  by  burning. 
abbrauchen,  v.t.  use  up,  wear  out. 
abbrauen,    v.t.    brew     (thoroly). —  v.i.    finish 


abbraunen,  v.i.  lose  brown  color, 
abbraunen,  v.t.  brown,  dye  brown  (thoroly). — 

v.i.  lose  brown  color. 
abbrechen,  v.t.  break  off,  break  up,  interrupt, 

discontinue,  remove;  deduct. — v.i.  break  off, 

leave  off. 

abbreiten,  v.t.  stretch  out,  flatten, 
abbrennen,  v.i.  burn  off,  away,  or  down;   de- 
flagrate;  miss  fire. — v.t.  burn   off,  away   or 

down;  deflagrate;  fire  off;  temper;  dip,  pickle; 

cauterize;  sear,  singe;  (Ceram.)  finish  firing. 
Abbrennglocke,  /.  deflagrating  jar. 
Abbrennloffel,  m.  deflagrating  spoon. 
abbringen,  v.t.   bring    off,  get    off,  turn    off; 

dissuade;  lead  astray. 
Abbruch,  TO.  breaking  off;  fragment;  damage; 


abbriichig,    a.    crumbly,    friable,    brittle;    de- 

abbriihen,  v.t.  scald,  seethe,  parboil, 
abbuffen,  v.t.  buff. 
Abdachung,  /.  slope,  declivity;  unroofing. 



Abdampf-.  evaporating. 

Abdampfapparat,  m.  evaporating  apparatus. 

abdampfen,    v.t.    &     i.     evaporate;     volatilize 

(solids);  boil  down. 
Abdampfen,  n.  evaporation. 
abdampfen,  v.t.  evaporate;    volatilize;    steam; 

quench  (charcoal). 

Abdampfgefass,  n.  evaporating  vessel. 
Abdampf  kapelle,  /.  evaporating  capsule. 
Abdampfkessel,  m.  evaporating  kettle  or  pan. 
Abdampf  kolben,  m.  evaporating  flask. 
Abdampfriickstand,  m.  residue  on  evaporation. 
Abdampfschale,  /.  evaporating  dish  or  basin. 
Abdampfung,  /.  evaporation. 
Abdampfungsgefass,  n.  evaporating  vessel. 
Abdampfungskessel,  m.  evaporating  kettle  or 


Abdampfungspfanne,  /.  evaporating  pan. 
Abdampfungsriickstand,  m.   residue   on  evap- 

abdanken,    v.t.    dismiss,    retire.  —  v.i.    resign, 

abdarren,  v.t.   (Brewing)    dry,  kiln-dry,  cure; 

(Metal.)  liquate. 
Abdarrtemperatur,  /.  (Brewing)  finishing  tem- 


abdecken,  v.t.  uncover,  unroof;  skin,  flay. 
abdestillieren,  v.t.  distil  off,  distil. 
abdorren,  v.t.  dry  up,  dry  thoroly. 
Abdraht,  m.  turnings. 
abdrehen,  v.t.  turn  off  (gas,  etc.);  turn  (on  a 

lathe)  ;  twist  off. 
Abdrehmaschine,  /.  lathe;    (Ceram.)   finishing 


Abdrehspane,  m.  pi.  turnings. 
Abdrehspindel,  /.  (Ceram.)  finishing  machine. 
abdringen,  v.t.  extort  (from). 
Abdruck,    TO.    copy,    impression,    print;    cast; 

printing,  copying;  counterpart. 
abdruckcn,  v.t.  print;    stamp;    copy  (by  pres- 


abdriicken,  v.t.  press  off;  force  out;  fire  (a  gun). 
abdunkeln,   v.t.   darken,  sadden    (colors).  —  v.i. 

grow  darker. 

abdunsten,  v.i.  evaporate. 
Abdunsten,  n.  evaporation. 
abdunsten,  v.t.  evaporate. 
Abdunstung,  Abdiinstung,  /.  evaporation. 
abeichen,  v.t.  gage,  adjust  (measures). 
Abelpriifer,  TO.  Abel  tester. 
Abend,  TO.  evening,  night. 
Abendbrot,  Abendessen,  n.  supper. 
Abendland,  n.  western  country,  West,  Occident. 
abendlandisch,  a.  western,  occidental. 
Abendmahl,  n.  supper;  evening  time. 
abends,  adv.  in  the  evening. 
abendwarts,  adv.  westward. 
Abenteuer,  n.  adventure. 
aber,  conj,  but,  however. 


Aberglaube,  TO.  superstition. 

aberkennen,  v.t.  dispossess. — v.i.  pass  sentence. 

abermals,  adv.  again. 

aberwitzig,  a.  crazy,  foolish. 

abfachen,  v.t.  classify;  partition. 

abfahren,  v.i.  depart,  leave. —  v.t.  carry  off, 
cart  off. 

Abfahrt,  /.  departure;  emigration. 

Abfall,  m.  falling  off;  decrease,  deterioration, 
decline,  loss;  slope,  declivity;  desertion;  con- 
trast; (also  pi.  Abfalle)  waste,  refuse,  by- 
product, chips,  parings,  cuttings,  tailings,  etc. 

Abfalleimer,  m.  waste  bucket,  waste  pail. 

Abfalleisen,  n.  scrap  iron. 

abfalien,  v.i.  fall  off;  diminish,  decrease;  decay; 
lose  flesh;  slope;  deviate;  desert;  be  rebuffed; 
contrast  badly. — abfallend,  p.a.  deciduous. 

abfallig,  a.  falling  off,  sloping,  etc.  (see  abfalien) ; 

Abfalllauge,  /.  spent  lye. 

Abfallmarke,  /.  (Dyeing)  off  shade. 

Abfallprodukt,  n.  by-product. 

Abf alls  toff,  m.  waste  material,  specif.,  sewage. 

Abfallware,  /.  rejected  ware,  culls. 

Abfallwasser,  n.  waste  water,  sewage. 

abfarben,  v.t.  dye  (thoroly). — v.i.  lose  color, 
crock;  (Min.)  give  a  colored  streak;  (Paper) 
rub  off. 

abfasern,  v.i.  &  r.  lose  fibers,  fuzz. 

abfassen,  v.t.  write,  word,  compose,  draw  up; 
catch,  seize;  bend  (iron). 

Abfasser,  TO.  writer. 

Abfeilicht,  n.  filings. 

abfertigen,  v.t.  send  off,  despatch. 

abfetten,  v.t.  take  fat  or  grease  from. 

abfiltrieren,  v.t.  filter  off. 

abfinden,  v.t.  pay  off,  satisfy. 

Abflachung,  /.  beveling,  bevel;  (of  a  curve) 
rounding  off. 

abflammen,  v.t.  singe,  gas;  grease,  tallow 

abflauen,  v.t.  wash,  scour  (ore). 

abfleckecht,  a.  fast  to  rubbing,  not  spotting. 

abflecken,  v.i.  stain,  make  stains. 

abfleischen,  v.t.  flesh  (hides). 

abfiiessen,  v.i.  flow  away,  off  or  down,  dis- 
charge, drain. 

Abfluss,  TO.  flowing  off,  discharge;  outlet;  drain 
pipe;  effluent;  waste  water. 

Abflusshahn,  TO.  discharge  cock. 

Abflusskiihler,  m.  a  condenser  which  leads  the 
condensate  away,  efflux  condenser  (con- 
trasted with  Riickflusskuhler). 

Abflussrohr,  n.  discharge  tube,  waste  pipe. 

Abflusswasser,  n.  waste  water. 

abformen,  v.t.  form,  shape,  mold;  copy,  imitate. 

abfressen,  v.t.  eat  away  or  up;  corrode;  con- 

Abfrischen,  n.  (Brewing)  changing  steep  water. 

Abfuhr,  /.  removal;  transport,  carriage. 


Abfahrdiinger,  m.  night  soil. 

abfiihren,    v.t.    lead    off,    carry    away;    send 

(goods) ;     draw     (wire) ;     exhaust     (steam) ; 

(Med.)     evacuate,    purge. — abfuhrend,  p.a. 

(Med.)  purgative,  aperient,  efferent,  excretory. 

— abfiihrendes  Brausepulver,  Seidlitz  powder. 
Abfiihrgang,  m.  (Physiol.)  efferent  duct. 
Abfuhrmittel,  n.  purgative,  aperient. 
Abfiihrpille,  /.  cathartic  pill,  purgative  pill. 
Abf  iihrsalz,  n.  aperient  salt. 
Abf iihrung,  /.  leading  off,  etc.  (see  abfiihren) . 
Abfuhrungsrohr,  n.  discharge  tube  or  pipe. 
Abfullapparat,    TO.    emptying    apparatus,    etc. 

(see  abfiillen);  (Brewing)  racker. 
Abfullbiitte,  /.  (Brewing)  racking  square. 
abfiillen,   v.L   empty,    draw    off    (wine,    etc.), 

rack,   decant;   take  off,  skim  off    (scum  or 


Abfiillschlauch,  TO.  (Brewing)  racking  gut. 
Abfiillvorrichtung,  /.  emptying  contrivance  or 


Abfurchung,  /.  division,  segmentation. 
abfiittern,  abfuttern,  v.t.  case,  line;  feed. 
Abgabe,  /.    delivery;    giving    off,    escape    (of 

gases,  etc.);  tax,  duty:  (Com.)  draft. 
Abgang,  m.  waste,  loss;  -decrease,  decline;  going 

off,   leaving;    escape    (of   gases,    etc.);   mis- 
carriage; sale,  market. 

abgangig,  a.  waste;  wanting;  salable;  decrepit. 
Abgangsrohr,  n.  waste  pipe. 
Abgas,  n.  waste  gas. 
abgautschen,  v.t.  (Paper)  couch, 
abgeben,  v.t.  give  up  or  off,  part  with;  deliver; 

yield. — v.r.  occupy  oneself, 
abgcbrochen,  p.p.  of  abbrechen. 
abgebanden,  p.p.  of  abbinden. 
abgedroschen,  p.a.  trite,  hackneyed. 
abgefeimt,  p.a.  crafty. 
abgegriffen,  p.a.  worn,  worn-out. 
abgehen,  v.i.  pass  off,  come  off,  go  away,  pass 


abgelebt,  p.a.  decrepit. 
abgelegen,  p.a.  remote,  retired. 
abgemessen,  p.a.  see  abmessen. 
abgeneigt,  p.a.  disinclined. 
Abgeordnete,  TO.  deputy,  delegate. 
abgeplattet,  p.a.  see  abplatten. 
abgerben,  v.t.  tan  (thoroly). 
abgerundet,  p.a.  see  abrunden. 
Abgesandte,  m.  envoy,  delegate. 
Abgeschaumtes,  n.  skimmings. 
abgeschieden,  p.a.  see  abscheiden. 
abgeschliffen,  p.p.  of  abschleifen. 
abgeschmackt,  p.a.  insipid,  absurd. 
abgeschwefelt,    p.a.     desulfurized,    etc.     (see 

abschwef  eln) . 

abgesehen,  p.a.  see  absehen. 
abgespannt,  p.a.  see  abspannen. 
abgestanden,  p.a.     See  abstehen. 
abgestumpft,  p.a.  see  abstumpfen. 


abgetan,  p.p.  of  abtun. 

abgewinnen,  v.t.  win,  win  away. 

abgewohnen,  v.t.  wean,  break  of  a  habit. 

abgezogeh,  p.p.  of  abziehen. 

abgiessen,  v.t.  pour  off,  decant;  (Founding)  cast. 

Abglanz,  m.  reflection. 

abgliitten,  v.t.  polish,  polish  off. 

abgleichen,  v.t.   make   equal,    equalize;   level; 

justify  (coins);  balance  (accounts). 
abgliihen,    v.t.   heat    thoroly,   make    red    hot, 

anneal;    mull    (wine). — v.r.    cease    glowing, 

cool  gradually. 

abgrenzbar,  a.  definable,  limitable. 
abgrenzen,  v.t.  mark  off;  bound;  define. 
Abgrenzung,  /.  demarcation. 
Abgrund,  m.  abyss,  precipice. 
Abguss,  TO.  pouring  off,  decanting;  casting,  cast. 
abhaaren,    v.t.    remove    hair    from,    depilate, 

abhalten,  v.t.  keep  off  or  back,  endure;  hold 

(a  meeting). 
Abhaltung,  /.  hindrance,  impediment;  holding, 


abhanden,  adv.  missing,  lost. 
Abhandlung,  /.    treatise,    paper,    dissertation, 

discourse;  transaction. 
Abhang,  TO.  slope,  declivity. 
abhangen,  v.i.  depend;  slope;  hang  down, 
abhangen,  v.t.  take  off  or  down,  disconnect, 
abhangig,  a.  dependent;  sloping. 
Abhangigkeit,  /.  dependence;  slope, 
abharen,  v.t.  unhair. 

abharten,  v.t.  harden;  temper  (iron  or  steel). 
abharzen,  v.t.  take  resin  from. 
abhauten,  v.t.  skin;  abrade;  (Founding)  free  of 


abheben,  v.t.  lift  off,  take  off;  skim  off. 
abhebern,  v.t.  siphon  off. 
abhelfen,  v.t.  help,  remedy,  correct. 
abhellen,  v.t.  clarify,  clear;  fine  (wine). —  v.r. 

become  clear. 

abhetzen,  v.t.  overwork,  harass. 
abhold,  a.  unfavorable,  averse, 
abholen,  v.t.  fetch  off,  call  for. 
Abhub,  TO.  useless  remains;  scum;  useless  ore. 
Abietinsaure,  /.  abietic  acid. 
Abirrung,  /.  deviation,  aberration. 
abkalken,  v.t.  unlime. 
abkalten,  v.t.  cool,  cool  down, 
abkanten,  v.t.  bevel,  take  off  the  edges  of. 
abkarten,  v.t.  prearrange,  plot. 
abkehren,   v.t.   turn    away    or    aside,    avert, 

divert;  sweep,  brush  (off). 
abkeltern,  v.t.  press  (wine). 
abklappen,  v.t.  swing  aside  or  out;  let  down 

(a  folding  table). 
abklaren,    v.t.    clarify,    clear,    defecate,    fine; 

(according  to  method)  filter,  decant,  elutri- 
ate, etc.;  decolor  (sugar);  brighten  (a  color); 

strip  off,  boil  off  (a  dye). — v.  r.  clear,  clear  up 


Abklarflasche,  /.  decanting  bottle  (or  flask). 

Abklartopf,  m.  decanting  jar. 

Abklarung,/.  clarification,  etc.  (see  abklaren). 

ahknallen,  v.i.  go  off,  explode. — v.  t.  fire  off. 

abkneifen,  v.t.  pinch  off,  nip  off. 

abknicken,  v.t.  bend  (sharply);    crack  or  snap 


abknistern,  v.t.  decrepitate. 
Abknisterung,  /.  decrepitation. 
abkochecht,  a.  fast  to  boiling. 
abkochen,  v.t.  boil,  decoct;  boil  off. 
Abkochung,  /.  decoction. 
abkommen,  v.i.  get  off;  be  spared;  grow  out  of 


Abkommen,  n.  agreement;  disuse. 
Abkommling,  m.  derivative;  descendant. 
abkratzen,  v.t.  scrape  off,  scrape, 
abkrucken,  v.t.  rake  off. 
Abkiihlapparat,  m.  cooler,  refrigerate*. 
abkuhlen,  v.t.  &  i.  cool,  cool  down,  chill,  re- 
frigerate; anneal. 
Abkuhlfass,    n.    cooler,    cooling    vat;    (Glass) 

annealing  oven. 

Abkiihlgefass,  n.  cooling  vessel. 
Abkiihlung,  /.  cooling,  refrigeration;  annealing. 
Abkiihlungsmittel,  n.  refrigerant. 
Abkunft,  /.  descent;  breed,  stock, 
abkiirzen,  v.t.  shorten,  abbreviate;  truncate. 
Abkiirzung,  /.  abbreviation. 
abladen,  v.t.  unload, 
ablagern,  v.t.  &  i.  deposit;  store;  age,  mellow, 

mature. — v.r.  deposit,  settle,  subside. 
Ablagerung,  /.  deposit;  deposition;  storage. 
Ablass,  m.  draining,  discharge;  cessation;  dis- 
count; drain, 
ablassen,  v.t.  let  off,  draw  off,  decant,  drain; 

anneal    (steel).— v.i.  leave    off,    cease;    (of 

colors)  fade  or  come  off. 
Ablasshahn,  m.  delivery  cock,  discharge  cock, 

drain  cock. 
Ablauf,   m.   running   off,    outlet,   drain;   sink; 

slope;  expiration  (of  time);  result,  event. 
ablaufen,  v.i.  run  off  or  down;  expire. 
Ablaufhahn,  m.  =  Ablasshahn. 
Ablauf 61,  n.  expressed  oil;  run  oil. 
Ablaufrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  outlet  tube,  waste 

Ablauftrichter,   m.   draining   funnel    (inverted 

funnel  with  tubulated  rim  for  carrying  off 

condensed  vapors). 
Ablauge,   /.    spent   lye,    spent   liquor,    waste 

liquor;  washing  out. 

ablaugen,  v.t.  wash  out  lye  from;  steep  in  lye. 
ablautern,   v.t.    clarify,    purify,    refine,    fine; 

strain;  draw  off;  wash  (ore). 
Ablauterung,/.  clarification,  etc.  (see  ablautern). 
Ableben,  n.  death. 

ablegen,  v.t.  lay  aside  or  off;  unwind,  unroll. 
Ableger,  m.  (of  plants)  layer,  slip,  scion. 
ablehnen,  v.t.  turn  aside;  refuse,  decline. 


ableiten,  v.t.  derive;  turn  aside,  draw  off,  let 
escape. — v.r.  be  derived  from. 

Ableitung,  /.  drainage;  derivation;  deduction; 
channel;  turning  aside. 

Ableitungsmittel,  n.  revulsive;  derivative. 

Ableitungsrohre, /.  delivery  tube,  delivery  pipe; 
drain  conduit. 

ablenken,  v.t.  turn  off,  deflect;  diffract. — r.i. 
turn  aside,  deviate. 

Ablenkung,  /.  deflection;  diffraction;  diversion; 

ablesen,  v.t.  read  off;  pluck  off,  pick,  gather. 

Ablesung, /.  reading  (off),  observation;  gather- 
ing, harvest,  crop. 

ablichten,  v.t.  (Dyeing)  reduce,  shade,  strip. 

abliefern,  v.t.  deliver. 

ablohnen,  v.t.  pay  off. 

abloschbar,  a.  slakable  Clime);  temperable. 

abloschen,  v.t.  quench;  slake  (lime);  temper 
(iron  or  steel). 

ablosen,  v.t.  loosen;  detach;  amputate;  relieve. 
— v.r.  come  loose,  come  off. — ablosend,  p.a. 
(Med.)  resolvent. 

abliiften,  v.t.  expose  to  the  air,  air. 

abmachen,  v.t.  loosen,  detach;  settle. 

abmagern,  v.t.  lose  flesh. 

abmahnen,  v.t.  dissuade,  warn. 

abmaischen,  v.t.  &  i.  finish  mashing. 

Abmaischtemperatur,  /.  final  temperature  (of 

abmatten,  v.t.  fatigue,  exhaust;  deaden  (gold). 

abmessbar,  a.  measurable,  mensurable. 

abmessen,  v.t.  measure  off. — abgemessen,  p.a. 
measured,  precise. 

abmindern,  v.t.  lessen,  diminish. 

Abnahme,  /.  decrease,  decline;  taking  off  or 
away;  sale. 

abnarben,  v.t.  buff;  scrape. 

abnehmen,  v.t.  take  off,  take  away,  remove; 
infer. — v.t.  decrease,  decline,  diminish. 

Abnehmer,  m.  buyer,  purchaser. 

Abneigung,  /.  deviation,  slope;  disinclination. 

abnorm,  a.  abnormal,  anomalous. 

abnutzen,  v.t.  use  up,  wear  out. 

Abnutzung,  /.  wear,  wasting. 

abolen,  v.t.  oil  off;  remove  oil  from. 

Abonnement,  n.  subscription. 

Abonnent,  m.  subscriber. 

abonnieren,  v.t.  subscribe. 

abpassen,  v.t.  measure,  fit,  adjust. 

abplatten,  v.t.  flatten. — abgeplattet,  p.a.  flat- 
tened, oblate. 

abprallen,  v.t.  rebound,  be  reflected. 

Abprallung,  /.  rebound,  resiliency,  reverber- 
ation; (Optics)  reflection. 

abpressen,  v.t.  press  or  squeeze  off;  separate 
by  pressing;  express. 

Abputz,  m.  plaster,  plastering. 

abputzen,  v.t.  plaster;  clean  off,  trim,  dress; 
cut  off. 


abquetschen,  v.t.  squeeze  off,  squeeze  out. 
•bquicken,   v.t.    purify    (ore)    with    mercury; 

separate  (gold  or  silver)  from  amalgam, 
abrahmen.  v.t.  take  the  cream  from,  skim. 
Abrahmer,  m.  skimmer, 
abraten,  v.t.  dissuade,  warn, 
abrauchen,  v.t.  &  i.  evaporate  (with  fuming), 
abrauchern,  v.t.  fumigate  thoroly. 
Abrauchschale,  /.  evaporating  vessel. 
Abraum,  m.  rubbish,  trash,  rubble, 
abraumen,  v.t.  take  away,  clear  away;  clear  (of 


Abraumen,  n.  (Brewing)  clearing  the  kiln. 
Abraumsalze,  abraum   salts    (saline   de- 
posits overlying  the  rock  salt  at  Stassf urt  and 


abrechnen,  v.t.  deduct;  reckon  off. — v.i.  settle. 
Abrechnung,  /.  deduction,  discount;  settlement; 


Abrede,  /.  agreement;  denial. 
abreiben,  v.t.  rub  off,  scrape,  scour,  rub  smooth, 

abrade;  grind  (colors). 
Abreibung,  /.  rubbing  off  or  down;  abrasion; 


abreisen,  v.i.  depart. 
abreissen,  v.t.  tear  off,  pull   off;   pull   down; 

draw. — v.i.  break. 

Abrichtelauge,  /.  (Soap)  weak  caustic  liquor. 
abrichten,  v.t.  fit,  adjust,  true;  train. 
Abriss,  m.  outline,  sketch,  design. 
abrollen,  v.t.  roll  off,  unroll,  unfold. 
abroschen,  v.t.  air  (paper), 
abrosten.  v.t.  roast  thoroly. 
Abrdstung,  /.  thoro  roasting, 
abroten,  v.t.  dye  red,  color  red. — v.i.  lose  red 

abrunden,  v.t.  round  off,  round,  finish  off. — 

abgerundet,  p.a.  rounded  off;  (of  glass  edges) 

fire-polished;  round  (numbers). 
abrussecht,  a.  fast  to  rubbing,  not  crocking, 
abrussen,  r.i.  (of  colored  goods)  rub  off,  crock. 
abriisten,  v.i.  disarm, 
absagen,  v.t.  countermand,  renounce. 
absattigen,  v.t.  saturate,  neutralize. 
Absatz,   m.   deposit,   sediment;    pause;   para- 
graph; sale;  heel  (of  a  shoe). 
absatzig,    a.    interrupted;    (of   wool)    inferior, 


absauern,  v.t.  acidify,  sour. 
absaugen,  v.t  suck  off;  (Dyeing)  hydro-extract. 
Absauger,  m.   (Paper)   suction  box;    (Dyeing) 


Absaugflasche,  /.  suction  flask,  filtering  flask. 
abschaben,  v.t.  scrape  off;  clean;  scrape,  abrade. 
Abschabsel,  n.  scrapings,  shavings. 
abschaffen,  v.t.  do  away  with,  abolish, 
abschalen,  v.t.  shell,  peel,  pare. — v.r.  peel  off, 

scale  off,  come  off. 

abschatzen,  v.t.  estimate,  value,  appraise. 
Abechaum,  m.  scum,  dross. 


abschaumen,  v.t.  skim  off,  skim. 

Abschaumer,  m.  skimming  apparatus. 

abscheidbar,  a.  separable. 

abscheiden,  v.t.  separate,  part,  disengage, 
eliminate;  refine  (metals);  secrete. — v.r. 
separate,  be  precipitated,  be  deposited;  be 
separated. — v.i.  depart. — abgeschieden,  p.a. 
departed,  deceased. 

Abscheidung,  /.  separation,  elimination;  de- 
posit; secretion;  departure. 

Abscheidungsmittel,  n.  means  of  separation; 

Abscheidungsprodukt,  n.  secretion. 

Abscheu,  m.  horror;  loathing. 

abscheuern,  v.t.  scour,  rub  off,  cleanse. 

Abscheuerung,  /.  scouring;  attrition. 

abscheulich,  a.  horrible,  detestable. 

abschichten,  v.t.  separate  into  layers. 

Abschied,  m.  parting,  departure;  dismissal, 

abschiefern,  v.i.  flake  or  scale  off;  exfoliate. 

abschiessen,  v.t.  shoot  off. — v.i.  shoot  off  or 
down;  (of  colors)  fade,  lose  color. 

abschirmen,  v.t.  screen  off. 

abschlacken,  v.t.  remove  slag  from. 

Abschlag,  m.  fragments,  chips,  etc.;  rebound; 
outlet;  reduction;  instalment. 

abschlagen,  v.t.  beat  or  knock  off  or  back;  take 
to  pieces;  refuse;  turn  off;  drain;  (Founding) 
stop  (molten  metal);  (Pharm.)  sieve. — v.i. 
abate;  fall  (in  price). 

abschlammen,  v.t.  wash,  elutriate  (ore). 

abschleifen,  v.t.  grind  off,  grind,  rub  off; 
polish;  sharpen. 

Abschleifung,  /.  grinding  off,  attrition;  polish- 
ing; sharpening. 

abschleudern,  v.t.  centrifuge;  hydro-extract 
(yarn,  etc.);  separate  in  a  centrifugal;  fling 

abschliessen,  v.t.  occlude;  close,  shut  off; 
seclude;  conclude. — abschliessend,  p.a.  con- 
clusive, final,  positive. 

Abschliessung,  /.,  Abschluss,  m.  occlusion,  etc. 
(see  abschliessen). 

abschmelzen,  v.t.  &  i.  melt  off,  melt,  separate 
by  melting. 

Abschmelzung,  /.  melting  off,  etc.  (see  ab- 
schmelzen); (Metal.)  liquation.  . 

abschmutzen,  v.i.  rub  off,  soil. 

Abschneideapparat,  m.  (Ceram.)  wire  cutter. 

abschneiden,  v.t.  cut  off,  cut  away,  cut; 
(Math.)  truncate. — v.i.  be  cut  off,  end. 

Abschnitt,  m.  cutting,  chip;  segment;  portion, 

Abschnitzel,  n.  shred,  chip,  paring. 

abschopfen,  v.t.  skim  off,  skim;  ladle  out. 

abschrauben,  v.t.  screw  off,  unscrew. 

abschrecken,  vd.  chill,  cool;  quench  (metals, 
etc.);  render  (water)  lukewarm;  deter, 
frighten  off. 


abschreiben,  v.t,  write  off,  copy;  revoke. 

abschreiten,  v.t.  step  off;  pace  off. 

Abschrift,  /.  copy;  duplicate. 

abschuppen,  v.i.  scale  off,  flake  off. 

abschiissig,  a.  steep. 

abschiitten,  v.t.  pour  off,  run  off. 

abschwachen,  v.t.  &  r.  weaken;  diminish,  de- 
crease, reduce;  soften;  mellow  (leather). 

Abschwachung,  /.  weakening,  etc.  (see  absch- 

abschwarzen,  v.t.  blacken. — v.i.  lose  black  color, 
come  off  black. 

abschwefeln,  v.t.  free  of  sulfur,  desulfurize;  coke 
(coal) ;  less  commonly,  impregnate  with  sulfur. 

Abschwefelung,  /.  desulfurization. 

Abschweifung,  /.  deviation;  digression. 

abschwemmen,  v.t.  wash,  rinse;  wash  away. 

abschwenken,  v.t.  wash  off,  rinse;  wash  away. 

abschwingen,  v.t.  centrifuge,  hydro-extract; 
fan,  winnow. 

abschwirren,  v.t.  whiz,  centrifuge. 

abschwitzen,  v.t.  depilate  (leather). 

abschworen,  v.t.  abjure. 

Abscisse,  /.  abscissa. 

absehbar,  a.  perceivable,  observable. 

absehen,  v.t.  see,  perceive;  aim  at. — v.i.  (with 
von)  disregard,  let  alone. — abgesehen,  p.a. 
(with  von)  not  mentioning,  apart  from. 

Abseide,  /.  floss  silk. 

abseifen,  v.t.  clean  with  soap;  wash  out  the 
soap  from. 

abseigern,  v.t.  separate  by  fusion;  (Metal.) 

Abseihbier,  n.  drawings;  residue  beer  in  chip 

abseihen,  v.t.  filter,  filter  off,  strain,  decant, 

Abseihung,  /.  filtration,  etc.  (see  abseihen). 

abseits,  adv.  aside,  apart. 

absengen,  v.t.  singe  off,  singe. 

absetzen,  v.t.  deposit;  put  down  or  off;  in- 
terrupt; put  in  type;  depose. — v.r.  settle,  sub- 
side, deposit. 

Absetzung,  /.  deposition,  etc.  (see  absetzen); 

Absicht,  /.  intention,  purpose,  view. 

absichtlich,  a.  intentional. 

absieden,  v.t.  decoct,  extract  by  boiling,  boil. 

Absinth,  TO.  wormwood;  absinth. 

Absitzbiitte,  /.  (Brewing)  settling  tub. 

absitzen,  v.i.  deposit,  settle;  dismount. 

absol.,  abbrev.  (absolut)  absolute. 

absondern,  v.t.  separate,  detach,  isolate;  in- 
sulate; abstract;  (Physiol.)  secrete,  excrete. 
— absondernd,  p.a.  (Physiol.)  secretory, 
secreting,  excreting. 

Absonderung,/.  separation,  etc.  (see  absondern) ; 
(Geol.)  jointing. 

Absonderungsfliissigkeit,  /.  secretory  fluid, 



i  Absonderungsstoff,  TO.  secreted  material. 

Absonderungsvorgang,  m.  process  of  secretion.7 

absorbierbar,  a.  absorbable. 

absorbieren,  v.t.  absorb. —  absorbierend,  p.a.' 
absorbent. — absorbierendes  Mittel,  absor- 

absorptionsfahig,  a.  absorptive,  absorbent. 

Absorptionsfahigkeit,  /.  capability  of  absorbing, 
absorptive  power. 

Absorptionsfarbe,  /.  absorption  color. 

Absorptionsflasche,  /.  absorption  bottle,  ab-; 
sorption  flask. 

Absorptionsgefass,  n.  absorption  vessel. 

Absorptionskraft,  /.  absorptive  power. 
j  Absorptionsmittel,  n.  absorbent. 
!  Absorptionsrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  absorption  tube. 

Absorptionsschlange,  /.  absorption  coil. 
!  Absorptionsstreifen,  TO.  absorption  band. 

Absorptionsturm,  TO.  absorption  tower. 

Absorptionsverbindung,  /.  absorption  com- 

Absorptionsvermogen,  n.  absorptive  power. 

abspalten,  v.t.  &  i.  split  off,  cleave  off,  separate. ' 

Abspaltung,  /.  splitting  off,  cleavage,  separa- 

abspannen,  v.t.  relieve  from  tension,  release  .(a 
spring,  etc.);  relax;  cut  off  (steam). — abges- 
pannt,  p.a.  released,  etc.;  unstrung,  unnerved. 

Abspannung,  /.  release  (from  tension);  relaxa-' 
tion;  lassitude. 

abspenstig,  a.  alienated,  unfaithful. 

absperren,  v.t.  shut  off,  cut  off,  confine,  stop. 

Absperrfliissigkeit,  /.  confining  liquid,  sealing 

Absperrhahn,  TO.  stopcock. 

Absperrventil,  n.  cutoff  valve,  stop  valve,  check 

abspielen,  v.t.  play. — v.r.  take  place. 

abspitzen,  v.t.  sharpen  to  a  point,  point. 

absplittern,  v.t.,  i.  &  r.  splinter  off. 

absprechen,  v.t.  deny;  discuss;  arrange. — v.i. 
pass  judgment. — absprechend,  p.a.  peremp- 
tory, positive. 

absprengen,  v.t.  break,  spring  or  burst  off;  drive 
off;  blast. 

Absprenger,  TO.  (for  glass  tubes)  cutter. 

abspringen,  v.i.  leap  or  fly  off;  burst  off,  crack 
off;  rebound;  (of  wood)  warp,  start;  (of 
iron)  be  red-short. — abspringend,  p.a.  in  con- 
trast; desultory. 

Absprung,  TO.  leaping  off  or  rebounding;  con- 
trast; fragment;  (Physics)  reflection. 

abspiilen,  v.t.  wash  off,  wash,  cleanse,  rinse; 
wash  away. 

Abspulung,  /.  washing  off,  etc.  (see  abspiilen). 

abstammen,  v.i.  descend,  come;  be  derived. 

Abstammung, /.  origin,  descent,  derivation. 

Abstand,  TO.  distance,  interval,  difference;  de- 
sisting, renouncement. — Abstand  nehmen, 
desist  (from). 


abstattcn,  v.t.  render,  give. 

abstaubecht,  a.  not  crocking. 

abstauben,  v.t.  dust  off,  dust. — P.I.  (of  colors) 

abstechen,  v.t.  tap,  draw,  run  off;    drain;  etch 

(a  picture) ;  butcher. 

Abstecher,  m.  (Metal.)  tapper;  excursion. 
abstecken,  v.t.  mark  out. 
abstehen,  v.i.    grow    stale,  decay,  decompose; 

stand   off;    desist. — abgestanden,  p.a.  stale, 

flat,  dead. 

absteigen,  v.i.  descend. 
abstellen,  v.t.  turn  off,  shut  off,  stop;    put  off, 

put  away;  annul. 
absterben,  v.i.   die,   fade,    wither,  decay;    (of 

lime),  air-slack;  (Sugar)  change  from  trans- 
parent to  opaque  crystalline  mass. 
abstergieren,  v.t.  cleanse. 
Abstich,  m.  tapping,  drawing;  running;  tapped 

metal;  contrast. 
Abstichloch,  n.  tap  hole. 

abstimmen,  v.i.  vote;  be  discordant,  disagree. 
abstossen,  v.t.   repel;   push  off,  rub  off,  scrape 

off. — abstossend,  p.a.  repelling,  repulsive. 
Abstossung,  /.  repulsion;  pushing  off. 
Abstrahl,  m.  reflected  ray. 
abstrahlen,  v.t.  reflect. — v.i.  be  reflected. 
Abstrahlung,  /.  reflection. 
Abstrebekraft,  /.  centrifugal  force, 
abstreichen,   v.t.   wipe    or    scrape    off;     skim; 

strike  out;  deduct. 
Abstreichmesser,  n.  (Calico)  doctor  (literally, 

scraping-off  knife). 
abstreifen,  v.t.  strip  off,  skin, 
abstreiten,  v.t.  dispute,  contest. 
Abstrich,  m.  skim,  scum,  dross,  specif.,  litharge; 


Abstrichblei,  n.  lead  skim,  crude  litharge. 
abstromen,  v.i.  flow  away,  flow  off. 
abstufen,   v.t.  gradate;    graduate. — v.r.   grade, 

grade  off. 

Abstufung,  /.  gradation;  graduation. 
abstumpfen,  v.t.  neutralize,    saturate    (acids); 

truncate;  blunt,  dull,  deaden. — abgestumpft, 

p.a.  neutralized,  etc.;  blunt,  dull. 
Abstumpfung,    /.     neutralization,     etc.     (see 


Abstumpfungsflache,/.  (Cryst.)  truncating  face. 
Absud,  TO.  decoction,  extract;  (Dyeing)  specif., 

iron  or  chrome  mordant, 
absiissen,    v.t.    sweeten,    purify    by    washing, 

edulcorate;  wash  out,  wash  (a  precipitate). 
Absiisskessel,  m.  edulcorating  vessel. 
Absiissspindel,  /.  (Sugar)  sweet-water  spindle 

(or  hydrometer). 

Absussung,  /.  sweetening,  etc.  (see  abstissen). 
Absiisswasser,  n.  (Sugar)  sweet  water. 
Absynt,  TO.  =  Absinth. 
Abszisse,  /.  abscissa. 
Abt,  TO.  abbot. 


abteilen,  v.t.  separate,  divide,  divide  off;  gra- 
duate; classify. 

Abteilung,/.  division;  graduation;  part,  section, 
class,  lot. 

abthun,  v.t.  =  abtun. 

abtonen,  v.t.  tone  down,  shade  off. 

abtragen,  v.t.  carry  off,  clear  off;  wear  out. 

abtranken,  v.t.  (Leather)  fill  up  with  tan  liquor^ 

Abtreibemittel,  n.  expulsive  agent;  abortifaci- 

abtreiben,  v.t.  drive  off,  expel;  separate  (by  dis- 
tillation); refine  (by  cupellation) ,  cupel; 
(Med.)  abort.— abtreibend,  p.a.  (Med.)  abor- 

abtrennbar,  a.  separable. 

abtrennen,  v.t.  separate;  dissever. 

abtreten,  v.i.  retire;  yield;  alight. 

abtrocknen,  v.t.  dry,  wipe  dry,  wipe  off. 

Abtropfbrett,  n.  draining  board  or  shelf. 

abtropfen,  v.i.  drop  (off),  drip,  drain,  dry 

Abtropfer,  m.  drainer,  drip  board,  etc. 

Abtropfgefass,  n.  drainer. 

Abtropfgestell,  n.  draining  stand,  dropping 

Abtropfpfanne,  /.  drain  pan,  drainer. 

Abtropfplatte,  /.  draining  plate. 

Abtropfschale,  /.  draining  dish  or  basin,  drainer 
(with  perforated  bottom). 

abtriinnig,  a.  faithless,  rebellious. 

abtun,  v.t.  put  or  take  off;  settle. 

abwagen,  v.t.  weigh  off,  weigh,  weigh  out; 
level;  ponder. 

abwarmen,  v.t.  heat,  warm. 

abwarten,  v.t.  wait  for,  wait  on. 

ab warts,  adv.  downward,  down;  off,  away. 

abwaschen,  v.t.  wash  off,  wash  out,  rinse, 

Abwasser,  n.  waste  water,  waste  liquor;  specif., 

abwassern,  v.t.  wash ;  free  from  water,  drain,  dry. 

Abwasserrohr,  n.  waste  pipe,  drain  pipe. 

abwechseln,  v.t.  &  i.  alternate,  vary. — ab- 
wechselnd,  p.a.  alternating,  alternate;  in- 
termittent; variable. 

Abwechselung,  /.  change,  variation,  alterna- 

Abweg,  TO.  by-way;  wrong  way. 

abwehren,  v.t.  ward  off,  prevent. 

Abwehrmittel,  n.  prophylactic. 

abweichen,  v.t.  &  i.  soak,  soak  off,  soften  (by 
steeping),  macerate. 

abweichen,  v.i.  deviate,  diverge,  depart,  vary. 
— abweichend,  p.a.  deviating,  divergent,  ir- 

Abweichung,  /.  deviation;  variation;  declina- 
tion (of  the  needle);  anomaly. 

abweisen,  v.t.  send  away;  refuse. 

abweissen,  v.t.  whiten. — v.i.  lose  whiteness. 

abwelken,  vd.  wilt,  wither,  dry;  (Leather) 


abwenden,  v.t.  turn  off,  avert. 

abwerfen,  v.t.  throw  off  or  out;   run  off  (slag); 

reject;  (Cow.)  yield. 
Abwerfofen,  m.  refining  furnace. 
Abwerf pf anne, /.  refining  pan ;  (  Tinning)  list  pot. 
abwesend,  a.  absent. 
Abwesenheit,  /.  absence, 
abwickeln,  v.t.  wind  off,  unwind;      wind  up; 

(Math.)  rectify. 
abwischen,  v.t.  wipe  off,  wipe. 
Abwurf,  m.  throwing  off;  something  thrown  off, 

offal;  coarse  plaster,  roughcast. 
abzahlen,  v.t.  pay,  pay  off. 
abzahlen,  v.t.  count,  count  off. 
abzapfen,  v.t.  draw  off,  tap. 
abzehren,  v.i.t  r.  &  t.  waste  (away). 
Abzeichen,  n.  mark,  sign,  label;  (pi.}  insignia. 
Abziehbild,  n.  transfer  picture  or  design,  de- 


Abziehblase,  /.  retort,  alembic. 
abziehen,  v.t.  draw   off,  take   away,  remove; 

rack  (liquids);  distil,  rectify;  tap;  skim;  skin; 

subtract;  abstract;  transfer  (designs);  (Dye- 
ing) strip,  boil  off   (color);   (Leather)   strip, 

clear. — P.I.  depart,   leave,  (of  gases)  escape. 

— abgezogene  Wasser,  distilled  liquor. 
Abziehhalle,  /.  (Brewing)  racking  room. 
Abziehkolben,  m.  retort,  alembic. 
Abziehmittel,  n.  (Dyeing)  stripping  agent. 
Abzug,   m.   hood    (for   noxious   gases);   scum, 

dross;  outlet,  drainage,  drain;  drawing  off; 

deduction;  proof  sheet. 
Abzugsgas,  n.  chimney  gas,  flue  gas. 
Abzugskanal,  m.  sewer,  drain. 
Abzugsraum,  m.  hood. 
Abzugsrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  waste  pipe,   drain 

tube,  drain  pipe.  k 

Abzugsschrank,  m.  hood. 
Abzugsvorrichtung,  /.  constant-level  apparatus 

(for  water  baths). 
abzweigen,   v.t.   turn  off,   detach. — v.r.  branch 


Abzweigung,  /.  branching,  branch. 
Ac-.     For  words  beginning  Ac-  see  also  Ak- 

and  Az-. 
Accise,  /.  excise. 
Acenaphten,  n.  acenaphthene. 
Acenaphtylen,  n.  acenaphthylene. 
Acetessigather,  m.  acetoacetic  ester. 
Acetessigester,  m.  acetoacetic  ester. 
Acetessigsaure,  /.  acetoacetic  acid. 
Acetindruck,  m.  acetin  printing. 
Acetonsaure,  /.  acetonic  (a-hydroxyisobutyric) 

Acetylenbindung,  /.    acetylene   linkage,   triple 


acetylieren,  v.t.  acetylate. 
Acetylsaure,  /.  acetic  acid. 
Acetylzahl,  /.  acetyl  number. 
Achat,  m.  agate. 



achathaltig,  a.  containing  agate,  agatiferous. 

Achatmorser,  m.  agate  mortar. 

Achatporzellan,  n.  agate  ware. 

achromatisch,  a.  achromatic. 

Achse,  /.  axis;  axle,  shaft. 

Achscl,/.  shoulder;  (Physiol.)  axilla. 

Achsel-.  shoulder,  axillary. 

Achscn-.  axis,  axial,  axle. 

Achsendrehung,  /.  rotation. 

Achsenverhaltnis,  n.  axial  ratio. 

Achsenwinkel,  m.  axial  angle. 

achsig,  achsial,  a.  axial. 

acht,  a.  eight. 

Acht,  /.  attention,  care. 

achtbar,  a.  respectable,  honorable. 

achtbasisch,  a.  octabasic. 

achte,  a.  eighth. 

Achteck,  n.  octagon. 

achteckig,  a.  octagonal,  eight-angled. 

Achtel,  n.  eighth. 

Achtel-.  (in  old  names)  octo-,  octa-;  as,  Achtel. 

kohleneisen,  octoferric  carbide,  and  Achtel- 

schwefeleisen,  octoferric  sulfide. 
achten,  v.t.  regard,  respect,  esteem. 
achten,  v.t.  outlaw. 
Achtflach,  n.  octahedron, 
achtflachig,  a.  octahedral, 
achtgliedrig,  a.  eight-membered. 
Achtung,/.  attention,  notice;  esteem,  respect. 
achtungsvoll,  adv.  respectfully. 
achtwertig,  a.  octavalent. 
achtzehn,  a.  eighteen, 
achtzig,  a.  eighty. 
achzen,  v.i.  groan. 
Aciditat,  /.  acidity. 
Acker,  m.  field,  land;  acre. 
Ackerbau,  m.  agriculture,  farming. 
Ackerbauchemie,  /.  agricultural  chemistry. 
Ackerbauwissenschaft,/.  science  of  agriculture. 
Ackerboden,  m.  arable  soil,  surface  soil. 
Ackerdoppen,  /.  pi.  valonia. 
Ackerei,  /.  tillage. 

Ackererde,  Ackerkrume,  /.  (arable)  soil. 
Ackerkamille, /.  wild  camomile  (Matricaria). 
Ackerminze,  /.  corn  mint  (Mentha  arvensis). 
ackern,  v.t.  till,  cultivate. 
acyclisch,  acyklisch,  a.  acyclic, 
acylieren,  v.t.  acylate. 
addieren,  v.t.  add. 

additionsfahig,  a.  capable  of  addition. 
Additionsfahigkeit,  /.  additive  power. 
Additionsreaktion,/.  addition  reaction,  additive 


Address-.    See  Adress-. 
Adel,  m.  nobility. 
adelig,  a.  noble. 
adeln,  v.t.  ennoble;  dignify. 
Ader,  /.  vein  (in  various  senses). 
Aderhaut,  /.  choroid. 
Aderhautchen,  n.  chorion. 


aderig,  aderig,  a.  veiny,  veined,  streaked; 
venous,  vascular. 

Aderlass,  m.  venesection. 

adern,  adern,  v.t.  vein;  grain,  marble. 

Aderwasser,  n.  serum. 

adharieren,  r.i.  adhere. 

Adhasion,  /.  adhesion. 

Adhasionskraf  t ,  /.  adhesive  power;  force  of  ad- 

adhasiv,  a.  adhesive. 

adiabatisch,  a.  adiabatic. 

Adiowansamen,  m.  pi.  ajowan  (fruit  of  Pty- 
chotis  coptica). 

adipid,  a.  fat,  fatty. 

adipidieren,  v.t.  grease. 

Adipinsaure,  /.  adipic  acid. 

Adipocire,  n.  adipocere. 

adipos,  a.  adipose. 

adjustieren,  v.t.  adjust,  regulate. 

Adler,  m.  eagle. 

Adlerstein,  m.  eaglestone,  aetites. 

Adlervitriol,  m.  Salzburg  vitriol  (mixed  cupric 
and  ferrous  sulfate). 

adlig,  a.  noble. 

adoucieren,  v.t.  sweeten;  wash,  edulcorate; 
temper,  anneal;  decarbonize  (iron). 

Adouciergefass,  n.  annealing  pot;  edulcorating 



Adoucierofen,  m.  tempering  furnace,  annealing 


Adressant,  m.  writer;  sender. 
Adressat,  m.  person  addressed;  consignee. 
Adressbuch,  n.  directory. 
Adresse,  /.  address,  direction. 
adressieren,  v.t.  address;  forward. 
adrig,  a.  —  aderig. 

Adsorbens,  m.  adsorbing  substance,  adsorbent. 
adsorbieren,  v.t.  adsorb. 
Adsorptionswarme,  /.  heat  of  adsorption. 
adstringierend,  a.  astringent. — adstringierendes 

Mittel,  astringent. 
Adular,  m.  adularia. 
Advokat,  m.  lawyer. 
Ae.,  abbrev.  (Ather)  ether. 
Ae-.    For  words  beginning  Ae-  see  also  A-. 
aerobisch,  aerobiontisch,  a.  aerobic, 
Aerogengas,  n.  aerogene  gas. 
aeroslatisch,  a.  aerostatic. 
Affe,  m.  ape,  monkey, 
affen,  v.t.  ape,  mock. 
Affenbrotbaum,  m.  baobab  tree. 
Affination,  /.  refining  (esp.  of  gold  by  treating 

with  sulfuric  acid). 
affinier'en,  v.t.  refine. 
Affinitat,  /.  affinity. 
Affinitatseinheit,  /.  unit  of  affinity. 
Affinitatslehre,  /.  doctrine  of  affinity. 
Affinitatsrest,    m.    affinity    residue,    residual 

Afflnitatsrichtung,  /.  direction  of  affinity. 

Affinlvalenz,  /.  atomicity,  valence. 

After-,  pseudo-,  false,  secondary,  neo-,  after-, 

back-,  hind-;  anal,  rectal. 
Afterkristall,  m.  pseudomorph. 
Afterschdrl,  m.  azinite. 
Aftersilber,  n.  silver  containing  dross. 
A.  G.,  abbrev.   (Atomgewicht)  atomic  weight; 

(Aktiengesellschaf t)  joint-stock  company. 
Agens,  n.  agent. 
Agentur,  /.  agency, 
agglutinieren,  v.t.  &  i.  agglutinate. 
Aggregatzustand,  m.  state  of  aggregation. 
Agio,  n.  premium,  agio. 
Agitakel,  n.  stirrer. 
Agrikultur,  /.  agriculture. 
Agrikulturchemie,  /.  agricultural  chemistry. 
Agtstein,  m.  amber. 
Ahlbeere,  /.  black  currant. 
Ahle,  /.  awl,  punch;  black  cherry 
Ahn,  m.  grandfather;  ancestor, 
ahnden,  v.t.  punish. 
Ahne,  /.  awn,  chaff;  grandmother, 
ahneln,  v.i.  &  r.  resemble. 
ahnen,  v.t.  anticipate;  surmise. 
ahnlich,  a.  similar;  analogous,  resembling,  like, 
-ahnlich,  similar  to,  resembling,  -like,  -oid. 
Ahnlichkeit,/.  similarity,  resemblance,  likeness. 
Ahnung,  /.  presentiment,  anticipation. 
Ahorn,  m.  maple. 
Ahornsaft,  m.  maple  sap. 
Ahornsaure,  /.  aceric  acid. 
Ahornzucker,  m.  maple  sugar. 
Ahre,  /.  ear,  spike. 
Ahrenfriichte,  grains,  cereals. 
Aichamt,    aichen,    v.L,    etc.        See    Eichamt, 

eichen,  etc. 
ajustieren,  v.t.  adjust. 
Ajustiertisch,  m.  adjusting  table. 
Akajou,  m.  acajou  (either  cashew  or  mahogany 


Akaroidharz  n.  acaroid  resin. 
Akazie,  /.  acacia. 

Akaziengummi,  n.  acacia  gum,  gum  arabic. 
Akazin,  n.  gum  arabic. 
Akkordarbeit,  /.  piece  work,  job  work. 
Akkumulator,  m.  accumulator,  storage  battery, 
akkumulieren,  v.t.  accumulate. 
Akonitinsaure,  aconitic  acid. 
Akonitknollen,  aconite  root,  aconite. 
Akridingelb,  n.  acridine  yellow. 
Akridinsaure,  /.  acridic  acid,  acridinic  acid. 
Akrylsaure,  /.  acrylic  acid. 
Akt,  m.  act,  action,  deed. 
Akte,  /.  act,  deed,  document. 
Aktenpapier,  n.  deed  paper,  record  paper. 
Akt.-Ges.,  abbrev.  of  Aktiengesellschaft. 
Aktie,  /.  share. 

Aktiengesellschaft,  /.  joint-stock  company, 
aktinisch,  a.  actinic. 
Aktinismus,  m.  actinism. 


Aktionar,  m.  shareholder,  stockholder. 

aktiv,  a.  active. 

Aktiva,  Aktiven,  assets. 

aktivieren,  v.t.  activate. 

Aktivierungszahl,  /.  activation  number. 

Aktivitat,  /.  activity. 

aktuell,  a.  actual;  present;  important. 

Akustik,  /.  acoustics. 

akustisch,  a.  acoustic. 

Alant,  m.  elecampane. 

Alantkampher,  m.  helenin. 

Alantwurzel,  /,  (Pharm.)  inula,  elecampane. 

alarmieren,  v.t.  alarm. 

Alaun,  m.  alum. 

alaunartig,  a.  alumish,  aluminous. 

Alaunbeize,  /.  (Dyeing)  aluminous  mordant; 
(Leather)  aluming. 

Alaunbriihe,  /.  (Leather)  alum  steep. 

alaunen,  v.t.  alum. 

Alaunerde,  /.  alumina. 

alaunerdehaltig,  a.  aluminiferous. 

Alaunfels,  TO.  alunite. 

Alaunfestigkeit,  /.  (Paper)  alum  resistance. 

alaungar,  a.  dressed  with  alum,  tawed. 

Alaungerberei,  /.  tawing;  tawery. 

alaunhaltig,  a.  containing  alum,  aluminous, 

alaunieren,  v.t.  alum. 

alaunig,  a.  aluminous. 

Alaunkies,  m.  aluminous  pyrites. 

Alaunkuchen,  m.  alum  cake. 

Alaunlauge,  /.  alum  liquor. 

Alaunleder,  n.  alum  leather. 

Alaunmehl,  n.  powdered  alum,  precipitated 

alaunsauer,  a.  aluminate  of. — alaunsaures 
Salz,  aluminate. 

Alaunschiefer,  m.  alum  slate,  alum  shale. 

Alaunsiederei,  /.  alum  works. 

Alaunstein,  Alaunspat,  TO.  alum  stone,  alunite. 

Alaun wurzel,  /.  alum  root. 

albern,  a.  silly,  foolish. 

Albuminstoff,  m.  albuminous  substance,  protein. 

Alchimie,  Alchemic,  /.  alchemy. 

alchimistisch,  a.  alchemistic(al). 

Alembrothsalz,  n.  alembroth,  salt  of  alembroth 

Alfa,  /.  esparto. 

AIgarot(t)pulver,  n.  powder  of  algaroth,  alga- 
rot,  algaroth  (SbOCl). 

Alge,  /.  alga,  seaweed. 

algebraisch,  a.  algebraic. 

alicyclisch,  a.  alicyclic. 

aliphatisch,  a.  aliphatic. 

Alizarinblau,  n.  alizarin  blue. 

Alk.,  abbrev.  (Alkohol)  alcohol. 

alkal.,  abbrev.  (alkalisch)  alkaline. 

Alkaliblau,  n.  alkali  blue. 

alkaliecht,  a.  fast  to  alkali. 

Alkalien,  alkalies. 



alkaliloslich,  a.  soluble  in  alkali,  alkali-soluble. 

Alkalilosung,  /.  solution  of  alkali,  alkaline 

alkalimetrisch,  a.  alkalimetric. 

alkalinisch,  a.  alkaline. 

Alkalinitat,  /.  alkalinity. 

Alkalisalz,  n.  alkali  salt. 

alkalisch,  a.  alkaline.— alkalische  Erdmetalle. 
alkaline-earth  metals.— alkalische  Luft,  al- 
kaline air  (Priestley's  name  for  ammonia) . 

alkalisieren,  v.t.  render  alkaline,  alkalize. 

Alkalitat,  /.  alkalinity. 

Alkalizitat,  /.  alkalinity. 

Alkannarot,  n.  alkanna  red,  anchusin. 

Alkogel,  n.  alcogel. 

alkoh.,  abbrev.  (alkoholisch)  alcoholic. 

Alkoholauszug,  TO.  alcoholic  extract. 

alkoholfrei,  a.  alcohol-free,  non-alcoholic. 

Alkoholgarung,  /.  alcoholic  fermentation. 

Alkoholgehalt,  TO.  alcohol  content. 

alkoholhaltig,  a.  containing  alcohol,  alcoholic. 

alkoholisch,  a.  alcoholic. 

alkoholisieren,  v.t.  alcoholize. 

Alkoholmesser,  TO.  alcoholometer. 

alkoholreich,  a.  containing  much  alcohol. 

Alkoholsaure,  /.  alcohol  acid. 

Alkosol,  n.  alcosol. 

Alkoven,  m.  alcove,  recess. 

alkylieren,  v.t.  introduce  alkyl  into,  alkylate. 

Alkylierung,  /.  alkylation. 

all,  a.  all,  whole,  every. 

allantoisch,  a.  allantoic. 

Allantosaure,  Allantoissaure,  /.  allantoic  acid 

allda,  adv.  there. 

Allee,  /.  avenue,  alley. 

allein,  a.  alone,  single. — adv.  only,  merely. — 
conj.  but,  still. 

Alleinhandel,.  TO.  monopoly. 

alleinig,  a.  sole,  unique. 

alleinstehend,  p. a.  isolated,  insulated;  un- 

allenfalls,  adv.  perhaps;  at  best. 

allenthalben,  adv.  everywhere. 

allerdings,  adv.  by  all  means. 

allerlei,  a.  all  kinds  of. 

allerwarts,  adv.  everywhere. 

alles,  n.  all,  everything. 

allgemach,  adv.  gradually,  by  degrees. 

allgemein,  a.  general;  common;  epidemic. 

alljahrlich,  a.  yearly,  annual. 

allmahlich,  a.  gradual. — adv.  gradually,  by 

Alloisomerie,  /.  alloisomerism. 

Allomerismus,  m.  allomerism. 

allomorph,  a.  allomorphic. 

Allonge,  /.  adapter. 

allotrop,  a.  allotropic. 

Allotropie,  /.  allotropy,  allotropism.  ,     . 

allotropisch,  a,  allotropic, 


AHoxurbasen,  alloxuric  bases  (purine 

Alloxurkorper,  alloxuric  substances  (pur- 
ine substances). 

Allozimmtsaure,  /.  allocinnamic  acid. 

allseitig,  a.  universal ;  versatile. 

alltaglich,  a.  daily;  commonplace. 

Allylsenfol,  n.  allyl  mustard  oil. 

allzu,  adv.  too  much,  altogether  too. 

Aim,  /.  mountain  pasture. 

Almeroder  Tiegel.  Hessian  crucible. 

Almosen,  n.  alms,  charity. 

Aloe,  /.  aloes. 

Aloetinsaure,  Aloesaure,  /.  aloetic  acid. 

Alpranken,  bittersweet  (Solarium  dulcamara"). 

Alquifoux,  n.  alquifou,  potter's  lead. 

Alraun,  m.,  Alraune,  Alrune,  /.  mandrake. 

Alraunwurzel,  /.  (Pharm.)  mandragora. 

als,  conj.  as,  like;  than,  except;  when;  as  if. 

aLsbald,  adv.  at  once. 

alsdann,  adv.  then. 

also,  adv.  &  conj.  accordingly,  so,  thus. 

alt,  a.  old,  aged,  ancient. 

altbacken,  p.a.  stale. 

Alteisen,  n.  old  iron,  scrap  iron. 

Alter,  n.  age,  old  age.  . 

Alterantia,  alteratives. 

altern,  v.i.  age,  grow  old;  decline. — v.t.  age. 

alternieren,  P.I.  alternate. — alternierend,  p.a. 
alternating,  alternate. 

Alters-,  old-age,  senile;  age,  of  age. 

Altertum,  n.  antiquity. 

Altertumskunde,  /.  archeology. 

Alterung,  /.  aging. 

Altgesell,  m.  foreman. 

AUgummi,  n.  old  rubber. 

Althee,  /.  marsh  mallow  (Althsea  officinalis); 
(Pharm.)  althaea. 

Altheewurzel, /.  (Pharm.)  althaea. 

altklug,  a.  precocious. 

Altmalz,  n.  stored  malt. 

Altschadenwasser,  n.  (Pharm.)  yellow  mercurial 

Aluchiharz,  n.  acouchi  resin,  aluchi  resin. 

Aluminiumfluorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  fluoalumi- 
nic  acid. 

Aluminiumsalz,  n.  aluminium  salt. 

amalgamieren,  v.t.  amalgamate. 

Amalgamierung,  /.  amalgamation. 

Amber,  m.  amber;  (grauer)  ambergris. 

Am  boss,  m,.  anvil. 

Ambra,  m.,  f.  &  n.  amber. — gelber  Ambra, 
yellow  or  ordinary  amber. — grauer  Ambra, 
ambergris. — fliissiger  Ambra,  liquidambar. 

Ambrabaum,  m.  amber  tree. 

Ambrafett,  n.  ambrein. 

Ambraholz,  n.  yellow  sandalwood. 

Ambraol,  n.  oil  of  amber. 

ambulant,  a.  moving  about,  traveling,  ambulant. 

Ameise,  /.  ant. 



Ameisen-.  formic. 

Ameisenather,  m.  formic  ether  (ethyl  formate). 

Ameisengeist,  m.   (Pharm.)   spirit  of  ants   (a 

mixture  of  formic  acid,  alcohol  and  water). 
ameisensauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  formic 

acid,  formate  of. 
Ameisensaure,  /.  formic  acid. 
Ameisenspiritus,  m.-=  Ameisengeist. 
amerikanisch,  a.  American. 
Ametall,  n.  nonmetal. 
Amiant,  m.  amianthus  (silky  asbestos). 
Amidgruppe,    /.    amido     (or    amino)     group, 


amidieren,  v.t.  amidate,  convert  into  an  amide. 
Amidierung,  /.  amidation. 
Amido-.  amino-,  amido-  (should  be   translated 

amido-  only  when  the  compound  is  of  amide1 

nature,  otherwise  amino-). 
Amidobenzol,  n.  aminobenzene. 
Amidoessigsaure,  /.  aminoacetic  acid. 
Amidokohlensaure,     /.     amidocarbonic     acid> 

(carbamic  acid). 
Amidosaure,  /.  amino  acid. 
Amidoschwefelsaure,    /.     amidosulfuric     acid' 

(sulfamic  acid,  NH2SO3H). 
Amidosulfosaure,  /.    amidosulfuric    (sulfamic)  - 

acid;  aminosulfonic  acid. 
Amidsaure,  /.  amide  acid,  amic  acid, 
-amidsaure,  /.  -amic  acid. 
Aminosaure,  /.  amino  acid. 
Aminsaure,  /.  amino  acid;  amic  acid, 
-aminsaure,  /.  -amic  acid. 
Amme,  /.  (wet)  nurse. 
Ammon-.    (in    combination)    ammonium;    as, 

Ammonchlorid,  ammonium  chloride. 
Ammoniak,  n.  ammonia  (in  old  names  of  salts 

equivalent    to    ammonium,    as    salzsaures 

Ammoniak,  ammonium  chloride) ;  ammoniac. 
Ammoniakalaun,  m.  ammonia  alum. 
ammoniakalisch,  a.  ammoniacal. 
Ammoniakbestimmung,  /.  determination  of  am- 
Ammoniakfliissigkeit,     /.      ammonia      water, 

aqueous     ammonia;      (Tech.)     ammoniacal 


Ammoniakgas,  n.  ammonia  gas. 
Ammoniakgummi,  m.  gum  ammoniac,  ammon- 
ammoniakhaltig,      a.      containing      ammonia, 


Ammoniakpflanze,  /.  ammoniac  plant. 
Ammoniakpflaster,  n.  ammoniac  plaster. 
Ammoniakrest,  m.  ammonia  residue  (amidogen, 


Ammoniaksalz,  n.  ammonium  salt. 
j  Ammoniak  verbindung,  /.  ammonia  compound; 

ammonium  compound. 
Ammoniakwasser,  n.  ammoniacal  liquor. 
Ammoniakweinstein,  m.  ammonium  potassium 


Ammonium  bromatum 



Ammonium  bromatum.  (Pharm.)  ammonium 

Ammonium  chloratum.  (Pharm.)  ammonium 

Ammonium  jodatnm.  (Pharm.)  ammonium 

Ammonlumsalz,  n.  ammonium  salt. 

Ammoniumsulfhydrat,  n.  ammonium  hydro- 

Ammoniumsulfocyanid,  n.  ammonium  thio- 

Ammoniumverbindung,  /.  ammonium  com- 

Ammonkarbonit,  n.  ammoncarbonite  (trade 
name  of  an  explosive). 

Ammonsalpeter,  m.  ammonium  nitrate. 

Ammonsulfat,  n.  ammonium  sulfate. 

Amniosfl  iissigkeit,  /.  amniotic  fluid. 

Amniossaure,  /.  amniotic  acid  (allantoin). 

amorph,  amorphisch,  a.  amorphous. 

Ampfer,  m.  sorrel,  dock  (Rumex). 

amphoter,  a.  amphoteric. 

ampuHenformig,  a.  ampulliform. 

amputieren,  v.t.  amputate. 

Amsel,  /.  ousel,  blackbird. 

Amt,  n.  office,  post,  employment,  business; 
board,  court,  council. 

amtlich,  a.  official. 

Amtmann,  m.  magistrate. 

Amtsbericht,  m,  official  report. 

AmtHblatt,  n.  official  gazette. 

Amylolyse,  /.  amylolysis. 

Amy  loxydhydrat,  n.  amyl  alcohol. 

an,  prep,  at,  by,  along,  against,  to;  in,  on;  near 
to,  about;  in  respect  to,  by  way  of. — adr.  on, 
onward,  along,  up. 

an-,  (with  verbs),  at,  toward,  on,  commence  to, 
continue  to. 

-an.  (Org.  Chem.),  in  the  names  of  saturated 
hydrocarbons  and  heterocyclic  parent  com- 
pounds, -ane;  in  other  cases,  -an;  as,  Me  than, 
methane;  Menthan,  menthane;  Pyran, 
pyran;  Urethan,  urethan. 

An.,  abbrev.  (Anmerkung)  note,  remark. 

analog,  a.  analogous. 

Analogon,  n.  analog. 

Analysator,  m.  (Optics)  analyzer. 

Analyse,  /.  analysis. 

Analysen-.  analytical. 

Analysenformel,  /.  analysis  formula,  empirical 

Analysentrichter,  m.  analytical  funnel. 

Analysenwage,  /.  analytical  balance. 

analysieren,  v.t.  analyze. 

Analytiker,  m.  analyst. 

analytisch,  a.  analytical,  analytic. 

Ananas,  /.  pineapple. 

Ananasather,  m.,  Ananasessenz,  /.  pineapple 
essence  (ethyl  butyrate). 

anarbeiten,  v.t.  join,  attach. 

anasthetisch,  a.  anesthetic. 

Anatas,  m.  anatase. 

anatomisch,  a.  anatomical. 

anatzen,  v.t.  cauterize;  begin  to  etch. 

Anatzung,  /.  cauterization. 

anbacken,    v.t.    bake    on,  fix  by  firing;  bake 


anbahnen,  v.t.  pave  the  way  for. 
anbauen,  v.t.  grow,  cultivate;  add. 
anbei,  adv.  herewith. 
anbeizen,  v.t.  mordant, 
anbelangen,  v.t.  relate  to. 
anberaumen,  v.t.  appoint, 
anbeten,  v.t.  adore. 
Anbetracht,  m.  consideration. 
anbinden,  v.t.  tie,  bind, 
anblasen,  v.t.  blow  in  (a  blast  furnace) ;  seal  on 

(with  the  blast). 

anblauen,  v.t.  blue,  tinge  with  blue. 
Anblick,  m.  sight,  aspect,  view. 
anblicken,  v.t.  look  at. 
anbluten,  v.t.  (of  colors)  bleed,  run. 
anbohren,  v.t.  bore,  tap. 
anbrennen,    v.t.  set  fire  to,  light;    scorch. — r.t. 

catch  fire,  begin  to  burn, 
anbringen,  v.t.  place;   dispose  of,  sell;  lodge  (a 

Anbruch,  m.  decay;  opening  (of  a  mine);  first 

ore;  daybreak,  dawn, 
anbriichig,    a.    decaying,    putrescent,    spoiled, 

rotten,  moldy. 
anbriihen,    v.t.   scald,   infuse,     steep     (in   hot 


Anchusasaure,  /.  anchusic  acid  (anchusin). 
Andacht, /.  devotion;  devotions. 
Andaol,  n.  anda  oil. 

andauernd,  p. a.  lasting,  continual,  steady. 
Andenken,  m.  remembrance,  memory. 
ander,  a.  other,  another,  else. 
anderbar,  a.  alterable. 
andern,  v.t.  alter,  change, 
andernfalls,  adv.  else,  otherwise, 
anders,     adv.     otherwise,     differently. — wenn 

anders,  if  indeed,  provided, 
anderseits,  adv.  on  the  other  hand,  on  the  other 


anderthalb,  a.  sesqui-;  one  and  a  half. 
anderthalbfach,  a.  sesqui-. 
Anderung,  /.  change,  alteration,  variation, 
anderwarts,  adv.  elsewhere. 
anderweitig,  a.  &  adv.  in  another  place  or  way, 

otherwise,  further. 

andeuten,  v.t.    indicate,  signify;  intimate,  hint. 
Andeutung,  /.  indication,  etc.  (see  andeuten). 
andichten,  v.t.  charge  falsely. 
Andorn,  m.  horehound. 
Andornkraut,  n.  (ordinary)  horehound. 
Andrang,  m.  rush,  crowd,  congestion;  urgency, 
andrehen,  v.t.  twist  on,  screw  on. 
andrucken,  v.t.  press  on,  press  close. 




andunkeln,  v.i.  darken. 

aneignen,  v.t.  assimilate;   appropriate,  acquire. 

ancinander,  adv.  together. 

aneinanderftigen,  c.t.  join. 

anekeln,  v.t.  disgust. 

anerbieten,  v.t.  offer,  proffer. 

anerkennbar,  a.  recognizable. 

anerkennen,  v.t.  recognize;  acknowledge;  ap- 

Anerkennung,  /.  recognizing,  recognition,  etc. 
(see  anerkennen). 

anfachen,  p.*.  fan,  kindle. 

anfahren,  vd.  carry  near,  bring  up;  attack, 
snub. — v.i.  approach,  arrive. 

Anfall,  m.  attack;  fit;  stay,  prop. 

anfallen,  v.i.  (of  dyes)  go  on;  fall  on,  fall. 

Anfang,  m.  beginning;  origin. 

anfangen,  v.t.  &  t.  begin,  commence. 

Anfanger,  m.  beginner. 

anfangs,  adv.  at  first,  originally. 

Anfangs-.  initial,  beginning,  first,  primary. 

Anfangsbuchstabe,  m.  initial,  capital  (letter). 

Anfangsglied,  n.  initial  member,  first  member 
(of  a  series). 

Anfangsphase,  /.  initial  phase. 

A  nfangswert,  m.  initial  value. 

Anfangszustand,  m.  initial  state  or  condition. 

anfarben,  v.t.  color,  dye,  paint,  tinge;  start 

anfassen,  v.t.  seize,  handle;  undertake. — v.r. 

anfaulen,  v.i.  begin  to  rot. — anfaulend,  p. a. 
,  putrescent. — angefault,  p.a.  rotten,  decayed. 

anfechten,  v.t.  combat,  attack;  trouble,  con- 

anfertigen,  v.t.  make  ready,  make,  manu- 

Anfertjgung,  /.  making,  manufacture;  com- 

anfetten,  v.t.  grease. 

anfeuchtcn,  v.t.  moisten,  damp,  wet. 

Anfcuchter,  m.  moistener;  (Brewing)  sparger. 

anfeuern,  v.t.  light,  fire;  prime;  inflame,  excite. 

Anfeuerung,  /.  priming. 

anfirnissen,  v.t.  varnish  (over). 

anflehen,  v.t.  implore,  supplicate. 

anfliegen,  r.i.  effloresce;  grow  spontaneously; 
(of  dyes)  rush  on;  fly  on;  fly;  occur. — ange- 
flogen,  p.a.  incrusted. 

Anflug,  m.  incrustation,  coating,  efflorescence; 
tinge,  tint,  slight  admixture;  smattering; 
flying  (against),  flight;  onset;  young  wood; 

Anflusa,  m.  alluvium;  onflow,  afflux. 

anfordern,  v.t.  demand,  require. 

Anforderung,  /.  demand,  requirement,  claim. 

anfragen,  r.i.  inquire. 

anfressen.  v.t.  corrode;  erode;  eat  at. 

anfrischen,  v.t.  freshen,  refresh,  revive;  reduce 
(metals);  varnish  (painting*). 

anfiihlen,  v.t.  feel,  touch,  handle. 

Anfuhlen,  n.  feel,  touch. 

anfuhren,  v.t.  lead;  adduce;  quote;  impose  on. 

Anfiihrungszeichen,  n.pL  quotation  marks. 

anfiillen,  v.t.  fill,  fill  up,  cram. 

Angabe,  /.  statement;  specification,  estimate; 

information;    instruction;    plan. — Angaben, 

pi.  data, 
angeben,  v.t.  state,  declare,  tell;  specify;  accuse; 

indicate;  devise. 
angeblich,     a.     stated;     alleged;     pretended; 

nominal.  , 

angeboren,  p.a.  inborn,  innate,  congenital. 
Angebot,  n.  offer,  bid. 
angeflogen,  p.a.  see  anfliegen. 
angefressen,  p.p.  of  anfressen. 
angegriffen,  p.p.  of  angreifen. 
Angehaufe,  n.  conglomerate;  heap,  aggregate, 
angehen,  P.I.  begin  (to  grow,  burn,  decay,  etc.) ; 

go  on,  (of  dyes)  be  absorbed;  be  feasible;  be 

passable. — v.t.  approach;  concern, 
angehorig,  a.  belonging,  related. 
Angehorigen,  pi.  relatives,  relations. 
Angel,  /.  hinge;  hook;  pivot;  axis. 
angelegen,  p.a.  see  anliegen. 
Angelegenheit,  /.  concern,  affair. 
angelegentlich,  a.  earnest,  urgent. 
Angelikasaure,  /.  angelic  acid, 
angemessen,  p.a.  suitable, 
angenahert,  p.a.  see  anniihern. 
angenehm,  a.  pleasant,  agreeable, 
angenommen,  p.a.  see  annehmen. 
angepasst,  p.a.  see  anpassen. 
Anger,  m.  grass  plot,  pasture. 
angeschmolzen,  p.p.  of  anschmelzen. 
angeschwemmt,  p.a.  alluvial. 
angesehen,  p.a.  see  ansehen. 
angesessen,  p.a.  resident. 
Angesicht,  n.  face,  countenance;  look, 
angesichts,  adp.  in  face  of. 
angestammt,  a.  hereditary;  inborn. 
Angestellte,  m.  employee;  appointee;  official, 
angewandt,  p.a.  see  anwenden. 
angewohnen,  v.t.  accustom, 
angezogen,  p.a.  see  anziehen. 
angiessen,  v.t.  pour  on;  water;    (Founding)  cast 

on;  (Ceramics)  color  by  a  coat  of  clay. 
angliedern,  v.t.  join  on,  link  on. 
Angliederung,  /.  union,  coalition, 
angliihen,  v.t.  heat  to    glowing,    glow;    mull 

(wine). — v.r.  begin  to  glow. 
angreifbar,  a.  capable  of  being   attacked  or 

angreifen,  v.t.  attack,  act  on,  affect;    corrode 

(metals);  lay  hold  of;  fatigue;  undertake. 
angrenzen,  v.t.  border  on,  adjoin. — angrenzend, 

p.a.  adjacent,  adjoining. 
Angriff,  m.  attack;  handling;  undertaking. 
Angst,  /.  anxiety,  fright,  agony, 
angstigen,  v.t.  alarm,  frighten,  worry. 




anhaften,  v.i.  adhere,  be  attached  (to). — 
anhaftend,  p.a.  adhering;  adhesive;  inherent. 

An  halt,  TO.  support;  stop,  pause. 

anhalten,  v.t.  stop,  stay,  halt. — v.i.  stop;  hold 
on,  persist;  solicit. — anhaltend,  p.a.  con- 
tinuous, persistent,  lasting. 

Anhaltpunkt,  Anhaltspunkt,  TO.  stopping  point, 
station;  (Mech.)  fulcrum. 

Anhang,  TO.  addition,  appendix,  supplement; 
following,  party;  (Anal.)  appendix. 

anhangen,  v.i.  adhere,  hang  on. 

anhangen,  v.t.  attach,  affix,  append,  add; 
(Mack.)  throw  in,  connect. 

Anhanger,  m.  follower,  adherent;  appendage. 

anhangig,  a.  adhering;  appended,  annexed; 

anhanglich,  a.  attached;  faithful. 

Anhangsel,  n.  appendage;  amulet. 

Anhauch,  TO.  tinge;  breathing  on. 

anhauchen,  v.t.  breathe  upon;  tinge. 

anhaufen,  v.t.  aggregate;  accumulate. —  v.r. 

Anhaufung,  /.  aggregation;  accumulation;  ag- 

anheften,  v.t.  fasten  to,  attach. 

anheimstellen,  v.t.  commit,  submit. 

anheischig,  a.  bound,  pledged. 

anher,  adv.  hither. — bis  anher,  hitherto. 

Anhohe,  /.  elevation,  hill;  rising  ground. 

anhoren,  v.t.  listen  to,  hear. — v.r.  sound. 

anhydrisch,  a.  anhydrous. 

Anhydrosaure,/.  anhydro  acid  (an  acid,  such  as 
pyrosulf uric,  which  is  formed  from  apolybasic 
acid  by  elimination  of  water). 

Anilinblau,  n.  aniline  blue. 

Anilinfarbe,  /.  aniline  color. 

Anilinfarbstoff,  TO.  aniline  dye. 

Anilingelb,  n.  aniline  yellow. 

Anilinol,  n.  aniline  oil. 

Anilinrot,  n.  aniline  red. 
>  Anilinschwarz,  n.  aniline  black. 
'animalisch,  a.  animal. 

animalisieren,  v.t.  animalize. 

Anis,  TO.  anise;  aniseed. 

Anisaldehyd,  m.  &  n.  anisic  aldehyde. 

Anisgeist,  m.  (Pharm.)  spirit  of  anise. 

Anisol,  n.  aniseed  oil,  anise  oil. 

anisotrop,  a.  anisotropic. 

Anissame,    Anissamen,   TO.  aniseed,    (Pharm.) 
'.     anise. 

Anissaure,  /.  anisic  acid. 

•Anker,  TO*  anchor;  (of  a  magnet)  keeper, 

ankitten,  v.t.  fasten  with  cement,  cement. 

anklagen,  v.t.  accuse. 

Anklang,  TO.  concord,  accord;  sympathy. 

ankleben,  v.t.  stick  on,  glue  on,  paste  on,  ag- 
glutinate, attach. —  v.i.  stick,  adhere. — 
anklebend,  p.a.  adhesive,  agglutinative. 

ankleiden,  v.t.  &  r,  dress. 

ankniipfen,  v.t.  fasten  (by  tying),  join;  enter 
upon,  engage  in. 

ankochen,  v.t.  bring  to  the  boil,  begin  to  boil. 

ankohlen,  v.t.  char  partially. 

ankommen,  v.i.  arrive;  approach;  succeed;  be 
important;  depend;  (Brewing)  start  fer- 

Ankommling,  TO.  newcomer,  novice. 

ankiindigen,  ankiinden,  v.t.  announce,  publish. 

Ankunft,  /.  arrival. 

Anlage,  /.  establishment,  plant,  works;  at- 
tached paper;  investment;  bent,  talent;  tax; 
(pi.)  park.. 

anlagern,  v.t.  add  (on),  take  up;  accumulate. 

anlangen,  v.i.  arrive. — v.t.  concern. — anlangend, 
prep,  concerning,  as  for. 

Anlass,  TO.  occasion,  motive;  occurrence;  letting 
in;  starting. 

anlassen,  v.t.  temper,  anneal  (glass  or  metals) ; 
let  in,  turn  on,  start  (going). 

Anlasser,  TO.  (Brewing)  starting  box,  starter. 

Anlassfarbe,  /.  (Steel)  temper  color. 

Anlassofen,  TO.  tempering  furnace,  annealing 

Anlasswirkung,  /.  tempering  effect,  annealing 

Anlauf,  TO.  onset,  run,  attack;  swelling  (of 
waters);  slope,  ascent;  concourse,  crowd; 
(Mach.)  catch,  tappet. 

anlaufen,  v.i.  become  coated  (with  oxide, 
moisture,  mold,  etc.),  tarnish,  become  dull 
or  dim;  (of  dyed  goods)  recolor;  swell,  in- 
tumesce;  increase;  amount;  run;  crowd. 

Anlauffarbe,  /.  (Metal)  tempering  color. 

anlegen,  v.t.  lay  or  put  on,  apply,  fix;  invest; 
found;  lay  out;  plan. 

Anlehen,  TO.,  Anleihe,  /.  loan. 

anleiten,  v.t.  lead,  guide,  conduct;  instruct. 

Anleitung,  /.  leading,  conducting;  instruction; 
(of  books)  introduction,  guide,  key. 

anliegen,  v.i.  be  adjacent,  lie  near;  fit;  concern; 
entreat.^— angelegen,  p.a.  interesting;  im- 

anloten,  v.t.  solder,  solder  on;  cause  to  adhere. 

Anm.,  abbrev.  (Anmerkung)  note,  remark. 

anmachen,  v.t.  slack  (lime) ;  mix,  temper,  dilute, 
adulterate;  fasten  on,  attach;  light  (a  fire). 

anmassen,  •'#.£.  assume,  usurp. 

anmelden,  v.t.  announce,  advertise. 

anmengen,  v.t.  mix,  blend,  temper,  dilute. 

Anmerkung,  /.  note,  remark,  comment. 

Anmut, /.  grace,  charm. 

Ann.,  abbrev.  Annalen  der  Chemie. 

annahern,  v.t.  &  r.  approach,  approximate, 
bring  or  draw  near.— annahernd,  p.a.  ap- 
proximate; approaching. — angenahert,  p.a. 

Annahme,  /.  assumption,  hypothesis  j  accep- 
tance. .:=-.- 

annassen,  v.t.  moisten  a  little,  dampen.   - 




annehmen,  v.t.  assume,  suppose;  take,  accept; 
take,  take  up  (colors). — angenommen,  p.a. 

Annehmung,/.  assumption, etc.  (see  annehmen). 

annektieren,  v.t.  annex. 

annetzen,  v.t.  moisten,  dampen. 

annieten,  v.t.  rivet,  rivet  on. 

Annonce,  /.  advertisement. 

annoncieren,  v.t.  advertise,  announce. 

Anodendichte,  /.  anode  density,  anodic  density. 

anolen,  v.t.  oil,  coat  with  oil. 

anomal,  anomalisch,  a.  anomalous. 

anordnen,  v.t.  arrange,  regulate,  order. 

Anordnung,  /.  arrangement,  disposition,  regula- 

anorganisch,  a.  inorganic. 

anormal,  a.  abnormal. 

anoxydieren,  v.t.  oxidize. 

anpassen,  v.t.  adapt,  adjust,  fit,  suit. — 
anpassend,  p.a.  suitable,  fit. — angepasst, 
•p.a.  adapted,  adjusted,  suited,  appropriate. 

Anprall,  m.  impact;  contusion. 

anpr alien,  v.i.  strike,  impinge  (forcibly). 

anpudern,  v.t.  powder. 

anputzen,  v.t.  dress  up,  adorn,  decorate. 

anquicken,  v.t.  amalgamate. 

Anrat,  m.  advice,  counsel. 

anrauchen,  v.t.  smoke. 

anriiuchern,  v.t.  fumigate;  perfume. 

anrechnen.  v.t.  charge;  ascribe;  count. 

Anrecht,  n.  claim,  title. 

anreden,  v.t.  speak  to,  address. 

anregen,  v.t.  set  going,  incite,  stimulate;  in- 
terest; suggest,  mention. — anregend,  p.a. 
exciting,  interesting. 

anreiben,  v.t.  rub,  rub  on. 

anreichern,  v.t.  enrich,  strengthen,  concen- 

Anreichlech,  m.  enriched  matt. 

anreihen,  v.t.  arrange  in,  or  attach  to,  a  series. 

anreizen,  v.t.  stimulate;  instigate. 

anrichten,  v.t.  prepare,  dress;  perform,  pro- 
duce; serve;  mix  (colors). 

Anrichter,  m.  assay er;  (ore)  dresser. 

anrosten,  v.i.  begin  to  rust;  become  fixed  by 

anruchig,  a.  disreputable. 

anruhren,  v.t.  touch,  handle;  stir;  mix,  temper; 
touch  on,  refer  to. 

ans,  abbrev.  an  das. 

ansagen,  v.t.  announce,  state. 

ansammeln,  v.t.  collect,  gather,  accumulate, 
amass;  (Physics)  focus. 

Ansammlung,  /.  collection,  etc.  (see  ansam- 
meln); heap,  mass;  throng. 

Ansatz,    m.    deposit,    sediment;    attachment, 
added  piece,  lug,  shoulder,  etc.;  appendage; 
preparing,  mixture;  ingredients;  rate;  item;  j 
onset;  tendency;  (Dyeing)  standard. 

Ansatzbad,  n.  (Dyeing)  first  bath,  initial  bath.  | 

Ansatzpunkt,  m.  point  of  attachment  or  inser- 

Ansatzrohr,  n,  attached  tube,  insert  tabe. 

Ansatzstiick,  n.  attached  piece  or  part,  attach- 

ansauern,  v.t.  acidify,  acidulate;  sour;  (Baking) 
add  yeast  to.  ; 

Ansaugehub,  m.  suction  stroke.          ;  ;' 

ansaugen,  v.t.  &  i.  suck,  suck  in.          ,-:': 

Ansaugrohr,  n.  suction  tube. 

anschaffen,  v.t.  provide,  supply;  purchase. 

anschauen,  v.t.  look  at,  view,  consider. 

anschaulich,  a.  clear,  plain. 

Anschauung,  /.  mode  of  viewing,  view,  idea; 
observation;  perception;  intuition. 

Anschauungsweise,  /.  point  of  view,  stand- 

Anschein,  m.  appearance;  likelihood. 

anschichten,  v.t.  pile  in  layers,  stratify. 

anschicken,  v.r.  prepare. 

Anschieber,  m.  lengthening  piece;  (Brewing) 
workman;  (Baking)  kissing  crust. 

anschiessen,  v.i.  shoot  into  crystals,  crystal- 
lize; shoot;  rush;  be  adjacent. 

Anschiessgefass,  n.  crystallizing  vessel,  crystal- 

Anschlag,  m.  stroke;  impact;  posting  up, 
placard;  estimate;  plan,  attempt. 

anschlagen,  v.t.  strike  at;  fasten,  affix;  aim; 

anschlagig,  a.  ingenious. 

anschlammen,  v.t.  suspend;  elutriate,  wash; 
deposit  (mud,  etc.);  make  into  a  paste; 
smear  with  mud  or  slime. 

anschleifen,  v.t.  grind,  polish. 

anschliessen,  v.t.  fasten  (on),  attach,  annex, 

Anschluss,  m.  joining;  junction,  connection; 
enclosure,  something  annexed. 

anschmelzen,  v.t.  melt  or  fuse  on  (to),  join  by 
fusion. — v.i.  begin  to  melt;  adhere  by  fusion. 

anschmiegen,  v.t.  cause  to  cling  (to),  press  (to). 
— v.r.  cling  (to). 

anschmieren,  v.t.  smear;  adulterate;  cheat. 

anschmutzen,  v.t.  soil. 

anschrauben,  v.t.  screw  on. 

Anschuldigung,  /.  accusation. 

anschiiren,  v.t.  stir  up,  stir,  keep  going  (fire). 

Anschuss,  m.  crystallization;  crop  (of  crystals); 
shooting;  rush. 

anschiitten,  v.t.  pour  on,  discharge  on. 

anschwangern,  v.t.  saturate,  impregnate. 

Anschwanzapparat,  m.  sprinkler,  sparger. 

anschwanzen,  v.t.  sprinkle,  sparge. 

anschwarzen,  v.t.  blacken;  slander. 

anschwefeln,  v.t.  treat  or  fumigate  with  sulfur. 

anschweissen,  v.t.  weld  on,  weld  together. 

anschwellen,  v.i.  swell,  swell  out. 

anschwoden,  v.t.  paint  (the  flesh  side  of  hides) 
with  lime. 




ansehen,  v.t.  look  at,  see,  regard;  esteem. 
— angesehen,  p.a.  important,  prominent. 

Ansehen,  n.  appearance;  standing,  reputation. 

ansehnlich,  a.  conspicuous,  important. 

ansetzen,  r.r.  crystallize;  effloresce;  be  de- 
posited.— v.t.  set  on,  apply,  attach;  prepare, 
mix;  charge  (a  furnace);  establish. — v.i. 
make  a  start,  try. 

Ansicht,  /.  view;  inspection;  opinion. 

ansichtig,  a.  cognizant. 

ansieden,  v.t.  boil,  boil  on;  scorify;  blanch; 
mordant  (by  boiling). — Ansieden  und  Ah- 
dunkein,  stuffing  and  saddening. 

Ansiedeprobe,  /.  scorification  assay. 

Ansiedescherben,  m.  scorifier. 

ansinnen,  v.t.  expect,  require;  attribute. 

anspannen,  v.t.  strain,  stretch,  bend;  hitch. 

anspielen,  P.I.  hint,  allude;  begin  to  play. 

ansprechen,  v.t.  address;  claim;  ask;  please. 

ansprengen,  v.t.  blow  up,  blast;  sprinkle;  urge 

Anspruch,  m.  claim;  demand. 

Anstalt,  /.  institution,  establishment;  prepara- 
tion, arrangement. 

Anstand,  m.  delay;  hesitation;  behavior;  pro- 

anstatt,  prep,  instead  of. 

anstauben,  v.t.  dust,  powder. 

anstechen,  v.t.  pierce,  tap,  open. 

anstecken,  v.t.  stick  on,  fasten;  infect;  light  (a 
fire). — ansteckend,  p.a.  contagious,  infec- 

ansteigen,  v.i.  rise,  ascend. 

Anstellbottich,  m.  (Brewing)  starting  tub. 

anstellen,  v.t.  institute,  make;  install,  set 
going,  start;  prepare;  pitch  (wort);  appoint, 
employ;  plan. — v.r.  behave;  pretend. 

Ansteller,  m.  employer. 

anstellig,  a.  skilful,  handy. 

Anstelltemperatur,  /.  (Brewing)  pitching  tem- 

Anstellung,  /.  instituting,  etc.  (see  anstellen); 
situation,  employment. 

Anstieg,  m.  rise,  ascent. 

anstiften,  v.t.  contrive,  cause. 

anstocken,  v.i.  become  moldy. 

Anstoss,  m.  collision;  impulse,  impetus;  of- 
fense; butt  joint. 

anstossen,  v.t.  crush,  prepare  by  crushing; 
strike  against,  impinge  upon;  offend. — v.i. 
strike,  impinge;  be  adjacent;  stumble; 
stammer;  offend. — anstossend,  p. a.  adja- 
cent, contiguous. 

anstossig,  a.  offensive,  shocking. 

Anstrebekraft,  /.  centripetal  force. 

anstreben,  v.i.  strive  toward;  oppose. — v.t. 
strive  for. 

Anstreiche,  /.  paint,  color. 

anstreichen,  v.t.  paint,  coat,  color,  varnish; 
mark;  underscore. 

anstrengen,  v.t.  stretch,  strain. 

Anstrich,  m.  paint,  painting,  coat;  varnish; 
dye;  tint,  color;  appearance. 

ansuchen,  v.t.  apply,  request. 

anstissen,  p.l.  wash,  edulcorate;  sweeten  slightly. 

anteigen,  v.t.  stir  into  a  paste,  make  a  paste  of. 

Anteil,  Antheil,  m.  constituent;  portion,  share; 
interest,  sympathy. 

Anthrachinolin,  n.  anthraquinoline. 

Anthrachinon,  n.  anthraquinone. 

Anthrazen,  n.  anthracene. 

Anthrazit,  n.  anthracite. 

anthrazitartig,  a.  anthracitic. 

Antichlor,  n.  antichlore,  antichlor,  antichlorine. 

Antikatalysator,  m.  anticatalyzer. 

antikatalytisch,  a.  anticatalytic. 

Antikorper,  m.  antisubstance,  antibody  (cf. 

Antimon,  n.  antimony. 

antimonartig,  a.  like  antimony;  antimonial. 

Antimonblei,  n.  (Metal.')  lead  containing  anti- 

Antimonblende,  /.  kermesite. 

Antimonblute,  /.  antimony  bloom,  valentinite. 

Antimonbuttcr,  /.  butter  of  antimony. 

Antimonchlorid,  n.  antimony  chloride,  specif., 
antimony  pentachloride. 

Antimonchlorur,  n.  antimony  trichloride. 

Antimonglanz,  m.  antimony  glance,  antimonite. 

Antimonhalogen,  n.  antimony  halide. 

antimonhaltig,  a.  containing  antimony;  anti- 

antimonig,  a.  antimonious. — antimonige  Saure, 
antimonious  acid. 

antimonigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  anti- 
monious acid,  antimonite  of. 

Antimonigsaureanhydrid,  n.  antimony  trioxide. 

antimonisch,  a.  antimonial,  antimonic. 

Antimonium,  n.  antimony. 

Antimon  kupferglanz,  m.  antimonial  copper 
glance  (bournonite  or  chalcostibite). 

Antimonnickelglanz,  m.  ullmannite. 

Antimonoxychloriir,  n.  antimony  oxychloride 

Antimonoxyd,  n.  antimony  oxide,  specif.,  anti- 
mony trioxide. 

Antimonsaffran,  m.  antimonial  saffron,  crocus 
of  antimony. 

Antimonsalz,  n.  antimony  salt,  specif.,  a  double 
compound  of  antimony  trifluoride  and  am- 
monium sulfate. 

antimonsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  anti- 
monic acid,  antimonate  of. 

Antimonsaure,  /.  antimonic  acid. 

Antimonsilber,  n.  antimonial  silver,  dyscrasite. 

Antimonsilberblende,  /.  pyrargyrite. 

Antimonspiegel,  m.  antimony  mirror. 

Antimonsulfid,  n.  antimony  sulfide,  specif.,  anti- 
mony pentasulfide. 

Antimonsulfur,  n.  antimony  trisulfide. 




Antimonverbindung,  /.  antimony  compound. 
Antimonwasserstoff,    m.    antimony    hydride, 


Antimonzinnober,  m.  kermes  mineral. 
antiphlogistisch,  a.  antiphlogistic. 
antipodisch,  a.  antipodal,  opposite. 
antiquarisch,  a.  (of  books)  second-hand. 
Antisepticum,  Antiseptikum,  n.  antiseptic. 
antiseptisch,  a.  antiseptic. 
Antiweinsaure,  /.  antitartaric  acid. 
Antlitz,  n.  countenance,  face. 
Antonskraut,    n.   willow     herb    (Ckamsenerion 

angustifolium) . 
Antrag,  m.  proposal,  motion, 
antragen,  v.t.  lay  on,  apply;  propose,  offer. 
antreffen,  v.t.  hit  upon,  meet  with. 
antreiben,  v.t.  drive  on,  drive  against,  drive  in; 

hoop  (casks);  impel,  incite. 
antreten,  v.t.  enter  upon,  set  out  upon;  accost. 
Antrieb,     m.     impulse,     impulsion;     (motive) 

power;  motive. 

Antritt,  m.  beginning,  entrance,  first  step. 
Antrittsvorlesung,  /.  inaugural  lecture. 
antrocknen,  v.i.  dry  on;  begin  to  dry. 
antun,  v.t.  put  on;  do  to;  do  violence  to. 
Antwort,  /.  answer,  reply. 
antworten,  v.t.  &  i.  answer,  reply. 
anvertrauen,  v.t.  trust,  confide, 
anverwandt,  p.a.  related. 
Anwachs,  m.  increase,  swelling. 
An  wait,  m.  attorney;  deputy. 
An wandlung,  /.  fit,  attack, 
anwarmen,  v.t.  warm,  heat  (moderately);  dry 

(by  heating) . — v.i.  warm,  begin  to  heat. 
Anwartschaft,  /.  expectancy, 
anwassern,  v.t.  moisten  slightly, 
anweichen,  v.t.  sOak  (or  steep)  slightly. 
anweisen,  v.t.  point  out,  show;  assign;  direct; 


anweissen,  v.t.  whitewash,  whiten. 
Anweisung,  /.    direction,    instruction;    money 

order,  check,  draft;  assignment. 
anwendbar,  a.  usable,  applicable,  practicable, 

an wenden,  v.t.  apply,  employ,  use. — angewandt, 

p.a.  applied,  practical. 

Anwendung,  /.  application,  employment,  use. 
Anwendungsweise,  /.  mode  of  application. 
anwesend,  a.  present. 
anwidern,  v.t.  disgust,  offend. 
Anwuchs,  m.  growth,  increase. 
Anwurf,  m.  plastering;  deposit. 
Anzahl,  /.  number. 
anzahlen,  v.t.  pay  on  account. 
anzapfen,  v.t.  tap. 
Anzeichen,     n.     sign,    indication,     symptom, 


Anzeige,  /.  information;  indication;  (of  an  in- 
strument)  reading;  notice,  report,  circular, 

advertisement,  despatch. 

anzeigen,  v.t.  inform,  announce,  advertise;  in- 

Anzeiger,  m.  indicator;  (Math.)  exponent;  in- 
former, advertiser. 

anzetteln,  v.t.  plot;  (Weaving)  warp. 

anziehen,  v.t.  draw,  pull,  attract;  absorb;  draw 
tight,  stretch;  raise,  grow;  put  on  (clothes); 
quote. — v.i.  take  effect,  hold  well;  harden, 
set;  attract  moisture;  approach. — anziehend, 
p.o.  attractive;  astringent. — angezogen,  p.a. 
(of  malt)  slack. 

AnzieJhung,  /.  attraction,  etc.  (see  anziehen); 
adhesion;  (Physiol.)  adduction. 

Anziehungskraft,  /.  attractive  power,  attrac- 
tion; adhesive  power. 

Anzucht,  /.  raising,  cultivation. 

Anzug,  m.  approach;  dressing;  clothing,  dress; 

anziiglich,  a.  offensive,  cutting. 

anziinden,  v.t.  ignite,  kindle,  light. 

Aorte,  /.  aorta. 

Aorten-.  aortic. 

Aouaraol,  n.  African  palm  oil. 

Apfel,  m.  apple. 

Apfelather,  Xpfelather,  m.  malic  ether  (ethyl 
malate);  essence  of  apple  (genuine  or  ar- 

Apfelmost,  m.  (new)  cider. 

Apfelmus,  m.  apple  sauce. 

Apfelsalbe,  /.  pomatum. 

apfelsauer,  apfelsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with 
malic  acid,  malate  of. 

Apfelsaure,  Apfelsaure,  /.  malic  acid. 

Apfelsine,  /.  (sweet)  orange. 

Apfelsinenschalenol,  n.  orange-peel  oil,  essence 
of  orange. 

Apfelwein,  Apfelwein,  m.  cider. 

aphlogistisch,  a.  aphlogistic. 

aplanatisch,  a.  aplanatic. 

Apochinen,  n.  apoquinene. 

Apochinin,  n.  apoquinine. 

Apokamphersaure,  /.  apocamphoric  acid. 

Apotheke,  /.  drugstore,  chemist's  shop,  apothe- 
cary's shop. 

Apotheker,  m.  pharmacist,  druggist,  (in  Eng- 
land) pharmaceutical  chemist,  apothecary. 

Apothekerbuch,  n.  dispensatory,  pharmacopeia. 

Apothekergewicht,  n.  apothecary's  weight. 

Apothekerkunst,  /.  apothecary's  art,  pharmacy 

Apothekerordnung,  /.  dispensatory. 

Apothekerverein,  m.  pharmaceutical  society,  or- 
ganization of  druggists. 

Apothekerwage,/.  druggist's  scales,  apothecary's 

Apothekerwaren,  /.  pi.  drugs. 
Apothekerwarenhandler,  m.  druggist. 
Apothekerwesen,  n.  pharmaceutical  matters. 
Apothekerwissenschaft,  /.  pharmacology. 
App.,  abbrev.  of  Apparat. 
Apparat,  m.  apparatus. 




Apparatur,  /.  apparatus   (collectively),  equip- 

appellieren,  v.i.  appeal. 

appetitlich,  a.  appetizing,  delicious. 

applizieren,  v.t.  apply. 

Applizierung,  /.  application. 

appretieren,  v.t.  dress,  finish  (cloth). 

Appretur,  /.  finishing,  dressing;  finish,  dressing, 

appreturecht,  a.  unaffected  by  finishing. 

Appreturmittel,  n.  finishing  agent,  dressing  ma- 
terial, dressing. 

approbieren,  v.t.  approve. 

Aprikose,  /.  apricot. 

Aquator,  m.  equator. 

Aquavit,  m.  aqua  vitae,  whisky;  pi.  spirits. 

aqui-.  equi-. 

Uquimolekular,  a.  equimolecular. 

Aquipartition,  /.  equipartition. 

Xquivalent,  n.  equivalent. 

Aquivalentgewicht,  n.  equivalent  weight,  com- 
bining weight. 

Aquivalenz,  /.  equivalence. 

Arabingummi,  n.  gum  arable. 

Arabinsaure,  /.  arabic  acid,  arabin. 

arabisch,     a.     Arabic,     Arabian. — arabisches 
Gummi,  gum  arabic. 

Arachinsaure,  /.  arachic  (or  arachidic)  acid. 

Araometer,  n.  hydrometer,  areometer. 

araometrisch,  a.  hydrometric,  areometric. 

Arbeit,  /.  work,  labor;  working;  fermentation; 
task;  workmanship. 

arbeiten,  v.i.  work;  ferment.  —  v.t.  work,  per- 
form, make. 

Arbeiter,  m.  worker,  laborer,  workman. 

Arbeitgeber,  m.  employer. 

Arbeitnehmer,  m.  workman. 

Arbeits-,  working,  work,  of  work  or  labor. 

arbeitsam,  a.  industrious,  laborious. 

Arbeitsanderung,  /.  change  in  work. 

Arbeitseinheit,  /.  unit  of  work. 

Arbeitseinstellung,  /.  strike. 

arbeitsfahig,  a.  capable  of  work;  able-bodied. 

Arbeitsfahigkeit /.capacity  for  performing  work. 

Arbeitsflache,  /.  bearing  surface;  working  sur- 

Arbeitshub,  m.  working  stroke. 

Arbeitskammer,  /.  laboratory;  work  room. 

Arbeitsleistung,  /.  performance  of  work. 

Arbeitslohn,  m.  wages,  pay. 

arbeitslos,  a.  &  adv.  without  work. 

Arbeitsraum,  m.  laboratory;  work  room. 

arbeitsscheu,  a.  averse  to  work,  lazy. 

Arbeitstisch,  m.  work  table. 

Arbeitsvermogen,  n.  (Physics)  energy. 

Arbeitsverrichtung,  /.  performance  of  work. 

Arbeitsweise,  /.  method  of  working;  workman- 

Arbitrium,  n.  arbitrament. 
Ar che,  /.  ark,  chest. 

Archiv,  n.  record  office;  pi.  records,  archives. 

Areal,  n.  area. 

Arekanuss,  /.  areca  nut. 

arg,  a.  bad;  strong,  severe,  enormous. 

Arg,  n.  harm,  mischief. 

Anger,  m.  anger;  spite. 

argerlich,  a.  angry;  vexatious. 

Arglist,  /.  cunning,  deceit. 

arglos,  a.  harmless;  unsuspecting. 

Argwohn,  n.  suspicion. 

arktisch,  a.  arctic. 

arm,  a.  poor. 

Arm,  m.  arm  (in  various  senses);  branch;  cross- 
bar (of  a  balance). 

Armband,  m.  bracelet. 

Armbinde,  m.  sling. 

Armblei,  n.  refined  lead  (from  which  the  silver 
has  been  removed). 

Armee,  /.  army. 

Arm  el,  m.  sleeve. 

armlich,  a.  poor. 

armselig,  a.  poor,  wretched. 

Armut,  /.  poverty. 

Arnikabluten,  arnica  flowers,  (Pharm.) 

Arnikawurzel, /.  arnica  rhizome,  arnica  root. 

Atom,  n.  aroma. 

aromatisch,  a.  aromatic. 

aromatisieren,  r.t.  aromatize. 

Aron,  m.  arum. 

Arrak,  m.  arrack. 

Arrestant,  m.  prisoner. 

arretieren,  v.t.  arrest. 

arrodieren,  v.t.  erode. 

Arrowmehl,  n.  arrowroot  flour,  (Pharm.)  arrow- 
root, maranta. 

Arsen,  n.  arsenic. 

Arsenblende,  /.  arsenic  blend  (gelbe,  orpiment; 
rote,  realgar). 

Arsenbliite,  /.  arsenic  bloom,  arsenite  (AszOs) . 

Arsenchlorid,  n.  arsenic  chloride. 

Arsendampf,  m.  arsenic  vapor,  arsenical  vapor. 

Arseneisen,  n.  arsenical  iron  (lollingite). 

Arseneisensinter,  m.  pitticite. 

Arsenfleck,  m.  arsenic  spot  or  stain. 

arsenfrei,  a.  free  from  arsenic,  arsenic-free. 

Arsenglas,  n.  =  Arsenikglas. 

Arsenhalogen,  n.  arsenic  halide. 

arsenhaltig,  a.  arsenical,  containing  arsenic^ 

arsenig,  a.  arsenious. — arsenige  Saure,  arsenious 

arsenigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  arsenious 
acid,  arsenite  of. 

Arsenigsaure,  /.  arsenious  acid. 

Arsenik,  m.  arsenic. — gelber  Arsenik,  orpiment. 
— roter  Arsenik,  realgar. — weisser  Arsenik, 
white  arsenic,  arsenic  trioxide. 

Arsenikalfahlerz,  n.  tennantite. 

Arsenikalien,  arsenicals,  arsenical  com- 
pounds or  preparations. 


arsenikalisch,  a.  arsenical. 

Arsenikalkies,  m.  leucopyrite. 

Arsenikblei,  w.  lead  arsenide. 

Arsenikblumen,,     Arsenikbliite,     /.     = 


Arsenikeisen,  n.  =Arseneisen. 
Arsenikglas,  n.  arsenic  glass,  vitreous  arsenic 

trioxide;  (gelbes)  orpiment;  (rotes)  realgar. 
arsenikhaltig,  a.   =  arsenhaltig. 
Arsenikjodiir,  n.   =Arsenjodur. 
Arsenikkies,  m.  arsenical  pyrites,  arsenopyrite. 
Arsenikkobalt,     Arsenikkobaltkies,    TO.     skut- 

Arseniknickel,   -nickelkies,  w.    =Arsennickel, 

Arsenikol     (atzendes).    caustic    oil   of   arsenic 


Arsenikprobe,  /.  arsenic  test. 
Arseniksalz,    n.    salt    of    arsenic,    arsenate    or 


arseniksauer,  a.   =arsensauer. 
Arseniksaure,       /.       arsenic       acid. — unvoll- 

kommende  Arseniksaure,  /.  arsenious  acid. 
Arseniksilber,   n.  arsenical  silver. 
Arseniksinter,  m.  scorodite. 
Arsenikspiegel,  TO.  arsenic  ruirror. 
Arsenikvitriol,  TO.  arsenic  sulfate. 
Arsenjodid,   n.   arsenic  iodide,  specif.,  arsenic 


Arsenjodiir,  n.  arsenic  diiodide  (Asl?). 
Arsenkies,  TO.  =  Arsenikkies. 
Arsenkobalt,  m.  skutterudite. 
Arsenlegierung,  /.  arsenic  alloy. 
Arsenmetall,  w.  metallic  arsenide. 
Arsennickel,  TO.   nickel   arsenide;    (Min.)   nic- 


Arsennickelkies,  TO.  niccolite. 
Arsenoxyd,    n.   arsenic    oxide,    specif.,  arsenic 


Arsenrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  arsenic  tube. 
Arsenrubin,  m.  realgar. 
arsensauer,   a.    of   or   combined   with   arsenic 

acid,  arsenate  of. 
Arsensaure,  /.  arsenic  acid. 
Arsensilber,  n.  arsenical  silver. 
Arsenspiegel,  TO.  arsenic  mirror. 
Arsensulfid,  n.  (any)  sulfide  of  arsenic. 
Arsenverbindung,  /.  arsenic  compound. 
Arsenwasserstoff,     m.     arsenic     hydride,     ar- 

seniuretted  hydrogen  (specif.,  arsine,  AsHs). 
Arsinigsaure,  /.  arsinic  acid. 
Arsinsaure,  /.  arsonic  acid. 
Art,  /.  kind,  sort,  species,  variety;  manner;  race, 

breed;  pi.  manners;   (Biol.)  species.     (Used 

as  a  suffix  to  give  a  generic  meaning;  as, 

Pecharten,  pitches,  i.e.,  kinds  of  pitch). 
arten,   v.i.   be   of    a    (certain)    kind,   be   like; 

thrive. — v.t.  form,  modify. — geartet,  p.a.  dis- 
posed, -natured. 
arteriell,  o.  arterial. 



Arterien-,  arterial. 

artificiell,  a.  artificial. 

artig,  a.  good,  polite,  agreeable. 

-artig.  A  suffix  attached  to  nouns  and  adjec- 
tives to  form  adjectives,  and  signifying  "  of 
the  kind  or  nature  of,  resembling,  like";  as, 
schwefelartig,  like  sulfur,  sulfurous. 

Artikcl,  TO.  article;  goods,  material;  entry, 
item;  (Calico)  style. 

Arznei,  Arzenei,  /.  medicine;  pi.  drugs. 

Arznei-,  medicinal,  medical,  medicated. 

Arzneibereiter,  TO.  pharmacist. 

Arzneibereitung,  /.  preparing  of  medicine, 

Arzneibuch,  n.  dispensatory,  pharmacopeia. 

Arzneiessig,  TO.  medicated  vinegar. 

Arzneiform,  /.  medicinal  form. 

Arzneiformel,  /.  medical  formula. 

Arzneigeruch,  TO.  medicinal  smell. 

Arzneigeschmack,  m.  medicinal  taste. 

Arzneigewicht,  n.  officinal  weight. 

Arzneihandel,  w.  drug  trade. 

Arzneihandler,  TO.  druggist. 

Arzneikorper,  TO.  medicinal  substance. 

arzneikraftig,  a.  medicinal,  curative,  ther- 

Arzneikraut,  n.  medicinal  plant,  medicinal 

Arzneilehre,  /.  pharmacology. 

arzneilich,  a.  medicinal,  medical. 

Arzneimass,  n.  officinal  measure. 

Arzneimischung,  /.  medicinal  mixture. 

Arzneimittel,  n.  medicine,  remedy. 

Arzneimittelkunde,  /.  pharmacology. 

Arzneimitteltrager,  m.  (Phdrm.)  menstruum; 

Arzneipflanze,  /.  medicinal  plant. 

Arzneiseife,  /.  medicinal  soap. 

Arzneisirup,  m.  medicated  sirup. 

Arzneistoff,  w.  medicinal  substance. 

Arzneiverordnung,  - verschreibung,  /.  (medical) 

Arzneiware,  /.  drug. 

Arzneiwarenkunde,  /.  pharmacology. 

Arzneiwesen,  n.  pharmaceutical  affairs. 

Arznei wissenschaf t, /.  pharmacology;  medical 

Arzt,  TO.  physician,  doctor. 

Xrzteverein,  w.  medical  society. 

arztlich,  a.  medical. 

Asand,  Asant,  TO. — stinkender,  asafetida.^ — 
wohlriechender,  gum  benzoin. 

Asbest,  TO.  asbestos. 

asbestartig,  a.  asbestoid,  asbestiform,  amian- 

Asbestfaser,  /.  asbestos  fiber. 

Asbestpapier,  n.  asbestos  paper. 

Asbestpappe,  /.  asbestos  board. 

Asbestschale,  /.  asbestos  dish. 

Asbestschnur,  /.  asbestos  twine. 




Asbestwolle,  /.  asbestos  wool. 

Aschblau,  n.  zaffer. 

Aschblei,  n.  native  bismuth. 

Asche,  /.  ash,  ashes. 

Xschel,  Aschel,  m.  (Metal.')  sullage. 

aschen,  v.t.  ash. 

Aschenbad,  n.  ash  bath. 

Aschenbestandteil,  m.  ash  constituent. 

Aschendiinger,  m.  cinereal  manure,  cinereal. 

Aschenermittelung,  /.  determination  of  ash. 

Aschenfall,  /.  ash-pit;  ash-pan. 

aschenfleckig,      a.      (Metal.)      specked     with 


Aschengehalt,  m.  ash  content. 
Aschenlauge,  /.  lye  from  ashes. 
Aschenofen,  m.  calcining  oven. 
Aschensalz,  n.  potash. 
Aschentrecker,    Aschenzieher,    m.    tourmaline 

(old  name). 
Ascher,  m.    (Leather)    tanner's   pit,   lime   pit; 

(Soap)  ash  cistern  (also,  ashes);    (Masonry) 

slaked  lime;  (Ceram.)  tin  ashes. 
Xscherbriihe,    Xscherfliissigkeit,    /.    (Leather) 

lime  liquor. 

Ascherkalk,  m.  (Leather)  lime. 
aschern,  v.i,  ash;  (Leather)  lime. 
Xscherofen,  m.  (Ceram.')  frit  kiln. 
Aschraum,  m.  ash-box,  ash-pit. 
Asparaginsaure,  /.  aspartic  acid. 
Aspe, /.  aspen  (tree). 
Asphaltbeton,  m.  asphalt  (ic)   concrete. 
asphalthaltig,  a.  containing  asphalt,  asphaltic, 

asphaltieren,  v.t.  asphalt. 
asphaltisch,  a.  asphaltic. 

Asphaltkitt,  m.  asphalt  cement,  asphalt  mastic. 
Asphaltpflaster,  n.  asphalt  pavement, 
aspirieren,  v.i.  aspire. — v.  t.  aspirate, 
ass,  pret.  of  essen. 
Assekuranz,  /.  insurance. 
assekurieren,  v.t.  insure. 
assimilieren,  v.t.  assimilate. 
associieren,  v.t.  associate, 
assortieren,  v.t.  assort,  sort. 
assouplieren,  v.t.  render  pliable. 
Ast,  m.  bough,  branch;  knot  (in  wood). 
Astronom,  TO.  astronomer. 
astronomisch,  a.  astronomical. 
Asyl,  n.  asylum. 

asymmetrisch,  a.  asymmetric,  asymmetrical. 
-at.  (in  names  of  salts,  etc.)  -ate. 
A  tern,     TO.     breath,     breathing,     respiration; 


A  tern-,  of  breathing,  respiratory. 
atembar,  a.  respirable. 

At.-Gew.,  abbrev.  (Atomgewicht)  atomic  weight. 
ath.,  abbrev.  (atherisch)  ethereal. 
Xthal,  n.  ethal  (cetyl  alcohol). 
Xthan,  n.  ethane;  pi.  paraffins,  hydrocarbons  of 

the  ethane  series. 

Xthansaure,  /.  ethanic  acid  (acetic  acid) . 
Xther,   TO.   ether    (in    older   names   frequently 

equivalent  to  ester). 
Xtherart,  /.  kind  of  ether;  pi.  ethers. 
atherartig,  a.  ethereal. 

Atherbildung,  /.  ether  formation,  etherification. 
atherisch,  a.  ethereal;  essential,  volatile  (oils). 
atherisieren,  v.t.  etherize. 
Atherprober,  TO.  ether  tester. 
Xthersaure,  /.  ether  acid  (compound  which  is 

both  an  ether  and  an  acid). 
Atherschwefelsaure,     /.      alkylsulfuric      acid, 

specif.,  ethylsulfuric  acid. 
Atherschwingung,  /.    vibration    of   the   ether, 

ethereal  vibration. 
Xtherweingeist,   TO.    (Pharm.)    spirit   of   ether 

(solution  of  ether  in  alcohol). 
Xthin,  n.  ethine  (acetylene). 
athmen,  v.  =atmen. 
Athoxy-.  ethoxy-. 
Alhoxyl,  n.  ethoxyl. 
Xthyl,  n.  ethyl. 
Athylen,  n.  ethylene. 
Athylenbindung,  /.    ethylene   linkage,    double 


Athylgruppe,  /.  ethyl  group. 
Xthyliden,  n.  ethylidene. 
Xthylwasserstoff,  TO.  ethyl  hydride  (ethane). 
Atlas,  m.  satin;  atlas.  • 

Atlaserz,  n.,  Atlaskies,  TO.  fibrous  malachite. 
Atlasholz,  n.  satinwood. 

Atlasspat,  m.  satin  spar  (fibrous  calcium  car- 
bonate) . 

Atlasvitriol,  TO.  white  vitriol  (zinc  sulfate). 
Atm.,  abbrev.  (Atmosphare)  atmosphere  (s). 
atmen,  v.i.  breathe,  respire. — v.t.  breathe. 
Atmosphare,  /.  atmosphere. 
Atmospharendruck,  m.  atmospheric  pressure. 
atmospharisch,  a.  atmospheric. 
Atmung,  /.  breathing,  respiration. 
Atmungs-.  of  breathing,  respiratory. 
Atmungsnahrungsmittel,  n.  respiratory  food, 
atomartig,  a.  atomic;  atom-like. 
Atombegriff,  TO.  conception  of  the  atom. 
Atombindungsvermogen,      n.,     atombindende 

Kraft,  atomic  combining  power,  valence. 
Atomgewicht,  n.  atomic  weight. 
Atomgewichtstabelle,/.  table  of  atomic  weights. 
Atomgruppe,  /.  group  of  atoms,  atomic  group. 
Atomgruppierung,  /.  atomic  grouping. 
atomhaltig,  a.  atomic. 
Atomhypothese,  /.  atomic  hypothesis. 
Atomigkeit,  /.  atomicity. 
atomisch,  a.  atomic. 
atomistisch,  a.  atomistic,  atomic. 
Atomizitat,  /.  atomicity. 

Atomlehre,  /.  doctrine  of  atoms,  atomic  theory. 
Atommodell,  n.  atomic  model. 
Atomrefraktion,  /.  atomic  refraction.    - 
Atomtheorie,  /.  atomic  theory. 




Atomverband,  m.,  Atomverbindung,  /.  union  of 

atoms,  atomic  union. 
Atomverkettung,  /.   linking  of  atoms,   atomic 


Atom verschiebung,  /.  atomic  displacement. 
\    Atomvolum,       Atomvolumen,         n.         atomic 


Atomwarme,  /.  atomic  heat. 
Atramentstein.  m.  inkstone,  native  copperas. 
Atropasaure,  /.  atropic  acid, 
attenuieren,  v.t.  attenuate. 
Attest,  n.  certificate. 
Xtz-.  caustic,   corrosive;    (Calico)   discharging, 


Xtzalkali,  n.  caustic  alkali. 
Xtzammoniak,  n.  caustic  ammonia  (ammonium 

hydroxide),  ammonia  water. 
Xtzartikel,  m.  (Calico)  discharge  style.  , 

atzbar,  a.  corrodible;  (Calico)  dischargeable. 
Xtzbaryt,  m.  caustic  baryta  (barium  hydroxide) . 
Atzbeizdruck,  n.  discharge  printing. 
Xtzbeize,    /.     chemical     discharge,     discharge 


Xtzdruck,  n.  discharge  printing. 
Xtze,  /.  corrosion;  etching;  cauterization;  aqua 

fortis;  (Calico)  discharge. 
atzen,  v.t.  corrode;    etch;    cauterize;    (Calico) 

discharge. — atzend,    p.a.    caustic,    corrosive. 

— atzend  machen,  render  caustic,  causticize. 
Xtzfarbe,  /.  (Calico)  discharge  paste. 
Atzfigur,  /.  etching  figure. 
Xtzgift,  n.  caustic  poison. 
At/kali,  n.  caustic  potash. 
,    Xtzkalilauge,   /.    caustic    potash    lye,    caustic 

potash  solution. 

Atzkalk,  m.  caustic  lime   (gebrannter,  quick- 
lime; geloschter,  slaked  lime). 
Atzkraft,  /.  causticity. 
Xtzlack,  TO.  discharge  lake. 
Xtzlauge,  caustic  lye,  caustic  liquor. 
Xtzmittel,n.  corrosive,  caustic;  (Calico)  chemical 


Atznatron,  n.  caustic  soda. 
Xtznatronlauge,  /.    caustic    soda    lye,    caustic 

soda  solution. 

Xtzpapp,  TO.    (Calico)  resist. 
Atzpulver,  n.  caustic  powder. 
Atzsilber,  n.  lunar  caustic  (silver  nitrate) . 
Xtzstein,    m.   lapis    causticus,    (fused)    caustic 

Xtzsublimat,  n.  corrosive  sublimate  (mercuric 


Xtzung,  /.  corrosion;  etching;  cauterization. 
Xtzwasser,   n.    caustic   water,   etching   liquid, 


Xtzweiss,  n.  (Calico)  white  discharge. 
Xtzwirkung,  /.  corrosive  action;  (Calico)  action 

of  the  discharge. 
a.  u.  a.,  abbrev.  (auch  unter  andern)  also  among 


auch,  adv.  &  eon/,  also,  too;  indeed,  even. — 
auch  nicht,  neither. 

Aue,  /.  islet;  meadow. 

Auerbrenner,  TO.  Welsbach  burner. 

Auerhahn,  TO.  capercaillie,  mountain  cock. 

Auerlicht,  n.  Welsbach  light. 

auf,  prep,  on,  upon,  in,  at;  into,  to. — adv.  & 
prefix,  up,  upward,  open. — auf  dass,  in  order 
that. — auf  einmal,  at  once. 

aufarbeiten,  v.t.  work  up;  finish  (a  task). 

aufatmen,  v.i.  breathe  hard,  breathe  again. 

aufatzen,  v.t.  corrode  or  etch  upon,  etch; 
(Med.)  open  with  caustic. 

Aufbau,  m.  building  up,  synthesis;  building, 
erection;  display. 

aufbauen,  v.t.  build  up,  synthesize;  erect. 

aufbaumen,  v.i.  show  (metallic)  luster. — v.t. 
beam,  wind  up. 

aufbereiten,  v.t.  prepare,  dress  (ores). 

aufbersten,  v.i.  burst,  crack. 

aufbewahren,  v.t.  keep,  store,  preserve. 

Aufbewahrung,  /.  keeping,  storage,  preserva- 

aufbieten,  v.t.  call  out,  summon;  exert;  abuse. 

aufbinden,  v.t.  tie  up,  fasten;  untie,  loosen. 

aufblahen,  v.t.  &  v.i.  swell,  swell  up,  bulge  out. 

aufblasen,  v.t.  blow  up,  inflate. 

auf blattern,  v.i.  (Min.  &  Med.)  exfoliate. 

Aufblick,  TO.  (Assaying)  fulguration,  blick;  look 

aufblicken,  v.i.  (Assaying)  brighten,  give  the 
"  blick  ";  look  up. 

aufblitzen,  v.i.  flash,  flash  up. 

aufbliihen,  v.i.  blossom,  unfold;  form  a  flower- 
like  mass  (before  the  blowpipe). 

uuf  brauchen,  v.t.  use  up,  consume. 

aufbrausen,  v.i.  effervesce;  ferment;  fly  into  a 
passion,  roar. — aufbrausend,  p.a.  efferves- 
cent; fermenting. 

aufbrechen,  v.t.  break  up,  break  open. — v.i. 
open,  break,  burst. 

aufbrennen,  v.t.  burn  up,  consume;  refine 
(metals);  brand;  burn  on;  treat  by  burning, 
specif.,  sulfur  (wine). 

auf hringen,  v.t.  brihg  up,  raise;  capture;  ex- 

aufdampfen,  v.i.  evaporate;  smoke. 

aufdecken,  v.t.  uncover,  disclose. 

aufdocken,  v.t.  wind  up,  roll  up;  bundle,  shock. 

aufdrangen,  v.r.  obtrude  oneself. 

aufdrehen,  v.t.  screw  open,  untwist;  turn  up; 
(Ceram.)  throw. 

aufdringen,  v.t.  press  upon,  obtrude  upon. 

Aufdringlichkeit,  /.  obtrusiveness,  importunity. 

Aufdruck,  TO.  printing. 

aufdrucken,  v.t.  impress,  imprint,  stamp. 

aufdunsten,  v.i.  evaporate. 

aufdiinsten,  v.t.  evaporate. 

aufeinander,  adv.  one  upon  (or  after)  another, 

Aufeinanderfolge,  /.  succession,  series. 




aufeinanderfolgend,  p.a.  consecutive. 

Aufenthalt,  TO.  stay,  stop;  abode,  residence. 

auffahren,  v.i.  rise  up,  drive  up,  fly  up,  start 

auffallen,  v.i.  astonish,  startle. — auffallend, 
p.a.  striking,  remarkable. 

auffallig,  a.  =  auffallend. 

auffalten,  v.t.  unfold,  open;  fold  up,  fold. 

A u flange-,  collecting. 

Auffangegefass,  n.  collecting  vessel,  receiver. 

auffangen,  v.t.  collect;  intercept;  catch. 

auffarben,  v.t.  dye  anew,  redye. 

Auffarber,  TO.  job  dyer. 

auffasern,  v.t.  separate  into  fibers,  unravel. 

auffassen,  v.t.  conceive,  perceive,  comprehend; 
catch  up. 

Auffassung,  /.  conception;  perception;  compre- 

aufflackern,  v.i.  flare  up. 

aufflammen,  r.?.  flame  up,  blaze,  deflagrate. 

auffliegen,  v.i.  blow  up,  explode;  fly  up,  rise. 

auffliessen,  v.i.  flow  on,  run  on. 

auffordern,  v.t.  summon;  challenge. 

auffressen,  v.t.  corrode;  eat  up. 

auffrischen,  v.t.  freshen  (up),  revive,  renew; 
(Brewing)  change  (steep  water),  refresh 

auffiihren,  v.t.  erect,  raise;  perform;  charge  (in 
an  account),  enter,  note. 

auffullen,  v.t.  fill  up. 

Aufgabe,  /.  task,  problem;  giving  up;  delivery; 

Aufgang,  TO.  rising,  going  up,  ascent;  dis- 

aufgaren,  v.i.  effervesce. 

aufgeben,  v.t.  give  up,  give,  deliver;  charge  (a 
furnace,  or  the  like) ;  propose. 

anfgeblaht,  p.p.  of  aufblahen. 

Aufgebot,  n.  summons;  levy;  bans. 

aufgebracht,  p.p.  of  aufbringen. 

aufgedunsen,  p.a.  swollen. 

aufgehen,  v.i.  go  up,  rise,  swell;  appear;  open, 
come  open;  unfold;  be  spent  or  consumed;  be 
merged;  (of  dyes)  go  on,  be  absorbed;  (of 
plants)  come  up,  shoot;  (Arith.)  leave  no 

Aufgeld,  n.  premium. 

aufgelegt,  p.a.  see  auflegen. 

aufgeschliffen,  p.p.  of  aufschleifen. 

aufgeschlossen,  p.p.  of  aufschliessen. 

aufgesogen,  p.p.  of  aufsaugen. 

aufgeweckt,  p.a*  lively,  clever. 

aufgiessen,  v.t.  infuse;  pour  upon. 

Aufguss,  TO.  infusion. 

Aufgussapparat,  TO.  sparger. 

Aufgussgefass,  n.  infusion  vessel,  digester. 

Aufgusstierchen,  Infusoria. 

Aufgussverfahren,  n.  infusion  process  or 

aufhacken,  v.t.  cut  up,  stir  up. 

aufhalten,  v.t.  hold  up,  support;  stop,  detain, 
obstruct. — v.r.  stop,  stay;  find  fault. 

aufhangen,  v.t.  hang  up,  hang,  suspend. 

Aufhanger,  TO.  hanger,  rack. 

aufheben,  v.t.  lift  up,  raise;  lay  up,  preserve; 
break  up,  abolish;  annul;  seize;  (of  colors) 
compensate,  be  complimentary  to;  reduce  (a 
fraction)  to  lowest  terms. 

aufheitern,  v.t.  &  r.  clear  up,  brighten  up. 

aufhellen,  v.t.  &  r.  clear  up,  clarify,  brighten, 
make  lighter  (in  color). 

aufhoren,  v.i.  stop,  cease,  end;  desist. 

aufklappen,  v.t.  open  (something  leaved,  as  a 

aufklarcn,  v.t.  clear  up;  explain;  enlighten. — 
v.r.  clear  up,  clear. 

aufkochen,  v.t.  &  i.  boil  up,  boil;  boil  again. 

aufkommen,  v.i.  advance;  come  into  use;  come 
up,  get  up. 

aufkratzen,  v.t.  scratch  up,  scratch;  rake,  stir 
(a  fire) ;  dress,  nap  (fabrics) ;  card  (wool) . 

aufkrausen,  v.i.  (Brewing)  form  a  head,  esp. 
curly  head. 

aufkiihlen,  v.t.  (Brewing)  aerate. 

aufkiindigen,  v.t.  give  notice  or  warning  of; 

Auflage,  /.  edition,  impression  (of  a  book); 
duty,  tax;  (Mech.)  rest,  support. 

Auflauf,  TO.  swelling;  puff;  mob,  crowd. 

auflaufen,  v.i.  run  up,  come  up,  rise,  swell.— 
v.t.  feed,  supply  (to  a  furnace,  etc.);  beam, 
wind  up. 

aufleben,  v.i.  revive. 

auflegen,  v.t.  lay  on  or  up;  impose;  print, 
publish. — aufgelegt,  p.a.  disposed,  inclined. 

auflehnen,  v.r.  lean  (upon);  rebel  (against). 

auflesen,  v.t.  pick  up,  gather. 

aufleuchten,  v.i.  light  up,  shine. 

auflockern,  v.t.  loosen  up,  loosen;  relax. 

auflosbar,  a.  soluble. 

Auflosbarkeit, /.  solubility. 

auflosen,  v.t.  dissolve;  loosen,  untie,  undo;  re- 
solve, decompose,  dissipate;  solve. — v.r.  dis- 
solve; deliquesce. — auflosen d,  p.a.  solvent, 

Aufloser,  TO.  dissolver,  etc.  (see  auflosen) ; 
(Paper,  etc.)  mixer. 

aufloslich,  a.  soluble. 

Aufloslichkeit,  /.  solubility. 

Auflosung,  /.  solution;  unloosening,  undoing; 
resolution,  decomposition,  dissolution,  analy- 
sis (as  opposed  to  synthesis);  (of  malt)  mel- 
lowness, friability. 

aufiosungsfahig,  a.  capable  of  solution,  soluble. 

Auflosungsgefass,  n.  dissolving  vessel,  dissolver. 

Auflosungsgrenze,  /.  (Micros.)  limit  of  resolu- 

Aufiosungsmittel,  n.  solvent. 

Auflosungspfanne,  /.  (Sugar)  blow-up  pan, 




Auflosungsvermogen,  n.  solvent  power;  (of  a 

microscope)  resolving  power. 
Auflosungswarme,  /.  heat  of  solution. 
aufloten,  v.L  solder  on;  unsolder. 
aufmachen,  v.t.  open,  undo;  put  up;  make  up. 

— v.r.  prepare;  get  up,  rise. 
Aufmaischen,  n.  second  mashing. 
aufmerksam,  a.  attentive,  observing. 
Aufmerksamkeit,  /.  attention,  attentiveness. 
aufmischen,  v.t.  mix  up. 
Aufnahme,  /.  taking  up;  absorbing;  dissolving; 

admission;  reception;  fashion;  survey  ."sketch; 

taking  (of  photographs);  (photographic)  pic- 
ture, photograph. 

aufnahmefahig,  a\  absorbable;  absorptive. 
Aufnahmckolben,  m.  absorption  flask. 
aufnehmen,   v.t.   take    up;    absorb;     dissolve; 

admit,  receive;  draw,  survey;  take  (a  photo- 
graph); borrow. 
aufnotigen,  v.t.  force  upon, 
aufpassen,  v.t.  fit  on. — v.i.  be  watching. 
aufputzen,  v.t.  trim  up,  clean  up,  decorate. 
aufquellen,  v.i.  swell,  swell  up;   well  up. — v.t. 

cause  to  swell,  swell. 
aufraffen,  v.t.  rake  up,  collect. 
nufraumen,  v.t.    clear   up,   clear   away,    clear, 

open. — aufgeraumt,  p.a.  in  good  spirits. 
aufrecht,  a.  &  adv.  upright,  erect. 
Aufrechthaltung,  /.  maintenance. 
aufregen,  v.t.  excite,  stimulate,  irritate;  agitate, 

rouse,     alarm.  —  aufregend,    p.a.     irritant, 

stimulant;  alarming. 

Aufregungsmittel,  n.  irritant;  stimulant. 
aufrichten,  v.t.  set  up,  raise,  erect;  comfort. 
aufrichtig,  a.  sincere,  genuine. 
Aufriss,  TO.  elevation;  sketch,  design. 
aufrollen,  v.t.  roll  up;  unroll. 
aufrucken,  v.t.  &  i.  move  up,  advance. 
Aufruf,  TO.  call,  summons. 
aufriihren,  v.t.  stir,  stir  up. 
Aufriihrer,  TO.  stirrer;  agitator,  rebel. 
aufsagen,  v.t.  recite;  revoke;  give  warning, 
aufsammeln,  v.t.  collect;  gather. 
aufsassig,  a.  refractory,  hostile. 
Aufsatz,  m.  something  set  on;  attachment;  head, 

headpiece;  neck;  top;  dome;  set  (of  china1*; 

essay,    treatise,    paper;     (Dyeing)    topping; 

(Calico)  cover  print. 
Aufsatzfarbe, /.  (Dyeing)  topping  color, 
aufsaugen,  v.t.  suck  up,  absorb. — aufsaugend, 

p.a.  absorbent. 
Aufsauger,  TO.  absorber. 
Aufsaugung,  /.  absorption;  suction, 
aufschaumen,  v.i.  foam  up,  froth, 
aufschichtcn,    v.t.    pile,     arrange     in     layers, 


Aufschichtung,  /.  stratification. 
aufschieben,  v.t.  put  off;  push  open. 
Aufschlag,  TO.  impact;  increase  (in  price  or  tax) ; 

cuff,  facing;  warp;  bound  (of  a  ball). 

Aufschlagebuch,  n.  reference  book. 

aufschlagen,  v.t.  strike  up  or  open;  open,  un- 
fold; unbung  (casks);  handle  (hides);  setup, 
erect;  raise. — v.r.  spring  up;  strike;  rise  (in 

aufschlammen,  v.t.  suspend,  make  into  a  paste, 
reduce  to  slime. 

aufschleifen,  v.t.  grind  on;  engrave  on. 

aufschlemmen,  v.  =  aufschlammen. 

aufschliessbar,  a.  capable  of  being  decomposed. 

aufschliessen,  v.t.  decompose,  convert  into 
non-refractory  form  (as  silicates  by  fusion 
with  alkali  carbonates);  hydrolyze  (starch); 
unlock,  open;  disclose,  explain. 

Aufschliessung,  /.,  Aufschluss,  m.  decomposi- 
tion, etc.  (see  aufschliessen). 

aufschmelzen,  v.t.  melt  on,  fuse  on;  melt  open 
or  apart. 

aufschneiden,  v.t.  cut  open,  dissect. — v.i.  brag. 

Aufschnitt,  TO.  cutting  open;  cut,  incision; 
sliced  meat. 

aufschrauben,  v.t.  unscrew;  screw  on,  screw  up. 

aufschrecken,  v.t.  startle. 

Aufschrei,  TO.  scream,  shriek. 

aufschreiben,  v.t.  write  down,  record. 

Aufschrift, /.  label,  inscription;  address. 

Aufschub,  TO.  putting  off,  delay. 

aufschiitten,  v.t.  put  on;  lay  up,  store  up. 

aufschweissen,  v.t.  weld  on  or  together. 

aufschwellen,  v.i.  swell  up,  tumefy. 

aufschwemmen,  v.t.  deposit  (silt,  etc.);  float  or 
wash  upon;  bloat. 

Aufsehen,  n.  looking  up;  sensation. 

Aufseher,  TO.  overseer,  inspector,  superin- 

aufsetzbar,  a.  capable  of  being  put  on  (set  up, 
or  drawn  up),  attachable. 

aufsetzen,  v.t.  set  up,  put  up,  erect;  put  on; 
draw  up  (writings);  (Dyeing)  top;  (Calico) 
cover-print. — v.i.  sit  up;  mount. 

Aufsicht,  /.  inspection;  superintendence,  super- 
vision, control. 

aufsieden,  v.t.  boil  again;  boil  out. — v.i.  boil  up. 

Aufsieden,  n.  boiling  up,  ebullition. 

aufspalten,  v.t.  split  (up),  cleave. — v.i.  split, 

Aufspaltung,  /.  splitting  up,  cleavage  (of 

aufspannen,  v.t.  stretch,  spread;  unfold,  spread 

aufspeichern,  v.t.  lay  up,  store. 

aufsperren,  v.t.  open  wide. 

aufsprengcn,  v.t.  blow  up,  blast;  force  open. 

aufspringen,  v.i.  crack,  split;  spring  up, 

aufspritzen,  v.t.  &  i.  squirt  up. 

aufsprudeln,  v.i.  boil  up,  bubble  up,  effervesce. 

aufspunden,  aufspunden,  v.t.  unbung. 

Aufstand,  TO.  revolt,  insurrection. 

aufstapeln,  v.t.  pile,  stack,  store. 

aufstechen,  v.t.  pick  or  pierce  open,  lance;  stir  up. 




aufstehen,  v.i.  stand  up,  rise;  stand  open. 
aufsteigen,  v.i.  rise,  ascend;  swell;  boil;  spit. 
aufstellen,  v.t.  set  up,  erect;  advance,  adduce. 
aufstobern,  v.t.  ferret  out,  discover, 
aufstossen,  v.i.  ferment   anew;    become   acid 

(wine);  chance  (upon). — v.t.  push  up,  push 

aufstreichen,  v.t.  spread  on,  brush  on;    stain 


aufstreuen,  v.t.  sprinkle,  strew. 
Aufstrich,  m.  spreading  or  brushing  on,  coat, 

stain;  up  stroke;  auction. 
aufsuchen,  v.t.  seek  out,  search  for. 
auftauchen,  v.i.  emerge,  spring  up. 
auftauen,  v.i.  thaw,  melt. 
Auftrag,  m.  putting  on,  coating,  coat  (of  color) ; 

order;  commission,  charge. 
auftragen,  v.t.  lay  on,  apply;  charge  (a  furnace); 

order;  serve  up;  (Geom.)  protract, 
auftreffen,  v.i.  strike  (against). 
auftreiben,  v.t.  sublime;  blow,  blow  up  (glass) ; 

drive  up;  beat  out;  procure. 
auftrennen,  v.t.  sever,  rip  up,  rip  open, 
auftreten,  v.i.  enter,  appear,  come  forth;  step: 


Auftreten,  n.  entrance,  appearance;  behavior. 
Auftrieb,  m.  buoyancy. 

Auftritt,  m.  entrance,  appearance;  step;  scene. 
auftrocknen,v.<.  dry  up,  dry. — v.i.  dry  up,  dry  on. 
auftun,  v.t.  open,  disclose. — v.r.  become  visible, 
aufwallen,  v.i.  bubble  up,  bubble,  boil  up,  boil. 
Aufwallung,  /.  bubbling,  ebullition,  efferves- 

Aufwand,  TO.  expenditure;  expense;  display, 
aufwarmen,  v.t.  warm  up,  warm  (again). 
aufwarten,  v.t.  wait  on,  pay  respects  to. 
Aufwarter,  TO.  waiter,  attendant. 
aufwarts,  adv.  upward, 
aufwaschen,  v.t.  wash,  cleanse,  scour, 
aufweichen,   v.t.   moisten,   wet,   soak;    soften; 

temper     (colors). — v.i.    soak;    soften. — auf- 

weichend,  p.a.  emollient. 
aufweisen,  v.t.  show,  produce, 
aufwenden,  v.t.  employ,  devote,  spend. 
aufwerfen,  v.t.  throw  up,  turn  up;  dig  (a  ditch); 

fling  open. 

aufwickeln,  v.t.  wind  up,  wrap  up;  unwind,  un- 

aufwiegen,  v.t.  counterbalance;  outweigh. 
aufzahlen,  v.t.  count  up,  count;  pay  down. 
aufzehren,  v.t.  absorb;  eat  up,  consume. 
Aufzehrung,  /.  absorption;  consumption. 
aufziehen,  v.t.  draw  up,  raise  up;  wind  up;  open; 

loosen;  raise,  cultivate;  rouse,  agitate  (yeast) ; 

educate;  mount. — v.i.  appear;  (of  dyes)  go  on, 

be  absorbed. 

Aufziehkriicke,  /.  (Brewing)  rouser. 
Aufzug,  m.  elevator,  crane,  hoist;  drawing  up; 

parade;  act  (of  a  play). 
Augapfel,  TO.  eyeball,  apple  of  the  eye. 

Auge,  n.  eye;  bubble  (in  liquids,  bread,  etc.); 

luster  (on  fabrics);  (Bot.)  bud,  eye. 
Augenachat,  TO.  (Min.)  cat's-eye. 
Augenblick,  m.  moment,  instant. 
augenblicklich,  a.  instantaneous;   momentary, 


Augenbraue,  /.  eyebrow. 
Augenfeld,  n.  field  of  vision. 
Augenfliissigkeit,/.  (glasartige)  vitreous  humor; 

(wasserartige)  aqueous  humor. 
Augenhohle,  /.  eye-socket,  orbit. 
Augenhohlen-.  orbital. 
Augenkammerwasser,  n.  aqueous  humor. 
Augenlicht,  n.  eyesight. 
Augenlid,  n.  eyelid. 

Augenlinse,  /.  crystalline  lens;  eye  lens,  eye- 

Augenmarmor,  TO.  eye-spotted  marble. 
Augenmerk,  n.  object  in  view,  aim. 
Augenpinsel,   m.   eye    brush     (a    small,    soft, 

camel's-hair  brush). 

Augenpunkt,  TO.  point  of  sight,  visual  point. 
Augenring,  m.  iris. 

Augenschein,  m.  appearance;  inspection. 
augenscheinlich,  a.  apparent,  evident. 
Augenschwarz,  n.  retinal  pigment. 
Augenstein,  TO.  white  vitriol,  zinc  sulfate;  a 

variety  of  chalcedony;  lacrimal  calculus. 
Augenstern,  TO.  pupil  (of  the  eye). 
Augentauschung,  /.  optical  illusion. 
Augentrost,  TO.  eyebright  (Euphrasia  officinalis) 
Augenwimper,  /.  eyelash. 
Augenwurzel,   /.    dandelion;    wood    anemone; 

mountain  parsley. 
augitartig,  augitisch,  a.  augitic. 
Auri-.  auric,  auri-. 
Aurichlorid,  n.  auric  chloride. 
Auripigment,  n.  orpiment. 
Auri verbindung,  /.  auric  compound. 
Auro-.  aurous,  auro-. 
Aurochlorid,  n.  aurous  chloride. 
Aurochlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  chloraurous  acid, 


Aurokaliumcyanid,  n.  potassium  aurocyanide. 
Auroverbindung,  /.  aurous  compound, 
aus,  prep,  out  of,  from,  away  from. — adv.  & 

prefix,  out,  forth;  over,  done;  in  front. 
ausarbeiten,  v.t.  work  out,  prepare,  finish  off, 

finish,  perfect,  elaborate, 
ausarten,  v.i.  degenerate. 
ausathern,  v.t.  extract  with  ether. 
ausatmen,  v.t.  breathe  out,  exhale. 
Ausatmungsluft,  /.  exhaled  air. 
ausatzen,  v.t.   cauterize;  destroy  by  caustics; 

discharge  (colors). 

ausbauchen,  v.t.  &  i.  bulge,  swell,  hollow  out. 
ausbcdingen,  v.t.  stipulate,  reserve. 
ausbessern,  v.t.  mend,  repair. 
ausbeulen,  v.t.  swell  out,  round  out. 
Ausbeute,/.  yield;  crop;  output;  gain,  profit. 


ausbeuten,  v.t.  make  the  best  of,  turn  to  ac- 
count; exploit;  (Agric.)  cultivate;  (Mining) 
work,  win. 

ausbiegen,  v.t.  &  i.  turn  out,  bend  out. 

ausbilden,  v.t.  &  i.  form;  develop,  improve, 

Ausbildung,  /.  formation,  etc.   (see  ausbilden). 

ausbitten,  v.t.  request,  insist  upon,  invite. 

Ausblasedampf,  m.  exhaust  steam. 

Ausblasehahn,  m.  blow-off  cock;  drain  cock. 

ausblasen,  v.t.  blow  out;  blow  off,  stop  (a  blast 
furnace) ,  exhaust  (steam) . — ausgeblasen, 
p.a.  blown  out,  etc.;  exhaust  (steam). 

ausbleichen,  v.t.  bleach  out. — v.i.  fade. 

Ausbleichung,  /.  fading;  bleaching  out,  bleach- 

ausbleien,  v.t.  line  with  lead. 

ausbliihen,  v.i.  effloresce;  cease  blooming. 

Ausbluhung,  /.  efflorescence. 

ausbohren,  v.t.  bore  out,  drill. 

ausbrechen,  v.t.  break  out,  take  out;  quarry 
(stone);  work  (a  lode);  cut  off,  prune;  vomit. 
— v.i.  break  out,  break  off;  occur. 

ausbreiten,  v.t.  &  r.  spread  out,  spread,  extend; 
diffuse;  floor  (grain,  etc.). 

ausbrennen,  v.t.  burn  out;  cleanse  by  burning; 
bake  (bricks);  (Med.)  cauterize. — v.i.  burn 

ausbringen,  v.t.  yield,  produce;  bring  out,  take 

Ausbruch,  m.  wine  of  the  first  press;  outburst, 
outbreak,  explosion,  eruption. 

ausbriihen,  v.t.  scald,  parboil. 

ausdampfen,  v.i.  evaporate;  cease  steaming. 

ausdampfen,  v.t.  steam,  clean  with  steam; 
evaporate;  smoke  out. 

Ausdauer,  /.  endurance,  continuance,  persever- 

ausdecken,  v.t.  cleanse,  wash. 

ausdehnbar,  a.  expansible;  extensible,  ductile. 

Ausdehnbarkeit,  /.  expansibility;  extensibility. 

ausdehnen,  v.t.,  r.  &  i.  expand;  stretch,  extend, 
distend,  dilate;  spread  (gold). 

ausdehnsam,  a.  =  ausdehnbar. 

Ausdehnsamkeit, /.  =  Ausdehnbarkeit. 

Ausdehnung,  /.  expansion;  spread,  extent:  ex- 
tension, dilatation,  distention;  (Math.)  dimen- 

Ausdehnungsvermogen,  n.  expansibility;  ex- 
tensibility; dilatability. 

ausdenken,  v.t.  think  out,  devise,  conceive. 

ausdeuten,  v.t.  interpret. 

Ausdruck,  m.  expression. 

ausdrucken,  v.t.  finish  printing;  print  in  full; 
use  up  in  printing. 

ausdrucken,  v.t.  express;  press  out,  squeeze 

ausdriicklich,  a.  express,  explicit;  intentional. 

ausdruckslos,  a.  expressionless. 

ausdunnen,  v.t.  thin  out,  thin. 



Ausdunst,  m.  evaporation,  exhalation. 

ausdiinsten,  ausdunsten,  v.i.  evaporate;  trans- 
pire; perspire. — v.t.  exhale. 

Ausdiinstung,  /.  evaporation;  exhalation;  tran- 
spiration; perspiration. 

Ausdiinstungsmesser,  m.  atmometer. 

auseinander,  adv.  apart,  asunder,  separately. 

auseinanderfahren,  v.i.  diverge,  go  apart; 
break  up. 

auseinanderfalten,  v.t.  unfold,  open  out. 

auseinandergehen,  v.i.  fall  apart,  break  up; 

auseinanderreissen,  v.t.  tear  apart,  disrupt. 

auseinandersetzen,  v.t.  explain,  set  forth;  put 
or  set  apart. 

auserkoren,  p.a.  chosen,  selected. 

auserlesen,  p.a.  select;  exquisite. 

ausersehen,  v.t.  mark  out,  choose. 

ausfahren,  v.i.  drive  out;  go  out;  break  out. 
— v.t.  export. 

Ausfall,  m.  precipitation,  precipitate;  falling 
out  or  off;  deficiency,  deficit;  result;  sortie, 

ausfallen,  v.i.  precipitate,  deposit;  fall  or  come 
out;  result;  be  omitted. 

ausfallen,  v.t.  precipitate. 

Ausfallung,  /.  precipitation. 

Ausfallwinkel,  m.  angle  of  reflection. 

ausfarben,  v.t.  finish  dyeing,  dye  (completely); 
extract  the  color  from. 

Ausfarbvorrichtung,  /.  color  extractor. 

ausfertigen,  v.t.  make  out,  draw  up,  make 
ready,  despatch. 

ausfetten,  v.t.  deprive  of  fat  or  grease,  scour 

ausfeuern,  v.t.  burn  out  (casks) ;  warm  (a  room). 

ausfindig  machen.  find  out. 

ausfleischen,  v.t.  flesh  (hides). 

ausfliessen,  v.i.  flow  or  issue  out;  discharge; 

ausflocken,  v.i.  separate  in  flakes  or  flocks. 

Ausflucht, /.  evasion;  subterfuge. 

Ausflug,  TO.  flight;  excursion. 

Ausfluss,  m..  outflow,  efflux;  effluent;  discharge; 
emanation;  secretion;  outlet,  mouth. 

Ausflussrohre,  /.  outflow  tube  or  pipe,  discharge 

ausfolgen,  v.t.  deliver  up. 

ausformen,  v.t.  shape  out,  perfect;  form; 
develop,  improve. 

ausforschen,  v.t.  search  out,  investigate. 

ausfragen,  v.t.  question,  examine. 

ausfrasen,  v.t.  countersink;  bead  (a  border). 

ausfrieren,  v.t.  freeze  out;  concentrate  by  freez- 
ing; freeze  thoroly. — v.i.  freeze  up;  deterio- 
rate thru  freezing;  cease  freezing. 

Ausfuhr,  /.  export,  exportation. 

ausfuhrbar.  a.  practicable,  feasible;  exportable. 

ausfiihren,  v.t.  carry  out,  perform;  erect;  clean, 
purge;  export;  lead  out. 




ausfiihrlich,  a.  full,  complete,  detailed. 
Ausfiihrung,  /.  carrying  out,  performance,  ex- 
ecution; erection;  excretion;  model,  pattern. 
Ausfiihrungsmittel,  n.  purgative. 
ausfullen,  v.t.  fill,  fill  up,  fill  out;  empty. 
Ausf ullmasse,  Ausfullungsmasse,  /.  filling  (for 


ausfuttern,  v.t.  line. 
ausfuttern,  v.t.  line;  feed,  fatten. 
Ausf  iitterung,  /.  lining. 
Ausgabe,    /.    expense,     expenditure;     edition; 

issue;  distribution. 
ausgahren,  v.i.  =ausgaren. 
Ausgang,  m.  starting  out,  going  out,  departure; 
outlet,  egress;  ending,  end;  result;  exporta- 

Ausgangs-.  starting,  initial;  outlet;  export. 
Ausgangsmaterial,  n.  initial  material,  starting 

material,  raw  material. 
Ausgangsprodukt,    n.    starting     product,    raw 


Ausgangspunkt,  m.  starting  point. 
Ausgangsrohre,   /.    Outlet    pipe,    waste    pipe, 

eduction  pipe. 
Ausgangsstoff,  TO.  initial  substance  or  material, 

starting  material. 

ausgaren,  v.i.  ferment  sufficiently;  cease  fer- 
menting; rise  (from  fermentation). — v.t. 
throw  off  (by  fermentation);  weld  (steel). 
ausgeben,  v.t.  yield,  produce;  give  out;  spend; 
edit;  publish;  issue. — v.i.  (of  slaking  lime) 

ausgeblasen,  p.a.  (see  ausblasen). 
ausgehen,  v.i.  go  out;  proceed,  emanate;  come 
off    or    out,    fade;    fail;    (Baking)    ferment; 
(Mining)    crop   out. — ausgehend,   p.a.   out- 
going; export. 

ausgekocht,  p.a.  see  auskochen. 
ausgelassen,  p.a.  see  auslassen. 
ausgemacht,  p.a.  see  ausmachen. 
ausgenommen,  prep,  except. 
ausgepragt,  p.a.  marked,  decided, 
ausgerben,  v.t.  tan  fully;  weld  (steel). 
ausgesprochen,  p.a.  see  aussprechen. 
ausgesucht,  p.a.  see  aussuchen. 
ausgewachsen,  p.a.  see  auswachsen. 
ausgewogen,  p.p.  of  auswagen. 
ausgezeichnet,  p.a.  see  auszeichnen. 
ausgezogen,  p.p.  of  ausziehen. 
ausgiebig,  a.  productive,  fertile,  abundant. 
Ausgiebigkeit,     /.     productiveness,     fertility, 

abundance;  (of  a  dye)  yield,  strength. 
ausgiessen,  v.t.  pour  out,  run  out;  fill  up  by 

pouring;  put  out  (fire). 
Ausgicssung,  /.  effusion;  pouring  out,  etc.  (see 

Ausgleich,  TO.  =Ausgleichung. 

ausgleichen,  v.t.  equalize,  adjust;  compensate; 
balance;  level;  settle. — ausgleichende  Farbe, 
compensation  or  complementary  color. 

Ausgleichung,  /.   equalization,   etc.    (see    aus- 

ausgleiten,  v.i.  slip;  glide  out. 
ausgliihen,  v.t.  glow  (thoroly),  ignite;  anneal. 

— v.i.  cease  glowing. 

Ausgliiher,  m.  annealer;  (Minting)  blancher. 
ausgraben,  v.t.  dig  out,  dig,  excavate,  exhume; 

Ausguss,   TO.   lip;   spout;    outlet,    drain,   sink; 

pouring  out,  delivery;  effusion. 
Ausgusspfanne,  /.  mold  (for  mgots). 
Ausgussrdhre,  /.  drain  tube  or  pipe,  waste  pipe. 
Ausgusswasser,  n.  waste  water. 
aushalten,  v.t.   endure,   stand;    (Mining)   pick 

out,  sort. — v.i.  hold  out,  last. 
aushandigen,  v.t.  hand  over. 
Aushang,  TO.  placard,  poster. 
Aushangebogen,  TO.  proof  sheet. 
Aushangeschild,  n.  sign-board,  sign. 
ausharren,  v.i.  persevere. 
ausharzen,  v.i.  exude  resinous  matter;  (Leather) 

ausheben,  v.t.  draw  out,  lift  out,  select;  levy; 


aushecken,  v.t.  hatch. 
aushohlen,  v.t.  hollow  out,  excavate, 
aushulsen,  v.t.  husk,  shell,  peel. 
auskeimen,  v.i.  germinate;  cease  germinating. 
auskitten,  v.t.  fill  with  cement,  cement. 
auskleiden,  v.t.  line  (as  an  oven) ;  undress. 
auskochen,  v.t.  boil  out,  boil,  decoct;  extract 
by  boiling;   clean   by  boiling,   scour,  buck. 
— ausgekocht,    p.a.    extracted,    etc.;    spent 
(hops). — auskochender  Sprengschuss,  blown- 
out  shot. 

Auskocher,  TO.  boiler;  bucking  keir. 
auskommen,  v.i.  come  out,  get  out;  manage, 

get  on. 
auskornen,  v.t.  free  from  grains;  thresh  (grain); 

gin  (cotton). 

auskratzen,  v.t.  scratch  out,  scrape  out,  rake  out. 
auskristallisieren,    v.t.    &    i.    crystallize    out, 


auskriicken,  v.t.  rake  out. 
auskrystallisieren.    =  auskristallisieren. 
auskiihlen,  v.i.  cool  thoroly. 
Auskunft,  /.  information;  resource. 
Auskunftsmittel,  n.  expedient,  resort. 
auslachen,  v.t.  laugh  at,  deride. 
Auslage,  /.    outlay,    expense;    display;    show 

Ausland,  n.  foreign  country. — im  Ausland,  ins 

Ausiand,  abroad. 
auslandisch,  a.  foreign;  exotic, 
auslassen,  v.t.  let  out,  emit,  discharge;  exhaust 
(steam);   melt,  render;  leave  out. — v.r.  ex- 
press oneself. — ausgelassen,  p.a.  let  out,  etc.; 
extravagant,  wanton. 

Auslassrohre,  /.  outlet  tube  or  pipe,  discharge 


Auslassventil,  n.  escape  valve,  delivery  valve. 

Auslauf,  m.  outlet,  mouth;  running  out;  leak- 

auslaufen,  v.i.  run  out,  discharge;  leak  out, 
leak;  blot;  (of  colors)  run,  bleed;  project; 
put  to  sea. 

Auslaufspitze, /.  discharge  tip  (as  of  a  buret). 

auslaugen,  v.t.  leach  out,  leach,  lixiviate,  ex- 
tract; wash  out,  wash;  steep  or  wash  in  lye, 

ausleeren,  vJ.  empty  out,  empty,  evacuate, 

auslegen,  v.t.  lay  out;  exhibit;  inlay,  veneer; 

Auslese, /.  selection;  choice  wine. 

auslesen,  v.t.  pick  out,  select,  sort;  read  thru. 

Auslieferung,  /.  delivery,  giving  up. 

ausloschen,  v.t.  extinguish;  blot  out. 

auslosen,  v.t.  dissolve  out;  release;  liberate; 

Auslosung,  /.  dissolving  out,  etc.  (see  aus- 
losen); release  (of  a  balance). 

ausliiften,  v.t.  ventilate,  air. 

ausmachen,  v.t.  take  out,  put  out;  shell;  gut; 
end,  settle;  find  out;  matter,  amount  to; 
constitute. — ausmachend,  p.a.  constituent, 
essential. — ausgemacht,  p.a.  certain;  thoro. 

ausmalen,  v.t.  paint,  color;  describe. 

ausmergeln,  v.t.  exhaust. 

ausmessen,  v.t.  measure  out,  gage. 

ausmitteln,  v.t.  ascertain. 

Ausmii ndung,  /.  orifice,  outlet. 

Ausnahme,  /.  exception. 

ausnahmelos,  ausnahmslos,  a.  without  ex- 

ausnahmsweise,  adv.  exceptionally. 

ausnehmen,  v.t.  take  out,  draw;  except,  exclude; 
choose. — v.r.  look,  appear. — ausnehmend, 
p.a.  exceptional,  uncommon,  exceeding. 

ausnehmend,  adv.  exceedingly. 

ausnutzen,  v.t.  use  up,  exhaust,  work  out;  util- 
ize, make  the  most  of,  turn  to  profit. 

Ausnutzung,  /.  using  up,  etc.  (see  ausnutzen) ; 

ausolen,  v.t.  oil. 

auspichen,  v.t.  pitch. 

auspinseln,  v.t.  paint  or  apply  with  a  brush. 

auspressen,  v.t.  press  out,  press,  express. 

ausproben,  ausprobieren,  v.t.  try,  try  out,  test 

Auspuff,  m.  (Mack.)  exhaust,  escape. 

Auspuffhub,  TO.  exhaust  stroke. 

Auspuffventil,  n.  exhaust  valve. 

auspumpen,  v.t.  pump  out,  exhaust. 

ausputzen,  v.t.  clean  out,  clean,  polish;  dress 

ausquetschen,  v.t.  squeeze  out,  crush  out,  wring 

ausradieren,  v.t.  erase. 

ausrauchern,  v.t.  fumigate;  smoke,  smoke  out. 

7  Ausschlageisen 

ausraumen,  v.t.  clear  out,  clean  out,  remove. 

ausrechnen,  v.t.  calculate,  compute. 

Ausrede,  /.  evasion,  excuse;  utterance. 

ausreden,  v.t.  utter;  dissuade. — v.i.  finish  speak- 
ing.— v.r.  excuse  oneself. 

ausreiben,  v.t.  rub  out,  scrape,  scour,  cleanse. 

ausreichen,  v.i.  suffice. — v.t.  seize. 

ausreinigen,  v.t.  clean  out,  clean  thoroly,  purge. 

ausreissen,  v.t.  pull  out,  tear  out. — v.i.  run 

ausrenken,  v.t.  sprain;  dislocate. 

ausrichten,  v.t.  straighten;  give;  perform,  do; 
(Mining)  discover,  explore. 

ausringen,  v.t.  wring  out,  squeeze  out. 

ausrbtten,  v.t.  root  up,  exterminate. 

ausriicken,  v.t.  disengage,  ungear. — v.i.  march 

Ausriicker,  m.  disengaging  gear. 

ausrufen,  v.t.  &  i.  cry  out,  call  out. 

Ausrufung,  /.  Crying  out,  exclamation;  pro- 

ausriisten,  fit  out,  equip,  supply;  finish  (cloth). 

Ausriistung,  /.  equipment,  outfit. 

aussagen,  v.t.  express,  assert,  affirm,  state. 

aussaigern,  v.t.  =ausseigern. 

aussalzbar,  a.  capable  of  being  salted  out. 

aussalzen,  v.t.  salt  out,  separate  by  addition  of 
salt;  (Soap)  grain. 

Aussatz,  TO.  display  (of  wares);  leprosy;  scurf. 

aussauern,  v.t.  deprive  of  acid,  deacidify. 

aussaugen,  v.t.  suck  out,  suck  dry,  drain,  ex- 

ausschalten,  v.t.  cut  out,  switch  out,  take  out. 

Ausschalter,  TO.  (Elec.)  cut-out,  circuit  breaker. 

Ausschank,  m.  retailing  (of  liquor);  public 

ausscharfen,  v.t.  neutralize,  deaden,  dull 

ausscheiden,  v.t.  separate;  set  free,  liberate, 
eliminate,  precipitate,  extract;  secrete,  ex- 
crete; sort. 

Ausscheidung,  /.  separation,  etc.  (see  aus- 

Ausscheidungsmittel,  n.  separating  agent;  pre- 

ausschenken,  v.t.  pour  out;  sell  (liquors)  by 

ausschiessen,  v.t.  cast  out,  reject;  discharge; 
shoot  out. — v.i.  shoot  up. 

ausschirren,  v.t.  ungear;  unharness. 

ausschlacken,  v.t.  clear  of  dross. 

Ausschlag,  TO.  throwing  out,  removal;  throw 
(of  the  pointer  of  a  balance  or  a  galva- 
nometer); exudation,  scum,  efflorescence; 
sprout,  shoot;  breaking  out,  eruption;  lining, 
trimming;  turning  of  the  scale,  result; 
(Brewing)  run  of  wort  from  the  kettle. 

Ausschlagbiitte,  /.  (Brewing)  underback. 

Ausschlageisen,  n.  punch;  piercer;  tool  for 
pounding  ore. 


ausschlagen,  v.t.  knock,  throw,  or  punch  out, 
remove;  express  (oils,  etc.);  turn  out  (wort) 
from  the  kettle;  flatten,  planish;  line,  cover; 
stretch;  refuse. — v.i.  break  out;  effloresce; 
(of  a  balance  beam)  turn;  bud;  strike  out; 
turn  out,  prove;  (Leather)  spew. 

ausschlaggebend,  a.  decisive. 

Ausschlagwiirze,  /.  finished  wort. 

ausschlammen,  v.t.  wash  out,  cleanse  (from 

ausschleifen,  v.t.  grind,  whet;  (Soap)  grain. 

ausschleudern,  v.t.  expel  by  centrifugal  force, 
centrifuge,  spin  out;  hydro-extract  (yarns, 

ausschliessen,  v.t.  .shut  out,  exclude;  except. 

ausschliesslich,  a.  exclusive;  exceptional. 

Ausschluss,  m.  exclusion;  exception. 

ausschmelzen,  v.t.  melt  out,  render;  (of  metals) 
liquate;  melt,  fuse;  purify  by  melting. — v.i. 
melt  out;  cease  melting. 

ausschmieren,  v.t.  smear;  copy,  plagiarize. 

ausschneiden,  v.t.  cut  out,  excise;  prune;  retail. 

Ausschnitt,  TO.  cutting  out,  cut;  notch;  sector; 

ausschopfen,  v.t.  scoop  out,  ladle  out;  drain. 

ausschreibcn,  v.t.  write  out,  write  in  full;  copy; 
summon;  appoint,  impose. 

Ausschreitung,  /.  excess. 

Ausschuss,  m.  refuse,  waste;  culls;  select;  com- 

ausschiitteln,  v.t.  shake  out,  shake,  agitate. 

ausschwefeln,  v.t.  fumigate  with  sulfur. 

ausschweifend,  p.a.  excessive;  dissolute. 

ausschweissen,  v.t.  weld  out,  cleanse  (iron)  by 
welding;  bleed. 

ausschwemmen,  v.t.  wash  out,  flush;  rinse. 

ausschwenken,  v.t.  whirl,  centrifuge,  hydro- 

Ausschwenkmaschine,  /.  centrifugal,  hydro-ex- 

ausschwirren,  v.t.  whiz,  hydro-extract. 

ausschwitzen,  v.t.  &  i.  exude;  sweat. 

aussehen,  v.i.  look,  appear;  look  out. 

Aussehen,  n.  appearance. 

ausseigern,  v.t.  liquate,  separate  by  liquation. 

Ausseigerung,  /.  liquation,  eliquation. 

aussen,  adv.  out,  outside,  outward;  abroad. 

aussenden,  v.t.  emit,  send  out. 

Aussenflache,  /.  outer  surface. 

Aussenleitung,  /.  (Brewing  &  Elec.)  outer  cir- 

Aussenwelt,  /.  external  world. 

ausser,  prep,  out  of;  except;  beside. — conj.  ex- 
cept, unless. 

ausser,  a.  outer,  outward,  exterior,  external. 

ausser dem,  adv.  besides,  moreover. 

Aussere,  n.  exterior,  outside;  external  appear- 

aussergewohnlich,  a.  extraordinary,  unusual. 

ausserhalb,  adv.  &  prep,  outside,  beyond. 



aussern,  v.t.  utter,  express,  manifest, 
ausserordentlich,    a.    extraordinary,    unusual. 

— adv.  exceedingly,  unusually, 
ausser  st,   a.  utmost,  extreme;  outmost. — adv. 

extremely,  utterly. 

Ausserung,   /.    manifestation,    expression,    ut- 
aussetzen,  v.t.  set  out,  put  out,  expose;  suspend, 

put  off;  line,  face;  censure. — v.i.  crop  out; 

stop,  pause. 

Aussicht,  /.  outlook,  view,  prospect, 
aussichtsreich,  a.  promising, 
aussickern,  v.i.  trickle  (or  ooze)  out,  percolate; 

cease  trickling. 

aussieden,  v.t.  boil  out,  boil;  blanch  (silver). 
aussinnen,  v.t.  contrive,  invent. 
aussoggen,  v.t.  &  i.  =  soggen. 
aussohnen,  v.t.  reconcile;  expiate, 
aussondern,  v.t.  separate;  secrete,  excrete;  sort; 

ausspannen,  v.t.  stretch,  spread;  tenter;  slacken; 

unharness;  carry  off. 
Aussprache,  /.  pronunciation. 
aussprechen,  v.t.  pronounce;  express,  declare; 

speak  out. — ausgesprochen,  p.a.  pronounced, 

aussprengen,  v.t.  blast;  sprinkle  (water);  noise 

ausspringen,  v.i.  spring  out,  spring  off,  fly  off, 

crack;  project. — ausspringend,  p.a.  salient, 
ausspritzen,  v.t.  spurt  out,  squirt  out;  wash  by 

squirting;  inject. 

Ausspruch,  TO.  utterance,  saying;  decision. 
Aussprungswinkel,  TO.  angle  of  reflection. 
ausspiilen,  v.t.  wash  out,  wash,  rinse  out,  rinse; 


Ausstand,  TO.  strike;  (pi.)  arrears, 
ausstatten,  v.t.  furnish,  supply;  get  up,  fit  out; 

Ausstattung,/.  fitting,  equipment,  outfit ;  get-up ; 


ausstauben,  v.t.  dust,  winnow, 
ausstechen,  v.t.  dig  out,  cut  out,   pierce;  en- 
ausstehen,  v.t.  stand,  endure. — v.i.  stand  out; 

be  owing;  strike. 
ausstellen,  v.t.  put  out;  lay  out,  exhibit;  draw 

up;  censure. 
Ausstellung,  /.  putting  out;  exhibition,  show; 

display;  censure. 
Ausstellungsglas,    n.    display    glass,    specimen 

jar  (or  tube). 

Ausstich,  m.  choicest  wine, 
ausstopfen,  v.t.  stuff. 
Ausstoss,  TO.  expulsion,  etc.  (see   ausstossen); 

retailing  (of  liquors) ;  (Brewing)  output, 
ausstossen,  v.t.  throw  out,  thrust  out;  expel, 

eject,  eliminate,  discharge,  emit;  flesh  (hides); 

utter.— v.i.  burst  forth;  froth  out;  (of  liquids) 

work  out. 




Ausstossladung,  /.  bursting  charge. 

Ausstosssystem,  n.  (Brewing)  cleansing  system. 

Ausstossung,  /.  expulsion,  etc.  (see  ausstossen) . 

ausstrahlen,  v.t.  &  i.  radiate,  emit  or  be  emitted. 

Ausstrahlung,  /.  radiation. 

ausstrecken,  v.t.  stretch,  spread. 

Ausstrich,  m.  stream  tin  (granular  cassiterite) ; 
blotting  out. 

ausstromen,  v.i.  emanate,  escape,  stream  out, 
flow  out. 

Ausstromung,  /.  emanation,  effusion,  escape, 
efflux,  effluence,  flow. 

Ausstrdmungsrohc,  n.  delivery  pipe  or  tube. 

aussuchen,  v.t.  search  out,  select,  choose,  sort. 
— ausgesucht,  p.a.  picked,  exquisite. 

aussiissen,  v.t.  wash  (a  precipitate),  edulcorate; 
sweeten;  (Brewing)  sparge. 

Aussiissglas,  n.  wash  bottle  (for  washing  pre- 

Aussiisspumpe,  /.  leaching  pump. 

Aussiissrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  washing  tube. 

Aussiissvorrichtung,  /.  wash  bottle  (for  pre- 
cipitates) ;  sparger. 

austarieren,  v.t.  tare. 

Austausch,  TO.  exchange,  interchange;  barter. 

austauschbar,  a.  exchangeable,  interchange- 

austauschen,  v.t.  exchange,  interchange;  barter. 

austeeren,  v.t.  tar. 

austeilen,  v.t.  distribute. 

Auster,  /.  oyster. 

Austrag,  m.  decision,  issue. 

austrage.i,  v.t.  deliver;  distribute;  carry  out; 
decide;  report. — v.i.  amount;  cease  bearing. 

austreiben,  v.t.  expel,  drive  out,  drive  off; 
separate,  set  free;  eject. 

austreten,  v.i.  step  out,  go  out,  leave,  retire; 
(Optics)  emerge;  (Med.)  protrude, extravasate. 

Austria,  m.  stepping  out,  etc.  (see  austreten); 
effusion  (of  blood);  emergence  (of  rays); 
landing,  balcony,  antechamber. 

austrocknen,  v.t.  &  i.  dry  up,  dry,  desiccate; 
drain;  season  (wood). 

Austrockner,  m.  desiccator. 

austropfeln,  austropfen,  v.t.  drop  out,  drip  out; 
cease  dropping  or  dripping. 

ausiiben,  v.t.  exert;  practise,  carry  on;  execute. 

auswachsen,  v.i.  grow  out;  germinate,  sprout; 
grow  up;  grow  together. — ausgewachsen, 
pta.  grown  out,  etc.;  full-grown. 

auswagen,  v.t.  weigh  out;  calibrate  by  weighing. 

Auswahl,  /.  choice,  selection. 

auswahlen,  v.t.  choose,  select. 

auswalzen,  v.t.  roll  out. 

auswandern,  v.i.  emigrate. 

auswarmen,  v.t.  (Metal.)  anneal. 

Auswarmofen,  TO.  annealing  furnace. 

auswarts,  adv.  outward,  without,  abroad. 

auswaschen,  v.t.  wash  out,  wash,  rinse;  scour 

Auswaschfiasche,  /.  wash  bottle. 

auswassern,  v.t.  soak;  water. — v.i.  be  soaked. 

auswechselbar,  a.  exchangeable. 

auswechseln,  v.t.  exchange. 

ausweichen,  v.i.  turn  out,  turn  aside;  shirk. — 
v.t.  soften  out,  detach  by  soaking;  soak; 
evade. — ausweichend,  p.a.  evasive,  elusive. 

ausweiden,  v.t.  eviscerate,  draw. 

ausweisen,  v.t.  prove;  turn  out,  expel;  banish. 

auswendig,  a.  outer,  exterior. — adv.  by  heart. 

auswerfen,  v.t.  throw  out,  eject,  discharge; 

Auswertung,  /.  valuation,  value. 

auswettern,  v.t.  weather. 

auswinden,  v.t.  wring  out,  wrench  out;  unscrew. 

auswintern,  v.t.  weather;  keep  thru  the  winter. 

auswirken,  v.t.  work  out;  take  out  (salt  from  the 
pans);  knead  (dough);  procure. 

aus  witter  n,  v.i.  effloresce;  weather;  (of  timber) 
season. — v.t.  weather,  season;  get  scent  of. 

Auswitterung,  /.  efflorescence;  weathering; 
seasoning  (of  timber). 

Auswuchs,  TO.  outgrowth,  excrescence;  germina- 

Auswurf,  TO.  throwing  out,  discharge;  expectora- 
tion; excretion;  refuse,  trash. 

Auswurfstoffe,  excretions,  excrement. 

auszacken,  v.t.  indent,  notch,  jag. 

Auszehrung,  /.  consumption. 

auszeichnen,  v.t.  mark  out,  distinguish.  — 
ausgezeichnet,  p.a.  excellent,  distinguished. 

Auszeichnung,  /.  distinction;  label,  mark. 

ausziehbar,  a.  capable  of  being  extracted,  etc. 
(see  ausziehen). 

ausziehen,  v.t.  extract;  exhaust  (drugs,  etc.); 
draw  out,  draw,  pull  out;  fade  (colors); 
abstract;  pull  off,  undress; /stretch,  extend. 
— v.r.  stretch,  extend. — v.i.  move. — ausgezo- 
gen,  p.a.  extracted,  etc.;  (of  a  line)  solid  (not 
broken  or  dotted). 

Ausziehtisch,  m.  extension  table. 

Ausziehung,  /.  extraction;  undressing. 

Auszug,  TO.  extract;  essence,  tincture,  infusion, 
decoction  (according  to  circumstances);  re- 
moval, exodus;  drawer;  abstract;  bill,  note; 
(Milling)  superfine  flour. 

Auszugmehl,  n.  superfine  flour. 

autogen,  a.  autogenic,  autogenous. 

Autokatalysator,  m.  autocatalyzer. 

Autokatalyse,  /.  autocatalysis. 

autokatalytisch,  a.  autocatalytic. 

Autoklav,  TO.  autoclave. 

Autolyse,  /.  autolysis. 

automatisch,  a.  automatic. 

Autor,  TO.  author. 

Autoracemisierung,  /.  autoracemization. 

Autorenregister,  n.  author  index. 

autorisieren,  v.t.  authorize. 

Autoritat,  /.  authority. 

autoxydable,  a.  autoxidizable. 


Avivage,  /.  reviving,  etc.  (see  avivieren). 
avivierecht,  o.  unaffected  by  brightening. 
avivieren,  v.t.  revive,  restore;  (Dyeing)  brighten, 

clear  (also  tone,  top);  scroop  (silk). 
a.W.,  abbrev.  (aussere  Weite)  outside  diameter. 
axialsymmetrisch,  a.  axisymmetric(al). 
Axt,  /.  ax;  hatchet. 

AZ.,  abbrev.  (Acetylzahl)  acetyl  number. 
Aze-.     See  also  Ace-. 
Azelainsaure,  /.  azelaic  acid. 
Azetat,  n.  acetate. 



Azeton,  n.  acetone. 
Azetylen,  n.  acetylene. 
Azobenzol.  n.  azobenzene. 
azocyclisch,  a.  azocyclic. 
Azofarbe,  /.  azo  dye,  azo  color. 
Azofarbstoff,  m.  azo  dye. 
Azokorper,  m.  azo  compound. 
Azot,  n.  nitrogen. 
Azoverbindung,  /.  azo  compound, 
azurblau,  azurn,  a.  azure. 
Azurstein,  m.  lapis  lazuli. 

B.,  abbrev.     Berichte  der  deutschen  chemischen 

Gesellschaft;  (Bildung)  formation. 
Bach,  m.  brook,  stream. 
Bachstelze,  /.  wagtail. 
Bacillen-.  of  or  pertaining  to  bacilli. 
Back-,  baking;  coking;  dried. 
Backapfel,  m.  dried  apple. 
Backe,  /.,  Backen,  m.  cheek. 
Backen-.  cheek,  buccal. 
backen,  v.t.  bake;  (in  a  pan)  fry;  dry  (fruits); 

roast  (ores) ;  burn  (tile,  etc.). — v.i.  bake;  cake, 

coke  (of  coal) ;  stick  (of  pottery  in  the  kiln). 
Backenbart,  m.  whiskers. 
Backenzahn,  m.  molar  tooth. 
Backer,  m.  baker. 
Backerei,  /.  baking. 
Backer ei,  /.  bakery;  baker's  trade. 
backfahig,   a.   capable   of  baking;   capable  of 

Backfahigkeit,  /.  capacity  for  baking  (or  for 


Backfisch,  TO.  fried  fish;  school  girl. 
Backkohle,  /.  caking  coal,  coking  coal. 
Backobst,  n.  dried  fruit. 
Backofen,  TO.  baking  oven,  oven. 
Backpfanne,  /.  baking  pan,  frying  pan. 
Backpulver,  n.  baking  powder. 
Backstein,  TO.  (burnt)  brick. 
Backsteinofen,  m.  brick  kiln. 
backt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  backen. 
Backwerk,  n.  pastry. 
Backzahn,  TO.  molar  tooth. 
Bad,    n.  bath;    (Tech.)    dip,    steep;    watering 


baden,  v.t.  bathe. 
Bader,  m.  bath  proprietor;  barber, 
badisch,  a.  of  Baden. 

Badspannung,  /.  bath  tension,  cell  voltage. 
Bagger,  TO.  dredger,  excavator. 
baggern,  v.t.  dredge. 
bahen,  v.t.  foment;  toast  (bread). 
Bahn,  /.  way,   road,  track;  trajectory;  orbit; 

railway;  breadth  (of  cloth). 
bahnbrechend,  p.a.  pioneer,  epoch-making. 
bahnen,  v.t.  beat,  smooth,  clear  (a  way). 
Bahnhof,  TO.  station. 
Bahnsteig,  TO.  platform. 
Bahnzug,  TO.  railway  train. 
Bahre,  /.  barrow,  stretcher;  bier. 

Bahrtuch,  n.  pall. 

Bai,  /.  bay. 

Baisalz,  n.  bay  salt,  sea  salt. 

Bajonett,  n.  bayonet. 

Bakterie, /.  bacterium;  (pi.)  bacteria. 

Bakteriengift,  n.  bactericide. 

Bakterienkunde,  -lehre,  /.  bacteriology. 

bakterientotend,  p.a.  bactericidal. 

bakteriologisch,  a.  bacteriological. 

Bakteriolyse,  /.  bacteriolysis. 

Balancier,  TO.  beam. 

balancieren,  v.t.  &  i.  balance. 

bald,  adv.  soon,  presently;  almost. — conj.  bald 

. . .  bald,  now  . . .  then;  so  bald  als,  as  soon  as. 
Baldachin,  m.  canopy, 
baldig,  a.  quick,  early. 
Baldrian,  TO.  valerian. 
Baldrianol,  n.  valerian  oil. 
Baldriansaure,  /.  valeric  acid. 
Baldrianwurzel,  /.  valerian  root,  valerian. 
Balg,  TO.  skin;  bellows;  husk,  pod,  shell;  (Med.) 

cyst;  follicle;  urchin. 
balgen,  v.r.  wrestle,  scuffle. 
Balken,    m.    beam;     girder;     (Anat.)     corpus 

Ball,  m.  ball;  globe;   (Soda)  ball  soda,   black 


ballen,  v.t.  &  i.  form  into  balls,  conglomerate. 
Ballen,  TO.  bale?  pack,  bundle;  ball. 
Ballon,    TO.    carboy;    balloon    flask    (spherical 

flask  with  short  neck) ;  balloon. 
Ballonentleerer,  TO.  carboy  emptier. 
Ballonfilter,  n.  filtering  flask  (of  porous  porce- 

Ballongas,  n.  balloon  gas. 
Ballonkipper,  TO.  carboy  tilter  or  inclinator. 
ballotieren,  v.i.  ballot. 
Balsam,  TO.  balsam,  balm. 
Balsamapfel,    TO.    balsam    apple,    balm   apple 

(Momordica) . 
Balsambaum,  TO.  balsam  tree  (any  of  various 

balsameaceous  trees), 
balsam  erzeugend,  a.  balsamiferous. 
Balsamflasche,  /.  balsam  bottle. 
Balsamharz,  n.  balsamic  resin. 
Balsamholz,  n.  xylobalsamum,  balm-of-Gilead 


balsamieren,  v.t.  embalm;  perfume. 
balsamisch,  a.  balsamic,  balmy. 





Balsampappel,  /.  balsam  poplar,  tacamahac. 
Balsam tanne,  /.  balsam  fir   (Abies  .balsamea); 

spruce  (esp.  Norway  spruce,  Picea  dbies). 
Bambus,  m.  bamboo. 
Bambusrohr,  n.  bamboo. 
Bambuszucker,  m.  bamboo  sugar,  tabasheer. 
Banane,  /.  banana. 
Bancazinn,  n,  Banca  tin. 
band,  pret.  of  binden. 
Band,  n.  volume;  binding;  band;  ribbon,  tape, 

strap,   belt,    hoop;    hinge;    bond,    tie,    liga- 

Bandachat,  m.  banded  agate,  ribbon  agate. 
bandahnlich,  a.  ribbonlike,  striped,  streaked; 


Bande,  /.  edge,  border;  band,  gang. 
Bandeisen,  n.  hoop  iron,  band  iron. 
bandigen,  v.t.  tame,  break. 
Bandmass,  n.  tape  measure. 
Bandwurm,  m.  tapeworm. 
bang,  bange,  a.  timid,  anxious. 
Baniane,  m.  banyan,  banyan  tree. 
Bank,  /.  bench;  bank;  bed,  layer,  stratum. — 

Banken,  bank. 
Bankanweisung,  /.  check,  bank  note. 
Bankbruch,  m.  bankruptcy. 
bankerott,  a.  bankrupt. 
Bankett,  n.  banquet. 
bankrott,  a.  bankrupt. 
Bankulnuss,  /.  candlenut. 
Bann,  m.  ban;  jurisdiction;  spell, 
bannen,  v.t.  banish;  confine;  enchant. 
bar,  o.  bare;  pure,  sheer;  cash;  destitute  (of). 
-bar.      An    adjective   suffix    usually   attached 

to    verb    roots    and    equivalent    to    -able, 

ible;  as,  haltbar,  stable  (keepable),  durable, 


Bar,  m.  bear;  debt;  (Meek.)  ram. 
Barbar,  TO.  barbarian. 
barbeissig,  a.  gruff. 
Barbier,  m.  barber, 
barbieren,  v.t.  shave;  cheat. 
Barchent,  TO.  fustian. 
Barenklau,  /.  bear's-breech  (Acanthus  mollis  or, 

incorrectly,    the    cow    parsnip,     Heracleum 

Barentraube,     /.      bearberry      (Arctostaphylos 


Barenwurzel,  /.  saxifrage. 
barg,  pret.  of  bergen. 
Barin,  /.  she-bear. 
Barke,    /.    shallow    vat,    back,    beck;    bark, 

Barlapp,  m.,  Barlappkraut,  n.  lycopodium,  club 


Barlappsamen,  m.  lycopodium  (powder). 
Barme,  /.  yeast,  barm, 
barm  her  zig,  a.  merciful. 
Barmherzigkeit,  /.  mercy,  pity. 
Barnstein,  TO.  brick. 

Barockperlen,  baroque  pearls. 
Barometersaule,  /.  barometric  column. 
Barometerstand,  m.  height  of  the  barometer, 

barometric  height. 
Barre,  /.  bar;  ingot. 
Barsch,  TO.  perch  (fish). 
barsch,  a.  harsh,  gruff. 
Barschaf t,  /.  cash ;  property, 
barst,  pret.  of  bersten. 
Bart,  TO.  beard;  ward  (of  a  key) ;  bur. 
bartig,  a.  bearded. 
bartlos,  a.  beardless. 
Bartseife,  /.  shaving  soap. 
Barwurzel,  /.  saxifrage. 
Baryt,  TO.  baryta  (BaO   or  Ba(OH)2);    (Min.) 

barite  (BaSOi). 
barytartig,  o.  barytic. 
Baryterde,  /.  barium  oxide,  baryta. 
Barytflussspat,  TO.  fluorite  containing  barium. 
Barytgelb,  n.  barium  yellow  (BaCrOi). 
barythaltig,  a.  containing  barium. 
Barythydrat,  n.  barium  hydroxide. 
Barytlauge,  /.  barium  hydroxide  solution. 
Barytwasser,  n.  baryta  water. 
Barytweiss,    n.    permanent   white,    blanc    fixe 


Baryum,  n.  barium. 
Baryumhyperoxyd,  n.  barium  peroxide,  barium 


Baryumplatincyaniir,  n.  barium  platinocyanide. 
Barzahlung,  /.  cash  payment. 
Basaltfelsen,  TO.  basaltic  rock. 
basaltieren,  v.i.  convert  (slag)  into  a  material 

resembling  basalt. 
Base,  /.  base;  basis;  aunt;  cousin. 
Baseler  Grim,  Basle  green,  Paris  green. 
Basenbildner,  TO.  base  former,  basifier. 
Basicitat,  /.  basicity. 
basieren,  v.t.  base. — v.i.  be  based. 
Basilien,  Basilienkraut,  Basilikum,  n.  (sweet) 


Basis,/,  base;  basis. 
basisch,  a.  basic. 
Basizitat,  /.  basicity. 
Basler  Blau.     Basel  blue. 
Bassin,    n.    tank,    cistern,    reservoir;     basin; 


Bastern,  TO.  raw  sugar. 

Basterzucker,  m.  bastard  sugar,  raw  sugar. 
Bastfaser,  /.  bast  fiber. 
Bastpapier,  n.  manila  paper. 
Bastseide,  /.  raw  silk. 
bat,  pret.  of  bitten. 
batavisch,  a.  Batavian. 
Batist,  m.  cambric;  batiste. 
batschen,  v.t.  ret  (flax.  etc.). 
Batzen,  TO.  large  soft  lump;  large  amount. 
Bau,  TO.  structure;  construction;  building;  make; 

Bauart,/.  style  (of  building). 




Bauch,  m.  belly,  abdomen;  stomach;  swelling 
out,  bulge;  bulb  (of  a  retort). 

Bauchdecken,  epigastric,  abdominal. 

Bauche,  bauchen,  etc.  =  Beuche,  beuchen,  etc. 

Bauchfell,  n.  peritoneum. 

Bauchf ussier,  m.  gastropod. 

bauchig,  a.  bellied,  convex. 

Bauchspeichel,  m.  pancreatic  juice. 

Bauchspeicheldriise,  /.  pancreas. 

Bauchweh,  n,  colic,  abdominal  pain. 

bauen,  v.t.  build,  construct;  cultivate. 

Bauer,  m.  builder;  farmer,  peasant;  jack;  pawn; 

Bauerde,  /.  soil. 

Bauergut,  n.  farm. 

Bauerhof,  m.  farm;  country  house. 

Bauernsand,  m.  molding  sand. 

Bauerstand,  m.  peasantry. 

baufahig,  a.  arable. 

baufallig,  a.  out  of  repair;  decaying. 

Bauholz,  n.  timber. 

Baukunst,  /.  architecture,  (art  of)  building  or 

Baum,  m.  tree;  (Mech.)  beam,  bar,  arbor. 

Baumachat,  m.  dendritic  agate. 

baumahnlich,  baumartig,  a.  arborescont,  tree- 

Baumaterial,  n.  building  material. 

Baumeister,  m.  architect,  builder. 

baumeln,  v.i.  dangle. 

baumformig,  a.  dendritic,  arborescent. 

Baumgarten,  m.  orchard;  nursery. 

Baumol,  n.  olive  oil. 

Baumolseife,  /.  olive  oil  soap,  Venetian  soap. 

Baumortel,  m.  building  mortar,  common  mortar. 

Baumrinde,  /.  bark,  rind. 

Baumschlag,  TO.  foliage. 

Baumschule,  /.  nursery. 

Baumschwamm,  m.  agaric. 

Baumsenf,  TO.  candytuft. 

Baumstamm,  TO.  tree  trunk. 

baumstark,  a.  robust. 

Baumstein,  m.  (Min.)  dendrite. 

Baumwachs,  n.  grafting  wax. 

Baumwolle,  /.  cotton. 

baumwollen,  a.  cotton. 

Baumwollenabfall,  m.  cotton  waste. 

Baumwollenblau,  n.  cotton  blue. 

Baumwollensamen,  m.  cottonseed. 

Baumwollfarbstoff,  TO.  cotton  dye. 

Baumwollsamen,  TO.  cottonseed. 

Baumwollsamenol,  n.  cottonseed  oil. 

Baumwollwurzelrinde,  /.  cotton  root  bark. 

Bauriss,  TO.  building  plan. 

Bausand,  TO.  building  sand,  mortar  sand. 

Bausch,  TO.  pad,  compress;  bundle;  lump. 

bauschen,  v.i.  swell  out,  bag,  bulge.— -v.t.  puff 
up;  refine  (tin). 

Bauschung,  /.  swelling,  etc.  (see  bauschen); 
crease  (in  fabrics). 

Baustein,  m.  building  stone;  brick. 

Bauzwecke,  building  purposes. 

Baybeerenbaum,  m.  bebeeru,  greenheart  tree. 

bayerisch,  a.  Bavarian. 

Bayern,  n.  Bavaria. 

Bayol,  n.  oil  of  bay. 

bayrisch,  a.  Bavarian. 

Bayrischblau,  n.  Bavarian  blue. 

Bazille,  /.,  Bazillus,  m.  bacillus. 

Bd.,  abbrev.  (Band)  volume. 

be-.  A  verbal  prefix  which,  when  prefixed  to 
verbs,  usually  denotes  completeness  or 
thoroness;  as,  bedenken,  consider.  With 
nouns  it  signifies  "  to  provide  with,"  as 
bekalken,  to  lime;  with  adjectives,  "  to 
make  — •,"  as  bereichern,  enrich. 

beabsichtigen,  v.t.  intend,  have  in  view. 

beachten,  v.t.  consider;  notice,  observe. 

Beamte,  TO.  official. 

beanspruchen,  v.t.  require;  claim. 

beanstanden,  v.t.  object  to. 

beantragen,  v.t.  propose. 

beantworten,  v.t.  answer,  reply  to. 

bearbeiten,  v.t.  work;  make,  dress,  till,  etc.;  edit. 

beaufsichtigen,  v.t.  superintend,  inspect, 

beauftragen,  v.t.  charge;  authorize. 

beben,  v.i.  quake,  tremble;  (Physics)  vibrate. 

beblattert,  a.  having  leaves,  leafy. 

Becher,  TO.  cup;  goblet,  bowl;  (Hot.)  calyx. 

Becherchen,  n.  little  cup. 

Becherglas,  n.  beaker. 

Becherglaskolben,  TO.  Erlenmeyer  flask. 

Bechermensur,  /.  measuring  cup. 

Becherwerk,  n.  bucket  conveyor. 

Becken,  n.  basin;  vessel;  (Anat.)  pelvis;  cymbal. 

Beckmann'sche  Umlagerung.  Beckmann  re- 

Becquerelstrahlen,  Becquerel  rays. 

Bedacht,  TO.  consideration;  care. 

bedanken,  v.r.  thank;  decline. 

Bedarf,  TO.  need,  demand. 

bedauern,  v.t.  regret;  pity. 

bedecken,  v.t.  cover;  (Sugar)  bottom,  clay. 

bedenken,  v.t.  consider,  heed,  care  for. — v.r. 
bethink  oneself;  hesitate. 

Bedenken,  n.  consideration;  hesitation;  scruple. 

bedenklich,  a.  doubtful,  risky;  serious. 

bedeuten,  v.t.  mean,  signify;  point  out,  state. 
— bedeutend,  p.a.  considerable,  important. 

bedeutsam,  a.  significant;  imposing. 

bedienen,  v.t.  serve,  attend. — v.r.  help  oneself, 
make  use. 

Bediente,  TO.  servant. 

Bedienung,  /.  service,  attendance;  attention; 

bedingen,  v.t.  stipulate;  limit,  restrict. — 
bedingt,  p.a.  conditioned,  limited,  condi- 
tional; hypothetical. 

Bedingung,  /.  condition,  stipulation;  limitation, 




Bedrangnis,  /.  affliction,  distress. 

bedrucken,  v.t.  print. 

Bedruckung,  /.  printing,  impression. 

Bedriickung,  /.  oppression. 

bedurfen,  v.i.  be  in  need,  be  short  (of  something). 

Bediirfnis,  n.  want,  requirement,  necessity. 

bedurftig,  a.  needy,  indigent. 

beehren,  v.t.  honor,  favor. — v.r.  have  the  honor. 

beeidigen,  v.t.  declare  on  oath,  swear. 

beeifern,  v.r.  strive,  endeavor. 

becilen,  v.r.  hasten,  hurry. 

beeinflussen,  v.t.  influence. 

beeintrachtigen,  v.t.  injure,  encroach  upon. — 
beeintrachtigend,  p.a.  injurious,  detrimental. 

beengen,  v.t.  narrow,  cramp. 

beerben,  v.t.  be  heir  to. 

beerdigen,  v.t.  bury. 

Beere,  /.  berry. 

Beeresche,  /.  service  tree  (Sorbus  domestica). 

Beergelb,  n.  buckthorn  yellow. 

Beerschwamm,  m.  framboesia,  yaws. 

Beet,  n.  (garden)  bed. 

befahigen,  D.I.  enable,  qualify. 

befahl,  pret.  of  befehlen. 

befangen,  p.a.  embarrassed;  prejudiced. 

befassen,  v.t.  handle. — v.r.  engage,  be  engaged, 
meddle  (in  or  with). 

Befehl,  m.  command,  order,  precept. 

befehlen,  v.t.  command,  order;  commend,  en- 
trust.— befehlend,  p.a.  imperative. 

befestigen,  oJ.  fasten,  fix,  attach;  establish; 

Befestigungsmittel,  n.  fixing  agent. 

befeuchten,  v.t.  moisten,  dampen,  wet,  water. 

befiehlt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  befehlen. 

befinden,  v.t.  find,  think. — v.r.  be,  feel. 

Befinden,  n.  condition,  state;  opinion,* 

befindlich,  a.  existing,  situated. 

beflecken,  v.t.  spot,  stain,  soil,  blot,  blur. 

befleissen,  befleissigen,  v.r.  apply  oneself  (to). 
— beflissen,  p.a.  studious,  intent. 

befliss,  pret.  of  befleissen. 

beflissen,  p.p.  of  befleissen. 

befohle,  pret.  subj.  of  befehlen. 

befohlen,  p.p.  of  befehlen^ 

befordern,  v.t.  forward,  promote,  aid. 

Beforderungsmittel,  n.  aid,  promoter,  means  of 
forwarding;  (Med.)  adjuvant. 

befrachten,  v.t.  load. 

befreien,  v.t.  set  free,  liberate;  free;  rescue,  re- 
lieve, clear. 

befremden,  v.t.  surprise. 

befremdlich,  a.  strange,  surprising. 

befriedigen,  v.t.  satisfy,  please.— befriedigend, 
p.a.  satisfactory. 

befruchten,  v.t.  fertilize,  fecundate. 

begaben,  v.t.  endow. 

begann,  pret.  of  beginnen. 

begeben,  v.r.  go;  happen;  give  up. 

begegnen,  v.i.  meet;  happen;  behave. 

begehen,  v.t.  celebrate;  commit;  walk  through. 

Begehr,  n.  desire,  demand. 

begeistern,  v.t.  inspire,  animate. — v.r.  enthuse. 

begichten,  v.t.  charge  (a  furnace). 

Begier,  Begierde,  /.  desire,  lust. 

begierig,  a.  desirous,  eager. 

begiessen,  v.t.  wet,  moisten;  water,  irrigate. 

Beginn,  m.  beginning. 

beginnen,  v.t.  &  i.  begin. 

begipsen,  v.t.  plaster. 

beglaubigen,  v.t.  certify;  testify. 

begleiten,  v.t.  accompany,  attend. 

Begleiterscheinung,  /.  attendant  phenomenon. 

Begleitfarbe,  /.  (Calico)  fitting  color. 

Begleitkorper,  m.  accompanying  substance  (or 

beglucken,  v.t.  bless,  favor. 

begnadigen,  v.t.  pardon,  favor. 

begnugen,  v.t.  be  content. 

begonne,  pret.  subj.  of  beginnen. 

begonnen,  p.p.  of  beginnen. 

begraben,  v.t.  bury;  conceal. 

Begrabnis,  n.  burial;  tomb. 

begreifen,  v.t.  conceive,  understand;  include, 
comprise;  imply. 

begrenzen,  v.t.  bound,  limit,  terminate;  define. 

Begrenzung,  /.  limit,  boundary. 

Begriff,  m.  conception,  idea. 

begriinden,  v.t.  establish;  base;  prove. 

Begrundung,  /.  establishment;  foundation. 

begriissen,  v.t.  salute,  greet. 

begiinstigen,  v.t.  favor;  promote. 

Beguss,  m.,  Begussmasse,  /.  (Ceram.)  slip,  en- 

begutachten,  v.t.  pass  judgment  on. 

begiitert,  a.  wealthy. 

begutigen,  v.t.  appease. 

behaart,  a.  hairy. 

behaftet,  a.  affected,  afflicted. 

behagen,  v.t.  please. 

Behagen,  n.  pleasure,  comfort. 

behaglich,  a.  agreeable,  comfortable. 

behalten,  v.t.  keep,  retain;  (Math.)  carry. 

Behalter,  m.  container,  receiver,  receptacle,  tank, 
reservoir,  etc.;  conservatory. 

Behaltnis,  n.  container,  case,  box,  bin,  etc. 

behandeln,  v.t.  treat;  handle,  manipulate,  work. 

Behandlung,  /.  treatment,  etc.  (see  behandeln) . 

Behandlungsmittel,  m.  agent,  reagent. 

beharren,  v.i.  continue,  persist,  persevere. 

beharrlich,  a.  persistent,  constant;  persevering; 

Beharrung,  /.  continuance,  permanence,  persist- 
ence, perseverance;  obstinacy. 

Beharrungsvermogen,  n.  (Physics)  inertia. 

Beharrungszustand,  m.  permanence;  persist- 
ence; resistance  (of  a  machine). 

behaupten,  v.t.  maintain,  assert. 

Behauptung,  /.  assertion,  proposition;  main- 




Behausung,  /.  lodging,  abode. 

Behelf,  TO.  shift,  device. 

behelligen,  v.t.  molest,  annoy. 

behend,  a.  nimble,  clever. 

Behennuss,  /.  ben  nut. 

Behenol,  n.  oil  of  ben. 

Behensaure,  /.  behenic  acid. 

beherbergen,  v.t.  harbor,  shelter. 

beherrschen,  v.t.  rule,  control,  command. 

beherzigen,  v.t.  take  to  heart,  consider. 

beherzt,  p.a.  courageous. 

behilflich,  a.  helpful. 

Behorde,  /.  authority,  magistrate. 

behordlich,  a.  official. 

Behuf,  TO.  purpose,  object;  behalf. 

behufs,  prep,  in  behalf  of,  in  order  to. 

behiiten,  v.t.  guard. 

behutsam,  a.  cautious,  careful. 

bei,  prep,  at,  near,  by;  on,  in,  about. 

beibehatten,  v.t.  retain,  continue. 

Beiblatt,  n.  supplement,  supplementary  sheet. 

beibringen,   v.t.   administer;   produce;  impart; 


Beibringungsmittel,  n.  vehicle  (for  drugs). 
beichten,  v.t.  confess. 
beide,  a.  both;  either, 
beiderseits,  adv.  on  both  sides,  mutually. 
beidlebig,  a.  amphibious. 
Beifall,  TO.  approval,  applause. 
beifallig,  a.  approving,  favorable. 
beifolgend,  p.a.  enclosed, 
beifiigen,  v.t.  add,  annex. 
Beifuss,  m.  artemisia. 
Beigeschmack,  TO.  aftertaste,  tang,  flavor. 
Beihilfe,  /.  help,  assistance. 
Beil,  n.  hatchet;  (grosses)  ax. 
Beilage,   /.    addition,    supplement,    appendix; 


beilaufig,  a.  incidental. 
beilegen,  v.t.  add,  inclose;  settle;  attribute, 
beimengen,  v.t.  admix. 
Beimengung,  /.  admixture;  impurity. 
beimessen,  v.t.  attribute. — v.r.  assume. 
beimischen,  v.t.  admix,  mix  with. 
Beimischung,  /.  admixture,  mixture;  infusion. 
Bein,  n.  bone;  leg. 

beinah,  beinahe,  adv.  almost,  nearly. 
Beiname,  TO.  surname;  nickname 
Beinasche,  /.  bone  ash. 
Beinkleider,  pi.  trousers,  breeches. 
Beinmehl,  n.  bone  meal. 
Beinschwarz,  n.  bone  black. 
Beinwurz, /.  comfrey  (Symphytum  officinale). 
beiordnen,  v.t.  adjoin,  coordinate, 
beipflichten,  v.t.  assent,  agree. 
beisammen,  adv.  together. 
Beisatz,  TO.  addition,  admixture. 
Beischmack,  TO.  =  Beigeschmack. 
Beisein,  n.  presence. 
beiseite,  adv.  aside,  apart. 

beisetzen,  v.t.  bury,  inter. 

Beispiel,  n.  example. 

beispiellos,  a.  unexampled,  unparalleled. 

beispielsweise,  adv.  for  example. 

beispringen,  v.i.  assist. 

Beissbeere,  /.  Cayenne  pepper. 

beissen,  v.t.  bite. — v.i.  bite,  smart,  burn. — 
beissend,  p.a.  biting,  sharp,  pungent,  acrid. 

Beissprobe,    /.  (Brewing)  biting  test. 

Beistand,  m.  assistance;  supporter. 

beistehen,  v.t.  stand  by,  assist. 

beisteuern,  v.t.  contribute. 

beistimmen,  v.i.  agree,  concur. 

beitragen,  v.t.  &  i.  contribute. 

beitreiben,  v.t.  collect;  drive  in. 

beitreten,  v.t.  accede,  join. 

beiwohnen,  v.i.  be  present;  cohabit. 

Beiwort,  n.  adjective;  epithet. 

Beizartikel,  TO.  (Calico)  mordant  style. 

Beizbad,  n.  (Dyeing)  mordant  bath. 

Beizbutte,  /.  (Leather)  drench  pit. 

Beize,  /.  'corrosive,  corrosion;  (Dyeing)  mor- 
dant; (Med.)  caustic,  cauterization;  (Leather) 
bate,  drench;  (Metal.)  pickle;  etching; 

beizen,  v.t.  corrode;  mordant;  cauterize;  bate, 
drench  (hides);  etch;  pickle;  blanch  (metals); 
stain;  sauce  (tobacco). — beizend,  p.a.  cor- 
roding, etc.;  corrosive,  caustic. 

Beizendruck,  TO.  mordant  printing. 

beizenfarben,  v.t.  dye  on  a  mordant. 

Beizenfarbstoff,  TO.  mordant  dyestuff. 

Beizfarbe,  /.  mordant  color. 

Beizfliissigkeit,  /.  corrosive  liquid,  caustic 
liquor;  mordant  liquor;  (Leather)  bate, 

Bei zk raft,  /.  corrosive  or  caustic  power;  mor- 
dant strength. 

Beizmittel,  n.  corrosive;  mordant. 

Beizung,  /.  corroding,  etc.  (see  beizen). 

bejahen,  v.t.  affirm. 

hejahrt,  a.  aged. 

bejammern,  v.t.  bewail. 

beklommen,  a.  oppressed,  anxious. 

bekalken,  v.t.  lime. 

bekampfen,  v.t.  combat,  oppose. 

bekannt,  p.a.  see  bekennen. 

bekanntlich,  adv.  as  is  known;  notoriously. 

bekennen,  v.t.  confess,  acknowledge. — bekannt, 
p.a.  known;  noted,  famous;  acquainted  (with). 

beklagen,  v.t.  deplore;  pity. — v.r.  complain. 

beklecken,  bekleckern,  beklecksen,  v.t.  blur, 
blotch,  blot,  daub. 

bekleiden,  v.t.  cover,  coat,  line,  face,  box; 
clothe;  invest;  occupy. 

Bekleidung,  /.  casing,  lining,  jacket,  coating, 
clothing,  etc.  (see  bekleiden). 

bekommen,  v.t.  get,  receive. — v.i.  agree  (with). 

bekostigen,  v.t.  board. 

bekraftigen,  v.t.  confirm,  assert. 




bekranzen,  v.t.  wreathe,  festoon. 

bekritteln,  v.t.  censure. 

bekrusten,  v.t.  incrust,  crust. 

bekummern,  v.t.  afflict,  trouble. 

Belag,  m.  =  Beleg. 

belagern,  v.t.  besiege. 

Belang,  m.  importance;  amount. 

belangen,  v.t.  concern;  bring  action  against. 

belasten,  v.t.  load,  weight,  burden;  charge. 

belastigen,  v.t.  trouble,  bother. 

Belastung,  /.  load,  burden;  burdening;  debit; 
(Med.)  taint. 

belaufen,  r.r.  amount. 

belauschen,  v.t,  overhear,  spy  upon. 

beleben,  v.t.  revive,  quicken,  enliven,  resusci- 
tate; brighten,  freshen  (colors). 

beledern,  v.t.  cover  with  leather,  leather. 

Beleg,  m.  covering,  coating,  lining;  floor;  proof; 

belegen,  v.t.  cover,  line,  face,  overlay,  coat; 
prove;  illustrate. 

Belegung,  /.  covering,  coating.  N. 

belehren,  v.t.  instruct,  advise. 

beleibt,  a.  stout. 

beleidigen,  v.t.  offend,  insult. 

beleimen,  v.t.  glue,  cover  with  glue. 

belesen,  a.  well  read. 

beleuchten,  v.t.  light,  illuminate;  examine. 

Beleuchtung,  /.  lighting,  illumination;  elucida- 
tion; examination. 

Beleuchtungsmittel,  n.  illuminant. 

belichten,  v.t.  expose  (to  light). 

Belichtung,  /.  exposure  (to  light). 

Belichtungskarte,  /.  (Dyeing)  exposure  card. 

belieben,  v.t.  like,  choose. — v.i.  be  pleasing. — 
beliebt,  p.a.  popular,  favorite. 

Belieben,  n.  inclination,  pleasure. 

beliebig,  a.  optional,  any,  whatever. 

beliebt,  p.a.  see  belieben. 

bellen,  v.t.  bark;  clamor. 

belohnen,  v.t.  reward. 

beliigen,  v.t.  lie  to. 

belustigen,  v.t.  amuse,  divert. 

bemachligen,  v.r.  take  possession. 

bemalen,  v.t.  paint,  color. 

bemanteln,  v.t.  cover;  color,  varnish;  palliate. 

bemerken,  v.t.  note,  remark. 

bemerkenswert,  a.  worthy  of  note,  remarkable. 

Bemerkung, /.  observation,  remark,  note. 

bemessen,  v.t.  proportion,  measure. — p.a.  mea- 
sured, exact;  symmetrical. 

bemittelt,  a.  well-to-do. 

bemodert,  p.a.  moldy. 

bemoost,  p.a.  mossy. 

bemuhen,  v.t.  &  r.  trouble. 

bemustern,  v.t.  sample;  match;  (Dyeing)  dye  to 
pattern,  imitate;  ornament,  figure. 

benachbart,  p.a.  neighboring,  adjacent,  vicinal. 

benachrichtigen,  v.t.  inform. 

benachteUigen,  v.t.  prejudice,  hurt. 

benebelt,  p.a.  tipsy. 

benehmen,  v.t.  take  away,  remove. — v.r.  be- 

Benehmen,  n.  behavior,  conduct. 
beneiden,  v.t.  envy, 
benennen,  v.t.  name,  call. 
Benennung,  /.  nomenclature;    name,  naming, 

title,  denomination, 
benetzen,  v.t.  wet,  moisten,  sprinkle. 
Bengel,  m.  club;  clapper;  boor,  chap. 
Benol,  n.  oil  of  ben. 
Bensaure,  /.  benic  acid  (behenic  acid). 
benutzen,  v.t.  use,  employ. 
Benzin,  n.  benzine. 
Benzochinon,  n.  benzoquinone. 
Benzoe,  n.  &  f.  benzoin  (gum). 
Benzoeather,  m.  benzoic  ether  (ethyl  benzoate). 
Benzoebaum,  m.  benzoin  tree  (Styrax  benzoin). 
Benzoeblumen,  flowers  of  benzoin. 
Benzoeharz,  n.  benzoin  (the  resin). 
Benzoelorbeer,  m.  spicebush  (Benzoin  benzoin). 
benzoesauer,  a.  of  benzoic  acid,  benzoate  of. 
Benzoesaure,  /.  benzoic  acid, 
benzoesaurehaltig,  a.  containing  benzoic  acid. 
Benzoeschmalz,  n.  benzoinated  lard,  benzoat- 

ed  lard. 

benzoiniert,  p.a.  benzoinated,  benzoated. 
Benzol,  n.  benzene  (CeHe);  benzol  (commercial 

benzene) . 

Benzolbindung,  /.  benzene  linkage. 
Benzolderivat,  n.  benzene  derivative. 
benzolisch,  a.  benzene. 
Benzolkern,  m.  benzene  nucleus. 
Benzolkohlenwasserstoffe,  benzene  hydro- ' 

Benzolsulfosaure,     /.     benzenesulfonic     acid, 

phenylsulfonic  acid. 
benzoylieren,   v.t.   benzoylate,   introduce   ben- 

zoyl into. 
Benzoylwasserstoff,  m.  benzoyl  hydride  (ben- 


beobachten,  v.t.  observe. 
Beobachter,  m.  observer. 
Beobachtung,  /.  observation;  observance. 
Beobachtungsfehler,  m.  error  of  observation. 
Beobachtungsrohr,   n.,   -rohre,  /.   observation 

tube  (as  for  a  polariscope  or  spectroscope). 
beolen,  v.t.  oil. 
bepacken,  v.t.  load. 

bequem,  a.  convenient;  comfortable;  lazy, 
bequemen,  v.r.  conform,  comply. 
ber.,  abbrev.  (berechnet)  calculated. 
Ber.,    abbrev.     (Bericht,    Berichte)     report  (s); 

specif.,  Berichte  der  deutschen  chemischen 


Berapp,  m.  rough  plaster,  brown  coat, 
beraten,  v.t.  advise;  consult, 
beratschlagen,  v.r.  consult,  deliberate. 
berauben,  v.t.  rob,  deprive. 
berauchern,  v.t.  fumigate. 


berauschen,      v.t.      intoxicate. — berauschende 

Getranke,  intoxicating  liquors. 
Berauschungsmittel,  n.  intoxicant. 
Berberitze,  /.  barberry,  berberis. 
berechenbar,  a.  calculable;  appreciable. 
berechnen,  v.t.  calculate,  compute;  charge. 
Berechnungsweise,  /.  mode  or  method  of  cal- 

berechtigen,  v.t.  entitle,  authorize,  qualify. 
Berechtigung,  /.  authorization,  right. 
bereden,  v.t.  persuade;  talk  over;  defame. 
Beredsamkeit,  /.  eloquence. 
Bereich,  TO.  reach,  range;  domain,  district. 
bereichern,  v.t.  enrich. 
bereit,  a.  ready,  prepared. 
bereiten,  v.t.  prepare,  make  ready,  make, 
bereits,  adv.  already. 
Bereitung,  /.  preparation;  manufacture. 
bereuen,  v.t.  repent,  regret. 
Berg,  m.  mountain;  (Mining)  rubbish,  waste; 

(Paper)  breasting  (of  a  rag  engine). 
Berg-,  mountain;  rock;  mineral;  native.     (See 

the  following  entries.) 
bergab,  adv.  down  hill. 
Bergader,  /.  lode,  vein. 
Bergalaun,  m.  rock  alum. 
bergan,  adv.  up  hill. 
Bergarbeit,  /.  mining. 
Bergart,  /.  gang,  matrix,  vein  stuff. 
Bergasche,  /.  an  inferior  kind  of  mineral  blue. 
Bergbalsam,  m.  petroleum. 
Bergbau,  TO.  mining. 
Bergblau,  n.  mineral  blue  (blue  basic  carbonate 

of  copper). 
Bergbraun,  n.  umber. 
Bergbutter,  /.  (Min.)  impure  iron  alum,  iron 

sulfate  or  zinc  sulfate. 
bergen,  v.t.  save,  shelter,  conceal. — geborgen, 

p.a.  safe;  well  off. 
Bergerz,  n.  raw  ore. 
bergfein,  a.  (Min.)  native. 
Bergfett,  n.  mountain  tallow,  ozocerite. 
Bergflachs,  TO.  mountain  flax,  amianthus. 
Bergfleisch,  n.  mountain  flesh    (a  variety  of 


Bergfluss,  TO.  colored  quartz. 
Berggang,  TO.  vein,  lode. 
Berggelb,  n.  mountain  yellow,  yellow  ocher. 
Bergglas,  n.  rock  crystal  (transparent  quartz). 
Bergglimmer,  TO.  margarite. 
Berggold,  n.  gold  found  in  primitive  rocks. 
Berggriin,    n.    mineral    green,    green    verditer 

(green  basic  copper  carbonate). 
Bergguhr,  TO.  mountain  milk,  agaric  mineral 

(earthy  calcium  carbonate). 
Berggut,  n.  minerals. 
Berghaar,  n.  amianthus. 
Bergharz,  n.  mineral  pitch,  asphalt. 
Bergholz,  TO.  rock  wood  (ligniform  asbestos), 
her  gig,  o.  mountainous;  hilly. 



Bergkalk,  m.  (Geol.)  mountain  limestone. 

Bergkiesel,  m.  rock  flint,  chert;  felsite. 

Bergkohle, /.  (mineral)  coal. 

Bergkork,  m.  mountain  cork  (a  light  form  of 

Bergkristall,  Bergkrystall,  TO.  rock  crystal 
(transparent  quartz). 

Bergknpfer,  n.  native  copper. 

Berglasur,  /.  azurite. 

Bergleder,  n.  mountain  leather  (a  form  of  as- 

Bergmann,  m.  miner. 

Bergmehl,  n.  mountain  flour  (or  meal), 

Bergmelisse,  /.  calamint. 

Bergmilch,  m.  mountain  milk,  agaric  mineral 
(earthy  calcium  carbonate). 

Bergminze,  Bergmunze,  /.  lit.,  mountain  mint 
— applied  to  several  menthaceous  plants,  as 
catnip  or  catmint,  calamint,  field  basil,  etc. 

Bergnaphta,  /.  mineral  .naphtha,  petroleum. 

Bergol,  n.  petroleum. 

Bergpapier,  n.  mountain  paper  (a  form  of 

Bergpech,  n.  mineral  pitch,  asphalt. 

Bergrot,  n.  realgar;  Indian  red. 

Bergsalz,  n.  rock  salt. 

Bergschule,  /.  school  of  mines. 

Bergschwaden,  TO.  fire  damp;  choke  damp. 

Bergschwefel,  m.  native  sulfur. 

Bergseife,  /.  mountain  soap  (kind  of  clay); 
rock  butter  (impure  iron  or  zinc  sulfate). 

Bergtaig,  m.  mountain  tallow,  ozocerite;  rock 
butter  (impure  iron  or  zinc  sulfate). 

Bergtee,  TO.  mountain  tea,  wintergreen. 

Bergteegeist,  TO.  spirit  of  wintergreen,  spirit 
of  gaultheria. 

Bergteeol,  n.  oil  of  wintergreen. 

Bergteer,  TO.  mineral  tar,  maltha. 

Bergtorf,  TO.  mountain  peat. 

Bergwachs,  n.  mineral  wax,  ozocerite. 

Bergwerk,  n.  mine. 

Bergwetter,  n.  (Mining)  damp. 

Bergwolle,  /.  mineral  wool  (asbestos). 

Bergzinnerz,  n.  mine  tin  (cassiterite). 

Bergzinnober,  TO.  native  cinnabar. 

Bergzunder,  TO.  mountain  tinder  (asbestos). 

Bericht,  TO.  report;  notice,  information. 

berichtigen,  v.t.  adjust,  correct;  settle  (an  ac- 

berieseln,  v.t.  cause  to  flow  or  trickle  over; 
water,  irrigate. 

Berieselungskuhler,  TO.  (Brewing)  Baudelot 

beritten,  a.  mounted. 

Berl.  Ber.,  abbrev.  (Berliner  Berichte)  Berichte 
der  deutschen  chemischen  Gesellschaft. 

Berlinerblau,  n.  Berlin  blue,  Prussian  blue. 

Berlinerblausaure,  f.  hydrocyanic  acid. 

Berlinerrot,  n.  Berlin  red  (a  red  lake  color). 




Bernstein,    m.   amber. — schwarzer   Bernstein, 


Bernstein-,  amber;  succinic,  succinyl,  succino-. 
Bernsteinalaun,  m.  aluminous  amber. 
Bernsteinlack,  m.  amber  varnish. 
Bernsteinol,  n.  oil  of  amber,  oleum  succini. 
bernsteinsauer,  a.  of   succinic  acid,  succinate 


Bernsteinsaure,  /.  succinic  acid, 
bersten,  v.t.  burst,  explode,  crack. 
Bertram,    m.    pellitory    (Anacyclus   pyrethrum 

and  similar  plants). 
Bertram  (s)wurzel,    Bertram wurz,  /.    pellitory, 

pyrethrum  (root  of  Anacyclus  pyrethrum). 
beriichtigt,  p.a.  notorious. 
beriicken,  v.t.  trick;  charm, 
beriicksichtigen,  v.t.  bear  in  mind,  regard,  con- 

Beriicksichtigung,  /.  regard,  consideration. 
Beruf,  TO.  calling,  occupation,  profession. 
berufen,  v.t.  call,  appoint. — v.r.  appeal. 
Berufkraut,  n.  any  of  various   plants,  specif. 

(Pharm.)  fleabane  (Erigerori). 
beruhen,  v.i.  rest,  depend, 
beruhigen,    v.t.    quiet,    reassure. — beruhigend, 

p.a.  quieting,  sedative. 
Beruhigungsmittel,  n.  sedative;  anodyne, 
beriihmt,  p.a.  famous,  celebrated, 
beriihren,  v.t.  touch. 
Beruhrung,  /.  contact;  touching. 
Beruhrungsebene,  /.  tangential  plane. 
Beriihrungselektrizitat,  /.  contact  electricity. 
Beriihrungsflache,  /.  surface  of  contact. 
Beriihrungslinie,  /.  tangent. 
Beruhrungsstelle,  /.    place   of   contact;   mark 

(made  by  touching  something). 
Beryll,  TO.  beryl. 
Beryllerde,  /.  beryllia  (BeO). 
Berylliumsalz,  n.  beryllium  salt. 
besagen,  v.t.  mean,  signify, 
besanftigen,  v.t.  appease,  soothe. 
Besatz,  TO.  border,  edging,  trimming;  (Metal.) 


Besatzung,  /.  garrison,  crew. 
beschadigen,  v.t.  damage, 
beschaffen,  v.t.  procure;  supply;  make,  execute. 

— p.a.  constituted,  conditioned. 
Beschaffenheit,    /.    nature;    state,    condition; 

quality;  disposition. 

beschaftigen,  v.t.  occupy,  busy,  employ. 
Beschaftigung,  /.  occupation,  business. 
Beschamung,  /.  shame,  confusion, 
beschaulich,  a.  contemplative. 
Bescheid,  TO.  decision,  answer;  information. 
bescheiden,  v.t.  assign;  inform;  order;  summon. 

— v.r.  be  content. 

bescheiden,  a.  modest,  unassuming. 
bescheinigen,  v.t.  certify. 
beschenken,  v.t.  present. 
bescheren,  v.t.  give,  bestow. 

beschicken,  v.t.  load,  charge;  feed;  prepare; 
manage,  attend  to. 

Beschickung,  /.  loading,  charging;  load,  charge; 
management;  (Minting)  alloy. 

beschimpfen,  v.t.  disgrace;  insult. 

beschirmen,  v.t.  shelter,  cover;  protect. 

Beschlag,  TO.  coating  of  some  kind,  as  efflor- 
escence, moisture  on  glass,  tarnish  on  metals, 
clay  to  protect  from  heat,  etc. ;  fitting,  mount- 
ing, hooping,  etc.;  shoeing,  shoe  (of  a  horse); 

beschlagen,  v.i.  become  coated,  as  with  mois- 
ture, oxide,  or  mold;  effloresce;  tarnish;  give 
an  incrustation  (before  the  blowpipe). — v.t. 
cover,  mount  or  fit  (with  iron,  metal,  leather, 
etc.);  lute;  shoe  (a  horse). — p.a.  versed, 

beschlcunigen,  v.t.  accelerate;  hasten. 

Beschleuniger,  m.  accelerator. 

Beschleunigung,  /.  acceleration;  despatch. 

beschliessen,  v.t.  finish,  close;  determine,  resolve. 

Beschliesser,  TO.  housekeeper,  steward. 

Beschluss,  TO.  conclusion;  determination;  lock- 
ing up,  bond. 

beschmieren,  v.t.  smear. 

beschmutzen,  v.t.  soil,  stain. 

beschneiden,  v.t.  cut,  trim,  pare,  dress;  cut  off, 

beschneit,  p.a.  snow-covered. 

Beschonigung,  /.  gloss,  varnish;  palliation. 

beschranken,  v.t.  limit,  confine.— beschrankt, 
p.a.  limited,  narrow. 

beschreiben,  v.t.  describe;  write  on. 

beschuldigen,  v.t.  accuse. 

Beschussprobe,  /.  shooting  test. 

beschiitzen,  v.t.  protect. 

Beschwerde,  /.  trouble,  annoyance;  complaint; 

beschweren,  v.t.  load;  weight;  burden,  annoy. 
— v.r.  complain. 

beschwerlich,  a.  burdensome,  troublesome. 

Beschwerungsmittel,  n.  loading  material, 
weighting  agent,  filler. 

beschwichtigen,  v.t.  allay,  appease,  soothe. 

beschworen,  v.t.  swear  to;  conjure;  exorcise. 

beseelen,  v.t.  animate,  inspirit. 

besehen,  v.t.  look  at;  inspect,  examine. 

beseitigen,  v.t.  do  away  with,  remove. 

Besen,  TO.  broom. 

Besenginster,  TO.,  Besenkraut,  n.  broom 
(Cytisus  scoparius) ;  (Pharm.)  scoparius. 

Besenstiel,  TO.  broomstick. 

besessen,  p.p.  of  besitzen. 

besetzen,  v.t.  set,  trim,  border,  stock,  fit; 
charge  (a  furnace  or  the  like);  occupy;  fill  (a 
position);  engage. 

besichtigen,  v.t.  inspect,  view;  survey. 

besiegen,  v.t.  defeat,  conquer. 

besinnen,  v.r.  consider;  recollect. — besonnen, 
p.a.  considerate;  discreet. 




Besinnung,/.  consideration;  recollection;  con- 

besinnungslos,  a.  unconscious. 

Besitz,  m.  possession;  property. 

besitzen,  v.t.  possess,  occupy,  hold. 

Besitzung,  /.  =  Besitz. 

besonder,  a.  particular,  special,  specific; 
separate;  singular,  odd. 

Besonderheit,  /.  peculiarity,  individuality;  par- 

besonder s,  adv.  especially;  separately;  sin- 

besonnen,  p.a.  see  besinnen. 

besorgen,  v.t.  care  for,  see  to;  fear. — besorgt, 
p.a.  anxious;  careful. 

besponnen,  p.a.  covered. 

besprechen,  v.t.  discuss;  arrange;  conjure. 

besprengen,  v.t.  sprinkle. 

bespritzen,  v.t.  sprinkle,  spatter. 

Bessemerbirne,  /.  Bessemer  converter. 

bessemern,  v.t.  bessemerize. 

besser,  a.  &  adv.  better. 

bessern,  v.t.  better;  correct. — v.r.  grow  better. 

Best.,  abbrev.  (Bestimmung)  determination. 

Bestand,  TO.  duration,  stability;  amount,  stock. 

bestandig,  a.  stable;  constant,  durable,  per- 
manent; fast  (colors);  steady,  steadfast. 

Bestandigkeit,  /.  stability,  etc.  (see  bestandig). 

Bestandteil,  m.  constituent;  ingredient. 

bestarken,  v.t.  confirm. 

bestatigen,  v.t.  confirm,  ratify. — v.r.  hold  true. 

bestatten,  v.t.  bury,  inter. 

bestauben,  v.t.  dust,  powder,  cover  with  dust. 

beste,  a.  best. 

bestechen,  v.t.  stitch;  bribe;  charm. 

Besteck,  n.  case,  set  (of  instruments);  cover 
(at  table). 

bestehen,  v.i.  consist;  exist;  persist,  insist. — 
v.r.  resiit;  encounter;  pass. — bestehen  aus, 
consist  of. 

Bestehen,  n.  composition;  existence;  persis- 

bestehlen,  v.t.  rob. 

bestellen,  v.t.  order,  appoint,  engage;  deliver; 
arrange;  till,  plant. 

Besteller,  TO.  (GOTO.)  orderer. 

Bestellung,  /.  ordering,  etc.  (see  bestellen); 
(Com.)  order,  commission. 

bestenfalls,  adv.  at  best. 

Bestie,  /.  beast,  brute. 

bestimmen,  v.t.  determine;  fix,  design,  allot, 
define. — bestimmt,  p.a.  determined,  definite, 
fixed,  appointed,  certain. 

Bestimmtheit,  /.  definiteiiess;  determination; 

Bestimmung,  /.  determination:  appointment; 
provision:  destiny. 

bestrafen,  v.t.  punish. 

bestrahlen,  v.t.  throw  rays  upon;  irradiate,  il- 

bestreben,  v.r.  strive,  endeavor. 

Bestrebung,  /.  striving,  effort,  endeavor. 

bestreichen,  v.t.  coat,  smear,  spread;  brush, 

bestreiten,  v.t.  dispute  r  defray. 

bestreuen,  v.t.  strew,  sprinkle,  powder. 

bestricken,  v.t.  ensnare. 

bestiirzt,  p.a.  amazed,  dismayed. 

Besuch,  TO.  visit;  company; 

besuchen,  v.t.  visit,  resort  to,  attend 

besudeln,  v.t.  soil,  defile. 

betagt,  p.a.  aged;  due. 

betalgen,  v.t.  tallow. 

betatigen,  v.t.  prove,  manifest. 

betauben,  v.t.  deafen,  stun,  stupefy. 

Betaubungsmittel,  n.  narcotic. 

Bete,  /.  beet,  beetroot. 

beteeren,  v.t.  tar. 

beteiligen,  v.t.  give  a  share  to,  concern. — v.r. 
participate. — beteiligt,  p.a.  concerned,  in- 

Betelnuss,  /.  betel  nut. 

beten,  v.i.  pray. 

beteuern,  v.t.  protest,  swear  to. 

betiteln,  v.t.  entitle,  name. 

Beton,  TO.  concrete  (made  with  cement),  beton. 

betonen,  v.t.  accent,  emphasize. 

betonieren,  v.t.  concrete,  cover  or  lay  with,  or 
form  of,  concrete. 

betr.,  abbrev.  (betreffend)  concerning. 

Betracht,  TO.  consideration,  regard,  account. 

betrachten,  v.t.  consider;  regard;  view,  examine. 

betrachtlich,  a.  considerable,  important. 

Betrachtung,  /.  consideration,  reflection;  in- 

Betrag,  TO.  amount,  sum. 

betragen,  v.t.  amount  to. — v.r.  behave. 

Betragen,  n.  behavior,  conduct. 

betrauern,  v.t.  lament. 

betreffen,  v.t.  concern;  befall;  catch. — betref- 
fend, p.a.  concerning,  concerned. — betroffen, 
p.a.  disconcerted,  dazed. 

betreiben,  v.t.  carry  on,  conduct,  pursue. 

betreten,  v.t.  tread  upon,  enter  upon. — p.a. 
beaten;  confused. 

Betrieb,  TO.  work,  operation,  management; 

betriebsam,  a.  active,  industrious. 

Betriebsanlage,  /.  plant,  works. 

Betriebschemiker,  m.  industrial  chemist,  works 

Betriebskontrolle,  /.  control  of  (technical) 

Betriebskosten,  operating  expenses. 

Betriebsleiter,  TO.  manager. 

Betriebszeit,  /.  working  hours;  shift;  working 
'season,  campaign. 

betroffen,  p.a.  see  betreffen. 

betriiben,  v.t.  &  r.  grieve. 

Betrug,  TO.  fraud,  deceit. 

betrunken  4 

betranken,  p.a.  intoxicated. 

Belt,  n.  bed. 

Bettel,  trash;  begging. 

betteln,  v.t.  beg. 

betten,  v.t.  imbed,  embed,  bed;  put  to  bed. 

Bettler,  m.  beggar. 

Bettstelle,  /.  bedstead. 

Betttuch,  n.  sheet. 

Bettung,  /.  bedding,  bed. 

Bettwanze,  /.  bedbug. 

betupfen,  betiipfen,  v.t.  dab,  dip,  tip;  spot. 

Beuche,  /.  bucking,  bowking;  bucking  lye. 

beuchen,  v.t.  buck  (steep  or  boil  in  lye  or  suds). 

Beuchfass,  n.  bucking  tub. 

Beuchkessel,  m.  bucking  keir. 

Beuchlauge,  /.  bucking  lye. 

Beuchwasser,  n.  buck. 

Beuge,  /.  bend,  bow. 

beugen,  v.t.  bend;  deflect;  diffract  (light);  in- 
flect (words);  bow,  humble. 

beugsam,  a.  =biegsam. 

Bengung,  /.  bending,  etc.  (see  beugen) ;  flexure, 

Beule,  /.  bump,  swelling;  boil. 

beunruhigen,  v.t.  disquiet,  trouble. 

beurkunden,  v.t.  authenticate. 

beurteilen,  v.t.  judge,  estimate,  criticize. 

Beurteilung,  /.  judging,  judgment;  valuation, 
estimation;  estimate;  criticism. 

Beute,  /.  booty,  spoil,  prize. 

Bentel,  TO.  bag;  pouch;  purse;  (Med.)  sac,  cyst. 

Beutelfflter,  n.  bag  filter. 

beuteln,  v.t.  bolt,  sift.— v.r.  bag. 

Beutelsieb,  n.  bolting  sieve,  bolter. 

Beuteltuch,  n.  bolting  cloth. 

Beutelzeug,  n.  bolting  apparatus;  bolting  cloth. 

Bevolkerung,  /.  population. 

bevollmachtigen,  v.t.  empower,  authorize. 

bevor,  conj.  before. 

bevorstehen,  v.i.  approach,  impend. 

bevorzugen,  v.t.  prefer,  favor. 

bewaffnen,  v.t.  arm;  aid. 

bewahren,  v.t.  keep,  preserve,  protect. 

bewahren,  v.t.  verify,  approve. — v.r.  prove  true. 

Bewahrungsmittel,  n.  preservative;  prophylac- 

bewaltigen,  v.t.  overcome,  master. 

bewandert,  a.  versed,  skilled. 

Bewandtnis,  /.  case,  state. 

bewassern,  v.t.  water,  moisten,  sprinkle,  irri- 

bewegbar,  a.  movable,  mobile. 

bewegen,  v.t.  &  i.  move;  induce. — bewegende 
Kraft,  motive  power. 

Beweger,  TO.  motor;  mover. 

beweglich,  a.  movable,  moving;  versatile. 

Beweglichkeit,  /.  mobility. 

Bewegung,  /.  motion;  movement,  moving;  stir, 

Bewegungskraft, /.  motive  force,  motive  power. 

I  Biberschwanz 

Bewegungslehre,    /.    mechanics;     kinematics; 


Bewegungsmaschine,  /.  motor. 
Bewegungszustand,  TO.  state  of  motion. 
Beweis,  m.  proof,  evidence;  argument. 
beweisen,  v.t.  prove,  dempnstrate;  show. — v.r. 


Beweisfiihrung,  /.  demonstration;  reasoning. 
bewenden,  v.i.  rest,  drop. 
Bewerber,  TO.  candidate,  applicant,  aspirant. 
bewerfen,  v.t.  plaster;  pelt. 
bewerkstelligen,  v.t.  accomplish,  perform,  effect, 
bewickeln,  v.t.  wrap  round,  envelop. 
bewilligen,  v.t.  grant,  permit, 
bewirken,  v.t.  effect,  cause,  exert. 
bewirten,  v.t.  entertain,  treat. 
bewirtschaften,  v.t.  manage,  run. 
bewog,  pret.  of  bewegen. 
bewogen,  p.p.  of  bewegen. 
bewohnen,  v.t.  inhabit,  occupy, 
bewundern,  v.t.  admire. 
Bewurf,  m.  plastering,  plaster. 
bewusst,  a.  conscious,   aware;   known. 
bewusstlos,  a.  unconscious;  senseless. 
Bewusstsein,  n.  consciousness;  knowledge. 
bez.,  abbrev.  (beziehungsweise)  respectively,  or. 
bezahlen,  v.t.  pay. 
Bezahlung,  /.  payment,  settlement. 
bezahmen,  v.t.  tame,  restrain. 
bezeichnen,  v.t.  mark,  label;  indicate;  signify. 

— bezeichnend,  p.a.  characteristic. 
Bezeichnung,  /.  marking,  notation;  mark,  sign, 

symbol;  note. 
Bezeichnungsweise,  /.  manner  (or  method)  of 


bezeugen,  v.t.  testify,  certify. 
beziehen,  v.t.  draw  (money) ;  order,  buy  (goods) ; 

enter;  refer;  cover. — v.r.  refer;  be  overcast.    . 
Beziehung,  /.  relation;  reference,  respect. 
beziehungsweise,  adv.  respectively,  or. 
beziffern,  v.t.  mark  with  figures  or  ciphers. — 

v.r.  amount. 

Bezirk,  TO.  circuit,  district. 
Bezoarwurzel,  /.  (Pharm.)  contrayerva. 
Bezug,  TO.  relation,  reference;  drawing. 
beziiglich,  a.  &  prep,  relative,  with  reference 

(to),  respecting. 
Bezugnahme,  /.  reference. 
Bezugsquelle,  /.  source  of  supply. 
Bezugswert,  TO.  relative  value. 
bezw.,  abbrev.   (beziehungsweise)   respectively, 


bezwecken,  v.t.  aim  at,  intend;  peg. 
bezwingen,  v.t.  subdue;  restrain. 
Bibel,  /.  Bible. 
Biber,  TO.  beaver. 
Bibergeil,  n.  castor,  castoreum. 
Biber nell,  Bibernelle,  /.  burnet  saxifrage  (Pim- 

pinella  saxifraga). 
Biberschwanz,  TO.  flat  roofing  tile. 




Bibliothek,  /.  library. 

bicyclisch,  a.  bicyclic. 

bieder,  a,  upright,  honest,  true. 

biegbar,  a.  capable  of  being  bent. 

Biege,  /.  bend,  bow. 

biegen,  v.L  bend;  curve;  diffract,  refract  (light); 
inflect  (words). — v.r.  bend,  (of  wood)  warp. 
— v.i.  bend. 

Biegerohr,  n.,  Biegerohre,  /.  (glass)  tube  for 

biegsam,  a.  flexible,  pliant;  ductile. 

Biegsamkeit,  /.  flexibility;  ductility.  - 

Biegung,  /.  bending,  etc.  (see  biegen);  bend; 

Biene,  /.  bee. 

Bienenharz,  n.  bee  glue,  propolis. 

Bienenwachs,  n.  beeswax. 

Bier,  n.  beer;  (englisches)  ale. 

Bierblume,  /.  head  (froth)  of  beer. 

Bieressig,  TO.  malt  vinegar,  beer  vinegar. 

Biergrand,  TO.  (Brewing)  underbade. 

Bierhefe,  /.  yeast. 

Bierkessel,  TO.  (Brewing)  boiling  copper,  boiler. 

Bierpech,  n.  brewer's  pitch. 

Bierprober,  TO.  beer  tester,  specif.,  beer  hydrome- 
ter. , 

Bierschone,  /.  fining  for  beer. 

Biersieder,  TO.  (Brewing)  kettleman. 

Bierstein,  TO.  hard  deposit  from  wort,  beer  scale. 

Bieruntersuchung,  /.  examination  of  beer,  beer 

Bierwage,  /.  beer  gage. 

Bierwiirze,  /.  beer  wort,  wort. 

Biestmilch,  /.  colostrum. 

bieten,  v.t.  offer;  bid;  show. 

Bilanz,  /.  balance. 

Bild,  n.  image;  figure;  picture;  diagram;  idea, 

bilden,  v.t.  form;  shape,  fashion;  educate,  culti- 
vate, civilize. — bildend,  p.a.  forming,  etc.; 
component,  constituent;  formative;  plastic 

Bilderachat,  m.  figured  agate. 

Bildhauer,  TO.  sculptor. 

Bildhauerkitt,  Bildhauerleim,  TO.  badigeon. 

Bildhauermarmor,  TO.  statuary  marble. 

bildlich,  a.  figurative;  typical. 

bildlos,  a.  amorphous. 

Bildmarmor,  TO.  figured  marble. 

Bikinis,  n.  image,  picture,  likeness. 

bildsam,  a.  plastic;  flexible,  ductile. 

Bildsamkeit,  /.  plasticity;  flexibility. 

bildschon,  a.  most  beautiful. 

Bildstecher,  TO.  engraver. 

Bildstein,  TO.  figure  stone,  agalmatolite. 

Bildung,  /.  formation;  shape;  structure;  or- 
ganization; education,  culture. 

Bildungsenergie,  /.  energy  of  formation. 

Bildungsgleichung,  /.  equation  of  formation; 
structural  equation. 

Bildungswarme,  /.  heat  of  formation. 

Bildungsweise,  /.  mode  of  formation. 

Bildwerk.  n.  sculpture,  carving. 

Billard,  n.  billiards;  billiard-table. 

Billet,  n.  ticket;  note. 

billig,  a.  cheap;  equitable. 

billigen,  v.'.  approve  of. 

Bilsen-.  henbane. 

Bilsenkraut,  n.  henbane,  hyoscyamus. 

bimsen,  v.t.  rub  with  pumice  stone,  pumice. 

Bimsstein,  Bimstein,  m.  pumice  stone, 

bimssteinartig,  a.  pumiceous. 

bin,  pr.  1  sing,  of  sein. 

biniir,  a.  binary. 

Binde, /.  band;  bandage;  ligature;  necktie. 

Bindegewebe,  /.  connective  tissue. 

Bindeglied,  n.  connecting  member  or  link. 

Bindehaut,  /.  conjunctiva. 

Bindekraft,  /.  combining  power;  binding  power 
(of  cements). 

Bindemittel,  n.  binding  agent  or  material; 
cement,  agglutinant,  medium. 

binden,  v.t.  bind;  fix,  combine,  unite;  tie,  tie  up; 
constrain. — v.i.  bind;  combine;  harden,  set 
(of  cement,  etc.). — gebunden,  p.a.  bound, 
combined,  etc. — gebundene  Warme,  latent 

Bindestrich,  m.  hyphen. 

Bindeton,  m.  ball  clay. 

Binde  vermogen,  n.  binding  power;  (of  clays) 

Bindezeit,  /.  (Cement)  setting  time. 

Bindfaden,  TO.  string,  packthread. 

Bindung,  /.  binding,  etc.  (see  binden,  v.l.  & 
v.i.);  combination,  union,  linkage;  bond. 

bindungsisomer,  a.  showing  isomerism  due  to 
different  modes  of  union  of  the  atoms  (some- 
times merely  to  different  positions  of  a  double 

Bindungsmittel,  n.  = Bindemittel. 

Bindungswarme,  /.  heat  of  combination. 

Bindungsweise,  /.  mode  of  union. 

binnen,  prep,  within. 

Binnen-.  internal,  inner,  inside,  inland. 

Binnendruck,  TO.  internal  pressure. 

Binnenhandel,  TO.  domestic  trade. 

Binnensteuer,  /.  internal  revenue. 

Binse,  /.  rush. 

Biochemie,  /.  biochemistry. 

biochemisch,  a.  biochemical. 

Biolog,  TO.  biologist. 

biologisch,  a.  biological. 

birgt,  pr.  8  sing,  of  bergen. 

Birke,  /.  birch. 

birken,  a.  birch,  birchen. 

Birkenrindenol,  n.  oil  of  betula,  oil  of  sweet 

Birne,  /.  pear;  pear-shaped  object,  specif., 
(Metal.)  converter;  (Elec.)  bulb. 



birnformig,      birnenformig,     a.      pear-shaped, 


Birnmost,  m.  pear  juice,  (new)  perry. 
Birnol,  n.  pear  oil. 
Birnwein,  m.  perry. 
birst,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  bersten. 
bis,  prep,  till,  until,  up  to. — conj.  till,  until. 
Bisam,  m.  musk. 
bisamartig,  a.  musky. 
Bischof,  m.  bishop. 
bisher,  adv.  hitherto,  as  yet. 
bias,  pret.  of  beissen. 
Biss,  m.  bite;  sting. 
bisschen,  n.  bit,  little  bit. 
Bissen,  m.  morsel,  bit;  (Med.)  bolus. 
Bistum,  n.  episcopate. 
bisweilen,  adv.  sometimes,  occasionally. 
Bitte,  /.  request,  prayer. 
bitten,  v.t.  ask,  beg,  invite. 
Bittererde,  /.  magnesia. 
Bitterkalk,  Bitterkalkspat,  TO.  dolomite. 
Bitterklee,  TO.  buck  bean  (Menyanthes). 
Bitterkleesalz,  n.  oxalic  acid. 
bitterlos,  a.  free  from  bitterness. 
Bittermandel,  /.  bitter  almond. 
Bittermandelgeist,    m.    spirit    (or   essence)    of 

bitter  almond. 
Bittermandelol,  n.  oil  of  bitter  almond,  benzal- 

dehyde;  (kiinstliches)  nitrobenzene. 
Bittermittel,  n.  bitter. 

Bittersalz,  n.  Epsom  salt  (magnesium  sulfate). 
Bittersaure,  /.  picric  acid. 
Bitterspat,        m.        magnesite;        sometimes, 


Bitterstein,  m.  nephrite;  saussurite. 
Bitterstoff,  TO.  bitter  principle. 
Bittersiiss,  n.  bittersweet. 
Bitterwasser,  n.  bitter  water  (containing  Epsom 

salt);   (Pharm.)  bitter-almond  water. 
Bitterwurzel,  /.  gentian  root. 
bituminos,  a.  bituminous. 
blahen,  v.t.  inflate,  swell;  cause  flatulence. 
Blahsucht,  /.  flatulence. 
Blahungsmittel,  n.  carminative. 
blahungstreibend,  p.a.  carminative. 
blaken,  v.i.  smoke. 
blamieren,  v.t.  expose  to  ridicule. 
blanchieren,  v.t.  blanch,  whiten. 
Blanchissure,  /.  light  spot  (due  to  imperfect 

blank,  a.  bright,  clear,  clean,  polished;  naked, 

bare;  white,  blank. 
blankkochen,  v.t.   (Sugar)   boil  down  without 


blankputzen,  v.t.  polish,  scour. 
Blanktran,  m.  clear,  light  yellow  cod  oil. 
Bias-,  blast. 

Blasapparat,  m.  blast  apparatus. 
Blasbalg,  m.  bellows. 
Blaschen,  n.  small  bubble,  bleb;  vesicle. 


!f  /.  bubble,  bleb;  blister,  vesicle;  bladder; 
bladder-shaped  vessel,  as  the  body  of  a  still. 

Blase-,  blowing,  blast. 

Blasebalg,  TO.  bellows. 

Blaselampe,  /.  blast  lamp. 

blasen,  v.t.  blow;  (Metal.)  smelt  in  a  blast 
furnace;  inject  (steam). 

Blasengarung,  /.  bubbling  (or  bubble)  fermen- 

Blasengriin,  n.  sap  green. 

Blasenpflaster,  n.  (Pharm.)  cantharides  cerate. 

Blasensaure,  /.  uric  acid. 

Blasenstein,  m.  urinary  calculus. 

Blasentang,  TO.  bladder  wrack  (Fucus  vcsi- 

blasenziehend,  p.a.  blistering,  vesicatory. 

Blaseofen,  TO.  blowing  furnace;  blast  furnace. 

Blaserei,/.  (glass)  blowing;  glass-blowing  shop. 

Blaserohr,  n.  blowpipe,  blast  pipe;  nozzle  (of 

Blasetisch,  TO.  blast-lamp  table. 

blasig,  a.  blistery,  blistered,  vesicular. — 
blasiger  Kupferstein,  pimple  metal. 

Blaslampe,  /.  blast  lamp. 

blass,  a.  pale. 

blassgelb,  a.  pale  yellow. 

blast,  pr.  3  sing,  of  blasen. 

Blastisch,  m.  =  Blasetisch. 

Blatt,  n.  leaf;  lamina,  lamella,  plate,  flake;  sheet 
(of  paper);  blade;  journal,  newspaper. 

Blattchen,  n.  lamina,  lamella;  small  leaf,  leaf- 
let; slip  (of  paper). 

blattchenartig,  a.  lamelliform,  laminiform. 

Blattchenpulver,  n.  leaf  powder. 

Blatteisen,  n.  sheet  iron. 

Blatter,/,  blister,  pimple;  pi.  smallpox. 

Blatter,  pi.  of  Blatt. 

Blattererz,  n.  foliated  tellurium  (nagyagite). 

blatterig,  a.  leafy,  foliated,  laminated. 

Blatterkies,  TO.  lamellar  pyrites. 

Blatterkohle,  /.  foliated  coal,  slate  coal. 

blattern,  v.r.  flake,  exfoliate. 

Blatterstein,  m.  variolite. 

Blattertellur,  n.  foliated  tellurium  (nagyagite). 

Blatterton,  m.  foliated  clay. 

Blatterzeolith,  TO.  foliated  zeolite  (heulandite) . 

Blattfederchen,  n.  =Blattkeim. 

Blattgelb,  n.  xanthophyll. 

Blattgold,  n.  leaf  gold,  gold  leaf,  gold  foil. 

Blattgrun,  n.  leaf  green,  chlorophyl. 

Blattkeim,  TO.  plumule,  (of  malt,  etc.)  acrospire. 

Blattkupfer,  n.  sheet  copper. 

Blattlack,  m.  shellac. 

Blattmetall,  n.  sheet  metal;  leaf  metal. 

blattrig,  a.   =  blatterig. 

Blattsilber,  n.  silver  leaf. 

Blattzinn,  n.  tin  foil. 

blau,  a.  blue. — blaue  Erde,  blue  earth,  specif., 
earthy  vivianite. 

Blau,  n.,  Blaue,  /.  blue;  blueness. 




Blaudampfen,  n.  (Ceram.)  blue-smoking. 
Blaueisenerde,  /.  earthy  vivianite. 
Blaueisenspat,  n.,  Blaueisenstein,  m.  vivianite; 

(faseriger)  crocidolite. 
blaueln,  v.t.  blue;  beetle. 
blauen,  blauen,  v.t.  blue,  dye  blue. — v.i.  turn 


Blauerei,  /.  indigo  dye-house. 
Blaufarbe,  /.  blue  color;  smalt. 
Blaufarbenglas,  n.  smalt. 
Blaufarber,  m.  dyer  in  blue. 
Blaugas,  n.  Blau  gas  (named  from  its  inventor). 
Blauholz,  n.  logwood. 
Blauholzspane,  logwood  chips. 
Blaukohl,  m.  red  cabbage. 
Blaukiipe,  /.  blue  vat,  specif.,  indigo  vat. 
blaulich,  a.  bluish. 
Blaumiihle,  /.  smalt  mill. 
Blauofen,  m.  flowing  furnace. 
Blaupause,  /.  blue-print  tracing. 
Blauprobe,  /.  blue  test. 
Blausalz,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide. 
Blausand,  m.  coarsest  smalt, 
blausauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  hydrocyanic 

acid,   cyanide   of. — gelbes   blausaures   Kali, 

potassium    ferrocyanide.-r-rotes    blausaures 

Kali,  potassium  ferricyanide. 
Blausaure,  /.  hydrocyanic  acid. 
Blauschorl,  m.  cyanite. 
Blauspat,  m.  lazulite. 
Blaustein,  m.  bluestone,  blue  vitriol;  lazulite; 

(Metal.)  blue  metal,  blue  matt. 
Blaustich,  m.  bluish  tinge  or  tint. 
Blaustift,  m.  blue  pencil. 
Blaustoff,  m.  cyanogen. 
Blech,n.  plate,  sheet,  sheet  metal;  foil. — weisses 

Blech,   tin    plate. — schwarzes    Blech,    black 

iron  plate. 

Blechbuchse,  /.  tin  can. 
blechen,  blechern,  a.  tin  (plate). 
Blechflasche,  /.  narrow-necked  tin  vessel. 
Blechgefass,  n.  tin  (plate)  vessel. 
Blechhafen,  TO.,  Blechkanne,  /.  tin  can. 
Blechkasten,  m.  tin  box  or  case. 
Blechtrichter,  m.  tin  funnel. 
Blechware,  /.  tinware. 
Blei,  n.  lead. 

Bleiantimonerz,  n.  zinkenite. 
Bleiasche,  /.  lead  dross;  lead  ash;  the  gray  film 

of  oxide  on  lead  exposed  to  air. 
Bleiarbeit,  /.  lead  smelting;  plumbing. 
Bleibaum,  m.  lead  tree,  arbor  saturni. 
bleiben,  v.i.  remain,  stay,  last. — bleibend,  p.a. 

permanent,     lasting,     durable,     stable,    (of 

colors)    fast;    persistent.— bleibende    Harte, 

permanent  hardness 
Bleibliite,  /.  mimetite. 
bleich,  a.  pale,  white. 
Bleichanstalt,  /.  bleachery. 
Bleichbad,  n.  bleaching  liquor. 

Bleiche,    /.    bleaching;     bleachery;     paleness, 

bleichen,  v.t.  bleach;  whiten;  blanch. — v.i.  lose 

color,  fade;  turn  white  or  pale. 
Bleicher,  m.  bleacher. 
Bleicherde,  /.  fuller's  earth. 
Bleicherei,  /.  bleaching. 
Bleichfass,  n.  bleaching  vat. 
Bleichfleck,  m.  bleaching  stain. 
Bleichfliissigkeit,  /.  bleaching  liquor. 
Bleichgut,  n.  batch  of  cloth  for  bleaching. 
Bleichhollander,  TO.   (Paper)  poaching  engine, 

Bleichhiilfsmittel,  n.  something  used  to  assist 

bleaching,  bleaching  assistant. 
Bleichkalk,    m.    chloride    of    lime    (bleaching 


Bleichkasten,  TO.  bleaching  vat. 
Bleichlauge,  /.  bleaching  lye  (or  liquor). 
Bleichmittel,  n.  bleaching  agent,  decolorant. 
Bleichprozess,  m.  bleaching  process. 
Bleichpulver,  n.  bleaching  powder. 
Bleichsalz,  n.  bleaching  salt  (chloride  of  lime, 

sodium  hypochlorite,  etc.). 
Bleichsoda,  n.  bleaching  soda. 
Bleich  vorbereitungsmittel,       n.       preliminary 

bleaching  assistant. 
Bleich wasser,    n.    bleaching    liquor;    chlorine 


Bleichwirkung,  /.  bleaching  action  or  effect. 
Bleichzweck,  TO.  bleaching  purpose  (s). 
Bleierde,  /.  earthy  cerussite. 
bleiern,  a.  lead,  leaden;  dull,  heavy. 
Bleierz,  n.  lead  ore. 
Bleiessig,  m.  vinegar  of  lead  (aqueous  solution 

of  lead  acetate). 
Bleiextrakt,  TO.  =  Bleiessig. 
Bleifahlerz,  n.  bournonite. 
bleifarben,  bleifarbig,  a.  lead-colored. 
Bleifeder,  /.  lead  pencil. 
Bleiflasche,  /.  lead  bottle. 
Bleifolie,  /.  lead  foil. 
bleifrei,  a.  free  from  lead. 
Bleigelb,  n.  massicot;  lead  chromate. 
Bleigiesser,  m.  plumber. 
Bleiglanz,  TO.  lead  glance,  galena. 
Bleiglas,  n.  lead  glass;  (Min.)  anglesite. 
Bleiglasur,  /.  lead  glaze. 
Bleiglatte,  /.  litharge. 

Bleiglimmer,  TO.  cerussite  in  micaceous  form. 
bleihaltig,  containing  lead,  plumbiferous. 
Bleihornerz,  n.,  Bleihornspat,  TO.  phosgenite. 
Bleikammer,  /.  lead  chamber. 
Bleikonig,  m.  lead  regulus. 
Bleilasur,  /.  linarite. 
Bleilegierung,  /.  lead  alloy. 
Bleilot,  n.  lead  solder;  plummet. 
Bleiloter,  TO.  lead  burner. 
Bleiniere,  /.  bindheimite. 
Bleiocher,  TO.  lead  ocher. 


Bleioxyd,   n.   lead   oxide,  specif.,  PbO. — rotes 

Bleioxyd,  minium. 
Bleiperoxyd,  n.  lead  dioxide,  PbOjz. 
Bleipflaster,  n.  lead  plaster. 
Bleipflastersalbe,  /.   (Pharm.)  diachylon  oint- 

Bleirohr,  n.,  Bleirdhre,  /.  lead  tube  or  pipe. 
Bleirdstprozess,  TO.  lead  roasting. 
Bleirot,  n.  red  lead,  minium. 
Bleisalbe,/.  (Pharm.)  cerate  of  lead  subacetate. 
Bleisalpeter,  TO.  lead  nitrate. 
Bleisalz,  n.  lead  salt. 
Bleisammler,  TO.  lead  accumulator,  lead  storage 


Bleisaure,  /.  plumbic  acid. 
Bleischale,  /.  lead  dish. 
Bleispat,  n.  cerussite;  (roter)  crocoisite. 
Bleispiegel,  TO.  specular  galena. 
Bleistein,  TO.  lead  matt. 
Bleistift,  TO.  lead  pencil. 
Bleiverhuttung,  /.  lead  smelting. 
Bleivitriol,  TO.  lead  vitriol,  lead  sulfate,  (Min.) 


Bleivitriolspat,  TO.  anglesite. 
Bleiwasser,  n.  lead  water,  Goulard  water. 
Bleiweiss,  n.  white  lead. 
Bleiweisssalbe,  /.  lead  carbonate  ointment. 
Bleizucker,  TO.  sugar  of  lead,  lead  acetate. 
Bleizuckersalbe,  /.  lead  acetate  ointment. 
Blende,  /.  blend,  glance   (specif.,  zinc  blend, 

ZnS);     blind,     screen,     diaphragm,     stop; 


blenden,  v.t.  blind,  dazzle. 
bleueln,  v.t.  beat,  beetle;  blue. 
Blick,   TO.  look,  view,   glance;   flash;    (Metal.) 

brightening   (of  molten  silver),  fulguration, 

"  blick." 
blicken,     v.i.    glance,    look;     shine;     (Metal.) 

brighten,  lighten,  give  the  "  blick." 
Blickgold,    n.    refined    gold     still     containing 


Blicksilber,  n.  refined  silver. 
blieb,  pret.  of  bleiben. 
blies,  pret.  of  blasen. 
blind,  a.  blind;  dull,  tarnished;  false. 
Blinddarm,  TO.  caecum. 
Blindheit,  /.  blindness. 
blindlings,  adv.  blindly,  rashly. 
blinken,  blinkern,  v.i.  gleam,  sparkle. 
blinzeln,  v.i.  blink,  wink. 
Blitz,  TO.  lightning;  flash. 
Blitzlicht,  n.  flash-light. 
Blitzpulver,  n.  lycopodium. 
Blitzrohre,  /.  fulgurite. 
Block,  TO.  block;  pig;  ingot. 
Blockblei,  n.  pig  lead. 
Blockhahn,  m.  stopcock. 
Blockmuhle,  /.  block  mill. 
blode,  a.  dim-sighted;  imbecile;  bashful. 
Blodsinn,  TO.  imbecility,  insanity;  nonsense. 

t    v  Blutwolle 

bloss,  a.  bare,  naked,  nude;  mere,  sole. — adv. 
merely,  only;  barely;  nakedly. 

Blosse,  /.  bareness;  unhaired  hide,  pelt. 

blosslegen,  v.t.  lay  bare,  strip. 

bliihen,  v.i.  bloom,  blossom;  flourish. 

Blume,  /.  flower;  bloom,  aroma,  bouquet. 

bliimen,  v.t.  flower,  figure. 

Blumenblatt,  n.  petal. 

Blumengartner,  m.  florist. 

Blumenkohl,  TO.  cauliflower. 

Blumenseite,  /.  (Leather)  hair  side. 

Blumenstaub,  m.  pollen. 

Blumentee,  TO.  imperial  tea. 

Blumentopf,  TO.  flower  pot. 

blumig,  a.  bloomy,  flowery. 

Blut,  n.  blood. 

Blutader,  /.  vein. 

blutarm,  a.  bloodless,  anemic;  very  poor. 

Blutbahn,  /.  bloodvessel. 

Blutblume,  /.  arnica;  bloodflower  (Hseman- 

Blutdruck,  TO.  blood  pressure. 

Bliite,  /.  blossom,  flower,  bloom. 

Blutegel,  TO.  leech. 

bluten,  v.i.  bleed;  suffer;  (of  colors)  bleed, 

Blutenblatt,  n.  petal. 

Bliitenhiillenblatt,  n.  sepal. 

Bliitenstaub,  m.  pollen. 

Blutfarbe,/.  blood  color;  blood  pigment. 

Blutfarbstoff,  TO.  coloring  matter  of  the  blood, 
blood  pigment.  . 

Blutfaserstoff,  TO.  fibrin. 

Blutfleck,  Blutflecken,  TO.  blood  stain. 

Blutfliissigkeit,  /.  blood  plasma. 

Blutgefass,  n.  bloodvessel. 

blutgierig,  a.  bloodthirsty. 

Blutholz,  n.  logwood. 

blutig,  Of  bloody. 

Blutkohle,  /.  blood  charcoal. 

Blutkorperchen,  n.  blood  corpuscle. 

Blutkraul,  n.  any  of  various  blood-red  or  blood- 
stanching  plants. 

Blutlauf,  TO.  circulation  of  the  blood. 

Blutlaugensalz,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide 
(often  with  adj.  gelbes). — rotes  Blutlaugen- 
salz, potassium  ferricyanide.  v 

blutleer,  a.  anemic,  bloodless. 

blutlos,  a.  bloodless. 

blutrot,  a.  blood-red. 

Blutruhr,  /.  dysentery. 

Blutschlag,  TO.  apoplexy. 

Blutseuche,  /.  anthrax. 

Blutstein,  TO.  bloodstone,  hematite. 

blutstillend,  p.a.  blood-stanching,  hemastatic, 

Blutsucht,  /.  hemophilia. 

Blutuntersuchung,  /.  examination  of  blood. 

Blutwasser,  n.  blood  serum. 

Blutwolle,  /.  dead  wool. 




Blutwurz,  Blutwurzel,  /.  any  of  various  plants 
of  red  sap  or  supposed  blood-stanching  prop- 
erties, specif.,  bloodroot  (either  Sanguinaria 
canadensis  or  Potentilla  tormentilla) . 

Bock,  TO.  he-goat,  buck;  (Brewing)  bock  beer; 
(Tech.)  trestle,  jack,  horse;  blunder. 

Bockasche,  /.  coal  ashes. 

Bockholz,  n.  guaiacum  wood,  lignum-vitae. 

bockig,  bockig,  a.  resistant,  refractory. 

Bockleder,  n.  goat  leather,  kid. 

Bocknuss,  /.  souari  nut  (fruit  of  Caryocar) . 

Bocksaure,  /.  hircic  acid  (now  known  to  be  a 
mixture) . 

Bockseife,  /.  mountain  soap  (kind  of  clay). 

Bockshorn,  n.  fenugreek. 

Boden,  m.  soil;  earth,  ground,  land;  bottom; 
base;  floor;  loft,  garret. 

Bodenanalyse,  /.  soil  analysis. 

Bodenart,  /.  (kind  or  variety  of)  soil. 

Bodenblatt,  n.  flat  bottom. 

Bodenhals,  m.  neck  or  tubulation  at  the 

Bodenhefe,  /.  grounds,  dregs,  lees. 

Bodenkolloid,  n.  soil  colloid. 

Bodenkorper,  m.  a  substance  at  the  bottom  of 
a  liquid,  solid  phase;  soil  substance. 

Bodennahrstoff,  TO.  soil  nutrient. 

Bodensatz,  m.  deposit,  sediment,  dregs,  bot- 
toms, foot;  (Salt)  bitterings'. 

Bodenteig,  m.  underdough. 

Bodenuntersuchung,  /.  soil  investigation,  ex- 
amination of  soil. 

Bodenventil,  n.  bottom  valve. 

bog,  pret.  of  biegen. 

Bogen,  TO.  bow,  arc,  bend,  curve,  arch;  (Elec.) 
arc;  sheet  (of  paper). 

Bogenflamme,  /.  arc  flame. 

Bogenlampe,  /.  arc  lamp. 

Bogenlicht,  n.  arc  light. 

Bogenstiick,  n.  curved  piece;  (Brewing)  return 

Bohle,  /.  plank. 

bohmisch,  a.  Bohemian. 

Bohne,  /.  bean. 

bohnen,  v.t.  wax. 

Bohnenkraut,  n.  summer  savory  (Satureia 
hortensis) . 

Bohnerz,  Bohnenerz,  n.  pea  ore  (oolitic  limonite) . 

Bohnwachs,  n.  polishing  wax. 

bohren,  v.t.  bore,  drill. 

Bohrer,  m.  borer,  perforator,  gimlet,  auger. 

Bohrgut,  n.  material  obtained  by  boring. 

Bohrloch,  n.  borehole,  drill  hole. 

Bohrmehl,  n.  borings,  bore  dust. 

Bohrstock,  m.  boring  stock,  borer. 

Bohrung,  /.  boring,  bore. 

Boje,  /.  buoy. 

Bol,  TO.  =  Bolus. 

BoUe,  /.  bulb. 

Bollwerk,  n.  bulwark. 

Bologneser,    a.    Bolognese,    Bologna.  —  Bolo- 

gneser  Flasche,  Bologna  flask. 
Bolus,  m.  bole. — roter  Bolus,  reddle. — weisser 

Bolus,  kaolin. 

Bolzen,  TO.  bolt;  peg,  pin;  prop. 
Bolzenmutter,  /.  nut  (to  a  bolt). 
Bolzenscheibe,  /.  washer  (for  a  bolt). 
Bombe,  /.  bomb,  shell. 
Bombenrohr,  n.  bomb  tube. 
Bomse,  /.  (Cdram.)  support. 
Bonitierung,  /.  valuation,  appraisement. 
Boot,  n.  boat. 
Bor,  n.  boron. 

Bor-.  boric,  boron,  boro-,  etc. 
Borat,  n.  borate. 

Borathan,  n.  borethane,  boroethane. 
Boraxhonig,  TO.  borax  honey. 
Boraxkalk,  TO.  calcium  borate. 
Boraxperle,  /.  borax  bead, 
boraxsauer,  a.  =borsauer. 
Boraxsaure,  /.  boric  acid. 
Boraxspat,  TO.  boracite. 
Boraxweinstein,  m.  boryl  potassium  tartrate, 

(Pharm.)  tartarus  boratus. 
Borazit,  n.  boracite. 
Bcrbutan,  n.  borobutane. 
Borchlorid,  n.  boron  chloride. 
Bord,  m.  border,  edge,  rim;  (ship)  board. 
Boretsch,  TO.  borage. 
Borfluorwasserstoffsaure,   /.,    Borfluorwasser- 

stofiT,  w.,  fluoboric  acid,  hydrofluoboric  acid 


Borg,  TO.  borrowing,  credit, 
borgen,  v.t.  borrow;  (less  often)  lend. 
Borium,  n.  boron. 
Borke,  /.  bark;  crust,  scab. 
Born,  TO.  spring,  well;  (Salt)  salt  pit. 
Borokalzit,  n.  borocalcite. 
Borsalbe,  /.  (Pharm.)  boric  acid  ointment. 
borsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  boric  acid, 

borate  of. 

Borsaure,  /.  boric  acid. 
Borsaureweinstein,  TO.  =  Boraxweinstein. 
Borse,  /.  purse;  Exchange. 
Borst,  TO.  burst,  crack,  fissure. 
Borste,  /.  bristle. 
borste,  pret.  subj.  of  bersten. 
Borstickstoff,  TO.  boron  nitride. 
borstig,  a.  cracked;  bristly;  surly. 
Borte, /.  border,  edging;  lace. 
Borwasserstoff,  TO.  boron  hydride. 
Borwolframsaure,  /.  borotungstic  acid, 
bosartig,  a.  malignant,  wicked. 
Boschung,  /.  slope,  sloping, 
bose,    a.   bad,    evil;    harmful,   noxious;    sore, 

aching. — hoses      Wesen,     "epilepsy. — boses 

Wetter,  choke  damp, 
boshaft,  a.  malicious,  malignant. 
Bosheit,  /.  malice,  malignity,  anger. 
Bossirwachs,  n.  molding  wax. 




hot,  pret.  of  bieten. 

Botanik,  /.  botany. 

Botaniker,  TO.  botanist. 

botanisch,  a.  botanical. 

Bote,  TO.  messenger. 

Botschaft,  /.  message;  embassy;  pi.  tidings. 

Bottcher,  m.  cooper. 

Bottich,  TO.  vat,  tub,  tun,  tank,  back,  vessel. 

Bottichkiihler,  TO.  (Brewing)  attemperator. 

Bouteille,  /.  bottle. 

brach,  pret.  of  brechen. 

brach,  a.  fallow. 

brachte,  pret.  of  bringen. 

Brack,  TO.  refuse. 

brackig,  a.  brackish. 

Brambeere,  /.  blackberry. 

Bramme,  /.  slab  (of  iron),  bloom. 

Brand,  TO.  burning;  fire;  charge  (of  a  kiln  or 
oven);  blight,  smut;  gangrene,  slough;  brand. 

Branderz,  «.  inflammable  ore  (as  bituminous 
shale,  or  as  idrialite). 

brandfest,  a.  fireproof. 

Brandfleck,  Brandflecken,  TO.  burn. 

Brandgold,  n.  refined  gold. 

Brandharz,  n.  empyreumatic  resin. 

brandig,  a.  burnt;  blasted;  gangrenous. 

brandmarken,  v.l.  brand. 

Brandole,  oils  obtained  by  destructive  dis- 

Brandprobe,  /.  fire  test,  fire  assay. 

Brandriss,  TO.  fire  crack. 

Brandsatz,  TO.,  Brandzeug,  n.  Valenciennes  (in- 
cendiary composition). 

Brandschiefer,  TO.  bituminous  shale. 

Brandsilber,  n.  refined  silver. 

Brandstein,  m.  brick. 

Brandstiftung,  /.  incendiarism,  arson. 

Brandung,  /.  surf,  breaker. 

Brandziegel,  TO.  firebrick. 

Branke, /.  =Brenke. 

brannte,  pret.  of  brennen. 

Branntwein,  TO.  spirits  (brandy,  whisky,  etc.). 

Branntweinblase,  /.  still  (for  spirits). 

Branntweinbrenner,  TO.  distiller. 

Brannt weinbrennerei,  /.  distillation  (of  spirits) ; 

Branntweinhefe,  /.  alcohol  ferment  (Saccharo- 
myces  cerevisii). 

Branntweinmixtur,  /.  (Pharm.)  mixture  of 
brandy,  brandy  mixture. 

Branntweinprober,  TO.  alcoholometer. 

Branntweinwage,  /.  alcoholometer. 

branstig,  a.  of  a  burnt  smell  or  taste. 

Brasil,  Brasilien,  n.  Brazil. 

Brasilinsaure,  /.  brasilinic    acid. 

Brasilsaure,  /.  brasilic  acid. 

Brassinsaure,  /.  brassic  acid. 

brat,  pr.  3  sing,  of  braten. 

braten,  v.t.  roast;  grill,  broil,  fry;  burn, 

Braten,  m.  roast  (meat). 
Bratenfett,  n.  drippings. 
Bratfrischarbeit,  /.  roasting  and  refining. 
Brau,  Brail,  TO.  brew,  quantity  brewed  at  one 

time;  malt  liquor. 

Braubursch,  m.  brewery  journeyman. 
Brauch,  TO.  custom,  usage. 
brauchbar,  a.  useful,  serviceable. 
brauchen,  v.t.  use;  want,  need. 
Braue,  /.  (eye)  brow. 
brauen,  v.t.  &  i.  brew. 
Brauer,  TO.  brewer. 
Brauerei,  /.  brewing;  brewery. 
Brauerlack,  TO.  brewer's  varnish. 
Brauhaus,  Brauhaus,  n.  brewery. 
Braukessel,  TO.  (Brewing)  kettle,  copper. 
Braumeister,  TO.  master  brewer. 
braun,  a.  brown;  bay  (horse);  dark  (person). — 

brauner  Glaskopf,  limonite. 
Braunbleierz,  n.  pyromorphite. 
Braune,  /.  quinsy;  angina;  brownness. 
Brauneisenstein,  TO.,  Brauneisenerz,  n.  brown 

iron  ore,  limonite. 
Braunelle, /.  =Brunelle. 
braunen,  v.t.  brown,  dye  brown;  bronze. 
Braunerz,  n.  limonite. 
Braunheil,  n.  =Brunelle. 
Braunholz,  n.  logwood. 
Braunkalk,  m.  dolomite. 
Braunkohle,  /.  brown  coal,  lignite. 
Braunkrausen,  (Brewing)  fuzzy  heads. 
Braunrot,  n.  colcothar;  Indian  red. 
Braunschliff,  TO.   (Paper)   steamed  mechanical 


Braunschweig,  n.  Brunswick. 
Braunspane,  TO.  pi.  logwood  shavings. 
Braunspat,  TO.  dolomite. 
Braunstein,     TO.     pyrolusite      (MnOz). — roter 

Braunstein,       rhodochrosite.    —    schwarzer 

Braunstein,  hausmannite. 
Braunsteinrahm,    Braunsteinschaum,    TO.    bog 

manganese,  wad. 

Brauntran,  m.  (Leather)  blubber,  thick  cod  oil. 
Braupfanne,  /.  =  Braukessel. 
Brause,  /.  effervescence;  sprinkler,  rose,  sprink- 
ling can. 

Brausebad,  n.  shower  bath. 
Brauselithiumcitrat,   n.    (Pharm.)   effervescent 

lithium  citrate. 

Brausemischung,  /.  effervescing  mixture. 
brausen,  v.i.  effervesce,  froth;  roar;  buzz. 
Brausepulver,  n.  effervescing  powder. 
Brausewein,  TO.  sparkling  wine. 
Braut,  /.  bride,  betrothed. 
Brautigam,  TO.  bridgroom. 
Brauwasser,  n.  (Brewing)  liquor. 
Brauwesen,  n.  brewing  business. 
brav,  a.  brave,  gallant,  good. 
Brecharznei,  /.  emetic. 
Brechbacken,  crusher  jaws. 




brechbar,  a.  refrangible;  breakable,  brittle. 

Brechbohne,  /.  kidney  bean  (Phaseolus  vulgaris) . 

Brecheisen,  n.  crowbar. 

brechen,  v.t.  break;  refract;  mine,  quarry;  crush, 
pulverize;  vomit;  pluck;  fold;  blend  (colors) ; 
boil  off  (silk). — v.i.  break;  crease,  crinkle; 
(of  dye  baths)  change,  decompose. — gebro- 
chen,  p.a.  broken,  etc.;  fractional;  crooked, 
bent;  worn  out;  ruined. 

brechenerregend,  a.  emetic. 

Brechhaufen,  TO.  (Brewing)  broken  piece. 

Brechkorner,  castor  beans. 

Brechmittel,  n.  emetic. 

Brechnuss,  /.  nux  vomica. 

Brechstange,  /.  crowbar,  pinch  bar. 

Brechung,  /.  breaking,  etc.  (see  brechen); 
(Physics)  refraction. 

Brechungsebene,  /.  (Optics)  plane  of  refrac- 

Brechungsexponent,  m.  refractive  index. 

Brechungsverhaltnis,  n.  refractive  index. 

Brechungsvermogen,  n.  refractive  power. 

Brechungswinkel,  m.  angle  of  refraction. 

Brechwalzwerk,  n.  crushing  rolls  (or  rollers). 

Brechwein,  TO.  (Pharm.)  wine  of  antimony,  anti- 
monial  wine. 

Brechweinstein,  TO.  tartar  emetic. 

Brechwerk,  n.  crusher. 

Brechwurzel,  /.  ipecacuanha,  ipecac. 

Brei,  TO.  (something  of  porridgelike  consis- 
tency) pulp,  mash,  paste;  magma;  porridge, 
pap;  (Ceram.)  slip. 

breiartig,  breiig,  a.  pulpy,  pappy,  pasty. 

breit,  a.  broad,  wide;  flat. 

Breite,  /.  breadth,  width;  latitude. 

breiten,  v.t.  spread,  extend,  flatten. 

Breitleder,  n.  sole  leather. 

Breiumschlag,  TO.  poultice,  cataplasm. 

Bremer,  a.  Bremen. 

Bremse,  /.  brake;  gadfly. 

Brenkas,  n.  fine  East-Indian  tin. 

Brenke,  /.  (Brewing)  yeast  tub. 

Brennapparat,  m.  distilling  apparatus,  still; 
branding  machine. 

Brennarbeit,  /.  fire  assaying. 

brennbar,  a.  combustible,  burnable. — brenn- 
bare  Luft,  hydrogen  (old  name). 

Brennbarkeit,  /.  combustibility. 

Brennblase,  /.  alembic,  still. 

Brenncylinder,  TO.  (Pharm.)  moxa. 

brennen,  v.t.  burn;  calcine,  roast;  distil;  fire, 
bake;  anneal;  char;  scald;  cauterize;  brand; 
curl  (hair). — v.i.  burn;  smart. — brennend, 
p. a.  burning;  caustic;  pungent;  ardent. — 
gebrannt,  p.a.  burnt,  calcined,  etc. — ge- 
brannte  Erde,  terra  cotta. — gebrannte 
Magnesia,  magnesia  usta  (MgO). — gebrann- 
te Wasser,  distilled  liquor. 

Brenner,  TO.  burner;  distiller;  brickmaker;  lime 

Brennerei,  /.  distillery. 

Brennessel,/.  (stinging)  nettle  (  UrtictQ. 

Brenngas,  n.  combustible  gas,  fuel  gas. 

Brennglas,  n.  burning  glass. 

Brennhelm,  m.  still  head. 

Brennholz,  n.  firewood. 

Brennkapsel,  /.  sagger. 

Brennkolben,  m.  distilling  flask,  alembic. 

Brennmaterial,  n.  combustible  material,  fuel. 

Brennofen,    m.    burning    oven,    baking    oven, 

kiln,    furnace,    roasting    furnace,    calcining 

furnace,  etc. 
Brennol,  n.  burning  oil. 
Brennpunkt,  TO.  focal  point,  focus. 
Brennschwindung,   /.    (Ceram.)    shrinkage    in 


Brennsilber,  n.  amalgam  for  silvering. 
Brennstahl,  TO.  blister  steel. 
Brennstoff,  TO.  fuel,  combustible;    (Old  Chem.) 


Brennstunde,  /.  lamp  hour. 
Brennweite,  /.  focal  distance,  focal  length. 
Brennwert,  TO.  fuel  value,  calorific  value. 
Brennziegel,  TO.  firebrick;  fuel  briquet. 
Brennzylinder,  TO.  =Brenncylinder. 
Brenz,  n.  empyreuma,  combustible. 
Brenz-.  pyro-. 

Brenzapfelsaure,  /.  maleic  acid. 
Brenzcain,  n.  (Pharm.)  pyrocain. 
Brenzcatechin,  n.  pyrocatechol,  pyrocatechin. 
Brenzessigather,  Brenzessiggeist,  TO.  acetone. 
Brenzgallussaure,  /.  pyrogallic  acid. 
Brenzharz,  n.  =Brandharz. 
brenzlich,  brenzlig,  a.  empyreumatic,  tarry. — 

brenzlige  Sauren,  pyro  acids. 
Brenzol,  n.  empyreumatic  oil. 
Brenzsaure,  /.  pyro  acid. 
Brenzschleimsaure,  /.  pyromucic  acid. 
Brenzterebinsaure,  /.  pyroterebic  acid. 
Brenztraubenalkohol,  TO.  pyroracemic  alcohol. 
Brenztraubensaure,  /.  pyroracemic  acid. 
Brenzweinsaure,  /.  pyrotartaric  acid. 
Brett,  n.  board,  plank;  shelf;  office, 
brettern,  a.  of  boards,  boarded. 
Brettmiihle,  /.  sawmill. 
Brezel,  /.  cracknel. 
bricht,  pr.  8  sing,  of  brechen. 
Brief,  m.  letter;  paper,  packet. 
Briefchen,  n.  note. 
Briefgeld,  n.  postage. 

brieflich,  a.  written. — adv.  by  letter,  in  writing. 
Briefmarke,  /.  postage  stamp. 
Briefpapier,  n.  writing  paper. 
Briefschaften,  writings,  papers. 
Briefstempel,  TO.  postmark. 
Brieftisch,  m.  desk. 
Briefumschlag,  TO.  envelope,  wrapper. 
Briefwechsel,  TO.  correspondence. 
briet,  pret.  of  braten. 
Brikett,  n.  briquet,  briquette. 




Brillantgelb,  n.  brilliant  yellow. 

Brillantgriin,  n.  brilliant  green. 

Brille,  /.  spectacles,  eyeglasses. 

Brillenglas,  n.  spectacle  glass. 

bringen,  v.t.  bring;  carry, take,  put. 

Brisanz,  /.  shattering  power. 

Brise,  /.  breeze. 

brockelig,  a.  brittle,  friable,  fragile. 

brockeln,  v.t.  crumble. 

brocken,  v.t.  crumble,  break  up. 

Brocken,  m.  lump,  fragment;  crumb. 

Brockenglas,  n.  broken  glass,  cullet. 

brocklig,  a.  =  brockelig. 

Brod,  n.  =Brot. 

brodeln,  v.i.  bubble. 

Brodem,  m.  vapor,  steam;  (Mining)  foul  air. 

Brokat,  m.  brocade. 

Brom,  n.  bromine. 

Brom-.  of  or  combined  with  bromine;  bromo- 

(as    Brombenzoesdure,    bromobenzoic    acid); 

bromide  of  (as  Brombarium,  barium  bromide). 
Bromammonium,  n.  ammonium  bromide. 
Bromantimon,  n.  antimony  bromide. 
Bromarsen,  n.  arsenic  bromide. 
Bromather,  m.  ethyl  bromide. 
Bromathyl,  n.  ethyl  bromide. 
Bromathylen,  n.  ethylene  bromide. 
Brombeere,  /.  blackberry. 
Bromcyan,  n.  cyanogen  bromide,  bromocyano- 


Bromeiscn,  n.  iron  bromide. 
Bromflasche,  /.  bromine  bottle. 
Bromfluor,  n.  bromine  fluoride. 
Bromgoldkalium,    n.    potassium    auribromide, 

potassium  bromaurate. 

Bromhydrat,  n.   hydrobromide;    bromine   hy- 
Bromid,  n.  bromide  (especially  an  -ic  bromide, 

as  contrasted  with  Bromur). 
bormieren,  v.t.  brominate. 
Bromierung,  /.  bromination. 
Bromkalium,  n.  potassium  bromide. 
Bromkalzium,  n.  calcium  bromide. 
Bromkampher,    m.    bromocamphor,    (Pharm.) 

monobromated  camphor. 
Bromkupfer,  n.  copper  bromide. 
Bromlauge,  /.  bromine  lye  (solution  of  sodium 

hypobromite  and  bromide  made  by  passing 

bromine  into  sodium  hydroxide  solution). 
BromlHhium,  n.  lithium  bromide. 
Brommagnesium,  n.  magnesium  bromide. 
Brommetall,  n.  metallic  bromide. 
Bromnatrium,  n.  sodium  bromide. 
Bromphosphor,  m.  phosphorus  bromide. 
Bromradium,  n.  radium  bromide. 
bromsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  bromic  acid, 

bromate  of. 

Bromsaure,  /.  bromic  acid. 
Bromschwefel,  m.  sulfur  bromide. 
Bromsilber,  n.  silver  bromide. 

Bromsilizium,  ».  silicon  bromide. 
Bromspat,  n.  bromyrite  (AgBr). 
Bromiibertrager,  m.  bromine  carrier. 
Bromur,  n.  (-ous)  bromide.     (Used  for  a  metal 

in  its  lower  valence,  as  Eisenbromiir,  ferrous 


Bromwasser,  n.  bromine  water. 
Bromwasscrstoff,  m.  hydrogen  bromide;  hydro- 

bromic  acid. 
bromwasserstoffsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with 

hydrobromic  acid,  (usually)  hydrobromide  of. 
Bromwasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydrobromic  acid. 
Bromwismut,  m.  &  n.  bismuth  bromide. 
Bromzahl,  /.  bromine  number. 
Bromzink,  n.  zinc  bromide. 
Bromzinn,  n.  tin  bromide. 
Bronce,  /.  bronze. 
Bronzefarbe,  /.  bronze  color, 
bronzieren,  v.t.  bronze. 
Brosam,  Brosame,  /.  crumb,  scrap. 
Broschen,  n.  sweetbread. 
broschieren,    v.t.   stitch,   sew,    work;    bind   in 

paper  cover. 
Broschure,  /.   stitched    (but  unbound)    book; 

Brot,  n.  bread;  loaf. 
Brotbacken,  n.  bread  baking. 
Brotchen,  n.  roll. 

Brotgeschmack,  n.  (Brewing)  steam  taste. 
Brotherr,  m.  employer.        » 
Brotkorn,  n.  breadstuff. 
brotlos,  a.  unemployed,  unprofitable. 
Brotmasse,  /.  breadstuff. 
Brotrafflnade,  /.  loaf  sugar. 
Brotzucker,  m.  loaf  sugar. 
Brown'sche  Bewegung,  Brownian  movement. 
Bruch,  m.  fracture;  fraction;  break,  breaking, 

breach,   crack,   cleft;   fold,   crease,   wrinkle, 

crimp;    quarry;    fragments,   scrap;   rupture, 

(Med.)  hernia. 
Bruchblei,  n.  scrap  lead. 
Bruchdehnung,  /.  breaking  tension;  stretch  (of 


Brucheisen,  n.  scrap  iron. 
bruchfest,  a.  resisting  breakage. 
Bruchflache,  /.  surface  of  fracturp. 
Bruchgewicht,  n.  fractional  weight. 
Bruchglas,  n.  broken  glass,  cullet. 
Bruchgramm,  n.  fraction  of  a  gram. 
briichig,  a.  brittle,  short;  friable;  fragile;  full  of 

cracks;  (GeoZ.)  clastic,  fragmental. — briichig 

werden  (of  fabrics)  tender. 
Bruchmetall,  n.  broken  metal,  scrap  metal. 
Bruchstein,  m.  quarry  stone. 
Bruchstiick,  n.  fragment,  shred. 
Bruchteil,  m.  fraction. 
Briicke,  /.  bridge. 

Briickensauerstoff,   TO.  bridging  oxygen,   con- 
necting oxygen. 
Bruckenwage,  /.  platform  balance. 




Bruder,  ra.  brother;  friar. 

Bruhe,  /.  soupy  liquid,  liquor;  broth,  soup; 
gravy,  sauce;  (Dyeing)  liquor,  bath;  (Leather) 
juice,  liquor,  drench,  ooze;  (Tobacco)  sauce. 

briihen,  v.t.  scald,  treat  with  hot  water;  scour. 

briihheiss,  a.  scalding  hot. 

Briihmesser,  m.  (Leather)  barkometer. 

briillen,  v.i.  roar,  bellow,  howl. 

brummen,  v.i.  hum,  buzz,  low,  growl;  grumble. 

Bru nolle.  /.  self-heal  (Prunella  vulgaris). 

brunieren,  br  tinier  en,  v.t.  burnish,  polish; 
brown. — v.i.  turn  brown. 

Briinierstein,  TO.  burnishing  stone;  bloodstone. 

Brunnen,  TO.  well,  spring;  fountain;  (mineral) 

Brunnenflasche,  /.  mineral-water  bottle;  siphon 

Brunnenkresse,  /.  watercress. 

Brunnensalz,  n.  well  salt,  brine  salt. 

briinstig,  a.  ardent;  fervent;  in  heat. 

Brust,  /.  breast,  chest;  brisket. 

Brust-.  of  the  chest;  thoracic;  pectoral. 

Brustangst,  /.  angina  pectoris. 

Brustbeere,  /.  jujube,  zizyphus. 

Brustdriise,  /.  mammary  gland. 

briisten,  v.r.  plume  Oneself. 

Brustfell,  n.  pleura. 

Brustfellentziindung,  /.  pleurisy. 

Brustfieber,  n.  bronchitis. 

Brustgang,  TO.  thoracic  duct. 

Brustkasten,  Brustkorb,  m.  thorax. 

Brustkrampf,  TO.  asthma. 

Brustpulver,  n.  pectoral  powder,  specif.,  com- 
pound licorice  powder. 

brustreinigend,  p.a.  expectorant. 

Briistung,  /.  parapet,  breast  wall. 

Brut,  /.  brood,  hatch;  brooding,  hatching. 

briiten,  v.i.  brood,  hatch,  incubate. 

Brutkasten,  Brutofen,  Brutschrank,  TO.  incu- 

brutto,  a.  &  adv.  gross. 

Bruttoformel,  /.  a  formula  indicating  merely  the 
number  of  atoms  of  each  kind,  and  not  their 
mode  of  union,  an  empirical  molecular 
formula  (e.g..  CaH.s). 

Bruttogewicht,  n.  gross  weight. 

Bube,  TO.  boy;  knave. 

Bubonenpest,  /.  bubonic  plague. 

Bucco-.  buchu. 

Buccoblatter,  (Pharm.)  buchu. 

Buch,  n.  book;  quire. 

Buchdrucker,  TO.  printer. 

Buchdruckerei,  /.  printing  establishment,  press; 

Buchdruckerschwarze,  /.  printer's  ink. 

Buche,  /.  beech. 

Buchecker,  /.  beechnut. 

Buchel,  /.  beechnut. 

buchen,  b lichen,  a.  beechen,  of  beech. 

Buchenholz,  n.  beech  wood. 

Buchenrinde,  /.  beech  bark. 

Buchfuhren,  n.  bookkeeping. 

Buchgold,  n.  leaf  gold. 

Buchhalter,  m.  bookkeeper,  accountant. 

Buchhandler,  TO.  bookseller;  publisher. 

Buchnuss,  /.  beechnut. 

Buchsbaum,  TO.  box-tree. 

Buchse,  Biichse,  /.  box,  chest,  case,  can,  pot; 

rifle;  (Mach.)  bush,  box,  socket. 
Biichsenfleisch,  n.  canned  meat,  tinned  meat, 
biichsenformig,  a.  box-shaped. 
Buchsengemuse,  n.  canned  vegetables. 
Biichsenmacher,  TO.  gunsmith. 
Buchsenmetall,  Biichsenmetall,  n.  bush  metal, 

bearing  metal. 

Biichsenmiihle,  /.  barrel  mill. 
Biichsenpulver,  n.  rifle  powder. 
Biichsenschuss,  m.  gunshot. 
Buchstabe,  TO.  letter;  character;  type. 
Buchstabenrechnung,  /.  algebra. 
buchstabieren,  v.t.  spell. 
buchstablich,  a.  literal. 
Bucht,  /.  bay,  inlet;  sinus. 
Buchweizen,  TO.  buckwheat. 
Buckel,  TO.  hump;  knob;  knot. 
bttcken,  v.r.  stoop. 
Buckling,  TO.  red  herring,  bloater. 
Bucko-,  Bucku-.  buchu. 
Bude,  /.  booth,  stall,  shop. 
Buff  el,  TO.  buffalo. 

Bug,  TO.  bend,  bow;  bow  (of  a  boat). 
Biigel,  TO.   bow    (any  curved  piece  of  metal, 

wood,    or    the   like);    hoop;    guard,    frame; 

handle  (of  a  pail,  etc.). 
biigelecht,  a.  fast  to  ironing. 
Bugeleisen,  n.  flatiron. 
biigeln,  v.t.  iron. 

Biihne,/.  platform,  scaffold;  stage,  theater. 
buk,  pret.  of  backen. 
biiken,  v.t.  =  beuchen. 
Bukko-,  Bukku-.  buchu. 
bummeln,  v.i.  loaf,  stroll  about. 
Bund,  n.  bundle,  bunch. 
Bund,  TO.  band,  tie;  alliance. 
Biindel,  n.  bundle,  bunch;  parcel,  packet. 
Bundesrat,  TO.  federal  council. 
Bundestag,  m.  federal  diet, 
biindig,  a.  flush;  valid;  concise. 
Biindnis,  n.  alliance. 
Bundstahl,  TO.  fagot  steel. 
Bunsenbrenner,  m.  Bunsen  burner. 
bunt,    a.    variegated,    many-colored,    motley; 

mottled,     speckled;     colored;     gay,     fancy, 


Buntdruck,  TO.  color  printing;  color  print. 
buntfarben,  v.t.  stain. 
buntfarbig,  a.  variegated. 

Buntkupfererz,  n.,  Buntkupferkies,  m.  bornite. 
Buntpapier,  n.  stained  paper;  marbled  paper. 
Biirde,  /.  burden,  load,  charge. 


Bureau,  n.  office;  bureau. 

Biirettenbiirste,  /.  burette  brush. 

Biirettengestell,  n.  burette  stand. 

Biirettenhalter,  m.  burette  holder. 

Biirettenklemme,  /.  burette  clamp. 

Biirettenschwimmer,  m.  burette  float. 

Burg,  /.  castle,  stronghold. 

biirge,  pret.  subj.  of  bergen. 

btirgen,  v.i.  give  bail;  vouch. 

Burger,  m.  citizen;  townsman;  civilian. 

Biirgerkrieg,  m.  civil  war. 

biirgerlich,  a.  civil;  common;  civilian. 

Biirgermeister,  m.  mayor,  burgomaster. 

Biirgerstand,  m.  citizenry;  middle  class. 

Biirgersteig,  m.  sidewalk. 

Biirgschaft,  /.  security,  bail. 

Burgunder,  m.  Burgundy  (wine). 

Burgunderharz,  n.  Burgundy  pitch. 

Bursche,  m.  fellow;  lad;  servant;  student. 

Biirste,  /.  brush. 

Busch,  m.  bush;  copse;  tuft. 

Biischel,  m.  tuft,  bunch,  cluster;  (Elec.)  brush. 

buschelformig,  a.  tuft-like,  clustered. 

Busen,  m.  bosom,  breast;  bay. 

Busse,  /.  penance,  fine,  penalty. 

biissen,  v.t.  atone  for,  make  good. 

bussfertig,  a.  penitent,  repentant. 

10  bzw. 

Biiste,  /.  bust. 

Butan,  n.  butane. 

Butte,  Biitte,  /.  tub,  vat,  back,  tank,  chest. 

Biittel,  m.  beadle;  bailiff. 
|  biittengefarbt,  p.a.  unbleached  (paper). 

Buttenpapier,  n.  vat  paper,  handmade  paper. 
i  Butter-,  butter;  butyric,  butyryl,  butyro-. 

butterahnlich,    butterartig,    a.    buttery,    buty- 

Butterbaum,  m.  shea  tree. 

Butterblume,  /.  buttercup. 

Butterfass,  n.  churn. 

Butterfett,  n.  butter  fat;  butyrin. 

Buttergarung,  /.  butyric  fermentation. 

butterig,  a.  buttery. 

Buttermilch,  /.  buttermilk. 

buttern,  v.t.  churn;  butter. — v.i.  yield  butter. 

Butternuss,  /.  butternut. 

Butterpriifer,  m.  butter  tester. 

buttersauer,  a.  of   or   combined   with   butyric 
acid,  butyrate  of. 

Buttersaure,  /.  butyric  acid. 

Buttersaureather,     m.     ethyl     butyrate;     pi. 
butyric  esters. 

bzgl.,  abbrev.  (beztiglich)  respecting. 

Bzl.,  abbrev.  (Benzol)  benzene. 

bzw.,  abbrev.  (beziehungsweise)  respectively,  or. 

C.,  dbbrev.  of  Chemisches  Zentralblatt. 

ca.,  abbrev.  (circa,  zirka)  about. 

Cachou,  n.  catechu. 

cachoutieren,  v.t.  dye  with  catechu  or  cutch. 

Cadmium-,  see  Kadmium-. 

Caincasaure,  /.  cahincic  acid. 

Caincawurzel,  /.  cahinca  (root). 

Caincin,  n.  cahincin. 

Cajeputgeist,  m.  spirit  of  cajuput. 

calcinieren,  v.i.  calcine. 

Calciumhydriir,  n.  calcium  hydride  (CaHa). 

Calciumjodid,  n.  calcium  iodide. 

Calisayarinde,  /.  calisaya  bark. 

calorimetrisch,  a.  calorimetric. 

camentieren.  =  cementieren. 

Campane,  /.  bell  jar. 

Campecheholz,  n.  logwood. 

Camphansaure,  /.  camphanic  acid. 

Camphor,  TO.  camphor.  (For  compounds  see 
Kampher-) . 

canadisch,  a.  Canadian. 

Cantharinsaure,  /.  cantharidic  acid. 

Cantharsaure,  /.  cantharic  acid. 

Caoutschuk,  m.  caoutchouc. 

Capelle,  etc.  =  Kapelle,  etc. 

capillar,  etc.  =  kapillar,  etc. 

Capriblau,  n.  Capri  blue. 

Caprinsaure,  /.  capric  acid. 

Capronsaure,  /.  caproic  acid. 

Caprylsaure,  /.  caprylic  acid. 

Capsel,  etc.  =  Kapsel,  etc. 

carbaminsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  car- 
bamic  acid,  carbamate  of. 

Carbaminsaure,  /.  carbamic  acid. 

Carbanilsaure,  /.  carbanilic  acid. 

Carbidkohle,  /.  carbide  carbon. 

carbocyclisch,  a.  carbocyclic. 

Carbol-.  carbolic,  carbolized,  carbolated. 

Carbolkalk,  n.  carbolated  lime. 

Carbolsalbe,  /.  (Pharm.)  ointment  of  phenol. 

Carbolsaure,  /.  carbolic  acid. 

carbolschwefelsauer,  a.  (Pharm.)  of  or  com- 
bined with  sulf  ocarbolic  acid,sulfocarbolate  of . 

Carbolschwefelsaure,  /.  (Pharm.)  sulf  ocarbolic 
acid,sulphophenic  acid  (p-phenolsulf  onic  acid) . 

Carbolseife,  /.  carbolic  soap. 

Carbolsulfosaure,/.  =  Carbolschwefelsaure. 

Carbolwasser,  n.  aqueous  solution  of  phenol. 

<  'arbonat,  n.  carbonate. 

Carbonation,  n.  carbonate  ion. 

carbonieren,  v.t.  carbonate. 

Carbonisation,  /.  carbonization;  carbonation. 

carbonisieren,  v.t.  carbonize;  carbonate. 

Carbonisierfliissigkeit,  /.  carbonizing  liquor. 

Carbonsaure,  /.  carboxylic  acid  (a  general  term) . 

-carbonsaure,  /.  -carboxylic  acid. 

Carbonj  Lsauerstoff,  m.  carbonyl  oxygen. 

carbozyklisch,  a.  carbocyclic. 

Carburateur,  m.  carburetor. 

carburieren,  v.t.  carburet,  carburize. 

Carmin,  etc.  =  Karmin,  etc. 

Carnaubasaure,  /.  carnaubic  acid. 

Carreau,  n.  check,  square. 

Casium,  n.  cesium. 

Casiumalaun,  m.  cesium  alum. 

Casiumverbindung,  /.  cesium  compound. 

Cassawastarke,  /.  tapioca. 

Cassienrinde,  /.  cassia  bark. 

Castillianer  Seife,  castile  soap. 

Catech-.     See  Katech-. 

Cathartinsaure,  /.  cathartic  acid. 

Cautel,  /.  precaution. 

Cautschuk,  TO.  =  Kautschuk. 

cbcm.,  abbrev.  cubic  centimeter,  cc. 

Ceder,  /.  cedar. 

Cedratol,  n.  citron  ofl. 

Cedrool,  n.  citron  oil. 

Cement,   cementieren,   etc.  =  Zement,   zemen- 

tieren,  etc. 

censieren,  v.t.  criticize. 
Censur,  /.  censorship;  report. 
Cent-.     See  Zent-. 
Cer,  n.  cerium. 
Cerat,  n.  cerate. 
Cerealien,  pi.  cereals. 
Ceri-.  eerie. 

Cerioxyd,  n.  eerie  oxide. 
Cero-.  cerous. 

Cerotinsaure,  /.  cerotic  acid. 
Ceroverbindung,  /.  cerous  compound. 
Chagrin,  m.  shagreen. 
Chamaleon,  n.  chameleon;  chameleon  mineral 

(potassium  manganate). 
Chamaleonlosung,  /.  potassium  permanganate 


Chamotte,  etc.  =  Schamotte,  etc. 
Champagner,  m.  champagne. 
changierend,  a.  changeable,  shot  (fabrics). 





Chappeseide,  /.  spun  silk. 

charakterisieren,  v.t.  characterize. 

chargieren,  v.t.  charge. 

Charpie,  /.  lint. 

Chaussee,  /.  highway. 

Chef,  m.  chief,  head,  principal. 

Chemie,  /.  chemistry. 

Chemikalien,  chemicals. 

Chemiker,  m.  chemist. 

Chemikerstelle,  /.  position  of  chemist. 

chemisch,  a.  chemical. — adv.  chemically. 

Chemischblau,  n.  chemic  blue  (indigo  extract). 

Chemischgelb,  n.  patent  yellow,  Cassel  yellow 

(lead  oxy chloride). 
Chemischgriin,  n.  sap  green. 
Chemischrot,  n.  Venetian  red. 
chemischrein,  a.  chemically  pure. 
Chemismus,  m.  chemism. 
•chen.  little,  small,  -kin,  -let. 
Chesterkase,  m.  Cheshire  cheese. 
Chiffer,  Chiffre,  /.  cipher. 
chilenisch,  a.  Chilean. 
Chin-,  quin-  (as  in  Chinin,  Chinidin,  etc.). 
China,  /.  cinchona,  Peruvian  bark. 
Chinaalkaloid,  n.  cinchona  alkaloid. 
Chinabasen,  cinchona  bases,  quinine  bases. 
Chinaeisenwein,  m.  (Pharm.)  bitter  wine  of  iron. 
Chinagerbsaure,  /.  quinotannic  acid. 
Chinaldin,  n.  quinaldine. 
Chinarinde,  /.  cinchona  bark,  Peruvian  bark. 
Chinarot,  n.  cinchona  red. 
chinasauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  quinic  acid, 

quinate  of. 

Chinasaure,  /.  quinic  acid. 
Chinasilber,  n.  China  silver  (a  plated  alloy). 
Chinatinktur,  /.  tincture  of  cinchona. 
Chinawein,  m.  quinine  wine. 
Chinazolin,  n.  quinazoline. 
Chindolin,  n.  quindoline. 
Chinen,  n.  quinene. 
chinesisch,  a.  Chinese. 
Chinesischgriin,  n.  Chinese  green,  lokao. 
Chinesischrot,    n.    Chinese    red    (basic    lead 


Chinetum,  n.  quinetum. 
Chinhydron,  n.  quinhydrone. 
Chinicin,  n.  quinicine. 
Chinid,  n.  quinide. 
Chinidin,  n.  quinidine. 
chinieren,  v.t.  weave  or  print  chine,  cloud. 
Chinin,  n.  quinine. 
Chinineisen,    Chinineisencitrat,    n.    citrate    of 

iron  and  quinine. 
Chininsaure,  /.  quininic  acid. 
Chininwein,  m.  quinine  wine. 
Chinit,  n.  quinite. 
Chinizarin,  n.  quinizarin. 
Chinoidin,  n.  quinoidine. 
Chinoi,  n.  quinol. 
Chinolin,  n.  quinoline. 

Chinolingelb,  n.  quinoline  yellow. 

Chinolinrot,  n.  quinoline  red. 

Chi  noli  nsaure,  /.  quinolinic  acid. 

Chinon,  n.  quinone. 

Chinopyridin,  n.  quinopyridine. 

Chinotropin,  n.  quinotropin. 

Chinovabitter,  n.  quinova  bitter  (quinovin). 

Chinovin,  n.  quinovin. 

Chinovose,  /.  quinovose. 

Chinoxalin,  n.  quinoxaline. 

Chinoyl,  n.  quinoyl. 

Chinuclidin,  n.  quinuclidine. 

Chiretta,  /.  chirata. 

Chirurg,  TO.  surgeon. 

Chirurgie,  /.  surgery. 

Chlf.,  abbreo.  of  Chloroform. 

Chlor,  n.  chlorine. 

Chlor-.  of  or  combined  with  chlorine,  chloro- 

(as     Chlorbenzoesaure,    chlorobenzoic    acid). 

chloride  of  (as  Chlorzink,  zinc  chloride). 
Chloraluminium,  n.  aluminium  chloride. 
Chlorammonium,  n.  ammonium  chloride. 
Chloramyl,  n.  amyl  chloride. 
Chlorarsenik,  n.  chloride  of  arsenic. 
Chlorarseniklosung,  /.  (Pharm.)  solution  of  ar- 

senious  acid,  hydrochloric  solution  of  arsenic. 
Chlorat,  n.  chlorate. 

Chlorathyl,  n.  ethyl  chloride,  chloroethane. 
Chlorathyliden,  n.  ethylidene  chloride. 
Chloration,  /.  chlorination;  chlorate  ion. 
Chlorbarium,  Chlorbaryum,  n.  barium  chloride. 
Chlorbenzol,  n.  chlorobenzene. 
Chlorbenzyl,  n.  benzyl  chloride. 
Chlorblei,  n.  lead  chloride. 
Chlorbleiche,  /.  chlorine  bleaching. 
Chlorbleispat,  m.  phosgenite. 
Chlorbrom,  n.  bromine  chloride. 
Chlorbromsilber,  n.  embolite. 
Chlorcalcium,  n.  calcium  chloride. 
Chlorcalciumrohr,  n.,  -rohre,/.  calcium  chloride 

Chlorchrom,    n.    chromium    chloride,    specif., 

chromic  chloride. 

Chlorchromsaure,  /.  chlorochromic  acid. 
Chlorcyan,  n.  cyanogen  chloride, 
chlorecht,  a.  fast  to  chlorine. 
Chloreisen,    n.    iron    chloride,    specif.,    ferric 

chloren,    v.t.    chlore,    chlorinate;     (Bleaching) 


Chlorentwickler,  m.  chlorine  generator. 
Chlorentwicklung,  /.  evolution  or  generation  of 


Chloressigsaure,  /.  chloroacetic  acid. 
Chlorgas,  n.  chlorine  gas. 
Chlorgold,    n.     gold     chloride,    specif.,   auric 


Chlorgoldnatrium,  n.  sodium  chloraurate, 
chlorhaltig,  a.  containing  chlorine. 
Chlorhydrat,  n.  hydrochloride;  chlorine  hydrate. 


Chlorid,  n.  chloride  (esp.  an  -ic  chloride,  as 

contracted  with  Chloriir). 

chlorieren,  v.t.  chlorinate; -.(Bleaching)  chemick. 
Chlorierer,  m.  chlorinator. 
Chlorierung,  /.  chlorination. 
rhlorig,  o.  chlorous. — chlorige  Saure,  chlorous 

chlorigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  chlorous 

acid,  chlorite  of. 
Chlorigsaure,  /.  chlorous  acid. 
Chlorion,  n.  chlorine  ion. 
Chlorit,  n.  chlorite. 
Chloritspat,      m.     spathic     chlorite,      foliated 

Chlorjod,    n.    iodine    chloride,    specif.,  iodine 

Chlorkali,    n.    chloride    of   potash    (potassium 

hypochlorite);  potassium  chloride. 
Chlorkalilosung,  /.  (Pharm.)  solution  of  chlor- 
inated potassa,  Javelle  water. 
Chlorkalium,  n.  potassium  chloride. 
Chlorkalk,  m.  chloride  of  lime,  bleaching  powder. 
Chlorkalkbad,  n.  (Bleaching)  chemic  vat. 
Chlorkalkfliissigkeit,        Chlorkalklosung,        /. 

(Pharm.)  solution  of  chlorinated  lime  (bleach- 
ing powder  solution). 
Chlorkalkkufe,  /.  chemic  vat. 
Chlorknallgas,  n.  chlorine  detonating  gas  (an 

explosive  mixture  of  chlorine  and  hydrogen). 
Chlorkohlenoxyd,  n.  carbonyl  chloride. 
Chlorkohlenoxydather,     m.     ethyl     chlorocar- 


Chlorkohlensaure,  /.  chlorocarbonic  acid. 
Chlorkohlenstoff,  m.   carbon  chloride,   carbon 

tetrachloride     (sometimes     with     the     adj. 


Chlorkupfer,  n.  copper  chloride. 
Chlormagnesium,  n.  magnesium  chloride. 
Chlormangan,  n.  manganese  chloride. 
Chlormesser,  m.  chlorometer. 
Chlormetall,  n.  metallic  chloride. 
Chlormetalloid,  n.  chloride  of  a  metalloid. 
Chlormethyl,  n.  methyl  chloride. 
Chlornatrium,  n.  sodium  chloride. 
Chlornatron,    n.    chloride    of    soda     (sodium 

Chlornatronlosung,    /.     (Pharm.)    solution    of 

chlorinated  soda,  Labarraque's  solution. 
Chlorobenzil.   n.   dichlorobenzil,  CeEUCOCCU- 

Chlorobenzol,  n.  benzal  chloride. 
Chlorpikrin,  n.  chloropicrin. 
Chlorplatin,  n.  platinic  chloride. 
Chlorquecksilber,  «.  mercury  chloride  (either 

chlorsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  chloric  acid, 

chlorate  of. 

Chlorsaure, /.  chloric  acid. 
Chlorsaureanhydrid,  n.  chloric  anhydride. 
Chlorsilber,  n.  silver  chloride. 

3  Chromi- 

Chlorsilicinm,  n.  silicon  tetrachloride. 

Chlorsoda,  /.  =  Chlornatron. 

Chlorstickstoff,  m.  nitrogen  chloride. 

Chlorstrom,  m.  stream  of  chlorine. 

Chlorstrontium,  n.  strontium  chloride. 

Chlortoluol,  n.  chlorotoluene. 

Chloriibertrager,  m.  chlorine  carrier. 

Chloriir,  n.  (-ous)  chloride,  (formerly)  proto- 
chloride.  (Used  of  a  metal  in  its  lower  valence, 
as  Eisenchlorur,  ferrous  chloride.) 

Chlorverbindung,  /.  chlorine  compound. 

Chlorwasser,  n.  chlorine  water. 

Chlorwasserstoff,  m.  hydrogen  chloride;  hydro- 
chloric acid. 

Chlorwasserstoffather.  m.  ethyl  chloride. 

chlorwasserstoffsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with 
hydrochloric  acid,  chloride  (or  hydrochloride) 

Chlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydrochloric  acid. 

Chlorwismut,  n.  bismuth  (tri)  chloride. 

Chlorzink,  n.  zinc  chloride. 

Chlorzinn,  n.  tin  chloride. 

Chlorzyan,  n.  cyanogen  chloride. 

Chokolade,  /.  chocolate. 

Cholalsaure,/.  cholalic  acid  (cholic  acid). 

Choleinsaure,  /.  choleic  acid,  choleinic  acid. 

Cholin,  n.  choline. 

Cholsaure,  /.  cholic  acid. 

Chor,  m.  chorus;  choir. 

Chorde,  /.  chord. 

Christdorn,  m.  holly. 

Christophskraut,  n.,  Christophswurz,  /.  bane- 
berry  (Actsea). 

Christpalmo'I,  n.  castor  oil. 

Chront,  n.  chromium;  chrome. 

Chromalaun,  m.  chrome  alum. 

Chromat,  n.  chromate. — saures  Chromat,  di- 

Chrombeize,  /.  chrome  mordant. 

Chromblei,  n.,  Chrombleispat,  m.  crocoite. 

Chromchlorid,  n.  chromic  chloride. 

Chromchloriir,  n.  chromous  chloride. 

chromecht,  a.  (Dyeing)  fast  to  chrome  (potas- 
sium dichromate). 

Chromeisen,  n.  chromite,  chromic  iron. 

Chromeisenstein,  m.  chromite,  chrome  iron  ore. 

Chromfluorid,  n.  chromic  fluoride. 

chromgar,  a.  chrome-tanned. 

Chromgelatine,  /.  chrome  gelatin,  bichromated 

Chromgelb,  n.  chrome  yellow  (lead  chromate); 
Cologne  yellow  (lead  chromate  and  sulfate). 

Chromgerberei,  Chromgerbung,  /.  chrome 

Chromglimmer,  m.  chrome  mica. 

chromhaltig,  a.  containing  chromium,  chromif- 

Chromhydroxyd,  n.  chromic  hydroxide. 

Chromhydroxydul,  n.  chromous  hydroxide. 

Chromi-.  chromic. 




Chromichlorid,  n.  chromic  chloride. 

Chromierartikel,  m.  (Calico)  chrome  style. 

chromieren,  v.t.  chrome. 

Chromihydroxyd,  n.  chromic  hydroxide. 

Chromisalz,  n.  chromic  salt. 

Chromisulfat,  n.  chromic  sulfate. 

Chromiv  erbindung,  /.  chromic  compound. 

Chromkali,  n.  potassium  dichromate. 

Chromkarbid,  n.  chromium  carbide. 

Chromleder,  n.  chrome  leather. 

Chromnatron,  n.  sodium  chromate. 

Chromo-.  chromous. 

Chromochlorid,  n.  chromous  chloride. 

Chromohydroxyd,  n.  chromous  hydroxide. 

Chromoion,  n.  chromous  ion. 

chromophor,  a.  chromophoric,  chromophore, 

Chromoverbindung,  /.  chromous  compound. 

Chromoxychlorid,  n.  chromium  oxychloride 
(chromyl  chloride). 

Chromoxyd,  w.  chromic  oxide. 

Chromoxydhydrat,  n.  chromic  hydroxide. 

Chromoxydnatron,  n.  sodium  chromite. 

Chromoxydsalz,  n.  chromic  salt. 

Chromoxydul,  n.  chromous  oxide. 

Chromoxydul-.  chromous. 

Chromoxydulverbindung,  /.  chromous  com- 

Chromrot,  n.  chrome  red. 

Chromsalpetersaure,  /.  chromonitric    acid. 

Chromsalz,  n.  chromium  salt;  chromate. 

chromsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  chromic 
acid,  chromate  of. — chromsaures  Kali,  potas- 
sium chromate. — doppelt  (rotes,  saures) 
chromsaures  Kali,  potassium  dichromate. 

Chromsaure,  /.  chromic  acid. 

Chromsaureanhydrid,  n.  chromic  anhydride. 

Chromsauresalz,  n.  salt  of  chromic  acid,  chro- 

Chromschwefelsaure,  /.  chromosulfuric  acid. 

Chromstahl,  m.  chrome  steel,  chromium 

Chromsulf iir,  n.  chromium  sulfide. 

Chromverbindung,  /.  chromium  compound. 

Chylus,  TO.  chyle. 

Cibarot,  n.  ciba  red. 

Cibebe,  /.  =  Zibebe. 

Cichorie,  /.  chicory. 

circa,  cirka,  adv.  about. 

cirkulieren,  v.i.  circulate. 

Cisstellung,  /.  cis  position. 

Citat,  n.  citation,  quotation. 

citieren,  v.t.  quote,  cite;  summon. 

Citrat,  Citrone,  etc.  =  Zitrat,  Zitrone,  etc. 

civil,  a.  civil;  moderate. 

claircieren,  v.t.  clarify,  specif.  (Sugar)  clay.. 

coag-.  see  koag-. 

Coaks,  m.  &  coke. 

Cocawein,  m.  (Pharm.)  wine  of  coca. 

Coccinsanre,  /.  coccinic  acid. 

Cochenille,  /.  cochineal. 

Cochenillesaure,  /.  cochenillic  acid. 

Cocos,  etc.     See  Kokos,  etc. 

Codol,  n.  codliver  oil. 

cohobieren,  v.t.  cohobate. 

Colatur,  /.  filtrate. 

Colestin,  m.  celestite. 

colieren,  etc.  =  kolieren,  etc. 

Collodium,  etc.     See  Kollodium,  etc. 

Colombowiirzel,  /.  calumba  root. 

Colonne,  /.  column. 

colorimetrisch,  a.  colorimetric. 

combinieren,  v.t.  combine. 

Commis,  m.  clerk. 

comprintieren,  v.t.  compress. 

Comptoir,  n.  office,  counting  house. 

cone-.     See  konz-. 

Condens-.     See  Kondens-. 

conditionieren,  v.t.  condition. 

conglobieren,  v.t.  heap  up. 

Congogelb,  n.  Congo  yellow. 

Congorot,  n.  Congo  red. 

Coniin,  n.  conine,  coniine. 

Conserv-.     See  Konserv-. 

constatieren,  v.t.  ascertain,  verify. 

Conto,  n.  account. 

Conus,  m.  cone. 

Copaivaol,  n.  oil  of  copaiba. 

Corozonuss,  /.  ivory  nut. 

corr.,  abbrev.  (corrigiert)  corrected. 

corrigieren,  v.t.  correct. 

corrodieren,  v.t.  &  i.  corrode. 

Corulein,  n.  cerulein. 

Coruleum,  n.  ceruleum. 

Cotorinde,  /.  coto  bark. 

Cotta,  /.  =  Deul. 

Cottonol,  n.  cottonseed  oU. 

Couleur,  /.  color;  caramel,  burnt  sugar;  dark, 

coarse    smalt;    (pi.)    fancy    goods,     colored 


Courant,  n.  currency. 
Couvert,  n.  envelope;  cover. 
Cremor  Tartar!,  cream  of  tartar. 
Cristall,  etc.   =  Kristall,  etc. 
Crotonsaure,  /.  crotonic  acid. 
Crystall-  =  Kristall-. 
Cuiteseide,  /.  boiled-off  silk. 
Cumalinsaure,  /.  coumalic  (or  cumalic)  acid. 
Cumar-.  coumar-  (or  cumar-). 
Cumarinsaure,   /.    coumarinic    (or    cumarinic) 


Cumarsaure,  /.  coumaric  (or  cumaric)  acid. 
Cuminsaure,  f.  cumic  acid,  cuminic  acid. 
Ciunol,  n.  cumene. 
Cupri-.  cupric. 

Cupricarbonat,  n.  cupric  carbonate. 
Cuprichlorid,  n.  cupric  chloride. 
Cuprioxyd,  n.  cupric  oxide. 
Cuprisalz,  n.  cupric  salt. 
Cuprisulfat,  n.  cupric  sulfate. 


Cupriverbindung,  /.  cupric  compound. 

Cupro-.  cuprous. 

Cuprochlorid,  n.  cuprous  chloride. 

Cupromangan,  n.  cupromanganese. 

Cuprooxyd,  n.  cuprous  oxide. 

Cuproverbindung,  /.  cuprous  compound. 

Curcuma,  etc.     See  Kurkuma,  etc. 

curs-.     See  kurs-. 

Cuvette,  /.  bulb. 

Cyan,  n.  cyanogen. 

Cyan-,  of  or  combined  with  cyanogen,  cyano- 

(as  Cyanpropionsaure,  cyanopropionic  acid), 

cyanide  of  (as  Cyanammonium,  ammonium 


Cyanalkali,  n.  alkali  cyanide. 
Cyanalkyl,  n.  alkyl  cyanide. 
Cyanamidcalcium,  n.  calcium  cyanamide. 
Cyanamidnatrium,  n.  sodium  cyanamide. 
Cyanammonium,  n.  ammonium  cyanide. 
Cyanat,  n.  cyanate. 
Cyanathyl,  n.  ethyl  cyanide. 
Cyanbaryum,  n.  barium  cyanide. 
Cyanbenzol,  n.  cyanobenzene. 
Cyanbromid,  n.  cyanogen  bromide. 
Cyancalcium,  n,  calcium  cyanide. 
Cyanchlorid,  n.  cyanogen  chloride. 
Cyandoppelsalz,  n.  double  cyanide. 
Cyaneisen,  n.  iron  cyanide. 
Cyaneisenkalium,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide. 
Cyangold,  n.  gold  cyanide. 
Cyangoldkalium,  n.  potassium  auri-  or  aurocy- 




Cyanid,  n.  cyanide  (esp.  an  -ic  cyanide  as  con- 
trasted with  Cyaniir). 

Cyankalium,  n.  potassium  cyanide. 

Cyankobalt,  m.  cobalt  cyanide. 

Cyankupfer,  n.  copper  cyanide. 

Cyanmetall,  n.  metallic  cyanide. 

Cyanmethyl,  n.  methyl  cyanide. 

Cyannatrium,  n.  sodium  cyanide. 

Cyanplatin,  n.  platinum  cyanide. 

Cyanquecksilber,  n.  mercury  cyanide. 

cyansauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  cyanic  acid, 
cyanate  of. 

Cyansaure,  /.  cyanic  acid. 

Cyansilber,  n.  silver  cyanide. 

Cyantoluol,  n.  cyanotoluene. 

Cyaniir,  n.  (-ous)  cyanide.  Cf.  Cyanid. 

.Cyanur-.  cyanuric;  cyanuryl. 

Cyanursaure,  /.  cyanuric  acid. 

Cyanverbindung,  /.  cyanogen  compound. 

Cyanwasserstoff,  m.  hydrogen  cyanide;  hydro- 
cyanic acid. 

cyanwasserstoffsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with 
hydrocyanic  acid,  cyanide  of. 

Cyanwasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydrocyanic  acid. 

Cyanzink,  n.  zinc  cyanide. 

cyclish,  a.  cyclic. 

cylindern,  etc.     See  zylindern,  etc. 

Cyper-.  cypress;  Cyprus,  Cyprian;  copper. 

Cypern,  n,  Cyprus. 

Cypervitriol,  m.  (Old  Chem.)  blue  vitriol. 

Cypressennuss,  /.  cypress  cone. 

Cystinuriker,  m.  one  who  has  cystinuria. 

d.,  abbrev.  (der,  die,  das)  the,  of  the,  etc. 

D.,  abbrev.  (Dichte)  density,  specific  gravity. 

da,  adv.  there;  present;  then. — conj.  when,  as, 
while,  since. 

dabei,  adv.  thereby,  there,  near,  besides. 

Dach,  n.  roof;  dome  (of  a  boiler) ;  house. 

Dachbau,  m.  roofing. 

Dachblech,  n.  sheet  metal  for  roofing. 

Dachboden,  m.  loft. 

Dachel,  Dachel,  TO.  (Metal.)  lump,  bloom. 

Dachkammer,  /.  attic,  garret. 

Dachkohle,  /.  upper  coal. 

Dachpappe,/.  composition  roofing,  roofing  paper. 

Dachpfanne,  /.  pantile. 

Dachs,  m.  badger;  dachshund. 

Dachschiefcr,  m.  roofing  slate. 

Dachsel,  TO.  adze. 

Dachstein,  m.  tile,  slate;  bituminous  shale; 
(Mining)  roof  rock. 

dachte,  pret.  of  denken. 

Dachung,  /.  roofing. 

Dachwurz,  /.  common  houseleek. 

Dachziegel,  TO.  (roofing)  tile. 

Dachziegelei,  /.  tilery,  tile  kiln. 

dafiir,  adv.  therefor,  for  it;  instead  of  it. 

dagegen,  adv.  against  it;  in  comparison;  in  re- 
turn.— conj.  on  the  other  hand;  whereas. 

daheitn,  adv.  at  home. 

daher,  adv.  hence,  thence,  therefore. 

dahin,  adv.  thither,  there,  thereto;  away,  over, 
gone;  along. 

dahinstehen,  v.i.  remain  uncertain. 

dahinter,  adv.  behind  it. 

damals,  adv.  at  that  time,  then. 

damasc-.  see  damasz-. 

Damast,  m.  damask. 

Damaststahl,  m.  damask  steel,  Damascus  steel. 

damaszener,  a.  Damascene,  Damascus,  damask. 

damaszieren,  v.t.  damascene,  damask. 

Damaszierung,  /.  damascening. 

Dame,/,  lady;  queen  (at  cards) ;  king  (checkers). 

Damenbrett,  n.  checkerboard. 

Damcnspiel,  n.  checkers,  draughts. 

damit,  adv.  therewith,  with,  by  it. — conj.  in 
order  that. 

damlich,  a.  stupid,  silly. 

Damm,  TO.  dam,  dike,  bank;  (Med.)  perineum. 

dammen,  v.t.  dam,  dam  up,  stop  up;  curb. 

Dammerde,/.  mold,humus;  (Founding)  pit  sand. 

dammern,  v.i.  grow  dusky;  dawn. 

Dammerung,  /.  twilight,  dusk;  dawn. 

Dampf,  TO.  vapor;  steam;  fume,  smoke. — 
direkter  Dampf,  live  steam. — indirekter 
Dampf,  exhaust  steam. — stickender  Dampf, 
choke  damp. 

Dampfartikel,  TO.  (Calico)  steam  style. 

Dampf  bad,  n.  steam  bath;  vapor  bath. 

Dampf  blase,  /.  bubble  of  vapor  or  steam;  still 
heated  by  steam. 

Dampfchlor,  n.  steam  chemicking. 

Dampfdarre,  /.  steam  kiln. 

dampfdicht,  a.  steam-tight,  vapor-tight. 

Dampf dichte,  /.  vapor  density. 

Dampf druck,  TO.  vapor  pressure;  steam  pres- 
sure; steam  printing. 

Dampfdruckmesser,  m.  manometer;  steam 

dampfecht,  a.  fast  to  steaming. 

dampfen,  v.i.  give  off  vapor  or  steam,  steam; 
evaporate;  fume,  smoke. 

dampfen,  v.t.  damp,  smother;  put  out  (fire); 
subdue  (color  or  sound);  treat  with  steam, 
steam,  stew. 

Dampfentwickler,  m.  steam  generator. 

Dampfer,  TO.  steamer. 

Dampf er,  TO.  damper;  steamer,  steam  cooker. 

dampfformig,  a.  in  the  form  of  vapor  or  steam, 

Dampfgummi,  n.  dextrin. 

Dampf heizung,  /.  steam  heating. 

Dampfholzschliff,  m.  steamed  mechanical  wood 

Dampf hiille, /.  steam  jacket;  vaporous  envelope. 

Dampf kanal,  TO.  steam  pipe;  steam  port. 

Dampfkessel,  m.  steam  boiler. 

Dampfkesselblech,  n.  boiler  plate. 

Dampfkolben,  m.  steam  piston. 

Dampfmantel,  TO.  steam  jacket. 

Dampfmaschine,  /.  steam  engine. 

Dampfmesser,  TO.  manometer;  steam  gage. 

Dampfrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  f.  steam  pipe. 

Dampfschlange,  /.  steam  coil. 

Dampfschwarz,  n.  (Dyeing)  steam  black. 

Dampfspannung,  /.  vapor  tension;  steam  ten- 

Dampfstrahl,  m.  steam  jet. 

Dampftopf,  m.  (steam)  digester,  autoclave; 
steam  sterilizer. 





Dampftrichter,  m.  steam  funnel. 

Dampfturbine,  /.  steam  turbine. 

Dampfiiberhitzer,  TO.  steam  superheater. 

Dampfung,  /.  damping,  etc.  (see  dampfen). 

Dam pf wager.,  m.  steam  car;  locomotive. 

Dampfwarme,  /.  heat  of  vaporization;  vaporiz- 
ing temperature. 

Dampfwassertopf,  TO.  steam  trap. 

Dampfweg,  m.  =Dampfkanal. 

danach,  adv.  after  that,  thereupon,  for  it,  ac- 

daneben,  adv.  near  it,  beside  it,  besides. 

Dank,  m.  thanks;  reward. 

dankbar,  a~  thankful;  acceptable. 

danken,  v.L  thank. 

dann,  adv.  then. 

daran,  adv.  thereon,  thereat,  about  it,  of  it» 
in  it. 

darangeben,  v.t.  give  up. 

darauf,  adv.  thereupon,  thereon,  afterward. 

Darauflassen,  n.  (Brewing)  doubling. 

daraus,  adv.  therefrom,  thence,  out  of  that, 
of  it. 

darben,  v.i.  starve. 

darbieten,  v.t.  present,  offer. 

darein,  adv.  therein,  thereinto,  in  there. 

darf,  pr.  1  &  3  sing,  of  dttrfen. 

darin,  adv.  therein,  in  it. 

darlegen,  v.t.  exhibit,  show,  display;  explain; 
lay  down. 

Darm,  TO.  gut,  intestine. — blinder  Darm, 
caecum.  —  dicker  Darm,  colon.  —  diinner 
Darm,  small  intestine. — gerader  Darm, 
rectum. — langer  Darm,  ileum. — leerer  Darm, 

Darmbein,  n.  ilium. 

Darmfaule,  /.  dysentery. 

Darmgas,  n.  intestinal  gas. 

Darmgicht,  /.  ileus. 

Darmhaut,  /.  intestinal  coat. 

Darminhalt,  m.  intestinal  contents. 

Darmkanal,  n.  intestinal  canal. 

Darmkot,  TO.  feces. 

Darmnetz,  n.  omentum. 

Darmruhr,  /.  dysentery. 

Darmsaft,  m.  intestinal  juice. 

Darmsaite,  /.  catgut. 

Darmstein,  TO.  enterolith. 

Darmstiel,  m.  vitelline  duct. 

Darmtiere,  metazoa. 

Darm  wand,  /.  intestinal  wall. 

Darrarbeit,  /.  (Metal.)  liquation. 

Darrboden,  TO.  drying  floor,  kiln  floor. 

Darrbrett,  n.  drying  board. 

Darre,  /.  drying,  kiln-drying;  drying  room  or 
kiln;  (Brewing)  malt  kiln;  (Metal.)  liquation 

darreichen,  v.t.  offer;  administer  (drugs). 

darren,  v.t.  dry,  kiln-dry;  kiln;  (Metal.)  liquate; 
(Metal.)  torrefy. 

Dan-fax,  TO.  (Brewing)  kilnman. 

Darrflache,  /.  drying  surface,  kiln  surface. 

Darrkammer,  /.  drying  room. 

Darrkupfer,  n.  liquated  copper. 

Darrmalz,  n.  kiln-dried  malt,  cured  malt. 

Darrofen,  TO.  drying  kiln,  drying  oven;  (Metal.) 
liquation  hearth. 

Darrreife,  /.  (Brewing)  kiln  fitness. 

Darrschrank,  m.  drying  cabinet,  drying  oven. 

Darrstaub,  m.  malt  dust. 

Darst.,  abbrev.  (Darstellung)  preparation. 

darstellen,  v.t.  prepare;  produce,  make,  manu- 
facture; exhibit,  display;  describe. 

Darstellung,  /.  preparation ;?  production,  ^manu- 
facture; exhibition,  display ;  descriptionlre'pre- 
sentation;  (Math.)  construction. 

Darstellungsweise,  /.  method  of  preparation; 
manner  of  representation,  style. 

dartun,  v.t.  prove;  verify. 

dariiber,  adv.  over  it,  over  there,  about  it,  mo^re, 

darum,  adv.  around  it,  about  it,  therefore. 

darunter,  adv.  thereunder,  under  it,  among 
them,  by  it. 

Dasein,  n.  presence;  being,  existence. 

dass,  conj.  that. 

Dattel,  /.  date. 

Dattelbaum,  TO.  date  tree,  date  palm. 

Dattelpflaume,  /.  persimmon,  date  plum. 

Datum,  n.  date. 

Daube,  /.  stave. 

Dauer,  /.  duration;  durability,  permanence. 

Dauer-.  permanent,  continuous,  lasting,  per- 

Dauerbier,  n,  lager  beer. 

Dauerentladung,  /.  continuous  discharge. 

Dauergewachs,  n.  perennial  plant,  perennial. 

dauerhaft,  a.  durable,  lasting,  permanent;  fast 
(colors);  tough  (leather). 

Dauerhaf tigkeit,  /.  durability,  permanence. 

Dauermagnet,  m.  permanent  magnet. 

Dauermilch,  /.  sterilized  milk. 

dauern,  v.t.  last,  continue,  endure,  keep. 

Dauerpraparat,  n.  permanent  preparation. 

Dauerspore,  /.  resting  spore. 

Daunt,  Daumen,  TO.  thumb;  inch;  (Mech.)  part 
resembling  a  thumb,  as  a  cam. 

Daumenrad,  n.  cam  wheel. 

Daumling,  TO.  little  thumb;  (Mech.)  cam,  knob, 
or  the  like. 

davon,  adv.  thereof,  therefrom,  thereby,  away. 

davontragen,  v.t.  carry  away,  obtain. 

davor,  adv.  before  it,  for  k,  from  it. 

dazu,  adv.  thereto,  therefor. — noch  dazu,  more- 

dazumal.  adv.  then. 

DD.,  abbrev.  (Dampfdichte)  vapor  density. 

D.D.,  abbrev.  (Dichten)  densities. 

DE.,  abbrev.  (Dielektrizitatskonstante)  dielec- 
tric constant. 




-de.  A  suffix  attached  to  verbal  roots  to  form 
nouns  which  denote  the  result  of  the  action  or 
the  thing  done;  as,  Zierde,  ornament,  from 
zieren,  adorn. 

decarbonisieren,  v.t,  decarbonize,  decarburize. 

Deckblatt,  n.  wrapper  (of  a  cigar) ;  (Bot.)  bract. 

Decke,  /.  cover,  covering  (of  various  kinds); 
integument,  coat;  roof;  ceiling;  blanket; 
(Sugar)  cleansing,  purging  (also,  fine  liquor). 

Deckel,  m.  cover,  lid. 

Deckelabfall,  m.  carding  waste. 

deckeln,  v.t.  provide  with  a  cover  or  lid. — 
gedeckelt,  p.a.  with  cover  (s),  covered. 

decken,  v.t.  cover;  top  (paper);  cleanse,  wash, 
purge. — v.i.  (of  colors)  cover. 

De-ken,  n.  covering;  cle?nsing,  washing; 
(Paints)  covering  power,  opacity. 

Deckenstrich,  m.  (Leather)  daub. 

Decker,  TO.  coverer;  (Tobacco)  wrapper. 

deckfahig,  a.  of  good  covering  power,  opaque. 

Deckfahigkeit,  /.  covering  power,  opacity. 

Deckfarbe,  /.  body  color,  opaque  color. 

Deckfirnis,  m.  covering  varnish,  protecting 

Deckglas,  n.  cover  glass,  glass  cover. 

Deckglaschen,  n.  (Micros.)  cover  glass. 

Deckklare,  /.,  Deckklarsel,  n.  (Sugar)  fine 
liquor  (clairce)  for  cleansing  the  crystals. 

Deckkraft,  /.  covering  power,  body  (of  pig- 
ments and  dyes). 

Deckmittel,  n.  covering  material. 

Deckpapp,  m.,  Deckpappe,  /.  resist,  resist  paste. 

Decksel,  n.  = Deckklare. 

Decksirup,  m.  (Sugar)  liquored  sirup  (obtained 
by  cleansing  the  crystals  with  fine  liquor). 

Deckstopfen,  n.  stopper  with  projecting  rim. 

Deckung,  /.  covering,  cover;  remittance;  se- 
curity; (Geom.)  congruence. 

Deckziegel,  m.  cover  tile;  coping  brick. 

decrepitieren,  v.i.  decrepitate. 

Decreusage,  /.  (Silk)  determination  of  gum. 

Decylsaure,  /.  decylic  acid  (decoic  acid). 

defekt,  a.  defective. 

defibriniert,  a.  defibrinated. 

defmieren,  v.l.  define.— definiert,  p.a.  definite. 

deflagrieren,  v.t.  deflagrate. 

deformieren,  v.t.  deform. 

degallieren,  v.t.  degall. 

Degen,  m.  sword. 

degommieren,  v.t.  degum. 

degorgieren,  v.t.   =  ausschlammen. 

degraissieren,  degrassieren,  v.t.   =entfetten. 

degummieren,  v.t.  degum,  ungum,  strip  (silk). 

dehnbar,  a.  capable  of  being  stretched,  exten- 
sible, (of  metals)  malleable,  ductile;  expan- 
sible, (of  gases)  elastic;  dilatable. 

Dehnbarkeit,/.  extensibility,  etc.  (see  dehnbar). 

dehnen,  v.t.  extend,  stretch;  expand,  dilate, 

Dehnung,/.  extension;  tension;  dilation. 

Deich,  m.  dike. 

Deichsel,/.  pole,  shaft,  tongue  (of  a  vehicle). 

Deil,  TO.  =Deul. 

dein,  pron.  thy,  thine,  your,  yours. 

deinige,  pron.  thine,  yours. 

dekadisch,  a.  decadic.— dekadische  Logarith- 
men,  common  logarithms. 

dekantieren,  v.t.  decant. 

Dekantierglas,  n.  decanting  glass,  glass  decant- 
ing jar. 

Dekantiertopf,  TO.  (earthenware)  decanting  jar. 

Dekantierzy Under,  TO.  decanting  cylinder. 

dekarbonisieren,  v.t.  decarbonize,  decarburize. 

dekatieren,  v.t.  hot-press,  steam  (cloth). 

dekaustizieren,  v.t.  decausticize. 

deklinieren,  v.t.  decline,  deviate. 

Dekokt,  n.  decoction. 

dekorieren,  v.t.  decorate. 

dekrepitieren,  v.i.  decrepitate. 

Dekrolin,  n.  decrolin. 

Delphin,  m.  dolphin. 

Delphintran,  m.  dolphin  oil. 

Demant,  TO.  diamond;  adamant. 

Demantblende,  /.  eulytite. 

Demantspat,  m.  adamantine  spar  (corundum). 

dementsprechend,  adv.  correspondingly,  ac- 

demgemass,  adv.  accordingly. 

demnach,  adv.  accordingly. 

demnachst,  adv.  soon  after,  shortly. 

Demut,  /.  humility. 

demiitig,  a.  humble,  meek. 

denaturieren,  denaturisieren,  v.t.  denature, 

Dendrachat,  Dendritenachat,  m.  dendritic  agate. 

denitrieren,  v.t.  denitrate. 

Denitrierung,  /.  denitration. 

denitrifizieren,  v.t.  denitrify. 

Denkart,  /.  way  of  thinking,  disposition. 

denkbar,  a.  thinkable,  conceivable. 

denken,  v.t.  &  i.  think. 

Denkmal,  n.  monument;  memorial. 

Denkmiinze,  /.  commemorative  medal. 

denkwiirdig,  a.  memorable,  notable. 

denn,  conj.  for,  because,  then. 

dennoch,  conj.  yet,  however. 

Depesche,  /.  despatch. 

deplacieren,  v.t.  displace. 

Depolarisator,  TO.  depolarizer. 

deprimieren,  v.t.  depress. 

der,  die,  das,  article,  the. — pron.  this,  that,  he, 
that,  who,  which. 

derart,  adv.  in  such  a  way,  so  much. 

derartig,  a.  such. 

derb,  a.  solid,  compact,  dense,  firm,  strong; 
hardy,  stout;  rough,  rude;  (Min.)  massive. 

Derbgehalt,  TO.  solid  contents,  cubical  contents. 

Derbheit,/.  solidity,  etc.  (see  derb). 

dergestalt,  adv.  such,  so. 

dergleichen,  a.  such,  the  like. 




Derivat,  n.  derivative. 

derjenige,  pron.  that  one,  he. 

dermassen,  adv.  so  much,  so. 

dermatisch,  a.  cutaneous. 

derselbe,  a.  the  same. 

derzeitig,  a.  of  the  time  being,  present. 

des-.  dis-,  de-;  as,  Destillat,  distillate,  desoxy- 

dieren,  deoxidize. 

Desagregation,/.  disaggregation,  disintegration. 
desfalls,  adv.  in  that  case. 
desgleichen,  adv.  likewise;  ditto. 
deshalb,  adv.  therefore. 
Desinfektion,  /.  disinfectibn. 
Desinfektionsmittel,  n.  disinfectant. 
desinfizieren,  v.t.  disinfect. 
Desinfizierung,  /.  disinfection. 
Desintegrator,  m.  disintegrator. 
desintegrieren,  v.t.  disintegrate. 
Desmotropie,  /.  desmotropism.  desmotropy. 
Desodorationsmittel,  n.  deodorizer. 
desodorieren,  v.t.  deodorize. 
Desoxydation,  /.  deoxidation. 
Desoxydationsmittel,  n.  deoxidizing  agent. 
desoxydieren,  v.t.  deoxidize. 
dessenungeachtet,  adv.  nevertheless. 
Dessin,  TO.  &  n.  design,  pattern. 
Dest.,  abbrev.  (Destination)  distillation. 
Destillat,  n.  distillate. 
Destination,  /.  distillation. 
Destillationsgefass,  n.  distilling  vessel. 
Destillationsrohr,  n.  distillation  tube,  distilling 


Destillierapparat,  TO.  distilling  apparatus,  still. 
destillierbar,  a.  distillable. 
Destillierblase,  /.  distilling  vessel,  retort,  body 

of  a  stm. 

destillieren,  v.t.  distil. 
Destilliergefass,  n.  distilling  vessel. 
Destillierkolben,  TO.  distilling  flask;  retort. 
Destilliertopf,  m.  distilling  pot. 
Destillierung,  /.  distillation. 
desto,  adv.,  desto-.  so  much,  so  much  the. — je 

. . .  desto  . . . ,  the . . .  the  . . . 
destomehr,  a.  &  adv.  so  much  the  more,  the 


deswegen,  adv.  for  that  reason,  therefore. 
Detacheur,  TO.  (Dyeing)  spot  cleaner. 
deuchte,  pret.  of  dttnken. 
Deul,  TO.  bloom,  lump,  cake  (of  metal). 
deuten,  v.i.  point. — v.t.  explain. 
deutlich,  a.  clear,  distinct,  plain,  evident. 
deutsch,  a.  German. — deutsche  Folie,  German 

foil  (made  from  an  alloy  of  tin). — deutsches 

Geschirr,  (Paper)  stampers. 
Deutung,  /.  interpretation,  explanation. 
Devise,  /.  motto,  device. 
devonisch,  a.  Devonian. 
Dewarsches  Gefass.     Dewar  vessel. 
Dextronsaure,  /.  dextronic  (d-gluconic)  acid. 
Dezigramm,  n.  decigram. 

dgl.,  abbrev.  (dergleichen)  the  like. 

d.h.,  abbrev.  (das  heisst)  that  is,  i.e. 

d.i.,  abbrev.  (das  ist)  that  is,  i.e. 

Diachylonsalbe,  /.  diachylon  ointment. 

Dialysator,  m.  dialyzer. 

Dialyse,  /.  dialysis. 

dialysieren,  v.t.  dialyze. 

dialysisch,  a.  dialytic. 

Diamant,  TO.  diamond. 

diamantartig,  a.  diamondlike,  adamantine. 

Diamantglanz,  m.  adamantine  luster. 

Diamantmorser,  TO.  diamond  mortar  (small  steel 

Diamantschwarz,  n.  diamond  black. 

Diamantspat,  m.  adamantine  spar  (corundum). 

Diamido-.  diamino-,  diamido-.     See  Amido-. 

Diamidobenzol,  n.  diaminobenzene. 

Diamidotoluol,  n.  diaminotoluene. 

Diaminschwarz,  n.  diamine  black. 

Dianenbaum,  TO.  arbor  Dianae  (silver  tree). 

diaphan,  a.  diaphanous. 

Diaphragma,  n.  diaphragm. 

diastatisch,  a.  diastatic. 

Diat,  /.  diet. 

Diath-.  dieth-. 

Diazobenzol,  n.  diazobenzene. 

Diazoessigsaure,  /.  diazoacetic  acid. 

diazotieren,  v.t.  diazotize. 

Diazotierung,  /.  diazotizing,  diazotization. 

Diazoverbindung,  /.  diazo  compound. 

dibenzoyliert,  p.a.  having  two  benzoyl  groups 
added,  dibenzoyl-. 

Dibrombenzol,  n.  dibromobenzene. 

Dicarbonsaure,  /.  dicarboxylic  acid. 

Dichinol,  n.  diquinol. 

Dichinolin,  n.  diquinoline. 

Dichinoyl,  n.  dichinoyl. 

Dichlormethan,  n.  dichloromethane. 

dichromsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  dichromic 
acid,  dichromate  of. 

Dichromsaure,  /.  dichromic  acid. 

dicht,   a.  tight;    dense;   firm,   compact,  thick, 

dichtbrennen,  v.t.  (Ceram.)  vitrify. 

Dichte,  /.  density;  tightness,  thickness,  firm- 
ness; (of  paper)  bulking  quality. 

Dichtemesser,    TO.    instrument    for    measuring 
density,  densimeter;  specif.,  hydrometer. 

dichten,  v.t.  make  tight,  lute,  pack,  calk;  con- 
dense, compact;  compose  (poetry). 

Dichter,  TO.  poet. 

Dichtheit,  /.  tightness,  itnperviousness;  density, 

Dichtigkeit, /.  =  Dichte. 

Dichtung,   /.    making   tight;   luting;    packing, 
stuffing;  poetry. 

Dichtungsstoff,  TO.  luting,  calking,  or  packing 

dick,  o.  thick;  big,  bulky,  fat,  swollen, 

Dickauszug,  TO.  inspissated  extract. 




Dickdarm,  m.  large  intestine,  colon. 

Dicke,  /.  thickness,  etc.  (see  dick);  consistency 
(of  a  liquid) ;  mother,  dregs. 

Dickenmesser,  m.  thickness  gage. 

Dickfarbe,  /.  thick  color,  body  color. 

dickfliissig,  a.  thickly  liquid,  viscous,  viscid. 

dicklich,  a.  thickish,  somewhat  thick. 

Dickmaische,  /.  (Brewing)  thick  mash,  decoc- 

Dickmilch,  /.  curdled  milk,  curds. 

Dickol,  n.  thick  oil,  heavy  oil;  specif.,  a  vis- 
cous product  formed  by  the  exposure  of  oil  of 
turpentine  to  the  air. 

Dickpfanne,  /.  concentration  pan. 

Dicksaft,  m.  (Sugar)  thick  juice,  sirup. 

dickschalig,  a.  thick-shelled;  (of  grain)  husky. 

dickwandig,  a.  thick-walled. 

Dicyan,  n.  dicyanogen,  cyanogen  gas. 

Didym,  n.  didymium. 

Dieb,  m.  thief. 

Diebstahl,  m.  theft,  larceny. 

Diele,  /.  board,  plank. 

Dielektrikum,  n.  dielectric. 

dielektrisch,  a.  dielectric. 

Dielektrizitatskonstante,  /.  dielectric  constant. 

dienen,  v.L  serve. 

Diener,  m.  servant. 

dienlich,  a.  serviceable,  expedient,  fit. 

Dienst,  m.  service;  duty,  employment. 

Dienstag,  m.  Tuesday. 

dienstbereit,  a.  ready  for  service. 

Dienstherr,  TO.  employer,  master. 

dienstlos,  a.  out  of  employment. 

Dienstlohn,  TO.  wages. 

diesbeziiglich,  a.  concerning  this. 

dieser,  diese,  dieses,  pron.  this,  this  one,  the 

diesmal,  adv.  this  time,  now. 

Dietrich,  TO.  skeleton  key,  picklock. 

differenzieren,  differentiieren,  v.t.  differentiate. 

diffundieren,  v.L  diffuse. 

diffusionsfahig,  a.  diffusible. 

Diffusionsprodukt,  n.  diflfusate. 

Diffusionsverfahren,  n.  diffusion  process. 

Diffusionsvermogen,  n.  diffusibility. 

Digallussaure,  /.  digallic  acid. 

digerieren,  v.t.  digest. 

Digestivsalz,  n.  digestive  salt  (potassium 

Digestorium,  n.  hood. 

Diharnstoff,  TO.  diurea  (urazine). 

diheteroatomig,  a.  diheteratomic. 

dihydratisch,  a.  dihydric. 

Dijod-.  diiodo-. 

Dikabrot,  n.  dika  bread. 

Dikarb-.     See  Dicarb-. 

DUettant,  m.  amateur. 

Di  lie,  /.  socket,  nozzle. 

Dillol,  n.  oil  of  diU,  dill  oil. 

dimensionieren,  v,t.  dimension. 

dimer,  a.  dimeric. 

dimethyliert,  p.a.  .dimethylated,   dimethyl-. 

dimorph,  dimorphisch,  a.  dimorphous. 

Dimorphic,  /.  dimorphism. 

Dina-.      Dinas. 

Dinapht-,  Dinaphto-.  dinaphtho-. 

Dinaphtyl,  n.  dinaphthyl. 

Dinaphtylen-.  dinaphthylene-. 

Dinaphtylin,  n.  dinaphthyline. 

Dinaston,  TO.  Dinas  clay. 

Dinasziegel,  TO.  =  Dinaziegel. . 

Dinaton,  TO.  Dinas  clay. 

Dinaziegel,  TO.  Dinas  brick,  silica  brick. 

Ding,  n.  thing;  being. 

dingen,  v.t.  hire. — v.L  bargain. 

Dinicotinsaure,  /.  dinicotinic  acid. 

dinitriert,  p.a.  having  two  nitro  groups  intro- 
duced, dinitro-. 

Dinkel,  TO.  spelt,  German  wheat. 

Dinte,  /.  (more  commonly,  Tinte)  ink. 

Diorsellinsaure,  /.  diorsellinic  acid. 

Dioxy-.  dioxy-;  dihydroxy-.  (See  note  under 

Dioxybenzol,  n.  dihydroxybenzene. 

Dioxychinolin,  n.  dihydroxyquinoline. 

Dioxychinon,  n.  dihydroxyquinone. 

Dioxyd,  n.  dioxide. 

Dioxynaphtalin,  n.  dihydroxynaphthalene. 

Dioxytoluol,  n.  dihydroxytoluene. 

Diphensaure,  /.  diphenic  acid. 

Diphenylarsenchloriir,  rt.  diphenylarsenious 

Diphenylborchlorid,  n.  diphenylboron  chloride. 

Diphosphorsaure,  /.  diphosphoric  (pyrophos- 
phoric)  acid. 

Diphtal-.  diphthal-. 

dipol,  a.  dipolar. 

Dirhodan-.  dithiocyano-. 

Dirigent,  TO.  director,  manager,  head. 

dirigieren,  v.t.  direct,  manage,  rule. 

Dime,  /.  girl,  lass. 

Disaure, /.  diacid  (pyro  acid). 

Disazofarbstoff,  TO.  disazo  dye. 

Dischwefelsaure,  /.  disulfuric  acid,  pyrosulfuric 

diskontinuierlich,  a.  discontinuous. 

Diskontinuitat,  /.  discontinuity. 

diskutieren,  v.t.  discuss. 

dispensieren,  v.t.  dispense;  exempt,  excuse. 

dispers,  a.  dispersed,  disperse. 

Dispersionsmittel,  n.  dispersion  medium. 

Dispersionsvcrmogen,  n.  dispersive  power. 

Disponent,  TO.  manager,  agent,  accountant. 

disponieren,  v.t.  dispose. 

Diss.,  abbrev.  of  Dissertation. 

dissociierbar,  a.  dissociable. 

dissociieren,  v.t.  &  i.  dissociate. 

Dissoziationsgrad,  TO.  degree  of  dissociation. 

Dissoziationsspannung,  /.  dissociation  tension. 

Dissoziatibnsvermogen,  n.  dissociating  "power. 

Dissoziatioriswarme  '  < 

Dissoziationswarme,  /.  heat  of  dissociation. 

Dissoziationszustand,  m.  dissociated  condition. 

dissoziierbar,  a.  dissociable. 

dissoziieren,  v.t.  &  i.  dissociate. 

Distel,  /.  thistle. 

distillieren,  v.t.  distil. 

Disulfaminsaure,  /.  disulfamic  acid. 

Disulfosaure,  /.  disulfonic  acid. 

Ditarinde,  /.  dita  bark. 

Dithiokohlensaure,  /.  (either)  dithiocarbonic 
acid;  specif.,  dithiolcarbonic  acid  (HSCOSH). 

dithionig,  a.  hyposulfurous. 

dithionigsauer,  a.  =  unterschwefligsauer. 

Dithionsaure,  /.  dithionic  acid. 

Dithiophosphorsaure,  /.  dithiophosphoric  acid. 

Diiiberjodsaure,  /.  diperiodic  acid. 

divergierend,  p.a.  diverging,  divergent. 

dividieren,  v.t.  divide. 

Diwolframsaure,  /.  ditungstic  acid. 

Dizimmtsaure,  /.  dicinnamic  acid. 

Dizyan,  n.  =  Dicyan. 

d.J.,  abbrev.  (dieses  Jahres)  of  this  year. 

d.M.,  abbrev.  (dieses  Monats)  of  this  month, 

doch,  conj.  yet,  however,  surely,  indeed. 

Docht,  m.  wick. 

Docke,  /.  bundle,  skein;  plug;  baluster;  man- 
drel; doll;  dock. 

docken,  v.t.  wind  (yarn,  etc.). 

Dodekaeder,  n.  dodecahedron. 

Dogge,/.  bulldog;  mastiff. 

Dohle,  /.  jackdaw;  sewer. 

Dolch,  m.  dagger,  poniard. 

Dolde,  /.  umbel,  (of  hops)  cone,  strobile. 

doldenblumig,  doldenblutig,  a.  umbelliferous. 

Dolmetsch,  m.  interpreter. 

Dom,"w.  dome,  cupola,  cover;  cathedral. 

Doma,  n.  (Cryst.)  dome. 

Donner,  m.  thunder. 

Donnerkeil,  m.  thunderbolt,  belemnite. 

Donnerstrahl,  m.  lightning  flash. 

Doppelbier,  n.  double  beer. 

Doppelbild,  n.  double  'mage. 

Doppelbindung,  /.  double  bond,  double  union. 

Doppelboden,  m.  double  bottom,  false  bottom; 

Doppelbrechung,  /.  double  refraction. 

doppelchromsauer,  a.  bichromate  (dichromate) 

doppelfarbig,  a.  dichroic,  dichromatic. 

Doppelfarbigkeit,  /.  dichroism. 

Doppelganger,  m.  double. 

Doppelgestaltung,  /.  dimorphism. 

Doppeljodquecksilber,  n.  biniodide  of  mercury 
(mercuric  iodide). 

doppelkohlensauer,  a.  bicarbonate  of. 

doppellaufig,  a.  double-barreled. 

doppellebig,  a.  amphibious. 

Doppelsalz,  n.  double  salt. 

doppelschv,  efelsauer,  a.  bisulfate  of. 

L  Drahtgewieht 

doppelschwefligsauer,  a.  bisulfite  of. 

doppelseitig,  a.  bilateral. 

doppelsihnig,  a.  ambiguous. 

Doppelspat,  m.  Iceland  spar. 

doppelstark,  a.  double-strength. 

Doppelstiick,  n.  duplicate. 

doppelt,  a.   double,   duplex,  twofold;    (in  old 

names    of    compounds)    bi-. — adv.    doubly, 


doppeltborsauer,  a.  biborate  of. 
Doppeltchlorzinn,  «.  stannic  chloride. 
doppeltchromsauer,  a.  bichromate  (dichromate) 


doppelthochrund,  a.  convexo-convex. 
doppelthohl,  a.  concavo-concave. 
doppeltkohlensauer,  a.  bicarbonate  of. 
doppeltsch wefeisauer,  a.  bisulfate  (acid  sulfate) 

doppeltschwefligsauer,  a.  bisulfite  (acid  sulfite) 

doppeltweinsauer,  a.  bitartrate  (acid  tartrate) 


Doppelung,  /.  doubling. 
doppelwandig,  a.  double-walled. 
doppelwirkend,  p.a.  double-acting;  amphichroic, 


Doppelzersetzung,  /.  double  decomposition, 
doppelziingig,  a.  double-dealing. 
Dorf,  n.  village. 
Dorn,   m.   thorn;    spine;    (Mach.)    pin,    spike, 

tongue,  bolt,  etc.;  (Metal.)  slag  (of  copper). 
Dornerschlacke,  /.  (Metal.)  bulldog, 
dornig,  a.  thorny,  spiny. 
Dornstein,     m.     thornstone     (incrustation     of 

gypsum  on  walls). 
dorren,  v.i.  dry;  wither. 
dorren,  v.t.  dry;  cure  by  drying;  scorch. 
Dorschlebertran,  m.  codliver  oil. 
dort,  adv.  there;  yonder. 
Dose,  /.  box;  snuff  box. 
Dosenbarometer,  n.  aneroid  barometer. 
dosieren,  v.t.  determine;  (Pharm.)  dose. 
Dosierung,/.  determination;  dosing;  dose. 
Dosis,  /.  dose. 
Dossierung,  /.  slope. 
Dost,  Dosten,  m.  origanum,  origan. 
Dotter,  m.  egg  yolk,  vitellus. 
doublieren,  v.t.  double,  concentrate. 
Drache,  Drachen,  m.  dragon. 
Drachenblut,  n.  dragon's  blood, 
dragieren,  v.t.  coat  (pills  or  the  like). 
Draht,  m.  wire;  (Spinning)  twist,  thread;  grain 

(of  wood). 

Drahtdreieck,  n.  wire  triangle. 
drahten,  drahtern,  a.  of  wire;  wiry. 
Drahtfaser,  /.  (Paper)  wire  mold. 
Drahtgaze,  /.  wire  gauze. 
Drahtgeflecht,  «;  wire  netting. 
Drahtgewebe,  n.  wire  cloth,  wire  gauze. 
Drahtgewicht,  n,  wire  weight,  (often)  rider.    .. 

Drahtmaske  C 

Drahtmaske,  /.  wire  mask. 

Drahtnetz,  n.  wire  gauze,  wire  net. 

Drahtseil,  n.  wire  cable,  wire  rope,  wire  cord. 

Drahtsieb,  n.  wire  sieve,  wire  screen,  wire  cloth. 

Drahtzange,  /.  pliers,  nippers. 

Drahtziehen,  n.  wiredrawing. 

Drahtzug,  m.  wiredrawing;  wire  mill. 

drainieren,  v.L  drain. 

drall,  a.  tight;  buxom. 

Drall,  m.  twist,  rifling. 

drang,  pret.  of  dringen. 

Drang,  m.  throng,  pressure,  impulse,  craving. 

drangen,  v.L   &  i.   press,   crowd,  urge;   drive 


drasch,  pret.  of  dreschen. 
Drass,  m.  dregs  (of  oil). 
draussen,  adv.  without,  out,  abroad. 
drechseln,  v.t.  turn,  (on  a  lathe) ;  elaborate. 
Dreck,  m.  dirt,  dung,  filth. 
Dreh-.    rotatory,    rotary,    revolving,    turning, 

Drehachse,/.  axis  of  rotation  (or  of  revolution); 

knife  edge  (of  a  balance);  pin. 
Drehbank,  /.  lathe, 
drehbar,  a.  capable  of  being  turned  or  twisted, 

turning,  rotary,  rotatory. 
Drehbewegung,  /.  rotatory  motion. 
drehen,  v.t.  turn,  rotate;  twist;  roll. — v.r.  turn, 

rotate,  revolve. — drehend,  p. a.  turning,  etc.; 

Dreher,   m.   turner,    rotator;     (Mech.)    crank, 

handle  (for  turning),  etc. 
Drehkalzinierofen,  TO.  revolving  roaster. 
Drehkraft,  /.  torsional  force. 
Drehkrankheit,  /.  staggers. 
Drehkreuz,  n.  turnstile;    (Brewing)  sparger. 
Drehmoment,  n.  moment  of  rotation. 
Drehofen,  m.  revolving  furnace. 
Drehpunkt,  m.  center  of  motion,  turning  point, 


Drehrichtung,  /.  direction  of  rotation. 
Drehscheibe,    /.    potter's    wheel;     lapidary's 

wheel;  turntable. 
Drehspane,  turnings. 
Drehspannung,  /.  torsional  strain. 
Drehspiegelung,  /.  (Cryst.)  combined  rotation 

and  reflection. 

Drehspindel,  /.  revolving  spindle,  live  spindle. 
Drehstrom,  m.   (Elec.)  rotary  current,  multi- 
phase current. 
Drehung,  /.   rotation,   turn,   turning,  torsion, 

revolution,  twisting. 

Drehungsachse,  /.  axis  of  rotation  (or  of  revolu- 
tion), turning  axis. 
Drehungsgrad,  TO.  degree  of  rotation. 
Drehungskraft,  /.  rotatory  power. 
Drehungsvermogen,  n.  rotatory  power. 
Drehungswinkel,  TO.  angle  of  rotation. 
Drehwage,  /.  torsion  balance. 
Drehzylinder,  m.  revolving  cylinder. 

5  Drilling 

drei,  a.  three. 

dreiacnsig,  a.  triaxial. 

dreiatomig,  a.  triatomic. 

dreibasisch,  a.  tribasic. 

Dreiblatt,  n.  trefoil. 

dreiblatterig,  a.  three-leaved. 

Dreibrenner,  TO.  triple  burner. 

Dreibund,  TO.  triple  alliance. 

dreidimensional,  a.  tridimensional. 

Dreieck,  n.  triangle. 

dreieckig,  a.  triangular,  three-cornered. 

Dreieckslehre,  /.  trigonometry. 

dreierlei,  a.  of  three  kinds,  of  three  sorts. 

dreifach,  a.  triple,  threefold,  treble,  tri-. — 
dreifach  Chlorantimon,  antimony  trichloride; 
dreifach  Chlorjod,  iodine  trichloride;  drei- 
fach Schwefelarsen,  arsenic  trisulfide. 

dreiflachig,  a.  three-faced. 

dreiflammig,  a.  three-flame,  triple  (burner). 

Dreifuss,  TO.  tripod. 

dreifiissig,  a.  three-footed,  tripedal. 

dreigliedrig,  a.  three-membered;  (Math.)  tri- 

dreihalsig,  a.  three-necked. 

Dreiheit,  /.  triad. 

dreikantig,  a.  three-cornered,  triangular. 

Dreikorper,  Dreikorperapparat,  m.  triple-effect 

Dreileitersystem,  n.  (Elec.)  three-wire 

dreiphasig,  a.  three-phase,  triphase. 

dreisaurig,  a.  triacid. 

dreischenkelig,  a.  three-legged. 

dreiseitig,  a.  three-sided,  trilateral,  triangular. 

dreissig,  a.  thirty. 

dreissigste,  a.  thirtieth. 

dreist,  a.  bold,  confident.  • 

Dreisteinwurzel,  /.  feverroot  (Triosteum). 

dreistellig,  a.  three-place. 

dreiteilig,  a.  three-part,  tripartite. 

drei-und-einachsig,  a.  (Cryst.)  monotrimetric 
(hexagonal) . 

dreiwandig,  a.  three-walled,  triple-walled. 

Dreiweghahn,  TO.  three-way  cock. 

Dreiwegstiick,  n.  three-way  piece,  three-way 

Dreiwegverbindung,  /.  three-way  connection. 

dreiwertig,  a.  trivalent. 

dreiwinkelig,  a.  triangular. 

Dreizack,  TO.  trident. 

dreizahlig,  a.  threefold,  triple,  ternary. 

dreizehn,  a.  thirteen. 

Drell,  w.  ticking. 

dreschen,  v.t.  thrash,  thresh. 

dressieren,  v.t.  train,  break. 

drgl.,  abbrev.  (dergleichen)  the  like. 

Drillbohrer,  TO.  drill. 

drillen,  v.t.  drill;   turn. 

Drillich,  TO.  ticking,  tick. 

Drilling,  TO.  triplet;    (Mach.)  lantern.  - 




Drillingsalz,  n.  triple  salt. 

drin,  adv.  therein. 

dringen,  v.i.  press,  rush,  penetrate. — dringend, 
p.a.  pressing,  urgent. — gedrungen,  p.a.  com- 
pact; compelled;  thickset. 

dringlich,  a.  pressing,  urgent. 

drischt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  dreschen. 

dritt,  a.  third. 

Drittel,  n.  third. 

drittelsauer,  a.  tribasic. 

drnben,  adv.  up  there,  above. 

Droge,  /.  drug. 

Drogenhandler,  m.  druggist. 

Drogenkunde,  /.  pharmacology. 

Drogeriegeschaft,     n.     drug     business,      drug 

'  Drogett,  Droget,  TO.  drugget. 

Drogist,  w.  druggist. 

Drogue,  Droguett,  etc.     See  Droge,  Drogett. 

drohen.  v.i.  threaten,  menace. 

drohnen,  v.i.  rumble,  boom. 

drollig,  a.  droll,  comical. 

drosch,  pret.  of  dreschen. 

Drossel,  /.  thrush  (bird) ;  throttle. 

Drosselader,  /.  jugular  vein. 

Drosselbein,  n.  collar-bone. 

Drosselventil,  n.  throttle  vUve. 

D.R.P.,  abbrev.  (deutsches  Reichs-Patent)  im- 
perial German  patent. 

driiben,  adv.  over  there,  yonder. 

ririiber,  adv.  =  daruber. 

Druck,  m.  pressure;  compression;  oppression; 
impression,  print,  printing. 

Druckapparat,  m.  pressure  apparatus. 

Druckbuchstabe,  m.  type. 

drucken,  v.L  print;   stamp. 

drucken,  v.L  press;   squeeze;  oppress. 

Druckentwickelung,/.  development  of  pressure. 

Drucker,  TO.  printer. 

Dr ticker,  TO.  trigger;  handle. 

Druckerei,  /.  printing;  printing  establishment; 
(Calico)  print  works. 

Druckerschwarze,  /.  printer's  ink. 

Druckfarbe,  /.  printing  color. 

Druckfehler,  TO.  misprint,  typographical  error. 

Druckfestigkeit,  /.  resistance  to  pressure  or 
compression,  elasticity  of  compression. 

Druckfilter,  n.  pressure  filter. 

Druckfirniss,  TO.  printer's  varnish. 

Druckflasche,  /.  pressure  bottle. 

Druckhohe,  /.  (Meek.)  head. 

Druckkolben,  TO.  pressure  flask;  (Mach.)  piston. 

Drucklegung,  /.  publishing. 

Druckleitung,  /.  high-pressure  piping. 

Drurkluft,  /.  compressed  air. 

Druckluftpumpe,  /.  pump  for  compressing  air. 

Druckmesser,  m.  pressure  gage,  manometer. 

Druckmessung,  /.  pressure  measurement. 

Druckpapier,  n.  printing  paper. 

Druckplatte,  /.  printing  plate,  engraving. 

Druckprobe, /.  compression  test;  pressure  test; 

(of  barley)  squeezing  test;    (printer's)  proof. 
Druckregler,  TO.  pressure  regulator. 
Druckrohr,  TO.,  -rohre,  /.  pressure  tube,  force 


Druckschlauch,  TO.  pressure  tubing. 
Druck schr if t,  /.  publication;  type. 
Druckseite,  /.  page. 
Druckspannung,  /.  compression  strain,  crushing 


Drucksteigerung,  /.  rise  of  pressure. 
Druckstempel,  m.  piston. 
Druckventil,     n.     pressure     valve,     discharge 

Druckverminderung,  /.  diminution  or  decrease 

of  pressure. 
Druckwalze,  /.    pressing    (or    pressure)    roller 

(or  roll,  cylinder). 
Druckwelle,  /.  pressure  wave. 
Druckzeug,  n.  printing  cloth. 
Druckzunahme,  /.  increase  of  pressure. 
drum,  drunter.  =  darum,  darunter. 
Druschen,  n.  smalt  gland,  glandule. 
Druse,/,  druse. — pi.  Drusen,  dregs,  lees;  husks; 

Druse,  /.  gland. 

Drusenasche,  /.  calcined  (wine)  lees. 
Drusenbranntwein,    TO.    spirits    distilled    from 

fermented  lees. 

drusenformig,  a.  drusy,  drused. 
Driisenkrankheit,  /.  gland  disease;  scrofula. 
Drtisenkropf,  TO.  goiter. 
Drusenol,  TO.  grape-seed  oil. 
Drusenschwarz,  n.  Frankfort  black  (from  wine 


drusig,  drusicht,  a.  drusy,  drused. 
drusig,  drusicht,  a.  glandlike;  glandular. 
dsgl.,  abbrev.  (desgleichen)  likewise,  ditto, 
du,  pron.  thou,  you. 
dualistisch,  a  dualist ic. 
ducken,   v.t.   humble. — r.r.   duck;     give   in. — 

v.i.  submit. 

Ducker,  TO.  siphon;  one  that  ducks. 
Duckstein,  TO.  calcareous  tufa. 
duff,  a.  dull. 
Duft,   TO.   odor;    fragrance,   perfume;     vapor, 


duften,  v.i.  be  fragrant;  sweat. — v.t.  perfume. 
duftig,  a.  fragrant,  odorous;  vaporous,  misty. 
Duktilitat,  /.  ductility. 
dulden,  v.t.  bear,  endure,  suffer. 
dumm,  o.  stupid,  dull,  silly. 
dumpf,  a.  damp,  musty;  hollow;  dull;  close. 
Dung,  TO.  manure,  fertilizer;   dung. 
Diingegips,  TO.  gypsum  for  manuring. 
Diingemittel,  n.  manure,  fertilizer. 
diingen,  v.t.  manure. 
I) linger,  TO.  manure,  fertilizer;  dung. 
Oiingerfabrik,  /.  fertilizer  factory. 
Dungersalz,  n.  =  Dungesalz. 


Diingerwert,  TO.  manurial  value. 

Diingesalz,  n.  saline  manure,  dung  salt. 

Diingjauche,  /.  liquid  manure. 

Diingpulver,  n.  powdered  manure,  poudrette. 

Dungsalz,  n.  saline  manure. 

Diingung,  /.  manuring,  fertilizing. 

dunkel,  a.  dark;   dim,  obscure. 

Dunkel,  n.  dark,  darkness,  obscurity. 

Dunkel,  TO.  conceit. 

dunkelblau,  a.  dark  blue. 

dunkelfarbig,  a.  dark-colored. 

dunkelgriin,  a.  dark  green. 

Dunkelheit,  /.  darkness;  obscurity. 

Dunkelkammer, /.  dark  room;  camera  obscura. 

dunkeln,    v.t.    &    i.    darken;     deepen,    sadden 

Dunkelrotgiildigerz,  -giltigerz,  n.  dark  red  silver 

ore  (pyrargyrite). 
diinken,  v.i.  seem,  appear, 
diinn,  a.  thin;   dilute,  rare,  slender. 
Diinnbier,  n.  small  beer. 
Diinndarm,  TO.  small  intestine. 
Dunne,  /.  thinness. 
diinnfliissig,  a.  thinly  liquid;  watery. 
Diinnheit,  /.  thinness,  diluteness,  rarity,  slen- 


Diinnsaft,  TO.  (Sugar)  thin  juice. 
diinnschlagen,  v.t.  beat  out,  beat  thin. 
Diinnstein,  TO.  (Metal.)  thin  matt;     (Jewelry) 

table  stone. 

diinnwalzen,  v.t.  roll  out,  roll  thin. 
diinnwandig,  a.  thin-walled. 
Dunst,  TO.  vapor;    steam,  fume,'  damp;     fine 


Dunstabzug,  TO.  hood  (for  fumes). 
Dunstabzugsrohr,  n.  vent  pipe. 
diinsten,  v.i.  steam,  vapor,  smoke. — v.t.  stew. 
Dunstfang,  TO.  hood. 

Dunsthiille,  /.  vaporous  envelope,  atmosphere. 
Dunstkreis,  m.  atmosphere. 
Dunstloch,  n.  vent. 

dutch,  prep,  thru;   by,  owing  to. — adv.  thru. 
durcharbeiten,   v.t.   work  thru,   work;     knead 

(dough)  elaborate;  (Dyeing)  pole. 
durchatzen,  v.t.  eat  thru,  corrode, 
durchaus,   adv.   thruout,    completely,    by    all 


durchbacken,  v.t.  bake  thoroly. 
durchbeissen,  v.t.  bite  thru,  eat  thru. 
durchbeizen,  v.t.  corrode, 
durchbeutein,  v.t.  bolt  (flour). 
durchbiegen,  v.r.  sag. 
Durchbiegung,  /.  sagging;  deflection, 
durchbohren,  v.t.  perforate;   bore  thru,  punch; 


Durchbohrung,  /.  perforation;   boring  thru. 
durchbrechen,  v.t.  break,  break  thru,  open,  cut, 

pierce,    punch,    perforate. — v.i.   break   thru, 

break  out;    appear;    break. — durchbrochen, 

p.a.  pierced,  perforated,  openrwork. 

4  durchleuchten 

Durchbruch,  TO.  breaking  out  or  thru;  escape 
(of  gas) ;  irruption,  eruption;  opening,  aper- 
ture, breach,  crevasse;  (Brewing)  collapse  (of 
the  head). 

durchdringbar,  a.  permeable,  penetrable. 

durchdringen,  v.t.  &  i.  penetrate;  permeate, 

durchdringlich,  a.  permeable,  pervious. 

Durchdringung,  /.  penetration. 

durchdriicken,  v.t.  =  durchpressen. 

durcheinander,  adv.  confusedly. 

Durchfahrt,  /.  thorofare,  passage,  gateway. 

Durchfall,  TO.  diarrhea. 

durchfallen,  v.i.  fall  thru;  (of  light)  be  trans- 
mitted; (of  beer)  clear;  (of  beer  head)  fall 

durchfarbbar,  a.  penetrable  with  color. 

durchfarben,  v.t.  dye  thoroly;   stain  thruout. 

durchfeuchten,  v.t.  soak. 

durchfressen,  v.t.  eat  thru,  corrode. 

durchfrieten,  v.t.  freeze  thru,  chill. 

durchfuhrbar,  a.  practicable,  feasible. 

durchfuhren,  v.t.  lead  thru,  convey  thru;  carry 
thru,  execute,  accomplish,  conduct;  (Tin- 
plate)  dip,  wash. 

Durchf iihrung,  /.  leading  thru,  etc.  (see  durch- 

Durchgang,  TO.  passage:  transit. 

durchgangig,  a.  penetrable,  permeable;  thoro; 
general,  usual. 

durchgeben,  v.t.  filter,  strain. 

durchgehen,  v.i.  go  thru;  run  away;  (of  light) 
be  transmitted. — v.t.  go  thru,  examine.— 
durchgohend,  p.a.  piercing,  pervading;  pass- 
ing thru;  transmitted  (light). 

durchgehends,  adv.  thruout;  generally. 

durchgerben,  v.t.  tan  thoroly. 

Dutchgerbungszahl,  /.  degree  of  tanning,  tan- 
ning number. 

Durchgeseihtes,  n.  filtrate. 

durchgiessen,  v.t.  pour  thru,  filter,  strain. 

durchgliihen,  v.t.  heat  redhot. 

Durchguss,  TO.  filter,  strainer;  pouring  thru, 
filtration;  gutter;  sink. 

durchheizen,  v.t.  heat  thoroly. 

durchkochen,  v.t.  boil  thoroly. 

durchkommen,  v.i.  come  thru,  get  along,  recover. 

durchkreuzen,  v.t.  cross,  traverse,  intersect. 

Durchlass,  TO.  filter,  sieve;   passage,  opening. 

durchlassen,  v.t.  filter,  strain;  transmit  (light, 
etc.);  let  thru;  let  pass. 

durchlassig,  a.  permeable,  pervious,  penetrable. 

Durchlassigkeit,  /.  permeability,  perviousness; 

Durchlassung,  /.  filtering,  etc.  (see  lassen) ;  (of 
light,  etc.)  transmission. 

Durchlauf,  TO.  sieve,  colander;    running  thru. 

durchlaufen,  v.i.  filter;   run  thru. 
durchleiten,  v.t.  pass  thru,  conduct. 
durchleuchten,  v.t.  illuminate. 




Durchleuchtung,  /.  illumination, 
durchlochern,  v.t.  perforate;  pierce,  punch, 
durchluften,  v.t.  ventilate,  air. 
durchluftungsfahig,  a.  capable  of  ventilation  or 


durchmachen,  v.t.  go  thru,  experience. 
durchmessen,  v.t.  pass  thru,  traverse,  measure. 
Durchmesser,  m.  diameter, 
durchnassen,  v.t.  wet  thoroly,  soak,  steep. 
durchnehmen,  v.t.  go  over,  criticize, 
durchnetzen,  v.t.  =  durchnassen. 
durchpressen,  v.t.  &  i.  press  thru,  force  thru, 

squeeze  thru;  strain,  filter. 
durchrauchern,  v.t.  fumigate;  smoke  thoroly. 
durchreiben,  v.t.  rub  thru,  strain;    chafe,  gall. 
durchreissen,  v.t.  &  i.  tear  asunder,  break. 
durchriihren,  v.t.  stir  thoroly. 
durchsattigen,  v.t.  saturate. 
durchsaugen,    v.t.   suck   thru,    force   thru   by 

durchsauren,  v.t.  acidify;    make  sour;    leaven 

durchscheinen,  v.i.  shine  thru. — durchschein- 

end,  p.a.  translucent;  transparent. 
Durchschlag,  m.  filter,  strainer;  punch,  piercer; 


Durchschlagboden,  m.  perforated  bottom. 
durchschlagen,  v.t.  filter,  strain;  sieve;   punch, 

perforate;    beat  thru. — v.i.  get  thru,  pene- 
trate; (of  paper)  blot;   act. 
durchschneiden,  v.t.  intersect,  cross;   cut  thru; 

cut  across. 
Durchschnitt,    m.    cut,    section;     intersection; 

average,  mean. 
durchschnittlich,     a.     average. — adv.     on     an 


Durchschnittsprobe,  /.  average  sample. 
Durchschnittswert,  m.  average  value. 
Durchschnittszahl,  m.  mean. 
Durchschuss,  TO.  woof,  weft;  interleaf;    (Print- 
ing) lead. 

durchschutteln,  v.t.  shake  thoroly,  agitate, 
durchseihen,  v.t.  strain,  filter,  percolate. 
Durchseiher,  m.  strainer,  filter,  percolator. 
durchsetzen,  v.t.  permeate,  infiltrate;    (Min.) 

intermingle;    (Mining)  sieve,  sift;    intersect; 

carry  thru. 
Durchsicht,  /.  view,  inspection,  revision. 

durchsichtig,  a.  transparent;  clear. 

Durchsichtigkeit,  /.  transparency;  clearness. 

durchsickern,  v.i.  &  r.  trickle  thru,  percolate. — 
v.t.  strain,  filter. 

durchsieben,  v.t.  sift,  sieve,  screen,  bolt. 

durchsintern,  v.i.  trickle  thru,  percolate. 

durchstechen,  v.t.  pierce,  stab,  cut;  (Metal.) 

durchstossen.  v.t.  push  thru,  punch. 

durchstrahlen,  v.i.  radiate  thru,  shine  thru.— 
v.t.  penetrate  with  rays,  irradiate. 

durchstreichen,  v.t.  run  thru,  go  thru;  sift, 
screen;  cross  out. — durchstreichende  Linie, 

durchstromen,  v.t.  stream  thru,  flow  thru. 

durchtranken,  v.t.  saturate,  impregnate,  infil- 

durchtreiben,  v.t.  drive  or  force  thru;  specif., 
distil. — durchtrieben,  p.a.  cunning;  clever. 

durchwachsen,  v.t.  &  i.  grow  thru. — v.r.  inter- 
penetrate, intermingle. 

durchwassern,  v.t.  soak,  drench. 

durchweg,  adv.  thruout. 

dutch wer fen,  v.t.  sift,  screen,  bolt;  traject. 

durchwiihlen,  v<t.  rake  up,  ransack. 

Durchwurf,  TO.  sieve,  screen,  riddle. 

durchzeichnen,  v.t.  trace. 

durchziehen,  v.t.  draw  thru;  intermix. 

Durchziehglas,  n.  (Micros.)  slide. 

Durchzug,  m.  passage;  circulation;  girder. 

diirfen,  v.i.  be  permitted;  need;  dare;  be 

durfte,  pret.  of  diirfen. 

diirftig,  a.  scanty,  poor;  needy. 

Durochinon,  n.  duroquinone. 

diirr,  a.  dry,  arid;  dried,  withered,  dead;  bar- 
ren, sterile;  lean;  plain. 

Diirre,  /.  dryness,  etc.  (see  diirr). 

Durst,  m.  thirst. 

dursten,  diirsten,  v.i.  be  thirsty. 

durstig,  a.  thirsty;  eager. 

Diise,  /.  nozzle,  twyer  (or  tuyere),  blastpipe. 

duster,  a.  dark,  dusky;  gloomy,  sad. 

Diite,  Dute,  /.  =  Ttite. 

Dutzend,  n.  dozen. 

Dynamik,  /.  dynamics. 

dynamisch,  a.  dynamic. 

dystektisch,  a.  dystectic. 


E.,  abbrev.  (Erstarrungspunkt)  freezing  point. 

Ebbe,  /.  ebb,  ebb  tide. 

eben,  a.  even;  plane;  level,  flat,  smooth.-— 
adv.  evenly;  exactly;  even,  just. 

Ebenbaum,  m.  ebony  tree. 

Ebenbild,  n.  image,  likeness. 

ebenda,  adv.  at  that  same  place. 

Ebene, /.  plane;  plain. 

ebenen,  v.t.  level,  flatten,  smooth. 

ebenfalls,  adv.  likewise,  also,  equally. 

Ebenholz,  n.  ebony. 

ebenieren,  v.t.  ebonize. 

Ebenmass,  n.  symmetry;  harmony. 

ebenso,  adv.  just  so,  just  as. 

Eber,  m.  boar. 

Eberesche,  /.  mountain  ash,  service  tree. 

Eberwurz,  /.  carline  thistle  (Carlina). 

Ebne,  n.  plane;  plain. 

ebnen,  v.t.  =  ebenen. 

ebullieren,  v.i.  boil  up;  break  out. 

Echappe-Ol,  n.  recovered  oil. 

echt,  a.  genuine,  true,  real;  pure,  unadulter- 
ated; (of  colors)  fast;  ingrain. 

Echtgelb,  n.  fast  yellow,  aniline  yellow. 

Echtheit,  /.  genuineness,  etc.  (see  echt). 

Echtheitsgrad,  m.  (Dyeing)  degree  of  fastness. 

Eck,  n.  angle;  summit  (of  a  crystal). 

Ecke,  /.  corner,  angle;  edge  (plane  angle); 
summit  (of  a  crystal) ;  quoin. 

Eckeisen,  n.  angle  iron;  (Metal.)  angular  iron. 

Ecker,  /.  acorn;  beechnut. 

Eckerdoppe,  /.  acorn  cup. 

Eckholz,  n.  squared  timber. 

eckig,  a.  angular,  cornered,  angled;  awkward. 

edel,  a.  noble  (as  applied  to  metals,  resisting 
oxidation,  as  gold  and  the  platinum  metals 
and,  to  a  lesser  extent,  silver  and  some  others; 
as  applied  to  gases,  inert,  as  argon) ;  precious 
(stones,  etc.);  (Mining)  rich;  vital  (organs, 

Edelerz,  n.  rich  ore,  ore  containing  precious 

Edelgalmei,  m.  smithsonite. 

Edelgas,  n.  noble  gas,  inert  gas  (any  gas  of  the 
argon  group). 

Edelhirsch,  m.  stag. 

Edelleute,  pi.  nobility,  gentry. 

Edelmetall,  n.  noble  metal  (see  edel) 

edelmutig,  o,  noble,  generous. 

Edelstahl,  m.  refined  steel;  specif.,  any  of  cer- 
tain superior  alloy  steels. 

Edelstein,  m.  precious  stone,  gem,  jewel. 

Edeltanne, /.  silver  fir  (esp.  Abies  picea). 

Edelwild,  n.  deer. 

edieren,  v.t.  edit;   publish. 

edulkorieren,  v.t.  edulcorate,  wash. 

Efeu,  m.  ivy. 

efferveszieren,  v.i.  effervesce. 

effioreszieren,  v.i.  effloresce. 

Eg.,  abbrev.  (Eisessig)  glacial  acetic  acid. 

egal,  a.  equal;  even  (colors). 

egalisieren,  v.t.  equalize;  level,  flatten. — v.i. 
(Dyeing)  dye  evenly. 

Egalisierer,?/;. equalizer;  (Dyeing)  leveling  agent. 

Egalitat,  /.  equality,  evenness. 

Egel,  m.  leech. 

Egge,  /.  harrow;  selvage. 

eggen,  v.t.  harrow. 

Egoutteur,  m.  (Paper)  dandy-roll. 

Egreniermaschine,  /.  (cotton)  gin. 

ehe,  eon/,  before,  ere. 

Ehe,  /.  matrimony,  marriage. 

ehedem,  adv.  formerly. 

ehelich,  a.  matrimonial,  conjugal. 

ehemals,  adv.  formerly. 

Ehemann,  m.  married  man,  husband. 

Ehepaar,  n.  married  couple. 

eher,  adv.  sooner,  rather. 

ehern,  a.  brazen,  of  brass,  of  bronze. 

Ehescheidung,  /.  divorce. 

eheste,  a.  soonest,  next. 

ehrbar,  a.  honorable;   reputable;   modest. 

Ehrbegierde,  /.  ambition. 

Ehre,  /.  honor;  character;  reputation. 

ehren,  v.t.  honor;  esteem. 

ehrenhaft,  a.  honorable. 

Ehrenmitglied,  n.  honorary  member. 

Ehrenpunkt,  m,  point  of  honor. 

Ehrenrettung,  /.  vindication;   apology. 

ehrenriihrig,  a.  defamatory,  libellous. 

Ehrenstelle,  /.  honor,  preferment. 

ehrenvoll,  a.  honorable,  creditable. 

ehrenwert,  a.  honorable,  respectable.    • 

ehrerbietig,  a.  respectful. 

Ehrgefiihl,  n.  sense  of  honor. 

Ehrgeiz,  m.  ambition. 

ehrlich,  a.  honest,  fair,  honorable,  decent. 

ehrwiirdig,  a.  venerable,  reverend. 





Ei,  n.  egg;  ovum. 

Eibe,  /.  yew. 

Eibisch,  m.  marshmallow. 

Eichamt,  n.  gaging  office. 

Eichapfel,  m.  oak  gall,  gall  nut. 

Eichbaum,  m.  oak  tree. 

Eiche,  /.  oak;   gage,  standard. 

Eichel,  /.  acorn;   glans  penis. 

Eicheldoppe,  /.  acorn  cup. 

eichelformig,  a.  acorn-shaped,  glandiform. 

Eichelzucker,  m.  acorn  sugar,  quercite. 

eichen,  a.  oak,  oaken. 

eichen,  v.L  gage,  measure,  standardize,  cali- 
brate; test,  stamp  or  adjust  (weights  or 
measures) . 

Eichen,  n.  little  egg;  ovule. 

Eichengerbsaure,  /.,  Eichengerbstoff,  m.  quer- 
citannic  acid,  oak  tannin. 

Eichenholz,  n.  oak  wood,  oak. 

Eichenrinde,  /.  oak  bark. 

Eichenrindengerbsaure, /.  quercitannic  acid. 

Eichenrot,  n.  oak  red. 

Eichensamen,  m.  acorn. 

Eicher,  m.  gager. 

eichfahig,  a.  capable  of  adjustment. 

Eichholz,  n.  oak  wood,  oak. 

Eichmass,  n.  gage,  standard  measure. 

Eichmeister,  TO.  gager,  adjuster. 

Eichnagel,  m.  gage  mark. 

Eichschein,  TO.  certificate  (that  an  instrument 
has  been  standardized). 

Eichung,  /.  gaging,  etc.  (see  eichen,  v.t.). 

Eid,  TO.  oath. 

Eidam,  TO.  son-in-law. 

Eidbruch,  TO.  perjury. 

Eidechse,  /.  lizard. 

Eiderdaunen,  eiderdown. 

Eidgenoss,  m.  confederate,  ally. 

eidlich,  a.  sworn,  on  oath. 

Eidotter,  TO.  egg  yolk. 

Eidotterfett,  TO.  lecithin. 

Eier,  eggs. 

Eieralbumin,  n.  egg  albumin,  ovalbumin. 

Eierdotter,  TO.  yolk  of  eggs. 

Eierdriise,  /.  corpus  luteum. 

Eierol,  n.  egg-yolk  oil. 

Eierpulver,  n.  egg  powder,  custard  powder. 

Eierschale,  /.  egg  shell. 

Eierstock,  TO.  ovary. 

Eierweiss,  n.  white  of  eggs. 

Eifer,  TO.  zeal,  eagerness,  passion. 

eifern,  v.L  be  zealous,  be  jealous,  declaim. 

Eifersucht,  /.  jealousy;   rivalry;  envy. 

eiftirmig,  a.  egg-shaped,  oval,  ovoid. 

eifrig,  a.  zealous,  earnest,  ardent. 

Eigelb,  n.  egg  yolk. 

eigen,  a.  own,  individual,  self-;  proper,  specific, 
special;  odd;  exact. 

Eigenart,  /.  peculiarity,  individuality. 

eigenartig,  a.  peculiar,  singular;  original. 

Eigenartigkeit,  /.  peculiarity. 
Eigenbewegung,  /.  proper  motion,  individual 


Eigendrehung,  /.  proper  rotation. 
Eigengewicht,    n.    specific    gravity;     its    own 

weight;   dead  weight;   proper  weight, 
eigenhandig,  a.  with  one's  own  hand, 
eigenmachtig,  a.  arbitrary;  despotic. 
Eigenname,  TO.  proper  name, 
eigenniitzig,  a.  selfish. 
eigens,  adv.  expressly. 
Eigenschaft,  /.  property;   quality. 
Eigenschaftswort,  n.  adjective;  epithet.  . 
Eigensinn,  TO.  wilfulness,  stubbornness. 
eigentlich,    a.    proper,    true,    real,   intrinsic. — 

adv.  properly,  really. 
Eigentum,  n.  property. 
eigentumlich,  a.  characteristic;  peculiar; 


Eigentiimlichkeit,  /.  characteristic;  peculiarity. 
Eigenwarme,  /.  specific  heat;  body  heat, 
eignen,  v.t.  suit,  qualify;   appropriate. — v.r.  be 

qualified,  be  suited,  be  adapted. — geeignet, 

p.a.  suited,  adapted,  suitable,  fit,  proper. 
Eile,  /.  haste;   speed. 
eilen,  v.L  hasten,  hurry. 
eilfertig,  a.  hasty. 

Eilgut,  n.  goods  shipped  on  post  trains. 
eilig,  a.  hasty,  speedy. 
Eilzug,  m.  express  train,  fast  train. 
Eimer,  m.  bucket,  pail. 
ein,  a.  a,  an;  one. 
ein,  adv.  in,  within,  into. 
einachsig,  a.  uniaxial. 
einander,  adv.  one  another,  each  other. 
einarmig,  a.  one-armed. 

einaschern,  v.t.  incinerate,  calcine;  burn  to  ashes. 
einatmen,  v.t.  inhale. 
einatomig,  a.  monatomic. 
Einbadschwarz,  n.  (Dyeing)  one-dip  black. 
Einbadverfahren,  n.  single-bath  process, 
einbalsamieren,  v.t.  embalm. 
Einband,  m.  binding;   cover, 
einbasisch,  einbasig,  a.  monobasic. 
einbehalten,  v.t.  keep  back,  retain, 
einbeizen,  v.t.  etch  in. 
einbetten,  v.t.  imbed, 
einbiegen,  v.t.  bend  in,  turn  down,  deflect. — 

v.r.  sag. 

Einbiegung,  /.  curvature,  inflection. 
einbilden,  v.r.  imagine,  think;    pride  oneself. — 

eingebildet,  p.a.  imaginary;   conceited. 
Einbildung,  /.  imagination,  fancy. 
einbinden,  v.t.  bind,  bind  in,  fasten. 
einblasen,  v.t.  blow  in,  blow  into,  inject  (gas), 


Einblasen,  n.  blowing  in,  injection,  insufflation. 
Einblick,  TO.  insight. 
einbrechen,  v.L  break  into,  burglarize;   break; 

begin. — v.t.  break  in. 




einbrennen,  v.t.  burn  in;  anneal  (colors);  cau- 
terize; brand;  sulfur,  match  (casks). 

einbringen,  v.t.  bring  in,  get  in,  yield;  insert. 

Einbruch,  TO.  breaking  in;  breaking  down; 

einbriihen,  v.t.  steep  in  boiling  water,  scald. 

einbiirgern,  v.t.  adopt;   naturalize. 

Einbusse,  /.  loss,  damage. 

einbiissen,  v.t.  lose. 

Eindampfapparat,  m.  evaporating  apparatus. 

eindampfen,  v.i.  become  thickened  by  evapora- 
tion, boil  down. 

eindampfen,  eindampfen,  v.t.  evaporate,  con- 
centrate by  evaporation,  boil  down,  inspis- 
sate; steam;  smoke. 

Eindampfen,  n.,  Eindampfung,  Eindampfung, 
/.  evaporation,  etc.  (see  eindampfen). 

eindecken,  v.t.  cover. 

Eindeckung,  /.  covering;  roofing. 

eindicken,  v.t.  thicken,  inspissate. 

eindimensional,  a.  unidimensional. 

eindorren,  v.i.  shrink  in  drying;  dry  up. 

eindrangen,  v.t.  force  in,  intrude. 

eindringen,  v.t.  press  in,  penetrate,  infiltrate. 

eindringlich,  a.  impressive,  forcible. 

Eindruck,  TO.  impression. 

eindrucken,  v.t.  (Calico)  block  in,  ground  in. 

eindriicken,  v.t.  imprint,  impress,  stamp;  crush 
in;  flatten;  press,  compress. 

einen,  v.t.  &  r.  unite. 

einengen,  v.t.  concentrate;  compress,  confine, 
narrow,  contract. 

einer,  pron.  one. 

Einer,  m.  unit,  digit. 

einerlei,  a.  of  one  kind,  the  same. 

einfach,  a.  simple;  single;  elementary;  primary 
(colors) ;  plain. — einfacher  Korper,  simple  or 
elementary  substance,  element. 

einfach-.  (in  old  names  of  compounds)  proto- 
(mono-;  -ous). — einfach-Bromjod,  iodine 
monobromide. — einfach  -  Chlorjod,  iodine 
monochloride. — einfach-Chlorschwefel,  pro- 
tochloride  of  sulfur  (sulfur  monochloride). — 
einfach-Chlorzinn,  protochloride  of  tin  (stan- 
nous  chloride). — einfach-Schwefeleisen,  pro- 
tosulfide  of  iron  (ferrous  sulfide). — einfach- 
Schwefelmetall,  protosulfide  (monosulfide; 
-ous  sulfide). — einfach-Schwefelzinn,  proto- 
sulfide of  tin  (stannous  sulfide). 

elnfachkohlensaucr,  a.  neutral  carbonate  of. 

einfachwirkend,  p.a.  single-acting.. 

einfadeln,  v.t.  thread;   contrive. 

einfahren,  v.t.  carry  in,  get  in,  break  in,  break. 

Einfahrt,  /.  entrance. 

Einfall,  TO.  falling  in,  fall,  decay;  inroad;  idea; 
(Physics)  incidence. 

einfallen,  v.i.  fall  upon,  fall  in,  interrupt,  occur; 
(Mining)  dip. — einfallend,  p.a.  (Optics)  inci- 

Einfallslot,  n.  perpendicular,  ordinate. 

Einfallswinkel,  TO.  angle  of  incidence. 

Einfalt,  /.  simplicity,  simpleness. 

einfarben,  v.t.  color  or  dye  well;  dye  in  the 

einfarbig,  a.  of  one  color,  monochromatic. 

einfassen,  v.t.  enclose,  fill,  case,  barrel;  bind, 
trim,  set. 

einfetten,  v.t.  grease,  oil. 

einfinden,  v.r.  appear. 

einflammig,  a.  single-flame. 

einflechten,  v.t.  weave  in,  interweave. 

einflossen,  v.t.  instil,  infuse. 

Einfluss,  TO.  influence;  influx. 

Kinflussrohr,  n.  inlet  pipe,  influx  pipe  (or  tube). 

einformen,  v.t.  (Ceram.)  mold  on  a  jigger. 

einformig,  a.  uniform;  monotonous. 

einfressen,  v.t.  corrode;  devour. 

einfrieren,  v.i.  freeze,  congeal,  freeze  up. 

einfiigen,  v.t.  insert;  fit  in;  rabbet. 

Einfuhr,  /.  importation,  import;  bringing  in; 

einfiihren,  v.t.  introduce;   import;   inaugurate. 

Einfuhrung,  /.  introduction;  importation;  in- 

einfiillen,  v.t.  fill,  fill  in,  fill  up,  pour  in. 

Eingabe,/.  presentation;  petition. 

Eingang,  TO.  entrance;  importation;  introduc- 
tion; mouth;  receipt. 

eingangig,  a.  (Mach.)  single-thread. 

eingeben,  v.t.  give,  administer. 

eingebildet,  p.a.  see  einbilden. 

eingebrannt,  p.p.  of  einbrennen. 

eingedenk,  a.  mindful. 

eingehen,  v.i.  go  in,  come  in,  enter,  arrive; 
cease;  agree;  (of  fabrics)  shrink. — einge- 
hen d,  p.a.  going  in,  etc.;  exhaustive;  (Geom.) 

eingemacht,  p.p.  of  einmachen. 

Eingemachtes,  n.  preserves,  conserves. 

eingenommen,  p.a.     See  einnehmen. 

eingesalzen,  p.a.     See  einsalzen. 

eingeschichtet,  p.p.  of  einschichten. 

eingeschliffen,  p.p.  of  einschleifen. 

eingeschmolzen,  p.p.  of  einschmelzen. 

eingesprengt,  p.p.  of  einsprengen. 

eingestehen,  v.i.  confess,  admit. 

Eingeweide,  n.  entrails,  viscera. 

eingiessen,  v.t.  pour  in;  infuse. 

Eingiessung,/.  pouring  in;  infusion;  transfusion. 

eingraben,  v.t.  engrave;   dig  in. 

eingreifen,  v.i.  catch,  lock,  interlock;  infringe. 
— eingreifend,  p.a.  radical. 

Eingreifen,  n.,  Eingriff,  TO.  intervention,  inter- 
ference; (Mach.)  gearing,  gear. 

Einguss,  TO.  pouring  in;  infusion;  mold. 

Einhalt,  TO.  check,  restraint,  interruption. 

einhalten,  v.t.  keep  in,  take  in,  stop,  keep. — 
v.i.  cease. 

einhandigen,  v.t.  hand  over,  deliver. 

einhauen,  v.t.  cut  in,  cut  open,  cut  up. 



einheimisch,  a.  domestic;   native;   indigenous; 


einheimsen,  v.t.  garner;  bring  home. 
Einheit,  /.  unit;  unity. 
einheitlich,  a.  unitary;  uniform,  homogeneous; 


Einheitsmasse,  /.  unit  mass. 
einhellig,  a.  unanimous,  united. 
einher,  adv.  along. 

einholen,  v.t.  overtake;  obtain;  haul  in. 
einhiillen,  v.t.  imbed;  enwrap,  envelop, 
einig,  a.  united. 
einigen,  v.t.  unite. 
einiger,  pron.  some;   several. 
einigermassen,  adv.  in  some  degree. 
Einigkeit,  /.  unity,  union,  harmony, 
einjahrig,  a.  of  one  year,  annual, 
einkalken,  einkalken,  v.t.  treat  in  lime,  soak  in 

lime  water. 

Einkauf,  m.  buying,  purchase. 
einkellern,  v.t.  store  (in  a  cellar),  cellar,  lay  in. 
einkerben,  v.t.  notch,  indent. 
Einkerbung,  /.  notching,  notch,  indentation. 
einkernig,  a.  uninuclear,  mononuclear. 
einklammern,  v.t.  enclose  in  brackets  or  paren- 
theses: cramp. 

Einklang,  m.  harmony,  unison. 
einkochen,     v.t.    boil    down,    evaporate. — v.i. 

thicken  by  boiling. 

Einkommen,  n.  income;  revenue;  profit. 
Einkiinfte,  income,  revenue, 
einladen,  v.t.  load  in;  invite. 
Einlage,  /.  something  laid  or  put  in;  enclosure; 

investment;   filler  (of  a  cigar). 
einlagern,  v.t.  infiltrate,  deposit;  store. 
Einlass,  m.  inlet;  letting  in,  admission, 
einlassen,  v.t.  let  in,  admit;  insert. 
einlaufecht,  a.  unshrinkable, 
cinlaufcn,  v.i.  enter;  arrive;  shrink,  contract. 
einlaugen,  v.t.  soak  in  lye,  buck, 
einlegen,  v.t.  put,  place,  lay  (in);   soak,  steep; 

pickle;  preserve,  put  up  (fruits,  etc.) ;  imbed; 

insert;   inlay. 
einleiten,  v.t.  introduce;  (of  gases)  conduct,  pass 

or  convey  in,  inject;  preface;  initiate,  start. 
Einleitung,  /.  introduction,  etc.  (see  einleiten) ; 

preface;   preparation. 
Einleitungsrohr,  n.  inlet  tube,  tube  by  which 

gases  are  introduced. 
einleuchten,  v.i.  be  clear, 
einloten,  v.t.  solder  in. 

einmachen,  v.t.  preserve,  conserve,  pickle;  tem- 
per (lime);   knead  (dough);  wrap  up. 
einmaischen,  v.t.  (Brewing)  dough  in. 
Einmaischtemperatur, /.  (Brewing)  doughing-in 

temperature,     initial    temperature     (of    the 

einmal,  adv.  once;  ever. — auf  eintnal,  suddenly; 

nicht  einmal,  not  even. 
einmalig,  a.  single;   solitary. 


einmischen,  v.t.  mix  in,  intermix,  blend. — v.r. 

einmiinden,  v.i.  empty,  discharge;  inosculate. 

einmiitig,  a.  of  one  mind,  united. 

Einnahme,  /.  taking  in,  receipt,  receipts, 

einnehmen,  v.t.  take  in,  take,  receive;  occupy; 
captivate;  overcome. — eingenommen,  p. a. 
prejudiced;  infatuated;  dizzy. 

Einode,  /.  desert,  wild. 

einolen,  v.t.  oil. 

einpacken,  r.t.  pack,  pack  up;  imbed. 

einphasig,  a.  one-phase,  single-phase,  mono- 
phase, uniphase. 

einpokeln,  v.t.  pickle,  corn. 

einpolig,  a.  unipolar. 

einpragen,  v.t.  impress,  imprint. 

einpressen,  v.i.  press,  compress;  force  in. 

einprozentig,  a.  one  per  cent. 

einpudern,  v.t.  powder. 

einpumpen,  v.t.  pump  in. 

einquellen,  v.t.  steep,  soak. 

einrahmen,  v.t.  frame. 

einrauchern,  v.t.  fumigate;  smoke. 

Einraucherung,  /.  fumigation. 

einraumen,  v.t.  stow  away;  furnish;  yield, 

Einrede,  /.  objection,  protest. 

einreden,  v.t.  talk  into. — v.i.  interrupt; 

einreiben,  v.i.  rub  in,  smear. 

Einreibung,  /.  rubbing  in,  smearing;  liniment, 

einreichen,  v.t.  hand  in,  present. 

einreihig,  a.  single-series. 

einreissen,  v.t.  rend;  demolish. — v.i.  tear; 

einrennen,  v.t.  melt  down;  run  down. 

Einrennen,  n.  melting  down,  first  smelting. 

einrichten,  v.t.  arrange,  set  right,  adjust,  organ- 
ize, establish. 

Einrichtung,  /.  arrangement;  contrivance;  es- 
tablishment; furniture;  setting  (of  bones). 

Einriss,  m.  rent,  fissure. 

einrosten,  v.i.  rust  in,  be  covered  with  rust. 

einrucken,  v.t.  (Mach.)  engage,  cause  to  engage, 
throw  in. 

cinriihren,  v.t.  mix  by  stirring,  stir  up;  beat 

eins,  a.  one. 

einsalben,  v.t.  grease;  anoint;  embalm. 

einsalzen,  v.t.  salt,  salt  down,  corn,  brine. 
— eingesalzen,  p.a.  salted,  corned,  salt. 

einsam,  a.  alone,  solitary,  retired. 

Einsatz,  m.  putting  in,  insertion;  something 
put  in,  as  a  tray,  a  nest  (of  boxes  or  the  like) 
or  a  charge  (in  a  furnace). 

Einsatzgewichte,  weights  in  nests,  nest  of 

Einsatzhartung,  /,  casehardening. 




Einsatzkessel,  set  of  kettles. 
Einsatzstahl,  m.  casehardened  steel. 
Einsatztur,  /.  charging  door, 
einsauern,  v.t.  acidify,  sour;    vinegar,  pickle; 


Einsauge-.  absorbent;  lymphatic. 
Einsaugem  ttel,  n.  absorbent. 
einsaugen,   v.t.   absorb;     suck  up,   suck  in. — 

v.r.  be  absorbed,  soak  in. — einsaugend,  p.a. 

absorbent,  absorptive. 
Einsaugung,  /.  absorption;  suction. 
einsaurig,  a.  monacid. 
einschalten,  v.t.     put     in,     insert,     introduce; 

switch  in. 

einscharfen,  v.t.  enjoin,  imp  ess. 
einschenken,  v.t.  pour  in,  pour  out  (into  some- 
einschichten,  v.t.  imbed;    stratify,  arrange  in 

layers;   interstratify;   pack, 
einschichtig,  a.  of  one  layer,  single. 
einschieben,  v.t.  shove  in,  put  in,  insert. 
einschlafern,  v.t.  make  drowsy,  narcotize;   lull. 

— einschlafernd,  p.a.  soporific,  narcotic, 
einschlaffen,  v.i.  fall  asleep. 
Einschlag,  m.  wrapper,  envelope;    plait,  fold; 

woof;   sulfur  match  (for  casks);   striking  in; 

einschlagen,  v.t.  strike  in,  break,  punch;   wrap 

up,  cover;   follow,  adopt;   dip  (sheet  metal); 

sulfur  (wine). — v.i.  sink  in;   strike;   succeed; 

shake  hands. 

einschlagig,  a.  belonging,  pertinent,  appropriate, 
einschlcifen,  v.t.  grind  in;  engrave, 
einschliessen,  v.t.   include,    enclose,    surround, 

lock  in. 

einschliesslich,  adv.  inclusive,  inclusively, 
einschlucken,  v.t.  absorb;   gulp  down. 
einschliipfen,  v.i.  soak  in;  slip  in. 
Einschluss,  m.  inclusion,  including;  enclosure. 
Einschlussrohr,  n.  sealed  tube. 
Einschlussthermometer,  n.  &  m.  thermometer 

with  enclosed  scale. 
einschmalzen,  v.t.  grease,  oil. 
einschmelzen,   v.t.  &  i.  melt  down;    melt  in, 

fuse  in. 

Einschmelzflasche,  /.  bottle  closed  by  fusion. 
Einschmelzglas,  n.  fusible  glass  (for  sealing  in 

platinum  points,  etc.). 

Einschmelzrohr,  n.  sealing  tube  (in  which  sub- 
stances are  enclosed  by  sealing). 
einschmieren,  v.t.  smear,  grease,  lubricate. 
Einschnitt,  m.  incision,  cut,  notch,  excavation. 
einschniiren,  v.t.  constrict;  bind  up,  lace  up. 
Einschniirung,  /.  constriction;  binding  up. 
einschranken,  v.t.  confine,  limit,  restrain. 
einschreiben,  v.t.  inscribe,  note,  register. 
einschrumpfen,  v.i.  shrink,  shrivel. 
einschiitten,  v.t.  pour  in,  put  in. 
einschwefeln,  v.t.  sulfur,  sulfurize. 
cinsehen,  v.t.  look  into,  understand,  perceive. 

Einsehen,  n.  insight,  judgment. 

einseifen,  v.t.  soap. 

einseitig,  a.  one-sided,  unilateral;   partial. 
j  einsetzen,  v.t.  set  in,  put  in,  insert;  plant;  pre- 
serve (fruits);   establish;   install. 

Einsetzen,  n.  setting  in,  etc.  (see  einsetzen); 
(Metal.)  casehardening. 

Einsetzer,  TO.  combustion  boat. 

Einsetzgewichte,  nest  of  weights. 

Einsetzthiir,  /.  charging  door. 

Einsicht,  /.  examination ;  insight,  intelligence. 

einsichtig,  a.  intelligent,  judicious. 

einsickern,  v.i.  infiltrate,  soak  in. 

Einsiedler,  m.  hermit. 

einspeicheln,  v.t.  salivate. — P.I.  be  salivated. 

einspielen,  v.i.  balance. 

Einsprache,  /.  objection,  exception. 

einsprengen,  v.t.  sprinkle;  intersperse,  dissemi- 
nate; interstratify;  burst  open. 

einspringen,  v.i.  spring  in;  (of  fabrics)  shrink; 
(of  an  angle)  reenter. 

einspritzen,  v.t.  squirt  in,  inject,  syringe. 

Einspritzer,  m.  injector;  syringe. 

Einspritzhahn,  m.  injection  cock. 

Einspritzung,  /.  injection. 

Einspruch,  m.  objection,  exception. 

einst,  adv.  once;  some  time. 

einstampfen,  v.t.  ram  down,  compress. 

einstauben,  v.t.  dust,  powder. 

einstechen,  v.t.  stick  in,  pierce. 

einstehen,  v.i.  answer,  guarantee. 

einst  ell  bar,  a.  adjustable. 

einstellen,  v.t.  put  in,  set  in;  standardize  (a 
solution);  stop,  suspend;  adjust,  regulate; 
put  up,  lay  up;  engage  (help);  (Optics) 
focus. — v.r.  appear;  (of  a  magnet)  set. — 
einstellen  auf,  standardize  against. 

Einsteller,  TO.  regulator,  thermostat  (see  also 

Einstellung,  /.  putting  in,  standardization, 
etc.  (see  einstellen);  standard  (of  a  solu- 

Einstich,  TO.  puncture. 

einstimmen,  v.i.  chime  in,  agree,  accord. 

einstimmig,  adv.  unanimously. 

einstossen,  v.t.  thrust  in,  ram  in;  break  in. 

einstreichen,  v.t.  nick,  slit  (e.g.  with  a  file); 
rub;  take  in. 

einstreuen,  v.t.  strew,  sprinkle. 

einstromen,  v.i.  stream  in,  flow  in. 

Einstromventil,  n.  inlet  valve. 

einsturzen,  v.i.  fall  in,  collapse. — v.t.  demolish." 

einstweilen,  adv.  meanwhile,  for  a  time. 

einsumpfen,  v.t.  wet,  soak. 

eintagig,  a.  of  a  day's  duration,  one  day's. 

eintauchen,  v.t.  dip,  plunge,  immerse;  steep. — 
v.i.  dip  in,  sink  in. 

Eintausch,  TO.  exchange,  bartering. 

einteigen,  v.t.  impaste,  make  into  paste  or 
dough;  (Brewing)  dough  in. 



einteilen,  v.t.  divide;  distribute;  separate.— 
in  Grade  einteilen,  graduate. 

einteilig,  a.  one-part,  single. 

Einteilung, /.  division;  graduation;  separation; 
classification;  distribution. 

eintonig,  a.  monotonous. 

Eintracht,  /.  harmony;   unity. 

Eintrag,  TO.  entry;  woof;  damage,  prejudice. 

eintragen,  v.t.  carry  in;  ir.troduce;  enter, 
record;  yield. 

eintraglich,  a.  profitable. 

eintranken,  v.t.  soak,  steep,  impregnate. 

eintraufeln,  v.t.  drop  in,  instil. 

eintreffen,  v.i.  arrive;  happen. 

eintreiben,  v.L  drive  in;  rub  in;  collect. 

eintreten,  v.i.  enter;  set  in,  commence;  occur. 

eintrichtern,  v.t.  pour  in  with  a  funnel. 

Eintritt,  m.  entrance,  entry;  admission;  ap- 
pearance; commencement;  (Optics)  inci- 

eintrocknen,  v.i.  dry,  dry  up;  shrink  in  drying. 

eintropfen,  eintropfeln,  v.t.  drop  in;  instil. 

ein-und-einachsig,  a.  (Cryst.)  orthorhombic. 

einverleiben,  v.t.  incorporate,  embody. 

Einvernehmung,  /.  understanding. 

einverstanden,  p.a.  agreed. 

Einw.,  abbrev.  (Einwirkung)  action,  influence. 

Einwageloffel,  m.  weighing-in  spoon. 

einwagen,  v.t.  weigh  in,  weigh  and  put  in. 

einwalken,  v.t.  full  close;  force  (oil,  etc.)  by 
fulling. — v.i.  shrink  by  fulling. 

Einwand,  TO.  objection,  exception. 

einwandern,  v.i.  immigrate. 

einwandfrei,  a.  unobjectionable,  unexception- 

einwarts,  adv.  inward. 

einwaschen,  v.t.  wash. 

einwasserig,  a.  (Dyeing)  one-bath. 

einwassern,  v.t.  lay  in  water,  steep,  soak. 

einweben,  v.t.  inweave. — v.r.  shrink. 

einweibig,  a.  monogamous. 

einweichen,  v.t.  steep,  soak,  macerate,  digest, 
infuse;  ret  (flax). 

Einweichung,  /.  steeping,  etc.  (see  einweichen). 

einwenden,  v.t.  object,  oppose. 

einwerfen,  v.t.  throw  in. 

einwertig,  a.  univalent. 

einwickeln,  v.t.  wrap  up,  wrap  in,  inclose. 

Einwieg-.     See  Einwag-. 

einwilligen,  v.i.  consent,  approve. 

einwirken,  v.i.  act;  exert  influence. — v.t.  work 
in,  weave  in. 

Einwirkung, /.  action;  influence. 

Einwirkungsprodukt,  n.  resultant  product. 

Einwohner,  m.  inhabitant. 

Einwurf,  TO.  objection;  reply;  slot. 

Einzahlung,  /.  payment,  instalment;  share. 

Einzel-.  single,  individual. 

Einzelblech,  n.  single  tinplate. 

Einzelfall,  m.  particular  case,  individual  case. 


Einzelheit,  /.  detail,  particular;  singleness. 

einzeln,  a.  single,  separate,  individual. 

Einzelverkauf,  m.  retail,  retailing. 

Einzelvorgang,  m.  single  or  separate  process  or 

einziehen,  v.t.  draw  in,  pull  in;  absorb;  re- 
duce, lessen;  collect;  confiscate. — v.i.  soak 
in,  infiltrate;  enter. — v.r.  shrink,  contract; 

Einziehungsmittel,  n.  absorbent. 

einzig,  a.  only,  single,  unique. 

einzuckern,  v.t.  sugar;  preserve  (with  sugar). 

Einzug,  m.  entry,  entrance. 

eirund,  a.  oval. 

Eis,  n.  ice. 

Eisabkuhlung,  /.  cooling  or  refrigeration  with  ice. 

eisahnlich,  a.  icelike,  resembling  ice. 

eisartig,  a.  icelike,  icy. 

Eisen,  n.  iron;  iron  instrument  or  utensil; 

Eisenabfalle,  scrap  iron. 

Eisenalaun,  m.  iron  alum  (ferric  potassium  sul- 

Eisenantimonerz,  n.,  Eisenantimonglanz,  m. 

eisenarm,  a.  poor  in  iron. 

Eisenarsenik,  n.  iron  arsenide,  specif.,  (Mm.) 
lollingite  or  leuocopyrite. 

eisenartig,  a.  ironlike,  ferruginous,  chalybeate. 

Eisenasbest,  m.  fibrous  silica  formed  in  iron 

Eisenbahn,  /.  railroad,  railway. 

Eisenbeize,  /.  iron  mordant,  iron  liquor. 

Eisenbeton,  TO.  ferro-cbncrete,  reinforced  con- 

Eisenblau,  n.  Eisenblauspat,  TO.  =  Blaueisen- 

Eisenblauerde,  /.  earthy  vivianite. 

eisenblausauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  ferro- 
cyanic  acid,  ferrocyanide  of. 

Eisenblausaure,  /.  ferrocyanic  acid. 

Eisenblech,  n.  sheet  iron,  iron  plate. 

Eisenblende,  /.  pitchblende. 

Eisenblock,  /.  ingot,  bloom  or  block  of  iron. 

Eisenblumen,  iron  flowers  (ferric  chloride). 

Eisenblute,  /.  flos  ferri  (coralloid  form  of  ara- 

Eisenbromid,  n.  iron  bromide,  specif.,  ferric 

Eisenbromiir,  n.  ferrous  bromide. 

Eisenbromurbromid,  n.  ferrosoferric  bromide. 

Eisenbriihe,  /.  iron  mordant. 

Eisenchinawein,  TO.  iron  and  quinine  wine. 

Eisenchlorid,  n.  iron  chloride,  specif.,  ferric 

Eisenchloriir,  n.  ferrous  chloride. 

Eisenchlorurchlorid,  n.  ferrosoferric  chloride. 

Eisenchlorwasserstoff,  TO.  ferrichloric  acid. 

Eisenchrom,  n.  (Min.)  chromic  iron,  chromite. 

Eisenchrysolith,  TO.  hyalosiderite;   fayalite. 




Eisencyanfarbe,  /.  iron-cyanogen  pigment. 

Eisencyanid,  n.  iron  cyanide,  specif.,  ferric  cyan- 
ide; ferrocyanide. 

Eisencyankalium,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide. 

Eisencyaniir,  n.  ferrous  cyanide. 

Eisencyaniirzinkoxyd,  n.  zinc  ferrocyanide. 

Eisencyanverbindung,  /.  iron-cyanogen  com- 
pound, ferro-  or  ferricyanogen  compound. 

Eisendraht,  m.  iron  wire. 

Eisenerde,  /.  ferruginous  earth,  iron  earth; 
(Ceram.)  kind  of  hard  stoneware.— blaue 
Eisenerde,  earthy  vivianite. 

Eisenerz,  n.  iron  ore. 

Eisenfarbe,  /.  iron  color,  iron  gray. 

Eisenfeilicht,  n.,  Eisenfeile,  /.,  Eisenfeilspane,  iron  filings. 

eisenfrei,  a.  free  from  iron. 

Eisengang,  m.  iron  lode,  iron-ore  vein. 

Eisengans,  /.  iron  pig. 

Eisengestell,  n.  iron  stand,  iron  frame. 

Eisengewinnung,  /.  iron  production. 

Eisengiesserei,  /.  iron  foundry;  iron  founding. 

Eisengilbe,  /.  yellow  ocher. 

Eisenglanz,  TO.  iron  glance,  specular  iron  (form 
of  hematite). 

Eisenglimmer,  m.  micaceous  iron  ore  (form  of 

Eisenglimmerschiefer,  m.  itabirite. 

Eisengranat,  TO.  iron  garnet  (almandite) . 

eisengrau,  a.  iron-gray. 

Eisengraupen,  granular  bog  iron  ore. 

Eisengrund,  m.  iron  liquor. 

Eisenguss,  TO.  iron  casting;   cast  iron. 

eisenhaltig,  a.  containing  iron,  ferriferous,  fer- 
ruginous, chalybeate. 

Eisenhart,  Eisenhardt,  TO.  ferriferous  gold  sand. 

Eisenholz,  n.  ironwood. 

Eisenhut,  m.,  Eisenhiitchen,  n.  aconite,  monks- 

Eisenhiitte,  /.  ironworks,  iron  mill;  forge. 

Eisenhiittenkunde,  /.  metallurgy  of  iron. 

Eisenhydroxyd,  n.  ferric  hydroxide. 

Eisenhydroxydul,  n.  ferrous  hydroxide. 

Eisenjodid,  n.  iron  iodide,  specif.,  ferric  iodide. 

Eisenjodur,  n.  ferrous  iodide. 

Eisenjodiirjodid,  n.  ferrosoferric  iodide. 

Eisenkalium,  n.  potassium  ferrate. 

Eisenkaliumalaun,  TO.  iron  potassium  alum, 
ferric  potassium  sulfate. 

Eisenkarburet,  n.  iron  carbide. 

Eisenkies,  m,  iron  pyrites,  pyrite. — hexagon- 
aler  Eisenkies,  pyrrhotite.  —  rhombischer 
Eisenkies,  marcasite. 

Eisenkiesel,  TO.  ferruginous  flint. 

Eisenkobalterz,  n.,  Eisenkobaltkies,  TO.,  cobal- 
tite  or  smaltite  rich  in  iron. 

Eisenkohlenoxyd,  n.  iron  carboxide. 

Eisenkohlenstoff,  TO.  iron  carbide. 

Eisenkraut,  n.  vervain. 

Eisenlebererz,  n.  hepatic  iron  ore. 

Eisenmangan,  n.  ferromanganese. 

Eisenmanganerz,  n.  manganiferous  iron  ore, 
ferriferous  manganese  ore. 

Eisenmann,  TO.  a  scaly  form  of  hematite. 

Eisenmennige,  /.  red  ocher. 

Eisenmohr,  TO.  sethiops  martialis  (FesC^  as  a 
black  powder);  earthy  magnetite. 

Eisenmulm,  TO.  earthy  iron  ore. 

Eisenniere,  /.  eaglestone. 

Eisenol,  n.  (Pharm.)  oleum  martis. 

Eisenoxyd,  n.  iron  oxide,  specif.,  ferric  oxide.— 
salpetersaures  Eisenoxyd,  ferric  nitrate  (and 
so  for  other  salts). 

Eisenoxydhydrat,  n.  ferric  hydroxide. 

Eisenoxydoxydul,  n.  ferrosoferric  oxide. 

Eisenoxydsalz,  n.  ferric  salt. 

Eisenoxydul,  n.  ferrous  oxide. — salpetersaures 
Eisenoxydul,  ferrous  nitrate  (and  so  for  other 

Eisenoxydulhydrat,  n.  ferrous  hydroxide. 

Eisenoxyduloxyd,  n.  ferrosoferric  oxide,  mag- 
netic iron  oxide  (FesC^). 

Eisenoxydulsalz,  n.  ferrous  salt. 

Eisenoxydulverbindung,  /.  ferrous  compound. 

Eisenoxydverbindung,  /.  ferric  compound. 

Eisenpastille,  /.  (Pharm.)  reduced  iron  lozenge. 

Eisenpecherz,  n.  limonite;   pitticite;  triplite. 

Eisenquarz,  TO.  ferriferous  quartz. 

Eisenrahm,  TO.  a  porous  form  of  hematite. 

Eisenresin,  Eisenresinit,  TO.  (Min.)  humboldt- 

Eisenrhodanid,  n.  ferric  thiocyanate  (or  sulfo- 

Eisenrhodaniir,  n.  ferrous  thiocyanate  (or  sul- 

Eisenrot,  n.  colcothar. 

Eisensalmiak,  TO.  (Pharm.)  ammoniated  iron. 

eisensauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  ferric  acid, 
ferrate  of. 

Eisensauerling,  TO.  chalybeate  water  (mineral 
water  containing  iron  saljts.) 

Eisensaure,  /.  ferric  acid. 

Eisenschaum,  TO.  (Metal.)  kish;  (Min.)  =  Eisen- 

Eisenschorl,  TO.  gob  iron  ore. 

eisenschussig,  a.  ferriferous,  ferruginous. 

Eisenschwamm,  TO.  iron  sponge,  spongy  iron. 

Eisenschwarz,  n.  iron  black  (precipitated  anti- 
mony); graphite;  lampblack;  (Dyeing)  cop- 
peras black. 

Eisenschwarze,  /.  graphite;  earthy  magnetite; 
(Dyeing)  iron  liquor;  (Leather)  currier's  ink. 

Eisenseleniir,  n.  ferrous  selenide. 

Eisensilberglanz,  TO.  sternbergite. 

Eisensilicium,  n.  iron  silicide. 

Eisensinter,  TO.  dross  of  iron,  iron  scale;  pitti- 

Eisenspane,  iron  turnings  or  borings. 

Eisenspat,  m.  siderite. 

Eisenspiegel,  m.  specular  iron  (hematite). 




Eisenstein,  m.  ironstone,  iron  ore. — spatiger 
Eisenstein,  spathic  iron  ore,  siderite. 

Eisensteinmark,  n.  lithomarge  containing  iron. 

Eisensublimat,  n.  iron  sublimate  (ferric  chlo- 

Eisensulfid,  n.  iron  sulfide,  specif.,  ferric  sulfide. 

Eisensulfiir,  n.  ferrous  sulfide. 

Eisensumpferz,  n.  bog  iron  ore. 

Eisentitan,  n.  (Mtn.)  ilmenite. 

Eisenton,  m.  clay  ironstone. 

Eisentongranat,  m.  almandite. 

Eisenuntersuchung,  /.  examination  of  iron,  iron 

Eisenvitriol,  m.  iron  vitriol  (hydrous  ferrous 
sulfate). — roter  Eisenvitriol,  red  vitriol,  bot- 

Eisenwasser,  n.  chalybeate  water. 

Eisenwein,  m.  (Pharm.)  iron  wine. 

Eisenweinstein,TO.  (Pharm.)  iron  and  potassium 
tartrate,  tartarated  iron. 

Eisenzinkblende,  /.  marmatite. 

Eisenzinkspat,  TO.  ferruginous  calamine. 

Eisenzinnerz,  n.  ferriferous  cassiterite. 

Eisenzucker,  m.  (Pharm.)  ferric  saccharate. 

Eisenzyan-.  =  Eisencyan-. 

eisern,  a.  of  iron,  iron. 

Eisessig,  m.  glacial  acetic  acid. 

Eisglas,  n.  frosted  glass. 

eisig,  a.  icy,  icelike. 

Eiskraut,  n.  ice  plant  (Mesembryanthemum 

Eispunkt,  m.  freezing  point. 

Eisschrank,  m.  ice  box,  refrigerator. 

Eisspat,  m.  glassy  feldspar,  sanidine  (or  rhyac- 

Eisstein,  m.  cryolite. 

Eistrichter,  TO.  ice  funnel. 

Eiszacken,  Eiszapfen,  TO.  icicle. 

Eiszeit,  /.  glacial  period. 

eitel,  a.  pure;  idle;  vain. 

Eitelkeit,  /.  vanity. 

Eiter,  m.  pus. 

eiterahnlich,  eiterartig,  a.  purulent. 

eiterbefordernd,  a.  suppurative. 

eitererzeugend,  p.a.  suppurative,  pyogenic. 

Eitergang,  m.  fistula. 

eiterig,  eitericht,  a.  purulent. 

eitern,  v.i.  suppurate. 

Eiterstoff,  m.  purulent  matter. 

Eiterung,  /.  suppuration. 

eiterziehend,  p.a.  suppurative,  pyogenic. 

Eiweiss,  n.  albumin;  albumen,  white  of  egg; 

Eiweiss-.  albuminous,  albuminoid. 

ciweissahnlich,  a.  albuminoid. 

eiweissarm,  a.  poor  in  albumin  or  in  protein. 

Eiweissart,  /.  variety  of  albumin;  variety  of 

eiweissartig,  a.  albuminous;  albuminoid;  glairy. 

Eiweissbedarf,  m.  albumin  requirement. 

Eiweissdriise,  /.  salivary  gland. 

eiweissfb'rmig,  a.  albuminous. 

eiweisshaltig,  a.  containing  albumin  (or  albu- 
men), albuminous;  containing  protein. 

Eiweissharnen,  n.  albuminuria. 

Eiweisskorper,  m.  albuminous  substance,  pro- 

Eiweissleim,  m.  gluten  protein. 

Eiweissnahrung,  /.  albuminous  food. 

Eiweisspapier,  n.  albuminized  paper. 

eiweissreich,  a.  rich  in  albumin  (or  in  protein). 

eiweissspaltend,  p.a.  proteolytic. 

Eiweissspaltung,  /.  cleavage  of  albumin;  pro- 
tein cleavage,  proteolysis. 

Eiweissstoff,  m.  albuminous  substance,  protein. 

Eiweissverbindung,  /.  albuminous  compound, 
protein;  albuminate. 

Eizelle,  /.  ovum. 

Ekabor,  n.  ekaboron. 

Ekasilizium,  n.  ekasilicon. 

Ekel,  m.  nausea;   disgust. 

ekelhaft,  a.  disgusting,  offensive. 

-el.  A  suffix  attached  to  verb  roots  to  denote 
the  instrument  of  an  action,  -er;  as,  Hebel, 
lever,  from  heben,  lift. 

Elaidinsaure,  /.  elaidic  acid. 

Elainsaure,  /.  oleic  acid. 

Elaio-.  eleo-,  elaeo-,  elaio-. 

Elasticitat,  /.  elasticity. 

elastisch,  a.  elastic. 

Elefantenlaus,  /.  cashew  nut. 

Elefantennuss,  /.  ivory  nut. 

Elektawolle,  /.  first-class  wool. 

Elektric-.     See  Elektriz-. 

Elektriker,  m.  electrician. 

elektrisch,  a.  electric. 

elektrisierbar,  a.  electrifiable. 

elektrisieren,  v.L  electrify. 

Elektrizitat,  /.  electricity. 

Elektrizitatswage,  /.  electrometer. 

Elektrizitatszeiger,  m.  electroscope. 

Elektrochemie,  /.  electrochemistry. 

elektrochemisch,  a.  electrochemical. 

Elektrolyse,  /.  electrolysis. 

elektrolysieren,  v.t.  electrolyze. 

Elektrolyt,  TO.  electrolyte. 

Elektrolyteisen,  n.  electrolytic  iron. 

elektrolytisch,  a.  electrolytic. 

Elektrolytsilber,  n.  electrolytic  silver. 

elektrometrisch,  a.  electrometric. 

elektromotorisch,  a.  electromotive. 

Elektrophor,  TO.  electrophorus. 

Elektrosynthese,  /.  electrosynthesis. 

Elektrotechniker,  TO.  electrotechnician,  electri- 

elementar,  a.  elementary. 

Elementaranalyse,  /.  elementary  analysis. 

Elementenmessung,  /.  stoichiometry. 

Elemiharz,  n.  elemi,  gum  elemi. 

Elemiol,  n.  elemi  oil. 




Elen,  m.  &  n.  elk. 

Elend,  n.  misery,  distress,  penury. 

elend,  a.  miserable,  pitiful,  ill. 

Elephanten-.     See  Elefanten-. 

elf,  a.  eleven. 

Elfenbein,  n.  ivory. — gebranntes  Elfenbein, 
burnt  ivory,  ivory  black. — kiinstliches  El- 
fenbein, artificial  ivory,  celluloid. 

Elfenbeinnuss,  /.  ivory  nut. 

Elfenbeinsubstanz,  /.  dentine. 

elfte,  a.  eleventh. 

eliminieren,  v.t.  eliminate. 

EUagengerbsaure,  /.  ellagic  acid. 

Ellagsaure,  Ellagensaure,  /.  ellagic  acid. 

Ellbogen,  m.  elbow. 

Elle,  /.  ell,  yard;  ulna. 

Ellenbogen,  m.  elbow. 

Ellenwaren,  dry  goods,  draper's  goods. 

Elsebeere,  /.  service  berry. 

Elster,  /.  magpie. 

elterlich,  a.  parental. 

Eltern,  pi.  parents. 

elutrieren,  v.t.  elutriate,  wash. 

Email,  n.  enamel. 

EmailXarbe,  /.  enamel  color. 

Emailglas,  n.  enamel  glass,  fusible  glass. 

Emaille,  /.  enamel. 

emaillieren,  v.t.  enamel. 

Emissionsvermogen,  n.  emissive  power. 

EMK.,  abbrev.  (elektromotorische  Kraft)  elec- 
tromotive force,  E.M.F. 

empfahl,  pret.  of  empfehlen. 

Empfang,  m.  receipt. 

empfangen,  v.t.  receive;    accept. — v.i.  conceive. 

empfanglich,  a.  receptive,  susceptible. 

Empfangnis,  n.  conception. 

Empfangs-.  receiving. 

empfehlen,  v.t.  recommend. 

empfehlenswcrt,  a.  to  be  recommended,  advis- 
able; eligible. 

empfiehlt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  empfehlen. 

empfinden,  v.t.  feel,  experience. 

empfindlich,  a.  sensitive;  susceptible;  sensible; 
irritable;  severe. 

Empfindlichkeit,  /.  sensitiveness,  etc.  (see  emp- 

Empfindung,  /.  sensation,  feeling;    sentiment. 

empfohle,  pret.  subj.  of  empfehlen. 

empfohlen,  p.p.  of  empfehlen. 

empirisch,  a.  empiric  (al). 

empor,  adv.  up,  upward,  on  high. 

emporbliihen,  v.i.  grow,  rise,  prosper. 

emporen,  v.t.  stir  up,  excite;  shock. 

emporkommen,  v.i.  rise,  emerge,  mount,  ascend; 
prosper.  » 

emsig,  a.  diligent,  industrious. 

emulgieren,  v.t.  emulsify. 

Emulgiemng,  /.  emulsification. 

emulsionieren,  v.t.  emulsify,  emulsionize. 

Emulsionierung,  /.  emulsification. 

-en.  (1)  Case  ending  of  certain  nouns.  (2)  A 
suffix  used  like  the  English  -en  to  form  ad- 
jectives of  material;  as  silbern,  of  silver, 
eichen,  oaken.  (3)  In  Org.  Chem.,  the  equiva- 
lent of  the  English  -ene;  as,  Pro-pen,  propene. 

Enantiotropie,  /.  enantiotropy,  -tropism. 

End-,  final,  terminal. 

Endausbeute,  /.  final  yield. 

Enddruck,  m.  final  pressure. 

Ende,  /.  end;  limit,  termination,  purpose. 

Endecke,/.,  Endeck,  n.  terminal  angle,  summit. 

enden,  v.t.  &  r.  end,  terminate. 

Endflache,  /.  terminal  face,  end  face. 

Endglied,  n.  terminal  member,  end  member. 

endgiiltig,  a.  final,  conclusive. 

endigen,  v.t.  &  r.  end,  terminate. 

Endlaugen,  foots. 

endlich,  a.  finite;  final;  late.— adv.  finally; 
after  all. 

endlos,  a.  endless;  infinite. 

Endnuance,  /.  final  shade. 

endosmotisch,  a.  endosmotic. 

endothermisch,  a.  endothermic. 

Endprodukt,  n.  final  product,  end  product. 

Endpunkt,  m.  end  point,  final  point;   terminus. 

Endsilbe,  /.  final  syllable,  termination. 

endstandig,  a.  standing  at  the  end,  end,  ter- 

Endzustand,  TO.  final  state  or  condition. 

Energie,  /.  energy. 

Energieabnahme,  /.  decrease  in  energy. 

Energieanderung,  /.  energy  change. 

Energieaufwand,  TO.  expenditure  of  energy. 

Energiegleichung,  /.  energy  equation. 

Energieinhalt,  TO.  energy  content. 

Energieverlust,  TO.  loss  of  energy. 

Energiezufuhr,  /.  addition  of  energy. 

energisch,  a.  energetic. 

eng,  enge,  a.  narrow;   close,  tight. 

Enge,  /.  narrowness;  closeness,  tightness. 

Engel,  TO.  angel. 

Engelrot,  n.  colcothar. 

Engelwurz,  -wurzel,  /.  (Pharm.)  angelica. 

Enghalsflasche,  /.  narrow-necked  bottle. 

englisch,  a.  English. — englische  Erde,  rotten 
stone. — englisches  Gewiirz,  pimenta,  all- 
spice.— englisches  Pulver,  powder  of  Alga- 
roth  (SbOCl).— englisches  Rot,  English  red, 
colcothar. — englisches  Salz,  Epsom  salt. 

Englischgelb.  patent  yellow  (lead  oxychloride) . 

Englischrot,  n.  colcothar. 

Englischsalz,  n.  Epsom  salt. 

englochig,  a.  with  small  holes,  fine-pored. 

engmaschig,  a.  close-meshed,  fine-meshed. 

Engobe,  TO.  engobe,  slip. 

engobieren,  v.t.  (Ceram.)  coat  with  engobe, 

Enkel,  TO.  ankle;  grandchild,  grandson. 

Enlevage, /.  (Dyeing)  discharge. 

enorm,  a.  enormous. 




cnt-.  A  verbal  prefix  having  the  following 
principal  meanings:  (1)  With  nouns,  deprive 
of,  de-,  dis-,  di-,  un-;  as,  entschwefeln,  desul- 
furize.  (2)  With  verbs,  away,  out,  dis-,  de-, 
un-,  in-,  ex-,  e-;  as,  entdecken,  discover,  ent- 
wickeln,  evolve.  (3)  With  verbs,  begin  to, 
start;  as  entflammen,  inflame,  entschlafen, 
fall  asleep. 

entalkoholisieren,  v.t.  dealcoholize. 

entajmidieren,  v.t.  deprive  of  amidogen,  deamin- 
ize,  deamidize. 

entarten,  v.i.  degenerate,  deteriorate. 

entbasten,  v.t.  degum  (silk). 

entbehren,  v.t.  be  without,  lack;  do  without, 
dispense  with. 

entbehrlich,  a.  dispensable,  unnecessary. 

entbinden,  v.t.  disengage,  set  free,  liberate,  re- 
lease; evolve  (gases);  (Med.)  deliver. 

Entbindung,  /.  disengagement,  setting  free,  re- 
lease; evolution  (of  ga^es);  (Med.)  delivery. 

Entbindungsflasche,  /.  generating  flask  (or 

Entbindungsrohr,  n.  delivery  tube. 

entbittern,  v.t.  deprive  of  bitterness. 

entbleien,  v.t.  deprive  of  lead. 

entblossen,  v.t.  uncover,  strip;  deprive. 

Entchlorun^,  /.  dechlorination. 

entdecken,  v.t.  discover;   disclose. 

Ent decker,  TO.  discoverer;   detecter. 

Entdeckung,  /.  discovery;   disclosure. 

entdenaturieren,  v.t.  free  from  denaturants. 

Ente,  /.  duck;   canard. 

entehren,  v.t.  dishonor. 

enteisenen,  v.t.  deprive  of  iron. 

Enteisenung,  /.  removal  of  iron. 

Enterich,  m.  drake. 

entfallen,  v.i.  drop,  slip,  fall. 

entfalten,  v.t.  unfold,  display;   evolve,  develop. 

entfarben,  v.t.  decolorize,  bleach;  make  pale. — • 
v.r.  fade;  grow  pale. 

Entfarbung,  /.  decolorization,  decoloration, 
bleaching;  growing  pale;  paleness. 

Entfarbungsmittel,  n.  decolorizing  agent,  de- 

entfasern,  v.t.  free  of  fibers,  string  (beans). 

entfernen,  v.t.  remove. — v.r.  withdraw, 

Entfernung,  /.  removal;  distance;  retirement; 

entfetten,  v.t.  remove  fat,  oil  or  grease  from, 
ungrease,  degrease,  unoil,  scour. 

Entfettung,  /.  removal  of  fat,  etc.  (see  ent- 

Entfettungsmittel,  n.  scouring  agent,  degreasing 

entfil/en,  v.t.  unfelt. 

entflammbar,  a.  inflammable. 

Entflammbarkeit,  /.  inflammability. 

entflammen,  v.t.  inflame,  kindle. — v.r.  (of  kero- 
sene, etc.)  flash. 

Entflammungspunkt,  m.  flashing  point,  flash 

Entflammungstemperatur,  /.  kindling  tempera- 
ture; (of  kerosene,  etc.)  flash  point. 

entfleischen,  v.t.  strip  of  flesh,  flesh. 

entfliessen,  v.i.  flow;  emanate. 

entfremden,  v.t.  estrange;  abandon;  conceal. 

entfiihren,  v.t.  carry  off. 

entfuseln,  v.t.  remove  fusel  oil  from,  rectify. 

entgasen,  v.t.  extract  gas  from  (as  from  coal  by 

entgegen,  prep,  against;  opposite;  toward. — 
adv.  counter,  oppositely. 

entgegengehen,  v.i.  go  to  meet,  encounter,  face. 

entgegengesetzt,  p.a.  opposite;  opposed,  con- 
trary, inverse,  reverse. 

entgegnen,  v.t.  reply. 

entgehen,  v.i.  escape,  avoid. 

entgeisten,  v.t.  deprive  of  spirit  or  alcohol, 

entgelten,  v.t.  pay  for. 

entgerbern,  v.t.  wash  (wool). 

entgiften,  v.t.  deprive  of  poison. 

entglasen,  v.t.  devitrify. 

Entglasung,  /.  devitrification. 

entgolden,  v.t.  extract  the  gold  from. 

entgrannen,  v.t.  awn,  hummel  (barley). 

entgummieren,  v.t.  degum. 

enthaaren,  v.t.  unhair,  depilate. 

Enthaarungsmittel,  n.  depilatory. 

enthalten,  v.t.  contain;   include. — v.r.  abstain. 

enthaltsam,  a.  abstemious,  temperate. 

entharten,  v.t.  soften;    (Metal.)  anneal. 

entharzen,  v.t.  deprive  of  resin. 

enthauten,  v.t.  skin,  flay. 

entheben,  v.t.  exonerate,  exempt;  dismiss. 

enthiillen,  v.t.  unfold,  unveil,  disclose. 

enthiilsen,  v.t.  husk,  hull,  shell,  peel,  etc. 

enthydratisieren,  v.t.  dehydrate. 

entkalken,  entkalken,  v.t.  decalcify,  delime, 
free  from  lime. 

Entkalkungsmittel,  n.  deliming  agent. 

entkeimen,  v.t.  degerminate. — v.i.  germinate, 

entkieseln,  v.t.  desilicify. 

entkleiden,  v.t.  undress,  strip. 

entkohlen,  v.t.  decarbonize,  decarburize. 

Entkohlung,  /.  decarbonization,  decarburiza- 

entkornen,  v.t.  =  auskornen. 

entkraften,  v.t.  exhaust;  debilitate,  weaken. 

entkupfern,  v.t.  free  from  copper. 

entladen,  v.t.  discharge;  unload. — v.r.  explode, 
go  off. 

Entladung,  /.  discharge;   exoneration. 

entlang,  adv.  along. 

entlassen,  v.t.  dismiss,  discharge. 

entleeren,  v.t.  empty,  discharge. 

Entleerung,  /.  emptying,  discharging,  discharge, 

entlegen,  a.  distant,  remote, 




entlehnen,  v.t.  borrow,  take,  derive. 

entleimen,  v.t.  degum. 

entleuchten,  v.t.  deprive  of  light,  render  non- 
luminous. — v.i.  shine,  radiate. 

entliiften,  v.t.  deprive  of  air,  deaerate. 

entmagnetisieren,  v.t.  demagnetize. 

entmenscht,  p.a.  inhuman,  cruel. 

entmethylieren,  v.t.  demethylate. 

Entmischung,  /.  disintegration,  separation  into 
component  parts. 

entmutigen,  v.t.  discourage. 

Entnahme,  /.  taking,  etc.  (see  entnehmen) 

entnassen,  v.t.  deprive  of  moisture,  dry. 

entnebeln,  v.t.  dissipate  (mist  or  fog). 

entnehmen,  v.t.  take;  draw,  get,  borrow. 

entolen,  v.t.  remove  oil  from. 

entphosphoren,  v.t.  dephosphorize. 

Entphosphorung,  /.  dephosphorization. 

entpressen,  v.t.  press  out,  squeeze  out;   extort. 

entrahmen,  v.t.  remove  the  cream  from,  skim. 

entrichten,  v.t.  pay  (debts). 

entrinden,  v.t.  decorticate,  bark. 

Entropie,  /.  entropy. 

entrosten,  v./.  free  from  rust,  clean  the  rust  from. 

entrusten,  v.t.  provoke,  make  angry. 

entsagen,  v.t.  renounce,  give  up. 

Entsatz,  m.  relief,  rescue. 

entsauern,  v.t.  free  from  acid,  deacidify;  de- 

entschadigen,  v.t.  indemnify. 

entschalen,  v.t.  shell,  peel;   (Silk)  scour,  degum. 

entscheiden,  v.t.  decide. — entscheidend,  p.a. 
decisive;  final.— entschieden,  p.a.  decided, 

Entscheidung,  /.  decision;  crisis. 

entschlagen,  v.r.  divest  oneself,  forget. 

entschlichten,  v.t.  free  from  size,  undress  (linen). 

entschliessen,  v.r.  resolve,  decide. 

Entschluss,  m.  resolution. 

entschuldigen,  v.t.  excuse. 

entschwefeln,  v.t.  desulfurize. 

Entschwefelung,  /.  desulfurization. 

entschweissen,  v.t.  scour  (wool). 

entschwinden,  v.i.  disappear,  vanish. 

entseifen,  v.t.  free  from  soap,  rinse. 

entsetzen,  v.t.  displace,  remove;  relieve. — 
v.r.  be  horrified. 

entsilbern,  v.t.  desilver,  desilverize. 

Entsilberung,  /.  desilvering,  desilverizing. 

entsinnen,  v.r.  remember. 

entspannen,  v.t.  =  abspannen. 

entsprechen,  v.i.  correspond;  answer. — ent- 
sprechend,  p.a.  corresponding;  suitable. 

entspringen,  v.i.  spring,  arise;  escape. 

entstauben,  v.t.  dust  (off). 

entstehen,  v.i.  arise,  originate;  be  formed; 
result. — eben  entstehend,  nascent;  incipient. 

Entstehung,  /.  origin,  genesis,  nascence. 

Entstehungsart,  Entstehungsweise,  /.  mode  of 

Entstehungszustand,  m.  nascent  state. 

entstellen,  v.t.  disfigure,  distort. 

entstromen,  v.i.  flow,  stream,  issue,  escape 

enttauschen,  v.t.  undeceive,  disappoint. 

Entw.,  abbrev.  (Entwickelung)  evolution,  de- 

entwachsen,  v.i.  outgrow. 

entwassern,  v.t.  free  from  water,  dehydrate; 
concentrate,  rectify,  (Old  Chem.)  dephleg- 
mate;  drain. — entwassert,  p.a.  freed  from 
water,  dehydrated,  anhydrous;  concentrated, 
rectified;  drained. 

Entwasserungsmittel,  n.  dehydrating  agent. 

entweder,  con/,  either. 

entweichen,  v.i.  escape;  leak. 

Entweichungsventil,  n.  escape  valve,  delivery 

entwenden,  v.t.  steal,  embezzle. 

entwerfen,  v.t.  trace  out,  design,  plan. 

entwerten,  v.t.  depreciate;   cancel  (stamps). 

entwickeln,  v.t.  develop;  evolve;  disengage, 
generate  (gases);  unfold,  display. — ent- 
wickelnd,  p.a.  developing,  etc.;  nascent. 

Entwickelung,  /.  developing,  development; 
evolution;  disengagement,  generating  (of 
gases);  unfolding,  explanation. 

Entwickelungsgefass,     n.     generating     vessel, 

•    generator  (for  gases). 

Entwickelungsmittel,  n.  developer. 

Entwickelungsrohre,  /.  delivery  tube. 

Entwickler,  m.  generator  (for  gases) ;  (Photog. 
&  Dyeing)  developer;  evolver,  etc.  (see  ent- 

Ent  wicklung,  /.  =  Entwickelung. 

entwirren,  v.t.  unravel,  disentangle. 

entwohnen,  v.t.  disaccustom,  wean. 

Entwurf,  m.  sketch,  outline,  plan. 

entziehen,  v.t.  abstract;  extract;  take  away, 
withdraw,  deprive. 

Entziehung,  /.  abstraction;  extraction;  with- 
drawing; deprivation. 

entziffern,  v.t.  decipher. 

entziicken,  v.t.  ravish,  charm. 

entzuckern,  v.t.  extract  sugar  from,  deprive  of 

entziindbar,  a.  inflammable. 

entziinden,  v.t.  ignite,  kindle,  inflame. — v.r. 
take  fire,  ignite. 

entziindlich,  a.  inflammable. 

Entzundlichkeit,  /.  inflammability. 

Entziindung,  /.  ignition,  inflammation. 

Entziindungsprcbe,  /.  ignition  test. 

Entziindungspunkt,  m.  kindling  point;  (of  kero- 
sene, etc.)  burning  point. 

entzwei,  adv.  in  two,  asunder. 

entzweit,  p.a.  at  variance. 

Enzian,  m.  gentian. 

Enzianwurzel,  /.  gentian  root. 

enzymatisch,  a.  enzymatic,  enzymic. 


Epheu,  w.  ivy. 

Epihydrinsaure,  /.  epihydrinic  acid. 

Epithelzelle,  /.  epithelial  cell. 

Eppich,  TO.  celery. 

Equisetsaure,  /.  equisetic  (aconitic)  acid. 

er,  pron.  he,  it. 

er-.  A  verbal  prefix  which,  prefixed  to  verbs, 
signifies  "  out,  forth,"  denoting  either  the 
perfecting  of  an  action,  as  erfinden,  find  out, 
invent,  or  the  commencement  of  an  action 
or  state,  as  erscheinen,  shine  forth,  appear. 
With  adjectives  it  signifies  "  make  "  or  "  be- 
come ";  as,  erganzen,  make  whole,  complete, 
erkalten,  become  cold,  cool. 

-er.  (1)  A  plural  ending  of  some  nouns;  as, 
Manner,  men.  (2)  A  suffix  denoting  agent, 
instrument,  or  some  one  in  close  relation; 
-er,  -or,  -ist;  as  Er  finder,  inventor,  Heber, 
siphon  (lifter),  Physiker,  physicist.  (3)  A 
suffix  forming  adjectives  from  names  of  cities; 
as,  Pariser,  Parisian,  Paris. 

Erachten,  n.  opinion,  judgment. 

erbarmen,  v.r.  pity,  have  mercy. 

erbarmlich,  a.  pitiable,  wretched. 

erbauen,  v.t.  build,  construct. 

Erbe,  m.  heir.— n.  inheritance. 

erbeben,  v.L  shake,  tremble. 

erben,  v.t.  inherit. 

erbieten,  v.r.  offer. 

Erbinet  de,  /.  erbia,  erbium  oxide. 

erbitten,  v.t.  request;  persuade. 

erbittern,  v.t.  exasperate. 

erblasen,  v.t.  (Metal.)  subject  to,  or  obtain  by, 
the  blast. 

erblassen,  v.i.  fade;   pale;   die. 

Erblasser,  TO.  testator. 

erblich,  a.  hereditary. 

erblicken,  v.t.  behold,  see. 

erbosen,  v.t.  make  angry. 

erbotig,  a.  willing,  ready. 

erbrechen,  v.t.  break  open. — v.r.  vomit. 

Erbschaft,  /.  inheritance. 

Erbse,  /.  pea. 

Erbsenbaum,  m.  Siberian  acacia. 

Erbsenerz,  n.  pea  ore  (form  of  limonite). 

erbsenformig,  a.  peatike,  pisiform. 

erbsengross,  a.  of  the  size  of  a  pea. 

Erbsenstein,  m.  peastone,  pisolite  (a  granular 
limestone) . 

Erdachse,  /.  axis  of  the  earth. 

Erdalkali,  n.  alkaline  earth. 

Erdalkalimetall,  n.  alkaline-earth  metal. 

Erdalkalisalze,  salts  of  the  alkaline-earth 

crdalkalisch,  a.  alkaline-earth. 

Erdapfel,  m.  potato;  cyclamen;  mandrake; 

erdartig,  a.  earthy. 

Erdasphalt,  m.  earthy  asphalt. 

Erdball,  TO.  terrestrial  globe. 



Erdbeben,  n.  earthquake. 

Erdbeere,  /.  strawberry. 

Erdbeschreibung,  /.  geography. 

Erdbirne,  /.  Jerusalem  artichoke. 

Erdboden,  m.  ground,  soil. 

Erdborer,  TO.  soil  borer. 

Erdbrot,  n.  sow  bread  (Cyclamen  europscum) . 

Erde,  /.  earth;   soil;   ground. 

Erdeichel,  /.  earthnut  (peanut,  Arochis  hypo- 

gsea,  or  heath  pea,  Lathyrus  tuber  osus). 
Erdenge,  /.  isthmus. 
erdenken,  v.t.  devise,  invent, 
erdenklich,  a.  conceivable. 
Erdfarbe,  /.  earthy  color,  mineral  color, 
erdfarbig,  a.  earth-colored. 
Erdflachs,  m.  amianthus. 
Erdforscher,  TO.  geologist. 
Erdgang,  TO.  vein;  tunnel,  gallery. 
Erdgas,  n.  natural  gas. 
Erdgelb,  n.  yellow  ocher. 
Erdgeschmack,  TO.  earthy  taste,  flavor  of  the 


Erdgeschoss,  n.  ground  floor. 
Erdglas,  n.  selenite. 

Erdgrun,  n.  =  Berggrun;  =  grime  Erde. 
Erdgurtel,  TO.  zone. 
Erdharz,  n.  asphalt;   fossil  resin. — gelbes  ErcU 

harz,  amber. 

erdharzig,  a.  asphaltic,  bituminous, 
erdichten,  v.t.  invent,  fabricate.- 
erdig,  a.  earthy,  terrestrial. — erdiges  Wasser, 

natural  water  containing  calcium  salts. 
Erdinnere,  n.  interior  of  the  earth. 
Erdkobalt,  TO.  earthy  cobalt,  asbolite. — griiner 

Erdkobalt,  nickel  ocher  (annabergite) ;   roter 

Erdkobalt,  cobalt  crust   (earthy  erythrite); 

roter    strahliger    Erdkobalt,    cobalt    bloom 


Erdkohle,  /.  earthy  coal,  lignitic  earth. 
Erdkorper,  TO.  terrestrial  body. 
Erdkruste,  /.  earth's  crust. 
Erdkugel,  /.  terrestrial  globe. 
Erdkunde,  /.  geography;   geology;  geognosy. 
Erdmandel, /.  chufa  (Cyperus  esculentus),  chufa 


Erdmehl,  n.  =Kieselgur. 
Erdmesskunst,  /.  geodesy. 
Erdmetall,  n.  earth  metal. — alkalisches   Erd- 

metall,  alkaline-earth  metal. 
Erdnuss,  /.  earthnut,  ground  nut  (most  com- 
monly the  peanut,  Arachis  hypogsea). 
Erdoberflache,  /.  earth's  surface. 
Erdol,  n.  petroleum. 
erdolchen,  v.t.  stab. 
Erdpech,  n.  mineral  pitch,  asphalt. 
erdpechhaltig,  a.  containing  asphalt,  asphaltic. 
Erdprobe,  /.  soil  sample;  soil  test. 
Erdrauch,  TO.  fumitory  (Fumaria). 
Erdreich,  n.  ground,  earth,  land. 
Erdrinde,  /.  earth's  crust. 




erdrosseln,  v.t.  throttle,  strangle. 

erdriicken,  v.t.  stifle,  smother;  repress. 

Erdsalz,  n.  rock  salt;  saline  efflorescence  on 

Erdscheibe,  /.  =Erdbrot. 

Erdschicht,  /.  layer  of  earth,  stratum. 

Erdschlacke,  /.  earthy  slag. 

Erdscholle,  /.  clod. 

Erdschwamm,  TO.  mushroom. 

Erdschwefel,  n.  Erdschwefelsamen,  m.  lycopo- 

Erdseife,  /.  mountain  soap  (species  of  clay). 

Erdstein,  m.  eaglestone,  aetites. 

Erdstrom,  m.  earth  current. 

Erdtalg,  TO.  mineral  tallow,  hatchettite  (or  ozo- 

Erdtalk,  TO.  earthy  talc. 

Erdteer,  TO.  mineral  tar,  maltha,  pissasphalt. 

Erdteil,  TO.  part  of  the  world;  continent. 

erdulden,  v.t.  suffer,  endure. 

Erdwachs,  n.  mineral  wax,  earth  wax  (ozocerite) 

Erdwarme,  /.  heat  of  the  earth. 

-erei.  A  suffix  forming  nouns  of  action,  place, 
condition,  etc.,  -ing,  -ery;  as,  Bdckerei,  bak- 
ery, baker's  trade,  Stickerei,  embroidery. 

ereifern,  v.r.  grow  angry. 

ereignen,  v.r.  happen,  occur. 

Ereignis,  n.  event,  occurrence. 

ereilen,  v.t.  overtake. 

Eremakausie,/.  eremacausis  (slow  combustion). 

erfahren,  v.t.  learn;  hear;  experience;  undergo. 
— p. a.  experienced;  expert. 

Erfahrung,  /.  experience;  knowledge,  practice. 

erfahrungsmassig,  erfahrungsgemass,  a.  ac- 
cording to  experience,  empirical;  usual. 

erfassen,  v.t.  seize,  grasp. 

erfinden,  v.t.  invent,  devise;  find  out. 

Erfinder,  m.  inventor;  designer;  author. 

erfindsam,  a.  inventive,  ingenious. 

Erfindung, /.  invention;  discovery;  device. 

Erfolg,  TO.  result;  success. 

erfolgen,  v.i.  follow,  result. 

erforderlich,  a.  requisite;  necessary. 

erfordern,  v.t.  require,  demand. 

erforschen,  v.t.  investigate;  explore;  discover. 

Erforscher,  TO.  investigator;  explorer;  discov- 

Erf orschung, /.  investigation,  research;  explora- 
tion; discovery. 

erfragen,  v.t.  ascertain,  inquire. 

crfreuen,  v.t.  delight,  rejoice. — v.r.  be  glad;  be 

erfreulich,  a.  delightful,  gratifying. 

erfrieren,  v.i.  freeze. 

erfrischen,  v.t.  refrigerate;  freshen,  refresh.— 
erfrischendes  Mittel,  refrigerant. 

Erfrischung,  /.  refrigeration;  refreshing^  re- 

erfroren,  p.p.  of  erfrieren. 

erfiillen,  v.t.  impregnate;  fill,  fill  up;   fulfil. 

erganzen,  v.t.  supply,  complete,  make  up,  re- 
store, replenish. — erganzend,  p.a.  comple- 
mentary, supplementary. 

Erganzung,  /.  completion,  restoration;  supple- 
ment; complement;  supply,  supplying; 

Erganzungband,  TO.  supplementary  volume, 

Erganzungsfarbe,  /.  complementary  color. 

ergeben,  v.t.  yield;  show. — v.r.  result,  appear; 
submit;  devote  oneself. — p.a.  devoted;  obe- 
dient; resigned. 

Ergebnis,  n.  result;   product;  yield. 

ergehen,  v.i.  be  issued;   happen;  fare. 

ergiebig,  a.  productive,  plentiful,  rich. 

ergiessen,  v.t.  &  i.  pour  forth,  discharge. 

ergliihen,  v.i.  begin  to  glow,  glow. 

ergreifen,  v.t.  seize,  grasp;  resort  to;  take  up; 
affect,  strike. 

ergriinden,  v.t.  investigate,  sound,  fathom. 

Erguss,  TO.  effusion,  discharge,  overflow. 

Ergussgestein,  n.  effusive  rock. 

erh.,  abbrev.  (erhitzt)  heated. 

Erh.,  abbrev.  (Erhitzung)  heating. 

erhaben,  a.  raised,  relief;  convex  (lens);  high; 
sublime,  grand,  illustrious. — erhabene  Arbeit, 
relief,  rilievo. 

Erhabenheit,  /.  elevation;  convexity;  promi- 
nence; grandeur,  eminence. 

erhaltbar,  a.  preservable;  obtainable. 

erhalten,  v.t.  keep,  preserve,  maintain,  support; 
receive,  obtain,  acquire. — v.r.  keep;  remain 

Erhaltung,  /.  conservation;  preservation; 
maintenance;  support. 

Erhaltungsmittel,  n.  preservative;  antiseptic. 

erharten,  v.i.  harden,  set. 

Erhartung,  /.  hardening;  declaration. 

erheben,  v.t.  raise. — v.r.  rise. 

erheblich,  a.  important,  considerable. 

Erhebung,  /.  raising;  elevation;  rising;  col- 

erheischen,  v.t.  demand,  require. 

erheitern,  v.t.  brighten;  cheer. — v.r.  clear  up; 
cheer  up. 

erhellen,  v.t.  light  up,  illuminate;  brighten, 
lighten  (colors);  (Photog.)  expose. — v.i.  be- 
come clear,  appear. 

Erhellung,  /.  illumination;  (Photog.)  ex- 

erhitzen,  v.t.  heat. — v.r.  grow  hot;  become 
angry. — erhitzend,  p.a.  heating;  stimulating. 

Erhitzung,  /.  heating;  growing  hot. 

erhohen,  v.t.  raise,  erect,  elevate;  heighten, 
advance,  increase. 

Erhohung,  /.  raising,  etc.  (see  erhohen). 

erholen,  v.r.  breathe,  come  to,  recover,  amuse 

Er hoi ung,  /.  recovery;   recreation,  relaxation. 

erhoren,  v.t.  hear;  grant. 




erinnern,  v.t.  remind;  state;  admonish. — v.r. 

Erinnerung,  /.  memory,  recollection;  admoni- 

erkalten,  v.t.  cool,  grow  cold. 

erkalten,  v.t.  cool,  chill. — v.r.  catch  cold. 

Erkaltung,  /.  cooling. 

Erkaltung,  /.  cold,  catarrh. 

erkennen,  v.t.  detect,  recognize,  distinguish, 
know;  acknowledge;  (Med.)  diagnose. — 
v.i.  decide,  pass  sentence. 

erkenntlich,  a.  grateful. 

Erkenntnis, /.  perception;  knowledge;  decision. 

Erkennung,  /.  detection,  recognition. 

Erkennungszeichen,  n.  characteristic,  distinc- 
tive mark. 

Erker,  m.  projection;   balcony. 

erklarbar,  a.  explainable,  explicable. 

erklaren,  v.t.  explain,  illustrate;  declare,  an- 
nounce.— v.r.  explain;  grow  clear. 

erklarlich,  a.  evident,  obvicus. 

Erklarung, /.  explanation,  illustration;  declara- 

Erklarungsversuch,  m.  explanatory  experiment; 
attempted  explanation. 

erkranken,  v.i.  fall  ill,  sicken. 

Erkrankung,  /.  illness,  falling  sick. 

erkundigen,  v.r.  inquire. 

Erkundigung,  /.  inquiry. 

erlahmen,  v.i.  become  lame;  droop. 

erlangen,  o.t.  reach,  obtain,  attain. 

Erlanger  Leder.  glove  kid. 

Erlass,  m.  order,  decree,  edict;  reduction,  al- 
lowance, remission. 

erlassen,  v.t.  issue,  proclaim;  remit,  exempt, 
let  off. 

erlauben,  v.t.  allow,  permit. 

erlaucht,  a.  illustrious,  noble. 

erlautern,  v.t.  explain,  illustrate. 

Erie,  /.  alder. 

erleben,  v.t.  experience,  pass  thru. 

erledigen,  v.t.  dispose  of,  settle,  arrange;  vacate. 

erlegen,  v.t.  lay  down,  pay;  kill. 

-erlei.  An  adjective  ending  denoting  "  kinds  "; 
as,  zweierlei,  of  two  kinds. 

erleichtern,  v.t.  make  lighter  or  easier,  facilitate. 

erleiden,  v.t.  suffer. 

Erlenbaum,  m.  alder  (tree). 

Erlenholz,  n.  alder  wood. 

erlesen,  v.t.  choose,  select. 

erleuchten,  v.t.  illuminate,  light. 

erliegen,  v.i.  sink,  succumb. 

erlogen,  p.a.  fabricated,  false. 

Erlos,  m.  proceeds. 

erloschen,  v.i.  go  out,  be  extinguished;  expire, 
become  extinct;  be  effaced. 

erlosen,  v.t.  redeem,  save;  realize  (money). 

ermachtigen,  v.t.  empower,  authorize. 

ermahnen,  v.t.  exhort,  remind.  • 

Ermangelung,  /.  default,  want. 

ermannen,  v.r.  rouse  oneself. 

ermassigen,  v.t.  moderate,  reduce. 

ermatten,  v.t.  &  i.  tire. 

ermessen,  v.t.  judge;  conceive. 

ermitteln,  v.t.  ascertain,  find  out. 

Ermittelung,  /.  ascertaining,  ascertainment, 
finding  out;  (Analysis)  determination. 

ermuden,  v.t.  tire,  fatigue,  exhaust. 

Ermiidung,  /.  fatigue;  tiring. 

ermuntern,  v.t.  rouse,  encourage,  urge. 

-ern.  A  suffix  forming  adjectives  of  material; 
as,  eisern,  of  iron. 

ernahren,  v.t.  nourish,  feed;  support. — ernah- 
rend,  p.a.  nourishing,  nutritive. 

Ernahrung,/.  nutrition;  alimentation;  support. 

Ernahrungsgeschaft,  n.  nutrition. 

Ernahrungskanal,  m.  alimentary  canal. 

Ernahrungskunde,  /.  dietetics. 

Ernahrungsstoff,  n.,  Ernahrungssubstanz,  /. 
alimentary  substance,  food  substance. 

Ernahrungswert,  m.  nutritive  value. 

ernennen,  v.t.  nominate,  appoint. 

erneuen,  erneuern,  v.t.  renew;  refresh  (colors); 
regenerate  (steam);  repair. 

erniedrigen,  v.t.  lower;   humble. 

Erniedrigung,  /.  lowering,  depression;  humilia- 

ernst,  a.  serious,  earnest;  severe. 

Ernst,  m.  earnest,  earnestness,  seriousness; 

Ernte,  /.  harvest;   crop;  gathering. 

Erntemaschine,  /.  harvester. 

ernten,  v.t.  harvest,  reap,  gather. 

erobern,  v.t.  conquer,  win. 

erodieren,  v.t.  erode. 

eroffnen,  v.t.  open;  discover,  disclose;  start. — 
croffnend,  p.a.  opening,  disclosing;  (Med.) 

erortern,  v.t.  discuss;  debate. 

Erorterung,  /.  discussion;  debate. 

erproben,  v.t.  test,  try. 

erquicken,  v.t.  refresh,  revive. 

erraten,  v.t.  guess,  solve. 

erregbar,  a.  excitable,  irritable,  sensitive. 

erregen,  v.t.  stir  up,  excite,  stimulate,  irritate. 

Erreger,  m.  exciter,  etc.  (see  erregen). 

Erregersalz,  n.  exciting  salt  (as  ammonium 
chloride  in  the  LeclanchS  cell). 

Erregung,  /.  stirring  up,  etc.  (see  erregen). 

Erregungsfliissigkeit,  /.  exciting  fluid  (in  a  vol- 
taic cell). 

erreichbar,  a.  attainable. 

erreichen,  v.t.  reach,  attain,  get. 

erretten,  v.t.  save,  rescue. 

errichten,  v.t.  erect;   establish. 

erroten,  v.i.  redden,  blush. 

Errungenschaft,  /.  acquisition,  achievement, 

Ersatz,  m.  substitution,  replacement;  substi- 
tute; equivalent;  'compensation. 




Ersatz-,  equivalent;  substitute;  duplicate,  extra, 

Ersatzdeckel,  m.  extra  cover,  spare  cover. 

Ersatzfahigkeit,  /.  capability  of  replacement; 

Ersatzgewicht,  n.  equivalent  weight,  equivalent. 

Ersatzmenge,  /.  equivalent  amount,  equivalent. 

Ersatzmittel,  n.  substitute,  surrogate. 

Ersatzteil,  m.  extra  part,  spare  part. 

ersaufen,  v.t.  drown;   flood. 

erschaffen,  v.t.  create. 

erschallen,  v.i.  sound,  resound. 

erscheinen,  v.i.  appear;  be  clear. 

Erscheinung,  /.  phenomenon;  appearance; 

Erscheinungsform,  /.  phase;   manifestation. 

erschiessen,  v.t.  shoot  (to  death). 

erschlaffen,  v.t.  &  i.  relax,  slacken. 

erschleichen,  v.t.  get  fraudulently. 

erschliessen,  v.t.  &  r.  open,  disclose. 

erschopfen,  v.t.  exhaust. 

Erschopfung,  /.  exhaustion. 

erschrecken,  v.t.  frighten,  startle. — v.i.  &  r.  be 

erschrocken,  p.p.  of  erschrecken. 

erschiittern,  v.t.  shake;  thrill. — v.i.  tremble. — • 
erschiitternd,  p.a.  concussive;  thrilling. 

Erschiitterung, /.  concussion;  percussion;  shak- 
ing; shock;  commotion. 

erschweren,  v.t.  weight  (silk,  etc.);  reduce 
(dyes) ;  make  heavy  (or  difficult) ;  aggravate. 

erschwingen,  v.t.  afford. 

ersehen,  v.t.  see,  learn,  find. 

ersetzbar,  a.  replaceable,  etc.  (see  ersetzen). 

ersetzen,  v.t.  replace,  substitute,  displace;  com- 
pensate; recover. 

Ersetzung,  /.  replacement,  substitution,  etc. 
(see  ersetzen). 

ersichtlich,  a.  visible,  evident. 

ersinnen,  v.t.  devise,  conceive. 

ersparen,  v.t.  spare,  save. 

Ersparnis,  /.  saving  (s),  economy. 

erst,  adv.  first;  only;  yet. 

erstarren,  v.i.  solidify,  congeal,  freeze;  harden, 
set;  coagulate;  become  stiff  or  torpid. 

Erstarrung,  /.  solidification,  congelation,  etc. 
(see  erstarren). 

Erstarrungspunkt,  m.  freezing  point;  solidifica- 
tion point;  coagulation  point. 

Erstarrungswarme,  /.  heat  evolved  on  solidifi- 
cation, heat  of  fusion. 

erstatten,  v.t.  render,  return,  repay. 

Erstaunen,  n.  astonishment. 

erste,  a.  first,  prime,  head. 

erstehen,  v.t.  buy,  buy  at  auction. 

ersticken,  v.t.  suffocate,  choke;   suppress. 

Erstmilch,  /.  colostrum. 

erstrecken,  v.r.  extend,  amount. 

ersuchen,  v.t.  request,  beseech. 

ertappen,  v.t.  catch. 

erteilen,  v.t.  give,  bestow,  grant. 

ertonen,  v.i.  sound,  resound. 

Ertrag,  m.  yield;   produce;  proceeds,  profit. 

ectragen,  v.t.  bear,  endure. 

ertranken,  v.t.  drown. 

ertrinken,  v.i.  drown. 

erubrigen,  v.i.  remain  (to  say). — v.t.  save,  spare. 

Erucasaure,  /.  erucic  acid. 

erw.,  abbrev.  (erwarmt)  warmed. 

erwachen,  v.i.  wake,  awake. 

erwachsen,  p.a.  grown,  adult. 

erwagen,  v.t.  consider,  weigh. 

erwahnen,  v.t.  mention. 

erwarmen,  v.t.  warm,  heat. 

Erwarmungskraft,  /.  heating  power,  caloric 

erwarten,  v.t.  expect,  await. 

erwecken,  v.t.  waken;  rouse,  animate. 

erwehren,  v.r.  keep  off,  restrain. 

erweichen,  v.t.  soften;  soak;  mellow. — er- 
weichend,  p.a.  softening;  emollient,  demul- 

Erweichung,  /.  softening;  mollification. 

Erweichungsmittel,  n.  emollient,  demulcent. 

Erweis,  m.  proof,  demonstration. 

erweisen,  v.t.  prove;  show. — v.r.  prove,  be 

erweitern,  v.t.  widen,  expand,  extend,  enlarge, 
distend,  dilate. — v.r.  expand,  grow  large, 

Erweiterung, /.  widening,  etc.  (see  erweitern). 

erwerben,  v.t.  acquire;  earn,  gain. 

erwidern,  v.t.  return;  reply. 

erwiinscht,  p.a.  wished  for,  desired;   agreeable. 

Erz,  n.  ore;  metal,  esp.  bronze. 

Erz-.  ore,  metalliferous;  bronze;  arch-,  chief, 
foremost,  high;  (with  adjs.)  extremely. 

Erzabfalle,  tailings. 

Erzader,  /.  ore  vein,  metalliferous  vein. 

erzahlen,  v.t.  tell,  relate,  report. 

Erzarbeiter,  m.  worker  in  bronze,  metal  worker. 

Erzaufbereitung,  /.  ore  dressing. 

Erzbischof,  m.  archbishop. 

Erzbrechmaschine,  /.  ore  crusher. 

erzdumm,  a.  extremely  stupid. 

Erzeisen,  n.  mine  iron  (obtained  from  ore  with- 
out addition  of  fluxes). 

erzeugen,  v.t.  produce;  generate  (gases) ;  beget. 

Erzeuger,  m.  producer,  generator. 

Erzeugnis, /.  production;  product;  produce. 

Erzeugung, /.  production,  etc.  (see  erzeugen). 

Erzfarbe,  /.  bronze  color. 

erzfuhrend,  p.a.  ore-bearing. 

Erzgiesserei,  /.  bronze  foundry,  brass  foundry. 

Erzgrube,  /.  mine,  pit. 

erzhaltig,  a.  containing  ore,  ore-bearing. 

Erzherzog,  m.  archduke. 

Erzhiitte,  /.  smelting  house. 

erziehen,  v.t.  educate;  bring  up,  rear. 

Erzieher,  m.  educator;  tutor. 




Erzieherin,  /.  governess,   tutoress. 

erzielen,  v.t.  obtain,  attain;  produce,  raise.) 

Erzkies,  TO.  metalliferous  pyrites. 

Erzkunde,  /.  metallurgy. 

Erzlager,  n.  bed  of  ore,  ore  deposit. 

Erzmetalle,  ore  metals,  heavy  metals. 

Erzmutter,  /.  matrix. 

Erzniere,  /.  kidney-shaped  ore. 

Erzprobe,/.  ore  assay,  ore  assaying;  ore  sample. 

erzreich,  a.  rich  in  ore. 

Erzstahl,  TO.  ore  steel,  mine  steel.     Cf.  Erzeisen. 

erziirnen,  v.t.  anger,  provoke. — v.r.  grow  angry; 

erzwingen,  v.t.  force;  enforce;  extort;  com- 

es,  pron.  it. — es  giebt,  there  is,  there  are. 

Esche,  /.  ash,  ash  tree. 

Eschel,  m.  zaffer;   (Founding)  black  spot. 

Esdragon,  m.  tarragon. 

Esel,  TO.  ass,  donkey;  (wooden)  horse;  (Brew- 
ing) scooper. 

Eselei,  /.  asininity,  stupidity. 

eselhaft,  a.  asinine, 

Esparsette,  /.  sainfoin. 

Espe,  /.  aspen. 

essbar,  a.  edible. 

Esse,  /.  forge;  hearth;  chimney,  stack. 

Esseisen,  n.  (Metal.)  tuydre,  twyer. 

essen,  v.t.  eat. 

Essen,  n.  eating;  meal;   food;  dish. 

Essenklappe,  /.  damper. 

Essenz,  /.  essence. 

Essig,  TO.  vinegar. 

Essig-.  vinegar;   acetic,  aceto-. 

Essigaal,  m.,  Essigalchen,  n.  vinegar  eel  ( Vibrio 

essigartig,  a.  acetous,  acetic;    vinegar-like. 

Essigather,  TO.  acetic  ether  (ethyl  acetate). 

Essigbildung,  /.  acetification. 

Essigessenz,  /.  vinegar  essence  (concentrated 
solution  of  acetic  acid). 

Essigester,  TO.  acetic  ester  (ethyl  acetate). 

Essigfabrik,  /.  vinegar  factory.     • 

Essiggarung,  /.  acetic  fermentation. 

Essiggeist,  TO.  acetone. 

Essiggut,  n.  alcoholic  liquid  for  quick  vinegar 

Essighonig,  m.  oxymel. 
Essigmesser,  m.  acetometer. 
Essigmutter,  /.  mother  (of  vinegar). 
Essignaphta,  /.  ethyl  acetate. 
Essigpilz,  TO.  vinegar  plant,  mother. 
Essigpriifer,    Essigprober,    TO.    vinegar    tester, 


Essigrose,  /.  French  rose,  red  rose. 
Essigsalz,  n.  acetate. 
essigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  acetic  acid, 

acetate  of;  acetic,  acetous;  sour  like  vinegar. 
Essigsaure,  /.  acetic  acid. 
EssigsaureanhydriJ,  n.  acetic  anhydride. 

Essigsaureather,  m.  acetic  ether  (ethyl  acetate) 

Essigsaureathylester,  TO.  ethyl  acetate. 

Essigsauregarung,  /.  acetic  fermentation. 

Essigsauremesser,  m.  acetometer. 

Essigsauresalz,  n.  salt  of  acetic  acid,  acetate. 

Essigschaum,  m.  flower  of  vinegar. 

Essigsirup,  TO.  oxymel. 

Essigsprit,  TO.  triple  vinegar. 

Essigstander,  TO.  vinegar  tun,  graduator  (in  the 
quick  vinegar  process). 

Essigstube,  /.  vinegar  room  (warm  room  for  the 
quick  vinegar  process). 

Essigzucker,  TO.  (Pharm.)  oxysaccharum. 

Esslust,  /.  appetite. 

Esssaal,  TO.  dining-room. 

Esswaren,  provisions,  eatables. 

Ester,  w.  ester;  specif.,  ethyl  ester. 

Esterbildung,  /.  ester  formation,  esterification. 

esterifizieren,  v.t.  esterify. 

Esterzahl,  /.  ester  number. 

Estragon,  TO.  tarragon. 

Estragonol,  n.  tarragon  oil. 

Estrich,  TO.  plaster  floor;  layer  of  mortar. 

Estrichgips,  TO.  Keene's  cement,  estrich  gypsum, 
flooring  plaster  (a  form  of  anhydrous  calcium 
sulf  ate  which  sets  with  water,  but  more  slowly 
than  plaster  of  Paris). 

Estrichstein,  TO.  a  kind  of  paving  brick. 

Estrifikation,  /.  esterification. 

estrifizieren,  v.t.  esterify. 

Etablissement,  n.  establishment. 

Etikette,  /.,  Etikett,  n.  etiquette;  label,  tag. 

etliche,  a.  some,  several,  a  few. 

Etui,  n.  case,  box. 

etwa,  adv.  perhaps;  about. 

etwaig,  a.  likely  to  be,  contingent. 

etwas,  pron.  some,  something,  somewhat. 

euch,  pron.  you,  to  you,  yourselves. 

Euchlor,  n.  euchlorine. 

euer,  pron.  of  you,  your,  yours. 

Eugensaure,  /.  eugenic  acid  (eugenol). 

Eule,  /.  owl. 

eurige,  pron.  yours. 

europaisch,  a.  European. 

eustasisch,  a.  Eustachian. 

Eutektikum,  n.  (pi.  Eutektika)  eutectic. 

eutektisch,  a.  eutectic. 

Euter,  n.  udder. 

evakuieren,  v.t.  evacuate,  empty,  exhaust. 

Evakuierungskessel,  TO.  vacuum  boiler,  vacuum 

evaporieren,  v.t.  &  i.  evaporate. 

eventuell,  a.  eventual. 

Everninsaure,  /.  everninic  acid. 

Evernsaure,  /.  evernic  acid. 

evolvieren,  v.t.  evolve. 

evomieren,  v.t.  vomit. 

ewig,  a.  eternal,  perpetual. — adv.  ever,  un- 

Ewigkeit,  f.  eternity;  perpetuity. 



Examen,  n.  examination. 

Excenter,  m.  eccentric. 

Excentricitat,  /.  eccentricity. 

excentrisch,  a.  eccentric. 

Exemplar,  n.  specimen;  sample;  copy. 

existenzfahig,  a.  capable  of  existence. 

existieren,  v.i.  exist. 

exosmotisch,  a.  exosmotic. 

exotherm,  exothermisch,  a.  exothermic. 

expedieren,  v.t.  despatch,  forward. 

Expedition,  /.  expedition;  office. 

Experimentator,  m.  experimenter;  experimen- 

experimentieren,  v.i.  experiment. 

explodierbar,  a.  explosive. 

explodieren,  vA.  explode. — explodierend,  p.a. 
exploding,  explosive. 

explosibel,  a.  explosive. 

explosionsartig,  a.  explosive. 

Explosionsdruck,  TO.  explosion  pressure. 

explosionsfahig,  a.  explosive. 

Explosionsfahigkeit,  /.  explosiveness,  explosi- 


explosionsicher,  a.  explosion-proof. 

Explosionsstoss,  m.  explosive  impact,  explosion 

Explosionsvorgang,  m.  explosive  process. 

Ex  plosions  warm  e,  /.  heat  of  explosion. 

Explosions welle,  /.  explosion  wave. 

Explosivstoff,  TO.  explosive  substance,  explosive. 

Explosivstoffchemie,  /.  chemistry  of  explosives. 

Exsiccator,  TO.  exsiccator,  desiccator. 

Exsudat,  n.  exudate,  exudation. 

extrahieren,  v.t.  extract. 

Extrahierung,  /.  extraction,  extracting. 

Extraktbriihe,  /.  extract  liquor. 

Extrakteur,  TO.  extractor. 

Extraktionsfliissigkeit,  /.  extraction  liquid, 
liquid  extract. 

Extraktionshiilse,  /.  extraction  shell  or 

Extraktivstoff,  TO.  extractive  substance  or  mat- 
ter, extractive. 

Extraktwolle,  /.  extract  wool,  extracted  wool. 

Exzent-.     See  Excent-. 

EZ.,  abbrev,  (Esterzahl)  ester  number. 

f.,  abbrev.  (fest)  solid;  (fein)  fine. 

F.,  abbrev.  (Fusionspunkt)  melting  point,  m.p., 
m.;  Fahrenheit. 

Fabel,  /.  fable;  fiction. 

fabelhaft,  a.  fabulous. 

Fabellehre,  /.  mythology. 

Fabrik,  /.  factory,  works,  mill,  plant,  establish- 

Fabrikant,  m.  manufacturer,  maker. 

Fabrikarbeit,  /.  factory  labor;  manufactured 

Fabrikat,  n.  manufacture,  make;  textile  fabric. 

Fabrikation,  /.  manufacturing,  manufacture, 

fabrikatorisch,  a.  manufacturing,  factory,  in- 

Fabrikatur,  /.  manufacture,  make. 

Fabrikbetrieb,  m.  factory  management  or  prac- 

Fabrikgold,  n.  (strong)  gold  leaf. 

fabrikmassig,  a.  &  adv.  by  factory  methods,  on 
a  factory  scale,  industrial  (ly) ;  by  machinery. 

Fabrikbl,  n.  oil  for  manufacturing  purposes, 
specif.,  an  inferior  grade  of  olive  oil. 

Fabrikpreis,  m.  factory  price. 

Fabrik  ware,  /.  manufactured  article;  factory 

Fabrikwesen,  n.  manufacturing  industry;  fac- 
tory system. 

Fabrikzeichen,  n.  manufacturer's  mark,  trade- 

fabrizieren,  v.t.  make,  manufacture. 

Faces,  -pi.  feces. 

facettiert,  p.a.  faceted. 

-fach.     -fold;   as  hundertfach,  hundred-fold. 

Fach,  n.  branch,  department,  line,  profession, 
subject;  division,  compartment,  cell;  shelf. 

Fach-.  professional,  technical,  expert. 

fachartig,  o.  cellular. 

Fachausdruck,  m.  technical  term  or  expression. 

Fachbildung,  /.  professional  education,  techni- 
cal education. 

facheln,  v.t.  fan. 

Facher,  m.  fan;   flapper. 

Facherbrenner,  m.  fantail  burner. 

facherformig,  a.  fan-shaped. 

Fachergerste,  /.  bearded  barley. 

facherig,  a.  divided  into  compartments;  locular. 

Fachgenosse,  m.  professional  colleague. 

Fachliteratur,  /.  technical  (or  trade)  literature. 
Fachmann,    m.    professional    man,    specialist, 


fachmannisch,  a.  professional,  expert, 
fachmassig,  a.  professional. 
Fachordnung,  /.  classification. 
Fachschule,  /.  technical  school,  special  school. 
Fachsprache,  /.  technical  language,  professional 


Fachwerk,  n.  framework,  bay-work. 
Fachwissenschaft,  /.  special  branch  of  science, 

Fachzeitschrift,    /.    special    periodical,    trade 


Facit,  n.  sum,  result,  answer. 
Fackel,  /.  torch. 
Fackelbaum,  m.  marsh  elder. 
Fackelfohre,  /.  Scotch  pine  (Pinus  syhestris). 
Fackelglanz,  m.  (of  wine)  perfect  clearness. 
Fackelkohle,  /.  cannel  coal. 
Fackelpalme,  /.  sago  palm. 
Facon, /.  fashion;   cut,  style. 
faconnieren,  v.t.  figure;   fashion. 
Fadchen,  n.  small  thread,  filament. 
fade,  a.  insipid,  flat,  stale. 
Fadeii,  m.  thread;   filament,  fiber;    (of   wood) 

grain;  twine;  fathom;   (Sugar)  string. 
fadenahnlich,  a.  threadlike,  filamentous. 
Fadenglas,  n.  spun  glass;  filigree  glass. 
Fade  n  hoi/,;  n.  cordwood. 
Fadenkreuz,  Fadennetz,  n.  cross  hairs. 
Fadenlange,  /.  (Dyeing)  length  of  fiber. 
Fadennudeln,  vermicelli. 
fadenziehend,  p.a.  ropy, 
fadig,  a.  thready,  filaceous. 
Fahamblatter,  faham  leaves  (Angraecum 


fahig,  a.  capable;  apt. 
-fiihig.     capable  of,  -able,  -ible. 
Fahigkeit,  /.  capability,  ability,  capacity. 
fahl,  a.  fallow  (pale,  pale  yellow);   fawn  (light 

yellowish    brown);     dun    (grayish    brown); 

earth-colored;  ashy;  sallow;  faded. 
Fahlerz,  n.  tetrahedrite,  fahlerz. 
Fahlstein,  m.  pale  gray  slate. 
Fahne, /.  flag,  "policeman"  (for  precipitates); 

flag,  standard;    (of  a  dish)  marli. 
fahrbar,  a.  passable;    transportable,  movable. 
Fahre,  /.  ferry;   ferryboat. 


fahren  84 

fahren,  v.i.  go,  travel,  ride,  drive. 

Fahrgeld,  n.  fare;  freight. 

Fahrkarte,  /.  ticket. 

fahrlassig,  a.  negligent,  careless. 

Fahrplan,  m.  time  table. 

Fahrrad,  n.  bicycle. 

Fahrstuhl,  w.  elevator,  hoist,  wheel  chair, 

Fahrt,  /.  passage,  journey,  trip,  drive. 

Fahrte,  /.  trail,  track. 

Fahrweg,  TO.  carriage  road. 

Fahrzeug,  n.  vehicle;  vessel. 

fakal,  a.  fecal. 

Fakalien,  feces. 

Fakalstoff,  m.  fecal  substance. 

faktisch,  a.  real,  actual,  de  facto. 

Faktor,  TO.  factor;  manager,  agent. 

Faktur,  /.  invoice. 

Fakulenz,  /.  feculence,  sediment,  dregs. 

falb,  a.  pale  yellow,  pale,  fallow.   , 

Falke,  TO.  falcon;   hawk. 

Fall,  m.  fall,  descent;  case;  event;    yield. 

fallbar,  a.  precipitable;  fit  to  fell. 

Fallbarkeit,  /.  precipitability. 

Fallbottich,  TO.  precipitating  vat. 

Falle, /.  trap;  bolt. 

fallen,  v.i.  separate,  be  deposited;    fall,  drop; 

(Mining)  dip. — fallen  in  (etwas)  verge  on; 

Fallen,  n.  separating,  etc.  (see  fallen);    yield, 


fallen,  v.t.  precipitate;   drop;  -fell;   pass  (judg- 

Fallhammer,  TO.  drop  hammer. 
Fallhohe,  /.  height  of  fall. 
fallieren,  v.i.  fail, 
fallig,  a.  due,  payable. 
Fallkessel,  TO.  precipitating  vessel. 
Fallmittel,  n.  precipitant. 
Fallrohr,  n.  down  pipe,  waste  pipe. 
falls,  conj.  in  case. 
Fallschirm,  TO.  parachute. 
Fallsucht,  /.  epilepsy. 
Falltur,  /.  trapdoor. 
Fallung,    /.    precipitation,    precipitating,    etc. 

(see  fallen). 

Fallungsmittel,  n.  precipitant. 
Fallungswert,  TO.  precipitation  value. 
Fallwerk,  n.  stamp;   pile  driver. 
Fallwinkel,  TO.  angle  of  inclination. 
falsch,  a.  false,  counterfeit,  pseudo-;    artificial; 

adulterated;   wrong;  deceitful. 
falschblau,  a.  navy  blue. 
falschen,  v.t.  falsify,  adulterate,  sophisticate, 

counterfeit;   forge. 
Falscher,  m.  adulterater;  adulterant;    falsifier, 

Falschung,  /.  falsification,  etc.  (see  falschen) ; 


Falschungsmittel,  n.  adulterant. 
-fait.  =  -faltig. 


Falte,  /.  fold,  plait,  crease;  wrinkle. 

fallen,  v.t.  fold,  plait;   wrinkle. 

Faltenfilter,  n.  plaited  filter,  folded  filter. 

faltenlos,  a.  without  folds  (or  wrinkles),  crease- 
less,  smooth. 

Faltenwerfen,  n.  creasing,  puckering,  crimping. 

Falter,  TO.  folder,  creaser;  butterfly;  third 
stomach  of  ruminants. 

faltig,  a.  having  folds,  plaits  or  creases;  wrin- 
kled; puckered. 

-faltig,  -faltig.  -fold,  -pie;  as,  vierfaltig,  four- 
fold, quadruple. 

Faltung,/.  folding,  plaiting,  plication,  wrinkling. 

Faltungspunkt,  TO.  plait  point,  point  cf  plica- 
tion or  folding. 

Falz,  TO.  fold;   groove,  flute,  notch. 

falzen,  v.t.  fold;  groove,  flute,  rabbet;  (Leather) 

Falzziegel,  TO.  interlocking  tile. 

Familie,  /.  family. 

fand,  pret.  of  finden. 

Fang,  TO.  catch,  capture;  trap;  stab;  fang; 

fangen,  v.t.  catch;  capture,  secure;  soften 

Fanger,  TO.  catcher,  trap. 

Fangstoff,  TO.  (Paper)  stuff  from  the  save-all. 

Farbbad,  n.  dye  bath. 

farbbar,  a.  colorable,  stainable. 

Farbbarkeit,  /.  colorability. 

Farbbecher,  m.  dye  beaker  (for  dyeing  tests). 

Farbbier,  n.  dark  beer  for  coloring. 

Farbbriihe,  /.  dye  liquor. 

Farbe,  /.  color;  dye;  pigment;  hue,  tint; 
(Leather)  weak  ooze,  also  a  container  for  it. 

Farbe,  /.  dyeing. 

Farbeartikel,  TO.  (CoZico)  dyed  style. 

Farbebad,  n.  dye  bath. 

Farbebriihe,  /  dyeing  liquor. 

Farbefass,  n.  dye  beck,  dye  tub. 

Farbefliissigkeit,  /.  dyeing  liquid;  staining 

Farbeholz,  n.  dye  wood. 

Farbekufe,  /.  dyeing  vat,  dye  vat. 

Farbelack,  TO.  lac  dye. 

Farbemittel,  n.  coloring  agent,  pigment,  dye. 

farben,  v.t.  color,  dye,  stain. — in  der  Wolle 
farben,  dye  in  grain. 

Farbenabstreichmesser,  n.  (Dyeing)  knife  for 
removing  excess  dye,  color  doctor. 

Farbenbild,  n.  colored  image;  colored  spectrum. 

farbenblind,  a.  color-blind. 

Farbenbogen,  TO.  iris. 

Farbenbrechung,  /.  refraction  of  colors;  color 

Farbenbriihe,  /.  dyeing  liquor. 

Farbenchemie,  /.  color  chemistry. 

Farbendistel, /.  safflower  (Carthamus  tinctorius). 

Farbendruck,  TO.  color  printing;   color  print. 

Farbenerde,  /.  colored  earth. 




farbenerzeugend,  p.a.  color-producing,  chromo- 


Farbenerzeuger,  m.  chromogen. 
Farbenerzeugung,  /.  production  of  colors. 
Farbenfabrik,  /.  color  factory,  dye  factory. 
Farbengebung,  /.  coloring,  coloration. 
Farbenglanz,  TO.  brilliancy  of  color. 
Farbenglas,  n.  colored  glass,  stained  glass. 
Farbenkorper,  m.  coloring  body;  coloring  mat- 

Farbenkorperchen,  n.  pigment  granule. 
Farbenlack,  m.  lake. 

Farbenlehre,  /.  science  of  color,  chromatics. 
Farbenleiter,  TO.  color  scale. 
farbenlos,  a.  =  farblos. 
Farbenmalz,  n.  =  Farbmalz. 
Farbenmass,  n.  colorimeter. 
Farbenmesser,  TO.  chromatometer;  colorimeter; 

color  knife. 
Farbenmessung,    /.    measurement    of    colors, 

chromatometry,  colorimetry. 
Farbenprobe,  /.  color  test;    dye  test,  dye  trial. 
Farbenrand,  m.  iris. 
Farbenreiben,  n.  color  grinding. 
Farbenreiber,  m.  color  grinder. 
Farbenschmelzofen,  TO.  enameling  furnace. 
Farbenskala,  /.  color  scale,  color  chart. 
Farbenspektrum,   n.    colored   spectrum,    color 

Farbenspiel,    n.,    Farbenspielung,   /.    play    of 


Farbensteindruck,  TO.  chromolithography. 
Farbenstoff,  m,  =Farbestoff. 
Farbenstrahl,  TO.  colored  ray. 
Farbenstufe,  /.  color  graduation,  shade,  tint. 
Farbenstufenmesser,  TO.  tintometer. 
Farbenton,  m.  color  tone,  hue. 
Farbenumschlag,  TO.  color  change. 
Farbenveranderung,  /.  discoloration. 
Farbenwaren,  =  Farbwaren. 
Farbenwechsel,  TO.  play  of  colors,  change  of 


Farbenzerstreuung,  /.  (Optics)  chromatism. 
Farbeprozess,  TO.  dyeing  process,  dyeing;  color- 
ing process. 
Farber,  TO.  dyer. 
Farberbaum,  TO.  Venetian  sumac  (Colinus  coti- 

Farberdistel,  /.  safflower  (Carthamus  tinctorius) ; 

sawwort  (Serr  alula  tinctorid). 
Farberei,  /.  dyeing;   dye  house,  dye  works. 
Farbereiche,  /.  dyer's  oak,  quercitron. 
Farberflechte,  /.  archil,  dyer's  moss. 
Farberginster,  TO.  dyer's  broom  (Genista  tinc- 

Farberkreuzdorn,  TO.  dyer's  buckthorn,  specif., 

Rhamnus  infectoria. 
Farberlack,  TO.  lac  dye. 
Farbermaulbeerbaum,     m.     dyer's     mulberry 

(Mortis  tinctorid). 

Farbermeister,  TO.  head  dyer,  foreman  dyer. 

Farberochsenzunge,  /.  dyer's  alkanet  (Alkanna 

Farberrinde,  /.  quercitron  bark. 

Farberrote,  /.  madder. 

Farberwurzel,  /.  madder. 

Farbesieb,  n.  color  strainer,  color  sieve. 

Farbestoff,  m.  coloring  matter,  pigment,  dye- 
stuff,  dye. 

Farbetrog,  TO.  staining  trough  or  box. 

Farbevermogen,  n.  coloring  power,  tinctorial 
power,  dyeing  value. 

Farbewaren,  =  Farbwaren. 

Farbeweise,  /.  method  of  dyeing,  dye  process. 

Farbewurzel,  /.  =  Farberwurzel. 

farbfertig,  a.  ready  for  dyeing  (or  coloring). 

Farbflotte,  /.  dye  liquor,  dye  bath. 

Far bge halt,  m.  content  of  dye  or  color. 

Farbglas,  n.  color  glass,  colored  glass,  stained 

Farbgut,  n.  goods  to  be  dyed. 

Farbholz,  n.  dyewood. 

farbig,  a.  colored;  stained. 

Farbkochapparat,  TO.  color  boiler,  color  kettle. 

Farbkorper,  m.  coloring  substance,  coloring 

Farbkraft,  /.  coloring  power,  tinctorial  power. 

farbkraftig,  a.  of  strong  tinctorial  or  coloring 
power,  (Dyeing)  productive. 

FarbkUche,  /.  color  shop,  color  house. 

Farblack,  /.  color  lake,  lake. 

farblos,  a.  colorless;  achromatic. 

Farblosigkeit,  /.  colorlessness;  achromatism. 

Farblosung,  /.  (Micros.)  staining  solution. 

Farbmalz,  n.  coloring  malt,  amber  malt  (dark- 
ened by  roasting). 

Farbmaterial,  n.  coloring  material;   dyeing  ma- 
terial, dye,  dyestuff. 

farbmessend,  p.a.  colorimetric. 

Farbmischer,  m.  color  mixer. 

Farbsaure,  /.  color  acid. 

Farbstift,  TO.  colored  pencil. 

Farbstoff,  TO.  dyestuff,  dye;    coloring  matter; 

farbstofferzeugend,  p.a.  chromogenic. 

Farbstofflosung,  /.  dye  solution,  staining  solu- 

Farbstufe,  /.  color  gradation,  tint,  shade. 

Farbtiefe,  /.  depth  of  color. 

Farbton,  TO.  color  tone,  tint. 

Farbtrog,  TO.  color  vat,  color  bucket. 

Farbung,  /.  dyeing,  coloring,  coloration,  stain- 
ing, pigmentation;    hue,  tinge;    dye. 

farbungsfahig,  a.  capable  of  being  dyed,  col- 
ored, or  stained. 

Farbungsvermogen,n.  tinctorial  power,  coloring 

Farbwandel,  TO.  color  change. 

Farbwaren,  coloring  or  dyeing  materials, 
dyes,  pigments,  paints. 




Farbwechsel,  TO.  color  change,  play  of  colors. 

Farbwerk,  n.  dye  factory,  dye  works. 

Farbwert,  TO.  color  value. 

Farin,  Farinzucker,  TO.  brown  sugar,  muscovado. 

Farn,  TO.,  Farnkraut,  n.  fern. 

Farnwurzel,  /.  (Pharm.)  aspidium. 

Farren,  m.  Farrenkraut,  n.  fern. 

Fasan,  m.  pheasant. 

Fasel,  /.  kidney  bean. 

faseln,  v.r.  unravel. — v.i.  drivel. 

Faser,    /.    fiber;     filament;     thread;     string; 

(Brewing)  pulp. 
Faser-.     fibrous,  fibro-. 
faserahnlich,  a.  fibroid. 
Faseralaun,  TO.  halotrichite. 
faserartig,  a.  fibery,  fibrous,  filamentar. 
Faserchen,  n.  little  fiber,  fibril,  filament. 
faserformig,  a.  fibrous,  filiform. 
Fasergehalt,  TO.  fiber  content;     (Paper)   fiber 


Fasergewebe,  n.  fibrous  tissue;  fibrous  texture. 
Fasergips,  TO.  fibrous  gypsum. 
Faserhaut,  /.  (Anat.)  fibrous  membrane. 
faserig,  a.  fibrous,  fibery,  filamentous,  stringy. 
Faserkalk,  TO.  fibrous  calcite  or  aragonite.  -• 
Faserkiesel,  m.  fibrolite. 
faserlos,  a.  fiberless. 
fasern,  v.r.  &  i.  feaze,  fuzz;    (Paper)  assume  a 

mottled  appearance  due  to  different  absorp- 

tiveness  of  the  fibers. 
Faserstoff,  m.  fibrin;   fibrous  material. — vege- 

tabilischer  Faserstoff,  vegetable  fibrin  (glu- 
ten; cellulose). 

faserstoffartig,  faserstoffig,  a.  fibrinous. 
Faserung,  /.  fibrillation. 
Faserzeolith,  TO.  natrolite. 
fasrig,  a.  =  faserig. 

Pass,  n.  cask,  barrel;  keg;  vat,  tank,  tub,  tun. 
Fassband,  n.  hoop. 
Fassbier,  n.  draft  beer. 
Fassbinder,  TO.  cooper. 
Fasschen,  n.  small  barrel,  keg. 
fassen,  v.t.  seize,  grasp,  take;   put,  mount,  set; 

hold,  contain,  include;    comprehend;    cask, 

tun  (wine,  etc.). — v.i.  take,  hold  well. — v.r. 

compose  oneself;    express  oneself. — gefasst, 

p.a.  seized,  etc.;   composed,  calm;   prepared. 
Fassgarungssystem,    n.     (Brewing)     cleansing 


Fassgelager,  n.  (Brewing)  cask  deppsit,  bottoms. 
Fasshahn,  TO.  spigot,  faucet,  cock, 
fasslich,  a.  comprehensible. 
Fasspech,  n.  cooper's  pitch;  pitch  in  casks. 
TO.  tallow  in  casks. 
/.  seizing,  etc.   (see  fassen);    frame; 

wording;   composure. 
Fassungsraum,     TO.,     Fassungsvermogen,     n., 


Fasswaren,  goods  in  casks  or  barrels. 
Fasszwickel,  TO.  (Brewing)  try  cock. 

fast,  adv.  almost,  nearly. 

fasten,  P.I.  fast. 

faul,  a.  rotten,  putrid,  bad,  decaying;  lazy, 
slow;  (Metal.)  short,  brittle. — fauler  Heinz, 
(Old  Chem.)  athanor. 

Faulbaum,  TO.  alder  buckthorn  (Rhamnus 
frangula);  bird  cherry  (Prunus  padus). 

Faulbruch,  TO.  shortness,  brittleness. 

faulbruchig,  a.  short,  brittle. 

Faulbutte,  Faulbutte,  /.  fermenting  trough,  rot- 
ting vat. 

Faule,  /.  rottenness;  dry  rot;  blight;  (Mining) 
rotten  lode. 

faulen,  v.i.  rot,  putrefy;  (Tech.)  ferment. — 
faulend,  p.a.  rotting,  putrescent,  septic. 

Faulenzer,  TO.  idler;    (Brewing)  Y  connection. 

faulig,  a.  rotten,  putrid,  putrefactive,  putrescent. 

Faulnis,  /.  putrefaction,  putridness,  rottenness, 
rot,  sepsis. 

Faulnisalkaloid,  n.  ptomaine. 

Faulnisbakterien,  putrefactive  bacteria. 

Faulnisbase,  /.  ptomaine. 

faulnisbefdrdernd,  -bewirkend,  -erregend,  p.a. 
septic;  putrefactive. 

faulnisfahig,  a.  putrefiable,  putrescible. 

Faulnisgift,  n.  septic  poison. 

faulnishemmend,  -hindernd,  p.a.  antiseptic. 

faulnisunfahig,  a.  unputrefiable,  imputrescible. 

faulniswidrig,  a.  antiseptic. 

Faum,  m.  foam,  froth. 

Faust,  /.  fist;   grasp. 

fechten,  v.i.  fight;  fence. 

Feder, /.  feather;  plume;  pen;   (Meek.)  spring. 

federahnlich,  a.  featherlike. 

Federalaun,  TO.  feather  alum  (halotrichite, 
alunogen  or  epsomite);  amianthus. 

federartig,  a.  feathery,  plumaceous. 

Federbarometer,  m.  aneroid  barometer. 

Federbart,  TO.  vane  or  web  of  a  feather. 

Feder busch,  m.  plume;  tuft,  crest. 

Federchen,  n.  little  feather,  pen,  or  spring; 
(Bot.)  plumule. 

Federerz,  n.  feather  ore  (form  of  jamesonite). 

Federfahne,  /.  feather  flag,  trimmed  feather 
for  removing  precipitates  ;  =  Federbart. 

federformig,  a.  feathered,  feathery. 

Federgips,  TO.  fibrous  gypsum. 

federhart,  a.  springy,  elastic. 

Federharz,  n.  rubber,  caoutchouc;  elaterite. 

federicht,  a.  feathered,  feathery. 

federig,  a.  feathery,  plumose. 

Federkiel,  TO.  quill. 

Federkraft,  /.  elasticity. 

federkraftig,  a.  elastic,  springy. 

federn,  v.i.  be  elastic;  lose  feathers. 

Federsalz,  n.  feather  salt  (any  of  various  fi- 
brous or  plumose  mineral  varieties). 

Federstahl,  TO.  spring  steel. 

Federvieh,  n.  poultry. 

Federwage,  /.  spring  balance. 




Federweiss,  n.  amianthus;    French  chalk;    fi- 
brous gypsum. 
Fee,  /.  fairy. 

Fege,  /.  sieve,  screen,  riddle, 
fegen,  v.t.  sweep;  clean;  winnow. 
Fegesand,  m.  scouring  sand. 
Fegeschober,  TO.  (Salt)  scum  pen. 
Fegsel,  n.  sweepings. 
Fehl-.  false,  wrong,  bad,  vain,  mis-,  mal-. 
fehlbar,  a.  fallible. 
Fehlbetrag,  TO.  deficit, 
fehlen,  v.i.  fail;  err;  be  missing,  lack. 
Fehl  or,  TO.  error;   mistake,  fault,  defect. 
fehlerfrei,  a.  faultless,  sound,  clear. 
Fehlcrgrenze,  /.  limit  of  error. 
fehlerhaft,  a.  faulty,  defective. 
Fehlgeburt,  /.  miscarriage. 
fehlgehen,  v.i.  go  wrong. 
Fehlgriff,  TO.  mistake,  blunder. 
Fehlguss,  TO.  (Founding)  vaste. 
Fehlingsche  Losung.     Fehling('s)  solution. 
Fehlkochung,  /.  defective  boiling. 
Fehlschluss,  TO.  false  inference. 
Feier,  /.  holiday,  festival,  celebration;  rest. 
feierlich,  a.  festive;  solemn. 
feiern,  v.t.  celebrate,  observe. — v.L  rest  from 

work,  strike,  be  idle. 
Feierstunde,  /.  leisure  hour. 
Feiertag,  TO.  holiday. 
feig,  a.  rotten;  cowardly. 
Feigbohne,  /.  lupine, 
feige,  a.  rotten;  cowardly. 

Feigenbaum,  TO.  fig  tree. 
fell,  a.  for  sale;  mercenary. 
Feile,/.  file;  polish. 
feilen,  v.t.  file;  polish. 
Feilicht,  n.  filings. 
feilschen,  v.i.  bargain. 
Feilsel,    n.,   Feilspane,    TO.  pi.,    Feilstaub,    TO. 


fein,  a.  fine. — adv.  finely. 
feinbrennen,  v.t.  refine  (metals). 
Feinbrenner,  TO.  refiner. 
Feind,  TO.  enemy,  foe. 
feindlich,  a.  hostile. 
Feindschaft,  /.  hostility,  enmity. 
Feine,  /.  fineness. 
Feineisen,  n.  refined  iron. 
feinen,  v.t.  refine. 
feinfaserig,  a.  fine-fibered. 
Feinfeuer,  n.  refinery. 
Feingehalt,  TO.  fineness  (of  metals). 
Feingehaltsstempel,  TO.  hall  mark. 
feingepulvert,  p.a.  finely  powdered. 
Feinheit,  /.  fineness;   smartness. 
Feinheitsgrad,  TO.  (degree  of)  fineness. 
Feinkies,  TO.  fine  ore,  fines. 
feinkornig,  a.  fine-grained, 
feinkryst  allinisch,  a.  finely  crystalline. 

feinlochig,  a.  fine-holed,  fine-pored. 

feinmachen,  v.t.  refine. 

feinmaschig,  a.  fine-meshed. 

Feinofen,  TO.  refining  furnace. 

feinporig,  a.  finely  porous. 

Feinprobe,  /.  delicate  test. 

Feinprocess,  m.  refining  process. 

Feinschlacke,  /.  refinery  slag. 

Feinschmecker,  m.  epicure. 

Feinschrot,   n.   &  m.  fine  groats;     (Brewing) 

finely  crushed  malt. 
Feinsilber,  n.  fine  silver,  refined  silver. 
feinverteilt,  p.a.  finely  divided. 
feinzellig,  a.  fine-celled,  finely  cellular, 
feinzerteilt,  p.a.  finely  divided. 
Feinzeug,  n.  (Paper)  pulp,  stuff. 
Feinzeugholljinder,  TO.  (Paper)  beater,  beating 


Feinzinn,  n.  grain  tin. 
Feinzucker,  TO.  refined  sugar. 
feist,  a.  fat;   plump. 

Felbei,  TO.  &  /.  shag  (the  cloth  or  its  nap). 
Feld,   n.   field;     land,   ground;     pane,    panel, 


Feidarbeiter,  TO.  farm  laborer,  field  hand. 
Feldbau,  TO.  agriculture,  farming. 
Feldbrand,  TO.  (Ceram.)  clamp  burning. 
Felddienst,  TO.  active  (military)  service. 
Feldfrucht,  /.  farm  product. 
Feldgerat,    n.   agricultural   implements;     field 


feldgrau,  a.  greenish  gray. 
Feldklee,  m.  white  clover;  rabbit-foot  clover. 
Feldkiimmel,  TO.  wild  caraway;  wild  thyme. 
Feldmessen,  n.  land  surveying. 
Feldofen,  TO.  (Ceram.)  clamp  kiln. 
Feldrauch,    m.,    Feldraute,   /.    fumitory    (Fu- 


Feldspat,  TO.  feldspar. 
feldspatartig,  a.  feldspathic. 
Feldspatgestein,  n.  feldspathic  rock, 
feldspathaltig,  feldspatisch,  a.  feldspathic. 
Feldstecher,  m.  field  glass. 
Feldstein,  m.  compact  feldspar;  boulder;  land- 

Feldwirtschaft,  /.  agriculture. 
Feldziegel,  TO.  clamp  brick  (brick  burnt  in  a 


Feldzug,  m.  campaign. 
Feige, /.  fallow;  felly,  felloe. 
Fell,  n.  skin,  hide,  pelt. 
Felleisen,  n.  knapsack;  valise;  mail  bag. 
Fellleim,  m.  hide  glue. 
Pellschmitzer,  m.  dyer  of  skins. 
Feilspane,  hide  parings. 
Felpel,  TO.  &  /.  =  Felbei. 
Feis,  TO.  rock. 
Felsalaun,  TO.  rock  alum. 
Felsarten,  rocks, 
Felsen,  TO.  rock," 

Felsenader  I 

Felsenader,  /.  dike. 

Felsengebirge,  n.  Rocky  Mountains. 

felsenhart,  a.  hard  as  rock,  rocky. 

Felsglimmer,  m.  mica. 

felsig,  a.  rocky,  rocklike. 

Felsol,  n.  petroleum. 

Fenchel,  m.  fennel. 

Fenchelholz,  n.  sassafras  wood. 

Fenchelol,  n.  fennel  oil. 

Fenster,  n.  window. 

Fensterglas,  n.  window  glass. 

Fensterscheibe,  /.  window  pane. 

Ferien,  holidays,  vacation. 

Ferkel,  n.  young  pig. 

fermentieren,  v.i.  ferment. 

Fermentwirkung,  /.  fermentation. 

fern,  a.  far,  distant. 

Fernambukholz,  n.  Brazil  wood. 

Ferae,  /.  distance,  remoteness. 

ferner,  a.  farther,  further. — adv.  further,   be- 

Fernewirkung,  /.  action  at  a  distance. 

Fernglas,  n.  telescope;   spyglass. 

fernhalten,  v.t.  &  i.  keep  away. 

Fernrohr,  n.  =  Fernglas. 

Fernschreiber,  m.  telegraph. 

Fernsicht,  /.  perspective;  vista. 

Fernsprecher,  m.  telephone. 

Fernzeichnung,  /.  perspective  drawing. 

Ferri-.  ferric,  ferri-. 

Ferribromid,  n.  ferric  bromide. 

Ferrichlorid,  n.  ferric  chloride. 

Ferrichlorwasserstoff,    Ferrichlorwasserstoff- 
saure,  /.  ferrichloric  acid. 

Ferricyan,  n.  ferricyanogen. 

Ferricyaneisen,  n.  ferrous  ferricyanide  (Turn- 
bull's  blue). 

Ferricyanid,  n.  ferric  cyanide;  ferricyanide. 

Ferricyankalium,  n.  potassium  ferricyanide. 

Ferricyannatrium,  n.  sodium  ferricyanide. 

Ferricyansilber,  n.  silver  ferricyanide. 

Ferricyanverbindung,  /.  ferricyanide. 

Ferricyanwasserstoff,  m.,  Ferricyanwasserstoff- 
saure,  /.  ferricyanic  acid. 

Ferridcyankalium,  n.  potassium  ferricyanide. 

Ferrieisencyaniir,  n.  =  Ferriferrocyanid. 

Feniferrocyanid,  n.  ferric  ferrocyanide  (Prus- 
sian blue). 

Ferriferrojodid,  n.  ferrosoferric  iodide. 

Ferriferrooxyd,  n.  ferrosoferric  oxide. 

Ferrihydroxyd,  n.  ferric  hydroxide. 

Ferriion,  n.  ferric  ion. 

Ferrijodid,  n.  ferric  iodide. 

Ferrinitrat,  n.  ferric  nitrate. 

Ferrloxyd,  n.  ferric  oxide. 

Ferriphosphat,  n.  ferric  phosphate. 

Ferrirhodanid,  n.  ferric  thiocyanate  (or  sulfo- 

Ferrisalz,  n.  ferric  salt. 

Ferrisulfat,  n.  ferric  sulfate. 


Ferrisulfid,  n.  ferric  sulfide. 
Ferrizyan,  n.  ferricyanogen. 
Ferrizyan-.     See  Ferricyan-. 
Ferro-.  ferrous,  ferro-,  ferroso-. 
Ferrobromid,  n.  ferrous  bromide. 
Ferrochlorid,  n.  ferrous  chloride. 
Ferrochrom,  n.  ferrochrome,  ferrochromium. 
Ferrocyan,  n.  ferrocyanogen. 
Ferrocyaneisen,  n.  ferric  ferrocyanide  (Prussian 


Ferrocyanid,  n.  ferrous  cyanide;    ferrocyanide. 
Ferrocyankalium,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide. 
Ferrocyankupfer,  n.  cupric  ferrocyanide. 
Ferrocyannatrium,  n.  sodium  ferrocyanide. 
FerrocyansUber,  n.  silver  ferrocyanide. 
Ferrocyanverbindung,  /.  ferrocyanide. 
Ferrocyanwasserstoff,     m.,     Ferrocyanwasser- 

stoffsaure,  /.  ferrocyanic  acid. 
Ferrocyanzink,  n.  zinc  ferrocyanide. 
Ferroferricyanid,  n.  ferrous  ferricyanide. 
Ferroferrioxyd,  n.  ferrosoferric  oxide  (FesC^). 
Ferrohydroxyd,  n.  ferrous  hydroxide. 
Ferroion,  n.  ferrous  ion. 
Ferrojodid,  n.  ferrous  iodide. 
Ferrokaliumsiilfat,  n.  ferrous  potassium  sulfate. 
Ferrokarbonat,  n.  ferrous  carbonate. 
Ferromangan,  n.  ferromanganese. 
Ferronitrat,  n.  ferrous  nitrate. 
Ferrooxyd,  n.  ferrous  oxide. 
Ferrophosphat,  n.  ferrous  phosphate. 
Ferrosalz,  n.  ferrous  salt. 
Ferrosulfat,  n.  ferrous  sulfate. 
Ferrosulfid,  n.  ferrous  sulfide. 
Ferrozyan,  n.  ferrocyanogen. 
Ferrozyan-.     See  Ferrocyan-. 
Ferse,  /.  heel. 
fertig,  a.  ready;    done,  finished;    ready-made; 

skilful;  insolvent. 

fertigen,  v.t.  make  ready;  make;  do. 
Fertigkeit,  /.  readiness;  skill,  dexterity. 
Fertigmachen,  n.  finishing. 
Fertigmacher,  m.  finisher. 
Ferulasaure,  /.  ferulic  acid. 
Fessel,  /.  fetters;   pastern. 
fesseln,  v.t.  fetter;  captivate, 
fest,  a.  solid;  firm,  compact,  strong;  fast,  fixed, 

tight;  steady. — adv.  firmly,  closely,  strongly. 
Fest,  n.  feast,  festival,  holiday. 
Feste,  /.  compact  rock;  fortress. 
festhalten,  v.t.  hold  fast,  retain;  fix. — v.i.  hold, 

adhere,    cling. — festhaltend,  p.a.  tenacious, 


festigen,  v.t.  make  firm,  consolidate. 
Festigkeit,   /.    solidity,     etc.     (see    fest);     (of 

metals)  tenacity;    (Mech.)  strength. 
festkleben,  v.t.  &  i.  stick  fast. 
Fesiland,  n.  continent,  mainland. 
festlegen,  v.t.  fix;  place;  bed;  moor  (a  boat). 
Festlegung,  /.  fixation,  etc.  (see  festlegen). 
festlich,  a.  festive,  solemn. 

festmachen  8 

festmachen,  v.t.  make  fast,  fasten;  settle. 
festsetzen,  v.t.  establish,  settle,  fix. 
feststehen,  v.i.  stand  fast,  be  fixed. — festete- 

hend,  p.a.  stationary;    stable;    established, 

settled,  fixed. 

feststellen,  v.t.  establish,  ascertain,  determine. 
Festungsachat,  TO.  fortification  agate. 
festweich,  a.  semi-solid. 
fett,  a.  fatty,  oily;  fat;   rich,  fertile,  profitable. 

— fettes  Puddeln,  (Iron)  pig  boiling. 
Fett,  n.  fat,  grease, 
fettarm,  a.  poor  in  fat. 
fettaromatisch,  a.  aliphatic-aromatic. 
Fettdriise,  /.  sebaceous  gland. 
Fette,  /.  fatness,  greasiness. 
fett  en,  v.t.  oil,  grease,  lubricate;  stuff  (leather); 


Fettfleck,  TO.  grease  spot. 
fettgar,  a.  (Leather)  oil-tanned. 
fettgebunden,  p.a.  united  to  an  aliphatic  com- 
pound or  radical. 
Fettgehalt,  TO.  fat  content. 
Fettgewebe,  n.  adipose  tissue. 
Fettglanz,  TO.  greasy  luster. 
fetthaltig,  a.  containing  fat,  fatty. 
Fettharz,  n.  oleoresin. 
Fettheit,  /.  fatness,  .etc.  (see  fett). 
fettig,  a.  fatty,  fat,  greasy. 
Fettkalk,  TO.  fat  lime. 
Fettkohle,  /.   fat   coal,    coal   rich   in   volatile 

Fettkorper,  m.  fatty  compound,  fat;    aliphatic 

compound;   fatty  or  greasy  matter. 
Fettkugelchen,  n.  fat  globule. 
fettloslich,  a.  soluble  in  fat. 
Fettnoppe, /.  grease  spot  (in  fabrics). 
Fettpuddeln,  n.  (Iron)  pig  boiling. 
Fettquarz,  TO.  greasy  (lustered)  quartz. 
Fettreihe,  /.  fatty  series,  aliphatic  series. 
Fettreservemittel,  n.  fat  resist,  wax  resist. 
fettsauer,  a.  sebacic. 
Fettsaure,  /.  fatty  acid;    (old  name  for)  sebacic 


Fettschmiere,  /.  (Leather)  fat  liquor. 
Fettschweiss,  TO.  yolk  (of  wool) ;   fatty  sweat. 
Fettseife,  /.  soap  from  fats;    (Soap)  lard  soap. 
Fettsein,  n.  ropiness  (of  wine). 
fettspaltend,  p.a.  fat-cleaving,  lipolytic. 
Fettspaltung,  /.  cleavage  of  fat,  lipolysis. 
Fettstein,  TO.  eleolite. 
Fettstift,  TO.  wax  pencil,  wax  crayon. 
Fettton,  TO.  fuller's  earth. 
Fettung,  /.  oiling,  etc.  (see  fetten). 
Fettverbindung,  /.  fatty  compound,  aliphatic 


Fettwachs,  n.  adipocere. 
Fettwolle,  /.  wool  in  the  yolk,  grease  wool. 
Fetzen,  TO.  shred,  tatter,  scrap;  trifle. 
feucht,  o.  moist;  humid,  damp;  (of  malt)  slack. 
Feuchte,  /.  moistness,  dampness. 

ff.,  f.f.,  fff. 

feuchten,  v.t.  moisten,  dampen,  wet. 

Feuchter,  m.  moistener,  damper,  wetter. 

Feuchtigkeit,  /.  moisture;  moistness,  dampness, 
humidity;  humor;  phlegm. 

Feuchtigkeitsgehalt,  m.  moisture  content. 

Feuchtigkeitsmesser,  m.  hygrometer. 

Feuchtigkeitszeiger,  m.  hygroscope. 

Feuer,  n.  fire. 

feuerbestandig,  c.  resistant  to  fire  or  heat; 
fireproof;  refractory. 

Feuerbestattung,  /.  cremation. 

Feuerbriicke,  /.  fire  bridge. 

feuerfest,  a.  fireproof;  refractory. — feuerf ester 
Ton,  fireclay. — feuerfester  Ziegel,  firebrick. 

Feuerf  iihrung,  /.  firing. 

feuergefahrlfch,  a.  liable  to  take  fire,  inflam- 

Feuergradmesser,  m.  pyrometer. 

Feuerhaken,  m.  fire  hook,  poker. 

feuerig,  a.  =  feurig. 

Feuerkitt,  m.  fireproof  cement. 

Feuerkriicke,  /.  furnace  rake,  rabble. 

Feuerkunst,  /.  pyrotechnics. 

Feuerleitung,  /.  priming,  train. 

feuerlos,  a.  fireless,  lusterless. 

Feuerloschmittel,  n.  fire-extinguishing  sub- 

Feuerluft,  /.  furnace  gas;  (Scheele's  name  for) 

Feuermesser,  TO.  pyrometer. 

Feuermessung,  /.  pyrometry. 

feuern,  v.t.  fire,  heat,  burn. 

Feuerporzellan,  n.  refractory  porcelain. 

Feuerpunkt,  m.  (Optics)  focus;  (Mining) 

Feuerraum,  m.  fireplace,  fire  box,  furnace, 

Feuerregen,  m.  rain  of  fire,  fiery  rain. 

Feuerrohr,  n.  fire  tube,  flue;  firearm. 

Feuerrohrkessel,  m.  fire-tube  boiler,  tubular 

Feuersaft,  m.  (Iron)  slag  bath. 

Feuerschwaden,  m.  firedamp. 

Feuerschwamm,  TO.  tinder,  punk. 

feuersicher,  a.  fireproof. 

Feuerstein,  TO.  flint. 

Feuerton,  TO.  fireclay. 

Feuerung,  /.  firing,  fire,  heating;  fuel;  furnace; 
fireplace,  hearth. 

Feuerungsanlage,  /.  furnace,  hearth,  fireplace. 

Feuerversicherung,  /.  fire  insurance. 

Feuerwerk,  n.  firework,  fireworks. 

Feuerwerkerei,  /.  pyrotechnics. 

Feuerzeug,  n.  tinder  box. 

Feuerzug,  TO.  flue,  fire  tube;  train  of  explosives. 

feurig,  o.  fiery;  igneous;  burning,  hot,  ardent, 
spirited;  (of  wine)  generous;  (of  colors) 
br  ght,  loud. — feuriger  Schwaden,  firedamp. 

ff.,  f.f.,  fff.,  abbrev.  (sehr  fein)  very  fine;  (und 
folgende)  and  following,  el  seq. 




F.f.,  abbrev.  (Fortsetzung  folgt)  to  be  con- 

Fibel,  /.  primer. 

fibres,  a.  fibrous. 

ficellieren,  v.t.  wire  (bottles). 

Fichte,  /.  pine  (Pinus  species) ;    (loosely)  fir. 

Fichtenharz,  n.  pine  resin,  common  resin,  rosin. 

Fichtenholz,  n.  pine  wood;   fir  wood. 

Fichtennadel,  /.  pine  needle,  pine  leaf. 

Fichtenpech,  n.  =  Fichtenharz. 

Fichtenspan,  m.  pine  shaving,  chip,  or  splint. 

Fichtenwolle,  /.  pine  wool,  fir  wool. 

Fichtenzucker,  m.  pinite. 

fidel,  a.  merry,  jolly. 

Fieber,  n.  fever. — aussetzendes  Fieber,  inter- 
mittent fever. 

fieberartig,  a.  feverish,  febrile. 

Fieberarznei,  /.  febrifuge,  antipyretic. 

fieberfest,  a.  immune  to  fever. 

Fieberklee,  m.  buck  bean  (Menyanthes). 

Fieberkraut,  n.  feverfew. 

Fiebermittel,  n.  febrifuge,  antipyretic. 

fiebern,  v.i.  have  fever;  rave. 

Fieberpulver,  n.  fever  powder,  ague  powder 
(antimonial  powder). 

Fieberrinde,  /.  cinchona  bark. 

Fiedel,  /.  fiddle. 

Fieder,  /.  leaflet. 

ftel,  pret.  of  fallen. 

Figurendruck,  TO.  (Calico)  topical  printing. 

Figurendruckartikel,  TO.  (Calico)  topical  style. 

figurieren,  v.t.  figure. 

figiirlich,  a.  figurative. 

Filial-,  branch;  as,  Filialanstalt,  branch  estab- 

Filiasaure,  /.  filicic  acid. 

Filicinsaure,  /.  filicinic  acid. 

Filigran,  n.  filigree. 

Filixsaure,  /.  filicic  acid. 

Filtergestell,  n.  filter  stand. 

Filterkegel,  m.  filter  cone. 

Filtermasse,  /.  (Brewing)  pulp,  filter  mass. 

Filterplatte,  /.  filter  plate. 

Filterschoner,  TO.  filter  cone. 

Filterstativ,  n.  filter  stand. 

Filtertrager,  m.  filter  holder,  filter  ring. 

Filtertuch,  m.  filtering  cloth. 

Filterturm,  m,  filter  tower,  filtering  tower. 

Filterwager,  TO.  filter  weigher,  weighing  tube. 

Filtrat,  n.  nitrate. 

filtrationsfahig,  a.  capable  of  filtration. 

Filtrierapparat,  m.  filtering  apparatus. 

filtrierbar,  a.  filterable. 

Filtrierbeutel,  m.  filtering  bag,  percolator. 

filtrieren,  v.t.  filter,  strain. 

Filtrierer,  m.  filterer,  strainer. 

Filtrierflache,  /.  filtering  surface  or  area. 

Filtrierflasche,  /.  filtering  flask. 

Filtriergestell,  n.  filter  stand. 

Filtrierkonus,  m.  filter  cone. 

Filtrierkorb,  m.  filtering  basket. 

Filtrierpapier,  n.  filter  paper. 

Filtrierplatte,  /.  filter  plate. 

Filtrierpumpe,  /.  filter  pump. 

Filtrierring,  TO.  filter  ring. 

Filtrierrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  filter  tube,  filtering 


Filtriersack,  TO.  filtering  bag,  bag  filter. 
Filtrierschale,  /.  filtering  dish  (with  perforated 


Filtriersieb,  n.  filtering  sieve. 
Filtrierstativ,  n.  filter  stand. 
Filtrierstutzen,  m.  filtering  jar  (a  cylindrical 

jar  with  lip). 

Filtriertrichter,  TO.  filtering  funnel. 
Filtriertuch,  TO.  filtering  cloth;   percolator. 
Filtrierung,  /.  filtering,  filtration. 
Filtrum,  n.  filter. 
Filz,    TO.    felt;     tomentum;     felt    hat;     miser; 

(Metal.)  slime  ore. 
Filzbarkeit,  /.  felting  property. 
filzen,  v.t.  felt. 

filzfahig,  a.  capable  of  felting. 
Filzfahigkeit,  /.  felting  property. 
Filzfalte,  /.  (Paper)  crease  in  the  felt. 
filzig,  a.  of  felt,  feltlike,  tomentous;  stingy. 
Filztuch,  n.  felted  cloth,  felt;  blanket. 
filzwollen,  a.  of  or  like  felted  wool. 
Fimmel,  TO.  female  hemp. 
finden,    v.t.   find;     discover. — v.r.   understand; 

be  found,  exist. 

Findling,  TO.  foundling;    (Geol.)  erratic  block, 
fing,  pret.  of  fangen. 
Fingerfutter,  n.  finger  stall. 
Finger  hut,  TO.  thimble;  foxglove,  digitalis. 
Fingerhutkraut,  TO.  foxglove,  digitalis. 
Fingerling,  TO.  finger  stall. 
Fingerprobe,  /.  rule  of  thumb. 
Fingerstein,  m.  belemnite. 
Fingerzeig,  TO.  pointing  with  the  finger;    hint, 

fingieren,  v.t.   simulate,  invent. — fingiert,    p.a. 

fictitious,  imaginary. 
Fink,  Finke,  TO.  finch. 
Finne,  /.  pimple,  pustule;  stud,  knot, 
finster,  a.  dark;   obscure;   gloomy. 
Finsternis,    /.    darkness;     obscurity;     gloom; 

(Astron.)  eclipse. 
Finte,  /.  feint;  fib. 
Firma,  /.  firm. 
firn,  a.  of  last  year. 
Firn,  TO.  glacier  snow,  n6v6,  firn, 
Firnblau,  n.  glacier  blue, 
Firnis,  TO.  varnish. 
Firnispapier,  n.  glazed  paper, 
firnissen,  v.t.  varnish. 
First,  w,  ridge,  roof. 
Fisch,  TO.  fish. 

Fisrhaugenstein,  m.  apophyllite. 
Fischbein,  n.  whalebone. 




Fischblase,  /.  fish  bladder;  sounds,  isinglass. 

fischen,  v.L  &  i.  fish. 

Fischer ei,  /.  fishing;  fishery. 

fischig,  a.  fishy. 

Fischkorner,  Indian  berries  (Cocculus  in- 

Fischleim,    TO.    fish    glue,    isinglass,    (Pharm.) 

Fischleimgummi,  n.  sarcocolla. 

Fischol,  n.  fish  oil;  ichthyol. 

Fischschwanz,  TO.  fish  tail. 

Fischspeck,  TO.  fish  blubber. 

Fischtran,  TO.  fish  oil,  train  oil. 

Fisetholz,  Fistelholz,  n.  young  fustic  (Cotinus 

Fistel,  /.  fistula;   falsetto. 

Fistelkassie,  /.  purging  cassia,  cassia  fistula. 

fistulos,  a.  fistular,  fistulous. 

Fittich,  Fittig,  m.  wing,  pinion. 

fix,  a.  fixed;    smart. — fixe  Luft,  fixed  air  (old 
name  for  carbon  dioxidd). 

Fixage,  /.  fixing. 

Fixbleiche,  /.  bleaching  with  chloride  of  lime. 

Fixfarberei,  /.  tipping   (of  plush),   dyeing  by 

Fixierbad,  n.  fixing  bath. 

fixieren,    v.t.    fix;     harden;     mordant    (silk); 
stare  at. 

Fixierfliissigkeit,  /.  fixing  liquid  or  liquor. 

Fixiermittel,  n.  fixing  agent,  fixative;  hardening 

Fixiernatron,  n.  sodium  thiosulfate. 

Fixiersalz,  n.  fixing  salt  (specif.,  sodium  thio- 
sulfate, "hypo"). 

Fixierung,  /.  fixing,  fixation;  hardening. 

Fixierungsmittel,  n.  =  Fixiermittel. 

Fixpunkt,  TO.  fixed  point. 

Fixstern,  m.  fixed  star. 

fl.,  abbrev.  (flussig)  liquid. 

FI.,  abbrev.  (Fliissigkeit)  liquid. 

flach,  a.  flat;  level,  plain;   shallow. 

Flache,  /.  surface,  face;    flatness;    flat,  plain, 
plane;  sheet. 

Flachenanziehung,  /.    surface    attraction,    ad- 

Flacheninhalt,  TO.  area. 

Flachenmass,     n.     surface     measure,     square 

Flachenraum,  TO.  area. 

Flachenwinkel,  TO.  plane  angle. 
Flachenzahl,  /.  number  of  faces;    square  num- 

flachgewunden,  p.a.  planispiral. 
Flachheit,  /.  flatness,  etc.  (see  flach). 
-flachig.  -faced,  -hedral. 
Flachs,  TO.  flax, 
flachsartig,  a.  flaxen. 
Flachschnitt,  m.  horizontal  section. 
flachsen,  a.  flaxen,  of  flax. 
Flachssamen,  m.  flaxseed,  linseed. 

Flachsstein,  m.  amianthus. 

Flachzange,  /.  tongs  with  flat  jaws,  pliers. 

flackerig,  a.  flaring,  flickering. 

flackern,  v.t.  flare,  flicker. 

Flacon,  n.  small  bottle. 

Flader,  /.  curl,  speckle,  streak;  flaw. 

fladerig,  a.  curled,  etc.  (see  Flader). 

Flagge,  /.  flag,  colors. 

flamisch,  a.  Flemish. 

Flammchen,  n.  flamelet,  small  flame. 

Flammdruck,  m.  chine  printing. 

Flamme,  /.  flame;  light. 

flammen,  v.t.  flame;   singe;  sear;  water,  cloud 

(fabrics,  etc.). — v.i.  flame;   burn,  glow. 
Flammenbogen,  TO.  flaming  arc;  electric  arc. 
Flammenflache,  /.  flame  surface. 
Flammenofen,  TO.  =Flammofen. 
Flammenopal,  TO,  fire  opal, 
flammfarbig,  a.  flame-colored;  rainbow-colored, 
flammicht,  a.  (of  fabrics)  watered;    (of  wood) 

veined,  grained. 
flammieren,  v.t.  =  flammen,  v.t. 
flammig,  a.  flamelike,  flaming;   (of  fabrics,  etc.) 

Flammkohle,  /.    coal  that  burns  with  flames 

(rich  in  volatile  combustible  matter). 
Flammofen,   TO.    flame  furnace,   reverberatory 


Flammpunkt,  TO.  flash  point. 
Flammpunktprufer,  TO.  flash-point  tester. 
Flammrohr,  n.,  Flammrohre,  /.  fire  tube,  flue. 
Flammrohrkessel,  TO.  fire-tube  boiler. 
Flanell,  TO.  flannel. 
Flansch,  Flantsch,  TO.,  Flansche,  Flantsche,  /. 


Flaschchen,  n.  small  bottle  or  flask. 
Flasche  /.  bo  .tie;    flask;   jar;  (Founding}  cast- 
ing box,  flask;    (Mech.)  block. 
Flaschenabteilung,  /.  (Brewing)  bottlery. 
Flaschenbier,  n.  bottled  beer. 
Flaschengestell,  n.  bottle  rack,  flask  rack. 
Flaschenglas,  n.  bottle  glass. 
flaschengriin,  a.  bottle-green. 
Flaschenkappe,  /.  bottle  cap. 
Flaschenkurbis,  m.  bottle  gourd;   calabash. 
Flaschenzug,  m.  set  of  pulleys,  block  and  tackle, 
Flaser,  /.  =  Flader. 
flatterhaft,  flatterig,  a.  fickle,  flighty, 
flat  tern,  v.i.  flutter,  flicker,  wave;  be  flighty. 
Flatterruss,  m.  lampblack. 
Flattierfeuer,  n.  choked  fire. 
flau,  a.  faint,  weak;   dull,  slack, 
flauen,  v.t.  buddle. 
Flaum,  TO.  down,  nap,  fluff. 
flaumig,  a.  downy,  fluffy,  pubescent. 
Flaus,  Flausch,  TO.  pilot  cloth,  or  a  coat  made 

of  it. 

Flause,  /.  fib;  evasion;   humbug. 
Flechse,  /.  tendon,  sinew. 
Flechte,  /.  lichen;  plait,  twist;  skin  eruption. 




flechten,  v.t.  plait,  twist,  braid,  interweave. 
Flechtenrot,  n.  orcein. 
Flechtensaure,  /.  fumaric  acid  (old  name). 
Flechtenstakermehl,       n.       lichenin,        moss 


Flechtenstoffe,  lichen  substances. 
Fleck,  m.  spot;  speck,  stain,  blot,  flaw,  patch; 

•pi.  measles. 
Flecken,   m.   spot,   speck,   stain,   flaw,   taint; 

small  town. 
flecken,  v.t.  spot,  stain,  speckle,  mottle;  patch. 

— p.i.  spot,  stain,  blot. 
Flecken wasser,  n.  =Fleckwasser. 
Fleckfieber,  n.  typhus. 
fleckig,   o.   spotted,   speckled,   stained,   flawy; 

Fleckschierling,  m.   poison   hemlock    (Conium 


Fleckseife,  /.  scouring  soap. 
Fleckstein,  m.  scouring  stone. 
Fleckstorchschnabelwurzel,  /.    (Pharm.)   gera- 
nium cranesbill. 
Fleckwasser,  n.  scouring  water,  scouring  drops 

(any  liquid  used  for  removing  spots). 
Fledermaus,  /.  bat. 

Fledermausbrenner,  m.  batswing  burrier. 
Flegel,  m.  flail;  boor, 
flegelhaft,  a.  boorish,  insolent. 
flehen,  v.i.  make  entreaty. 
Fleisch,  n.  flesh,  meat;   (of  fruit)  pulp. 
Fleisch-.  flesh,   fleshy,   meat,   muscle,  sarco-, 


Fleischbriihe,  /.  meat  broth,  bouillon. 
fleischen,  v.t.  flesh. 
Fleischer,  m.  butcher. 
Fleischertalg,  m.  unmelted  tallow. 
fleischfarbig,  a.  flesh-colored. 
fleischfressend,  p.a.  carnivorous. 
Fleischgift,  n.  meat  toxin,  ptomaine. 
fleischig,  a.  fleshy,  fleshlike,  pulpy. 
Fleischkohle,  /.  animal  charcoal. 
Fleischkonserve,  /.  preserved  meat. 
Fleischleim,  m.,  Fleischleimgummi,  n.  sarco- 


Fleischmilchsaure,  /.  sarcolactic  acid. 
Fleischsaft,  m.  meat  juice,  extract  of  meat. 
Fleischwaren,  meats,  esp.  dried  meats. 
Fleischzucker,  m.  inosite. 
Fleiss,  m.  diligence,  industry,  purpose, 
fleissig,  a.  diligent,  industrious. 
fletschen,  v.t.  gnash. 
flicht,  pr.  3  sing,  of  flechten. 
flicken,  v.t.  patch,  mend. 
Flieder,  m.  elder;    (spanischer)  lilac. 
Fliege,  /.  fly;  sight  (of  a  gun). 
fliegen,  v.i.  fly. 
Fliegenholz,  n.  quassia  wood. 
Fliegenkobalt,  m.  =  Fliegenstein. 
Fliegenschwamm,  m.  fly  agaric,  fly  amamta 

(Amanita  muscaria). 

Fliegenstein,  m.  fly  stone  (native  cobalt  arsen- 

fliehen,  v.t.  &  i.  flee. 

Fliehkraft,  /.  centrifugal  force. 

Fliese,  /.  flag,  floor  tile,  wall  tile,  paving  brick. 

Fliess,  n.  fleece. 

fliessen,  v.i.  flow;  run;  blot;  (of  colors)  run, 
bleed. — fliessend,  p.a.  flowing,  running; 
fluid,  liquid;  fluent. — fliessende  Hitze,  melt- 
ing heat. — fliessende  Bindung,  floating  link- 

Fliessfeder,  /.  fountain  pen. 

Fliessglatte,  /.  wet  litharge. 

Fliessofen,  m.  pyrites  kiln. 

Fliesspapier,  n.  blotting  paper,  absorbent  paper. 

Flimmer,  m.  glitter;   tinsel,  spangle,  mica. 

Flimmer-.  ciliated,  vibrating. 

flimmern,  v.i.  glitter,  glisten,  sparkle,  scintillate. 

flink,  a.  agile,  quick,  alert. 

Flinte,  /.  gun,  musket. 

Flintenlauf,  m.  gun  barrel. 

Flintenschrot,  n.  gun  shot,  small  shot. 

Flintstein,  m.  flintstone,  flint. 

Flinz,  m.  siderite. 

Flitterv  m.  spangle,  shining  platelet;  tinsel. 

Flittererz,  n.  ore  in  glittering  laminae. 

Flitterglas,  n.  pounded  glass  for  frosting. 

Flittergold,  n.  Dutch  metal,  tombac  (a  kind  of 

flittern,  v.i.  glitter,  glisten,  sparkle. 

Flittersand,  m.  micaceous  sand. 

flocht,  pret.  of  flechten. 

Flocke,  /.  flake,  flock. 

flocken,  v.i.  flake,  form  flakes  or  flocks. 

flockenartig,  a.  flakelike,  flocculent. 

Flockenerz,  n.  mimetite. 

Flockenpapier,  n.  flock  paper. 

Flockensalpeter,  m.  efflorescent  saltpeter. 

flockig,  a.  flocculent,  flocky,  flaky. 

flockig-kasig,  a.  curdy. 

Flockseide,  /.  floss  silk,  silk  waste. 

Flockwolle,  /.  short  wool,  flock  wool 

flog,  pret.  of  fliegen. 

floh,  pret.  of  fliehen. 

Floh,  m.  flea. 

Flohfarbe,  /.  puce  color. 

Flohkraut,  n.  fleabane. 

Flor,  m.  bloom,  blooming;  gauze;  nap,  pile. 

Florentiner  Flasche.  Florentine  receiver  (for 
essential  oils). 

floss,  pret.  of  fliessen. 

Floss,  n.   (Metal.)   pig;    raft,  float. — blumiges 

Floss,  white  pig  with  granular  fracture. 
Flosse,  /.  fin;  float. 
Flosseisen,  n.  white  pig  iron. 

flossen,  v.t.  float;  infuse. 

Flossofen,  m.  flowing  furnace. 

Flote,  /.  flute. 

flott,  a.  afloat;  gay,  flush. 

Flotte,  /.  dye  liquor,  dye  bath;  fleet,  navy. 




Flottenfliissigkeit,  /.  dye  liquor. 

Flottengefass,  n.  (Dyeing)  color  reservoir. 

Plot  tens  land,  TO.  (Dyeing)  height  of  the  liquor. 

Flottseide,  /.  untwisted  silk. 

Flottstahl,  TO.  ingot  steel,  run  steel. 

Flotz,  n.  layer,  stratum,  seam. 

Flotzerz,  n.  ore  in  beds. 

Flotzkalk,  TO.  bedded  limestone. 

Floz,  n.  -  Flotz. 

Fluch,  m.  curse. 

fluchen,  v.L  curse,  swear. 

Flucht,  /.  flight;  line,  row;   play,  swing. 

Fluchtebene,  /.  vanishing  plane. 

Fluchtholz,  n.  rule,  level. 

fliichtig,  o.  volatile;  fugitive;  fleeting,  fragile, 
fleet,  fickle,  hasty. — fliichtiges  Laugensalz, 
ammonium  carbonate. — fliichtiges  Ol,  vola- 
tile oil,  essential  oil. — fluchtige  Salbe,  am- 
monia liniment,  volatile  liniment. 

Fliichtigkeit,  /.  volatility;  fleetness,  etc.  (see 

Fluchtpunkt,  TO.  vanishing  point. 

fluchtrecht,  a.  flush. 

Plug,  TO.  flight,  flying;  flock;  swarm. 

Flugasche,  /.  light  (or  flying)  ashes. 

Flugbahn,  /.  line  of  flight,  trajectory. 

Fliigel,  m.  wing;  flap,  lobe,  vane,  branch;  case- 
ment (of  a  window) ;  blade  (of  a  screw  pro- 
peller) ;  grand  piano. 

fliigelfdrmig,  a.  wingshaped. 

Flugelgeblase,  n.  fan  blower. 

Fliigelkiihler,  TO.  fan  cooler. 

Fliigelmutter,  /.  (Mech.)  thumb  nut. 

fliigeln,  v.t.  wing. — gefliigelt,  p.a.  winged. 

Fliigelrad,  n.  screw  wheel,  worm  wheel;  screw 
propelter;  (Brewing)  flighter. 

Fliigelschraube,  /.  wing  screw,  wing  nut. 

fliigge,  a.  fledged. 

Fluglinie,  /.  =  Flugbahn. 

Flugmehl,  n.  mill  dust. 

flugs,  adv.  quickly,  instantly. 

Flugsand,  m.  quicksand. 

Flugstaub,  TO.  flue  dust;  (Metal.)  smoke,  fume; 
chimney  soot;  flying  dust. 

Flugstaubkammer,  /.  condensing  chamber. 

Flugwesen,  n.  aviation. 

fluktuieren,  v.L  fluctuate. 

fiuktuos,  a.  fluctuating. 

Plunder,  m.  flounder. 

Fluor,  n.  fluorine. 

Fluor-,  of  or  combined  with  fluorine,  fluoro-, 
fluo-,  fluoride  of  (see  instances  following). 

Fluorammonium,  n.  ammonium  fluoride. 

Fluorantimon,  ».  antimony  fluoride. 

Fluorarsen,  n.  arsenic  fluoride. 

Pluorbaryum,  n.  barium  fluoride. 

Fluorbenzol,  n.  fluorobenzene,  fluobenzene. 

Fluorbor,  n.  boron  fluoride. 

Fluorbrom,  n.  bromine  fluoride. 

Fluorchrom,  n.  chromium  fluoride. 

Fluoreisen,  n.  iron  fluoride. 

Fluorescenz,  Fluoreszenz,  /.  fluorescence. 

fluoreszieren,  v.i.  fluoresce. — fluoreszierend, 
p.a.  fluorescent. 

Fluorid,  n.  fluoride  (esp.  an  -ic  fluoride  as  con- 
trasted with  Fluoriir). 

Fluorjod,  n.  iodine  fluoride. 

Fluorkalium,  n.  potassium  fluoride. 

Fluorkalzium,  n.  calcium  fluoride. 

Fluorkohlenstoff,  m.  carbon  fluoride. 

Fluorlithium,  n.  lithium  fluoride. 

Fluormetall,  n.  metallic  fluoride. 

Fluornatrium,  n.  sodium  fluoride. 

Fluorphosphor,  m.  phosphorus  fluoride. 

Fluorsalz,  n.  fluoride. 

Fluorschwefel,  m.  sulfur  fluoride. 

Fluorselen,  n.  selenium  fluoride. 

Fluorsilber,  n.  silver  fluoride. 

Fluorsilizium,  n.  silicon  fluoride. 

Fluorsiliziumverbindung,  /.  fluosilicate. 

Fluortellur,  n.  tellurium  fluoride. 

Fluortitan,  n.  titanium  fluoride. 

Fluortoluol,  n.  fluorotoluene,  fluotoluene. 

Fluoriir,  n.  (-ous)  fluoride.     Cf.  Chlorur. 

Fluorverbindung,  /.  fluorine  compound. 

Fluor wasserstoff,  TO.  hydrogen  fluoride;  hydro- 
fluoric acid. 

fluorwasserstoffsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with 
hydrofluoric  acid,  fluoride  or  hydrofluoride 

Fluorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydrofluoric  acid. 

Fluorzink,  TO.  &  n.  zinc  fluoride. 

Fluorzinn,  n.  tin  fluoride. 

Flur,  /.  field;   floor;   vestibule. 

Fluss,  m.  flux;  fluor  spar;  enamel;  (Gems) 
paste;  fusion;  flow,  flowing;  (Soap)  figging; 
river,  stream;  discharge;  catarrh. 

Flussbett,  n.  river  bed. 

Flusseisen,  n. ingot  iron;  ingot  metal  (including 
ingot  iron  and  ingot  steel). 

Flusserde,  /.  earthy  fluorite. 

Flussgold,  n.  river  gold. 

Flussharz,  n.  anime,  gum  anime. 

fliissig,  a.  liquid;  fluid. — fliissig  machen, 
liquefy. — fliissig  werdend,  liquescent. — fliis- 
siges  Chlorzink,  (Pharm.)  solution  of  zinc 
chloride  (and  so  for  similar  names). — fliissiger 
Extrakt,  fluidextract,  fluid  extract. 

Fliissigkeit,  /.  liquid;  fluidity;  fluid;  liquor, 
(Physioi:)  humor. 

Fliissigkeitsmass,  n.  liquid  measure. 

Fliissigkeitsmenge,  /.  amount  of  liquid, 

Fliissigkeitsreibung,  /.  fluid  friction. 

Fliissigkeitssaule,  /.  column  of  liquid. 

Fliissigkeitsspiegel,  TO.  surface  of  a  liquid. 

Fliissigmachen,  n.,  Fliissigmachung,  /.  lique- 

flusskieselsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  fluo- 
silicic  acid,  fluosilicate  of. 

Flusskieselsaure,  /.  fluosilicic  acid. 




Flussmittel,  n.  fluxing  material,  flux;  antirheu- 

Flussofen,  m.  flowing  furnace. 

Flusspferd,  n,  hippopotamus. 

Flusspulver,  n.  flux  powder,  powdered  flux. 

Flusssand,  m.  river  sand. 

flusssauer,  a.  =  fluorwasserstoffsauer. 

Flusssaure,  /.  hydrofluoric  acid. 

Flussschmiedeeisen,  n.  ingot  iron  (as  distin- 
guished from  ingot  steel). 

Flussspat,  m.  fluor  spar,  fluorite. 

Flussspaterde,  /.  earthy  fluorite. 

Flussspatsaure,  /.  hydrofluoric  acid. 

Flussstahl,  m.  ingot  steel. 

Flussstein,  m.  compact  fluorite. 

Flusswasser,  n.  river  water. 

Flusswasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydrofluoric  acid. 

fliistern,  v.t.  &  i.  whisper. 

Flut,  Fluth,  /.  flood;    (high)  tide. 

focht,  pret.  of  fechten. 

Fohre,  /.  fir. 

Folge,  /.  sequence,  series,  set;  future;  conse- 
quence, result;  conclusion;  compliance. 

folgen,  v.t.  follow. 

folgendermassen,  folgenderweise,  adv.  as 

folgenschwer,  a.  portentous,  important. 

Folgepunkte,  (Magnetism}  consequent 
points  (or  poles). 

folgerecht,  a.  consequent;    conclusive;   logical. 

folgern,  v.t.  conclude,  infer. 

Folgerung,  /.  conclusion,  inference,  induction. 

Folgewirkung,  /.  resultant,  consequence. 

folglich,  adv.  consequently. 

folgsam,  a.  obedient. 

Folie,  /.  foil. 

foliieren,  v.t.  cover  with  foil,  silver;  page  (a 

Follikel,  m.  follicle. 

Folter,  /.  rack,  torture. 

Fond,  m.  foundation,  base,  basis;  capital, 
funds;  (Dyeing)  ground,  bottom. 

Fonziermaschine,  /.  (Paper)  staining  machine. 

forcieren,  v.t.  force;   overtax. 

Forcierkrankheit,  /.  strain  disease  (of 

Forderkohle,  /.  rough  coal,  coal  directly  from 
the  mine. 

forderlich,  a.  serviceable;  speedy. 

fordern,  v.t.  demand,  ask,  require;  summon; 

fordern,  v.t.  further,  forward,  raise,  draw  out, 

Forderquantum,  n.  (Mining)  output. 

Forderung,  /.  demand,  etc.  (see  fordern). 

Forderung,  /.  furthering,  etc.  (see  fordern) . 

Forderungsmittel,  n.  (Pharm.)  adjuvant. 

Forelle,  /.  trout. 

Form,  /.  form;  shape,  cut,  size;  mold;  tuyere; 
(Soap)  frame. 

Formanderung, /.  change  of  form;  deformation, 

Formart,  /.  form  species. 

Format,  n.  size  (of  a  book). 

formbar,  a.  plastic,  capable  of  being  shaped. 

Formbarkeit,  /.  plasticity. 

Formel,  /.  formula. 

Formelbild,  n.  (structural)  formula. 

formen,  v.t.  form,  shape,  fashion,  mold,  cast; 
(Soap)  frame. 

Formerde,  /.  molding  clay,  modeling  clay. 

Formerei,  Formerei,  /.  molding,  forming; 
molding  house. 

Formgebung,  /.  fashioning,  shaping. 

Formiat,  n.  formate. 

-formig.  -shaped,  -formed,  -form,  -oid. 

Formkorper,  m.  molded  body. 

formlich,  a.  formal;  plain;   downright. 

Formling,  m.  molded  article. 

Formsand,  m.  molding  sand. 

Formstein,  m.  (Lead)  pipe  stone. 

formulieren,  v.t.  formulate. 

Formylsaure,  /.  formic  acid. 

forsch,  a.  vigorous;  dashing. 

forschen,  v.i.  investigate,  search. 

Forscher,  m.  investigator;  inquirer;  spy. 

Forschung,  /.  investigation,  research;  inquiry. 

Forschungsgebiet,  n.  domain  of  research. 

Forschungsgeist,  m.  spirit  of  research  or  inquiry. 

Forst,  m.  forest. 

Forster,  m.  forester. 

Forstkunde,  /.  forestry. 

Forstmann,  m.  forester. 

fort,  adv.  on,  along,  forth,  away,  off. 

fortan,  adv.  henceforth. 

fortbestehen,  v.i.  continue. 

Fortbewegung,  /.  locomotion,  progression. 

Fortdauer,  /.  permanence,  duration. 

fortdiffundieren,  v.t.  diffuse  away. 

fortfahren,  v.i.  set  off,  depart;  go  on,  continue. 

fortfliessen,  v.i.  flow  or  run  off  or  away.- 

fortfuhren,  v.t.  carry  away,  convey;  continue, 

fortkommen,  v.i.  get  away;   get  on,  progress. 

Fortkommen,  n.  escape;   getting  on,  success. 

fortlassen,  v.t.  let  go;  leave  out,  omit. 

fortlaufend,  p.a.  continuous,  continual,  succes- 

fortpflanzen,  v.t.  propagate,  transmit,  communi- 

Fortpflanzung,  /.  propagation,  transmission, 

Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit,  /.  velocity  of 
propagation  (or  of  transmission). 

Fortsatz,  m.  continuation;    (Med.)  process. 

fortschaffen,  v.t.  take  away,  remove,  get  rid  of, 

fortschreitend,  p.a.  progressive;   onward. 

Fortschritt,  m.  advance,  advancement,  progress. 

fortsetzen,  v.t.  continue,  carry  on;  set  away. 




Fortsetzung,  /.  continuation;  prosecution,  pur- 

fortwahrend,  p.a.  continual,  continuous,  per- 
manent, constant. 

forzieren,  v.t,  force;   overtax. 

fossilienhaltig,  a.  fossiliferous. 

Fournier,  n.  veneer. 

fournieren,  v.t.  veneer,  inlay. 

Fracht,  /.  freight;   cargo,  load,  shipment. 

Frachtbrief,  m.  way  bill,  bill  of  lading. 

frachtfrei,  a.  freight-free,  carriage  paid. 

Frachtgeld,  n.  freight;   cartage. 

Frachtgut,  n.  freight. 

Frage,  /.  question;  demand. 

fragen,  v.t.  &  i.  ask. — es  fragt  sich,  it  is  a 

Fragezeichen,  n.  interrogation  point. 

fraglich,  a.  questionable,  doubtful;  in  question, 

fraktionieren,  v.t.  fractionate. — fraktionierte 
Destination,  fractional  distillation. 

Fraktionierkolben,  m.  fractionating  flask. 

Fraktionierrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  fractionating 

Fraktionskolben,  m.  fractionating  flask. 

Fraktionsrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  fractionating  tube. 

Frankreich,  n.  France. 

Franse,  /.  fringe. 

Franzband,  m.  calf  binding;   calf-bound  book. 

Franzbranntwein,  m.  brandy,  cognac. 

Franzgold,  n.  French  leaf  gold  (pale,  due  to 
silver  alloy). 

Franzose,  m.  Frenchman;    monkey  wrench. 

Franzosenharz,  n.  guaiacum. 

Franzosenholz,  n.  guaiacum,  lignum  vita?. 

franzosisch,  a.  French. — franzosische  Beeren, 
Avignon  berries. 

Franztopas,  m.  smoky  topaz. 

frass,  pret.  of  fressen. 

Frass,  TO.  food,  feed. 

Fratze,  /.  grimace;  whim. 

Fratzenmaler,  TO.  caricaturist. 

Frau,  /.  woman;  wife;  lady;    Mrs. 

Frauenarzt,  m.  gynecologist. 

Frauendistel,  /.  Scotch  thistle. 

Fraueneis,  n.  (Min.)  selenite. 

Frauenglas,  n.  (Min.)  selenite. — russisches 
Frauenglas,  muscovite. 

Frauenhaar,  n.  (Bot.)  maiden-hair. 

frauenhaft,  a.  womanlike,  womanly. 

Frauenheilkunde,  /.  gynecology. 

Frauenmilch,  /.  human  milk. 

Frauenspat,  TO.  (Min.)  selenite. 

Frauenspiegel,  TO.  Venus's  looking-glass. 

Frauenzimmer.n.  female,  woman  jlwoman's  room. 

Fraulein,  n.  young  lady,  single  lady,  Miss. 

frech,  a.  bold,  brazen. 

frei,  a.  free;  uncombined;  liberal;  bold;  open; 
postpaid,  prepaid. — frei  werden,  be  set  free, 
be  disengaged. 

-frei.  free  (from), -less,  an-;   as,  wasserfrei,  free 
from  water,  anhydrous. 

Freibrief,  TO.  license,  charter,  patent,  permit. 

Freicouvert,  n.  stamped  envelope. 

freidrehen,  v.t.  (Ceram.)  throw. 

freien,  v.t.  marry. — v.i.  make  love. 

Freier,  TO.  wooer,  suitor. 

Freifrau,  /.  baroness. 

freigebig,  a.  generous;  prodigal. 

Freigeist,  TO.  freethinker. 

freihalten,  v.t.  pay  for  (someone). 

Freiheit,  /.  freedom;    degree  of  freedom;    lib- 
erty; franchise. 

Freiheitsgrad,  m.  degree  of  freedom. 

Freiherr,  m.  baron. 

freilich,  adv.  of  course;  to  be  sure. 

freimachen,   v.t.  set  free,  liberate,  disengage; 

Freimarke,  /.  postage  stamp. 

Freimaurer,  TO.  freemason. 

Freimut,  TO.  frankness,  sincerity. 

freisprechen,  v.t.  acquit;   dispense. 

Freistaat,  TO.  republic. 

Freiwerden,  n.  liberation,  disengagement. 

freiwerdend,  p.a.  (being)  set  free;  nascent. 

freiwillig,  a.  spontaneous;   voluntary;  free. 

Freiwilliger,  Freiwillige,  TO.  volunteer. 

fremd,  a.  foreign;    strange;    exotic;    belonging 
to  others. 

fremdartig,  a.  heterogeneous;   odd. 

Fremde,  m.  &  /.  stranger;    foreigner;    visitor; 
(/.)  foreign  country. 

Fremdkorper,   TO.   foreign   substance;     foreign 

Frequenz,  /.  frequency;    crowd;    attendance; 

fressen,  v.t.  corrode;   eat. — fressend,  p.a.  cor- 

Fressen,  n.  food. 

fressgierig,  a.  greedy,  voracious. 

Fresszelle,  /.  phagocyte. 

Freude,  /.  joy,  comfort,  enjoyment. 

Freudenfeuer,  n.  bonfire. 

freudig,  a.  joyful,  glad,  hearty. 

freuen,  v.t.  make  glad,  rejoice. — v.r.  be  glad, 

Freund,  TO.  friend;   relation. 

freundlich,  a.  friendly;  kind,  cheerful,  pleasant. 

Freundschaft,    /.     friendship;      acquaintance; 
favor;   friends,  kindred. 

Frevel,  TO.  misdeed,  crime. 

Friede,  /.  peace. 

friedfertig,  a.  peaceable. 

Friedhof,  TO.  cemetery. 

friedlich,  a.  peaceful,  peaceable. 

frieren,  v.i.  freeze,  congeal;  feel  cold. — gefroren 

p.a.  frozen,  congealed. 
|  Frieren,  n.  freezing;  shivering;   ague. 
j  Frierpunkt,  TO.  freezing-point. 
I  Friktionsmesser,  TO.  tribometer. 




frisch,  a.  fresh;    green  (hide);  vigorous,  gay. — 

adv.  freshly;   cheerily. 
Frischarbeit,  /.  fining  process,  fining. 
Frischblei,  n.  refined  lead. 
Frischeisen,  n.  refined  iron. 
frischen,    v.t.    fine,    refine;     revive    (litharge); 

reduce  (lead). 
Frischer,  TO.  finer,  refiner. 
Frischerei,  /.  finery,  refinery. 
Frischereiroheisen,  n.  forge  pig. 
Frischesse,  /.  refining  furnace,  refinery. 
Frischfeuer,  TO.  refining  fire,  refinery. 
frischgefallt,  p.a.  freshly  precipitated, 
frischgebrannt,  p.a.  freshly  burned. 
Frischlech,  TO.  crude  matt. 
Frischling,  w.  (Metal.)  scoria;  young  boar. 
Frischofen,  TO.  refining  furnace,  refinery. 
Frischprozess,  TO.  (Metal.)  fining  (or  refining) 


Frischschlacken,  refinery  cinders. 
Frischstahl,  TO.  steel  made  in  a  refinery,  German 

steel,  natural  steel. 

Frischstiick,  n.  (Copper)  liquation  cake. 
Frischung, /.  fining,  etc.  (see  frischen). 
Frischwirkung,  /.  (Metal.)  fining,  refining. 
frisst,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  fressen. 
Frist,  /.  time,  space  of  time,  respite. 
fristen,  v.t.  prolong,  delay. 
Fritte,  /.  frit. 
fritten,  v.t.  frit,  sinter. 

Frittenporzellan,  n.  soft  porcelain,  frit  porcelain. 
Frittofen,' TO.  frit  kiln;    (Gloss)  calcar. 
Frittung,  /.  fritting,  sintering, 
froh,  a.  glad,  joyful,  cheerful,  happy. 
frohlich,  a.  joyful,  glad,  merry. 
Frohsinn,  TO.  cheerfulness. 
fromm,  a.  gentle;   pious;  brave, 
frommen,  v.i.  avail. 
fronen,  v.i.  be  a  slave,  indulge. 
Fronleichnamsfest,  n.  Corpus-Christi  day. 
fror,  pret.  of  frieren. 

Frosch,  TO.  frog;    (Mach.)  cam,  arm,  etc. 
Froscharten,  batrachians. 
Froschlaichpflaster,  n.  (Pharm.)  lead  plaster. 
Froschloffel,  TO.  water  plantain  (Alisma). 
Frost,  TO.  frost,  cold;  chill. 
Frostbeule,  /.  chilblain. 
frosteln,  v.i.  feel  chilly. 
Frostmischung,  /.  freezing  mixture. 
Frostpunkt,  TO.  freezing  point. 
Frostschnitt,  TO.  frozen  section. 
frottieren,  v.t.  rub;  brush. 
Frucht,  /.  fruit;    grain;    crop;    fetus,  embryo; 

profit,  produce,  product. 
Fruchtabtreibungsmittel,  n.  abortefacient. 
Fruchtather,    TO.    fruit    essence,   specif.,   amyl 


fruchtbar,  a.  fruitful,  fertile,  plenteous, 
fruchten,  v.i.  have  effect,  be  of  use. 
Frucht  gelee,  n.  jam. 

Fruchthalter,  TO.  uterus. 

Fruchtknoten,  TO.  (Bot.)  ovary. 

Fruchtsaure,  /.  fruit  acid. 

Fruchtwasser,  n.  amniotic  fluid. 

Fruchtwechsel,  TO.  rotation  of  crops. 

Fruchtzucker,  TO.  fruit  sugar,  levulose. 

frug,  pret.  of  fragen. 

friih,  a.  early;    premature. — adv.  early,  soon. 

Friihe,  /.  earliness,  early  morning. 

friiher,  a.  earlier,  former. — adv.  formerly. 

Friihling,  TO.  spring. 

fruhreif,  a.  early-ripe;  precocious. 

Friihstiick,  n.  breakfast.' 

friihzeitig,  a.  early;  premature;   precocious. 

Fuchs,  TO.  fox;  trestle,  jack;  flue;  sorrel  horse; 
freshman;  fluke;  (Metal.)  piece  of  iron  that 
cannot  be  melted. 

fuchsig,  a.  foxy  (yellowish  or  reddish  brown). 

fuchsrot,  a.  foxy,  reddish  brown. 

Fuchtel,  /.  blade,  sword,  rod. 

Fuder,  n.  cartload;  large  wine  measure. 

Fug,  TO.  right,  authority. 

Fuge,  /.  joint;   slit;   groove;  suture. 

fugen,  fiigen,  v.t.  join,  unite;  add. 

fuglich,  a.  reasonably;  well,  easily. 

f iigsam,  a.'  tractable,  pliant. 

Fiigung,  /.  joining;  jointing;  resignation; 

f  iihlbar,  a.  sensible,  palpable,  perceptible. 

fiihlen,  v.t.,  i.  &  r.  feel. 

Fiihlen,  n.  feeling,  sensation,  perception. 

Fuhlung, /.  feeling,  sensation;  touch,  contact. 

fuhr,  pret.  of  fahren. 

Fuhre,  /.  carrying,  carriage,  cart,  load. 

fiihren,  v.t.  lead,  guide;  carry,  convey;  bear, 
wear;  construct;  carry  on;  run  (a  machine) ; 

Fuhrmann,  TO.  carter,  driver,  carrier. 

Fiihrung,  /.  leading,  etc.  (see  fiihren);  con- 
duct; guide. 

Fiihrungsstange,  /.  guide  rod. 

Fuhrwerk,  n.  vehicle. 

Full-,  filling,  bottling,  feed,  stuffing. 

Fullapparat,  TO.  filling  apparatus,  bottling  ap- 

Fiille,  /.  filling;  fulness,  abundance;  (of  colors) 
body,  depth. 

fiillen,  v.t.  fill,  fill  up;  pour,  put  (in);  load 
(paper,  etc.);  plump  Qeather);  stuff. — 
v.r.  fill. 

Fiillen,  n.  filling,  etc.  (see  ftillen);  foal;  colt; 

Fuller,  TO.  filler;  loader. 

Fullhaus,  n.  filling  house,  filling  room;  (Soap) 
frame  room. 

Fiillhorn,  n.  cornucopia. 

Fullloffel,  TO.  filling  ladle. 

Fiillmasse,  /.  (Sugar)  massecuite. 

Fullmaterial,  Fullmittel,  n.  filling  material,  fill- 
ing, stuffing,  filler;  loading  material. 




F ullrohr,  n.,  PiillrShre,  /.  filling  tube,  feed  pipe, 

Fiillsel,  n.  stuffing. 

Fiillstoff,  m.  =  Fullmaterial. 

Fiillstrich,  m.  filling  mark,  "  full  "  mark. 

Ftilltrichter,  m.  filling  funnel,  funnel,  hopper. 

Fullung,  /.  filling,  stuffing,  packing;   panel. 

fulminieren,  v.i.  fulminate. 

fum.,  dbbrev.  of  fumaroid. 

Fumarsaure,  /.  fumaric  acid. 

Fundament,  n.  foundation,  base,  basis;  (Metal., 
etc.)  bottom  plate,  soleplate. 

fiindig,  a.  ore-bearing. 

Fundort,m.,Fundstatte,/.  locality  (where  some- 
thing is  discovered),  habitat. 

fiinf,  a.  five. 

fiinfatomig,  a.  pentatomic. 

Funfeck,  n.  pentagon. 

funfeckig,  a.  pentagonal. 

fiinffach,  a.  fivefold,  quintuple,  penta-. — 
fiinffach-Chlorphosphor,  phosphorus  penta- 
chloride. — funffach-Schwefelantimon,  anti- 
mony pentasulfide. 

fiinfgliedrig,  a.  five-membered. 

FUnfring,  m.  five-membered  ring. 

fiinfseitig,  a.  five-sided,  pentahedral. 

fiinfte,  a.  fifth. 

fiinfwertig,  a.  pentavalent,  quinquivalent. 

funfzig,  funfzig,  a.  fifty. 

fungieren,  v.i.  function,  act;  officiate. 

Funke,  /.  Funken,  m.,  spark;  sparkle. 

funkcln,  v.i.  sparkle,  scintillate;  glitter. 

Funkenbildung,  /.  sparkling. 

Funkengeber,  m.  sparking  device,  spark  coil. 

Funkenholz,  n.  touchwood. 

Funkensammler,  m.  spark  condenser. 

Funkenspektrum,  n.  spark  spectrum. 

Funkenspiel,  n.  play  of  sparks. 

Funkenspriihen,  n.  emission  of  sparks,  scintil- 

fur,  prep.  for. — fur  sich,  per  se;  was  fur  ein, 
what  kind  of. 

Furbitte,  /.  intercession. 

Furche, /.  furrow;  groove,  channel;  wrinkle. 

furchen,  v.t.  furrow;  crease. 

Furchenspatel,  /.  grooved  spatula. 

Furcht,  /.  fear,  fright;  horror. 

furchtbar,  a.  fearful,  terrible. 

f iirchten,  v.t.  &  r.  fear,  be  afraid. 

furchtsam,  a.  timid. 

Furchung,  /.  furrowing;  segmentation. 

Furnier,  n.  veneer. 

furnieren,  v.t.  veneer,  inlay. 

Fiirsorge,  /.  care,  solicitude. 

Fiirsprache,  /.  intercession. 

Fiirst,  m.  prince. 

fiirstenmassig,  a.  princely. 

Fiirstentum,  n.  principality 

f iirstlich,  a.  princely. 

Furt,  /.  ford. 

furwahr,  adv.  in  truth,  indeed. 

Fiirwort,  n.  pronoun. 

Fusel,  m.  fusel  oil;  bad  spirits,  bad  liquor. 

Fuselgeruch,  m.  odor  of  fusel  oil. 

fuselhaltig,  a.  containing  fusel  oil. 

fuselig,  a.  containing  fusel  oil;  intoxicated. 

Fuselol,  n.  fusel  oil. 

Fusionspunkt,  m.  fusing  point,  melting  point. 

Fuss,  m.  foot  (in  various  senses) ;  base;  estab- 
lishment; standard;  footing. 

Fuss-,  foot,  pedal,  ped-;  low,  bottom,  base, 

Fussbeuge,  /.  instep. 

Fussblatt,  n.  May  apple  (Podophyllum  pelta- 
tum);  sole  (of  the  foot). 

Fussboden,  m.  floor,  flooring;  ground. 

Fussbodenplatte,  /.  floor  tile. 

Fussbodenziegel,  m.  paving  tile,  paving  brick. 

Fussbrett,  n.  pedal. 

fussfallig,  a.  prostrate. 

Fussganger,  m.  pedestrian. 

Fussgelenk,  n.  ankle  joint. 

Fussgestell,  n.  pedestal. 

Fussglatte,  /.  black,  impure  litharge. 

Fussmehl,  n.  the  lowest  grade  of  flour. 

Fussnote,  /.  footnote. 

Fusspfund,  n.  foot  pound. 

Fusspunkt,  m.  (Math.)  foot;   (Astron.)  nadir. 

Fussteppich,  m.  carpet,  rug. 

Fusswurzel,  /.  tarsus. 

Fusszehe,  /.  toe. 

Fusszylinder,  m.  cylinder  with  a  base. 

Fustage,  /.  barrels,  casks;  package. 

Fustik,  n.  fustic. 

Futter,  n.  food,  feed,  fodder,  forage;  lining, 
casing,  case,  coating,  covering;  chuck  (of  a 

Futteral,  n.  case,  casing,  bo?. 

Futterbohne,  /.  horse  bean. 

Futtererbse,  /.  field  pea  (Pisum  arvense). 

Futtergerste,  /.  winter  barley. 

Futtergetreide,  n.  grain  for  feeding.,  forage  plants,  fodder 

Futtergras,  n.  green  fodder. 

Futterklee,  m.  red  clover. 

Futterkorn,  n.  grain  for  feeding. 

Futterkrauter,  =  Futtergewachse. 

Futtermittel,  n.  =  Futterstoff . 

f iit tern,  futtern,  v.t.  feed;  line,  case,  coat. 

Futterrube,  /.  common  turnip  (Brassica 

Futterstoff,  m.  feeding  stuff;  lining. 

Futterstroh,  n.  forage  straw,  feeding  straw. 

Fattening,  /.  feeding;  feed,  food,  fodder,  for- 
age; lining,  casing,  sheathing. 

Futterwicke,  /.  common  vetch  (Vicia  saliva). 

Futterwurzel,  /.  forage  root. 

gab,  pret.  of  geben, 

Gabanholz,  n.  camwood. 

Gabe,  /.  gift;   dose;  alms. 

Gabel,  /.  fork;    crotch;    tendril;  shafts   (of   a 

gabelartig,    gabelfdrmig,    a.    forked,    furcate, 


GabeUdammer,  /.  forked  clamp. 
Gabelteilung,  /.  forking,  bifurcation. 
gackeln,  gackern,  v.i.  cackle. 
Gadolinerde,  /.  gadolinia,  gadolinium  oxide, 
gaff  en,  v.i.  gape;  crack. 
Gagat,  m.,  Gagatkohle,  /.  jet. 
gahnen,  v.i.  yawn. 
Gahr-.    See  Gar-. 
gahren,  v.i.  =  garenu 
Gais,  /.  =  Geiss. 
Galangawurzel,  /.  galangal. 
Galgant,  m.  galangal. 
Galgen,  m.  gallows. 

Galgenholz,  n.  rotten  wood,  touchwood. 
Galizenstein,   Galitzenstein,   m.  white  vitriol 

(zinc  sulfate);   (blauer)  blue  vitriol. 
galizisch,  a.  Galician. 
Gallapfel,  m.  (nut)  gall,  gallnut. 
Gallapfelausguss,  m.  infusion  of  nutgalls. 
Gallapfelsaure,  Gallapfelgerbsaure,  /.  gallotan- 

nic  acid  (ordinary  tannic  acid). 
Gallat,  n.  gallate. 
Galle,  /.  gall,  bile;    gall,  protuberance,  (Min.) 

nodule;   flaw;    (Glass)  gall,  sandiver. 
Galleiche,  /.  gaU  oak. 
gallen,   gallen,   v.t.   gall,   treat   with   gallnuts; 

remove  the  gall  from. 
gallenabfuhrend,  p.a.  cholagog. 
gallenartig,  a.  biliary. 
Gallenbehalter,  m.  gall  bladder. 
Gallenbitter,  n.  picromel. 
Gallenblase,  /.  gall  bladder. 
Gallenblasenstein,  TO.  =  Gallenstein. 
GaUenbraun,  n.  bilirubin. 
Gallendarm,  TO.  duodenum. 
Gallenfarbstoff,  TO.  bile  pigment,  biliary  pig- 

Gallenfett,  n.  cholesterol. 
Gallenfettsaure,  /.  bile  acid. 
Gallenfistel,  /.  biliary  fistula. 
Gallengang,  m.  bile  duct. 
Gallengelb,  n.  bilirubin. 

Gallengrtin,  n.  biliverdin. 

Gallensaure,  /.  bile  acid. 

Gallenseife,  /.  gall  soap,  ox-gall  soap. 

Gallenstein,  m.  gallstone,  biliary  calculus. 

Gallensteinfett,  n.  cholesterol. 

Gallenstoff,  TO.  bile  substance  (or  constituent) ; 
(formerly)  bilin. 

Gallensiiss,  n.  picromel. 

Gallentalg,  TO.  cholesterol. 

gallentreibend,  p.a.  cholagogic. 

Gallenzucker,  TO.  picromel. 

Gallert,  n.  jelly;  gelatin;   glue. 

gallertahnlich,  gallertartig,  a.  jellylike,  gelati- 
nous; colloidal. 

Gallerte,  /.  =  Gallert. 

gallertig,  a.  jellylike,  gelatinous. 

Gallertmoos,  n.  Iceland  moss;  carrageen. 

Gallertsaure,  /.  pectic  acid. 

Gallertsubstanz,  /.  colloid  substance,  colloid. 

Galletseide,  /.  silk  waste. 

Galli-.  gallic  (relating  to  trivalent  gallium). 

Gallichiorid,  n.  gallic  chloride.  • 

gallieren,  v.t.  gall,  treat  with  gallnut 

gallig,  a.  biliary,  bilious;  bitter  like  gall. 

Gallihydroxyd,  n.  gallic  hydroxide. 

Gallipotharz,  n.  galipot. 

Gallisalz,  n.  gaUic  salt. 

gallisieren,  v.t.  (Wine)  gallize. 

Gallitzenstein,  m.  =  Galizenstein. 

Gallseife,  /.  =  Gallenseife. 

Gallus,  TO.  nutgalls,  gallnuts. 

Gallusgerbsaure,  /.  gallotannic  acid,  tannic 
acid  (proper),  tannin. 

gallussauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  gallic  acid, 
gallate  of. 

Gallussaure,  /.  gallic  acid. 

Gallussauregarung,  /.  gallic  fermentation. 

Galmei,  TO.  calamine (hydrous  zinc  silicate,  also 
zinc  carbonate). 

gait,  pret.  of  geltent 

galvanisch,  a.  galvanic. 

galvanisieren,  v.t.  galvanize. 

Galvanisieren,  n.,  Galvanisierung,  /.  galvani- 

Galvanismus,  m.  galvanism. 

Galvanoplastik,  /.  galvanoplastics. 

Galvanostegie,  /,  electroplating,  electrodeposi- 




Gamander,  m.  germander  (Teucrium). 

Gamasche,  /.  gaiters,  spats. 

Gambe,  /.  (Ceram.)  jamb. 

Gang,  m.  motion,  action,  working  state;  course, 
path,  passage;  (Mining)  seam,  vein,  gallery; 
(Mech.)  gear,  thread;  (Med.)  duct,  canal; 
going,  gait,  pace,  walk;  round,  shift. 

Gangart,  /.  gangue,  matrix;  gait. 

gangbar,  a.  pervious;  passable;  current;  mark- 
etable; in  regular  demand;  (Pharm.)  offi- 

Gangerz,  n.  vein  ore. 

Ganggestein,  n.  (Mining)  gangue. 

Ganghohe,  /.  pitch  (of  a  screw). 

Gangmasse, /.  (Mining)  gangue. 

Gangstein,  TO.  (Mining)  gangue. 

Gans,  /.  goose;  (Metal.)  pig;  (Salt)  lump  of 
salt;  (Mining)  hard  rock. 

Ganseblume,  /.  daisy. 

(iiinsef  iisschen,  n.pL  quotation  marks. 

Gansehaut,  /.  gooseflesh,  creeps. 

Ganseleberpastete,  /.  pate  de  foie  gras. 

Ganserich,  Ganser,  m.  gander. 

Ganslein,  n.  gosling. 

Ganter,  m.  support  (for  casks). 

ganz,  a.  whole;   all,  full,  perfect. — adv.  wholly, 

entirely,  all,  quite,  very. 
,  Ganz,  /.  (Metal.)  pig. 

Ganze,  Ganzes,  n.  whole;  whole  number. 

Ganzform,  /.  pig  mold,  pig  bed. 

Ganzhollander,  TO.  (Paper)  beater,  beating 

Ganzholz,  n.  unhewn  timber,  round  timber. 

ganzlich,  a.  whole,  full. — adv.  wholly,  abso- 

Ganzmahlen,  n.  (Paper)  beating. 

Ganzstoff,  TO.  =  Ganzzeug. 

Ganzstoffhollander,  TO.  =  Ganzhollander. 

ganzzahlig,  a.  integral. 

Ganzzeug,  n.  (Paper)  whole  stuff,  stuff,  pulp. 

Ganzzeugkasten,  TO.  (Paper)  stuff  chest. 

gar,  a.  done;  purified;  (Metal.)  refined; 
(Leather)  tanned,  also  dressed. — adv.  fully, 
quite,  very,  at  all,  even. 

Gar-,  finishing;  dressing;  (Metal.)  refining, 

Gar-,  fermenting,  fermentation. 

Gararbeit,  /.  refining. 

Garaus,  TO.  finishing  stroke,  ruin. 

Garbe,  /.  sheaf;  (Iron)  fagot,  pile;  caraway; 
yarrow  (Achillea). 

Garbottich,  m.  fermenting  vat  or  tub,  fer- 

Garbrand,  m.  (Ceram.)  finishing  burn. 

garbrennen,  v.t.  (Ceram.)  fire  to  maturity. 
Garbutte,  /.  =  Garbottich. 
Garchemie,  /.  =  Garungschemie. 
Gardauer,  /.  duration  of  fermentation. 
Garderobe,  /.  wardrobe;  dressing  room. 
Gardine,  /.  curtain. 

Gare,  /.  (Leather)  dressed  state,  dressing,  hides 
dressed  at  one  time,  tawing  paste;   (Metal.) 
refined  state. 
Gare, /.  fermentation;  yeast;    (Wine)  bouquet. '- 

Gareisen,  n.  refined  iron;  trial  rod  (for  testing 
melted  copper). 

garen,  v.L  ferment. — gegoren,  p.a.  fermented. 

Garerz,  n.  roasted  ore. 

Garfass,  n.  fermenting  cask,  union. 

garfrischen,  v.t.  refine  thoroly. 

Garfuhrung,  /.  method  of  fermentation. 

Gargang,  m.  (Metal.)  good  working  order;  thoro 

Gargekratz,  n.  refinery  slag. 

Garherd,  TO.  refining  hearth. 

Garkammer,  /.,  Garkeller,  m.  fermenting  room. 

Garkolbchen,  n.  ( Urinalysis)  fermentation 

Garkraft,  /.  fermenting  power. 

Garkratze,  /.  refinery  slag. 

Garkiiche,  /.  cook  shop,  eating  house. 

Garkupfer,  n.  refined  copper. 

Garleder,  n.  dressed  leather. 

garmachen,  v.t.  refine  (metals);  dress  (leather). 

Garmittel,  n.  ferment. 

Garn,  n.  yarn;  thread,  twine;  net. 

Garneele,  /.  shrimp;  prawn. 

garnieren,  v.t.  trim,  garnish. 

Garnitur,  /.  trimming,  fitting,  mounting,  gar- 

Garofen,  TO.  refining  furnace. 

Garprobe,  /.  refining  assay. 

Garschaum,  m.  (Iron)  kish. 

Garscheibe,  /.  (Copper)  disk  of  refined  copper. 

Garschlacke,  /.  refining  slag,  rich  slag. 

Garspan,  TO.  (Copper)  coating  of  metal  on  the 
trial  rod. 

garstig,  a.  dirty,  ugly,  bad,  mean. 

Garstoff,  TO.  ferment. 

Garstuck,  n.  lump  of  purified  salt. 

Garten,  TO.  garden. 

Gartenbau,  TO.,  Gartenbaukunst,  /.  horticulture. 

Gartendistel,  /.  artichoke. 

Gartenkunst,  /.  horticulture. 

Gartner,  TO.  gardener. 

Gartnerei,  /.  gardening,  horticulture. 

gartiichtig,  a.  (of  yeast)  vital. 

Garung,  /.  fermentation. — Garung  erregend, 
Garung  erzeugend,  fermentative. — Garung 
hemmend,  Garung  verhindernd,  antiferment- 

Garungsalkohol,  TO.  ethyl  alcohol. 

Garungschemie,  /.  fermentation  chemistry, 

garungserregend,  p.a.  fermentative,  zymogenic. 

Garungserreger,  TO.  ferment. 

garungsfahig,  a.  fermentable. 

Garungsfahigkeit,  /.  fermentability. 

Garungskraft,  /.  fermentative  power. 

Garungslehre,  /.  zymology. 




Garungsmesser,  m.  zymometer. 
Garungsmittel,  n.  ferment. 
Garungspilz,  m.  fermentation  fungus, 
garungswidrig,   a.   antizymotic,   antifermenta- 


Garvermogen,  n.  fermenting  capacity. 
Garwage,  /.  (Sail)  brine  gage. 
Gasableitungsrohr,  n.  gas  delivery  tube, 
gasahnlich,  a.  resembling  gas,  gaseous. 
Gasanalyse,  /.  gas  analysis, 
gasanalytisch,  a.  gas-analysis,  gas-analytical. 
Gasart,  /.  kind  of  gas. 
gasartig,  a.  gasiform,  gaseous. 
Gasbehaltcr,  m.  gas  holder,  gasometer. 
Gasbeleuchtung,  /.  gas  lighting,  illumination 

with  gas. 

Gasbereitung,  /.  gas  making. 
gasbildend,  p.a.  gas-forming. 
Gasbildner,  m.  gas  former,  gas  producer. 
Gasbildung,  /.  formation  of  gas,  gasification. 
Gasblase,  /.  gas  bubble. 
Gasbleiche,  /.  gas  bleaching. 
Gasbrenner,  m.  gas  burner, 
gasdicht,  a.  gas-tight. 
Gasdichte,  /.  gaseous  density. 
Gasdruck,  m.  gas  pressure,  gaseous  pressure. 
Gaseinsteller,  m.  gas  regulator. 
gasen,  v.t.  gas. 
Gasentbindungsflasche,/.  gas-generating  bottle 

or  flask,  gas  generator. 
Gasentbindungsrohr,  n.  gas  delivery  tube. 
Gasen t wick  (e)  lung,  /.  evolution  of  gas. 
Gasentwickler,  m.  gas  generator. 
Gaserzeuger,  m.  gas  generator,  gas  producer. 
Gaserzeugung,  /.  production  of  gas,  gasification. 
gasf.,  abbrev.  (gasformig)  gaseous. 
Gasfabrik,  /.  gas  works.' 
gasformig,  a.  gaseous,  gasiform. 
Gasgeblase,  n.  gas  blast;  gas  blast  apparatus. 
Gasgemenge,  Gasgemisch,  n.  gaseous  mixture, 

gas  mixture,  mixture  of  gases. 
Gasgesetz,  n.  gas  law. 
Gasgleichung,  /.  gas  equation. 
Gasgliihlicht,  n.  incandescent  gas  light. 
Gashalter,  Gashalter,  m.  =  Gasbehalter. 
gashaltig,  a.  containing  gas. 
gasieren,  v.t.  gas. 
Gaskalk,  m.  gas  lime. 
Gaskette,  /.  (Elec.)  gas  cell. 
Gaskocher,  m.  gas  burner  (on  which  a  vessel 

may  be  set),  gas  hot  plate,  gas  cooker. 
Gaskohle,  /.  gas  coal;  gas-retort  carbon. 
Gaskraf tmaschine,  /.  gas  engine. 
Gasleitung,  /.  gas  conduction;  gas  conduit;  flue. 
Gasleitungsrbhre,  /.  gas-conducting  tube,  gas 

tube;  gas  pipe. 
Gaslicht,  n.  gaslight. 
Gasmesser,  TO.  gas  meter. 
Gasmessrohr,  n.,  -rohre,/.  =  Gasmessungsrohr. 
Gasmessung, /.  measurement  of  gases,  or  of  gas. 

Gasmessungsrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  gas-measuring 

tube;  eudiometer. 
Gasofen,  TO.  gas  furnace;    gas-fired  kiln;    gas 


Gasol,  n.  gas  oil. 
gasos,  a.  gaseous. 
Gaspfeife,  /.  gas  pipe. 
Gaspressung,  /.  gas  pressure. 
Gasprobe,  /.  gas  test;  gas  testing. 
Gasprufer,  n.  gas  tester. 
Gasquelle,  /.  gas  well. 
Gasraum,  m.  gas  volume,  volume  of  gas. 
Gasrohr,  n.,  Gasrohre,  /.  gas  tube;  gas  pipe. 
Gassack,  m.  gas  bag. 
Gassammler,  TO.  gas  collector,  gas  tank. 
Gasschlauch,  m.  gas  tubing,  gas  tube. 
Gasse,  /.  street,  lane,  alley;    (Founding)  chan- 

Gasstrahl,  TO.  gas  jet. 

Gasstrom,  TO.  current  of  gas,  stream  of  gas. 
Cast,  TO.   guest;    visitor,  stranger,   customer; 

star  (actor). 
Cast,  /.  yeast. 
Gasteer,  TO.  gas  tar. 
Gasteilung,  /.  device  (as  a  T-tube)  for  dividing 

a  gas  supply. 

Gasterei,  /.  feast,  feasting,  banquet. 
gastfrei,  gastfreundlich,  hospitable. 
Gastgeber,  TO.  host. 
Gasthaus,  n.,  Gasthof,  TO.  inn,  hotel. 
Gastmehl,  n.  banquet,  feast. 
Gastrockner,  TO.  gas  drier. 
Gastrolie,  /.  star  r61e,  star  part. 
Gastwirt,  TO.  innkeeper,  landlord. 
Gastwirtschaft,  /.  innkeeping;  inn. 
Gasuhr,  /.  gas  meter. 
gasvolumetrisch,  a.  gasometric. 
Gaswanne,  /.  gas  trough,  pneumatic  trough. 
Gaswaschaufsatz,  TO.  gas-washing  attachment, 

washing  tube. 

Gaswascher,  m.  gas  washer. 
Gaswaschflasche,  /.  gas-washing  bottle. 
Gaswaschturm,    m.    gas-washing    tower,    gas 


Gaswasser,  n.  gas  liquor. 
Gaswechsel,  TO.  gas  exchange. 
Gaszahler,  m.  gas  meter. 
Gasziinder,  TO.  gas  lighter. 
Gaszustand,  TO.  gaseous  condition. 
Gatte,  TO.  husband. 

Gatter,  n.  grate,  grating,  lattice,  railing, 
gattern,  v.t.  refine  (tin), 
gat  tier  en,  v.t.  mix;   sort,  classify. 
Gattierung, /.     mixing;       mixture      of      ores; 

Gattin,  /.  wife. 
Gattung,  /.  genus;    kind,  sort;    family,  race; 


Gattungsname,  TO.  generic  name. 
Gau,  TO.  district,  county. 




Gauchheil,  «.  scarlet  pimpernel  (Anagallis  ar- 
vensis);  self-heal  (Prunella  vulgaris). 

gaufrieren,  v.t.  goffer,  emboss. 

gaukelhaft,  a.  juggling,  deceptive. 

gaukeln,  v.i.  juggle;  flit  about. 

Gaul,  w.  nag,  jade. 

Gaumen,  TO.  palate. 

Gauner,  TO.  swindler,  cheat. 

gautschen,  v.t.  (Paper)  couch. 

Gayerde,  /.  native  saltpeter  earth,  saltpeter 

Gaze,  /.  gauze;  canvas. 

ge-.  A  prefix  used  in  forming  the  past  parti- 
ciple of  most  verbs,  in  forming  collective 
nouns  (as  Gerat,  apparatus,  tools),  and  in 
various  other  ways. 

Geachtete,  m.  outlaw. 

Geader,  n.  veins,  veined  structure;  system  of 
blood  vessels. 

geb.,  abbrev.  (gebunden)  bound;  (geboren) 

Geback,  n.  baking,  batch;  baker's  wares, 

Gebalk,  n.,  Gebalke,  /.  timber  work. 

gebar,  pret.  of  gebaren. 

Gebar  de,  /.  gesture;   demeanor;  mien. 

gebaren,  v.t.  bear,  bring  forth. — geboren,  p.a. 
born,  native,  nee. 

Gebaren,  n.  childbirth,  parturition. 

Gebar  mutter,  /.  uterus,  womb. 

Gebaude,  n.  building,  structure;  mine;  system. 

Gebein,  n.  skeleton,  bones;   pi.  remains. 

geben,  v.t.  give;  yield;  show,  express,  sell; 
give,  abate,  relent,  prove;  (of  cloth)  stretch. 
— es  giebt,  there  is,  there  are;  nichts  geben, 
to  care  nothing. 

Geber,  m.  giver,  donor;  (Teleg.,  etc.)  transmit- 
ter, sender. 

Gebet,  n.  prayer. — ins  Gebet  nehmen,  question 

gebeten,  p.p.  of  bitten. 

gebiert,  pr.  3  sing,  of  gebaren. 

Gebiet,  n.  territory,  region,  district,  depart- 
ment, domain,  sphere. 

gebieten,  v.t.  order,  command. — v.i.  rule. 

gebieterisch,  a.  imperative,  imperious. 

Gebilde,  Gebild,  n.  structure,  organization, 
system;  form;  image;  diaper;  (Geol.)  for- 

Gebinde,  n.  bundle;  skein,  hank;  barrel,  cask; 
range  (of  tiles) ;  truss. 

Gebirg,  n.  (Mining)  gangue. 

Gebirge,  n.  mountains,  mountain  system,  high- 
lands; (Mining)  gangue. 

Gebirgsart,  /.  kind  of  stone  or  rock. 

Gebirgsbildung,  Gebirgsformation,  /.  moun- 
tainous formation;  rock  formation. 

Gebirgskunde,  Gebirgslehre,  /.  orology;  geog- 

Gebiss,  n.  set  of  teeth;  bit. 

gebissen,  p.p.  of  beissen. 

Geblase,  n.  blast;  bellows,  blower,  blast  appar- 

Geblaselampe,  /.  blast  lamp. 

Geblasemaschine,  /.  blast  engine,  blower. 

Geblasemesser,  TO.  blast  meter. 

Geblaseofen,  TO.  blast  furnace. 

Geblaserohre,  /.  blast  pipe,  twyer. 

Geblasewind,  m.  blast. 

geblattert,  a.  foliated;  foliate. 

geblieben,  p.p.  of  bleiben. 

Gebliit,  n.  blood  (entire  blood  in  the  body); 
blood,  race. 

gebogen,  p.p.  of  biegen. 

geboren,  p.p.  of  gebaren. 

geborgen,  p.p.  of  bergen. 

geborsten,  p.p.  of  bersten. 

Gebot,  n.  bidding,  bid;  command,  command- 

geboten,  p.p.  of  bieten. 

gebracht,  p.p.  of  bringen. 

gebrannt,  p.p.  of  brennen. 

Gebrau,  n.  brewing,  brew,  gyle. 

Gebrauch,  TO.  use;  custom;  fashion. 

gebrauchen,  v.t.  use,  employ,  make  use  of. — 
gebraucht,  p.a.  used;  second-hand;  worn-out. 

gebrauchlich,  a.  usual,  customary,  ordinary. 

Gebrauchsanweisung,  /.  directions  for  use. 

gebrauchsfahig,  a.  usable,  serviceable. 

Gebrauchsgegenstand,  TO.  commodity. 

gebraucht,  p.p.  of  brauchen  and  gebrauchen. 

Gebraude,  /.  =  Gebrau. 

gebrech,  a.  brittle,  soft. 

gebrechen,  v.i.  be  lacking. 

Gebrechen,  n.  want,  defect,  infirmity. 

gebrechlich,  a.  frail,  infirm,  crippled. 

gebrochen,  p.p.  of  brechen. 

Gebruder,  brothers. 

Gebrull,  n.  roaring. 

Gebrumm,  n.  humming,  murmuring. 

Gebtihr,  /.  due,  duty,  charge,  fee;  decency. 

Gebund,  Gebunde,  n.  bunch,  bundle,  skein. 

gebunden,  p.p.  of  binden. 

Geburt,  /.  birth;  labor;  offspring;  descent, 
race;  origin. 

gebiirtig,  a.  native,  born. 

Geburtshilfe,  /.  obstetrics,  midwifery. 

geburtshilflich,  a.  obstetric. 

Geburtskunde,  Geburtslehre,  /.  obstetrics. 

Geburtsnot,  /.  labor. 

Geburtstag,  m.  birthday. 

Gebiisch,  n.  bushes,  thicket. 

Geek,  TO.  dandy,  fop. 

gedacht,  p.p.  of  denken. 

Gedachtnis,  n.  remembrance,  memory,  me- 

Gedachtnismiinze,  /.  commemorative  medal. 

Gedanke,  TO.  thought;  opinion. 

Gedarm,  n.  intestines,  entrails. 

Gedeck,  n.  covering;  cover  (at  table). 

gedeckelt    * 



gedeckelt,  p.a.     See  deckeln. 

gedeihen,  v.i.  thrive,  grow;  proceed;  (of  slaking 

lime)  swell. 

gedenken,  v.i.  think,  be  mindful. 
Gedenken,  n.  memory, 
gecleucht,  p.p.  of  diinken. 
Gcdicht,  n.  poem. 
gediegen,  o.    (Min.)   native;    pure,  unmixed; 

genuine,  superior. 
Gediegenheit,  /.  native  state;  purity;  intrinsic 


gedieh,  pret.  of  gedeihen. 
gediehen,  p.p.  of  gedeihen. 
Gedrange,  n.  thronging,  crowd;  dilemma, 
gedroschen,  p.p.  of  dreschen. 
gedrungen,  p.p.  of  dringen. 
Geduld,  /.  patience;  endurance.  .      . 

gedurft,  p.p.  of  dtirfen. 
geeignet,  p.a.     See  eignen. 
gef.,  abbrev.  (gefunden)  found. 
Gefahr,  /.  danger;  risk, 
gefahrden,  v.t.  endanger, 
gefiihrlich,  a.  dangerous. 
Gefahrte,  m.  companion,  associate. 
Gefall,  Gefalle,  n.  fall;  gradient;  income;  taxes, 
gefallen,  v.i.  please. 
gefallen,  p.p.  of  fallen  and  gefallen. 
Gefallen,  n.  pleasure;  favor, 
gefallig,  o.  pleasing,  agreeable,  obliging, 
gefalligst,  adv.  please,  pray, 
gefiillt,  p.p.  of  fallen. 
Gefangene,  m.  &  f.  prisoner. 
Gefangnis,  n.  prison;  confinement. 
Gefass,  n.  vessel,  receptacle;  bloodvessel;  (of 

a  sword)  hilt. 
Gefass-.  (Med.)  vascular. 
Gefassbarometer,  n.  cistern  barometer. 
Gefassbau,  m.  vascular  structure. 
Gefasseinmundung,  /.  anastomosis. 
Gefasshaut,  /.  vascular  membrane, 
gefassig,  a.  vascular. 
Gefasskunde,  /.  ceramic  art. 
Gefassofen,  m.  closed  furnace. 
Gefecht,  n.  fighting,  fight. 
Gefieder,  n.  feathering,  plumage. 
Geflecht,  n.  plaited  or  woven  work,  network; 


geflissentlich,  a.  wilful,  intentional, 
geflochten,  p.p.  of  flechten. 
geflogen,  p.p.  of  fliegen. 
geflohen,  p.p.  of  fliehen. 
geflossen,  p.p.  of  fliessen. 
Geflugel,  n.  fowls,  poultry. 
gefochten,  p.p.  of  fechten. 
Gefolge,  n.  train,  attendants, 
gefrassig,  a.  voracious. 
Gefrierapparat,  m.  freezing  (or  freezing-point) 


gefrierbar,  a.  congealable,  freezable. 
gcfrieren,  v.i.  freeze,  congeal. 

Gefrierpunkt,  m.  freezing  point. 

Gefrierpunktserniedrigung,  /.  freezing-point 

Gefriersalz,  n.  freezing  salt,  specif.,  ammonium 

gefroren,  p.p.  of  frieren  and  gefrieren. 

Gefrorene,  n.  something  frozen,  ice  cream,  ice. 

Gefuge,  n.  structure;  texture;  bed,  stratum. 

gefugig,  a.  pliable,  pliant. 

Gefiihl,  n.  feeling;  touch,  sensation,  sensitive- 

gefunden,  p.p.  of  finden. 

gegangen,  p.p.  of  gehen. 

gegebenenfalls,  adv.  in  an  emergency,  if  neces- 

gegen,  prep,  toward,  against,  about,  compared 
with,  opposite. 

Gegen-.  counter-,  contra-,  anti-. 

Gegenarznei,  /.  antidote. 

Gegenbild,  n.  counterpart,  antitype. 

Gegend,  /.  region,  quarter. 

Gegendruck,  m.  counter-pressure,  back  pres- 
sure, resistance. 

Gegenfarbung,  /.  contrast  staining. 

Gegenfussler,  antipodes. 

Gegengewicht,  n.  counter-weight,  counterpoise. 

Gegengift,  n.  antidote. 

Gegenkraft,  /.  opposing  force,  counter-force. 

Gegenmittel,  n.  antidote,  remedy. 

Gegenreizmittel,  n.  counter-irritant. 

Gegensatz,  m.  opposition,  opposite,  contrast, 

Gegenschein,  n.  reflection;  counterglow; 
(Astron.)  opposition. 

Gegenseite, /.  opposite  side;   (of  a  coin)  reverse. 

gegenseitig,  a.  mutual,  reciprocal,  common; 
(rarely)  opposite. 

Gegensonne,  /.  mock  sun,  parhelion. 

Gegenstand,  TO.  object;  matter,  subject. 

Gegenstandsglas,  n.  object  glass. 

Gegenstrahl,  m.  reflected  ray,  reflection. 

Gegenstrom,  TO.  counter-current,  inverse  cur- 

Gegenstiick,  n.  counterpart,  match. 

Gegenteil,  n.  contrary,  opposite,  converse. 

gegeniiber,  prep,  over  against,  opposite. — 
adv.  opposite. 

gegeniiberliegend,  p.a.  opposite. 

Gegen  wart,  /.  presence;  present. 

gegenwartig,  a.  present. — adv.  at  present. 

Gegenwelle,  /.  countershaft. 

gegenwirkend,  p.a.  counteracting,  reacting. — 
gegenwirkendes  Mittel,  counteracting  sub- 
stance, reagent. 

Gegenwirkung,  /.  counteraction,  reaction. 

gegessen,  p.p.  of  essen. 

geglichen,  p.p.  of  gleichen. 

geglitten,  p.p.  of  gleiten. 

geglommen,  p.p.  of  glimmen. 

Gegner,  m.  opponent,  enemy. 




gegolten,  p.p.  of  gelten. 

gegorcn,  p.p.  of  garen. 

gegossen,  p.p.  of  giessen. 

gegriffen,  p.p.  of  greifen. 

gehaben,  v.r.  behave,  fare. 

Gehalt,  TO.  contents,  content;  capacity,  extent, 

yield,  standard  (of  coins),  strength;    salary, 

pay;  value. 

Gehange,  n.  slope;  hanging,  pendant. 
Gehause,  n.  case,  box,  shell. 
geheftet,  p.a.     See  heften. 
Gehege,  n.  enclosure,  fence. 
geheim,  a.  secret,  private,  hidden. — geheime 

Tinte,  sympathetic  ink,  invisible  ink. 
Geheimmittel,  n.  secret  remedy,  patent  medi- 
cine, nostrum. 

Geheimnis,  /.  secret,  secrecy. 
Geheimrat,  TO.  privy  councillor. 
Geheiss,  n.  command,  bidding. 
gehen,  v.i.  go;    walk,  travel,  pass;    fare. — wie 

geht  es?  how  is  it?  how  are  you?--es  geht 

um,  it  is  a  question  of. 
Geheul,  n.  howling. 
Gehilfe,  TO.  helper,  assistant. 
Gehirn,  n.  brain. — kleines  Gehirn,  cerebellum. 
Gehirn-.  cerebral. 
Gehirnfett,  n.  cerebrin. 
gehoben,  p.p.  of  heben. 
geholfen,  p.p.  of  helfen. 
Geholz,  n.  wood,  copse. 
Gehor,  n.  hearing;  ear. 
Gehor-.  auditory,  acoustic, 
gehorchen,  v.i.  obey. 
gehoren,    v.i.    belong. — v.r.    be     becoming,    be 

gehorig,  a.  belonging;    requisite;    due,  proper, 


Gehorlehre,  /.  acoustics. 
gehorsam,  a.  obedient. 
Gehorsam,  TO.,  Gehorsamkeit,  /.  obedience. 
Gehre,  Gehrung,  /.  bevel,  miter. 
Gehiilfe,  TO.  =  Gehilfe. 
Geier,  TO.  vulture. 
Geige,  /.  violin. 

Geigenharz,  n.  rosin,  colophony. 
geil,  a.  luxuriant;    rich;    proud  (flesh);    lewd. 
Geiss,  /.  (she)  goat;   doe. 
Geissblatt,  n.  honeysuckle  (Lonicera). 
Geissbock,  TO.  he-goat. 

Geissel,  /.  flagellum,  cilium;  whip,  scourge. 
Geissfuss,  TO.  (Bot.)  goatsfoot;    (Tech.)  any  of 

various  tools. 

Geisslersches  Rohr.  Geissler  tube. 
Geissraute,  /.  goat's-rue  (Galega  officinalis). 
Geist,  TO.  spirit;   mind;  ghost, 
geistig,  a.  spirituous,  alcoholic;    (of  wine,  etc.) 

strong,  generous;  volatile;  spiritual;  mental. 
geistlich,  a.  spiritual;   clerical. 
Geistliche,  TO.  clergyman,  priest. 
Geiz,  TO.  avarice,  stinginess. 

geizen,  v.i.  be  covetous,  be  stingy. 

gekannt,  p.p.  of  kennen. 

geklommen,  p.p.  of  klimmen  and  klemmen. 

geklungen,  p.p.  of  klingen. 

gekniffen,  p.p.  of  kneifen. 

Geknister,  n.  decrepitation;  crunching. 

gekonnt,  p.p.  of  konnen. 

gekoren,  p.p.  of  kuren. 

gekornt,  p.a.     See  kornen. 

Gekratz,  n.  waste,  refuse,  dross,  slag. 

gekrischen,  p.p.  of  kreischen. 

gekrochen,  p.p.  of  kriechen. 

Gekros-.  mesenteric. 

Gekrose,  n.  mesentery;  giblets. 

gel.,  abbrev.  (gelost)  dissolved. 

Gelachter,  n.  laughing,  roar  of  laughter. 

geladen,  p.p.  of  laden. 

Gelager,  n.  deposits,  dregs,  bottoms. 

Gelander,  n.  railing,  balustrade. 

gelang,  pret.  of  gelingen. 

gelangen,  v.i.  arrive. 

Gelass,  m.  room,  space. 

Gelatine,  /.  gelatin. 

gelatinieren,  gelatinisieren,  v.i.  &  i.  gelatinize. 

gelatines,  a.  gelatinous. 

gelaufig,  a.  fluent,  ready;  familiar. 

gelaunt,  a.  disposed. 

Gelaut,  Gelaute,  n.  ringing;  chimes. 

gelb,  a.  yeUow. — gelbes  Blutkraut,  goldenseal 

(Hydraslis  canadensis). — gelbes  Blutlaugen- 

salz,  potassium  ferrocyanide. — gelbe  Erde, 

yellow    ocher. — gelbe    Quecksilbersalbe,    /. 

(Pharm.)    ointment   of   mercuric   nitrate. — 

gelbe  Rube,  carrot. 
Gelb,  n.  yellow. 

Gelbbeeren,  Avignon  berries. 
Gelbbeizen,  n.  (Metal.)  yellowing. 
Gelbbleierz,  n.  wulfenite. 
gelbbraun,  a.  yellowish  brown. 
gelbbrennen,  v.t.  (Metal.)  dip,  pickle. 
Gelbe,  n.  yellow  (of  an  egg),  yolk. 
Gelbeisenerz,    n.,    Gelbeisenstein,   m.   yellow 

clay  ironstone;    (okriges)  yellow  ocher;    co^ 


Gelbeisenkies,  TO.  pyrite. 
Gelberde,  /.  yellow  ocher. 
Gelbgiesserei,  /.  brass  foundry, 
gelbgrun,  a.  yellowish  green. 
Gelbheit,  /.  yellowness. 
Gelbholz,  n.  fustic. 
Gelbildung,  /.  gel  formation. 
Gelbkraut,  n.  yellowweed,  dyer's  weed  (Reseda 


Gelbkupfer,  n.  brass. 
Gelbkupfererz,  n.  chalcopyrite. 
gelblich,  a.  yellowish. 
gelbrot,  a.  yellowish  red. 
gelbstichig,  a.  yellow-tinged,  yellowish. 
Gelbsucht,  /.  jaundice. 
Gelbwurzel,  /.  turmeric. 




Geld,  n.  money. 

Geldmiinze,  /.  coin. 

Geldschrank,  m.  safe. 

Geldstrafe,  /.  fine. 

Geldstiick,  n.  piece  of  money,  coin. 

Geldverschreibung,  /.  promissory  note. 

Gelee,  n.  jelly. 

gelegen,  p.p.  of  liegen. 

Gelegenheit,  /.  occasion,  opportunity;  conve- 
nience; locality. 

gelegentlich,  a.  occasional,  accidental,  incidental. 

gelehrig,  a.  teachable,  docile. 

Gelehrsamkeit,  /.  learning. 

Gelehrte,  Gelehrter,  m.  learned  man,  scholar, 

Geleise,  n.  track. 

geleiten,  v.t.  accompany,  conduct. 

Gelenk,  n.  joint;  link;  hinge. 

Gelenk-.  articular. 

Gelenkbasalt,  m.  flexible  basalt. 

GelenkflUssigkeit,  /.  synovia!  fluid. 

gelenkig,  a.  flexible,  pliable;  supple;  nimble. 

Gelenkquarz,  m.  flexible  sandstone,  itacohimite. 

Gelenksaft,  m.,  Gelenkschmiere,  /.  synovia. 

Gelenkschwamm,  m.  white  swelling. 

Gelenksteifheit,  /.  ankylosis. 

Gelenkwasser,  n.  synovia. 

Gelichter,  n.  gang,  set,  lot. 

geliehen,  p.p.  of  leihen. 

gelind,  a.  gentle;  soft,  mild. 

gelingen,  v.i.  succeed. — gelungen,  p.a.  success- 
ful; excellent. 

gelitten,  p.p.  of  leiden. 

gellen,  v.t.  yell. 

geloben,  v.t.  promise,  pledge. 

gelogen,  p.p.  of  liigen. 

geloschen,  geloscht,  p.p.  of  loschen. 

Gelsemien,  n.  gelsemium. 

Gelsemiensaure,  Gelsemiensaure,  /.  gelsemic 

gelt,  a.  (of  cows)  dry. 

Gelte,  /.  pail,  tub. 

gelten,  v.i.  be  worth;  have  weight;  be  current, 
be  valid;  pass,  be  considered;  apply;  concern. 

Geltung,  /.  value,,  validity,  currency,  impor- 

gelungen,  p.p.  of  gelingen. 

Geliist,  n.  desire,  longing. 

Gemach,  n.  chamber,  room;  closet. 

gemachlich,  a.  slow,  gentle,  easy. 

Gemahl,  TO.  consort,  husband. 

gemahnen,  v.t.  remind. 

Gemalde,  n.  picture,  painting,  drawing. 

Gemaldefirnis,  TO.  painter's  varnish. 

gemass,  prep,  according  to,  conformably  to. — 
a.  conformable,  agreeable. 

gemein,  a.  common;  general,  ordinary,  vulgar. 

Gemeinde,  /.  community;  congregation. 

Gemeinheit,  /.  commonness,  meanness. 

gemeinsam,  a.  common;  mutual,  joint.      • 

Gemeinschaft;  /.  community;   partnership;  so- 
ciety; intercourse. 

gemeinschaftlich,  a.  common,  mutual. 
Gemenganteil,  TO.  constituent  of  a  mixture. 
Gemenge,  n.  mixture;    (Glass)  frit. 
Gemengstoff,  TO.  =  Gemenganteil. 
gemieden,  p.p.  of  meiden. 
Gemisch,  n.  mixture,  mixing. 
Gemme,  /.  gem;   cameo, 
gemocht,  p.p.  of  mogen. 
gemolken,  p.p.  of  melken. 
Gemse,  Gems,  /.  chamois  (goat) . 
Gemsleder,  n.  chamois  leather,  chamois. 
Gemiill,  Gemiilm,  n.  rubbish. 
Gemiise,  n.  vegetables. 
Gemiisepflanzen,  culinary  plants, 
gemusst,  p.p.  of  miissen. 
Gem  tit,  n.  mind;  heart,  feeling. 
gemiitlich,  a.  good-hearted,  genial,  pleasant. 
gen,  prep,  towards, 
genannt,  p.p.  of  nennen. 
genas,  pret.  of  genesen. 
genau,  a.  accurate,  exact;    true,  close,  tight; 


Genauigkeit, /.  accuracy,  etc.  (see  genau). 
genehm,  a.  agreeable;  acceptable. 
geneigt,  p.a.     See  neigen. 
Generalnenner,  m.  common  denominator. 
Generatorgas,  n.  generator  gas,  producer  gas. 
generisch,  a.  generic. 

genesen,  v.i.  recover,  convalesce;   be  delivered. 
genetisch,  a.  genetic. 
Genever,  TO.  Geneva,  Holland  gin. 
Genf,  n.  Geneva, 
genial,  a.  gifted,  of  genius. 
Genick,  n.  back  of  the  neck. 
Genie,  n.  genius. 
Geniecorps,  n.  engineer  corps. 
genieren,  v.t.  incommode,  trouble, 
geniessbar,  a.  edible;  palatable. 
geniessen,  v.t.  enjoy;  take,  taste  (food  or  drink). 
genommen,  p.p.  of  nehmen. 
genoss,  pret.  of  geniessen. 
Genoss,    Genosse,    m.    companion,    associate, 

partner,  accomplice;    (pi.)  company, 
genossen,  p.p.  of  geniessen. 
Genossenschaft,    /.     fellowship,     partnership, 

company,  association. 
Genre,  n.  kind,  sort;    (Calico)  style. 
genug,  adv.  enough. 
geniigen,  v.i.  be  enough,  suffice. 
geniigsam,  a.  easily  pleased,  temperate. 
Genugtuung,  /.  satisfaction. 
Genuss,  TO.  enjoyment,  pleasure;    taking  (food 

or  drink) ;   benefit. 
Genussmensch,  m.  epicure. 
Genussmittel,  n.  any  substance  used  to  heighten 

the  enjoyment  of  food  (including  condiments, 

wines,  etc.). 
genusssiichtig,  a.  pleasure-seeking. 




Genusszweck,  TO.  table  purposes,  food  purposes. 

geologisch,  a.  geological. 

Georgine,  /.  dahlia.      • 

Gepack,  n.  baggage,  luggage. 

gepfiffen,  p.p.  of  pfeifen. 

gepflogen,  p.p.  of  pflegen. 

Geprage,  n.  impression,  stamp,  coinage;  char- 

gepriesen,  p.p.  of  preisen. 

gequollen,  p.p.  of  quellen. 

gerade,  a.  straight;  direct;  even;  upright. — • 
adv.  straightly,  directly,  exactly,  plainly. 

Gerade,  /.  straight  line. 

geradezu,  adv.  straight  on;  immediately;  ab- 

geradlinig,  a.  rectilinear. 

geradsichtig,  a.  direct-vision. 

geradwandig,  a.  straight-walled,  with  straight 

Geraniumsaure,  /.  geranic  acid. 

gerannt,  p.p.  of  rennen. 

Gerat,  n.,  Gerate,  apparatus;  implements, 
tools;  utensils;  plant;  furniture,  chattels. 

Gerateglas,  n.  apparatus  glass. 

geraten,  p.p.  of  geraten  and  raten. 

geraten,  v.i.  come,  fall,  light,  get;  turn  out, 
prosper. — p.a.  prosperous,  successful. 

Geratschaften,  apparatus,  implements. 

geraum,  a.  ample,  long. 

geraiimig,  a.  roomy,  ample,  large. 

Gerausch,  n.  noise;   murmur,  clatter. 

gerauschlos,  a.  noiseless. 

Gerbauszug,  m.  tanning  extract. 

Gerbebriihe,  Gerbefliissigkeit,  /.  tan  liquor, 
tanner's  liquor,  ooze. 

Gerbemittel,  n.  tanning  material,  tan. 

gerben,  v.t.  tan;  hull  (grain);  polish  (metal); 
tilt  (steel). — samisch  gerben,  chamois;  weiss 
gerben,  taw. 

Gerber,  m.  tanner,  currier. 

Gerberei,  /.  tanning;  tannery. 

Gerberfett,  n.  (Leather)  degras,  stuff. 

Gerberhof,  m.  tan  yard. 

Gerberkalk,  m.  slaked  lime;   gas  lime. 

Gerberstrauch,  m.  tanner's  sumac  (Rhus  cori- 
aria);  ink  plant  (Coriaria). 

Gerberwolle,  /.  skin  wool. 

Gerbevermogen,  n.  tanning  power. 

Gerbeversuch,  m.  tanning  experiment  or  trial. 

Gerbextrakt,  m.  &  n.  tanning  extract. 

Gerbleint,  m.  (Paper)  size  made  from  gelatin 
and  sulfite  liquor. 

Gerbmaterial,  n.  tanning  material. 

gerbsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  tannic  acid, 
tannate  of. 

Gerbsaure,  /.  tannic  acid. 

Gerbstahl,  m.  tilted  steel,  shear  steel;  polishing 
steel,  burnisher. 

Gerbstoff,  m.  tanning  principle,  tanning  mat- 
ter, tan;  specif.,  tannic  acid,  tannin. 

Gerbstoffauszug,  m.  tanning  extract. 

Gerbstoffbestimmung,  /.  determination  of  tan- 
ning matter. 

Gerbung,  /.  tanning  (or  tannage),  etc.  (see 

gerecht,  a.  right,  just,  legitimate;   fit,  skilled. 

Gerede,  /.  talk,  talking. 

Gereibe,  n.  rubbing. 

gereichen,  v.i.  turn  out,  redound. 

gereuen,  v.t.  repent,  regret. 

Gericht,  n.  court;  judgment;  jurisdiction;  dish. 

gerichtlich,  a.  judicial,  forensic,  legal. 

Gerichtsamt,  n.  court,  tribunal. 

Gerichtsamtmann,  m.  judge. 

Gerichtsbarkeit,  /.  jurisdiction. 

Gerichtshof,  TO.  court,  tribunal. 

Gerichtsrat,  TO.  judge,  counsellor. 

gerieben,  p.p.  of  reiben. 

gering,  a.  small,  slight;  deficient,  limited,  infe- 
rior, low,  base. 

geringer,  a.  inferior,  less. 

geringfiigig,  a.  petty,  trifling. 

geringhaltig,  a.  below  standard;  worthless. 

geringschatzig,  a.  depreciatory,  disrespectful. 

geringste,  a.  least,  slightest. 

gerinnbar,  a.  coagulable. 

Gerinne,  n.  running,  flowing,   channel;  gutter. 

gerinnen,  v.i.  coagulate,  curd. 

Gerinnsel,  n.  coagulum,  curds. 

Gerinnung,  /.  coagujation;  coagulum. 

Gerinnungsmasse,  /.  coagulum. 

Gerippe,  n.  skeleton. 

gerippt,  p.a.     See  rippen. 

gerissen,  p.p.  of  reissen. 

geritten,  p.p.  of  reiten. 

Germaniumfluorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  fluoger- 
manic  acid. 

Germaniumoxyd,  n.  germanium  oxide,  specif., 
germanic  oxide. 

Germaniumoxydul,  n.  germanous  oxide. 

Germaniumsaure,  /.  germanic  acid. 

Germaniumsulfid,  n.  germanium  sulfide,  specif., 
germanic  sulfide. 

Germaniumsulfur,  n.  germanous  sulfide. 

Germaniumwasserstoff,  TO.  germanium  hydride. 

Germer,  TO.  white  hellebore  (Veratrum). 

gern,  gerne,  adv.  gladly,  with  pleasure. — ich 
mochte  gern,  I  should  like. 

gerochen,  p.p.  of  riechen. 

geronnen,  p.p.  of  rinnen  and  gerinnen. 

Gerste,  /.  barley. 

Gerstengraupen,  pearl  barley 

Gerstenkorn,  n.  barleycorn. 

Gerstenmalz,  n.  barley  malt. 

Gerstenschleim,  TO.  barley  water. 

Gerstenzucker,  TO.  barley  sugar. 

Gerte,  /.  whip,  switch. 

Geruch,  m.  smell,  odor,  scent,  savor. 

geruchlos,  a.  odorless;  savorless;  unable  to  smell 

Geriicht,  n.  report,  rumor. 




Geriimpel,  n.  lumber,  trash. 

gerungen,  p.p.  of  ringen. 

Geriist,  n.  frame,  framework;  scaffold;  crate. 

ges.,  abbrev.  (gesattigt)  saturated;  (gesetzlich) 
by  law. 

Ges.,  abbrev.  (Gesellschaft)  society,  company. 

gesamt,  a.  total,  entire,  whole. 

Gesamtharte,  /.  total  hardness. 

Gesamtlosliches,  n.  total  soluble  matter. 

Gesamtmenge,  /.  total  quantity. 

Gesamtriickstand,  m.  total  residue. 

Gesamtsaure,  /.  total  acid. 

Gesamtschwefel,  TO.  total  sulfur. 

Gesamtstickstoff,  TO.  total  nitrogen. 

Gesamtverhalten,  n.  general  behavior. 

Gesamtvolum,  n.  total  volume. 

Gesamtwert,  m.  total  value. 

gesandt,  p.p.  of  senden. 

Gesandte,  m.  messenger;  ambassador. 

Gesang,  TO.  singing;  song;  canto. 

Gesass,  n.  seat;  floor. 

gesattigt,  p.p'.  of  sattigen. 

Geschabsel,  n.  scrapings. 

Geschaft,  n.  business;  affair;  trade;  house; 

geschaftig,  a.  busy;  fussy. 

geschaftlich,  a.  business;  business-like;  profes- 

geschah,  prct.  of  geschehen. 

geschehen,  v.i.  happen,  occur,  be  done. 

gescheit,  a.  sensible,  clever. 

Geschenk,  n.  present,  gift. 

Geschichte,  /.  history;  tale;  thing. 

geschichtlich,  a.  historical. 

Geschick,  n.  skill;  order;  fate,  destiny. 

Geschicklichkeit,  /.  skill,  cleverness,  art. 

Geschiebe,  n.  rubble,  boulder,  detritus;  shov- 

geschieden,  p.p.  of  scheiden. 

geschieht,  pr.  3  sing,  of  geschehen. 

geschienen,  p.p.  of  scheinen. 

Geschirr,  n.  vessel;  vessels,  ware;  utensils, 
tools,  apparatus,  gear;  plant,  mill;  (Leather) 

Geschlecht,  n.  sex;  genus;  kind,  race,  family, 
stock,  generation;  gender. 

geschlechtlich,  a.  sexual;   generic. 

Geschlechtsart,  /.  generic  character,  genus. 

Geschlechtsdriise,  /.  genital  gland  (ovary, 

Geschlechtspflanze,  /.  phanerogam. 

Geschlechtsreife,  /.  puberty. 

geschlechtsreizend,  p.a.  aphrodisiac. 

geschlichen,  p.p.  of  schleichen. 

geschliffen,  p.p.  of  schleifen. 

geschlissen,  p.p.  of  schleissen. 

geschloffen,  p.p.  of  schliefen. 

geschlossen,  p.p.  of  schliessen. 

geschlungen,  p.p.  of  schlingen. 

Geschmack,  m.  taste;  flavor;  liking. 

geschmacklos,  a.  tasteless;  insipid. 

geschmeidig,  a.  pliable,  flexible,  supple;  (of 
metals)  soft,  ductile,  malleable;  versatile. 

geschmissen,  p.p.  of  schmeissen. 

geschmolzen,  p.p.  of  schmelzen. 

geschnitten,  p.p.  of  schneiden. 

geschoben,  p.p.  of  schieben. 

gescholten,  p.p.  of  schelten. 

Geschopf,  n.  creature. 

geschoren,  p.p.  of  scheren. 

Geschoss,  n.  projectile,  missile;   story,  floor 

geschossen,  p.p.  of  schiessen. 

geschosstreibend,  p.a.  ballistic. 

Geschrei,  n.  cry,  outcry;  rumor;  disrepute. 

geschrieben,  p.p.  of  schreiben. 

geschrieen,  p.p.  of  schreien. 

geschritten,  p.p.  of  schreiten. 

geschroben,  p.p.  of  schrauben. 

geschunden,  p.p.  of  schinden. 

Geschiitz,  n.  gun,  cannon;   ordnance,  artillery. 

Geschiitzrohr,  n.  cannon  bore;  gun  barrel; 
gun,  cannon. 

Geschwader,  n.  squadron. 

Geschwatz,  n.  talk,  gossip. 

geschweigen,  v.t.  not  to  mention. 

geschwiegen,  p.p.  of  schweigen  and  geschweigen. 

geschwind,  a.  fast,  quick,  immediate. 

Geschwindigkeit,  /.  velocity,  speed;  quickness, 

Geschwindigkeitsmesser,  m.  speed  indicator. 

Geschwister,  pi.  brother  (s)  and  sister  (s). 

Geschwisterkind,  n.  first  cousin. 

geschwollen,  p.p.  of  schwellen. 

geschwommen,  p.p.  of  schwimmen. 

geschworen,  p.p.  of  schwaren  and  schworen. 

Geschworene,  TO.  juryman. 

Geschwulst,  /.  swelling;  tumor. 

geschwunden,  p.p.  of  schwinden. 

geschwungen,  p.p.  of  schwingen. 

Geschwiir,  n.  ulcer,  abscess. 

Gesell,  Geselle,  m.  mate,  comrade;  journeyman. 

gesellen,  v.t.  &  r.  join. 

gesellig,  a.  social,  sociable. 

Gesellschaft,  /.  society;  company,  partnership; 
club;  community;  party. 

gesessen,  p.p.  of  sitzen. 

Gesetz,  n.  law;   rule;  precept. 

Gesetzentwurf,  TO.  (legislative)  bill. 

gesetzgebend,  p.a.  legislative. 

gesetzlich,  a.  lawful,  legal. — adv.  lawfully, 
legally. — gesetzlich  geschutzt,  patented. 

gesetzmassig,  a.  conformable  to  (natural)  law, 
regular;  lawful. 

Gesetzmassigkeit,  /.  conformity  to  law',  regu- 
larity; lawfulness. 

gesetzt,  p.a.     See  setzen. 

Gesetz vorschlag,  m.  bill;   motion. 

ges.  gesch.,  abbrev.  (gesetzlich  geschutzt)  pro- 
tected by  law,  patented. 

Gesicht,  n.  sight;  face,  countenance,  look;  vision. 




Gesichts-.  visual;  facial. 

Gesichtsachse,  /.  visual  axis. 

Gesichtsfeld,  n.  field  of  vision,  field  of  view. 

Gesichtslinie,  /.  visual  line;   facial  line. 

Gesichtspunkt,  TO.  visual  point,  point  of  sight; 


Gesichtsstrahl,  m.  visual  ray. 
Gesichtswinkel,  m.  visual  angle,  optic  angle; 

facial  angle. 

Gesims,  n.  molding,  cornice;   shelf. 
Gesinde,  n.  servants. 
Gesinnung,  /.  mind,  disposition,  opinion, 
gesinnungslos,  a.  characterless,  unprincipled, 
gesittet,  a.  mannered,  bred;    polite;    civilized; 


gesoffen,  p.p.  of  saufen. 
gesogen,  p.p.  of  saugen. 
gesonnen,  p.p.  of  sinnen. 
gesotten,  p.p.  of  sieden. 
Gespenst,  n.  specter,  ghost, 
gespieen,  p.p.  of  speien. 
Gespiele,  m.  playmate. 
Gespinst,  n.  spun  yarn,  spun  goods,  (textile) 


gesplissen,  p.p.  of  spleissen. 
gesponnen,  p.p.  of  spinnen. 
Gesprach,  n.  talk,  conversation. 
gesprochen,  p.p.  of  sprechen. 
gesprossen,  p.p.  of  spriessen. 
gesprungen,  p.p.  of  springen. 
Gestade,  n.  shore,  coast. 

Gestalt, /.  form;  shape,  figure;  aspect;  manner, 
gestalten,  v.t.  form,  shape. 
gestaltlos,  a.  amorphous,  formless. 
Gestaltung,  /.  configuration,  formation,  form, 


gestanden,  p.p.  of  stehen  and  gestehen. 
Gestandnis,  n.  confession,  acknowledgment. 
Gestange,  n.  poles  or  rods  (collectively). 
Gestank,  TO.  stench,  evil  smell. 
gestatten,  v.t.  permit,  consent  to. 
Geste,  /.  gesture. 
gestehen,    v.i.    coagulate,    congeal,    clot. — v.t. 

confess,  admit. 
Gestein,  n.  rock;  stone. 

Gesteinkunde,  /.  petrology;  mineralogy;  geog- 

Gesteinsrest,  m.  (Ceram.)  rock  residues. 
Gestell,  n.  frame,  stand,  support;  scaffold, 
gestern,  adv.  yesterday. 
gestiegen,  p.p.  of  steigen. 
Gestirn,  n.  star;   constellation. 
gestirnt,  a.  starred,  starry;  browed. 
gestoben,  p.p.  of  stieben. 

Gestober,  n.  shower;   snowstorm;   dust  storm. 
gestochen,  p.p.  of  stechen. 
gestohlen,  p.p.  of  stehlen. 
gestorben,  p.p.  of  sterben. 
Gestrauch,  n.  bushes,  shrubbery. 
gestrichen,  p.p.  of  streichen. 

gestrig,  a.  of  yesterday. 

gestritten,  p.p.  of  streiten. 

Gestriipp,  n.  thicket,  underbrush. 

Gestiibbe,  Gestiibe,  m.  (Metal.)  brasque. 

gestunken,  p.p.  of  stinken. 

Gesuch,  n.  request,  demand;  want  ad. 

Gesuchtheit,  /.  affectation. 

gesund,  a.  sound,  healthy,  wholesome. 

Gesundbrunnen,  m.  mineral  spring;  spa. 

gesunden,  v.i.  recover. 

Gesundheit,  /.  health,  soundness,  salubrity. 

gesundheitlich,  a.  sanitary,  hygienic. 

Gesundheitsamt,  n.  board  of  health. 

Gesundheitswesen,  n.  sanitary  affairs. 

gesungen,  p.p.  of  singen. 

gesunken,  p.p.  of  sinken. 

Getafel,  n.  wainscoting;  inlaying. 

getan,  p.p.  of  tun. 

gethan,  p.p.  of  thun.    .  See  tun. 

Getrank,  n.  beverage,  drink,  liquor. 

getrauen,  v.t.  dare,  venture. 

Getreide,  n.  grain;   cereals;  crops. 

Getreideart, /.  kind  of  grain;    (pi.)  cereals. 

Getreidebranntwein,  TO.  whisky  from  grain. 

Getreidekorn,  n.  grain. 

Getreidepriifer,  TO.  grain  tester. 

Getreidestein,  TO.  =  Bierstein. 

getreu,  a.  faithful,  true. 

Getriebe,  n.  driving,  working,  driving  gear. 

getrieben,  p.p.  of  treiben. 

getroffen,  p.p.  of  treffen  and  triefen. 

getrogen,  p.p.  of  trtigen. 

getrost,  a.  confident,  courageous. 

getrunken,  p.p.  of  trinken. 

Getummel,  n.  bustle,  tumult. 

Geviert,  Gevierte,  n.  square. 

gew.,  abbrev.  (gewohnlich)  ordinary,  common. 

Gew.,  abbrev.  (Gewicht)  weight,  gravity. 

Gewachs,  n.  plant;  growth;  growing;  vintage. 

gewachsen,  p.a.     See  wachsen. 

Gewachshaus,  n.  greenhouse,  conservatory. 

Gewachskunde,  Gewachslehre,  /.  botany. 

Gewachsreich,  n.  vegetable  kingdom. 

gewahr,  a.  aware. 

Gewahr,  /.  surety,  security. 

gewahren,  v.t.  perceive. 

gewahren,  v.t.  give,  furnish,  grant. 

Gewahrsam,  TO.  custody,  prison. 

Gewalt,  /.  power,  force,  violence. 

gewaltig,  a.  powerful,  forcible;  huge,  vast. 

gewaltsam,  a.  violent. 

Gewand,  n.  garment,  clothing. 

gewandt,  p.p.  of  wenden. 

gewann,  pret.  of  gewinnen. 

gewartig,  a.  expectant. 

Gewasch,  n.  twaddle,  nonsense. 

Gewasser,   n.   waters;     (pi.)   streams,   running 


Gewebe,  n.  tissue;  texture;  textile  fabric;  web. 
Gewebedraht,  m.  gauze  wire. 




Gewebefarbstoff,  m.  histohematin. 

Gewebelehre,  Gewebslehre,  /.  histology. 

Gewehr,  n.  arms,  gun,  rifle. 

Gewehrpulver,  n.  rifle  powder. 

Geweih,  n.  horns,  antlers. 

gewellt,  a.  wavy,  undulated,  corrugated. 

Gewerb,  Gewerbe,  n.  trade,  occupation;  indus- 

Gewerbeausstellung,  /.  industrial  exposition. 

Gewerbesalz,  n.  common  salt  fit  only  for  in- 
dustrial use. 

Gewerbeschule,  /.  technical  school,  industrial 

Gewerbkunde,  /.  technology. 

gewerbkundlich,  a.  technological. 

gewerblich,  gewerbtatig,  a.  industrial. 

Gewerk,  n.  trade;  factory;  work. 

gewesen,  p.p.  of  sein. 

gewichen,  p.p.  of  weichen. 

Gewicht,  n.  weight;  gravity. 

gewichtig,  a.  heavy;  weighty. 

Gewichtsabgang,  m.  deficiency  in  weight;  loss 
of  weight. 

Gewichtsabnahme,  /  decrease  in  weight. 

Gewichtsanalyse,  /.  gravimetric  analysis. 

gewichtsanalytisch,  a.  gravimetric. 

Gewichtsbestimmung,  /.  determination  of 

Gewichtseinheit,  /.  unit  of  weight. 

Gewichtsmenge,  /.  amount  by  weight, 

Gewichtsprozent,  n.  per  cent  by  weight. 

Gewichtssatz,  m.  set  of  weights. 

XJewichtsstiick,  n.  weight. 

Gewichtsteil,  m.  part  by  weight. 

Gewichtsverhaltnis,  n.  proportion  by  weight. 

Gewichtsverlust,  m.  loss  in  weight. 

Gewichtszunahme,  /.  increase  in  weight. 

Gewichtszusammensetzung,  /.  composition  by 

gewiesen,  p.p.  of  weisen. 

gewillt,  a.  willing,  inclined. 

Gewinde,  n.  winding,  coil;  skein;  thread  (of  a 

Gewinn,  m.  yield;   winning,  gain,  profit. 

gewinnbar,  a.  obtainable. 

gewinnen,  v.t.  obtain,  get;  extract,  produce 
(metals,  etc.) ;  win,  gain,  acquire. 

Gewinnung,  /.  obtaining,  etc.  (see  gewinnen); 

gewiss,  a.  sure,  certain,  fixed. — adv.  certainly, 

Gewissen,  n.  conscience. 

gewissenhaft,  a.  conscientious. 

gewissermassen,  adv.  in  a  certain  degree,  as 
it  were. 

Gewissheit,  /.  certainty;   proof. 

Gewitter,  n.  storm. 

gewoben,  p.p.  of  weben. 

gewogen,  p.p.  of  wagen  and  wiegen. 

gewohnen,  v.l.  accustom,  habituate;    domesti- 

Gewohnheit,  /.  custom,  usage,  habit,  fashion. 
gewohnlich,    a.    usual,    customary;     common, 

ordinary;  trivial. 

Gewohnung,/.  habituation,  etc.  (see  gewohnen). 
Gewolbe,  n.  vault,  arch;   crown  (of  a  furnace); 

store,  storehouse. 
gewonne,  pret.  subj.  of  gewinnen. 
gewonnen,  p.p.  of  gewinnen. 
geworben,  p.p.  of  werben. 
geworden,  p.p.  of  werden. 
geworfen,  p.p.  of  werfen. 
Gewiihl,  n.  crowd;  turmoil. 
gewunden,  p.p.  of  winden. 
Gewiirm,  n.  worms,  creeping  things,  vermin. 
Gewurz,  n.  spice,  spices,  aromatics. 
gewurzartig,  a.  spicy,  aromatic. 
Gewiirzessig,  m.  aromatic  vinegar. 
gewiirzhaft,  a.  spicy,  aromatic. 
Gewiirzhandel,  m.  spice  trade,  grocers'  trade. 
Gewurznelke,  /.  clove. 

Gewiirzpulver,  n.  (Pharm.)  aromatic  powder. 
gewiirzt,  p.a.     See  wiirzen. 
Gewiirzwaren,  spices,  groceries. 
Gewiirzwein,  m.  spiced  wine. 
gewusst,  p.p.  of  wissen. 
Gezelt,  n.  pavilion,  tent;  sensorium. 
Gezeug,  n.  utensils,  tools,  implements.  .  . 

geziehen,  p.p.  of  zeihen. 
geziemen,  v.i.  &  r.  become,  befit, 
gezogen,  p.p.  of  ziehen. 
gezweiteilt,  p.a.  bipartite. 
gezwungen,  p.p.  of  zwingen. 
Ggw.,  abbrev.  (Gegenwart)  presence. 
Gicht,  /.  top,  moifth,  throat  (of  a  furnace  or 

crucible) ;  charge  (for  a  furnace) ;  (Med.)  gout. 
gichtartig,  a.  gouty,  arthritic. 
gichtbriichig,  a.  paralytic. 
Gichtgas,  n.  gas  from  the  top  of  a  blast  furnace, 

blast-furnace  gas. 

Gichtrose,  /.  peony;  rhododendron. 
Gichtung, /.  charging  (of  a  furnace). 
gichtwidrig,  a.  antiarthritic. 
Giebel,  m.  gable. 
Gier,  /.  avidity,  eagerness. 
Giessbecken-.  arytenoid. 
giessen,  v.t.  pour;  cast,  found,  mold. 
Giesser,  TO.   founder,  caster,  molder;    melter, 

smelter;    pourer;    a  vessel  for  pouring,  as  a 

water  jug  or  pot. 
Giesserei,  /.  foundry,  casting  house;  founding, 


giessfahig,  a.  capable  of  being  poured  or  cast. 
Giessform,  /.  (casting)  mold. 
Giesshaus,  n.,  Giesshiitte,  /.  foundry,  casting 


Giesskanne,  /.  sprinkling  can. 
Giesskunst,  /.  founding. 
Giessmutter,  /.  matrix,  mold. 




Giessofen,  TO.  founding,  furnace. 

Giesssand,  m.  molding  sand. 

Giesstopf,  TO.  a  pot  or  jar  with  a  lip,  for  pouring. 

Gift,  TC.  poison;  venom,  virus;  malice. 

giftabtreibend,  p.a.  antitoxic,  antidotal. 

Giftarznei,  /.  antidote; 

giftfest,  a.  immune  to  poison. 

giftfrei,  a.  free  from  poison,  non-poisonous. 

Gifthiitte,  /.  arsenic  works. 

giftig,  a.  poisonous;   virulent;  malicious. 

Giftjasmin,   m.   Carolina   jasmine    (Gelsemium 

Giftkies,  TO.  arsenopyrite. 
Giftkunde,  Giftlehre,  /.  toxicology. 
Giftlattichsaft,  TO.  (Pharm.)  lactucarium. 
giftlos,  a.  non-poisonous. 
Giftmehl,  n.  crude  powdered  arsenic  trioxide'. 
Giftmittel,  n.  antidote. 
Giftpulver,  n.  =  Giftmehl. 
Giftstein,  m.  white  arsenic. 
Giftstoff,  TO.  poisonous  matter,  poison. 
Giftwende,  /.  swallowwort   (Cynanchum  vince- 


giftwidrig,  a.  antitoxic. 
Giftwirkung,  /.  poisonous  action  or  effect. 
Giftwurzel,  /.  contrayerva;  =  Giftwende. 
Gilbe,  /.  yellow  or  yellowish  color;  yellow  sub- 
stance;   yellow  ocher;    dyer's  weed  (Reseda 


Gilbwurzel,  /.  turmeric. 
Gilde,  /.  guild,  company, 
gilt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  gelten. 
giltig,  c.  =gultig. 
G impel,  TO.  bullfinch;  dunce, 
ging,  pret.  of  gehen. 
Ginster,  TO.  (Bot.)  broom  (Genista). 
Gipfel,  TO.  top,  summit;  climax. 
Gips,  TO.  gypsum;   plaster  of  Paris. 
Gipsabdruck,  Gipsabguss,  m.  plaster  cast 
Gipsarbeiter,  m.  plasterer. 
gipsartig,  a.  gypseous. 
Gipsbrei,  TO.  paste  of  plaster  (Paris). 
Gipsbrennerei,     /.     calcination     of     gypsum; 

plaster  Mln. 
gipsen,  v.t.  plaster. 
Gipser,  TO.  plasterer. 

Gipserde,  /.,  Gipsguhr,  TO.  earthy  gypsum. 
Gipsguss,  TO.  plaster  casting,  plaster  cast. 
gipshaltig,  a.  gypsiferous. 
Gipskalk,  TO.  plaster  lime. 
Gipsmehl,  n.    powdered    gypsum;      powdered 


Gipsmergel,  TO.  gypseous  marl. 
Gipsmortel,  TO.  plaster,  stucco. 
Gipsofen,  m.  plaster  kiln. 
Gipsspat,  TO.  sparry  gypsum,  selenite. 
Gipsstein,   TO.   gypseous  stone,   plaster  stone; 

hard  deposit  of  calcium  sulfate. 
Gipsteer,  m.  mixture  of  plaster  Paris  and  tar. 
gischen,  v.i.  foam,  froth;  ferment. 

Gitter,  n.  grating,  lattice,  Qatticed)  screen. 

gitterartig,  gitterformig,  a.  lattice-like,  latticed, 

glacieren,  v.t.  gloss,  glaze;  freeze. 

glandern,  v.t.  calender. 

Glanz,  TO.  luster;  glitter,  polish,  gloss;  glance 
(in  names  of  minerals) ;  brightness,  brilliancy; 
(of  diamonds,  etc.)  water. 

Glanz-.  shiny,  glossy,  polished,  glazed,  glazing. 

Glanzblende,  /.  alabandite. 

Glanzbraunstein,  TO.  hausmannite. 

Glanze,  /.  polishing  material;   glaze,  size. 

Glanzeffekt,  m.  gloss,  luster, 

Glanzeisenerz,  n.,  Glanzeisenstein,  m.,  specu- 
lar iron  ore  (hematite). 

glanzen,  v.i.  shine,  glisten,  glitter. — v.t.  gloss, 
glaze,  polish,  luster. — glanzend,  p.a.  shining, 
lustrous,  glossy,  polished,  glittering. 

Glanzerz,  n.  argentite. 

glanzfein,  a.  brilliant. 

Glanzfirnis,  TO.  glazing  varnish. 

Glanzgold,  n.  (Ceram.)  brilliant  gold. 

Glanzkarton,  TO.  glazed  (paste)  board. 

Glanzkobalt,  TO.  glance  cobalt,  cobaltite;  smal- 

Glanzkohle,  /.  anthracite;  carbon  with  metallic 

Glanzlcder,  n.  patent  leather,  enameled 

Glanzleinwand,  /.  glazed  linen. 

glanzlos,  a.  lusterless,  dull,  dim. 

Glanzmanganerz,  n.  (Min.)  manganite. 

Glanzmessing,  n.  polished  brass. 

Glanzmetall,  n.  speculum  metal. 

Glanzpapier,  n.  glazed  paper. 

Glanzruss,  m.  a  lustrous  form  of  soot. 

glanzschleifen,  v.t.  polish,  burnish. 

Glanzsilber,  n.  silver  glance,  argentite. 

Glanzstarke,  /.  gloss  starch. 

Glas,  n.  glass. 

Glasabfall,  TO.  cullet. 

Glasachat,  TO.  obsidian. 

glasahnlich,  glasartig,  a.  glasslike,  glassy,  vitre- 

Glasbildung,  /.  formation  of  glass,  vitrification. 

Glasbirne,  /.  glass  bulb  or  globe. 

Glasblase,  /.  bubble  in  glass. 

Glasblasen,  n.  glassblowing. 

Glasblaser,  TO.  glassblower. 

Glasblaserei,  /.  glassblowing. 

Glasblaserohre,  /.  blowpipe,  blow  tube  (for 

Glasbrennen,  n.  annealing  of  glass. 

Glaschen,  n.  little  glass,  small  glass  vessel  or 

Glaselektricitat,/.  vitreous  (positive)  electricity. 

Glaser,  TO.  glazier. 

glasern,  a.  glass,  of  glass;   glassy,  vitreous. 

Glaserz,  «.  argentine. 

Glasfabrik,  /.  glassworks,  glass  factory. 




Glasfaden,  m,  glass  thread;  threadlike  defect 
in  glass. 

Glasfeuchtigkeit,  /.  vitreous  humor. 

Glasflasche,  /.  glass  bottle,  glass  flask. 

Glasfluss,  m.  glass  flux;  paste  (for  imitation  of 

Glasfliissigkeit,  /.  vitreous  humor. 

Glasgalle,  /.  glass  gall,  sandiver. 

Glasgerate,  n.  pi.  glass  apparatus. 

Glasgespinst,  n.  spun  glass,  glass  cloth. 

Glasglanz,  m.  vitreous  luster;  pounded  glass, 

glasglanzeiid,  p.a.  of  vitreous  luster,  glassy. 

Glasglocke,  /.  glass  bell,  bell  glass,  bell  jar. 

glasgriin,  o.  bottle-green. 

Glashafen,  m.  glass  pot. 

Glashahn,  m.  glass  cock. 

glashart,  o.  hard  as  glass,  brittle. 

Glasharte,  /.  glass  hardness  (highest  temper  of 
steel);  chilling  (of  steel) *  v 

Glasharten,  n.  tempering  of  glass. 

glashell,  a.  clear  as  glass. 

Glashiitte,  /.  glass  factory,  glass  house. 

glasicht,  a.  =  glasig. 

glasieren,  v.t.  glaze;   varnish. 

glasig,  a.  glassy,  vitreous. 

Glaskalk,  m.  glass  gall. 

Glaskitt,  m.  glass  cement;  putty. 

Glaskolben,  m.  glass  flask. 

Glaskopf,  TO.  (roter,  eigentlicher)  hematite  (fi- 
brous or  renif orm) ;  (brauner,  gelber)  limon- 
ite;  (schwarzer)  psilomelane;  a  kind  of  brick. 

Glaskorper,  m.  vitreous  humor. 

Glaskraut,  n.  wall  pellitory  (Parietaria  offici- 
nalis);  glasswort  (Salicornia  hebacea). 

Glaslava,  /.  volcanic  glass,  specif.,  obsidian; 

Glasmacherseife,  /.  glassmaker's  soap  (man- 
ganese dioxide.) 

Glasmalz,  n.  brittle  malt. 

Glasopal,  TO.  hyalite. 

Glaspech,  n.  hard  pitch,  stone  pitch. 

Glasporzellan,  n.  vitreous  porcelain. 

Glasquarz,  TO.  hyaline  quartz,  transparent 

Glasrohr,  n.,  Glasrohre,  /.  glass  tube. 

Glassalz,  n.  glass  gall. 

Glassatz,  TO.  glass  composition,  batch. 

Glasschaum,  m.  glass  gall,  sandiver. 

Glasscheibe,  /.  pane  of  glass. 

Glasscherben,  cullet. 

Glasschlacke,  /.  glass  gall. 

Glasschmelz,  TO.  enamel. 

Glasschneider,  TO.  glass  cutter. 

Glasschorl,  TO.  axinite. 

Glasseife,  /.  glass  soap  (manganese  dioxide). 

Glasstab,  TO.  glass  rod. 

Glasstein,  m.  axinite;  paste  (for  imitating  gems). 

Glasstopfen,  n.  glass  stopper. 

Glastiegel,  m.  glass  crucible,  glass  pot. 

Glastrane,  /.  glass  tear,  Prince  Rupert's  drop. 

Glastrichter,  m.  glass  funnel. 

Glasur,  /.   glaze,    glazing;     varnish;     frosting, 

icing;   enamel;   gloss  (of  leather). 
Glasurblau,  n.  zaffer. 
Glasurerz,  n.  alquifou. 
Glaswaren,  glassware. 
Glaswolle,  /.  glass  wool,  spun  glass. 
glatt,  a.  smooth;    plain,  flat;    glossy,  polished, 


Glatt  brand,  TO.  (Ceram.)  glost  burn,  glaze  burn. 
glattbrennen,  v.t.  subject  to  the  glost  burn. 
Glattbrennen,  n.  (Ceram.)  firing  on  the  glaze. 
Glattbrennofen,  TO.  (Ceram.)  glaze  kiln.     ' 
Glatte, /.  smoothness,  polish;   litharge. 
glatten,   v.t.   smooth;     polish,    burnish,   plane, 

planish;  glaze  (paper,  gunpowder);  calender 


Glattfarberei,  /.  plain  dyeing. 
Glattfrischen,  n.  reduction  of  litharge. 
Glattofen,  TO.  (Ceram.)  glost  kiln,  finishing  kiln. 
Glattscherbe,  /.  potsherd. 
Glattwasser,  n.  (Brewing)  last  run  of  wort. 
Glatze,  /.  baldness;   baldhead. 
Glaube,  m.  belief,  faith,  credit. 
glauben,  v.t.  believe;  think. 
Glaubersalz,  ??. [Glauber's  salt  (sodium  sulfate). 
Glaubige,  TO.  &  /.  believer. 
Glaubiger,  TO.  creditor. 
Glaucherz,  n.  poor  ore. 
glazieren,  v.t.  glaze. 
gleich,    a.    equal,    like,    alike,    similar. — adv. 

equally,  like;   directly. 

gleichartig,  a.  of  the  same  kind,  homogeneous. 
gleichbedeutend,  p.a.  equivalent,  synonymous. 
gleichbleibend,  p.a.  constant. 
gleichdeutig,  a.  synonymous,  equivalent. 
gleichen,  v.i.  be  equal;   be  like. — v.t.  make  like 

or  alike,  equalize,  smooth,  level;    liken. 
gleichfalls,  adv.  likewise,  also. 
gleichfarbig,  a.  of  the  same  color,  isochromatic. 
gleichformig,  a.  uniform,  even,  monotonous. 
gleichgestaltet,  p.a.  isomorphous. 
Gleichgewicht,  n.  equilibrium;  balance. 
Gleichgewichtslehre,  /.  statics. 
Gleichgewichtsstorung,  /.  displacement  of  equi- 
Gleichgewichtszustand,  TO.  state  or  condition 

of  equilibrium. 
gleichgross,  a.  equal. 
gleichgultig,  a.  indifferent. 
GleichgiiltigkeU,  /.  indifference. 
Gleichheit,  /.  equality;  sameness;  likeness. 
gleichionig,  a.  of  like  ion  (or  ions),  having  a 

common  ion. 

gleichlaufend,  p.a.  parallel. 
gleichmassig,    a.    proportionate,    symmetrical, 

uniform,  similar. 
Gleichmut,  m.  equanimity. 
gleichnamig,  a.  of  the  same  name  or  kind,  like. 




Gleichnis,  n.  simile;  parable. 
gleichsam,  adv.  so  to  say;   almost. 
gleichschenkelig,  a.  isosceles, 
gleichseitig,  a.  equilateral;    (of  fabrics)  double- 
Gleichstrom,   m.    (Elec.)    continuous    current, 

direct  current. 

gieichteilig,  a.  homogeneous. 
Gleichung,  /.  equation;   equalization. 
gleichverhaitend,  p.a.  of  similar  properties  or 

glcichviel,  adv.  just  as  much,  equally,  all  the 


gleichweit,  a.  of  uniform  width;  equidistant. 
gleichwertig,  a.  equivalent. 
Gleichwertigkeit,  /.  equivalence,  equivalency. 
gleichwinklig,  a.  equiangular. 
gleichwohl,  conj.  yet,  however. 
gleichzeitig,    a.    simultaneous,    contemporary, 

synchronous,  isochronous. 
Gleis,  n.  track. 

Gleitbahn,  /.  slide,  slide  way,  shoot 
gleiten,  v.i.  glide,  slide,  slip. 
Gleitflache,  /.  gliding  plane. 
Gletscher,  m.  glacier. 
glich,  pret.  of  gleichen. 
Glied,  n.  member;   (Math.)  term;  limb,  joint; 

link  (of  a  chain) ;  degree. 
-gliederig,  a.  -membered;  -limbed. 
Gliederung, /.  organization;  jointing. 
Gliedwasser,  n.  synovial  fluid. 
glimtnen,  v.i.  glimmer,  glow  feebly. 
Glimmer,  m.  mica. 
glimmerhaltig,  a.  micaceous. 
Glimmerplatte,  /.  mica  plate. 
Glimmersand,  m.  micaceous  sand.     . 
Glimmerschiefer,    m.   micaceous    schist,    mica 


Glimmerton,  m.  micaceous  clay, 
glimpflich,  a.  moderate,  gentle, 
glitt,  pret.  of  gleiten. 
glitzern,  v.i.  glisten,  glitter. 
Glockchen,  n.  little  bell  or  bell  jar. 
Glocke,  /.  bell;   bell  jar,  bell  glass;    (of  an  air 

pump)  receiver. 
Glockenerz,  n.  bell  metal. 
glockenform,  glockenformig,  a.  bell-shaped. 
Glockengiesser,  m.  bell  founder. 
Glockengut,  Glockenmetall,  n.  bell  metal. 
Glockentrichter,  TO.  bell  funnel  (as  on  a  thistle 


Glockenverfahren,  n.  bell  process,  bell  method. 
Glockner,  m.  bell  ringer,  sexton. 
glonun,  pret.  of  glimmen. 
glotzen,  v.i.  stare. 
Gloverturm,  TO.  Glover  tower. 
Glucinerde, /.  glucina  (beryUia). 
Gliick,  n.  happiness,  good  luck,  fortune,  success, 
glucken,  v.i.  cluck;  gurgle. 
gliicken,  v.i.  succeed,  prosper. 

gliicklich,  a.  fortunate,  lucky,  happy. 

Gluhasche,  /.  glowing  ashes,  embers. 

Gliihbirne,  /.  incandescent  bulb. 

Gliihe,  /.  glowing,  glow;    (Iron)  chafery. 

Gluheisen,  n.  glowing  iron,  red-hot  iron. 

gliihen,  v.i.  glow. — v.t.  cause  to  glow,  glow,  ig- 
nite; calcine;  anneal;  mull  (wine). — gliihend, 
p.a.  glowing,  incandescent. 

Gliihfaden,  m.  incandescent  filament. 

Gliihfarbe,  /.  glowing-red  color. 

Gliihhitze,  /.  glowing  heat. 

Gliihkorper,  TO.  incandescent  body;  specif.,  in- 
candescent mantle. 

Gliihiampe,  /.  incandescent  lamp. 

Gluhlicht,  n.  incandescent  light. 

Gliihlichtbrenner,  TO.  incandescent  burner. 

Giuhlichtkdrper,  Gliihlichtstrumpf,  TO.  incandes- 
cent mantle. 

Gluhofen,  TO.  glowing  furnace,  annealing  fur- 
nace; (Ceram.)  hardening-on  kiln. 

Gliihriickstand,  TO.  residue  on  ignition. 

Gluhsand,  TO.  refractory  sand. 

Gliihschalchen,  n.  ignition  capsule. 

Gluhschale,  /.  cupel. 

Gluhschiffchen,  n.  combustion  boat. 

Gluhspan,  TO.  iron  scale. 

Gliihstrumpf,  TO.  incandescent  mantle. 

Gluhung,/.  glowing,  etc.  (see  gltthen). 

Gliihverlust,  TO.  loss  on  ignition. 

Gluhwachs,  n.  gilder's  wax. 

Glukonsaure,  /.  gluconic  acid. 

Glukosid,  n.  glucoside. 

Glukosurie,  /.  glucosuria,  glycosuria. 

Glut,  /.  glow,  incandescence;  (Ceram.)  glow 
heat;  (fig.)  fire. 

Glutaminsaure,  /.  glutamic  acid. 

Glutarsaure,  /.  glutaric  acid. 

Glutasche,  /.  embers. 

glutinos,  a.  glutinous. 

Glutmesser,  TO.  pyrometer. 

glutrot,  a.  glowing  red. 

Glycerinsaure,  /.  glyceric  acid. 

Glycin,  n.  glycine;   glucina  (beryllia). 

Glycium,  n.  beryllium,  glucinum. 

Glycosid,  n.  glucoside. 

Glykocholsaure,  /.  glycocholic  acid. 

Glykolsaure,  /.  glycolic  acid. 

Glykolschwefelsaure,  /.  glycolsulfuric  acid. 

Glykolursaure,  /.  glycoluric  acid. 

glykolytisch,  a.  glycolytic. 

Glykose,  /.  glucose. 

Glykosid,  n.  glucoside. 

Glykosurie,  /.  glucosuria,  glycosuria. 

Glykuronsaure,  /.  glucuronic  acid. 

Glyoxalsaure,  /.  glyoxalic  acid. 

Glyoxylsaure,  /.  glyoxylic  (glyoxalic)  acid. 

Glyzerin,  n.  glycerol,  glycerin. 

G.m.b.H.,  abbrev.  (Gesellschaft  mit  beschrank- 
ter  Haftpflicht)  limited  company. 

Gnade,  /.  grace,  mercy,  pardon,  favor. 




Gnadengeld,  n.  pension,  annuity. 

Gnadenjahr,  n.  year  of  grace. 

Gnadenkraut,  n.  hedge  hyssop  (Gratiold). 

Gnadenstoss,  TO.  finishing  blow. 

gnadig,  a.  gracious,  merciful,  favorable. 

Gneis,  TO.  gneiss;   seborrhea. 

Gneist,  TO.  (Leather)  scud,  scurf. 

Goapulver,  n.  Goa  powder. 

goldartig,  a.  goldlike,  golden. 

Goldberyll,  TO.  chrysoberyl. 

Goldblatt,  n.  gold  leaf,  gold  foil. 

Goldchlorid,    n.    gold    chloride,    specif.,  auric 


Goldchloriir,  n.  aurous  chloride. 
Goldchlorwasserstoff,     m.,     Goldchlorwasser- 

stoffsaure,  /.  chlorauric  acid. 
Goldcyanttr,  n.  aurous  cyanide. 
Golderde,  /.  auriferous  earth. 
Golderz,  n.  gold  ore. 

Goldgewicht,  n,  gold  weight;  troy  weight 
Goldglatte,  /.  (a  kind  of)  litharge. 
Goldglimmer,  m.  yellow  mica. 
goldhaltig,  a.  auriferous. 
Goldhydroxyd,  n.  gold  hydroxide,  specif.,  auric 


Goldjodid,  n.  gold  iodide,  specif.,  auric  iodide. 
Goldjodiir,  n.  aurous  iodide. 
Goldkafer,  TO.  gold  beetle. 

Goldkaliumbromur,  n.  potassium  aurobromide. 
Goldkaliumcyaniir,  n.  potassium  aurocyanide. 
Goldkies,    m.    auriferous    pyrites;     auriferous 

sand  or  gravel. 
Goldklee,  TO.  yellow  trefoil. 
Goldkonig,  m.  regulus  of  gold. 
Goldkupfer,   n.    Mannheim   gold    (a   form   of 


Goldlegierung,  /.  gold  alloy. 
Goldleim,  TO.  gold  size. 
Goldmacherkunst,  /.  alchemy. 
Goldocher,  Goldocker,  w.  finest  yellow  ocher. 
Goldoxyd,  n.  gold  oxide,  specif.,  auric  oxide. 
Goldoxydul,  n.  aurous  oxide. 
Goldoxydulverbindung,  /.  aurous  compound. 
Goldoxydverbindung,  /.  auric  compound. 
Goldpapier,  n.  gilt  paper,  gold  paper. 
goldplattiert,  p.a.  gold-plated. 
Goldprobe,  /.  gold  assay,  gold  test. 
Goldpurpur,  TO.  purple  of  Cassius. 
Goldquarz,  TO.  auriferous  quartz. 
Goldregen,  TO.  laburnum. 
Goldrubinglas,  n.  ruby  glass  in  which  gold  is 

used  as  a  colorant. 
Goldrute,  /.  goldenrod. 
goldsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  auric  acid, 

aurate  of. 

Goldsaure,  /.  auric  acid. 
Goldschale,  /.  gold  dish,  gold  cup;   cupel. 
Goldschaum,  m.  imitation  gold,  Dutch  metal. 
Goldscheider,  TO.  gold  refiner,  gold  parter. 
Goldscheidewasser,  n.  aqua  regia. 

Goldscheidung,  /.  gold  parting,  gold  refining. 

Goldschlag,  TO.  gold  leaf,  gold  foil. 

Goldschlager,  TO.  goldbeater. 

Goldschlagerhaut,  /.  goldbeater's  skin. 

Goldschmied,  TO.  goldsmith. 

Goldschnitt,  TO.  gilt  edge. 

Goldschwefel,  TO.  antimony  pentasulfide. 

Goldsilber,  n.  electrum. 

Goldsulfiir,  n.  aurous  sulfide. 

Goldthioschwefelsaure,  /.  aurothiosulfuric  acid." 

Goldtropfen,  (Pharm.)  ethereal  tincture  of 
ferric  chloride. 

Goldverbindung,  /.  gold  compound. 

Goldzyaniir,  n.  aurous  cyanide. 

Golf,  TO.  gulf. 

golte,  pret.  subj.  of  gelten. 

Gondel,  /.  gondola. 

gonnen,  v.t.  wish;  grant. 

Conner,  m.  well-wisher,  patron. 

gor,  pret.  of  garen. 

goss,  pret.  of  giessen. 

Gosse,  /.  gutter. 

Gott,  TO.  God,  god. 

Gotterbaum,  TO.  tree  of  heaven  (Ailanthus 
glandulosus) . 

Gotterfabel,  Gotterlehre,  /.  mythology. 

Gotterspeise,  /.  ambrosia. 

Gottertrank,  TO.  nectar. 

Gottesacker,  TO.  churchyard,  cemetery. 

Gottesdienst,  TO.  divine  service. 

Gottesgelehrtheit,  Gotteslehre,  j.  theology. 

Gottesleugnung,  /.  atheism. 

Gottin,  /.  goddess. 

gottselig,  a.  godly,  pious. 

Gotze,  TO.  idol,  false  god. 

Grab,  n.  grave,  tomb. 

graben,  v.t.  dig;  engrave,  cut. 

Graben,  n.  ditch,  drain,  trench. 

Graber,  TO.  digger. 

Grablegung,  /.  burying,  interment. 

Grabmal,  n.  (sepulchral)  monument. 

Grabscheit,  n.  spade,  shovel. 

Grabschrift,  /.  epitaph. 

Grabstichel,  TO.  graver,  graving  tool,  chisel. 

Grad,  TO.  degree;  grade,  rank;  stage. 

Gradabteilung,  /.  graduation,  scale. 

Gradbogen,  /.  graduated  arc. 

Gradeinteilung,  /.  graduation,  scale. 

gradieren,  v.t.  graduate;  test  with  a  hydrom- 

Gradierhaus,  n.  (Salt)  graduation  house. 

Gradierung,  /.  graduation,  etc.  (see  gradieren). 

Gradierwage,  /.  brine  gage. 

Gradierwerk,  n.  graduation  apparatus  or  works 
(for  concentrating  a  solution  by  exposing  a 
large  surface  to  the  air). 

-gradig,  a.  having  (certain)  degrees. 

Gradmesser,  m.  graduator. 

Gradteilung,  /.  graduation,  scale. 

graduieren,  v.t.  graduate. 




Graduierung,  /.  graduation. 

Graf,  m.  count;   (in  England)  earl. 

Grafit,  n.  graphite. 

Gram,  TO.  sorrow,  affliction. 

gram,  a.  averse,  angry. 

gramen,  v.r.  grieve,  worry. 

gramlich,  a.  surly,  sullen,  peevish. 

Gramm,  n,  gram. 

Grammenflasche,  /.  pycnometer. 

Gran,  n.  &  m.  grain. 

Granadilholz,  n.  granadilla  wood. 

Granalien,  pi.  granulated  metal. 

Granat,  TO.  garnet;  (in  combination)  pome- 

Granatapfel,  TO.  pomegranate. 

Granatbaum,  m.  pomegranate  tree. 

Granatdodekaeder,  n.  rhombic  dodecahedron. 

Granate,  /.  grenade,  shell;  garnet;  pome- 

Granatillholz,  n.  granadilla  wood. 

Granatiilol,  n.  physic-nut  oil. 

Granatillsamen,  n.  physic  nut. 

Granatoeder,  n.  =  Granatdodekaeder. 

Granatrinde,  /.  pomegranate  bark. 

granatrot,  o.  garnet-red,  garnet. 

Granatwurzelrinde,  /.  pomegranate  root 

Grand,  m.  coarse  sand  or  fine  gravel;  (Brew- 
ing) underback. 

granieren,  v.t.  granulate,  grain. 

granitartig,  a.  granite-like,  granitic. 

graniten,  granitisch,  a.  granitic. 

Granitfels,  Granitfelsen,  TO.  granitic  rock. 

granitformig,  a.  granitiform. 

Granne,  /.  awn,  beard. 

granulieren,  v.t.  granulate. 

Granulierung,  /.  granulation. 

granules,  a.  granular. 

Granze,  /.  =  Grenze. 

Grapen,  TO.  (iron)  mixing  pot,  pot. 

graphisch,  a.  graphic. 

graphitartig,  graphitahnlich,  a.  graphite-like, 

graphitieren,  v.t.  blacklead. 

graphitisch,  a.  graphitic. 

Graphitsaure,  /.  graphitic  acid. 

Graphitspitze,  /.  (of  an  arc  lamp)  carbon. 

Graphitstift,  TO.  lead  pencil;  pencil  lead. 

Gras,  n.  grass. 

grasen,  v.i.  graze. 

Graser,  grasses,  (Rot.)  Poacese. 

grasfressend,  p.a.  graminivorous,  herbiverous. 

grasig,  a.  grassy,  grassgrown. 

Grasleinen,  n.  grass  cloth. 

Grasol,  n.  grass  oil,  specif.,  citronella  oil. 

grassieren,  v.i.  rage,  spread. 

griisslich,  a.  horrible,  frightful. 

Graswurzel,  /.  couch  grass  (Agropyron  repens) ; 
(Pharm.)  triticum;  grass  root. 

Grat,  m.  edge,  ridge,  bur;  groin  (of  a  roof). 

Grate,  /.  fishbone;  edge,  ridge,  spine. 

grau,  a.  gray. — graue  Quecksilbersalbe,  /. 
mercurial  ointment. 

Graubraunstein,  TO.  (Min.)  manganite. 

Graubraunsteinerz,  n.  pyrolusite. 

Graueisenerz,  n.  marcasite. 

grauen,  v.i.  grow  gray;  dawn;  be  in  dread. 

grauenhaft,  a.  horrible. 

Graugolderz,  n.  nagyagite. 

Graugultigerz,  n.  tetrahedrite. 

Graukalk,  TO.  gray  lime  (inferior  in  quality) ; 
gray  chalk. 

Graukobalterz,  n.  gray  cobalt  ore,  jaipurite. 

Graukupfererz,  n.  chalcocite;  tennantite. 

graulich,  graulich,  a.  grayish. 

Graumanganerz,  n.  gray  manganese  ore,  man- 
ganite; (lichtes)  polianite. 

Graumontsamen,  m.  pumpkin  seed. 

Graupe,  /.  peeled  grain,  esp.  of  barley;  knot 
(in  cotton);  (Min.)  grain. — pi.  Graupen, 
pearl  barley;  groats. 

graupeln,  v.i.  sleet. 

Graupenerz,  n.  granular  ore. 

Graupenkobalt,  m.  smaltite. 

Graupenschleim,  TO.  barley  water. 

Graupenschiirl,  m.  aphrizite. 

graupig,  a.  granular. 

Graus,  TO.  small  fragments,  smalls;  horror; 

grausam,  a.  horrible,  inhuman,  cruel. 

grausen,  v.t.  shudder. 

grausig,  a.  gruesome,  horrible. 

Grauspiessglanz,  m.,  Grauspiessglanzerz,  n., 
gray  antimony  ore,  stibnite. 

Grauwacke,  /.  (Petrog.)  graywacke. 

gravieren,  v.t.  engrave;  aggravate. 

gravimetrisch,  a.  gravimetric. 

Grazie,  /.  grace,  charm. 

greif bar,  a.  graspable,  tangible. 

greifen,  v.t.  &  i.  grasp,  seize,  grip,  catch. — • 
v.i.  mat,  felt,  cake. 

Greifzirkel,  TO.  calipers. 

greis,  a.  gray  with  age,  old. 

Greisen-.  senile. 

grell,  a.  bright,  dazzling,  glaring;  shrill. — 
grelles  Roheisen,  white  pig  iron. 

Grenadillholz,  n.  granadilla  wood. 

Grejnz-.  limit  (in  Org.  Chem.  designating  satu- 
rated aliphatic  compounds,  i.e.,  the  methane, 
or  paraffin,  series  and  derivatives);  limiting, 
terminal,  marginal. 

Grenzalkohol,  TO.  limit  alcohol,  paraffin  alco- 
hol, saturated  alcohol. 

Grenze,  /.  limit,  boundary,  bound,  end;  limi- 

Grenzenlinie,  /.  boundary  line. 

grenzenlos,  a.  unlimited,  infinite. 

Grenzfall,  TO.  limiting  case. 

Grenzflache,  /.  boundary  surface,  surface  of 




Grenzgesetz,  n.  limit  law  (one  which  natural 

phenomena  approximate  but  never  actually 

Grenzkohlenwasserstoff,  m.  any  hydrocarbon 

of  the  methane  series,  paraffin,  alkane,  limit 


Grcnzkurve,  /.  limiting  curve,  limit  curve. 
Grenzscheide,  /.  boundary. 
Grenzverbindung,  /.  terminal  compound,  end 

compound,  end  member;  saturated  aliphatic 

compound  (see  Grenz-). 
Grenzwert,  m.  limiting  value,  limit. 
Grenzwinkel,  TO.  critical  angle. 
Greuel,  TO.  horror,  detestation. 
greulich,  a.  abominable,  detestable. 
Greze,  Grezseide,  /.  raw  silk. 
Grieben,  cracklings. 
griechisch,  a.  Greek. 
Gries,  TO.  =  Griess. 
grieselig,  griesig,  a.  gritty,  gravelly. 
Griess,    TO.    grit,    gravel,    coarse   sand;     grits, 

groats;  small  coal;    (Med.)  gravel. 
Griessmittel,  n.  remedy  for  gravel. 
Griessstein,  TO.  urinary  calculus,  gravel;  jade. 
griff,  pret.  of  greifen. 

Griff,  TO.  grip,  grasp;  handle,  knob;  touch,  feel. 
Griffel,  TO.  style,  stylus;  slate  pencil,  pencil; 

(Bot.)  style. 

griffelformig,  a.  styloid,  styliform. 
Griffstopfen,  TO.  stopper  with  thumb  piece. 
Grille,  /.  cricket;   whim,  crotchet. 
Grimasse,  /.  grimace. 
Grimm,  TO.  rage,  fury. 
Grimmdarm,  TO.  (Med.)  colon. 
grimmen,  v.i.  gripe. 
Grind,  m.  scab,  scurf,  crust. 
grinsen,  v.i.  grin;    (of  colors)  stare;    (of  metals) 

begin  to  melt. 
grob,  a.  coarse;    thick,  heavy,  rough;    large, 

gross;  ill-bred,  rude. 
grobfadig,  a.  coarse-threaded. 
grobfaserig,  a.  coarse-fibered. 
grobgepulvert,  p.a.  coarsely  powdered. 
Grobgewicht,  n.  gross  weight. 
Grobkorn,  n.  coarse  grain,  large  grain. 
grobkornig,    a.    coarse-grained,    large-grained, 

coarsely  granular. 

grobkrystallinisch,  a.  coarsely  crystalline. 
groblich,     a.     rather     coarse. — adv.     coarsely, 


Grobmortel,  TO.  coarse  mortar,  concrete. 
Grobschmied,  TO.  blacksmith. 
Grobschrot,  n.  &  TO.  coarse  groats;     (Brewing) 

coarsely  ground  malt. 
Groll,  TO.  grudge,  malice. 
Gronland,  n.  Greenland. 
gross,  a.  great;  large,  tall;   capital  Getter). 
grossartig,  a.  grand,  sublime. 
Grossbetrieb,   m.   operation  on   a  large  scale; 

wholesale  trade. 

grossblatterig,  a.  coarsely  foliated  or  laminated ; 


grossbritannisch,  a.  British. 
Grosse,  /.  quantity;  magnitude;  amount,  bulk, 

size,  largeness,  greatness. 
Grossenlehre,  /.  mathematics;   geometry. 
Grossenordnung,  /.  order  of  magnitude, 
grossfaserig,  a.  large-fibered,  coarse-fibered. 
Grossfeuer,  n.  (Ceram.)  full  fire. 
Grossfiirst,  TO.  grand  duke. 
Grossgewerbe,  n.  manufacture  on  a  large  scale. 
Grosshandel,  TO.  wholesale  business. 
Grosshandler,  TO.  wholesaler, 
grossherzig,  a.  magnanimous. 
Grossherzog,  TO.  grand  duke. 
Grosshirn,  n.  cerebrum. 
Grossindustrie,  /.  =  Grossgewerbe. 
grossjahrig,  a.  of  age. 
grossmiitig,  a.  magnanimous,  generous. 
Grossmutter,  /.  grandmother. 
grosstenteils,  adv.  for  the  most  part. 
Grossvater,  TO.  grandfather. 
Grotte,  /.  grotto, 
grub,  pret.  of  graben. 
Griibchen,  n.  little  hole  or  opening;    dimple; 

(Biol.)  lacuna. 
Grube,  /.   mine;     quarry;     hole,   cavity;     pit; 


griibeln,  v.i.  ponder,  brood. 
Grubenbau,  TO.  mine  digging,  underground 


Grubenbetrieb,  m.  mining. 
Grubenbrand,  TO.  mine  fire. 
Grubengas,  n.  marsh  gas,  methane;  fire  damp 

(explosive  mixture  of  methane  and  air). 
Grubengut,  n.  (Mining)  minerals. 
Grubenklein,  n.  (Mining)  rubbish,  slack. 
Grubenlampe,  /.  miner's  lamp. 
Grubensand,  m.  pit  sand,  dug  sand. 
Grubenverkohlung,  /.  pit  burning  (of  charcoal). 
Grubenwetter,  n.  mine  damp,  specif.,  fire  damp, 
griin,  a.  green. — griine  Erde  =  Grunerde. 
Grim,  n.  green. 
Griinbleierz,  n.  green  lead  ore,  green  pyromor- 

phite  (or  green  mimetite). 
Grand,  TO.  ground  (in  various  senses) ;  grounds, 

sediment;  bottom;   foundation,  base,  basis. 
Grand-,   ground,   bottom,   foundation,   funda- 
mental, primary,  elementary;    (before  adjs.t 

grand-)  thoroly,  radically. 
Grundbesitz,  TO.  landed  property,  real  estate. 
Grundbestandteil,  m.  elementary  constituent, 


Grundeinhcit,  /.  fundamental  unit, 
gr iinden,  v.t.  ground,  found,  establish;   groove. 
Grander,  TO.  founder,  establisher,  promoter. 
grundfalsch,  a.  radically  false. 
Grundfarbe,  /.   primary   color;    ground    color, 

priming  color;    (Dyeing)  bottom  color. 
Grundfeuchtigkeit,  /.  soil  moisture. 




Grundfirnis,  TO.  priming  varnish. 
Grundflache,  /.  basal  surface,  base;  area. 
Grundfliissigkeit,/.  (Colloids)  suspending  liquid. 
Grundform,  /.  primary  or  fundamental  form, 


Grundgebirge,  n.  primitive  rock. 
Grundgesetz,  n.  fundamental  law. 
Grundierbad,  n.  bottoming  bath. 
grundieren,  v.t.  ground,  prime;  (Gilding)  size; 

(Paper)   stain;     (Dyeing)   bottom;     (Calico) 


Grundkapital,  n.  stock. 

Grundkorper,  m.  fundamental  or  parent  sub- 

Grundkraft,  /.  primary  force,  primitive  force. 
Grundlage,  /.   foundation,   groundwork,   base; 

basis,    principle;     matrix;     basement;     (Old 

Chem.)  radical  base. 

griindlich,  a.  fundamental;    profound;    thoro. 
Grundlinie,  /.  ground  line,  base  line,  basis. 
Grundmasse,    /.    groundmoss,    ground    mass; 

(Anat.)  stroma. 
Grundmortel,  m.  concrete. 
Grundproblem,  n.  fundamental  problem. 
Grundregel,  /.  principle,  axiom. 
Grundriss,  TO.  ground  plan;  sketch,  outline. 
Grundsatz,  m.  principle,  axiom, 
grundsatzlich,  a.  fundamental,  based  on  prin- 
Grundschicht,  /.  primary  layer,  fundamental 

layer;  ground  course. 
Grundstein,  TO.  foundation  stone,  cornerstone; 

lower  (mill)  stone. 
Grundstock,  TO.  matrix. 

Grundstoff,  TO.  element;  raw  material;  base. 
Grundstrich,    TO.    first    coat,    priming;     down 

Grundsubstanz,   /.    element;     (Anat.)    ground 


Grundteilchen,  n.  smallest  particle,  atom. 
Griindung,  /.  foundation;   first  coat,  priming. 
Grundversuch,  m.  fundamental  experiment. 
Grundwasser,  n.  ground  water. 
Grundzahl,  /.  unit;    base  number,  base;    car- 

dinal  number. 
Griine,  Griinen,  n.  green. 
Griineisenerz,   Griineisenstein,  TO.  green  iron 

ore,  dufrenite. 
Gviinerde,  /.  green  earth  (glauconite,  also  cel- 


Griinfeuer,  n.  green  fire. 
griingelb,  a.  greenish  yellow. 
Grunkalk,  TO.  gas  lime. 
griinlich,  a.  greenish. 
Griinmalz,  n.  green  malt. 
Grunol,  n.  green  oil  (anthracene  oil). 
Griinspan,  TO.  verdigris. 
Griinspat,  m.  a  variety  of  diopside. 
Griinstar,  m.  glaucoma. 
Griinstein,  TO.  (Geol.)  greenstone. 

Grtinsucht,  /.  chlorosis. 

grunzen,  v.i.  grunt. 

Gruppe, /.  group;  cluster,  set. 

gruppenweise,  adv.  in  groups. 

gruppieren,  v.t.  group. 

Grus,  TO.  &  n.  small  fragments,  smalls;  specif., 
small  coal,  slack;  fine  gravel. 

gruselig,  a.  shuddering;   awful. 

Gruss,  TO.  greeting,  salutation. 

griissen,  v.t.  greet,  salute. 

Grutz-.  of  or  like  grits,  pulpy,  (Med.)  sebaceous, 

Griitzbrei,  TO.  porridge,  mush. 

Gf  iitze,  /.  grits,  groats. 

Griitzschleim,  m.  gruel. 

G-Saure,  /.  G-acid  (2-naphthol-6,8-disulfonic 

Guajak,  TO.  guaiacum. 

Guajakharz,  n.  guaiacum  resin,  guaiacum. 

Guajakholz,  n.  guaiacum  wood. 

Guajakinsaure,  /.  guaiacinic  acid. 

Guajakol,  n.  guaiacol. 

Guajaksaure,  /.  guaiacic  acid. 

gucken,  v.i.  look,  peep. 

Guckloch,  n.  peep  hole. 

Guhr,  /.  =  Gur. 

Gulden,  TO.  gulden,  florin. 

Gtille,  /.  liquid  manure  (esp.  a  kind  formed  by 
the  decomposition  of  animal  refuse). 

giiltig,  a.  valid,  binding,  good,  current;  (Min- 
ing) specif.,  auriferous. 

Gultigkeit,  /.  validity,  binding  force,  availabil- 

Gum  mi,  n.  gum;    (India)  rubber. 

Guntmi  arabicum.  gum  arabic. 

Gummiart,  /.  variety  of  gum,  gum; 

gummiartig,  a.  gumlike,  gummous,  gummy. 

Gummiband,  n.  rubber  band;  elastic. 

Gummibaum,  TO.  gum  tree;  rubber  tree. 

Gummi  elasticum.  rubber. 

gummieren,  v.t.  gum;    (Gilding)  size. 

Gummifahne,  /.  rubber  flag  (for  precipitates). 

Gumminchte,  /.  balsam  fir. 

Gummiflasche,  /.  rubber  bottle. 

gummig,  gummicht,  a.  gummy,  gummous. 

Gummigut,  Gummigutt,  n.  gamboge. 

gummihaltig,  a.  containing  gum,  gummy. 

Gummiharz,  n.  gum  resin. 

Gummilack,  TO.  gum  lac,  lac. 

Gummipfropf,  TO.  rubber  stopper. 

Gummirohr,  n.  rubber  tube. 

Gummisaure,  /.  gummic  acid  (arabic  acid). 

Gummischlauch,  TO.  rubber  tube,  rubber  tubing. 

Gummischleim,  TO.  mucilage  (made  from  gum), 
(Pharm.)  mucilage  of  acacia. 

Gummisirup,  m.  (Pharm.)  sirup  of  acacia. 

Gummistein,  TO.  hyalite. 

Gummistempel,  TO.  rubber  stamp. 

GummistofT,  TO.  rubber  cloth. 

Gummistopfen,  TO.  rubber  stopper. 




Gummitragant,  TO.  gum  tragacanth. 
Gummiverbindung,  /.  rubber  connection. 
Gummiwaren,  rubber  goods, 
gummbs,  a.  gummous,  gummy. 
Gundelrebe,  /.,  Gundermann,  m.  ground  ivy 

(Glecoma  hederacea). 
Gunst,  /.  favor,  kindness. 
giinstig,  a.  favorable;  kind,  propitious. 
Gar,'  /.    guhr    (pulverulent   mineral    deposit); 

specif.,  kieselguhr. 

Gurdynamit,  TO.  &  n.  guhr  dynamite. 
Gurgel,  /.  throat,  gullet. 
Gurgelader,  /.  jugular  vein. 
Gurgelmittcl,  n.  gargle. 
gurgeln,  v.t.  &  i.  gargle;  gurgle. 
Gurke,  /.  cucumber. 
Gurkenkraut,  n.  borage. 
Gurt,  TO.  girdle,  belt,  girth. 
Gurtel,  m.  girdle,  belt,  sash. 
gtirten,  v.t.  gird,  girdle. 
Guss,  TO.  casting,  founding;  cast  iron;  gate  (of 

a  mold);    gutter;   jet    (of  liquid);    pour  (of 

rain);  font  (of  type) ;  (Brewing)  mash  liquor, 

mash  water. 

Gussblase,  /.  flaw  in  a  casting. 
Gussblei,  n.  cast  lead. 
Gusseisen,  n.  cast  iron;  pig  iron. 
gusseisern,  a.  cast-iron. 
Gussflasche,  /.  molding  flask. 
Gussform, /.  (casting)  mold;   (Soap)  frame. 
Gusskasten,  m.  casting  box,  molding  box. 
Gussmessing,  n.  cast  brass. 
Gussmetall,  n.  cast  metal. 

Gussmortel,  TO.  concrete,  cement. 

Gusspfanne,  /.  (Metal)  ladle. 

Gussschlicker,  TO.  (Ceram.)  casting  slip. 

Gussspane,  cast-iron  chips  or  borings. 

Gussstahl,  m.  cast  steel. 

Gussstein,  TO.  sink;   drain. 

Gussstuck,  n.  cast,  casting. 

Guss  war  en,  castings,  foundry  goods. 

gut,  a.  good. — adv.  well. 

Gut,  n.  good;  (valuable  or  useful)  material, 
possession,  property,  goods,  ware;  (in  com- 
bination) goods  or  material  to  be  treated; 
as,  Farbgut,  goods  to  be  dyed;  pi.  Giiter, 
goods,  wares,  commodities. 

Gutachten,  n.  expert  opinion,  judgment;  deci- 
sion, verdict. 

gutartig,  a.  good-natured;   mild. 

Giite,  /.  goodness,  worth,  quality. 

Giiter,     See  Gut. 

Giiterzug,  TO.  freight  train,  goods  train. 

Gutgewicht,  n.  fair  weight;   allowance. 

Guthaben,  n.  balance,  credit. 

giitig,  a.  good,  kind,  gracious. 

giitlich,  a.  friendly,  amicable. 

gutmiitig,  a.  good-natured,  kind. 

Gutschmecker,  m.  gastronomist,  epicure. 

Gutschrift,  /.  credit. 

Gutti,  n.  gamboge. 

gutwillig,  a.  willing,  obliging;   voluntary. 

gutziehend,  p.a.  well-drawing,  with  a  good  draft. 

Gymnasium,  n.  (German)  gymnasium,  a  classi- 
cal school  preparing  for  the  universities. 

Gyps,  Gyps-.     See  Gips,  Gips-. 

h.,     abbrev.     (hochschmelzend)     high-melting; 

(heiss)  hot;   (hoch)  high,  great;   (heilig)  holy, 

H.,  abbrev.  (Harte)  hardness;    (Hohe)  altitude; 

(Haben)  credit;    (Hoheit)  Highness. 
Haar,  n,  hair. 
Haar-.  capillary. 
Haaralaun,  m.  capillary  alum. 
haarartig,  a.  hairlike,  capillary. 
Haarbaig,  TO.  hair  follicle. 
Haarbeize,  /.  depilatory. 
Haarerz,  n.  capillary  ore. 
haarfaserig,  a.  filamentous. 
haarformig,  a.  capillary,  hair-shaped. 
Haargefass,  n.  capillary  vessel. 
haarig,  a.  hairy;   pilose. 
Haarkies,  m.  capillary  pyrites,  millerite. 
Haarkupfer,  n.  capillary  copper, 
haarlos,  a.  hairless,  bald;    (of  fabrics)  napless. 
Haarnadel,  /.  hairpin. 
Haarriss,  m.  (hair)  crack,  craze, 
haarrissig,  a.  crazed. — haarrissig  werden,  craze. 
Haarrohr,    -rohrchen,    n.,    -rohre,  /.  capillary 


Haarrohrenanziehung,  /.  capillary  attraction. 
Haarsackchen,  n.  hair  follicle. 
Haarsalz,  n.  hair  salt  (fibrous  form  of  aluno- 

gen,  halotrichite  or  epsomite). 
Haarschwefel,  m.  capillary  sulfur. 
Haarschweif,  TO.  coma  (of  a  comet). 
Haarsilber,  n.  capillary  silver. 
Haarvertilgungsmittel,  n.  depilatory. 
Haarvitriol,  TO.  capillary  epsomite. 
Habe,  /.  property. 
haben,  v.t.  have. 

Haben,  n.  (Com.)  credit;  creditor. 
Habgier,  /.  covetousness. 
Habicht,  TO.  hawk. 

Habichtskraut,  n.  hawkweed  (Hieracium). 
Habitus,  m.  habit. 
Habsucht,  /.  avidity.  % 
Hacke,  /.  hoe;   mattock;  pick. 
hacken,  v.t.  hack,  chop;  mince. 
Hacken,  m.  heel. 
Hader,  m.  rag. 

haderig,  hadrig,  a.  (of  iron)  short. 
Hadernlade,  /.  rag  chest. 
Hafen,  TO.  pot;  harbor,  port. 
Hafer,  TO.  oats. 

Haformehl.  n.  oatmeal. 

Haferschleim,  TO.  oat  gruel.   « 

Hafnererz,  n.  potter's  ore  (fine  galena). 

-haft,  partaking  of  the  nature  of,  -ish,  -ous, 

-ose,    -ly,    -ful;      as,    schmerzhaft,    painful, 


Haft,  /.  custody,  arrest. 
haftbar,  a.  liable,  responsible, 
haften,  v.i.  adhere,  cling,  stick;  be  liable. 
Hag,  TO.  hedge;    pile  (of  tiles);    bush;    grove; 


Hagebuche,  /.  hornbeam. 
Hagedorn,  m.  hawthorn. 
Hagel,  m.  hail;  small  shot. 
hageln,  v.i.  hail. 
hager,  a.  haggard,  thin. 
Haher,  w.  jay. 
Hahn,  TO.  cock,  stopcock;    tap,  faucet;    cock, 


Hahnenfuss,  TO.  (lit.)  cock's  foot;  (Ceram.)  cock- 
spur;   (Bot.)  crowfoot,  ranunculus. 
Hahnstopfen,  n.  cock  stopper. 
Hai,  Haifisch,  TO.  shark. 
Haifischtran,  TO.  shark-liver  oil. 
Hain,  TO.  grove,  wood. 
Hakchen,  n.  little  hook,  clasp. 
Hakelgarn,  n.  crochet  thread, 
hakeln,  v.t.  crochet;   hook. 
Haken,   TO.    hook;     clasp,    catch;     (Puddling) 


hakenformig,  a.  hooked,  unciform. 
Hakenprobe,  /.  (Sugar)  hook  test. 
hakig,  a.  hooked;   hackly  (fracture). 
halb,  a.  &  adv.  half. 
Halb-.  half,  semi-,  hemi-,  sub-. 
Halbalaun,  TO.  impure  alum. 
Halbaldehyd,  TO.  &  n.  semialdehyde. 
Halbart,  /.  subspecies. 
Halbbleiche,  /.  half  bleach;  cream  color. 
Halbchlorschwefel,      TO.      sulfur      subchloride 

(monochloride) . 

halbcylindrisch,  a.  semicylindrical. 
Halbdunkel,  n.  twilight. 
halbdurchlassig,  a.  semipermeable. 
Halbdurchmesser,  TO.  semidiameter,  radius. 
halbdurchsichtig,  a.  semitransparent. 
Halbedelstein,  TO.  semiprecious  stone. 
halbeirund,  a.  semioval. 
halber,  halben,  prep,  in  behalf  of,  on  account  of. 





Halbfabrikat,  n.  intermediate  product,  semi- 

Halbflachner,  m.  hemihedron. 

Halbflugler,  Hemiptera. 

halbflussig,  a.  semiliquid,  semifluid. 

Ha  I  hf  run /.band,  m.  half -calf  binding;  volume 
bound  in  half  calf. 

Halbgut,  n.  (Metal.)  tin  containing  much  lead. 

Halbharz,  n.  crude  resin. 

Halbheit, /.  imperfection;  indecision. 

Halbhollander,  w.  (Paper)  washing  engine. 

halbieren,  v.t.  halve;  bisect. 

Halbinsel,  /.  peninsula. 

halbjahrlich,  a.  semiannual. 

Halbkolloid,  n.  semicolloid. 

Halbkreis,  m.  semicircle. 

halbkreisformig,  a.  semicircular. 

Halbkugel,  /.  hemisphere. 

halbkugelig,  a.  hemispherical. 

Halblederband,  m.  half-leather  binding  (or  a 
volume  so  bound). 

Halbmahlen,  n.  breaking  in. 

Halbmattglasur,  /.  (Ceram.)  semi-mat  glaze. 

Halbmesser,  m.  radius. 

Halbmetall,  n.  semimetal. 

halbmonatlich,  a.  semimonthly. 

Halbnitril,  n.  seminitrile. 

halbnormal,  a.  half-normal,  seminormal. 

Halbopal,  m.  semiopal. 

Halbporzellan,  n.  semiporcelain. 

halbracemisch,  a.  semiracemic. 

Halbschattenapparat,  m.  half-shade  (or  half- 
shadow)  apparatus. 

Halbstoff,  TO.  (Paper)  half  stuff. 

Halbstoffhollander,  TO.  breaker. 

halbtief,  a.  of  half  the  depth,  shallow. 

halbtrocken,  a.  half-dry,  semi-dry. 

halbweich,  a.  half-soft,  partly  soft. 

Halbzeug,  n.  half  stuff. 

Halbzinn,  n.=  Halbgut. 

Halde,  /.  heap  (of  refuse),  dump. 

Haldenschlacke,  /.  discarded  slag. 

half,  pret.  of  helfen. 

Haifa,  /.  esparto. 

Halfte,  /.  half. 

Halfter,  TO.  halter. 

Hall,  TO.  sound,  peal;  resonance. 

Halle,/,  hall;  porch. 

hallen,  v.i.  sound,  resound. 

Halm,  TO.  blade,  stalk;  straw. 

Halmfriichte,  cereals. 

Halochemie,  /.  chemistry  of  salts. 

Halogen-,  halogen,  halo-  (as  in  Halogenben- 
zoesaure,  Halogenpyridin,  etc.),  halide  of  (as 
in  Halogensilber,  silver  halide). 

Halogenalkyl,  n.  alkyl  halide. 

Halogenid,  n.  halide. 

Halogenkohlenstoff,  TO.  carbon  halide. 

Halogenmetall,  n.  metallic  halide. 

Halogenquecksilber,  n.  mercury  halide. 

Halogenschwefel,  TO.  sulfur  halide. 

Halogensilber,  n.  silver  halide. 

halogensubstituiert,  p.a.  halogen-substituted 
or,  better,  halo-  (as,  halogensubstituierte 
Chinone,  haloquinones) . 

Halogenverbindung,  /.  halogen  compound. 

Halogenwasserstoff,  m.  hydrogen  halide. 

HalogenwasserstofFsaure,  /.  halogen  hydracid, 
hydrohalic  acid  (general  name  for  hydro- 
chloric, hydrobromic,  etc.,  acids). 

Haloid,  Haloidsalz,  n.  halide. 

Hals,  TO.  neck;  throat;  stem  (of  a  thermom- 
eter, etc.). 

Hals-.  (Anat).  cervical. 

Halsband,  n.  neck  ribbon;  necklace;   collar. 

Halsbein,  n.  collar  bone. 

Halsbinde,  /.  necktie,  cravat. 

Halsbraune,  /.  throat  affection  (applied  to  va- 
rious diseases,  as  diphtheria,  croup,  etc.). 

Halsmandel,  /.  tonsil. 

Halsrohre,  /.  trachea. 

halsstarrig,  a.  stiffnecked,  stubborn. 

Halt,  TO.  hold,  holding;  halt,  stop;  firmness;  yield. 

halt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  halten. 

haltbar,  a.  stable;  strong,  durable;  fast,  per- 
manent (colors). 

Haltbarkeit,  /.  stability,  etc.  (see  haltbar); 
keeping  quality. 

halten,  v.t.  hold;  keep;  deliver  (an  address); 
take  (a  newspaper). — v.r.  hold  on,  remain; 
keep,  last. — v.i.  hold,  keep,  last;  stop. 

Halter,  TO.  holder;  support;  handle;  hold;  keeper. 

Halter,  TO.  holder;  reservoir. 

Halterarm,  TO.  supporting  arm,  support. 

Haltezeit,  /.  halt,  pause. 

haltig,  a.  rich  (ore);  (as  a  suffix)  containing, 
holding,  yielding,  bearing,  -ferous,  as  zinn- 
haltig,  containing  tin,  stanniferous. 

haltlos,  a.  unstable,  unsteady,  infirm,  loose; 
(of  paper)  tender. 

Haltung,  /.  attitude,  bearing,  state;  harmony; 

Ham-,  hem-,  ha?m-. 

Hamatin,  n.  hematin. 

Hamatit,  m.  hematite. 

hamisch,  a.  malicious. 

Hammatsch.  (Brewing)  sodium  bicarbonate. 

Hammel,  TO.  wether;  mutton. 

Hammelfett,  n.  mutton  fat. 

Hammelfleisch,  n.  mutton. 

Hammeltalg,  TO.  mutton  tallow. 

hammerbar,  a.  malleable. 

Hammerbarkeit,  /.  malleability. 

Hammereisen,  n.  wrought  iron. 

hammergar,  a.  (Copper)  tough-pitch,  tough. 

hammern,  v.t.  hammer,  forge. 

Hammerschlag,  TO.  hammer  scale. 

Handarbeit,  /.  hand  work;  manual  labor; 

Handausgabe,  /.  pocket  edition. 




Handbuch,  n.  manual,  handbook,  compendium. 

Handel,  m.  commerce,  trade;  business,  affair; 

handeln,  v.L  act;  trade. — handeln  um,  treat,  be 
about. — es  handelt  sich  um,  the  question  is 
as  to. .  . 

Handels-.  commercial. 

Handelsamt,  n.  board  of  trade. 

Handelsartikel,  m.  article  of  commerce,  com- 

Handelsbetrieb,  m.  traffic. 

Handelschemiker,  m.  commercial  chemist, 
(commercial)  analytical  chemist. 

Handelsgewicht,  n.  commercial  weight. 

Handelsleute,  pi.  tradespeople,  tradesmen. 

Handelsmann,  m.  tradesman. 

Handelssilber,  n.  commercial  silver  (containing 

Handelssorte,  /.  commercial  form  or  variety. 

Handelsverein,  TO.  commercial  association, 
commercial  union. 

Handelszeichen,  n.  trademark. 

Handelszink,  n.  commercial  zinc,  spelter. 

Handgebrauch,  m.  daily  use. 

Handgelenk,  n.  wrist,  wrist  joint. 

handgreiflich,  a.  obvious,  palpable,  downright. 

Handgriff,  m.  handle;   grasp;  knack. 

Handhabe,  /.  handle. 

handhaben,  v.L  handle;   manipulate. 

Handhabung,  /.  handling;  manipulation. 

handheiss,  a.  of  the  temperature  of  the  hand, 

Handier,  m.  dealer,  retailer. 

handlich,  a.  handy,  manageable. 

Handlichkeit,  /.  handiness. 

Handlung,  /.  trade,  commerce;  (commercial) 
establishment;  action;  plot. 

Handschrift,  /.  handwriting. 

Handschuh,  m.  glove. 

Handstrich,  m.  (Ceram.)  hand  molding. 

Handstiick,  n.  specimen  (of  ore  or  the  like,  of  a 
size  conveniently  held  in  the  hand),  hand 

Handtuch,  n.  towel. 

Handverkauf,  TO.  retail. 

Handwage,  /.  hand  balance. 

Hand  war  me,  /.  heat  (or  warmth)  of  the  hand. 

Handwerk,  n.  handicraft,  trade;   guild. 

Handwerker,  TO.  mechanic,  artisan,  workman. 

handwerksmassig,  a.  workmanlike;  mechanical. 

Handwerkszeug,  n.  tools,  instruments. 

Handworterbuch,  n.  abridged  dictionary. 

Hanf,  m.  hemp. 

hanfartig,  a.  hemplike,  hempen. 

Hiinfling,  TO.  linnet. 

Hanfol,  n.  hemp  (seed)  oil. 

Hanfsamen,  n.  hempseed. 

Hanfseil,  n.  hemp  rope,  hemp  cord. 

Hang,  TO.  slope,  declivity;  inclination,  propen- 
sity, bent. 

Range,  /.  place  where  things  are  hung  to  dry, 
drying  house,  loft;  (Dyeing)  ager. 

Hangebrucke,  /.  suspension  bridge. 

Hangematte,  /.  hammock. 

hangen,  hangen,  v.i.  hang;  cling,  adhere;  (in  a 
furnace)  scaffold. — hangend,  hiingend,  p.a. 
hanging,  suspended,  pendent. 

hangen,  v.t.  hang,  suspend;  attach. 

Hangenbleiben,  n.  (in  a  furnace)  scaffolding. 

Hansel,  m.  (Brewing)  return  wort. 

hanseln,  v.t.  play  tricks  on,  chaff. 

Hantel,  /.  dumb-bell. 

hantieren,  v.t.  work,  handle,  manipulate;  man- 
age.— P.I.  be  busy,  be  occupied. 

Hantierung,  /.  manipulation,  etc.  (see  han- 
tieren); occupation. 

Harfe,  /.  harp. 

Haring,  TO.  =  Hering. 

Harke,  /.  rake. 

barken,  v.t.  rake. 

Harm,  TO.  sorrow,  grief;  harm. 

barmen,  v.r.  grieve,  worry. 

Harn,  TO.  urine. 

Harnabsatz,  m.  urinary  sediment. 

Harnanalyse,  /.  urine  analysis,  urinalysis. 

Harnbenzoesaure,  /.  hippuric  acid. 

Harnblase,  /.  (urinary)  bladder. 

harnen,  v.i.  urinate. 

Harnfarbstoff,  TO.  urinary  pigment. 

Harnkolloid,  n.  urinary  colloid. 

Harnkraut,  n.  yellowweed  (Reseda  luteola). 

Harnlehre,  /.  urinology. 

Harnleiter,  TO.  ureter,  catheter. 

Harnmesser,  TO.  urinometer. 

Harnrohre,  /.  urethra. 

Harnruhr,  /.  diabetes. 

Harnsalz,  n.  microcosmic  salt;  (any)  salt  found 
in  urine. 

Harnsand,  TO.  (urinary)  gravel. 

harnsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  uric  acid, 
urate  of. 

Harnsaure,  /.  uric  acid. 

Harnstein,  TO.  urinary  calculus. 

Harnstoff,  TO.  urea. 

harntreibend,  p.a.  diuretic. 

Harnuntersuchung,  /.  investigation  of  urine, 

Harnwage,  /.  urinometer. 

Harnzucker,  TO.  sugar  in  urine. 

barren,  v.i.  wait,  stay. 

hart,  a.  hard;  hardy;  (Mining)  refractory. — 
adv.  hardly,  hard. 

Hartblei,  n.  hard  lead  (applied  to  crude  lead 
hardened  by  antimony  and  other  impurities, 
and  to  an  alloy  of  lead  and  antimony). 

Hartborst,  m.,  Hartborste,  /.  (Steel)  crack 
formed  during  hardening. 

Harte,  /.  hardness;   hardiness. 

Hartebestimmung,  /.   determination   of  hard- 




Hartegrad,  m.  degree  of  hardness;  temper  (of 

bar  ten,  v.t.  harden;   tamper. 

Harteriss,  m.  =  Hartborst. 

Harteskala,  /.  scale  of  hardness. 

Hartfliigler,  Coleoptera. 

hartgelotet,  p.p.  of  hartloten. 

Hartglas,  n.  hard  glass. 

Hartgummi,  n.  hard  rubber. 

Hartguss,  m.  chill  casting;  chilled  casting. 

Hartharz,  n.  hard  resin,  solid  resin. 

Hartheu,  n.  St.-John's-wort. 

hartleibig,  a.  costive. 

Hartlot,  n.  hard  solder. 

hartloten,  v.t.  hard-solder,  braze. 

hartnackig,  a.  stiff-necked,  stubborn. 

Hartporzellan,  n.  hard  porcelain. 

Hartriegel,  m.  privet  (Ligustrum  vulgare) ;  cor- 
nel; dogwood. 

Hartstahl,  m.  hard  steel. 

Hartsteingut,  n.  (Ceram.)  hard  white  ware, 
feldspathic  ware. 

Hartung,  /.  hardening;  tempering. 

Hartungskohle,  /.  hardening  carbon. 

Hartwaren,  hardware. 

Harz,  n.  resin;  rosin. 

harzartig,  a.  resinlike,  resinous,  rosiny. 

Harzbaum,  m.  pitch  tree  (applied  to  various 

Harzcerat,  n.  (Pharm.)  rosin  cerate. 

Harzelektricitat,  /.  resinous  (negative)  electric- 

harzen,  v.i.  be  resinous  or  sticky;  gather  resin. 
— v.t.  resin;  extract  resin  from. 

Harzessenz,  /.  resin  essence. 

Harzfichte,  /.  pitch  pine. 

Harzfirnis,  m.  resin  varnish. 

Harzfleck,  m.  (Paper)  resin  (or  rosin)  spot. 

Harzgas,  n.  resin  gas. 

harzgebend,  p.a.  yielding  resin,  resiniferous. 

Harzglanz,  m.  resinous  luster. 

harzig,  a.  resinous,  resiny. 

Harzkarbollosung,  /.  (Paper)  solution  of  rosin 
in  carbolic  acid. 

Harzkitt,  m.  resinous  cement. 

Harzkohle,  /.  bituminous  coal. 

Harzlack,  TO.  resin  lake;  resin  varnish. 

Harzleim,  m.  (Paper)  rosin  size. 

Harzol,  n.  rosin  oil. 

Harzsalbe,  /.  (Pharm.)  rosin  cerate. 

Harzsaure,  /.  resin  acid,  resinic  acid. 

Harzseife,  /.  resin  soap;  rosin  soap. 

Harzspiritus,  TO.  rosin  spirit. 

Harztanne,  /.  pitch  fir. 

Harzteer,  TO.  resinous  tar. 

haschen,  v.t.  &  i.  catch,  seize. 

haschieren,  v.t.  hatch. 

Haschish,  n.  hashish. 

Hase,  TO.  hare;  coward. 

Hasel, /.  hazel;  dace. 

Haselnuss,  /.  hazelnut. 
Haselwurz,  /.  asarum,  asarabacca. 
Hasenklee,  TO.  rabbit-foot  clover,  hare's-foot 


Hasenkohl,  TO.  wood  sorrel. 
Hasenscharte,  /.  harelip. 
Hasenschwanz,  TO.  hare's-tail  grass. 
Haspe,  Hrispe,  /.  hasp,  staple. 
Haspel,  TO.  reel;  windlass. 
haspeln,  v.t.  reel,  wind. 
Hass,  m.  hate,  hatred. 
hassen,  v.t.  hate. 
hasslich,  a.  ugly;  bad,  vicious. 
Hast,  /.  haste,  hurry. 
hastig,  a.  hasty. 
hat,  pr.  3  sing,  of  haben. 
hatscheln,  v.t.  fondle,  pet. 
hatte,  pret.  of  haben. 
Hau,  w.  cut,  cutting,  hewing. 
Haube, /.  hood,  cap;  (Metal.,  etc.)  dome;  crest 

(of  a  bird). 
Haubenlerche,  /.  crested  lark;    (Ceram.)  cone 


Hauch,  TO.  breath,  breathing;  tinge. 
hauchen,  v.t.  &  i.  breathe. 
Haue,  /.  hoe;  mattock;  pick. 
hauen,   v.t.   hew,   chop;    cut;    strike    (with  a 

stick  or  the  like). 

Hauer,  TO.  hewer,  cutter;  pickman. 
Haufe,  Haufen,  TO.  heap;    pile;    great  amount 

or  number,  mass;     (Brewing)   couch,  piece, 

floor,  batch. 

haufen,  v.t.  heap;   pile;   amass. — v.r.  increase. 
Haufenfiihren,  n.  (Brewing)  couching,  flooring. 
Haufenverkohlung,  /.  charcoal  burning  in  long 

rectangular  piles. 
haufig,  a.  frequent;  abundant. — adv.  frequently, 

often;  abundantly. 
Haupt,  n.  head;   chief. 
Haupt-.  principal,  chief,  main;  cephalic. 
Hauptachse,  /.  principal  axis. 
Hauptanteil,  TO.  chief  or  principal  constituent; 

main  or  principal  portion. 
Hauptbestandteil,  TO.  chief  constituent. 
Hauptbindune,  /.  principal  union  or  bond,  link- 
age of  the  first  order. 
Hauptbrennpunkt,  TO.  principal  focus. 
Hauptbrennweite,  /.    principal   focal    distance 

(or  length). 

Hauptfarbe,  /.  primary  color;   principal  color. 
Hauptform,  /.  chief  or  principal  form;    master 


Hauptgarung,  /.  principal  fermentation.  . 
Hauptgesetz,  n.  fundamental  law. 
Hauptkette,  /.  principal  chain. 
Hauptklasse,  /.  principal  or  chief  class. 
Hauptmann,  TO.  captain;  chieftain. 
Hauptnenner,  TO.  common  denominator. 
Haupt 61  bad,  n.  (Dyeing)  white  steeping. 
Hauptpflaster,  n,  (Pharm.)  opium  plaster. 




Hauptpostamt,  n.  general  post-office. 
Hauptredakteur,  m.  chief  editor. 
Hauptregister,  n.  general  index. 
Hatiptrohr,  n.  main  tube  or  pipe,  main. 
Hauptsache,  /.  chief  matter,  main  point. — in 

der  Hauptsache,  mainly,  chiefly. 
hauptsachlich,  a.  chief,  main,  principal. — adv. 

chiefly,  principally,  especially. 
Hauptsatz,  m.  fundamental  principle  or  law; 

(Math),  axiom. 

Hauptschliissel,  m.  master  key. 
Hauptserie,  /.  principal  series. 
Hauptsicherung,  /.    (Elec.)    main   fuse,   main 


Hauptspule,  Hauptspirale,  /.  primary  coil. 
Hauptstadt,  /.  metropolis,  capital. 
Hauptstrom,  m.  (Elec.)  primary  current. 
Haupttypus,  m.  principal  type. 
Hauptwiirze,  /.  (Brewing)  first  wort. 
Hauptzahl,  /.  cardinal  number. 
Haus,  n.  house;   home;  family. 
Hausarznei,  /.  domestic  remedy. 
Hausbesitzer,  m.  house  owner,  landlord, 
hausen,  v.L  reside;   keep  house;   behave  badly. 
Hausen,  m.  sturgeon. 
Hausenblase,  /.  isinglass. 
Hausflur,  /.  &  m.  entrance  hall. 
Hausgerat,  n.  household  furniture. 
Haushalter,  m.  housekeeper,  steward;    econo- 

hausieren,  v.L  hawk,  peddle. 
Hauslauch,  Hauslauf,  m.  houseleek. 
hauslich,  a.  domestic. 
Hausmittel,  n.  household  remedy. 
Hausschuh,  m.  slipper. 
Hausschwamm,  m.  dry  rot. 
Hausseife,  /.  common  curd  soap. 
Haustein,  m.  ashlar. 
Hauswanze,  /.  bedbug. 
Hauswurz,  /.  houseleek. 
Haut,  /.  skin;   hide;  membrane;   film. — durch- 

sichtige  Haut,  cornea. — harte  Haut,  sclerotic 


Haut-.  cutaneous,  membranous. 
Hautbraune,  /.  croup. 

Hautchen,  n.,  thin  skin,  film,  pellicle,  membrane. 
hauten,  v.L  skin. — v.r.  cast  the  skin. 
hautig,  a.  cutaneous,  membranous;  skinny. 
Hautlehre,  /.  dermatology. 
Hautleim,  m.  glue  (or  size)  from  hides. 
Hautpulver,  n.  hide  powder, 
hautreinigend,  p.a.  cosmetic. 
Hautsubstanz,  /.  hide  substance. 
Hauttalg,  m.  sebaceous  matter. 
Hautung,  /.  skinning;    shedding  of   the  skin, 

Hebamme,  /.  midwife. 
hebartztlich,  a.  obstetric. 
Hebe-,  lifting,  raising,  hoisting. 
Hebearm,  m.  lever. 

Hebedaumen,  m.  cam. 

Hebeeisen,  n.  crowbar. 

Hebel,  m.  lever. 

Hebelkraft,  /.  leverage. 

Hebelwage,  /.  lever  scale,  beam  scale. 

heben,  v.t.  lift,  raise,  elevate;  further;  remove; 

(Math.)  reduce. — v.r.  rise;    go;    cancel. 
Hebepumpe,  /.  lift  pump,  lifting  pump. 
Hebepunkl,  m.  fulcrum. 

Heber,  m.  siphon;  lifter;  lever;  (Anat.)  levator. 
Heberbarometer,  m.  siphon  barometer. 
Heberpumpe,  /.  siphon  pump. 
Hebevorrichtung,  /.  lifting  apparatus;  lever. 
Hebewerk,    Hebezeug,    n.    lifting    apparatus, 

hoisting  device,  gin,  whim,  screw  jack,  etc. 
hecheln,  v.t.  comb,  hatchel,  heckle;  criticize. 
Hecht,  TO.  pike  (fish). 
Hecke,  /.  hedge;  hatch,  brood. 
Hede,  /.  tow. 
Hederich,  m.  hedge   mustard,  specif.,  Sisym- 

brium  officinale. 

Heer,  n.,  Heerschar,  /.  host,  army. 
Heerstrasse,  /.  highway;  military  road. 
Hefe,  /.  yeast;    (Brewing)  barm;    lees,  dregs, 


Hefeapparat,  m.  (Brewing)  yeast  propagator. 
Hefebier,  n.  rest  beer. 
Hefeernte,  /.  crop  of  yeast. 
Hefegabe,  /.  (Brewing)  quantity  of  yeast  for  a 

Hefegeben,  n.  (Brewing)  adding  yeast  to  the 

wort,  pitching. 
Hefenahrung,  /.  yeast  food. 
Hefenart,  /.  variety  of  yeast. 
Hefenpfianze,  /.  yeast  plant. 
Hefenpulver,  n.  baking  powder. 
Hefepilz,  Hefenpilz,  TO.  yeast  fungus;    yeast 


Heferasse,  /.  race,  breed  or  type  of  yeast. 
Hefereinzucht,  /.  pure  yeast  culture. 
Hefetrieb,  TO.  (Brewing)  yeasty  head. 
Hefewanne,  /.  yeast  trough. 
Hefezelle,  /.  yeast  cell, 
hefig,  a.  yeasty,  yeastlike;  dreggy. 
Hefnerkerze,  /.  Hefner  candle. 
Heft,  n.  part,  number  (of  a  book  or  periodical) ; 

copybook;  handle;  hilt. 
heften,  v.t.  fasten,   hook,    pin;    stitch,  sew. — 

geheftet,  p.a.   (of  printed   matter)    stitched 

but  not  bound  (or  only  in  paper). 
heftig,  a.  violent;  severe;  earnest. 
Heftigkeit,  /.  violence;  intensity;   ardor. 
Heftpflaster,  n.  adhesive  plaster. 
heftweise,  adv.  in  parts  or  numbers,  serially. 
hegen, 'v.t.  enclose;  foster,  cherish. 
Hehl,  7i.  secrecy. 
hehr,  a.  sublime,  grand. 
Heide,/.  heath;  heather. 
Heide,  m.  heathen,  pagan. 
Heidelbeere,  /.  whortleberry;  bilberry. 




Heidetorf,  m.  peat. 

heikel,  a.  critical;  delicate. 

heil,  a.  whole,  sound. — heil  werden,  heal. 

Heil,  n.  welfare,  safety. 

Heilanstalt,  /.  hospital,  sanatorium. 

Heilbrunnen,  TO.  mineral  spring  or  well. 

Hcilbutt,  m.  halibut. 

heilen,  v.t.  heal,  cure. 

heilig,  a.  holy;  solemn,  sacred. 

Heiligenharz,  n.  guaiacum  (resin). 

Heiligenholz,  n.  holy  wood  (a  variety  of  lignum 


Heilkraft,  /.  curative  power, 
heilkraftig,  a.  curative,  healing,  therapeutic. 
Heilkraut.  n.  officinal  plant,  medicinal  herb. 
Hcilkunde,  HeUkunst,/.  medicine,  therapeutics, 

"  healing  art." 

Heilmittel,  n.  remedy,  medicament. 
Heilmittellehre,  /.  pharmacology,  pharmacy. 
Heilpflaster,    n.    healing    plaster. — englisches 

Heilpflaster,  court-plaster. 
Heilquell,  m.,  Heilquelle,  /.  mineral  spring  or 


heilsam,  a.  wholesome. 
Heilstoff,  m.  curative,  remedy. 
Heilstofflehre,  /.  pharmacology,  pharmacy. 
Heilwasser,  n.  curative  water,  mineral  water. 
Heilwert,  m.  therapeutic  value. 
Heilwissenschaft,  /.  medical  science. 
Heim,  n.  home,  dwelling. 
Heimat,  /.  native  place  or  country;  habitat, 
hcimisch,  a.  native,  domestic,  indigenous. 
heimlich,  a.  secret;  private. 
heimsuchen,  v.t.  afflict;  haunt. 
heimtuckisch,  a.  malicious. 
Heimweh,  n.  homesickness. 
Heirat,  /.  marriage,  wedding,  match. 
heiraten,  v.t.  &  i.  marry,  wed. 
heischen,  v.t.  demand,  require. 
heiser,  a.  hoarse,  husky, 
heiss,  a.  hot;  ardent. 

heissbliitig,  a.  warm-blooded;  hot-blooded. 
heissbrtichig,  a.  hot-short. 
heissen,  v.t.  call;    bid,  order. — v.i.  be  called; 

mean,  be. — es  heisst,  it  says,  they  say. 
heissgar,  a.  kishy. 

heissgradig,  a.  (of  ores)  difficultly  fusible. 
Heissluft-.  hot-air. 

Heisswassertrichter,  m.  hot-water  funnel, 
-heit.     A  suffix  attached  to  adjectives  to  form 

abstract  nouns  (as  TrockenAeiJ,  dryness),  and 

to  nouns    to  form   collectives   (as  Mensch- 

heit,  mankind) ;  -hood,  -ness,  -dom. 
heiter,  a.  clear,  serene;  cheerful,  merry. 
Heiz-.  heating,  calorific. 
Heizapparat,  m.  heating  apparatus. 
Heize,  /.  (Steel)  charge  of  pig. 
Heizeffekt,  m.  heating  effect, 
hcizen,  v.t.  &  L  heat. 
Heizer,  m.  fireman,  stoker. 

Heizflache,  /.  heating  surface. 
Heizgas,  n.  gas  for  heating,  fuel  gas. 
Heizkraft,  /.  heating  power,  calorific  power. 
Heizkranz,  TO.  ring  burner. 
Heizmantel,  TO.  heating  jacket. 
Heizmaterial,  Heizmittel,  n.  fuel. 
Heizoberflache,  /.  heating  surface. 
Heizrohr.  n.,  Heizrohre,  /.  heating  tube;    fire 


Heizschlange,  /.  heating  coil. 
Heizstoff,  TO.  fuel. 
Heizung,  /.  heating,  firing;  fuel. 
Heizverlust,  TO.  loss  of  heat. 
Heizvorrichtung,  /.  heating  appliance. 
Heizwert,  TO.  heating  value,  calorific  power. 
Heizwirkung,  /.  heating  effect. 
Heizzweck,  TO.  heating  purpose  (s). 
Held,  TO.  hero. 

helfen,  r.i.  help,  assist;  be  of  use,  avail. 
Heifer,  m.  helper,  assistant. 
hell,   a.   bright,   brilliant;     light,   pale;    clear, 

transparent,  limpid;  loud,  shrill. 
hellbraun,  a.  light  brown. 
Helle,    /.    brightness,    luminosity;     clearness, 

Heller,  TO.  farthing. 
hellfarbig,  a.  light-colored. 
hellgelb,  a.  light  yellow,  bright  yellow, 
hellgrau,  a.  light  gray. 
hellgrun,  a.  light  green. 
Helligkeit,  /.  =  Helle. 
hellrot,  a.  light  red. 

Helltran,  TO.  a  clear,  light  yellow  cod  oil. 
hellweiss,  a.  clear  white,  bright  white. 
Helm,  TO.  helmet;  helm;    (of  a  still)  head. 
Helmschnabel,  TO.  (of  a  still)  beak,  nose. 
Hemd,  n.  shirt;   chemise;    (of  a  blast  furnace) 


Hemellithsaure,  /.  hemellitic  acid. 
Hemieder,  n.  hemihedron,  hemihedral  form  or 


Hemiedrie,  /.  hemihedrism. 
hemiedrisch,  a.  hemihedral. 
Hemimellithsaure,  /.  hemimellitic  acid. 
hemitrop,  a.  (Cryst.)  hemitrope,  twinned. 
hemmen,  v.t.  stop,  check,  arrest;   brake;    clojj. 
Hemmnis,  n.  obstruction,  check. 
Hemmung,  /.  stopping;    check,  arrest;   escape- 

Hengst,  TO.  stallion;  jack;   (Brewing)  old  piece. 
Henkel,  m.  handle,  lug,  ear. 
Henne,  /.  hen. 
hepatisch,  a.  hepatic. 
heptacarbocyclisch,  a.  heptacarbocyclic. 
Heptanaphten,  n.  heptanaphthene. 
Heptinsaure,  /.  heptinic  acid. 
her,  adv.  here,  hither;   since,  ago. — von  je  her, 


herab,  adv.  down,  downwards. 
herabdriicken,  v.t.  press  down,  depress. 




herabfliessen,  v.i.  flow  down,  run  down. 

herablassen,  v.t.  let  down,  lower. — v.r.  conde- 

herabmindern,  v.t.  diminish,  lessen. 

herabsetzen,  v.t.  degrade;   disparage;  reduce. 

Herabsetzung,  /.  lowering;  degradation;  un- 

Heraldik,  /.  heraldry. 

heran,  adv.  on,  near,  up. 

heranbilden,  v.t.  bring  up,  educate. 

heranwachsen,  v.i.  grow  up. 

herauf,  adv.  up,  up  here. 

heraus,  adv.  out,  out  here. 

herausbekommen,  v.t.  get  back;  get  out,  elicit, 

herausbringen,  vJ,.  get  out,  turn  out,  draw  out; 

herausfordern,  v.t.  challenge;   provoke. 

Herausgabe,  /.  editing,  edition,  editorship; 
publication;  issue;  giving  up. 

herausgeben,  v.t.  edit;  publish,  issue;  give  out 
or  up;  give  back  (change). 

Herausgeber,  m.  editor;   publisher. 

herausgreifen,  v.t.  single  out,  choose  at  random. 

herauskommen,  v.i.  come  out,  get  out,  be 
edited,  be  published,  result,  amount. 

herauslosen,  v.t.  dissolve  out. 

herausnehmbar,  a.  removable. 

herausnehmen,  v.t.  take  out;  choose. 

herausragen,  v.i.  project. 

herausschlagen,  v.t.  beat  out;  strike  (sparks); 
make  (money). 

herausstellen,  v.r.  turn  out,  prove. 

heraustreten,  v.i.  protrude;  emerge;  step  out. 

herb,  herbe,  a.  harsh,  sharp,  tart,  rough,  raw. 

herbei,  adv.  here,  hither,  near. 

herbeifiihren,  v.t.  bring;  bring  about,  cause. 

herbeischaffen,  v.t.  bring  up,  collect,  procure, 

Herberge, /.  inn;  shelter. 

Herbst,  TO.  autumn. 

Herbstrose,  /.  hollyhock. 

Herbstzeitlose,  /.  meadow  saffron. 

Herd,  TO.  hearth;   center,  focus,  seat. 

Horde,  /.  herd,  flock,  drove;   crowd. 

Herdfrischarbeit,  /.  (Iron)  refinery  process. 

Herdfrischeisen,  n.  iron  treated  by  the  refinery 

Herdfrischen,  n.  (Lead)  reduction  of  litharge; 

(Iron)  refining  in  hearths,  refinery  process. 
Herdfrischprozess,  m.  (Iron)  refinery  process. 
Herdfrischschlacke,  /.  refinery  cinder  (or  slag). 
Herdfrischstahl,  TO.  fined  steel. 
Herdguss,  TO.  open  sand  casting. 
Herdraum,  TO.  heating  chamber. 
Herdsohle,  /.  hearth  bottom,  hearth  bed,  sole. 
herein,  adv.  in;  come  in. 

herf iihren,  v.t.  lead  on,  refresh  (yeast) ;  usher  in. 
Hergang,  m.  affair,  circumstances. 
hergeben,  v.t.  deliver,  yield. 

hergebracht,  p.a.  established,  conventional. 

herhalten,  v.t.  hold  out;   suffer,  pay. 

Hering,  TO.  herring. 

Heringstran,  m.  herring  oil. 

Herkommen,  n.  origin,  descent;  usage,  custom. 

Herkunft,  /.  origin;  arrival. 

herleiten,  v.t.  derive;  deduce;  conduct. 

Hermelin,  n.  ermine. 

hermetisch,  a.  hermetic. 

hernach,  adv.  afterwards,  hereafter. 

Herr,  TO.  master,  lord;   gentleman;   Mr. 

herrichten,  v.t.  prepare,  arrange,  adjust;  season 

herrlich,  a.  magnificent,  grand,  excellent. 

Herrlichkeit,  /.  grandeur,  splendor,  excellence. 

herrschen,  v.i.  rule,  reign;  prevail. 

herruhren,  v.i.  proceed,  be  due  (to). 

hersagen,  v.t.  recite,  repeat. 

Herst.,  abbrev.  (Herstellung)  production. 

herstellen,  v.t.  produce,  prepare,  make,  manu- 
facture; restore. 

Hersteller,  TO.  producer,  maker,  manufacturer. 

Herstellung,  /.  production,  preparation,  manu- 
facture; restoration,  recovery. 

Herstellungsmittel,  n.  restorative. 

heriiber,  adv.  over  (here). 

herum,  adv.  round,  about. 

herunter,  adv.  down  (here);  low. 

herunterkommen,  v.i.  come  down;   decay. 

herunterlassen,  v.t.  let  down,  lower;  (Brewing) 
strike  out  (wort). 

heruntersetzen,  v.t.  reduce;  undervalue. 

hervor,  adv.  forth,  forward,  out. 

hervorbringen,  v.t.  produce,  cause;  bring  forth. 

hervorgehen,  v.i.  arise,  result;  go  forth. 

hervorheben,  v.t.  make  prominent,  emphasize; 

hervorragen,  v.i.  project;  stand  out,  be  promi- 
nent.— hervorragend,  p.a.  projecting;  out- 
standing, signal,  prominent. 

hervorrufen,  v.t.  call  forth,  bring  about,  pro- 
duce; develop  (a  photographic  image). 

hervorstehend,  p. a.  prominent,  projecting, 
standing  out. 

hervortun,  v.r.  distinguish  oneself. 

Herz,  n.  heart. 

Here-,  heart,  cardiac. 

Herzbeutel,  TO.  pericardium. 

Herzbraune,  /.  angina  pectoris. 

herzen,  v.t.  embrace,  hug,  caress. 

Herzens-.  cardiac;  of  the  heart;  darling;  in- 

Herzfell,  n.  pericardium. 

herzfdrmig,  a.  heart-shaped,  cordate. 

Herzgekrose,  n.  mesocardium. 

Herzgespann,  n.  motherwort  (Leonurus  car- 

herzhaft,  a.  hearty;   brave;   strong  (taste). 

Herzhaut,  /.  (aussere)  pericardium;  (innere) 




herzig,  a.  hearty,  dear,  lovely. 

Herzkammer,  /.  ventricle. 

Herzklappe,  /.  cardiac  valve. 

herzlich,  a.  heartfelt,  hearty;  loving. — adv. 
heartily;  extremely. 

Herzog,  m.  duke. 

herzu,  adv.  here,  hither,  near. 

Herzvorhof,  TO.,  Herzvorkammer,  /.  auricle. 

Herzwasser,  n.  pericardial  fluid. 

hessisch,  a.  Hessian. 

heteroatomig,  a.  heteratomic. 

heterocyclisch,  a.  heterocyclic. 

heterogen,  a.  heterogeneous. 

Heterogenitat,  /.  heterogeneity. 

heterolog,  a.  heterologous. 

Heteroringbildung,  /.  formation  of  a  ring  (or 
rings)  composed  of  atoms  of  different  kinds. 

heterozyklisch,  a.  heterocyclic. 

hetzen,  v.t.  hunt;  set  on. 

Heu,  n.  hay. 

Heuchelei,  /.  hypocrisy. 

heucheln,  v.i.  feign,  pretend,  dissemble. 

heuer,  adv.  this  year,  this  season. 

heuern,  v.t.  hire. 

heulen,  v.i.  howl,  yell,  roar. 

Heupferd,  n.  grasshopper. 

Heuschrecke,  /.  locust. 

Heuschreckenbaum,  TO.  locust  tree. 

heute,  adv.  to-day. — heute  abend,  this  evening; 
heute  nacht,  to-night. 

heutig,  a.  of  to-day;  modern. 

Hexaeder,  n.  hexahedron. 

Hexanaphten,  n.  hexanaphthene  (cyclohexane) . 

Hexavanadinsaure,  /.  hexavanadic  acid. 

Hexe,  /.  witch;  hag. 

Hexenkraut,  n.  mandragora,  mandrake;  en- 
chanter's nightshade  (Circsea). 

Hexenkunst,  /.  witchcraft. 

Hexenmehl,  «.  lycopodium,  witch  meal. 

Hexenmeister,  TO.  sorcerer,  wizard.      . 

Hexenschuss,  m.  lumbago. 

Hexinsaure,  /.  hexinic  acid. 

hieb,  pret.  of  hauen. 

Hieb,  TO.  stroke,  cut,  slash. 

Melt,  pret.  of  halten. 

hier,  adv.  here. 

hieran,  adv.  hereon,  hereat,  at  this,  on  this. 

hierauf,  adv.  hereupon,  upon  this. 

hieraus,  adv.  from  this,  hence. 

hierher,  adv.  hither,  here,  now. 

hierhin,  adv.  hither,  this  way. 

hiermit,  adv.  herewith,  with  it. 

hiernach,  adv.  hereafter,  according  to  this. 

Hiersein,  n.  presence. 

hieriiber,  adv.  over  here,  regarding  this,  on  this 

hierum,  adv.  hereabout,  concerning  this. 

hierzu,  adv.  hereto,  to  this,  moreover. 

hiesig,  a.  of  this  place,  in  this  place. 

hiess,  pret.  of  heissen. 

Hilfe,/.  help;  relief;  remedy. 

hilflos,  a.  helpless. 

hilfreich,  a.  helpful. 

Hilfs-.  assistant,  auxiliary,  accessory. 

Hilfsarbeiter,  m.  assistant,  helper. 

Hilfsbeize, /.  (Dyeing)  assistant. 

Hilfsdiinger,  m.  auxiliary  fertilizer. 

Hilfsgeld,  n.  subsidy. 

Hilfsmittel,   n.   help,    aid,   expedient;     (Med.) 


Hilfsquelle,  /.  resource,  expedient. 
Hilfsteilung,  /.  auxiliary  graduation. 
Hilfsvorrichtung,  /.    auxiliary   contrivance    or 


Himbeere,  /.  raspberry. 
Himmel,  TO.  sky;  heaven;  climate. 
himmelblau,  a.  sky-blue,  azure. 
Himmelbrot,  n.  manna. 
Himmelsgegend,  /.    quarter   of   the   heavens, 

point  of  the  compass. 
Himmelsgerste,   /.,    Himmelskorn,    n.    naked 


Himmelskorper,  TO.  celestial  body. 
Himmelskunde,  /.  astronomy. 
Himmelsluft,  /.  ether. 
Himmelsmehl,  n.  earthy  gypsum. 
Himmelsschliissel,  TO.  primrose. 
Himmelsstrich,  TO.  zone,  climate. 
himmlisch,  a.  celestial,  heavenly. 
bin,  adv.  there,  thither,  away,  out,  along,  gone. 

— hin  und  her,  hither  and  thither. — bin  und 

wieder,  now  and  again. 
hinab,  adv.  down  there,  down. 
hinauf,  adv.  up. 
hinaus,  adv.  out;  beyond. 
hinausschieben,  v.t.  push  out,  expel. 
hinauswaschen,  v.t.  wash  out. 
Hinblick,  TO.  look,  view,  regard. 
hinbringen,  v.t.  carry;   pass  (time). 
Hindernis,  n.  hindrance,  obstacle. 
hindurch,  adv.  thru,  thruout. 
hinein,  adv.  in,  inside. 
hineindringen,  v.i.  penetrate. 
hinfahren,  v.i.  go,  drive  (away  or  along);    pass 

away,  depart. 

hinfaliig,  a.  decaying,  perishable,  weak. 
hinfort,  adv.  henceforth. 
hing,  pret.  of  hangen. 
hingeben,  v.t.  give  up. 
hingegen,  adv.  on  the  contrary. 
hingehen,   v.i.  go,   pass. — hin-   und  hergehen, 

(Meek.)  reciprocate. 
hinhalten,  v.t.  hold  out,  hold  off. 
hinken,  v.i.  limp,  be  lame;   be  imperfect.' 
hinliinglich,  a.  sufficient,  adequate. 
hinreichen,  v.i.  suffice,  do. — hinreichend,  p.a. 


hinreissen,  v.t.  tear  away,  carry  away, 
hinrichten,  v.t.  turn,  direct;   execute;   spoil. 
hinschreiben,  v.t.  write,  write  down. 




Hinsicht,  /.  respect,  regard,  view. 

hinsichtlich,  adv.  with  regard  to. 

hintan,  adv.  behind,  after. 

hinten,  adv.  behind. 

hinter,  prep,  behind. — adv.  behind,  back. 

Hinter-.  hind,  posterior,  back. 

Hinterbliebene,  m.  &  f.  survivor. 

hinterbringen,  v.t.  give  information  of. 

Hinterdarm,  m.  rectum.         , 

hintereinander,  adv.  one  after  another,  in  suc- 
cession; (Elec.)  in  series. 

Hintereinanderschaltung,  /.  (Elec.)  connection 
in  series. 

hintergehen,  v.t.  deceive. 

Hintergrund,  m.  background. 

Hinterhalt,  m.  reserve;  ambush. 

Hinterhaupt,  n.  occiput  (back  part  of  head). 

Hinter haupts-.  occipital. 

hinterher,  adv.  behind,  after,  afterward. 

Hinterkopf,  m.  occiput. 

hinterlassen,  v.t.  leave  behind,  leave. 

hinterlegen,  v.t.  deposit, 'consign. 

Hinterleib,  m.  hind  quarters;  back,  dorsum. 

Hinterlist,  /.  cunning,  deceit. 

hinterst,  a.  hindmost,  last. 

Hintritt,  m.  decease. 

hinuber,  adv.  over,  across,  beyond. 

hinunter,  adv.  down  (there). 

hinweg,  adv.  off,  away. 

Hinweg,  m.  way  there. 

Hinweis,  m.  hint;  reference. 

hinwerfen,  v.t.  throw,  throw  down;  jot  down; 
drop  (remarks). 

hinzu,  adv.  besides,  to  it. 

hinzufiigen,  v.t.  add,  subjoin. 

hinzukommen,  v.i.  come  to,  come  toward,  be 
added. — hinzukommend,  p.a.  additional,  ad- 

Hinzu tritt,  m.  approach;  appearance;  acces- 

hippursauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  hippuric 
acid,  hippurate  of. 

Hippursaure,  /.  hippuric  acid. 

Him,  n.  brain. 

Him-,  cerebral. 

Hirnfett,  n.  cerebrin. 

Hirnholz,  n.  wood  cut  across  the  grain. 

Hirnschadel,  m.,  Hirnschale,  /.  skull,  cranium. 

Hirsch.  TO.  stag,  deer. 

Hirschdorn,  m.  buckthorn  (Rhamnus  cathar- 

Hirschhorn,  n.  hartshorn. 

Hirschhorngeist,  TO.  spirits  of  hartshorn  (aqua 
ammonise) . 

Hirschhornsalz,  n.  salt  of  hartshorn  (commer- 
cial ammonium  carbonate). 

Hirschhornschwarz,  n.  hartshorn  black  (fine 

Hirschhornspiritus,  TO.  =  Hirschhorngeist. 

Hirschkalb,  n.  fawn. 

Hirschkuh,  /.  hind. 

Hirschleder,  n.  buckskin. 

Hirse,  /.  millet. 

Hirsefieber,  n.  miliaria. 

Hirseneisenstein,    m.,    Hirscnerz,    n.    oolitic 


Hirt,  Hirte,  TO.  shepherd,  herdsman. 
Hirtentasche,  /.,  Hirtentaschlein,  n.  shepherd's 

purse  (Bursa  bursa-pastoris) . 
Histochemie,  /.  histochemistry   (chemistry  of 

the  tissues). 

Hitze,  /.  heat;   hotness;   ardor,  passion. 
hitzebestandig,  a.  stable  on  heating;   (of  colors) 

fast  to  ironing  or  hot-pressing. 
Hitzeeinwirkung,  /.  action  or  influence  of  heat. 
Hitzegrad,  TO.  degree  of  heat. 
Hitzegradmesser,  m.  pyrometer. 
Hitzegradmessung,  /.  pyrometry. 
Hitzemesser,  m.  pyrometer. 
Hitzemessung,  /.  pyrometry. 
hitzeh,  v.t.  heat. 
hitzig,  a.  hot;    heating;   inflammatory;   acute; 


HL,  abbrev.  (Halbleder)  half-leather. 
hob,  pret.  of  heben. 
Hobel,  TO.  plane. 
hobeln,  v.t.  plane;   smooth. 
Hobelspane,  shavings. 
hoch,  a.  high;   tall;   deep;   great,  sublime. 
hochblau,  a.  light  blue,  azure. 
Hochdruck,  TO.  high  pressure;   relief  printing. 
Hochebene,  /.  tableland. 
Hochemafl,  n.  embossed  enamel. 
hochfarbig,  a.  high-colored. 
hochgeehrt,  p.a.  highly  honored. — hochgeehrter 

Herr,  dear  Sir. 

hochgespannt,  p.a.  at  high  tension,  highly  su- 
perheated, etc.  (see  spannen). 
Hochglanz,  m.  high  polish  or  luster,  brilliancy. 
hochgradig,  a.  in  high  degree,  intense. 
hochgriin,  a.  bright  green. 
hochherzig,  a.  noble-minded,  high-spirited. 
Hochkante,  /.  edge  (of  a  brick  or  the  like). 
hochkantig,  a.  &  adv.  on  edge,  edgewise. 
hochmolekular,  a.  of  high  molecular  weight. 
Hochmut,  TO.  haughtiness,  pride. 
Hochofen,  TO.  blast  furnace. 
Hochofenbetrieb,  TO.  blast-furnace  operation. 
Hochofenschlacke,  /.  blast-furnace  slag. 
hochprozentig,  a.  high-percent,  high-percentage. 
hochrot,  a.  bright  red. 
hochrund,  a.  convex. 
Hochscharlach,  TO.  cochineal  scarlet. 
hochschmelzend,  p.a.  high-melting. 
Hochschule,  /.  a  German  higher  school  (college, 

institution,  etc.;    not  high  school). 
hochselig,  a.  late,  deceased. 
hochsensibel,  a.  highly  sensible  (or  sensitive). 
hochsiedend,  p.a.  high-boiling. 
Hochspannung,  /.  high  tension. 




hiichst,  a.  highest;  maximum;  utmost. — adv, 
most  highly,  extremely. 

hochstens,  adv.  at  most,  at  best. 

Hochstfalle,  m.  maximum  case. 

hochtrabend,  p.a.  pompous,  bombastic. 

hochvergarend,  p.a.  (of  yeast)  high-attenuating. 

Hochwald,  m.  forest. 

Hochzeit,  /.  wedding. 

Hocker,  m.  hump,  bump,  protuberance;  huck- 

hockerig,  a.  knotty,  knobby,  rough;  hunch- 

Mode,  /.,  Hoden,  TO.  testicle. 

Hodensack,  TO.  scrotum. 

Hof,   TO.   areola;     halo;    court;     yard;     farm; 

Hoffart,  /.  pride,  insolence. 

hoffen,  v.t.  &  i.  hope  for,  hope. 

hoffentlich,  adv.  it  is  to  be  hoped,  as  I  hope. 

Hoffnung,  /.  hope. 

hoflich,  a.  civil,  courteous. 

Hone,  /.  height,  altitude;  head  (of  water); 
amount;  summit. — in  der  Hohe,  on  bigg- 
in die  Hohe,  up. 

Hoheit,  /.  highness;   greatness. 

hdher,  a.  higher;  superior. 

hoherwertig,  a.  of  higher  valence,  polyvalent. 

hohl,  a.  hollow;   concave. 

Hohle,  /.  cave,  cavern ;  hole,  cavity. 

hohlen,  v.t.  hollow,  excavate. 

hohlerhaben,  a.  concavo-convex. 

hohlgeschliffen,  p.a.  hollow-ground,  concave. 

Hohlglas,  n.  hollow  glassware  (bottles,  tum- 
blers, etc.) ;  concave  glass. 

Hohlhand,  /.  palm  (of  the  hand). 

Hohllinse,  /.  concave  lens. 

Hohlmass,  n.  dry  measure. 

Hohlprisma,  n.  hollow  prism. 

Hohlraum,  m.  hollow  space,  empty  space. 

hohlrund,  a.  concave. 

Hohlschicht,  /.  air  space. 

Hohlspat,  TO.  chiastolite. 

Hohlspiegel,  TO.  concave  mirror. 

Hohlung,  /.  cavity,  excavation. 

Hohlwelle,  /.  hollow  shaft. 

Hohlziegel,  m.  hollow  brick  (or  tile). 

Hohn,  TO.  scorn,  sarcasm,  mockery. 

hold,  a.  kind,  friendly,  lovely,  charming. 

Holder,  TO.  =  Holunder. 

holen,  v.t.  fetch,  go  for,  get. 

hollandern,  v.t.  beat  in  a  hoUander. 

Hollander*  eiss,  n.  Dutch  white. 

hollandisch,  a.  Dutch.— hollandisches  Geschirr, 
(Paper)  hollander.— hollandisches  Ol,  hoi- 
landische  Fliissigkeit,  ethylene  chloride. 

Holle,  /.  hell. 

Hollenol,  n.  curcas  oil  (from  Jatropha  curcas)-, 
castor  oil;  worst  grade  of  olive  oil. 

Hollenstein,  TO.  lapis  infernalis,  lunar  caustic 
'(silver  nitrate). 

Holoeder,  n.  holohedral  form  or  crystal. 
Holoedrie,  /.  holohedrism. 
holoedrisch,  a.  holohedral. 
holperig,  holprig,  a.  uneven,  rough. 
Holunder,  TO.  elder. — spanischer  (or  tiirkischer ) 

Holunder,  lilac. 
Holunderbeere,  /.  elderberry. 
Holz,  n.  wood;   timber;   forest;   thicket. 
holzahnlich,  a.  wood-like,  ligneous. 
Holzalkohol,  TO.  wood  alcohol. 
Holzapfel,  TO.  crab  apple. 
holzartig,  a.  woody,  ligneous. 
Holzasbest,  m.  ligneous  asbestos. 
Holzasche,  /.  wood  ashes. 
Holzather,     TO.     methyl     ether. — essigsaurer 

Holzather,  methyl  acetate. 
Holzbeize,  /.  mordant  for  staining  wood. 
Holzbranntwein,  TO.  wood  spirit. 
Holzbiichse,  /.  wooden  box  or  case. 
Holzchen,  n.  splinter,  splint;  match. 
holzern,  a.  wooden;  ligneous. 
Holzessig,  TO.,  Holzessigsaure,  /.  wood  vinegar, 

pyroligneous  acid. 

holzessigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  pyro- 
ligneous    acid,     pyrolignite     of. — holzessig- 

saures  Eisen,  iron  liquor. 
Holzfaser,  /.  wood  fiber,  ligneous  fiber;    wood 

pulp;  =  Holzfaserstoff. 
Holzfaserstoff,  TO.  lignin;   cellulose;   lignocellu- 


Holzfuss,  TO.  wooden  baser  or  foot. 
Holzgeist,  TO.  wood  spirit,  wood  alcohol. 
Holzgestell,  n.  wooden  stand,  wooden  frame. 
Holzgriff,  TO.  wooden  handle. 
Holzgummi,  n.  wood  gum. 
holzicht,  holzig,  a.  woody,  ligneous. 
Holzkalk,  w.  pyrolignite  of  lime. 
Holzkasten,  TO.  wooden  box,  case  or  vat. 
Holzkirche,  /.  wild  cherry. 
Holzkistchen,  n.  wooden  box. 
Holzklotz,  TO.  wooden  block,  wood  block. 
Holzkohle,  /.  charcoal  (from  wood). 
Holzkohlenklein,  n.  charcoal  dust 
Holzkohlenofen,  TO.  charcoal  oven. 
Holzkugel,  /.  wooden  ball. 
Holzkupfer,    Holzkupfererz,    n.    wood    copper 

(fibrous  olivenite). 
Holzlack,  TO.  stick-lac. 
Holzmelasse,  /.  wood  molasses. 
Holzol,  n.  wood  oil  (any  of  various  oils  found 

in  certain   woods,   also  an  oil  obtained  by 

destructive  distillation). 
Holzopal,  m.  wood  opal. 
Holzpappe,  /.  (Paper)  board  made  from-  wood 


Holzrot,  n.  redwood  extract. 
holzsauer,  a.  =  holzessigsauer. 
Holzsaure,  /.  pyroligneous  acid. 
Holzschleifer,  TO.  (Paper)  wood-pulp  grinder. 
Holzschliff,  TO.  mechanical  wood  pulp. 




Holzschnitt,  m.  wood  engraving,  woodcut. 

Holzspan,  TO.  wood  shaving,  chip  or  boring. 

Holzspiritus,  m.  wood  spirit,  wood  alcohol. 

Holzstoff,  TO.  wood  pulp;  cellulose  (from  wood). 

Holztafel,  /.  board. 

Holzteer,  m.  wood  tar. 

Holztrankung,  /.  wood  pickling. 

Holzverkohlung,  /.  carbonization  of  wood,  char- 
coal burning. 

Holzzellstoff,  TO.  lignocellulose. 

Holzzeug,  n.  wood  pulp. 

Holzzinn,  Holzzinnerz,  n.  wood  tin  (fibrous 

Holzzucker,  m.  wood  sugar,  xylose. 

Homobrenzcatechin,  n.  homopyrocatechol. 

homochrom,  a.  of  uniform  color,  homochrom- 
ous;  (Dyeing)  monogenetic. 

homogen,  a.  homogeneous. 

Homogenitat,  Homogeneitat,  /.  homogeneity. 

Homokaffeesaure,  /.  homocaffeic  acid. 

Homokamphersaure,  /.  homocamphoric  acid. 

homolog,  a.  homologous. 

Homologie,  /.  homology. 

Homophtalsaure,  /.  homophthalic  acid.      . 

Honig,  m.  honey. 

honigartig,  a.  honey-like,  melleous. 

Honigessig,  m.  oxymel. 

honigfarbig,  a.  honey-colored. 

honiggelb,  a.  honey-yellow. 

Honigharnruhr,  /.  diabetes  mellitus. 

Honigkuchen,  TO.  gingerbread. 

Honigsaft,  TO.  nectar. 

Honigscheibe,  /.  honeycomb. 

Honigseim,  TO.  liquid  honey. 

Honigstein,  m.  honeystone,  mellite. 

Honigsteinsaure,  /.  mellitic  acid. 

Honigtrank,  TO.  mead. 

Honigwasser,  n.  hydromel. 

Hopfen,  TO.  hop,  hops. 

hopfen,  v.t.  hop,  add  hops  to. 

Hopfenbaum,  TO.  hop  tree  (Ptelea  trifoliata). 

Hopfenbitter,  n.,  -bittersaure,  /.,  -bitterstoff, 
TO.  lupulin. 

Hopfenharz,  n.  hop  resin. 

Hopfenmehl,  n.  lupulin,  hop  dust 

Hopfenmehltau,  TO.  hop  blight. 

Hopfenol,  n.  hop  oil. 

Hopfenstaub,  TO.  hop  dust,  lupulin. 

Hopfenstopfen,  n.  (Brewing)  dry  hopping. 

Hopfentreber,  pi.  spent  hops. 

Hopfen trieb,  TO.  (Brewing)  frothy  head,  first 
stage  of  fermentation. 

hopsen,  v.i.  hop,  jump. 

horbar,  a.  audible. 

horchen,  v.i.  listen,  hearken;  eavesdrop. 

horen,  v.t.  &  i.  hear. 

Horizont,  TO;  horizon. 

Hornblei,  Hornbleierz,  n.  phosgenite. 

hornern,  a.  of  horn,  horny. 

Hornerv.  TO.  auditory  nerve. 

Hornerz,  n.  horn  silver  (cerargyrite). 

Horngewebe,  n.  horny  tissue. 

Hornhaut,  /.  cornea;  horny  layer  of  the  skin. 

hornig,  a.  hornlike,  homy,  callous. 

Hornisse,  Hornis,  /.  hornet. 

Hornkobalt,  n.  asbolite. 

Hornmohn,  TO.  horn  poppy  (Glaucium  glau- 

Hornquecksilber,  n.  horn  quicksilver  (native 
mercurous  chloride). 

Hornschicht,  /.  homy  layer,  specif.,  epidermis. 

Hornsilber,  n.  horn  silver  (cerargyrite). 

Hornstein,  TO.  hornstone  (variety  of  quartz). 

Hornstoff,  m.  keratin. 

Horrohr,  n.  ear  trumpet;  stethoscope. 

Hdrsaal,  TO.  lecture  room,  auditorium. 

Hose,  /.  trousers,  breeches. 

Hosenband,  n.  garter. 

Hosenrohr,  n.  siphon  pipe  (of  a  hot-blast  oven). 

Hosentrager,  TO.  suspenders,  braces. 

hub,  pret.  of  heben. 

Hub,  TO.  lift,  lifting;    (Mack.)  stroke. 

Hiibel,  TO.  hillock,  mound. 

hiibsch,  a.  pretty,  handsome. 

Huf,  TO.  hoof. 

Hufeisen,  n.  horseshoe. 

Huflattich,  Huflattig,  TO.  coltsfoot. 

Hufnagel,  horseshoe  nail;  hobnail. 

Hufschlag,  TO.  hoof  beat;  horseshoeing. 

Hufschmied,  TO.  horseshoer,  farrier. 

Hiiftbein,  n.  hip  bone. 

Hufte,  /.  hip;   haunch. 

Hiiftloch,  n.  obturator  foramen. 

Huftnerv,  TO.  sciatic  nerve. 

Hugel,  TO.  hill,  hillock;  knob,  nodule. 

Huhn,  n.  hen;   fowl. 

Hiihnchen,  n.  chicken,  pullet. 

Hiihnerauge,  n.  corn. 

Hiihnereiweiss,  n.  white  of  egg. 

hiihnereiweissartig,  a.  like  white  of  egg,  albu- 

Huld,  /.  grace;   kindness,  favor. 

huldigcn,  v.i.  pay  homage,  devote  oneself. 

Hiilfe,  etc.     See  Hilfe,  etc. 

Hiille,  /.  cover,  covering,  case,  casing,  wrapper, 
envelope,  sheath. 

hiillen,  v.t.  cover,  wrap. 

Hiillrohr,  n.  encasing  tube,  jacket. 

Hiilse,  /.  hull,  husk,  pod,  shell,  case;  socket, 

Hiilsenbaum,  m.  locust  tree. 

Hulsenfrucht,  /.  legume. 

hiilsenfruchtartig,  a.  leguminous. 

Hiilsengewachs,  n.  leguminous  plant. 

Hiilsenpflanze,  /.  leguminous  plant. 

Hummel,  /.  bumblebee. 

Hummer,  TO.  lobster. 

humpeln,  v.i.  hobble. 

Humpen,  TO.  bumper,  tankard. 

Hund,  m.  dog;  hound. 




Hundekot,  TO.  canine  feces,  album  graecum. 

hundert,  a.  hundred. 

Hundertel,  n.  hundredth. 

hundertgradig,  a.  centigrade. 

hundertteilig,  a.  centesimal,  centigrade. 

Hundezahnspat,  TO.  dogtooth  spar  (variety  of 

Hundskamille,  /.  dog's  camomile,  mayweed 
(Anthemis  cotula). 

Hundszunge,  /.  hound's  tongue  (Cynoglossum) . 

Hiine,  m.  giant. 

Hungerkorn,  n.  ergot. 

Hungersnot,  /.  famine. 

Hungerstein,  TO.  salt-pan  scale  (sulfates  of  cal- 
cium and  sodium,  etc.). 

hungrig,  a.  hungry. 

hiipfen,  v.i.  hop,  jump. 

Hiirde,  /.  hurdle;  pen. 

hurtig,  a.  quick,  nimble,  speedy. 

husten,  v.i.  cough. 

Hustenmittel,  n.  cough  remedy. 

Hut,  TO.  hat;  cap,  cover,  lid,  top;  loaf  (of 
sugar);  scum  (of  wine). 

Hut, /.guard;   pasture. 

hiiten,  v.L  watch,  guard,  keep. — v.r.  take  care. 

Hutfilz,  TO.  hatter's  felt. 

Hutpilz,  TO.  pileate  fungus,  agaricaceous  fungus, 

Hiitte,  /.  (metallurgical  or  glass)  works,  mill, 
smelting  house,  foundry;  hut,  cabin,  cottage, 

Hiittenafter,  TO.  residue  or  refuse  from  a  foun- 
dry or  the  like. 

Hiittenarbeit,  /.  smelting,  founding;  foundry 
work  (distinguished  from  blast-lamp  work, 
in  glass). 

Hiittenglas,  n.  (Glass)  pot  metal. 

Hiittenherr,  TO.  owner  of  a  smeltery  or  the  like. 

Huttenkatzc.  /.  lead  colic. 

Hiittenkunde,  /.  metallurgy. 

Hiittenkundiger,  in.  metallurgist. 

Hiittenmann,  TO.  metallurgist. 

huttenmannisch,  a.  metallurgical. 

Huttennichts,  n.  nihilum  album,  white  tutty 
(impure  zinc  oxide). 

Hiittenprobierkunst,  /.  metallurgical  assaying. 

Hiittenprodukt,  n.  metallurgical  product. 

Hiittenprozess,  TO.  metallurgical  process. 

Huttenpriifer,  m.  metallurgical  assayer. 

Hiittenrauch,  TO.  smelter  smoke;   white  arsenic. 

Huttenreise,  /.  (Metal.)  campaign. 

Hiittentrichter,  m.  conical  funnel  (the  common 

Huttenwerk,  n.  smelting  worts,  foundry,  mill, 
plant,  works  (where  smelting,  founding,  roll- 
ing, etc.,  are  carried  on). 

Hiittenwesen,  n.  smelting,  metallurgy. 

Hiittenzinn,  n.  (Metal.)  grain  tin. 

Hutzucker,  m.  loaf  sugar. 

Hyacinthgranat,  TO.  essonite. 

Hyane,  /.  hyena. 

Hydantoinsaure,  /.  hydantoic  acid. 

Hydrat,  n.  hydrate. 

Hydratation,  /.  hydration. 

hydrathaltig,  a.  hydrated. 

hydratisch,  o.  hydrated. 

hydratisieren,  v.t.  hydrate. — v.r.  become  hy- 

Hydratropasaure,  /.  hydratropic  acid. 

Hydraulik,  /.  hydraulics. 

hydraulisch,  a.  hydraulic. 

Hydrazobenzol,  n.  hydrazobenzene. 

Hydrazoverbindung,  /.  hydrazo  compound. 

Hydrid,  n.  hydride,  esp.  a  higher  hydride,  as 
contrasted  with  Hydrtir. 

hydrieren,  v.t.  hydrogenize,  hydrogenate. 

Hydrierung,  /.  hydrogenation. 

hydroaromatisch,  a.  hydroaromatic. 

Hydrobromsaure,  /.  hydrobromic  acid. 

Hydrochinon,  n.  hydroquinone. 

Hydrochinoxalin,  n.  hydroquinoxaline. 

Hydrochlorsaure,  /.  hydrochloric  acid. 

Hydrocumaron,  n.  hydrocoumarone,  hydrocu- 

Hydrocumarsaure,  /.  hydrocoumaric  (or  -cu- 
maric)  acid. 

Hydrocyansaure,  /.  hydrocyanic  acid. 

Hydrojodsaure,  /.  hydriodic  acid. 

Hydrokaffeesaure,  /.  hydrocaffeic  acid. 

Hydrokette,  /.  (Elec.)  hydrocell,  hydroelement. 

Hydrolyse,  /.  hydrolysis. 

hydrolysieren,  v.t.  hydrolyze. 

Hydroperoxyd,  n.  hydrogen  peroxide. 

Hydrophtalsaure,  /.  hydrophthalic  acid. 

hydroschweflig,  a.  hydrosulfurous. 

Hydrothionsaure,  /.  hydrosulfuric  acid,  hydro- 
gen sulfide. 

Hydroverbindung,  /.  hydro  compound  (com- 
pound formed  by  the  addition  of 

Hydroxyd,  n.  hydroxide. 

Hydroxydul,  n.  (-ous)  hydroxide. 

hydroxylhaltig,  a.  containing  hydroxyl. 

Hydrozimmtsaure,  /.  hydrocinnamic  acid. 

Hydriir,  n.  hydride,  specif.,  a  lower  hydride  as 
contrasted  with  Hydrid. 

hygrometrisch,  a.  hygrometric. 

hygroskopisch,  a.  hygroscopic. 

Hygroskopizitat,  /.  hygroscopicity. 

Hyperbel,  /.  hyperbola. 

Hyperchlorat,  n.  perchlorate. 

Hyperglukamie,  /.  hyperglycemia. 

Hyperjodat,  n.  periodate. 

Hyperoxyd,  n.  hyperoxide  (peroxide). 

Hypogaasaure,  /.  hypogeic  acid. 

Hypothek,  /.  mortgage,  security. 

Hypothese,  /.  hypothesis. 

hypothetisch,  a.  hypothetical. 

i.,  abbrev.  (in)  in;   (5m)  in  the;   (ist)  is. 

latrochemie,  /.  iatrochemistry. 

latrochemiker,  m.  iatrochemist. 

ich,  pron.  I. 

-icht.  a  suffix  used  with  verb  roots  to  form 
collective  nouns  (as  Feilicft/,  filings,  from 
feilen)  and  with  nouns  to  form  adjectives  of 
quality,  as  olicht,  oily.  In  the  latter  sense 
the  ending  -ig  is  more  common.  See  -ig,  and 
adjectives  ending  in  -ig. 

Ichthyolseife,  /.  ichthyol  Soap. 

i.D.,  abbrev.  (im  Dampf)  in  the  form  of  vapor. 

-id.  -ide.  (There  is  American  authority  for 
chlortd,  amid,  etc.,  but  these  spellings  are  not 
used  by  the  American  or  London  chemical 
societies.  In  any  case  the  translation  should 
be  uniform,  not  -ide  for  some  compounds  and 
-id  for  others.) 

Idee,  /.  idea,  notion,  conception. 

identisch,  a.  identical. 

Idozuckersaure,  /.  idosaccharic  acid. 

-ieren.  -ate,  -ize,  etc.  (the  infinitive  ending  of 
a  large  number  of  verbs,  mostly  of  non- 
German  origin,  the  meaning  of  which  can 
often  be  easily  guessed). 

-ig.  an  adjective  suffix  denoting  quality  or 
relation;  -y,  -ous,  -ed,  -ful;  as,  Qlig,  oily; 
flttchtt'0,  volatile,  flying;  zweiseitip,  two- 

Igel,  m.  hedgehog. 

-igen.  a  termination  of  causative  verbs 
formed  from  adjectives  and  nouns;  as, 
reinigen  (make  pure)  from  rein;  endigen 
(make  an  end  of)  from  Ende. 

ihnen,  pron.  to  them. 

Ihnen,  pron.  to  you. 

ihr,  pron.  you;  to  her;  her;  their. 

Ihr,  pron.  your. 

ihrer,  pron.  of  her;  of  them;  hers;  theirs. 

Ihrer,  pron.  of  you. 

ihrerseits,  adv.  for  its,  her,  or  their  part;  in  turn; 

ihrige,  pron.  hers;  theirs. 

Ihrige,  pron.  yours. 

i.J.,  abbrev.  (im  Jahre)  in  the  year. 

Ikositetraeder,  n.  icositetrahedron. 

-U.  (Org.  Chem.)  -il;  as,  anil,  carbostyriJ,  etc. 
Nitril  (translated  nitrile)  is  an  exception. 

illuminieren,  v.t.  illuminate. 

illustrieren,  v.t.  illustrate. 

Iltis,  m.  polecat,  fitchet  (Putorius). 

im,  abbrev.  (in  dem)  in  the. 

imaginar,  a.  imaginary. 

imbibieren,  v.t.  imbibe. 

Imbiss,  m.  light  meal,  lunch. 

Imido-.  imido-,  imino-  (should  be  translated 
imido-  only  when  the  compound  is  of  imide 
nature,  otherwise  imino-). 

Imidoather,  m.  imido  ester. 

Imidosulfonsaure,  /.  imidosulfonic  acid  (disul- 
famic  acid). 

Imidothioather,  m.  imido  thio  ester. 

Immedialschwarz,  n.  immedial  black. 

immer,  adv.  always,  ever. 

immerfort,  adv.  always,  constantly. 

immergrun,  a.  evergreen. 

Immergrun,  n.  periwinkle  (Vincd). 

immerhin,  adv.  still,  after  all. 

Immerschon,  n.  everlasting,  immortelle. 

imnterwahrend,  p.a.  everlasting,  perpetual. 

immcrzu,  adv.  always;   go  on! 

immunisieren,  v.t.  immunize. 

Immunisierung,  /.  immunization. 

Immunitat,  /.  immunity. 

Immunkorpcr,  m.  immune  body. 

Impf-.  inoculation,  vaccination. 

impfbar,  a.  inoculable. 

impfen,  v.t.  inoculate;  vaccinate;  (of  plants) 

Impffliissigkcit,  /.  inoculation  lymph,  vaccine 

Impfstift,  m.  inoculating  pencil. 

Impfstoff,  m.  inoculation  serum,  vaccine. 

Impfung,  /.  inoculation,  vaccination. 

imponieren,  v.i.  impose,  impress. 

impragnieren,  v.t.  impregnate. 

Impragnierung,  /.  impregnation. 

imstande,  a.  able. 

in,  prep,  in,  at;  into,  to. 

-in.  a  suffix  used  to  form  a  feminine;  as,  Wir- 
tin,  hostess,  landlady. 

-in.  (as  a  chemical  ending)  -ine  when  the  com- 
pound is  a  base,  -in  when  it  is  not.  Names 
of  compounds  of  alcoholic  nature  are  prefer- 
ably translated  so  as  to  end  in  -ol;  as, 
Resorcin,  resorcinol.  (Some  American  chem- 
ists translate  this  ending  invariably  .-in.) 

Inaktivitat,  /.  inactivity. 





Inbegriff,  m.  total,  sum,  inclusion;  summary. 

Inbrunst,  /.  ardor,  fervor. 

indent,  conj.  while,  when;  since,  because. 

indessen,  indes,  adv.  meanwhile;  however. 

indianisch,  a.  of  India,  Indian. 

Indien,  n.  India. 

Indig,  TO.  indigo. 

indigen,  a.  indigenous. 

Indigoblau,  n.  indigo  blue. 

Indigoblauschwefelsaure,  /.  indigosulfuric  acid, 

sulfindigotic  acid  (indigosulfonic  or  indigodi- 

sulfonic  acid). 

Indigofarbstoff,  w.  indigo  blue,  indigotin. 
Indigokiipe,  /.  indigo  vat,  blue  vat  (solution  of 

indigo  white). 

Indigoleim,  TO.  indigo  gelatin,  indigo  gluten. 
Indigorot,  n.  indigo  red  (indirubin). 
Indigosaure,  /.  indigotic  acid. 
Indigoschwefelsaure,  /.  =  Indigoblauschwefel- 

Indigostoff,  m.  indigo  blue,  indigotin. 
Indigosulfosaure,  /.  indigosulfonic  acid. 
Indigoweiss,  n.  indigo  white. 
Indigstein,  TO.  indicolite  (blue  tourmaline). 
Indigweiss,  n.  indigo  white. 
Indikan,  n.  indican. 
indisch,    a.    Indian. — indische    Feige,    prickly 

pear. — indischer  Flachs,  jute. 
Indischgelb,  n.  Indian  yellow. 
Indischhanftinktur,  /.  tincture  of  Indian  hemp. 
Individuum,  n.  (pi.  Individuen).  individual. 
Indizes,  indices, 
indizieren,  v.t.  indicate. 

Indoxylschwefelsaure,  /.  indoxylsulfuric  acid. 
Induktionsrolle,  Induktionsspule,  /.  induction 


Induktionsstrom,  m.  induction  current. 
Induktionsvermogen,  n.  inductive  capacity. 
indurieren,  v.t.  indurate,  harden. 
Industriezweig,  TO.  branch  of  industry, 
induzieren,  v.t.  induce. 

ineinander,  adv.  into  each  other,  into  one  another. 
infizieren,  v.t.  infect, 
infokund,  a.  sterile. 

Infundierapparat,  m.  infusion  apparatus. 
Infundierbiichse,  /.  infusion  vessel,  digester. 
infundieren,  v.t.  infuse. 

Infusorienerde,  /.  infusorial  earth  (kieselguhr). 
Ingenieur,  TO.  engineer. 
Ingrediens,  n.,  Ingredienz,  /.  ingredient. 
Ingrimm,  TO.  inward  rage. 
Inguss,  m.  ingot;  ingot  mold. 
Ingwer,  TO.  ginger. 
Ingwergras,  n.  ginger  grass. 
Ingwerol,  n.  ginger  oil. 
Inhaber,  m.  holder,  owner. 
inhalieren,  v.t.  inhale. 
Inhalt,   m.   content,   contents;    (of   a   surface) 

area;    (of  a  body)    volume;    (of   a   vessel) 


Inhaltsubersicht,  /.  table  of  contents; 

Inhaltsverzeichnis,  n.  table  of  contents. 

inhomogen,  a.  inhomogeneous. 

Inhomogenitat,  /.  inhomogeneity. 

Initialsprengstoff,  TO.  priming. 

initiieren,  v.t.  initiate;    (Explosives')  explode. 

injizieren,  v.t.  inject. 

inkrustieren,  v.t.  incrust. — v.i.  become  in- 

Inlander,  TO.  inlander;  native. 

inlandisch,  a.  native,  indigenous;  internal, 
domestic;  inland. 

inmitten,  adv.  in  the  midst. 

inne,  adv.  in. 

innehaben,  v.t.  hold,  occupy,  keep. 

innehalten,  v.t.  confine;  observe,  keep.  —  v.i. 
stop,  pause. 

innen,  adv.  within,  in,  at  home. 

Innen-.  internal,  interior,  inside,  inner. 

Innendruck,  TO.  internal  pressure. 

Innenflache,  /.  inner  surface. 

Innenhaut,  /.  inner  or  internal  membrane  or 

Innenleitung,  /.  inner  circuit. 

Innenmass,  n.  inside  measure. 

Innenraum,  TO.  interior  space,  interior. 

inner,  a.  internal;  interior,  inward,  inner; 

inner halb,  adv.  &  prep.,  within. 

innerlich,  a.  inward,  internal,  interior;  pro- 
found, sincere. 

innewohnend,  p.a.  inherent. 

innig,  a.  intimate;  cordial,  earnest,  sincere. 

inokulieren,  v.t.  inoculate. 

Inosinsaure,  /.  inosic  acid. 

in  praxi.  in  practice. 

Insass,  Insasse,  TO.  inhabitant;  inmate. 

insbesondere,  adr.  especially. 

Inschrift,  /.  inscription. 

Insektenkunde,  Insektenlehre,  /.  ento- 

Insel,  /.  island. 

insofern,  conj.  so  far  as,  inasmuch  as. 

instabil,  a.  unstable. 

instandig,  a.  earnest,  urgent. 

instruieren,  v.t.  instruct. 

integrieren,  v.t.  integrate. — integrierend,  p.a. 
integrating,  integrant. 

Intensitat,  /.  intensity. 

Interesse,  /.  interest. 

Interferenzbild,  n.  interference  figure. 

intermediar,  a.  intermediary,  intermediate. 

intermittierend,  p.a.  intermittent. 

interpolieren,  v.t.  interpolate. 

intim,  a.  intimate. 

Inventar,  n.  inventory. 

invertieren,  v.t.  invert. 

Invertzucker,  TO.  invert  sugar. 

in  warts,  adv.  inwards.  - 




inwendig,  a.  inward,  interior,  internal. 

inwiefern?  adv.  in  what  respect? 

inwohnend,  p.a.  inherent. 

inzwischen,  adv.  meantime. 

lod,  etc.  SeeJod,  etc. 

lonenbeweglichkeit,  /.  ionic  mobility. 

lonengeschwindigkeit,  /.  ionic  velocity. 

lonengleichung,  /.  ionic  equation. 

lonenreaktion,  /.  ionic  reaction. 

lonenreibung,  /.  ionic  friction. 

loncnspaltung,  /.  ionic  cleavage,  ionization. 

lonenwanderung,  /.  ionic  migration. 

lonenzustand,  m.  ionic  state. 

lonisationswarme,  /.  heat  of  ionization. 

ionisch,  a.  ionic. 

ionisierbar,  a.  ionizable. 

ionisieren,  v.t.  ionize. 

Ipser  Tiegel.  graphite  crucible. 

irden,  a.  earthen. — irdenes  Geschirr,  earthen- 

Irdenware,  /.  earthenware. 

irdisch,  a.  terrestrial;  earthly;   perishable. 

-iren.  =  -ieren. 

irgend,  adv.  any,  at  all,  some. 

irgendwo,  adv.  anywhere,  somewhere. 

iridisieren,  v.t.  &  i.  =  irisieren. 

Irisblende,  /.  iris  diaphragm. 

irisieren,  v.t.  irisate,  iridize. — v.i.  iridesce. 

Irisierung,  /.,  Irisieren,  n.  iridescence. 

irlandisch,  a.  Irish. 

Iron,  n.  irone. 

irre,  a.  &  adv.  astray,  wrong. 

Irre,  /.  wandering;  labyrinth. — m.  &  f. 

irrefiihrend,  p.a.  misleading. 

irren,  v.i.  err,  be  wrong;  be  insane  or  delirious. 
— v.r.  be  mistaken. — v.t.  mislead;  .puzzle; 

Irrenanstalt,  /.  lunatic  asylum. 

Irrenarzt,  TO.  alienist. 

Irresein,  n.  insanity. 

Irrfahrt,  /.  wandering,  vagary. 

Irrgang,  Irrgarten,  m.  labyrinth. 

irrig,  a.  erroneous,  false. 

Irrlehre,  /.  fa'se  teaching,  heresy. 

Irrlicht,  n.  will-o'-the-wisp. 

Irrsinn,  m.  insanity;   delirium. 

Irrtum,  TO.  error;   mistake,  fault. 

irrtumlich,  a.  erroneous. — adv.  erroneously. 

irrtiimlicherweise,  adv.  erroneously. 

isabellen,  isabellenfarbig,  a.  cream-colored, 
light  buff. 

Isathionsaure,  /.  isethionic  acid. 

Isatropasaure,  /.  isatropic  acid. 

-isch.  an  adjective  suffix  equivalent  to  -ish  (as 
weibisch,  womanish)  and  also  used  to  form 
adjectives  from  proper  names  and  foreign 
words  (as  Schiff'scfce  Basen,  Schiff  bases; 
chemise^,  chemical). 

islandisch,  a.  Iceland,  Icelandic. 

Isobutf  crsaure,  /.  isobutyric  acid. 

Isochinolin,  n.  isoquinoline. 

Isocrotonsaure,  /.  isocrotonic  acid. 

Isocumarin,  n.  isocoumarin,  isocumarin. 

Isocyansaure,  /.  isocyanic  acid. 

Isocyanursaure,  /.  isocyanuric  acid. 

isocyclisch,  a.  isocyclic. 

isoelektrisch,  a.  isoelectric. 

Isoferulasaure,  /.  isoferulic  acid. 

isohydrisch,  a.  isohydric. 

Isokamphersaure,  /.  isocamphoric  acid. 

Isolation,/,  isolation;   (Elec.)  insulation. 

Isolationsstoff,  TO.  insulating  material. 

Isolator,  TO.  (Elec.)  insulator. 

isolieren,  v.t.  isolate;   (Elec.)  insulate. 

isolog,  a.  isologous. 

isomer,  a.  isomeric. 

Isomerie,  /.  isomerism. 

Isomeriefall,  TO.  case  of  isomerism. 

Isomeriemoglichkeit,  /.  possibility  of  isomerism. 

isomerisch,  a.  isomeric. 

isomorph,  a.  isomorphous. 

Isomorphie,  /.,  Isomorphisms,  TO.  isomorph- 

Isop,  m.  hyssop. 

I sophtalsaure,  /.  isophthalic  acid. 

Isopikrinsaure,  /.  isopicric  acid. 

Isopol,  n.  hyssop  oil. 

Isopurpurinsaure,  /.  isopurpuric  acid. 

isosmotisch,  a.  isosmotic. 

Isotonie,  /.  isotonicity. 

isotonisch,  a.  isotonic. 

Isoxylol,  n.  isoxylene. 

Isoxylsaure,  /.  isoxylic  acid. 

Isozimmtsaure,  /.  isocinnamic  acid. 

isst,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  essen. 

ist,  pr.  3  sing,  of  sein. 

•it.  -ite.  (When  it  seems  desirable  to  retain 
the  exact  spelling  of  a  German  name  ending 
in  -it,  quotation  marks  should  be  used;  as, 
thermite  or  "  thermit."  Names  of  alcohols 
ending  in  -it  are  preferably  translated  so  as  to 
end  in  -ol;  as,  mannitol.) 

Itaconsaure,  /.  itaconic  acid. 

Italien,  n.  Italy. 

italienisch,  a.  Italian. 

i.V.,  abbrev.  (im  Vakuum)  in  a  vacuum. 

i.W.,  abbrev.  (innere  Weite)  inside  diameter 

J.,  abbrev.  of  Jahresbericht  der  Chemie;  (with-    Javelle'sche  Lauge.  Javelle  water. 

out  period)  symbol  for  iodine,  I. 

ja,  adv.  yes;  indeed;  certainly,  by  all  means. 

Jacht,  /.  yacht. 

Jacke,  /.  jacket. 

Jagarazucker,  m.  jaggery. 

Jagd,   /.    chase,    hunt,    hunting;     huntsmen; 
game;  hubbub. 

Jagdpulver,  n.  sporting  powder. 

jagen,    vJ,.    hunt,    chase;      drive. — v.i.    hunt; 

Jager,  m.  hunter,  sportsman;   chasseur. 

jah,  a.  steep,  abrupt;  hasty,  sudden. 

jahlings,  adv.  headlong;  abruptly. 

Jahr,  n.  year. 

Jahrbuch,  n.  yearbook,  annual;  almanac;  annal. 

Jahresbericht,  m.  annual  report. 

Jahresfrist,  /.  space  of  a  year. 

Jahresschrift,  /.  annual  publication. 

Jahrestag,  m.  anniversary;  birthday. 

Jahreswechsel,  m.  new  year. 

Jahreszeit,  /.  season. 

Jahrg.,  abbrev.  of  Jahrgang. 

Jahrgang,  m.  year's  course,  year's  set,  year; 

Jahrhundert,  n.  century. 

jahrlich,  a.  yearly,  annual. 

Jahrtausend,  n.  millennium,  a  thousand  years. 

Jahrzehnt,  n.  decade. 

Jahrzorn,  m.  violent  passion. 

Jakobskraut,  n.  groundsel  (Senecio). 

Jalape,  Jalappe,  /.  jalap. 

Jalapenharz,  n.  jalap  resin,  jalapin. 

Jalapinsaure,  /.  jalapic  acid. 

Jammer,  m.  lamentation;  misery,  woe;  pity. 

jammerlich,  a.  woeful,  miserable,  piteous. 

jammern,  v.i.  lament. — v.t.  move  to  pity. 

Janusgriin,  n.  Janus  green. 

japanieren,  v.t.  japan, 
japanisch,  a.  Japanese,  Japan. 

Jasmin,  m.  jasmine,  jessamine. — gemeiner  Jas- 
min, wilder  Jasmin,  syringa. 

Jasminbliitenol,  n.  jasmine-flower  oil. 

Jaspachat,  m.  jasper  agate,  jasper. 

Jaspis,  m.  jasper. 

Jaspisgut,  n.  jasper  ware. 

Jaspopal,  m.  jasper  opal, 
jaten,  v.t.  weed. 

Jauche,  /.  dung  water,  liquid  manure;  (Med.) 

jauchzen,  v.i.  shout,  exult. 

jawohl,  adv.  yes,  indeed;  quite  so. 

je,  adv.  always,  ever;  every;  apiece. — je  nach, 
according  to. — je  .  .  .  je,  the  .  .  .  the. 

jedenfalls,  adv.  in  any.  case,  by  all  means. 

jeder,  pron.  every,  each,  any;  everyone,  every- 
body, each. 

jedesmal,  adv.  every  time,  always. 

jedoch,  adv.  however,  yet. 

jeglicher,  pron.  every,  any,  everything. 

jemals,  adv.  ever,  at  any  time. 

jemand,  pron.  somebody,  someone,  anybody, 

jener,  pron.  that,  the  other;  that  one,  that 
person,  the  former. 

jenseit,  prep,  beyond,  on  the  other  side  of. 

Jesuitenrinde,  /.  Jesuit  bark  (cinchona  bark) . 

jetzig,  a.  present. 

jetzt,  adv.  now,  at  present. 

jeweilig,  a.  for  the  time  being. 

Joch,  n.  yoke. 

Jochbaum,  m.  hornbeam. 

Jod,  n.  iodine. 

Jod-.  iodine,  iodide  of,  iodo-. 

Jodallyl,  n.  allyl  iodide. 

Jodammonium,  n.  ammonium  iodide. 

Jodantimon,  n.  antimony  iodide. 

Jodarsen,  n.  arsenic  iodide. 

Jodat,  n.  iodate. 

Jodathyl,  n.  ethyl  iodide,  iodoethane. 

Jodazid,  n.  iodine  azide. 

Jodbaryum,  n.  barium  iodide. 

Jodbenzol,  n.  iodobenzene  (CeHsI  or,  in  general, 
any  iodine  derivative  of  benzene.  Cf.  Jodo- 

Jodblei,  n.  lead  iodide. 

Jodbromid,  n.  iodine  bromide. 

Jodcadmium,  n.  cadmium  iodide. 

Jodcalcium,  n.  calcium  iodide. 

Jodchinolin,  n.  iodoquinoline. 

Jodchlor,  n.  iodine  chloride. 

Jodchlorid,  n.  iodine  chloride,  esp.  iodine  tri- 

Jodchloriir,  n.  iodine  monochloride. 

Jodcyan,  n.  cyanogen  iodide. 

Joddampf,  m.  iodine  vapor. 

Jodeisen,  n.  iron  iodide. 

Jodgehalt,  m.  iodine  content. 

Jodgold,  n.  gold  iodide. 

Jodgriin,  n.  iodine  green. 

iodhaltig,  a.  containing  iodine,  iodiferous. 





Jodhydrat,  n.  hydriodide. 

Jodid,  n.  iodide  (esp.  an  -ic  iodide,  as  con- 
trasted with  Jodttr). 

Jodidchlorid,  n.  iodochloride. 

jodieren,  v.t.  iodize,  iodate. 

Jodijodat,  u.  iodine  iodate. 

jodimetrisch,  a.  iodimetric. 

Jodismus,  m.  iodism. 

Jodit,  TO.  iodite  (iodyrite,  Agl). 

Jodkadmium,  n.  cadmium  iodide. 

Jodkalium,  Jodkali,  n.  potassium  iodide. 

Jodkalzium,  n.  calcium  iodide. 

Jodkupfer,  n.  copper  iodide. 

Jodlosung,  /.  iodine  solution. 

Jodmagnesium,  n.  magnesium  iodide. 

Jodmetall,  n.  metallic  iodide. 

Jodmethyl,  n.  methyl  iodide,  iodomethane. 

Jodmittel,  n.  iodiferous  remedy. 

Jodnatrium,  n.  sodium  iodide. 

Jodo-.  iodoxy-. 

Jodobenzoesaure,  /.  iodoxybenzoic  acid. 

Jodobenzol,  n.  iodoxybenzene  (CeHsIOz). 

Jodoform,  n.  iodoform. 

Jodo!,  n.  iodol. 

Jodometrie,  /.  iodometry. 

jodometrisch,  a.  iodometric. 

Jodonaphtalin,  «.  iodoxynaphthalene. 

Jodonium,  n.  iodonium. 

Jodoso-.  iodoso-. 

Jodosobenzol,  n.  iodosobenzene  (CeHsIO). 

Jodoxy-.  iodohydroxy-. 

Jodoxynaphtochinon,  n.  iodohydroxynaphtho- 
quinone,  CioH4O2(OH)I. 

Jodphosphonium,  n.  phosphonium  iodide. 

Jod phosphor,  ?H.  phosphorus  iodide. 

Jodphtalsaure,  /.  iodophthalic  acid. 

Jodprobe,  /.  iodine  test. 

Jodquecksilber,  n.  mercury  (esp.  mercuric) 

Jodradium,  n.  radium  iodide. 

Jodsalbe,  /.  iodine  ointment. 

jodsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  iodic  acid, 
iodate  of. 

Jodsaure,  /.  iodic  acid. 

Jodschwefel,  TO.  sulfur  iodide. 

Jodsilber,  n.  silver  iodide. 

Jodsilizium,  n.  silicon  iodide. 

Jodstarke,  /.  starch  iodide,  iodized  starch. 

Jodstickstoff,  TO.  nitrogen  iodide. 

Jodtinktur,  /.  tincture  of  iodine. 

Jodtoluol,  n.  iodotoluene. 

Jodiir,  n.  (-ous)  iodide.     Cf.  Chloriir. 

Jodverbindung,  /.  iodine  compound. 

Jodwasserstoff,  m.  hydrogen  iodide;  hydriodic 

Jodwassersloffather,  TO.  ethyl  iodide. 

Jodwasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydriodic  acid. 

Jodwismut,  m.  &  n.  bismuth  iodide. 

Jodyrit,  TO.  iodyrite. 

Jodzahl,  /.  iodine  number. 

Jodzimmtsaure,  /.  iodocinnamic  acid. 

Jodzink,  n.  zinc  iodide. 

Jodzinn,  n.  tin  iodide. 

Jodzinnober,  m.  red  mercuric  iodide. 

Johannisbeere,  /.  currant. 

Johannisbrot,  n.  St.-John's-bread  (carob  bean). 

Johanniskraut,  n.  St.-John's-wort. 

Johanniswurzel,  /.  male  fern,  (Pharm.)  aspid- 

johlen,  jolen,  v.i.  howl,  hoot,  roar. 

Jon,  n.  ion  (for  compounds  see  Ion-). 

Jonium,  n.  ionium. 

Jonon,  n.  ionone. 

Jubel,  TO.  jubilation. 

Jubelband,  m.  jubilee  volume. 

Jubelfeier,  /.,  Jubelfest,  n.  jubilee. 

Jucht,  Juchten,  Juchtenleder,  n.  Russia  leather. 

jucken,  v.t.  &  i.  itch. — v.r.  scratch,  rub. 

Jucken,  n.  itching,  pruritus. 

Jude,  m.  Jew. 

Jtiden,  refinery  scraps. 

Judendornbeere,  /.  jujube,  zizyphus. 

Judenharz,  n.  =  Judenpech. 

Judenkirsche,  /.  alkekengi  (Physalis). 

Judenpech,  n.  Jew's  pitch  (asphalt). 

Judenpilz,  Judenschwanun,  m.  a  species  of 

jiidisch,  a.  Jewish. 

Jugend,  /.  youth;  adolescence. 

jugendlich,  a.  youthful,  juvenile. 

Juli,  TO.  July. 

jung,  a.  young;  fresh,  early;  new  (wine  or 
beer);  overpoled  (copper). 

Jungbier,  n.  new  beer. 

Junge,  TO.  boy,  lad,  youth;  apprentice;  young 
(of  animals),  cub,  etc. 

Jiinger,  TO.  disciple,  follower,  votary. 

Jungfer,  /.  virgin,  maid;  chambermaid. 

Jungfer-,  Jungfern-.  virgin;  native. 

Jungfernglas,  n.  selenite  (transparent  gypsum). 

Jungfernmetall,  n.  native  metal. 

Jungfernol,  n.  virgin  oil. 

Jungfernschwefel,  TO.  virgin  sulfur,  native  sul- 

Jungfernzeugung,  /.  parthenogenesis. 

Jungfrau,  /.  virgin,  maid. 

Junggesell,  TO.  bachelor. 

Jiingling,  TO.  young  man,  youth. 

jiingst,  a.  youngest,  last,  latest. — adv.  lately, 

Juni,  TO.  June. 

Junker,  TO.  young  nobleman;  squire. 

justieren,  v.t.  adjust;  justify  (type). 

Justiertisch,  m.  adjusting  table. 

Justiz,  /.  justice. 

Justizwtesen,  n.  the  law,  legal  affairs. 

Juwel,  n.  jewel. 

Juwelier,  TO.  jeweler. 

Juwelierarbeiten,  jewelry. 

Jux,  TO.  filth;  spree,  lark. 


k.,  abbrev.  (kalt)  cold;  (kaiserlich)  imperial; 
(kdniglich)  royal;  (as  symbol,  no  period) 

K.,  abbrev.  (elektrische  Dissociationskon- 
stante)  electric  dissociation  constant;  (kaiser- 
lich) imperial;  (koniglich)  royal. 

Kabel,  n.  cable. 

Kabeljau,  TO.  cod,  codfish. 

Kabeljaulebertran,  Kabliaulebertran,  m.  cod- 
liver  oil. 

Kachel,  /.  (Dutch)  tile. 

Kaddig,  Kaddich,  TO.  cade  (Juniperus  oxyce- 

Kaddigol,  n.  oil  of  cade. 

Kadeol,  Kadinol,  Kadiol,  n.  oil  of  cade. 

Kadmium,  n.  cadmium. 

kadmiumhaltig,  a.  containing  cadmium,  cad- 

Kadmiumjodid,  n.  cadmium  iodide. 

Kafer,  m.  beetle,  coleopter. 

kaferartig,  a.  coleopterous. 

Kaffee,  m.  coffee. 

Kaffeebaum,  m.  coffee  tree. 

Kaffeebohne,  /.  coffee  bean. 

Kaffeegerbsaure,  /.  caffetannic  acid. 

Kaffeekanne,  /.  coffee  pot. 

Kaffeeklatsch,  m.  coffee  party. 

Kaffeeol,  n.  coffee  oil. 

Kaffeesatz,  TO.  coffee  grounds. 

Kaffeesaure,  /.  caffeic  acid. 

Kaffein,  n.  caffeine. 

Kafig,  m.  cage,  birdcage. 

kahl,  a.  bald;  bare;  barren;  (of  fabrics)  nap- 
less; mere,  poor. 

Kahm,  TO.  mold  (on  wine,  etc.). 

kahmen,  v.i.  mold. 

Kahmhaut,  /.  pellicle  of  mold. 

kahmig,  a.  moldy,  stale,  (of  wine)  ropy. 

Kahn,  m.  boat. 

kahnformig,  a.  boat-shaped,  scaphoid. 

Kai,  w.  quay. 

Kainkawurzel,  /.  cahinca  root. 

Kaiser,  TO.  emperor. 

Kaiser-,  imperial;   Csesarean. 

Kaiserblau,  n.  smalt. 

Kaisergelb,  n.  mineral  yellow. 

Kaisergriin,  n.  imperial  green  (Paris  green). 

kaiserlich,  a.  imperial. 

Kaiserreich,  n.  empire. 

Kaiser  rot,  n.  colcothar;   imperial  red  (a  dye). 

Kaiserwurz,  /.  masterwort  (specif.,  Imperatoria 

Kajaputol,  Kajeputol,  n.  cajuput  oil. 

Kajiite,  /.  cabin. 

Kakadu,  m.  cockatoo. 

Kakao,  TO.  cacao;  cocoa. 

Kakaobaum,  TO.  cacao,  cacao  tree. 

Kakaobohne,  /.  cacao  bean,  cocoa  bean. 

Kakaobutter,  /.  cacao  butter,  cocoa  butter. 

Kakaomasse,  /.  cocoa  paste. 

Kakaopulver,  n.  cocoa  powder. 

Kakodyl,  n.  cacodyl. 

Kal.,  abbrev.  (Kalorie)  large  or  kilogram  calorie, 

Kalabarbohne,  /.  Calabar  bean. 

Kalamin,  m.  calamine. 

Kalander,  m.  calender 

kalandern,  v.t.  calender. 

Kalb,  n.  calf. 

Kalberlab,  n.,  Kalbermagen,  TO.  rennet. 

Kalbfell,  n.  calfskin. 

Kalbfleisch,  n.  veal. 

Kalbleder,  n.  calf  (leather). 

kalcinieren,  v.t.  calcine. 

Kalcinierung,  /.  calcination. 

Kalcit,  TO.  calcite. 

Kalcium,  n.  calcium. 

Kaldaune,  /.  tripe;    (pi.)  guts. 

Kalender,  m.  calendar;  almanac. 

kalfatern,  v.t.  calk. 

Kali,  n.  (caustic)  potash,  potassium  hydroxide; 
potash  (K2O;  equivalent  in  old  names  of 
salts  to  potassium;  as,  chlorsaures  Kali, 
chlorate  of  potash,  potassium  chlorate) ; 
saltwort  (Salsola  kali). 

Kalialaun,  n.  potash  alum  (common  alum). 

Kaliapparat,  m.  potash  apparatus. 

Kaliblau,  n.  Prussian  blue. 

kalibrieren,  v.t.  calibrate;  groove  (a  roll). 

Kalidiinger,  TO.  potash  manure  (or  fertilizer). 

Kalidiingesalz,  n.  potassium  salt  for  fertilizing. 

Kalieisencyaniir,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide. 

Kaliform,  /.  potash  mold. 

Kaliglas,  n.  potash  glass. 

kalihaltig,  a.  containing  potash. 

Kalihydrat,  n.  potassium  hydroxide. 

Kalikalk,  TO.  potash  lime. 

Kalikodruck,  m.  calico  printing. 





Kalikugel.  /.  potash  bulb. 

Kalilauge,  /.  potash  lye,  caustic  potash  solution. 

Kalimetall,  n.  (metallic)  potassium. 

Kalisalpeter,  m.  saltpeter,  potassium  nitrate. 

Kalisalz,  n.  potash  salt,  potassium  salt. 

Kalisalzlager,  n.  bed  or  deposit  of  potash  salts. 

Kalischwefelleber,  /.  (Pharm.)  sulfurated  po- 
tassa,  liver  of  sulfur. 

Kaliseife,  /.  potash  soap. 

Kalium,  n.  potassium. 

Kaliumalaun,  TO.  potassium  alum  (ordinary 

Kaliumbrechweinstein,  TO.  antimonyl  potas- 
sium tartrate. 

Kalium  bromatum.  (Pharm.)  potassium  bro- 

Kalium  chloratum.  (Pharm.)  potassium  chlo- 

Kalium  chloricum.  (Pharm.)  potassium  chlorate. 

Kaliumeisencyanid,  n.  potassium  ferricyanide. 

Kaliumeisencyaniir,  n.  potassium  ferrocyanide. 

Kaliumferrisulfat,  n.  ferric  potassium  sulfate. 

Kaliumgoldbromiir,  n.  potassium  aurobromide. 

Kaliumgoldcyanid,  n.  potassium  auricyanide, 
potassium  cyanaurate. 

Kaliumgoldcyaniir,  n.  potassium  aurocyanide. 

Kaliumhalogen,  n.  potassium  halide. 

Kaliumhydrat,  n.  potassium  hydroxide. 

Kaliumhydrid,  n.  potassium  hydride  (KH). 

Kaliumhydrur,  n.  potassium  subhydride  (K2H 
or  K4H2). 

Kaliumiridichlorid,  n.  potassium  iridichloride, 
potassium  chloriridate. 

Kaliumjodat,  n.  potassium  iodate. 

Kalium  jodatum.  (Pharm.)  potassium  iodide. 

Kaliumjodid,  n.  potassium  iodide. 

Kaliumkobaltnitrit,  n.  potassium  cobaltinitrite. 

Kaliumkohlenoxyd,  n.  potassium  carboxide, 
potassium  hexacarbonyl. 

Kalium  nitricum.  (Pharm.)  potassium  nitrate. 

Kalium  nitrosum.  (Pharm.)  potassium  nitrite. 

Kaliumoxydhydrat.  n.  potassium  hydroxide. 

Kaliumplatinchlorid,  n.  potassium  platinichlo- 
ride  (potassium  chloroplatinate). 

Kaliumplatincyaniir,  n.  potassium  platinocyan- 

Kaliumplatinochlorid,  n.  potassium  platino- 
chloride  (potassium  chloroplatinite). 

Kaliumrhodanat,  -rhodanid,  n.  potassium  thio- 
cyanate  (or  sulfocyanate). 

Kaliumsalz,  n.  potassium  salt. 

Kaliumverbindung,  /.  potassium  compound. 

Kaliumwasserstoff,  TO.  potassium  hydride. 

Kaliumzyanid,  n.  potassium  cyanide. 

Kaliverbindung,  /.  potash  compound. 

Kalk,  TO.  lim«  (equivalent,  in  old  names  of 
salts,  to  calcium;  as,  phosphorsaurer  Kalk, 
phosphate  of  lime,  calcium  phosphate) ;  lime- 
stone; (Old  Chem.)  calx.— geloschter  Kalk, 
slaked  lime. — gebrannter  Kalk,  quicklime. 

Kalkanstrich,  m.  whitewash. 

kalkarm,  a.  deficient  in  lime. 

kalkartig,  a.  calcareous,  limy. 

Kalkascher,  TO.  (Soap)  lixiviated  ashes,  soap 
waste;  (Leather)  lime  pit. 

Kalkback,  m.  (Sugar)  lime  back. 

Kalkbeuche,  /.  (Bleaching)  lime  boil. 

Kalkbewurf,  m.  coat  of  plaster,  plastering. 

Kalkblau,  n.  blue  verditer. 

Kalkboden,  m.  lime  soil,  calcareous  soil. 

Kalkborat,  n.  calcium  borate. 

Kalkbrei,  TO.  lime  paste,  lime  cream. 

Kalkbrennen,  n.  lime  burning. 

Kalkbrennerei,  /.  lime  kiln. 

Kalkbruch,  TO.  limestone  quarry. 

Kalkbruhe,  /.  milk  of  lime;  whitewash. 

Kalke,  /.  (Leather)  lime. 

kalkecht,  a.  fast  to  lime. 

Kalkeisenstein,  TO.  ferruginous  limestone. 

kalken,  kalken,  v.t.  lime. 

Kalkerde,  /.  lime,  calcium  oxide. 

Kalkf allun'g,  /.  precipitation  of  lime. 

kalkfrei,  a.  free  from  lime 

Kalkglas,  n.  lime  glass. 

Kalkgranat,  m.  lime  garnet  (grossularite). 

Kalkguss,  TO.  thin  lime  mortar,  grout. 

kalkhaltig,  a.  containing  lime,  calcareous. 

Kalkhutte,  /.  lime  kiln. 

Kalkhydrat,  n.  hydrate  of  lime  (calcium  hydrox- 

kalkig,  a.  limy,  calcareous. 

Kalklicht,  n.  lime  light,  calcium  light. 

Kalkloschen,  n.  lime  slaking. 

Kalklosung,  /.  solution  of  lime  (calcium  hydrox- 

Kalkmehl,  n.  lime  powder  (air-slaked  lime). 

Kalkmesser,  TO.  calcimeter  (for  determination 
of  carbon  dioxide  in  limestone,  etc.). 

Kalkmilch,  /.  milk  of  lime. 

Kalkofen,  TO.  lime  kiln. 

Kalksalpeter,  TO.  calcium  nitrate. 

Kalksalz,  n.  lime  salt,  calcium  salt. 

Kalksandstein,  m.  calcareous  sandstone; 
(Ceram.)  sand-lime  brick. 

Kalksauerbad,  n.  (Bleaching)  lime  sour. 

Kalkschaum,  TO.  lime  froth  or  scum. 

Kalkschlamm,  m.  lime  sludge. 

Kalkschwefelleber, /.  (Pharm.)  sulfurated  lime, 
lime  hepar. 

Kalkseife,  /.  lime  soap,  calcium  soap. 

Kalksinter,  TO.  calcareous  sinter. 

Kalkspat,  m.  calc-spar,  calcite. 

Kalkstein,  m.  limestone. 

Kalksteingut,  n.  (Ceram.)  calcareous  white  ware. 

Kalkstickstoff,  TO.  (crude)  calcium  cyanamide, 
"  lime-nitrogen." 

Kalkverbindung,  /.  lime  compound,  calcium 

Kalkwasser,  n.  limewater. 

Kalmie.  /.  mountain  laurel  (Kalmia  fatifolia). 




Kalmus,  TO.  calamus. 

Kalorimetrie,  /.  calorimetry. 

kalorimetrisch,  a.  calorimetric. 

kalt,  a.  cold;  cool.— kalter  Satz,  (Brewing')  cold- 
water  extract  of  malt. 

kaltblasig,  a.  (Metal.}  refractory. 

Kaltbruch,  m.  cold-shortness. 

kaltbriichig,  a.  cold-short. 

Kalte,  /.  cold,  coldness. 

kalteempfindlich,  a.  sensitive  to  cold. 

kalteerzeugend,  p.a.  frigorific. 

Kalteerzeugung,  /.  production  of  cold,  refrig- 

Kaltegrad,  m.  degree  below  zero. 

Kalteleistung,  /.  refrigerating  capacity. 

Kaltemaschine,  /.  refrigerating  machine. 

Kaltemischung,  /.  freezing  mixture. 

kalten,  v.t.  chill,  ice. 

Kaltetrager,  m.  cooling  medium. 

Kalthefe,  /.  wild  yeast. 

kalzinieren,  v.t.  calcine. 

Kalzit,  n.  calcite. 

Kalzium,  n.  calcium. 

Kalzium-.     See  Calcium-. 

kam,  prct.  of  kommen. 

Kambaholz,  n.  camwood. 

kambrisch,  a.  Cambrian. 

Kamel,  n.  camel. 

Kamerad,  m.  comrade,  fellow. 

kameradschaftlich,  a.  sociable. 

Kamille,  /.  camomile. 

Kamin,  m.  chimney,  stack;  fireplace. 

Kaminsims,  m.  mantelpiece. 

Kamm,  m.  comb;  cog  (of  a  wheel). 

kam  men,  v.t.  comb;   card;  notch. 

Kammer,  /.  chamber;  room;  ventricle  (of  the 

Kammerchen,  n.  little  chamber,  closet. 

Kammerdiener,  m.  valet. 

Kammerei,  /.  board  of  finances,  exchequer. 

Rammer er,  m.  chamberlain;  treasurer. 

Kammerkristall,  m.  chamber  crystal. 

Kammerprozess,  m.  chamber  process. 

Kammersaure,  /.  chamber  acid. 

Kammerschlamm,  m.  chamber  sludge. 

Kammersohle,  /.  chamber  floor. 

Kammertuch,  n.  cambric. 

Kammerwesen,  n.  finances. 

kammformig,  a.  comb-shaped. 

Kammgarn,  n.  worsted. 

Kammgras,  n.  dog's-tail. 

Kammkies,  TO.  cockscomb  pyrites  (variety  of 

Kammmuschel,  /.  scallop. 

Kammrad,  n.  cog  wheel. 

Kammwolle,  /.  carded  wool. 

Kampagne,  /.  campaign. 

Kam  pane,  /.  bell  jar. 

Kampescheholz,  n.  campeachy  wood  (log- 

Kampf,  m.  combat,  conflict,  battle,  fight. 

kampfen,  v.i.  battle,  contend,  fight. 

Kampf er,  m.  camphor  (for  compounds  see  Kam- 

Kampfer,  m.  combatant,  fighter. 

Kampf hahn,  m.  gamecock. 

Kampfplatz,  m.  field  of  battle,  arena. 

Kampher,  m.  camphor. 

Kampheressig,  TO.  camphorated  vinegar. 

Kamphergeist,  m.  spirit  of  camphor. 

kampherhaltig,  a.  containing  camphor,  cam- 

kamphern,  v.t.  camphorate. 

Kampherol,  n.  camphor  oil. 

Kampherphoron,  n.  camphorphorone. 

Kamphersaure,  /.  camphoric  acid. 

Kampherspiritus,  m.  spirit  of  camphor. 

Kamphorsaure,  /.  camphoric  acid. 

Kanal,  m.  canal;   channel;   conduit;  sewer. 

Kanalgas,  n.  sewer  gas. 

Kanalisationsrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  sewer  pipe, 
water  pipe,  gas  pipe,  or  electric  conduit. 

Kanaljauche,  /.  (liquid)  sewage. 

Kanalofen,  TO.  tunnel  kiln. 

Kanalstrahl,  TO.  canal  ray. 

Kanapee,  n.  couch,  sofa. 

Kanarien-.  canary. 

Kandelaber,  m.  chandelier. 

kandieren,  v.t.  candy. 

Kandis,  Kandiszucker,  m.  sugar  candy. 

Kaneel,  Kanel,  m.  cinnamon. — brauner  Kaneel, 
Ceylon  cinnamon. 

Kaneelgranat,  Kaneelstein,  m.  cinnamon  stone 

Kanellarinde,  /.  canella  bark. 

Kaninchen,  n.  rabbit. 

kann,  pr.  1  &  S  sing,  of  konnen. 

Kanne,  /.  can;  jug,  pot,  liter. 

kannelieren,  v.t.  channel,  flute,  groove. 

Kannenzinn,  n.  pewter. 

kannte,  pret.  of  kennen. 

Kanone,  /.  cannon,  gun. 

Kanonengut,  Kanonenmetall,  n.  gun  metal. 

Kanonenpulver,  n.  cannon  powder. 

Kante,  /.  edge;  border,  brim;  lace. 

kanten,  v.t.  edge,  border;  square  (stones) ;  cant, 

kantenweise,  adv.  edgewise,  on  edge. 

Kanthar-.     See  Canthar-. 

kantig,  a.  edged,  angular. 

Kanzel,  /.  pulpit. 

Kanzlei,  /.  chancery. 

Kanzleitinte,  /.  record  ink. 

kaolinisieren,  v.t.  kaolinize. 

Kaolinisierung,  /.  kaolinization. 

Kaoutschuk,  m.  caoutchouc,  rubber. 

Kap.,  abbrev.  (Kapitel)  chapter. 

Kap,  TO.  cape. 

Kapaun,  m.  capon. 

Kapazitat,  /.  capacity. 




Kapelle,  /.  cupel;  sand  bath;  subliming  dish; 
capsule;  priming  cap;  chapel;  band. 

Kapellenasche,  /.  bone  ash. 

Kapellenform,  /.  cupel  mold. 

Kapellengold,  n.  fine  gold. 

Kapellenofen,  TO.  cupelling  furnace,  assay  fur- 
nace; sublimation  furnace. 

Kapellenprobe,  /.  cupel  test,  cupellation. 

Kapellenraub,  TO.  loss  in  cupellation. 

Kapellensilber,  n.  fine  silver. 

Kapellentrager,  TO.  cupel  holder. 

Kapellenzug,  TO.  =  Kapellenraub. 

kapellieren,  v.t.  cupel. 

Kaper,  w.  captor;  privateer;  pirate. 

kapern,  v.t.  capture. 

kapillar,  a.  capillary. 

Kapillar,  n.  capillary. 

Kapillaraffinitat,  /.  capillary  affinity. 

Kapillaranalyse,  /.  capillary  analysis. 

Kapillarflasche,  /.  capillary  bottle  or  flask. 

Kapillargefass,  n.  capillary  vessel. 

KapHIaritat,  /.  capillarity. 

Kapillarkraft,  /.  capillary  force. 

Kapillarrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  capillary  tube. 

Kapillarspannung,  /.  capillary  tension. 

Kapitan,  m.  captain. 

Kapitel,  n.  chapter. 

Kappe,  /.  cap;    hood;    top,  dome,  crown,  etc. 

kappeln,  v.t.  top. 

kappen,  v.t.  top  (trees) ;   cut;   caponize. 

Kappenflasche,  /.  bottle  with  cap. 

Kaprinsaure,  etc.     See  Caprinsaure,  etc. 

Kapriole,  /.  caper,  trick. 

Kapsel,  /.  capsule;  case,  box;  (priming)  cap; 
(Founding)  chill,  mold;  (Ceram.)  sagger. 

kapselartig,  kapselformig,  a.  capsular. 

Kapsel guss,  TO.  casting  in  chills;   chilled  work. 

Kapselton,  m.  sagger  clay. 

kaputt,  a.  broken,  lost,  ruined,  done  for. 

Kapuze,  /.  cape;   cowl. 

Kapuziner,  TO.  Capuchin. 

Kapuzinerkresse,  /.  Indian  cress,  nasturtium. 

Kapwein,  TO.  Cape  wine. 

karaibisch,  a.  Caribbean. 

Karamel,  TO.  caramel. 

Karatgewicht,  n.  troy  weight. 

karatieren,  v.t.  alloy  (gold). 

-karatig,  -karatig,  a.  -carat  (as  achtzehftkaralig, 
eighteen-carat) . 

Karb-.     See  Garb-. 

Kardamom,  m.  cardamom. 

Karfreitag,  m.  Good  Friday. 

Karfunkel,  TO.  carbuncle. 

karg,  a.  stingy,  close;  poor  (soil). 

kargen,  v.i.  be  sparing. 

karglich,  a.  sparing,  spare,  scanty. 

karmesin,  a.  crimson. 

Karmin,  TO.  carmine. 

Karminrot,  n.  carmine  red. 

Karminsaure,  /.  carminic  acid. 

karmoisin,  a.  crimson. 

Karnallit,  TO.  carnallite. 

Karnaubawachs,  n.  carnauba  wax. 

Karneol,  TO.  carnelian. 

Karnies,  TO.  cornice. 

karntisch,  karntnerisch,  a.  Carinthian. 

Karo,  n.  check,  checker,  square. 

Karotte,  /.  carrot. 

Karpfen,  TO.  carp. 

Karre,  /.  wheelbarrow;  cart. 

Karren,  m.  cart;   wheelbarrow,  truck. 

Klirrner,  m.  carter,  drayman. 

Karst,  TO.  mattock,  hoe. 

Kartauserpulver,  n.  Carthusian  powder  (kermes 

Karte,  /.  card;    map;    thicket;    cart;    menu; 


Kartenblatt,  n.  card. 
Kartenpapier,  n.  cardboard. 
Kartoffel,  /.  potato. 
Kartoffelbranntwein,  TO.  potato  spirits. 
Kartoffelbrei,  TO.  mashed  potatoes. 
Kartoffelmehl,  n.  potato  flour. 
Kartoffelstarke,  /.  potato  starch. 
Kartoffelzucker,  w.  potato  sugar  (glucose  from 

potato  starch). 

Karton,  TO.  carton,  (paste) board;  carton,  paste- 
board box. 

kartonieren,  v.t.  bind  in  boards. 
Karwoche,  /.  Passion  Week. 
Kaschmir,  w.  cashmere. 

kaschutieren,  v.t.  dye  with  catechu  or  cutch. 
Kiise,  TO.  cheese;    cheese-shaped  object,  as  a 

disk  of  fireclay  used  as  a  crucible  stand. 
kaseartig,  a.  cheesy,  caseous. 
Kaselab,  n.  rennet, 
kiisen,  v.i.  curd,  curdle. 

Kasepappel,  /.  wild  mallow  (Malva  sylvestris). 
Kaserne,  /.  barracks. 
Kasesaure,  /.  lactic  acid. 
Kasestoff,  m.  casein. 
Kasewasser,  n.  whey. 
kasig,  a.  cheesy,  caseous,  curdy. 
Kaskarillenrinde,  /.  cascarilla  bark, 
kaspisch,  a.  Caspian. 
Kasse,  /.  (money)  box,  chest,  safe;    cash;    pay 

office,  ticket  office,  etc. 
Kasseler  Erde.  Cassel  earth. 
Kassenfuhrer,  TO.  cashier. 
Kasserolle,  /.  casserole. 
Kassette,  /.  sagger;  casket,  coffer. 
Kassia,  Kassie,  /.  cassia. 
Kassienbliiten,  cassia  buds. 
Kassienrinde,  /.  cassia  bark. 
Kassierer,     TO.      cashier,      treasurer,      ticket 


Kassiuspurpur,  m.  purple  of  Cassius. 
Kastanie,  /.  chestnut. 

kastanienbraun,  a.  chestnut  brown,  chestnut. 
Kastchen,  n.  little  chest,  casket;  alveolus. 




Hasten,  TO.  chest,  box,  case,  trunk,  frame;  vat, 
back,  beck;  crucible  (of  a  furnace) ;  (Found- 
ing) flask;  (Ceram.)  sagger;  (Jewelry)  collet. 

Kastenblau,  n.  pencil  blue  (indigo  blue  pro- 
duced by  vat  dyeing). 

Kastorol,  n.  castor  oil. 

katalonisch,  a.  Catalan. 

Katalysator,  m.  catalyzer. 

Katalyse,  Katalysis,  /.  catalysis. 

katalysieren,  v.t.  catalyse. 

katalytisch,  a.  catalytic. 

Kataphorese,  /.  cataphoresis. 

Katechinsaure,  /.  catechuic  acid  (catechin). 

Katechugerbsaure,  /.  catechutannic  acid. 

Katechusaure,  /.  catechuic  acid  (catechin). 

Kater,  TO.  (male)  cat,  tomcat. 

Katheder,  TO.  lecture  desk. 

Kathodendichte,  /.  cathode  density. 

Kathodenraum,  w.  cathode  space,  space  around 
the  cathode. 

Kathodenstrahl,  TO.  cathode  ray. 

kathodochemisch,  a.  cathodochemical. 

Kation,  n.  cation,  kation. 

Kattun,  m.  calico,  cotton  (cloth). 

Kattundruck,  TO.  calico  printing. 

Kattundruckerei,  /.  calico  printing;  calico 

Kattunfabrik,  /.  calico  factory,  cotton  mill. 

Kattunpresse,  /.  calico  press. 

Katzchen,  n.  kitten;    catkin. 

Katze,  /.  cat;   (Paper")  thread  in  the  stuff. 

Katzenauge,  /.  cats-eye. 

Katzenglimmer,  m.,  Katzengold,  n.  cat  gold 
(yellow  mica). 

Katzenminze,  Katzenmiinze,  /.  catnip. 

kaubar,  a.  masticable. 

kaudern,  v.i.  gobble;  jabber. 

kauen,  v.t.  &  i.  chew,  masticate. 

Kauf,  m.  purchase;   bargain. 

Kaufblei,  n.  merchant  lead,  commercial  lead. 

kaufen,  v.t.  buy,  purchase. 

Kaufer,  TO.  buyer,  purchaser,  customer. 

Kaufgut,  n.  merchandise. 

Kaufhandel,  m.  trade,  commerce. 

Kaufladen,  m.  store,  shop. 

kauflich,  a.  commercial,  of  commerce;  mer- 
chantable, purchasable. 

Kaufmann,  TO.  merchant,  tradesman. 

kaufmannisch,  a.  mercantile,  commercial,  busi- 

Kaufzink,  n.  commercial  zinc. 

kaum,  adv.  scarcely,  hardly. 

Kaumittel,  n.  masticatory. 

Kaupfeffer,  m.  betel. 

kaustisch,  a.  caustic. 

kaustizieren,  v.t.  causticize. 

Kaustizierung,  /.  causticization. 

Kaustizitat,  /.  causticity. 

Kautabak,  TO.  chewing  tobacco. 

Eautel,  /.  precaution. 

kauterisieren,  v.t.  cauterize. 

kautschen,  v.t.  couch. 

Kautschuk,  TO.  caoutchouc,  rubber. 

Kautschukfirnis,  TO.  rubber  varnish. 

Kautschukrohre,  /.,  Kautschukrohr,  TO.  rubber 

Kautschukstoff,  TO.  rubber  cloth. 

Kautschukwaren,  rubber  goods. 

Kauz,  w.  tawny  owl;  fellow. 

Kaverne,  /.  cavity. 

keck,  a.  bold. 

Kegel,  TO.  cone;  pin;  skittle. 

Kegel-.  conical. 

Kegelflache, /.  conical  surface. 

Kegelflasche,  /.  conical  flask  (as  an  Erlenmeyer 

kegelformig,  a.  cone-shaped,  conical,  coniform. 

Kegelglas,  n.  conical  glass;   conical  flask. 

kegeln,  v.i.  bowl. 

Kegelrad,  n.  bevel  wheel;   cone  wheel. 

Kegelschnitt,  TO.  conic  section. 

Kehlader,  /.  jugular  vein. 

Kehldeckel,  m.  epiglottis. 

Kehle,  /.  throat,  larynx;   channel,  flute. 

Kehlkopf,  m.  larynx. 

Kehlkopf-.  laryngeal. 

kehren,  v.t.  sweep,  brush;  turn. — v.r.  &  i.  turn. 

Kehricht,  TO.  &  n.  sweepings,  rubbish. 

Kehrsalpeter,  /.  saltpeter  sweepings. 

Kehrsalz,  n.  salt  sweepings. 

keifen,  v.i.  scold,  squabble. 

Keil,  TO.  wedge;   cuneus;   key,  cotter. 

keilahnlich,  keilartig,  a.  wedge-shaped,  cunei- 
form, sphenoid. 

Keilbein,  n.  sphenoid  bone;   cuneiform  bone. 

keilen,  v.t.  wedge;   key. 

keilformig,  a.  =  keilahnlich. 

Keilpaar,  n.  pair  of  wedges,  double  wedge. 

Keim,  TO.  germ,  embryo;  (of  crystallization) 

Keim-.  embryonic,  germinal,  germinating. 

Keimapparat,  TO.  germinating  apparatus. 

Keimblatt,  n.  cotyledon;   germinal  layer. 

keimblatterig,  a.  cotyledonous. 

keimblattlos,  a.  acotyledonous. 

keimen,  v.i.  germinate. 

keimfahig,  a.  capable  of  germinating,  germin- 

Keimhaut,  /.  blastoderm. 

Keimkraft,  /.  germinating  power. 

Keimling,  n.  germ,  embryo. 

Keimstoff,  TO.,  Keimsubstanz,  /.  germinal  mat- 
ter, blastema. 

keimtotend,  p.a.  germicidal. 

Keimung,  /.  germination. 

Keimwirkung,  /.  germ  action;  (of  crystalliza- 
tion) action  of  nuclei. 

Keimzelle,  /.  germ  cell. 

kein,  a.  no,  not  a. 

keiner,  pron.  no  one,  none,  neither. 




keinesfalls,  adv.  in  no  case. 

keineswegs,  adv.  by  no  means. 

keinmal,  adv.  not  once,  never. 

-kelt.  a  suffix  used  like  -heit  (which  see);  -ness, 
-hood,  -dom. 

Kelch,  m.  cup;  calyx;  infundibulum. 

Kelchblatt,  n.  sepal. 

kelchf ormig,  a.  cup-shaped. 

Kelchglas,  n.  cup-shaped  test  glass. 

Eelchmensur,  /.  measuring  cup. 

Kelle, /.  ladle;  scoop;  trowel. 

kellen,  vd.  ladle. 

Keller,  m.  cellar. 

Kellerei,  /.  cellarage. 

Kellergeschoss,  n.  basement. 

Kellerhals,  m.  mezereon  (Daphne  mezereum). 

Kellner,  m.  waiter;  butler. 

Keller,  /.  winepress. 

kennbar,  a.  knowable,  distinguishable;  remark- 

kennen,  v.t.  know. 

Kenner,  TO.  connoisseur,  professional. 

Kenntnis,  /.  knowledge;  information,  notice. 

Kennwort,  n.  (Com.)  code  word. 

Kennzeichen,  n.  mark,  sign,  indication;  char- 
acteristic; criterion;  symptom. 

kennzeichnen,  v.t.  mark,  denote;  distinguish; 

Kennziffer,  /.  index  (of  a  logarithm). 

Keramik,  /.  ceramics. 

keramisch,  a.  ceramic. 

Kerargyrit,  m.  cerargyrite. 

Kerbe,  /.  notch,  nick,  groove. 

Kerker,  TO.  jail,  prison. 

Kerl,  TO.  fellow. 

Kern,  m.  nucleus;  kernel,  pip,  stone;  pith; 
core;  heart;  gist;  (Soap)  curd. 

Kern-,  nuclear;   pithy,  choice. 

Kernfarbc,  /.  nuclear  stain. 

kerngebunden,  p.a.  united  to  a  (or  the) 

Kerngehause,  n.  core. 

Kernguss,  m.  (Founding)  cored  work. 

Kernhefe,  /.  seed  yeast. 

Kernholz,  n.  heart  wood. 

kernig,  a.  strong,  stout,  solid,  vigorous;  (of 
liquors)  full;  (of  leather)  compact;  kernelly; 

Kernigkeit,  /.  (Leather)  fulness,  body. 

Kernisomerie,/.  nucleus  (or  nuclear)  isomerism. 

Kernmehl,  n.  best  grade  of  flour,  firsts. 

Kernsalz,  n.  rock  salt. 

Kernsand,  m.  core  sand. 

Kernseife,  /.  curd  soap,  grain  soap. 

Kernsynthese,  /.  nuclear  synthesis. 

Kerntheorie,  /.  nucleus  theory. 

kerntrocken,  a.  thoroly  dry. 

Kernwolle,  /.  prime  wool. 

Kerze,  /.  candle. 

Kerzenstarke,  /.  candle  power. 

Kessel,  TO.  kettle,     caldron,     copper;      boiler; 

basin,  reservoir;   kennel. 
Kesselfabrik,  /.  boiler  factory, 
kesselformig,  a.  kettle-shaped. 
Kesselkohle,  /.  boiler  coal,  steam  coal. 
Kesselspannung,  /.  boiler  pressure. 
Kesselspeisewasser,  n.  boiler  feed  water. 
Kesselstein,  TO.  boiler  scale;   compass  brick. 
Kesselsteinmittel,  n.  boiler  compound. 
Ketonsaure,  /.  ketonic  acid,  keto  acid. 
Ketonspaltung,  /.  ketonic  cleavage. 
Kette,/.  chain;  train,  series;  warp  (of  a  fabric) ; 

bondage;    (Elec.)  cell,  element  (also,  circuit). 
kettenartig,  a.  of  the  nature  of  a  chain,  chainlike. 
Kettendruck,  TO.  warp  printing. 
kettenformig,  a.  having  the  form  of  a  chain, 


Kettenisomerie,  /.  chain  isomerism. 
Kettenrad,  n.  sprocket  wheel. 
keuchen,  v.i.  gasp,  pant. 
Keuchhusten,  TO.  whooping  cough. 
Keule,  /.  pestle;   club;   leg,  joint  (of  meat). 
keulenformig,   a.   club-shaped,   clavate,   clavi- 


keusch,  a.  chaste,  pure. 
kgl.,  abbrev.  (koniglich)  royal. 
kichern,  v.i.  giggle,  snicker. 
Kiefer,  TO.  jawbone,  jaw,  maxilla. 
Kiefer,  /.  pine,  esp.  Scotch  pine  (Pinus  sylves- 


Kiefer-.  maxillary;  pine. 
Kiefernharz,  n.  pine  resin,  rosin. 
Kiefernholz,  n.  pine  (wood). 
Keifernnadel,  /.  pine  needle. 
Kiel,  TO.  quill;   keel. 
Kieme,  /.  gill,  branchia. 
Kiemen-.  branchial. 
Kien,  TO.  resinous  pine. 
Kienapfel,  TO.  pine  cone. 
Kienbaum,  TO.  pine  tree. 
Kienharz,  TO.  pine  resin,  rosin. 
kienig,  a.  piny,  resinous. 
Kienol,  n.  pine  oil,  oil  of  turpentine. 
Kienruss,  TO.  pine  soot  (form  of  lampblack). 
Kies,  TO.  pyrites;  gravel. 
Kiesabbrand,  TO.  roasted  pyrites. 
kiesartig,  a.  pyritic;  gravelly. 
Kiesel,  TO.  flint. 
Kiesel-.  siliceous;  silicic. 
kieselartig,  a.  flinty,  siliceous, 
Kieselerde,  /.  silica. 

Kieselfluorbaryum,  n.  barium  fluosilicate. 
Kieselfluorkalium,  n.  potassium  fluosilicate. 
Kieselfluornatrium,  n.  sodium  fluosilicate. 
Kieselfluorverbindung,  /.  fluosilicate. 
Kieselfluorwasserstoff,  TO.,  -stofisaure,  /.  fluo- 

silicic  acid. 

Kieselflusssaure,  /.  fluosilicic  acid. 
Kieselgalmei,  TO.  siliceous  calamine   (hydrous 

zinc  silicate). 




Kieselgips,  w.  vulpinite  (variety  of  anhydrite). 

Kieselglas,  n.  flint  glass;   siliceous  calamine. 

Kieselgur,  Kieselguhr,  m.  diatomaceous  earth, 

kieselhaltig,  a.  siliceous,  siliciferous. 

Kieselkalk,  TO.  siliceous  limestone. 

Kieselkalkeisen,  n.  ilvaite. 

Kieselkalkspat,  m.  wollastonite. 

Kieselkristall,  m.  crystal  of  silica,  rock  crystal. 

Kieselkupfer,  n.  chrysocolla. 

Kieselmangan,  n.  rhodonite. 

Kieselmetall,  n.  silicon. 

Kieselsandstein,  TO.  siliceous  sandstone. 

kieselsauer,  o.  of  or  combined  with  silicic  acid, 
silicate  of. 

Kieselsaure,  /.  silicic  acid. 

Kieselsaureanhydrid,  n.  silicic  anhydride,  sili- 
con dioxide. 

kieselsaurehaltig,  a.  containing  silicic  acid,  sili- 

Kieselsauresalz,  n.  silicate. 

Kieselsaureseife,  /.  silicated  soap. 

Kieselsinter,  TO.  siliceous  sinter. 

Kieselspat,  TO.  albite. 

Kieselwasserstoff,  TO.  hydrogen  silicide. 

Kieselwasserstoffsaure,  /.  hydrosilicic  acid. 

Kieselwolframsaure,  /.  silicotungstic  acid. 

Kieselzinkerz,  n.  siliceous  calamine;  willemite. 

Kieselzuschlag,  TO.  siliceous  flux. 

kieshaltig,  a.  pyritiferous;  gravelly. 

kiesig,  a.  gravelly,  gritty. 

Kind,  n.  child. 

Kinder-balsam,  TO.  soothing  syrup. 

Kinderpech,  n.  meconium. 

Kinderschleim,  TO.,  Kinderschmiere,  /.  vernix 

Kindeswasser,  n.  amniotic  fluid. 
Kindheit,  /.  childhood,  infancy. 
Kinetik,  /.  kinetics. 
kinetisch,  a.  kinetic. 
Kinn,  n.  chin. 

Kinnbacken,  TO.  jaw,  jawbone. 
Kinnlade,  /.  jaw. 

Kinogerbsaure,  /.  kinotannic  acid. 
Kipp-.  tilting,  tipping,  dumping. 
Kippe,  /.  edge,  brink,  tilt. 
kippen,  v.t.  tilt,  tip,  tip  over. 
Kippscher  Apparat.  Kipp  apparatus. 
Kirche,  /.  church. 

Kirchhof,  m.  churchyard;  cemetery. 
kirr,  kirre,  a.  tame. 
Kirschbaum,  TO.  cherry  tree. 
Kirschbranntwein,  TO.  cherry  brandy;   kirsch. 
Kirsche,  /.  cherry. 

Kirschgummi,  Kirschharz,  n.  cherry  gum. 
Kirschlorbeer,  m.  cherry  laurel. 
kirschrot,  a.  cherry-red. 
Kirschsaft,  TO.  cherry  juice. 

Kirschwasser,  n.  kirsch,  kirschwasser  (a  liquor 
distilled  from  fermented  cherry  juice). 

Kissen,  n.  cushion;   pillow,  bolster;  pad. 

Kistchen,  ru  small  chest,  box  or  case. 

Kiste,  /.  chest,  box,  case. 

Kistenzucker,  TO.  muscovado. 

Kitt,  TO.  cement;  lute;  mastic;   putty. 

Kittel,  TO.  smock,  frock,  blouse. 

kitten,  v.t.  cement;  lute,  putty,  glue. 

Kitzel,  TO.  tickling;   itching;  longing  desire. 

kitzeln,  v.t.  tickle;  itch. 

Kladde,  /.  first  draft;   day  book. 

Kladstein,  TO.  place  brick  (brick  not  fully 

klaffen,  v.i.  gape,  yawn;  split. 

klaffen,  v.i.  bark;   clamor. 

Klafter,  /.  cord  (of  wood) ;   fathom. 

Klage,/.  complaint,  grievance;  suit,  accusation; 

klagen,  v.i.  lament;   complain;  sue. 

klaglich,  a.  lamentable,  mournful,  wretched. 

klamm,  a.  tight,  close,  narrow;  clammy. 

Klammer,/.  clamp,  clasp,  cramp;  parenthesis; 
(eckige)  bracket. 

klammern,  v.t.  cramp,  clamp,  rivet,  fasten. 

klang,  prct.  of  klingen. 

Klang,  TO.  sound,  ring,  clang;   timbre. 

Klappe,  /.   flap,    trap,    lid;     damper;     (clack) 

valve;  stop. 

klappen,  v.t.  clap,  flap. — v.i.  clap,  strike,  clatter. 
Klappen-.  valvular. 
Klapperrose,  /.  corn  poppy. 
Klapperschlange,  /.  rattlesnake. 
Klapperstein,  m.  eaglestone  (nodular  clay  iron- 

klapsen,  v.t.  clap,  smack,  slap. 
klar,  a.  clear. 

Kliir-.  clearing,  clarifying,  fining,  settling. 
Klarbassin,  n.  settling  tank  or  reservoir. 
Klarbottich,  TO.  clearing  tub,  settling  vat. 
Klare,  /.  clarifier;   clear  (clarified)  liquid;   coal- 
dust;  boneash. 
klaren,   v.t.   clear,   clarify,   purify,   defecate. — 

v.r.  clear,  clear  up. 

Klarfass,  n.  clearing  cask  or  tub,  clarifier,  set- 
tler; (Brewing)  cleansing  cask;  (Vinegar) 
fining  tun. 

Klarflasche,  /.  decanting  bottle  (or  flask). 
Klargefass,  n.  (Sugar)  clarifier. 
Klarheit,  /.  clearness,  clarity. 
Klarkasten,  TO.  (Paper)  settler. 
Klarkessel,  TO.  (Sugar,  etc.)  clarifier. 
klarkochen,  v.t.  boil  till  clear. 
Klarmittel,    n.    clarifying    or    clearing    agent, 

clarifier,  fining. 
Klarpfanne,  /.   (Sugar)  clearing  pan,  clarifier, 

defecating  pan. 
Klarsel,  n.   (Sugar)  filtered  liquor  (or  sirup); 

fine  liquor,  clairc6. 
Klarstaub,  m.  boneash. 
Klarung,  /.  clarification,  clarifying,  clearing 
Klarungsmittel,  n.  =  Klarmittel. 


Klasse,  /.  class. 

klassifizieren,  v.t.  classify. 

klastisch,  a.  clastic. 

Klatsch,  TO.  clap,  pop,  slap,  etc.;  gossip. 

klatschen,    v.i.    clap,    pop,    flap,    etc.;     chat, 


Klatschrose,  /.  corn  poppy, 
klauben,  v.t.  pick,  sort. 
Klaue,  /.  claw;   paw;   hoof;   clutch,  grasp. 
Klaucnfett,  Klauenol,  n.  neat's-foot  oil. 
Klause,  /.  cell;  closet;  sink. 
Klavier,  n.  piano. 
Elavierdraht,  m.  piano  wire. 
Klebather,  TO.  collodion. 
Klebe,  /.  dodder. 

Klebemittel,  n.  adhesive,  agglutinant. 
kleben,  v.i.  stick,  adhere. — v.t.  stick,  glue,  gum, 

paste. — klebend,    p.a.    adherent,    adhesive, 

glutinative,  agglutinant. 
Klebepflaster,  n.  adhesive  plaster. 
Kleber,  m.  gluten;   adhesive;  sticker,  gluer. 
Kleberbrot,  n.  gluten  bread. 
kleberig,  a.  sticky,  adhesive,  viscid,  glutinous. 
Kleberigkeit,  /.  viscidity,  viscosity. 
Kleberleint;  TO.  gluten  glue. 
Kleberprotein,  n.  gluten  protein. 
Klebesioff,  m.  adhesive  substance,  cement. 
Klebkraft,  /.  adhesive  power. 
Klebkraut,  n.  cleavers  (Galium). 
klebrig,  klebricht,  a.  =  kleberig. 
Klebsand,  m.   (Ceram.)   luting  sand,  daubing 


Klebstoff,  TO.  =  Klebestoff . 
klecken,  v.i.  blot;  blur;   daub. 
Klecks,  TO.  blot,  splotch. 
Klee,  TO.  clover,  trefoil. — ewiger  Klee,  Luzerner 

Klee,  alfalfa,  lucern. — spanischer  Klee,  tur- 

kischer  Klee,  sainfoin. 
Kleebaum,  TO.  =  Hopfenbaum. 
Kleesalz,    n.    salt    of    sorrel    (acid    potassium 

oxalate,  potassium  binoxalate). 
kleesauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  oxalic  acid, 

oxalate  of. 

Kleesaure,  /.  oxalic  acid. 
Kleeseide,  /.  dodder. 
Klei,  TO.  clay. 

Kleiabsudbad,  n.  (Dyeing)  bran  decoction. 
Kleid,  n.  garment,  dress,  clothing,  garb. 
kleiden,  v.t.  dress,  clothe;  fit. 
kleidsam,  a.  becoming. 
Kleidung,  /.  clothing,  dressing,  costume. 
Kleie,  /.  bran. 

kleienartig,  a.  branny,  furfuraceous. 
Kleienbad,  n.,   Kleienbeize,  /.   bran    drench, 

bran  steep. 

Kleienbrot,  n.  bran  bread. 
Kleienmehl,  n.  pollard. 
klein,  a.  small,  little;  short. 
Klein,  n.  (Mining)  smalls. 
Kleinasien,  n.  Asia  Minor. 



Kleinbetrieb,  m.  work  on  a  small  scale;  small 

Kleinfarber,  TO.  clothes  dyer. 

Kleinhandel,  TO.  retail  trade. 

Kleinhek,  /.  smallness,  minuteness. 

Kleinhirn,  n.  cerebellum. 

Kleinigkeit,  /.  trifle. 

kleinkornig,  a.  small-grained. 

Kleinlebewesen,  n.  microorganism. 

kleinlich,  a.  petty,  paltry,  mean. 

Kleinmiihle,  /.  pulverizing  mill. 

Kleinod,  n.  jewel,  gem,  ornament. 

kleinstadtisch,  a.  provincial. 

Kleister,  TO.  paste;   size  (thin  paste). 

kleistern,  v.t.  paste;   size  (with  paste). 

kleistrig,  a.  pasty,  sticky. 

Klemmbacken,  (Alack.)  jaws. 

Klemme, /.  clamp;   nippers,  tongs;  dilemma. 

klemmen,  v.t.  pinch,  squeeze,  bind. 

Klemmer,  TO.  pinch  cock;  nose  glasses. 

Klemmschraube,  /.  binding  screw,  set  screw. 

Klempner,  TO.  tinman,  tinker. 

Klette,  /.  bur;  burdick. 

Klettenwurzel,  /.  (Pharm.)  lappa,  burdock  root. 

klettern,  v.i.  climb. 

Klima,  n.  climate. 

klimmen,  v.t.  climb. 

klimpern,  v.i.  jingle,  tinkle,  strum. 

Klinge,  /.  blade;  sword. 

Klingel,  /.  (small)  bell. 

klingeln,  v.i.  ring;  tinkle,  jingle. 

klingen,  v.i.  sound,  ring,  clink. 

Klingglas,  n.  flint  glass. 

Klingstein,  TO.  clinkstone  (phonolite). 

Klinke,  /.  latch;    (door)  handle. 

Klippe,  /.  cliff,  rock,  crag. 

klirren,  v.i.  clink,  clatter. 

Kloake,  /.  cloaca,  sewer. 

Kloakenwasser,  n.  sewage. 

Kloben,  TO.  pulley;   vise;   pincers;  log. 

klomm,  pret.  of  klimmen. 

klopfen,  v.i.  beat,  knock,  tap.      , 

Klopfholz,  n.  mallet,  beater. 

Klopfsieb,  n.  shaking  or  tapping  sieve. 

Kloppel,  TO.  beater,  knocker,  clapper,  etc.;  (lace) 

KIoss,  TO.  clod;   dumpling. 

Kloster,  n.  cloister. 

Klotz,  TO.  block,  log,  stump. 

klotzen,  v.t.  (Calico)  slop-pad. 

Klotzschwarz,  n.  (Dyeing)  slop-padded  black. 

Kluft,  /.  cleft,  chasm,  gulf;  tongs. 

kluften,  v.t.  cleave. 

Kliiftung,  /.  cleaving,  segmentation. 

klug,  a.  clever,  knowing,  wise,  skilful. 

Kliimpchen,  n.  little  lump,  etc.  (see  Klumpen). 

Klumpen.  TO.  lump,  mass;  ingot;  bloom;  nug- 
get; clot;  clod. 

klumpfussig,  a.  club-footed. 

Kluppe,  /.  pincers,  tongs;   diestock. 




Kluppzange,  /.  forceps. 

Klystier,  n.  enema. 

knabbern,  v.t.  &  i.  gnaw,  nibble. 

Knabe,  TO.  boy. 

knacken,  v.i.  crack;  crackle,  crepitate. — v.t. 

Knall,  m.  detonation;  explosion,  report,  crack, 

Knall-.  detonating;   fulminating,  fulminate  of. 

Knallblei,  n.  fulminating  lead. 

knallen,  v.i.  detonate,  fulminate;  crack,  pop,  go 

Knallflamme,  /.  oxyhydrogen  flame. 

Knallgas,  n.  detonating  gas,  specif.,  an  explo- 
sive mixture  of  hydrogen  and  oxygen.,  n.  oxyhydrogen  blowpipe. 

Knallgaslicht,  n.  oxyhydrogen  light. 

Knallglas,  n.  Rupert's  drop;   anaclastic  glass. 

Knallgold,  n.  fulminating  gold. 

Knallluft,  /.  detonating  gas. 

Knallpulver,  n.  detonating  powder. 

Knallpyrometer,  n.  explosion  pyrometer. 

Knallquecksilber,  n.  fulminating  mercury  (mer- 
curic fulminate). 

Knallsatz,  m.  detonating  composition. 

knallsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  fulminic 
acid,  fulminate  of. 

Knallsaure,  /.  fulminic  acid. 

Knallsilber,  n.  fulminating  silver. 

Knallziindmittel,  n.  detonating  priming. 

knapp,  a.  close,  tight,  narrow;  scanty;  exact. 

Knappe,  m.  squire;  miner. 

knarren,  v.i.  crackle,  rattle,  creak,  squeak. 

Knast,  TO.  knot  (in  wood). 

Knauel,  Knauel,  TO.  ball,  coil  (of  thread,  etc.); 

Knaueldriise,  /.  sweat  gland. 

knauelformig,  a.  convoluted. 

Knauf,  m.  knob,  stud;  capital. 

Knebel,  TO.  stick;   gag. 

Knecht,  m.  (man)  servant;  trestle,  horse. 

kneifen,  v.t.  nip,  squeeze,  pinch,  gripe. 

Kneifer,  TO.  nose  glasses. 

Kneifzange,  /.  nippers. 

Kneipe,  /.  pincers,  nippers;  beer  party;  tavern. 

kneipen,  v.t.  nip,  pinch,  squeeze,  gripe;  drink 

kneten,  v.L  knead;   (Ceram.)  pug. 

Knick,  TO.  break  (in  curves,  etc.);    crack,  flaw. 

knicken,  v.t.  crack;  break. 

knickerig,  a.  stingy. 

Knickpunkt,  m.  (in  a  curve)  break. 

Knie,  n.  knee;  angle,  elbow. 

knieen,  v.i.  kneel. 

knieformig,  a.  knee-shaped,  geniculate. 

Kniekehle,  /.  popliteal  space. 

Enierohr,  n.,  Knierohre,  /.  elbow  tube  (or  pipe), 
bent  tube. 

Kniescheibe,  /.  kneepan,  patella. 

Knlestiick,  n.  (Math.)  elbow. 

kniff,  prei.  of  kneifen. 
Kniff,  TO.  pinch;  crease;  trick,  device, 
knirschen,  v.i.  crackle,  grate,  crunch,  rustle. 
Knirschpulver,  n.  a  kind  of  coarse  gunpowder. 
Knistergold,  n.  Dutch  metal,  Dutch  gold, 
knistern,  v.i.  crackle,  crepitate;    (of  silk)  rustle. 
Knitter,  TO.  crease. 
Knittergold,  n.  =  Knistergold. 
knit  tern,  v.i.  crackle;   crumple. 
Knoblauch,  TO.  garlic. 
knoblauchartig,  o.  garlic-like,  garlicky. 
Knochel,  TO.  knuckle;  ankle;    (pi.)  dice. 
Knochen,  TO.  bone. 
Knochen-.  bony,  osseous,  osteo-. 
knochenahnlich,  a.  bonelike,  osseous. 
Knochenasche,  /.  bone  ash. 
knochenbildend,  p.a.  bone-forming. 
Knochenbruch,  TO.  fracture. 
Knochendampfapparat,  TO.  bone  steamer. 
Knochendunger,  TO.  bone  manure. 
Knochenerde,  /.  bone  earth  (bone  ash). 
Knochenfett,  n.  bone  fat,  bone  grease. 
Knochenhauer,  TO.  butcher. 
Knochenhaut,  /.  periosteum. 
Knochenkohle,  /.  bone  black. 
Knochenleim,  TO.  bone  glue,  osteocolla. 
Knochenmann,  TO.  skeleton;   Death. 
Knochenmehl,  n.  bone  meal,  bone  dust. 
Knochenol,  n.  bone  oil,  Dippel's  oil. 
Knochenporzellan,    n.    bone    porcelain,    bone 


Knochensaure,  /.  phosphoric  acid. 
Knochenschwarz,  n.  bone  black, 
knochern,  a.  of  bone,  bony,  osseous. 
Knollchen,  n.  nodule,  little  knob. 
Knolle,  /.  lump,  knob,  nodule;  tuber;  tubercle, 
knoll  ig,  a.  knobby,  knotty,  bulbous;  immense. 
Knopf,  TO.  button;   stud,  head,  knob;  knot. 
Knopfdeckel,  TO.  knobbed  cover. 
Knopper,  /.  (nut)  gall,  gallnut. 
Knorpel,  TO.  cartilage,  gristle. 
Knorpelleim,  m.  chondrin. 
Knorpeltang,  TO.  carrageen,  (Pharm.)  chondrus. 
knorplich,  a.  cartilaginous. 
Knorren,  n.  protuberance,  excrescence,   knot, 

gnarl,  snag. 
Knospe,  /.  bud. 
knospen,  v.i.  bud. 
Knoten,   TO.    knot;     node;     nodule;     tubercle; 

knob;  plot. 

knoten,  v.t.  knot,  tie  in  knots. 
Knotenwurz,  /.  fifwort,  (Pharm.)  scrophularia. 
Khoterich,  TO.  knotgrass  (Polygonum  sp.). 
knotig,  a.  knotty,  nodular,  tubercular,  knobby; 


knuffen,  v.t.  pommel,  cuff. 
knupfen,  v.t.  knit,  tie,  unite,  attach. 
Knuppel,  TO.  billet;  cudgel,  club. 
knurren,  v.i.  snarl,  growl,  rumble, 
knusperig,  a.  crisp. 




Koagulationswarme,  /.  heat  of  coagulation. 

koagulierbar,  a.  coagulable. 

koagulieren,  v.t.  &  i.  coagulate. 

Koagulierungsmittel,  n.  coagulating  agent, 

Kobalt,  TO.  cobalt. 

Kobaltbliite,  Kobaltblume,  /.  cobalt  bloom 

Kobaltchlorid,  n.  cobalt  chloride,  specif.,  co- 
baltic  chloride. 

Kobaltchlorur,  n.  cobaltous  chloride. 

Kobaltgelb,  n.  cobalt  yellow. 

Kobaltglanz,  m.  cobalt  glance  (cobaltite). 

kobalthaltig,  a.  cobaltiferous. 

Kobalti-.  cobaltic,  cobalti-. 

Kobaltiak,  n.  cobaltiac,  cobaltammine. 

Kobaltiaksalz,  n.  cobaltiac  salt,  cobaltammine 

Kobalticyankalium,  n.  potassium  cobalticya- 

Kobalticyanwasserstoff,  TO.  cobalticyanic  acid. 

Koballikaliumnitrit,  n.  potassium  cobaltinitrite. 

Kobaltiverbindung,  /.  cobaltic  compound. 

Kobaltkies,  m.  cobalt  pyrites  (Imnaeite). 

Kobaltmanganerz,  n.  asbolite. 

Kobalto-.  cobaltous,  cobalto-. 

Kobaltosalz,  n.  cobaltous  salt. 

Kobaltoverbindung,  /.  cobaltous  compound. 

Kobaltoxyd,  n.  cobalt  oxide,  specif.,  cobaltic 

Kobaltoxydoxydul,  n.  cobaltocobaltic  oxide. 

Kobaltoxydul,  n.  cobaltous  oxide. 

Kobaltoxydulverbindung,  /.  cobaltous  com- 

Kobaltoxydverbindung,  /.  cobaltic  compound. 

Kobaltsalz,  n.  cobalt  salt. 

Kobaltspeise,  /.  cobalt  speiss. 

Kobaltverbindung,  /.  cobalt  compound. 

Kobaltvitriol,  TO.  cobalt  vitriol  (cobaltous  sul- 

Kober,  TO.  basket. 

Kobold,  m.  goblin,  gnome. 

Koch,  m.  cook. 

Kochapparat,  m.  cooking  apparatus. 

Kochbecher,  TO.  beaker. 

Kochdauer,  /.  duration  of  boiling. 

kochecht,  a.  fast  to  boiling  (in  water). 

kochen,  v.t.  boil;   cook. — v.i.  boil. 

Kochen,  n.  boiling,  ebullition;  cooking,  cook- 

Kocher,  TO.  boiler;  cooker;  hot  plate. 

Kocher,  TO.  quiver;  case. 

Kochflasche,  /.  boiling  flask. 

Kochgefass,  n.  boiling  vessel,  boiler;  cooking 
vessel;  (Paper,  etc.)  bucking  keir. 

kochheiss,  a.  boiling  hot. 

Kochhitze,  /.  boiling  heat. 

Kochkessel,  TO.  boiling  kettle,  boiler;  (Paper) 
pulp  boiler,  pulp  digester. 

Kochklare, /.  (Sugar)  filtered  liquor  (or  sirup). 

Kochkolbchen,  n.  small  boiling  flask,  fractional 

distillation  flask. 
Kochkolben,  TO.  boiling  flask. 
Kochlauge,  /.  boiling  lye. 
Kochpuddeln,  n.  pig  boiling. 
Kochpunkt,  TO.  boiling  point. 
Kochrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  boiling  tube,  distilling 


Kochsalz,  n.  common  salt  (sodium  chloride). 
Kochwasser,  n.  boiling  water. 
Kochzucker,  TO.  brown  sugar;  powdered  sugar. 
Koder,  m.  bait,  lure. 
Koeffizient,  TO.  coefficient. 
Koffer,  TO.  trunk,  coffer,  box. 
Kohasion,  /.  cohesion. 
Kohl,  TO.  cabbage. 
Kohle,  /.  coal;   charcoal;  carbon. 
Kohlelampe,  /.  carbon  lamp, 
kohlen,    v.t.   char;     carbonize,    carburize. — v.i. 


Kohlenbenzin,  n.  benzene,  benzol. 
Kohlenbergbau,  TO.  coal  mining. 
Kohlenbleispat,  TO.  cerussite. 
Kohlenbleivitriolspat,  TO.  lanarkite. 
Kohlenblende,  /.  anthracite. 
Kohlenbohrer,  TO.  charcoal  borer. 
Kohlenbrennen,  n.  charcoal  burning;  coal  burn- 

Kohlenbrennerie,  /.  charcoal  works. 
Kohlendampf,  TO.  gases  from  burning  coal. 
Kohlendioxyd,  n.  carbon  dioxide. 
Kohlendithiolsaure,  /.  dithiolcarbonic  acid. 
Kohlendunst,  TO.  vapor  from  coals  (containing 

carbon  monoxide  as  a  poisonous  ingredient). 
Kohleneisen,  n.  iron  carbide. 
Kohleneisenstein,  TO.  blackband  (carbonaceous 

iron  carbonate). 
Kohl  enf  liter,    n.     charcoal     filter;      boneblack 


Kohlenfloz,  n.  coal  seam,  coal  measure. 
Kohlenfutter,  n.  carbonaceous  lining. 
Kohlengas,  n.  coal  gas. 
Kohlengrube,  /.  coal  mine. 
kohlenhaltig,  a.  carbonaceous,  carboniferous. 
Kohlenhydrat,  n.  carbohydrate. 
Kohlenkalkspat,  TO.  anthraconite. 
Kohlenkalkstein,  TO.  carboniferous  limestone. 
Kohlenkarbonit,     n.     kohlencarbonite     (trade 

name  of  an  explosive). 
Kohlenklein,  n.  small  coal. 
Kohlenlicht,  n.  carbon  light. 
Kohlenlosche,  /.  coal  dust  or  slack. 
Kohlenmeiler,  TO.  charcoal  pile. 
Kohlenmonoxyd,  n.  carbon  monoxide. 
Kohlenolsaure,  /.  carbolic  acid. 
Kohlenoxychlorid,  n.  carbon  oxychloride,  car- 

bonyl  chloride. 

Kohlenoxyd,  n.  carbon  monoxide. 
Kohlenoxyd-Eisen,  n.  iron  carbonyl. 
Kohlenoxyd-Hamoglobin,  n.  carbohemoglobin. 




Kohlenoxydkalium,  n.  potassium  carboxide, 
potassium  hexacarbonyl. 

Kohlenoxydknallgas,  n.  explosive  mixture  of 
carbon  monoxide  and  oxygen. 

Kohlenoxydnickel,  m.  &  n.  nickel  carbonyl. 

kohlenoxydreich,  a.  rich  in  carbon  monoxide. 

Kohlensandstein,  TO.  carboniferous  sandstone. 

kohlensauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  carbonic 

.  acid,  carbonate  of. 

Kohlensaure,  /.  carbonic  acid. 

Kohlensaureanhydrid,  n.  carbonic  anhydride 
(carbon  dioxide). 

Kohlensauregas,  n.  carbonic  acid  gas  (carbon 

kohlensaurehaltig,  a.  containing  carbonic  acid, 

Kohlensauremesser,  m.  instrument  or  appara- 
tus for  measuring  carbon  dioxide,  anthra- 

Kohlensauresalz,  n.  carbonate. 

Kohlensaurewasser,  n.  carbonated  water,  soda 

Kohlenschiefer,  m.  bituminous  shale;  coal-bear- 
ing shale. 

Kohlenschlichte,  /.  (Founding)  black  wash. 

Kohlenschwarz,  n.  charcoal  black. 

Kohlenspat,  m.  anthraconite. 

Kohlenspitze,  /.  carbon  point. 

Kohlenstaub,  m.  coal  dust;   charcoal  dust. 

Kohlenstickstoff,  m.  cyanogen. 

Kohlenstickstoffsaure,  /.  picric  acid  (Liebig's 

Kohlenstoff,  TO.  carbon. 

Kohlenstoffbindung,  /.  carbon  linkage. 

Kohlenstoffeisen,  n.  iron  carbide. 

Kohlenstoffentziehung,  /.  removal  of  carbon, 

Kohlenstoffgehalt,  TO.  carbon  content. 

kohlenstoffhaltig,  a.  carbonaceous,  carbonifer- 

Kohlenstoffkalzium,  n.  calcium  carbide. 

Kohlenstoffkern,  TO.  carbon  nucleus. 

Kohlenstoffkette,  /.  carbon  chain. 

Kohlenstoffmetall,  n.  carbide. 

kohlenstoffreich,  a.  rich  in  carbon. 

Kohlenstoffsilicium,  n.  carbon  silicide. 

Kohlenstoffsulfid,  n.  carbon  disulfide. 

Kohlenstoffverbindung,  /.  carbon  compound. 

Kohlensuboxyd,  n.  carbon  suboxide. 

KohlensulPd,  n.  carbon  disulfide. 

Eohlensulfidsalz,  n.  thiocarbonate,  sulfocar- 

Kohlenteer,  TO.  coal  tar. 

Kohlentiegel,  TO.  carbon  crucible;  charcoal  cru- 
cible; crucible  with  carbonaceous  lining. 

Kohlenwasserstoff,  TO.  hydrocarbon. 

KohlenwasserstofTgas,  n.  hydrocarbon  gas. — 

'   (leichtes)  methane;   (schweres)  ethylene. 

kohlenwasserstoffhaltig,  a.  containing  hydro- 
carbons, hydrocarbonaceous. 

Kohlenwasserstoffverbindung,  /.  hydrocarbon. 

Kohlenziegel,  TO.  coal  briquet. 

Kohler,  TO.  charcoal  burner. 

Kohlerei,  /.  charcoal  burning;  charcoal 

kohlig,  a.  like  coal,  coaly,  coal-bearing. 

Kohlpalme,  /.  cabbage  palm. 

Kohlrube,  /.  rutabaga. 

Kohlsaat,  /.  colza,  rapeseed. 

Kohlsaatol,  n.  colza  oil,  rape  oil. 

kohlschwarz,  o.  coal-black. 

Kohlung,  /.  charring;  carbonization,  carburiza- 

kohobieren,  v,t.  cohobate,  distil  repeatedly. 

Koje,  /.  cabin,  stateroom. 

Kok,  TO.  coke. 

Koka,  /.  coca. 

Kokaih,  n.  cocaine. 

Koke,  TO.  &  /.  coke. 

Koker,  TO.  sagger. 

Kokesabfall,  TO.  refuse  coke. 

Kokesbrennen,  n.  coke  burning,  coking. 

Kokeskohle,  /.  coking  coal. 

Kokesklein,  n.  small  coke,  coke  dust. 

kokettieren,  v.i.  coquet. 

Kokkelskorn,  n.  cocculus  indicus. 

Kokon,  m.  cocoon. 

Kokos,  Kokosbaum,  TO.  coco,  coco  palm,  coco- 
nut tree. 

Kokosbutter,  /.  coconut  butter  (coconut  oil). 

Eokosfaser,  /.  coco  fiber,  coir  (fiber  from  the 
husk  of  the  coconut). 

Kokosfett,  n.  coconut  oil. 

Kokosnuss,  /.  coconut. 

Kokosnussol,  Kokosol,  n.  coconut  oil. 

Kokospalme,  /.  coco  palm. 

Kokosseife,  /.  coconut-oil  soap. 

Kokostalg,  m.  coconut  oil. 

Kokostalgsaure,  /.  cocinic  acid  (formerly  sup- 
posed to  exist  in  coconut  oil). 

Koks,  TO.  &  TO.  pi.  coke. 

Kolanuss,  /.  cola  nut. 

Kolatorium,  n.  colatorium,  strainer. 

Kolbchen,  «.  little  flask,  etc.  (see  Kolben). 

Kolben,  TO.  flask;  butt,  butt  end;  club;  pis- 
ton; soldering  iron;  (Metal.)  bloom;  (Old 
Chem.)  bolthead,  matrass,  cucurbit;  (Bot.) 
head,  spike. 

Kolbenschimmel,  TO.  club  mold  (Aspergillus 

Eolbenstange,  /.  piston  rod. 

Kolbentrager,  TO.  flask  support,  flask  stand. 

kolieren,  v.t.  filter,  percolate. 

Kolierrahmen,  TO.  filtering  frame. 

Koliertuch,  n.  filtering  cloth. 

Kolleg,  n.  (course  of)  lectures;  college. 

Kollege,  TO.  colleague. 

Kollergang,  TO.,  Kollermuhle,  /.  edge  mfll. 

kollern,  v.i.  rumble;   gobble;   rave;   roll. 

Kollodium,  n.  collodion. 




Kollodiumwolle,  /.  collodion  cotton,  soluble 
guncotton,  pyroxylin. 

kolloid,  a.  colloidal,  colloid. 

Kolloidchemie,  /.  colloid  chemistry,  chemistry 
of  colloids. 

kolloidchemisch,  a.  colloidochemical. 

Kolloidstoff,  TO.,  Kolloidsubstanz,/.  colloid  sub- 
stance, colloid. 

kolner,  kolnisch,  a.  Cologne. 

Kolnerwasser,  n.  cologne,  Cologne  water. 

Kolombowurzel,  /.  calumba  root,  calumba. 

Kolonialzucker,  m.  muscovado;  cane  sugar. 

Kolonne,  /.  column. 

Kolophoneisenerz,  m.  pitticite. 

Kolophonium,  n.  colophony,  rosin. 

Kolophonsaure,  /.  colophonic  acid. 

Koloquinte,  /.  colocynth. 

kolorimetrisch,  a.  colorimetric. 

Kolumbowurzel,  /.  =  Kolombowurzel. 

Komansaure,  /.  comanic  acid. 

kombinieren,  v.t.  &  L  combine. 

Komensaure,  /.  comenic  acid. 

komisch,  a.  comic,  funny. 

kommen,  v.i.  come;  happen;  be,  come  out. 

Kommers,  m.  drinking  party. 

Kommerz,  m.  commerce. 

Kommis,  m.  clerk. 

kommunizieren,  v.i.  communicate. 

Komodie,  /.  comedy. 

kompensieren,  v.t.  compensate. 

komplementar,  a.  complementary. 

kompliziert,  p.a.  complicated. 

Komposition, /.  composition;  (Dyeing)  tin  com- 
position (solution  of  tin  in  aqua  regia). 

Kompott,  n.  compote  (preserved  or  stewed  fruit) . 

Kompressibilitat,  /.  compressibility. 

Kompressionswelle,  /.  compression  wave. 

komprimieren,  v.t.  compress. 

Konchylien,  shells,  shellfish. 

Kondensationsapparat,  m.  condensing  appara- 
tus, condenser. 

Kondensationsrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  condensing 
tube;  adapter. 

Kondensator,  m.  condenser. 

kondensierbar,  a.  condensable. 

kondensieren,  v.t.  &  i.  condense. 

konditionieren,  v.t.  condition. 

Konditor,  m.  confectioner. 

Konfekt,  n.  confectionery. 

kongelieren,  v.i.  congeal. 

Konifere,  /.  conifer. 

Konig,  m.  regulus;  king. 

Konigin,  /.  queen. 

Koniginmetall,  n.  queen's  metal  (a  tin  alloy). 

koniglich,  a.  kingly,  regal. 

Konigreich,  n.  kingdom,  realm. 

Konigsalbe,  /.  (Pharm.)  rosin  cerate,  basilicon 

Kdnigsblau,  n.  king's  blue  (a  name  for  cobalt 
blue  and  for  smalt). 

Konigschinarinde,  /.  calisaya  bark,  (yellow) 

Konigsgelb,  n.  king's  yellow  (AsaSs);  chrome 
yellow;  massicot. 

Konigsgriin,  n.  Paris  green. 

Konigskerze,  /.  (common)  mullen. 

Konigskrankheit,  /.  king's  evil,  scrofula. 

Konigssaure,  /.  aqua  regia. 

Konigswasser,  n.  aqua  regia. 

Koniin,  n.  conine,  coniine. 

konisch,  a.  conic,  conical,  coniform. 

konjugiert,  p.a.  conjugate. 

konkav,  a.  concave. 

Konkrement,  n.  concrement,  concretion. 

Konkurrenz,  /.  competition. 

konkurrieren,  v.i.  compete. 

Konkurs,  TO.  bankruptcy,  failure;  assignment. 

konnen,  v.t.  be  able,  can;  may. 

konnte,  pret.  of  konnen. 

Konserve,  /.  conserve,  preserve;  (Pharm.)  con- 
fection, electuary. 

konserviercn,  v.t.  preserve. 

Konservierung,  /.  preservation,  conservation. 

Konservierungsfirnis,  TO.  preserving  varnish. 

Konservierungsmittel,  n.  preservative. 

Konsistenz,  /.  consistency. 

Konsistenzmesser,  m.  viscosimeter. 

Konstante,  /.  constant. 

konstatieren,  v.t.  ascertain,  establish,  verify. 

Konstitutionsformel,  /.  constitutional  formula. 

Konstitutionswasser,  n.  water  of  constitution. 

konstruieren,  v.t.  construct. 

Kontaktgift,  n.  contact  poison. 

Kontaktsubstanz,  /.  contact  substance,  cata- 

Kontaktverfahren,  n.  contact  process. 

Kontaktwirkung,  /.  contact  action,  catalysis. 

kontinuierlich,  a.  continuous. 

KontinuiUit,  /.  continuity. 

Kontrastfarbung,  /.  contrast  staining. 

Kontrollversuch,  TO.  control  test,  control  experi- 

Konus,  m.  cone. 

konventionell,  a.  conventional. 

konvergieren,  v.i.  converge. — konvergierend, 
p.a.  convergent. 

Konversionssalpeter,  TO.  converted  saltpeter 
(sodium  nitrate  converted  into  potassium  ni- 
trate by  double  decomposition  with  potas- 
sium chloride). 

Konverterfutter,  n.  converter  lining. 

konz.,  abbrev.  (konzentriert)  concentrated. 

Konzentrationsverhaltnis,  /.  ratio  of  concen- 

konzentrieren,  v.t.  concentrate. 

Konzentrierung,  /.  concentration. 

konzentrisch,  a.  concentric. 

Kopaivabalsam,  TO.  copaiba  balsam,  copaiba. 

Kopaivaol,  n.  oil  of  copaiba. 

Kopaivasaure,  /.  copaivic  acid. 




Kopalfirnis,  m.  copal  varnish. 

Kopalharz,  n.  copal  resin,  copal. 

Kopf,  TO.  head;  crown  (of  a  hat);  bowl  (of  a 

Kopfdecke,  /.  scalp. 

Kopfdriise,  /.  cephalic  gland. 

kopfen,  v.t.  top;  behead. 

Kopfhaut,  /.  scalp. 

-kopfig. -headed. 

Kopfkissen,  n.  pillow. 

kopflos,  a.  headless,  acephalous;  silly. 

Kopfputz,  TO.  headdress,  coiffure. 

Kopfring,  TO.  (Zinc)  nozzle  block. 

Kopfrose,  /.  erysipelas. 

Kopfsalat,  TO.  head  lettuce. 

kopfscheu,  a.  skittish,  timid. 

Kopfschimmel,  m.  any  mold  of  the  genus  Mucor. 

Kopfschmerz,  TO.  headache. 

Kopfsteuer,  /.  poll  tax. 

Kopf iiberschrift,  /.  principal  heading. 

Kopfwassersucht,  /.  hydrocephalus. 

Kopfweh,  n.  headache. 

kopieren,  v.t.  copy. 

Kopiertinte,  /.  copying  ink. 

koppeln,  v.t.  couple. 

kdppeln,  v.i.  (Brewing)  froth  in  after-fermenta- 

Koppelung,  /.  coupling. 

Koppel wirtschaft,  /.  rotation  of  crops. 

Koprolith,  TO.  coprolite. 

kor,  pret.  of  ktiren. 

Koralle,  /.  coral. 

korallenartig,  a.  coral-like,  coralloid. 

Korb,  m.  basket;  hamper,  crate,  canister; 
(Mining)  corf,  cage. 

Korbflasche,  /.  carboy;  demijohn. 

Kordit,  n.  cordite. 

Korinthe,  /.  (dried)  currant. 

Korkbohrer,  m.  cork  borer. 

Korksaure,  /.  suberic  acid. 

Korkschwarz,  n.  cork  black. 

Korkspund,  m.  cork  stopper,  cork. 

Korkstein,  TO.  cork  board. 

Korkstoff,  TO.  suberin. 

Korkstopfen,  TO.  cork  stopper,  cork. 

Korkteppich,  m.  linoleum. 

Korkzieher,  TO.  corkscrew. 

Korn,  n.  grain;  fineness,  standard  (of  coins); 
corn;  (of  flax)  boon;  (Assaying)  button. 

Kornalkohol,  m.  grain  alcohol. 

Kornbildung,  /.  (Sugar)  granulation,  crystal- 

Kornbildungspunkt,  TO.  (Sugar)  granulating 

Kornblei,  n.  grain  lead  (finely  granulated  lead 
for  use  in  assaying). 

Kornbranntwein,  TO.  grain  spirits,  whisky. 

Kornbiirste,  /.  (Assaying)  button  brush. 

Kornchen,  n.  little  grain,  granule. 

Korneisen,  n.  iron  of  granular  fracture. 

Kornelkirsche,  /.  cornelian  cherry. 

korneln,  v.t.  granulate. 

kornen,  v.t.  granulate;  grain;  corn  (gun- 
powder) . — gekornt,  p.a.  granulated,  granular. 

Korner-.  granular,  grained. 

Kornerasant,  n.  asafetida  in  grains. 

Kornerfrucht,  /.  cereal,  grain. 

Kornerlack,  TO.  seed-lac. 

Kornerleder,  ji.  grained  leather. 

Kornerzinn,  n.  grain  tin,  granular  tin. 

kornformig,  a.  in  the  form  of  grains,  granular. 

Kornfuselol,  n.  fusel  oil  from  grain. 

Kornhaus,  n.  (Explosives)  corning  house,  granu- 
lating house. 

kornig,  a.  granular,  granulated;  grainy,  gritty; 
grained,  showing  a  grain;  brittle  (malt). 

kornigkristallinisch,  a.  granular-crystalline. 

Kornkafer,  TO.  grain  weevil. 

Kornkluft,  /.  assayer's  tongs. 

Kornkochen,  n.  (Sugar)  boiling  to  grain. 

Kornkupfer,  Kornkupfer,  n.  granulated  copper. 

Kornmutter,  /.  ergot. 

Kornprufer,  TO.  grain  tester. 

Kornpuddeln,  n.  puddling  of  fine-grained  iron. 

Kornpulver,  n.  granulated  powder,  powder  in 

Kornsieb,  n.  granulating  sieve;  grain  sieve. 

Kornstahl,  TO.  granulated  steel. 

Kornung,  /.  granulation;  graining;  grain. 

Korn  wage,  /.  button  balance,  assay  balance; 
grain  scales. 

Kornzange,  /.  assayer's  tongs. 

Kornzinn,  n.  (Metal.)  grain  tin. 

Kornzucker,  TO.  granulated  sugar. 

Korper,  TO.  body;  ,  substance,  compound. 
(Careful  modern  usage  avoids  the  transla- 
tion "  body  "  for  chemical  substances.) 

Korperbau,  TO.  bodily  structure,  build. 

Korperbeschaffenheit,  /.  constitution. 

Korperchen,  n.  corpuscle;  particle. 

Korperfarbe,  /.  body  color. 

Korperf iille,  /.  corpulence. 

Korpergruppe,/. group  of  substances  (or  bodies). 

Korperklasse,  /.  class  of  substances  (or  bodies) . 

korperlich,  a.  bodily,  corporeal,  material;  cor- 
puscular; solid. 

Korperschaft,  /.  corporation. 

Korperstoff,  TO.  organic  matter;  matter. 

Korperteilchen,  n.  particle. 

Korperwarme,  /.  body  heat. 

korr.,  abbrev.  (korrigiert)  corrected. 

Korrektivmittel,  n.  corrigent. 

Korrektur,  /.  correction;  proof. 

korrigieren,  v.t.  correct. 

korrodierenj,  v.t.  &  i.  corrode. 

Korund,  ?re.  corundum. 

Kosekante,  /.  cosecant. 

Kosinus,  ;ra.  cosine. 

kosmetisch,  a.  cosmetic. 

Kosobluten,  (Pharm.)  cusso. 




Kost,  /.  food,  fare,  diet,  board. 

kostbar,  o.  costly,  expensive,  precious. 

kosten,  v.i.  cost. 

Kosten,  costs,  expenses,  charges. 

Kostenanschlag,  TO.  estimate  (of  cost). 

kostenfrei,  a.  free  of  charge. 

Kostganger,  TO.  boarder. 

Kostgcld,  n.  board;   alimony. 

kostlich,  a.  costly,  dainty,  excellent. 

kostspielig,  a.  expensive. 

Kot,  TO.  feces,  excrement;  mud,  dirt. 

Kot-.  fecal. 

Kotabgang,  TO.  defecation. 

kotartig,  a.  fecal,  feculent. 

kotausfuhrend,  kotausleerend,  p.a.  purgative, 

Koter,  TO.  cur. 

Kotgeruch,  TO.  fecal  odor. 

kotig,  a.  fecal,  stercoraceous;   dirty,  filthy. 

kotonisieren,  v.L  degum  (silk). 

Kotschleuse,  /.  sewer. 

Kotstein,  TO.  fecal  concretion. 

Kovolum,  Kovolumen,  n.  covolume. 

Kp.,  abbrev.  (Kochpunkt)  boiling  point,  b.p. 

Krabbe,  /.  crab. 

krabbecht,  a.  fast  to  crabbing. 

krabbeln,  v.L  tickle. — v.i.  itch;   crawl. 

Krach,  TO.  crack,  crash. 

krachen,  v.i.  crack,  crash,  crackle;  (of  silk) 

krachzen,  v.i.  croak;   groan. 

Kraft, /.  force;   power;  strength,  vigor. 

kraft,  prep,  on  the  strength  of,  by  virtue  of. 

Krafteinheit,  /.  unit  of  force. 

Kraftgas,  n.  power  gas. 

kraftig,  a.  strong,  powerful,  forcible,  nourish- 
ing; (of  hides)  plump. 

Kraftleitung,  /.  (Elec.)  power  circuit. 

Kraftlinie,  /.  line  of  force. 

Krafttnehl,  n.  starch,  amylum. 

Kraftmesser,  m.  dynamometer. 

Kraftsammler,  m.  accumulator. 

Kraftwirkung,  /.  effect,  action  (of  a  force) 

Kragen,  TO.  collar;   cape;   flange. 

Krahe,  /.  crow. 

krahen,  v.i.  crow. 

Krahenaugen,  nux  vomica. 

Krahn,  TO.  =  Kran. 

Kralle,  /.  claw. 

Kram,  TO.  retail;  store,  shop;  retail  articles; 
stuff,  lot. 

Kramer,  m.  retailer,  storekeeper,  tradesman. 

Kramergewicht,  n.  avoirdupois. 

Krampe,  /.  cramp,  cramp  iron. 

Krampf,  TO.  cramp,  spasm,  convulsion. 

Krampfader,  /.  varicose  vein. 

Krampfarznei,  /.  antispasmodic. 

krampfhaft,  a.  spasmodic,  convulsive 

Krampfmittel,  n.  antispasmodic. 

Kruinpf wurzel,  /.  valerian  root. 

Kran,  m.  cock,  faucet;   crane. 

Kranich,  TO.  crane. 

krank,  a.  ill,  sick. 

kriinkeln,  v.i.  be  ailing,  be  sickly. 

kranken,  v.t.  hurt,  grieve,  afflict. 

Krankenanstalt,  /.  hospital. 

Krankenhaus,  n.  hospital. 

Krankenheilanstalt,  /.  sanatorium,  hospital. 

krankhaft,  a.  diseased;   morbid. 

Krankheit,  /.  disease;  illness,  sickness. 

Krankheitserreger,  TO.  excitant  of  disease. 

krankheitserzeugend,  p.a.  pathogenic. 

Krankheitskunde,  Krankheitslehre,  /.  pathol- 

kranklich,  a.  sickly,  in  poor  health. 

Krankung,  /.  vexation. 

Kranz,  TO.  wreath;  crown;  border,  rim, 

Kranz-.  coronary. 

Kranzcheh,  n.  little  wreath;    (social)  circle. 

Krapp,  TO.  madder. 

Krappfarbe,  /.  madder  dye. 

KrappfarbstofT,  m.  alizarin. 

Krappgelb,  n.  madder  yellow,  xanthin. 

Krapplack,  TO.  madder  lake. 

Krapprot,  n.  madder  red,  alizarin. 

Krappwurzel,  /.  madder  root. 

Kratzblei,  n.  slag  lead. 

Kratzbiirste, /.  stiff  brush,  scraper;  cross  person. 

Kratze,  /.  waste  metal  (dross,  cuttings,  sweep- 
ings, etc.) ;  itch. 

kratzen,  v.t.  scrape,  scratch;  card  (wool,  etc.); 
(Metal.)  rabble. — v.i.  scratch,  grate. 

Kratzer,  Kratzer,  m.  scraper,  scratcher,  rake, 

Kratzfrischen,  n.  (Metal.)  refining  of  waste. 

kratzig,  a.  itchy;    (Glass)  fibrous. 

Kratzkupfer,  n.  copper  from  waste. 

Kratzmessing,  n.  brass  cuttings. 

kraus,  a.  crisp;   curly,  curled;  nappy. 

Krause,  /.  frill,  ruff. 

krauseln,  v.t.  curl,  crisp,  crimp;  mill  (coins). 

Krauseminze,  /.  curled  mint  (Mentha  crispa)  • 
spearmint  (Mentha  spicata). 

Krausen,  (Brewing)  head,  specif.,  rocky 

Kraustabak,  m.  shag. 

Kraut,  n.  herb,  plant;  weed;  top  (of  beets, 
etc.);  cabbage. 

krautartig,  a.  herbaceous. 

Krauteressig,  TO.  aromatic  vinegar. 

Krauterwein,  m.  medicated  wine. 

Krauterzucker,  TO.  (Pharm.)  conserve,  confec- 

Krawall,  TO.  uproar,  row. 

Krawatte,  /.  cravat,  tie. 

Kreatin,  n.  creatine. 

Kreatinin,  n.  creatinine. 

Krebs,  TO.  cancer;  crab;  crawfish;  grain,  hard 
particle  (in  clay,  etc.);  knot  (in  ore,  etc.). 




krebsartig,  a.  cancerous;  crablike;  crustaceous. 

Krebswurz,  /.  beechdrops  (Leptamnium  virgin- 

Kreide,  /.  chalk. 

kreideartig,  a.  chalky,  cretaceous. 

kreidehaltig,  a.  containing  chalk,  cretaceous. 

Kreidemehl,  n.  powdered  chalk. 

kreiden,  v,t.  chalk. 

Kreidepapier,  n.  enameled  paper. 

Kreidepulver,  n.  chalk  powder. 

Kreidestein,  m.  chalkstone. 

Kreidestift,  TO.  crayon. 

kreidig,  a.  chalky,  cretaceous. 

Kreis,  TO.  circle;   circuit;  orbit;  district. 

Kreisausschnitt,  m.  sector. 

Kreisbahn,  /.  circular  path;   orbit. 

Kreisbewegung,  /.  rotary  motion,  rotation. 

Kreisbogen,  TO.  arc  of  a  circle;  circular  arch. 

kreischen,  v.i.  shriek,  scream,  (of  fat)  sizzle, 
(of  bending  tin)  cry. 

Kreisel,  TO.  top. 

Kreiselrad,  n.  turbine. 

kreisen,  v.i.  circle,  revolve,  circulate. 

Kreisflache,  /.  circular  area. 

kreisformig,  a.  circular;  round. 

Kreisgang,  m.  revolution. 

Kreislauf,  TO.  cycle;  circulation  (of  liquid  or 
gas);  circular  course,  circuit. 

kreislaufend,  p.a.  circulatory. 

Kreislinie,  /.  circular  line,  circumference. 

Kreisprozess,  m.  cyclic  process,  cycle. 

Kreispumpe,  /.  circulating  pump. 

kreisrund,  a.  circular. 

Kreisschicht,/.  circular  layer,  (of  a  tree)  annual 

kreissen,  v.i.  labor  (in  childbirth). 

Kreisumfang,  m.  circumference,  periphery. 

Krempe,  /.  brim  (of  a  hat). 

krempeln,  v.t.  card. 

Kremserweiss,  n.  Kremnitz  white. 

Kreosol,  n.  creosol. 

Kreosot,  n.  creosote. 

krepitieren,  v.i.  crepitate,  crackle. 

Krepp,  TO.  crepe. 

Kresol,  n.  cresol. 

Kresorcin,  n.  cresorcinol. 

Kresotinsaure,  /.  cresotic  acid,  crosotinic  acid. 

Kresse,  /.  cress. 

Kresyl,  n.  cresyl. 

Kresylsaure,  /.  cresylic  acid  (cresol). 

Kreuz,  n.  cross;  loins;  rump. 

Kreuzbeeren,  =Kreuzdornbeeren. 

Kreuzbein,  n.  sacrum. 

Kreuzblume,  /.  milkwort  (Polygala). 

Kreuzdorn,  m.  buckthorn  (Rhamnus). 

Kreuzdornbeeren,  buckthorn  berries,  Per- 
sian berries. 

kreuzen,  v.t.  cross. 

kreuzformig,  a.  cross-shaped,  cruciform. 

Kreuzhahn,  TO.  four-way  cock. 

Kreuzkraut,  n.  groundsel  (Senecio). 

Kreuzkiimmel,  m.  cumin. 

Kreuzschmerz,  m.  lumbago. 

Kreuzstein,  m.  cross-stone  (chiastolite,  hanno- 
tome,  staurolite). 

kribbeln,  v.t.  tickle,  irritate. 

kriebeln,  v.t.  =  kribbeln. 

kriechen,  v.i.  creep,  crawl. 

Krieg,  m.  war. 

kriegen,  v.t.  seize,  get. — v.i.  make  war. 

krimpen,  v.t.  shrink  (cloth). 

Krimpfahigkeit,  /.  property  of  shrinking;  (of 
wool)  felting  property. 

Kringel,  TO.  cracknel. 

Krippe,  /.  crib,  manger. 

krisch,  pret.  of  kreischen. 

krispeln,  v.t.  pebble  (leather). 

krist.,  abbrev.  of  kristallisiert,  kristallinisch. 

Krist.,  abbrev.  of  Kristall(e),  Kristallisation. 

Kristall,  TO.  crystal. 

Kristallachse,  /.  crystal  axis,  crystallographic 

Kristallanschuss,  TO.  crop  of  crystals. 

kristallartig,  a.  crystal-like,  crystalline. 

Kristallausscheidung,  /.  separation  of  crystals. 

Kristallbau,  TO.  crystal  structure. 

Kristallbenzol,  n.  benzene  of  crystallization. 

Kristallbildung,  /.  formation  of  crystals,  crystal- 
lization, (Sugar)  granulation. 

Kristallbildungspunkt,  TO.  (Sugar)  granulating 

Kristallchen,  n.  little  crystal. 

Kristallchloroform,  n.  chloroform  of  crystalliza- 

Kristallfabrik,  /.  glass  works. 

Kristallfeuchtigkeit,  /.  crystalline  humor  (vitre- 
ous humor). 

Eristallflache,  /.  crystal  face. 

Kristallglasur,  /.  (Ceram.)  crystalline  glaze. 

kristallinisch,  a.  crystalline. 

Kristallisationsbassin,  n.  crystallizing  basin, 
tank,  or  cistern. 

kristallisationsfahig,  a.  crystallizable. 

Kristallisationsgefass,  n.  crystallizing  vessel, 

Kristallisationswarme,/.  heat  of  crystallization. 

kristallisierbar,  a.  crystallizable. 

Kristaliisierbehalter,  TO.  crystallizing  recep- 
tacle, crystallizing  tank. 

kristallisieren,  v.t.  &  i.  crystallize. 

Kristallisiergefass,  n.  crystallizing  vessel,  crya- 

Kristallisierschale,  /.  crystallizing  dish. 

Kristallisierung,  /.  crystallization,  crystallizing. 

Kristallkeim,  TO.  crystal  nucleus,  seed  crystal. 

Kristallkern,  TO.  nucleus  of  crystallization. 

Kristalllehre,  /.  crystallography. 

Kristalllinse,  /.  crystalline  lens. 

Kristalloberflache,  /.  crystal  surface. 

Kristallographie,  /.  crystallography. 




kristallographisch,  a.  crystallographic. 

Kristallsaure,  /.  fuming  sulfuric  acid  of  high 
strength,  forming  a  crystalline  solid. 

KristaUsoda,/.  soda  crystals  (Na2CO3.10H2O). 

Kristallstein,  m.  rock  crystal. 

Kristallwaren,  (crystal)  glassware. 

Kristallwasser,  n.  crystal  water,  water  of  crys- 

kristallwasserfrei,  a.  free  from  water  of  crystal- 

kristallwasserhaltig,  o.  containing  crystal  water. 

Kristallzucker,  m.  refined  sugar  in  crystals. 

Kriterium,  n.  criterion. 

Kritik,  /.  criticism. 

kritisch,  a.  critical. 

kritteln,  v.i.  carp  at,  criticize. 

kritzeln,  v.i.  scribble;  scratch. 

kroch,  pret.  of  kriechen. 

Krokonsaure,  /.  croconic  acid. 

Krone,  /.  crown;   corolla;   corona;  wreath. 

kronenartig,  a.  like  a  crown,  coronal;  (Anat.) 

Eronenaufsatz,  TO.  column  (of  a  still). 

Kronengold,  n.  crown  gold. 

Kronglas,  n.  crown  glass. 

Kronzahn,  TO.  eyetooth. 

Kropf,  m.  goiter;  craw,  crop;  bend;  (Paper) 

kropfen,  v.t.  bend  at  right  angles,  bend. 

Kropfrohr,  TO.,  Kropfrohre,  /.  bent  tube,  bent 

Kropfwurz,  /.  =  Knotenwurz. 

Kropfzylinder,  TO.  a  glass  cylinder  with  a  wider 
upper  part,  hydrometer  jar. 

kroseln,  v.t.  crumble  (glass);  groove. 

Krote,  /.  toad. 

Krotonbl,  n.  croton  oil. 

Krotonsaure,  /.  crotonic  acid. 

Kriicke,  /.  crutch;  rake,  rabble,  scraper,  etc. 
(of  crutch  shape). 

Krug,  TO.  pitcher;   jug,  mug;  jar,  pot. 

Kruke,  /.  earthenware  pot,  jar  or  pitcher. 

kriillen,  v.t.  crumple. 

Krume,  /.  crumb,  bit;   black  earth. 

kriimelig,  a.  crumbly,  crumbling,  crumby. 

kriimeln,  v.i.  crumble,  crumb. — v.a.  crumble. 

Kriimelzucker,  TO.  (dextro)  glucose,  dextrose. 

krumm,  a.  crooked,  curved,  bent. 

Krummdarm,  TO.  ileum. 

krumm  en,  v.t.  curve,  bend,  crook. — v.r.  bend; 

Krummholz,  n.  crooked  or  curved  piece  of  wood; 
= Krummholzbaum. 

Krummholzbaum,  TO.,  Krummholzfichte, 
Krummholzkiefer,  /.  knee  pine  (Firms  mon- 
tana  pumilio). 

Krumm holzdl,  n.  templin  oil  (from  knee  pine). 

krummlinig,  a.  curvilinear. 

Kriimmung,  /.  curvature;  curve,  bend,  sinuos- 
ity; crookedness. 

krumpcln,  v.t.  crumple,  pucker,  crinkle. 

Krupp,  TO.  croup. 

Kruste,  /.  crust,  incrustation. 

Krustentier,  n.  crustacean. 

kryohydratisch,  a.  cryohydric. 

Kryolith,  TO.  cryolite. 

Kryophor,  n.  cryophorus. 

Kryoskopie,  /.  cryoscopy. 

Krystall,  TO.  crystal  (for  compounds  see  Kris- 

Kubebe,  /.  cubeb. 

Kiibel,  TO.  vat,  tub,  pail. 

kubieren,  v.t.  cube. 

Kubik wurzel,  /.  cube  root. 

Kubikzahl,  /.  cube. 

Kubikzentimeter  TO.  &  n.  cubic  centimeter. 

kubisch,  a.  cubic,  cubical. 

Kubus,  m.  cube. 

Kudus  /.  kitchen;   cooking,  cookery. 

Kuchen,  m.  cake. 

Kuchengewachs,  n.  kitchen  herb. 

Kiichensalz,  n.  common  salt. 

Kiichlein,  n.  little  chicken,  pullet. 

Kufe,  /.  vat,  tun,  tub. 

Kiifer,  TO.  cooper;   butler. 

Kugel,  /.  bulb;   ball,  sphere,  globe;  shot. 

kugelahnlich,  a.  spheroidal;   ball-like. 

Kugelapparat,  TO.  bulb  apparatus  (e.  g.,  potash 

Kiigelchen,  n.  small  bulb;  globule;  pellet; 
small  ball. 

Kugeldiorit,  m.  globular  diorite. 

Kugelflache,  /.  spherical  surface. 

Kugelflasche,  /.  balloon  flask,  spherical  flask. 

kugelformig,  a.  globular,  spherical. 

kugelig,  a.  globular,  spherical,  globose. 

Kugelkiihler,  TO.  ball  condenser,  spherical  con- 

Kugellinse,  /.  spherical  lens. 

Kugelmiihle,  /.  ball  mill. 

kugeln,  v.t.  &  i.  roll. 

Kugelrohr,  n.,  Kugelrohre,  /.  bulb  tube  (tube 
with  one  or  more  bulbar  enlargements). 

Kugelspiegel,  TO.  spherical  mirror. 

Kugelstopfen,  TO.  bulb  stopper,  globular  stopper. 

Kugeltee,  TO.  gunpowder  tea. 

Kugelventil,  n.  ball  valve. 

Kugelvorlage,  /.  spherical  (or  globular)  re- 

Kuh,  /.  cow. 

kiihl,  a.  cool. 

Kiihlapparat,  m.  cooling  apparatus;  cooler; 
refrigerator;  condenser. 

Kuhlbottich,  TO.  cooling  tub,  cooler. 

kiihlen,  v.t.  cool,  refrigerate. 

Kiihler,  TO.  condenser;  cooler;  refrigerator. 

Kiihlergcstell,  n.  condenser  stand,  condenser 

Kiihlermantel,  m.  condenser  jacket. 

Kuhlerretorte,  /.  condenser  retort. 




Kuhlfass,  n.  cooling  vessel,  cooling  vat,  cooling 

Kiihlgefass,  TO.  cooling  vessel,  cooler;  refriger- 
ator; condenser. 

Kiihlgelager,  n.  (Brewing)  wort  sediment,  dregs. 

Kuhlkammer,  /.  cooling  chamber. 

Kiihlmittel,  n.  refrigerant. 

Kuhlofen,  m.  cooling  oven,  annealing  furnace. 

Kiihlpfanne,  /.  cooling  pan,  cooler. 

Kiihlrohr,  n.  cooling  tube,  condenser;  refrig- 
erating pipe. 

Kiihlsalz,  n.  refrigerating  salt. 

Kiihlschiff,  n.  (Brewing)  cooling  back,  cooler. 

Kuhlschlange,  /.  worm  (for  distilling),  cooling 

Kiihlwasser,  n.  cooling  water;  (Pharm.)  lead 

Ktihl wirkung,  /.  cooling  effect. 

Kuhmilch,  /.  cow's  milk. 

Kuhmist,  m.  cow  dung. 

kiihn,  a.  bold. 

Kuhpockengift,  n.  vaccine  virus. 

Kukuruz,  m.  corn,  maize. 

Kulbchen,  n.  (Glass)  ball,  piece,  lump. 

Kulilawanol,  n.  culilawan  oil. 

kulinarisch,  a.  culinary. 

Kulisse,  /.  coulisse  (something  that  slides). 

Kultur,  /.  civilization;  culture;   cultivation. 

Kulturhefe,  /.  culture  yeast. 

Kulturstaat,  TO.  civilized  state  (or  nation). 

Kulturstufe,  /.  stage  of  civilization. 

Kulturversuch,  m.  cultivation  experiment. 

Kuminsaure,  /.  cumic  acid,  cunjinic  acid. 

Kiimmel,  TO.  caraway;  (romischer)  cumin; 
kummel  (the  liqueur). 

Kiimmelol,  n.  caraway  oil;  cumin  oil. 

Kummcr,  TO.  sorrow,  trouble. 

kummerlich,  a.  needy,  scanty. 

kiimmern,  v.t.  trouble,  concern. 

Kumol,  n.  cumene. 

Kumpe,  /.  (Dyeing)  basin,  vessel. 

Kumys,  TO.  kumiss. 

kuiid,  a.  known,  public. 

Kunde,  /.  knowledge,  information,  science; 

Kunde,  TO.  customer;   client. 

kundig,  a.  learned,  expert,  skilful,  intelligent. 

Kiindigung,  /.  notice,  warning. 

Kundschaft,  /.  notice,  information,  knowledge; 
custom,  patronage. 

kiinftig,  a.  future,  coming,  to  be. 

Kunst,  /.  art;  profession;   skill;   work  (of  art). 

Kunst-.  artificial;    technical;    art. 

Kunstausdruck,  TO.  technical  term. 

Kunstbronze,  /.  art  bronze. 

Kunstbutter,  /.  artificial  butter,  oleomargarine. 

Kunstdiinger,  TO.  artificial  manure,  fertilizer. 

Kunsteis,  n.  artificial  ice. 

Kunstfertigkeit,  /.  technical  skill. 

Kunstfett,  n.  artificial  fat  (or  grease). 

Kunstfeuerwerkerei,  /.  pyrotechnics. 
Kunstfleiss,  m.  industry. 
Kunstgartnerei,  /.  horticulture;  nursery. 
Kunstgewerbe,  n.  useful  art. 
Kunstgewerbeschule,  /.  polytechnic  school. 
Kunstglanz,  TO.  artificial  luster. 
Kunstgriff,  TO.  artifice,  trick,  device. 
Kunsthefe,  /.  artificial  yeast. 
Kunstheilmittel,  n.  artificial  remedy,  synthetic 


Kunstleder,  n.  artificial  leather. 
Kunstlehre,  /.  technology,  technics. 
Kunstler,  TO.  artist;  artificer. 
kunstlich,  a.  artificial;  artful,  ingenious. 
Kunstmittel,  n.  artificial  means. 
Kunstprodukt,  n.  artificial  product. 
Kunstrichter,  TO.  critic. 
Kunstseide,  /.  artificial  silk. 
Kunstsprache,  /.  technical  language. 
Kunststein,  TO.  artificial  stone. 
Kunststiick,  n.  feat,  trick. 
Kunsttischler,  TO.  cabinet  maker. 
Kunstwerk,  n.  work  of  art. 
Kunstwolle,  /.  shoddy. 
kunterbunt,  a.  party-colored;  topsy-turvy. 
Kiipe,  /.  vat;  boiler,  copper, 
kupellieren,  v.t.  cupel, 
kiipen,  v.t.  vat-dye,  vat. 
Kupenartikel,  TO.  (Calico)  vat  style. 
Kiipenbad,  n.  dye  liquor. 
Kiipenfarber,  TO.  vat  dyer. 
Kiipenfarbstoff,  m.  vat  dye. 
Kiipenfarbung,  /.  vat  dyeing. 
Kupfer,  n.  copper. 
Kupferammonium,     n.     cupr(o)  ammonium, 

Schweitzer's  reagent. 
Kupferantimonglanz,  m.  chalcostibite. 
Kupferasche,  /.  copper  scale. 
Kupferblau,  n.  blue  verditer,  azurite. 
Kupferblech,  n.  sheet  copper,  copper  foil. 
Kupferbleivitriol,  TO.  linarite. 
Kupferbliite,/.  copper  bloom  (capillary  cuprite). 
Kupferbraun,   n.   tile  ore    (earthy  ferruginous 

Kupferbromid,     n.     copper     (specif.,     cupric) 


Kupferbromiir,  n.  cuprous  bromide. 
Kupferchlorid,     n.     copper     (specif.,     cupric) 


Kupferchloriir,  n.  cuprous  chloride. 
Kupfercyanid,  n.  copper  cyanide,  specif.,  cupric 


Kupfercyaniir,  n.  cuprous  cyanide. 
Kupferdorn,  TO.  slag  from  liquated  copper. 
Kupferdraht,  TO.  copper  wire. 
Kupferdruck,  TO.  copperplate. 
Kupferelektrode,  /.  copper  electrode,  (in  a  vol- 
taic cell)  negative  electrode. 
Kupfererz,  n.  copper  ore. 
Kupferfahlerz,  n.  tetrahedrite;  tennantite. 




Kupferfedererz,  n.  =  Kupferbltite. 
Kupferfeilicht,  n.  copper  filings. 
Kupferfolie,  /.  copper  foil. 
Kupfergarmachen,  n.  copper  refining. 
Kupfergehalt,  m.  copper  content. 
Kupfergeist,  m.  spirit  of  verdigris  (mixture  of 

acetic  acid  and  acetone  obtained  by  distilling 


Kupfergewinnung,  /.  extraction  of  copper. 
Kupferglanz,  TO.  copper  glance  (chalcocite). 
Kupferglas,  n.  chalcocite. 
Kupferglimmer,  m.  chalcophyllite;    micaceous 

copper  (copper  made  brittle  by  the  presence 

of  foreign  oxides,  formed  in  refining). 
Kupfergliihspan,  TO.  copper  scale. 
Kupfergold,  n.  Mannheim  gold  (kind  of  brass). 
Kupfergrun,  n.  copper  green  (verditer;    verdi- 
kupferhaltig,  a.  containing  copper,  cupriferous, 

Kupferhydroxyd,  n.  copper  hydroxide,   specif., 

cupric  hydroxide. 

Kupferhydroxydul,  n.  cuprous  hydroxide. 
Kupferindig,  TO.  indigo  copper  (covellite). 
Kupferjodid,  n.  copper  (specif.,  cupric)  iodide. 
Kupferjodiir,  n.  cuprous  iodide. 
Kupferkies,  m.  copper  pyrites  (chalcopyrite). — • 

hunter  Kupferkies,  bornite. 
kupferkieshaltig,  a.  containing  copper  pyrites. 
Kupferkonig,  TO.  copper  regulus. 
Kupferlasur,  /.  azurite. 
Kupferlegierung,  /.  copper  alloy. 
Kupfermangan,  n.  cupromanganese. 
Kupfermiinze,  /.  copper  coin, 
kupfern,  v.t.  treat  with  copper,  copper. 
Kupfernickel,  TO.  copper-nickel  (niccolite). 
Kupferocher,  Kupferocker,  TO.  =  Kupferbraun. 
Kupferoxyd,  n.  copper  (specif.,  cupric)  oxide. 
Kupferoxydsalz,  n.  cupric  salt. 
Kupferoxydul,  n.  cuprous  oxide. 
Kupferoxydulsalz,  n.  cuprous  salt. 
Kupferoxydul  verbindung,  /.  cuprous  compound. 
Kupferoxydverbindung,  /.  cupric  compound. 
Kupferpecherz,  n.  =  Kupferbraun. 
Kupferplatte,  /.  copper  plate,  copperplate. 
Kupferpol,   TO.    (Elec.)    copper   pole    (negative 


Kupferprobe,  /.  copper  assay,  test  for  copper. 
Kupferrauch,  w.  copper  smoke,  copper  fumes; 

white  vitriol. 

Kupferregcn,  TO.  =  Streukupfer. 
Kupferrhodanat,  -rhodanid,  n.  copper  thiocya- 

nate,  specif.,  cupric  thiocyanate. 
Kupferrhodaniir,  n.  cuprous  thiocyanate, 
Kupferrohr,  n.,   Kupferrohre,  /.  copper  tube, 

copper  pipe. 

Kupferrohstein,  TO,  raw  copper  matt. 
Kupferrost,  TO.  copper  rust,  verdigris  (greenish 

coating  on  exposed  copper). 
Kupferrot,  n,  red  copper  (cuprite). 

Kupfersalz,  n.  copper  salt. 

Kupfersammeterz,  n.  velvet  copper  ore  (cyano- 

Kupferschaum,     TO.     (Metal.)     copper     scum; 

(Min.)  tyrolite. 

Kupferschlange,  /.  copper  coil. 
Kupferschwarze,  /.  black  copper  (melaconite). 
Kupfersilberglanz,  TO.  stromeyerite. 
Kupfersinter,  TO.  copper  scale;  copper  pyrites. 
Kupfersmaragd,  m.  emerald  copper  (dioptase). 
Kupferspiritus,  TO.  =  Kupfergeist. 
Kupferstahl,  TO.  copper  steel. 
Kupferstechen,  n.  copper  engraving. 
Kupferstein,  TO.  copper  matt. — blasiger  Kup- 

ferstein,  pimple  metal. 
Kupferstich,  TO.  copper  engraving. 
Kupfersulfat,  n.  copper  sulfate,  cupric  sulfate. 
Kupfersulfid,  n.  copper  (specif.,  cupric)  sulfide. 
Kupfersulfiir,  n.  cuprous  sulfide. 
Kupferverbindung,  /.  copper  compound. 
Kupfervitriol,  TO.  blue  vitriol,  copper  sulfate. 
Kupferwasser,    n.    copperas  (Obs.);    (Mining) 

copper  water,  cement  water. 
Kupferwasserstoff,  TO.  copper  hydride. 
Kupferziegelerz,  n.  =  Kupferbraun. 
Kupferzyanid,  n.  =  Kupfercyanid. 
Kupferzyanur,  n.  cuprous  cyanide. 
kupfrig,  a.  copperlike,  coppery. 
Kupolofen,  TO.  cupola  furnace  or  kiln,  cupola* 
Kuppe,  /.  top,  summit,  tip. 
Kuppel,  /.  cupola,  dome. 
kuppeln,  v.t.  &  i.  couple;   (Dyeing)  develop. 
Kuppelungsbad,  n.  (Dyeing)  developing  bath. 
Kuppelungsflotte,  /.  (Dyeing)  developing  liquor. 
Kuppler,  TO.  coupler;   (Dyeing)  developer. 
Kupri-.     See  Cupri-. 
Kuprit,  TO.  cuprite. 
Kupro-.     See  Cupro-. 
Kur,  /.  cure,  treatment. 
Kurbel,  /.  crank,  winch. 
Kiirbis,  TO.  gourd;  pumpkin. 
Kiirbisbaum,  TO.  gourd  tree,  calabash  tree. 
Kiirbiskorn,    n.,    Kiirbissamen,    m.    pumpkin 


kiiren,  v.t.  choose,  elect. 
Kurkuma,  /.  curcuma,  turmeric. 
Kurkumagelb,  n.  curcumin. 
Kurkumapapier,  n.  turmeric  paper. 
Kurkumawurzel,  /.  turmeric. 
Kuromojiol,  n.  curomoji  oil. 
Kurort,  TO.  health  resort. 
Kurrentbuchstaben,  italics. 
Kurs,  m.  exchange;   circulation;  course. 
Kursbuch,  n.  railway  guide. 
Kiirschner,  TO.  furrier. 
kursieren,  v.i.  be  current. 
kursiv,  a.  italic. 
Kursivschrift,  /.  italics. 
Kursus,  TO.  course. 
Kurswert,  m,  exchange  value. 




Kurve,  /.,  Kurvenbild,  n.  curve. 

Kurvenast,  m.  branch  of  a  (or  the)  curve. 

Kurvenschar,  /.  group  or  system  of  curves. 

kurz,  a.  short. — kurze  Flotte,  concentrated  dye 

kurzarmig,  a.  short-armed,  short-arm,  short- 
beam  (balance). 

kurzbriichig,  a.  short,  brittle. 

Kurze,  /.  shortness,  brevity. 

kurzhaarig,  a.  short-haired;  (of  wool)  short 

kurzlich,  a.  late,  recent. 

kurzschliessen,  v.t.  (Elec.)  short-circuit. 

Kurzschluss,  m.  (Elec.)  short  circuit. 

kurzsichtig,  a.  near-sighted,  short-sighted. 

kurzskalig,  a.  short-scale  (d). 

Kurzstabchen,  n.  bacillus. 

Kurzwaren,  small  wares. 

Kurzweil,  /.  pastime,  amusement. 

kurzwellig,  a.  of  short  wave  length,  short- 

Kuss,  m.  kiss. 

Kiiste,  /.  coast,  shore. 

Kiister,  m.  sacristan,  sexton. 

Kustos,  m.  keeper,  custodian. 

Kutsche,  /.  coach,  carriage. 

Kutscher,  m.  coachman,  driver. 

Kutte,  /.  cowl. 

Kuvert,  n.  envelope;   cover. 

Kuvette,  /.  bulb. 

KW-stoff,  abbrev.  (Kohlenwasserstoff)  hydro- 

Kyaniithin,  n.  kyanethine  (or  cyanethine). 

Kyanidin,  n.  kyanidine  (or  cyanidine). 

kyanisieren,  v.t.  kyanize. 

Kynurensaure,  /.  kynurenic  acid. 

1.,  abbrev.  (loslich)  soluble;   (lies)  read. 

Laab,  n.  =  Lab. 

Lab,  n.  rennet. 

lab.,  abbrev.  (labil)  labile. 

Labdanharz,  n.  labdanum. 

Labdriise,  /.  peptic  gland. 

lab  en,  v.t.  curdle  with  rennet;  refresh. 

Labessenz,  /.  rennet. 

labil,  a.  labile,  unstable. 

Labkraut,  n.  galium. 

Laborant,  m.  chemist. 

Laborationstaxe,  /.  tax  on  chemists. 

Laboratorium,  n.  laboratory. 

l.iborieren,  v.i.  practise  chemistry;   labor. 

Labpulver,  n.  rennet  powder. 

Labradorstein,  TO.  Labrador  stone,  labradorite. 

Lache,  /.  laugh,  laughter. 

lacheln,  v.i.  smile. 

lachen,  v.i.  laugh. 

lacherlich,  a.  laughable,  ludicrous. 

Lachgas,  n.  laughing  gas. 

Lachs,  m.  salmon. 

lachsfarbig,  a.  salmon-colored. 

Lack,  w.  lac;  lake;  lacquer,  japan;   varnish. 

Lackbildner,  TO.  lake  former. 

Lackfarbe,  /.  lake;  lac  dye. 

lackfarbig,  a.  laky,  laked. 

Lackfirnis,  m.  lac  varnish,  lacquer;  lake  varnish. 

lackieren,  v.t.  lacquer,  japan. 

Lacklack,  m.  lac  lake. 

Lackleder,  n.  japanned  leather,  patent  leather. 

Lackmus,  TO.  litmus. 

Lackmusflechte,  /.  litmus  lichen,  archil. 

Lackmuspapier,  n.  litmus  paper. 

Lacmus,  m.  litmus. 

Lactonsaure,  /.  lactonic  acid,  lactone  acid  (a 
compound  which  is  both  an  acid  and  a  lac- 
tone);  lactonic  acid,  d-galactonic  acid. 

Ladangummi,  n.  labdanum. 

Lade,  /.  chest,  box,  case;    (Founding)  flask. 

laden,  v.t.  load,  charge;  summon,  invite;  (Elec.) 

Laden,  m.  store,  shop;  shutter. 

Ladendiener,  m.  salesman,  shopman. 

Ladenfenster,  n.  store  window,  shop  window. 

Ladenpreis,  TO.  retail  price. 

Ladentisch,  TO.  counter. 

Ladcraum,  TO.  exploding  chamber. 

Ladung,  /.  charge;  load;  cargo;  charging, 

Ladungssinn,  TO.  (Elec.)  nature  of  a  charge,  sign. 

Laffe,  TO.  fop. 

lag,  pret.  of  liegen. 

Lage,  /.  layer,  stratum,  bed;  coat,  coating; 
-  state,  position,  situation,  attitude;  quire  (of 
paper);  (Textiles)  lap. 

Lagel,  n.  barrel,  keg. 

Lager,  n.  bed,  layer,  stratum;  store,  stock; 
storehouse;  camp;  bed,  couch;  lair;  stand 
(for  casks);  (Mech.)  bearing,  bush. 

Lagerbock,  TO.  (Mack.)  pedestal. 

Lagerbuchse, -biichse,/.  (Mach.)  bush,  bushing. 

lagerecht,  a.  fast  to  storing. 

Lagerfass,  n.  storage  vat  or  cask. 

Lagerkeller,  TO.  storage  cellar. 

Lagermetall,  n.  bush  metal,  bearing  metal. 

lagern,  v.i.  lie  stored;  lie  down;  camp. — v.t. 
store;  lay  down,  deposit. 

Lagerprozess,  TO.  storage  process. 

Lagerraum,  TO.  store  room,  warehouse  room. 

lagerreif,  a.  aged. 

Lagerstatte,  /.-  deposit,  bed. 

Lagerung,  /.  arrangement;  stratification,  bed- 
ding; grain  (of  a  stone);  storage;  lying 
down;  encampment. 

lageweise,  adv.  in  layers,  in  strata. 

lahm,  a.  lame. 

lahmen,  v.t.  paralyze,  cripple,  lame. 

Lahmung,  /.  lameness,  paralysis. 

Lahn,  TO.  flattened  wire;  tinsel. 

Laib,  TO.  loaf. 

Laich,  TO.  spawn. 

Laie,  TO.  layman. 

Lake,  /.  brine,  pickle. 

Laken,  n.  sheet;   cloth. 

Lakmus,  TO.  litmus. 

Lakritze,  /.,  Lakritz,  Lakriz,  m.  licorice. 

Lakritzensaft,  TO.  extract  of  licorice. 

Laktat,  n.  lactate. 

Lakton,  n.  lactone. 

lallen,  v.i.  stammer,  babble. 

Lambertsnuss,  /.  filbert. 

laminieren,  v.t.  laminate;    (Spinning)  draw. 

Lamm,  n.  lamb. 

Lammerwolle,  /.  lamb's  wool. 

Lampe,  /.  lamp. 





Lampenarbeit,  /.  (Glass)  blast-lamp  work,  as 
distinguished  from  foundry  work. 

Lampendocht,  m.  lamp  wick. 

Lampenfieber,  n.  stage  fright. 

Lampenruss,  m.,  Lampenschwarz,  n.  lamp- 

Land,  n.  land;  country. 

Land-,  land,  country,  rural,  agricultural,  pro- 

Landbau,  TO.  agriculture. 

Landenge,  /.  isthmus. 

Landes-.  state,  national,  of  a  country;  native, 
home;  land. 

Landesfarben,  national  colors. 

Landgut,  n.  estate. 

Landhaus,  n.  country  house. 

Landkarte,  /.  map. 

Landkrankheit,  /.  endemic  disease. 

landkundig,  a.  notorious. 

landlaufig,  a.  customary,  current. 

Landleben,  n.  country  life. 

landlich,  a.  rural;  rustic. 

Landmann,  m.  farmer,  countryman,  rustic. 

Landmesser,  TO.  surveyor. 

Landpartie,  /.  picnic,  outing. 

Landpolizei,  /.  rural  police. 

Landschaft,  /.  province,  state;  landscape. 

Landsee,  TO.  lake. 

Landseuche,  /.  epidemic. 

Landsitz,  TO.  country  seat. 

Landsmann,  TO.  countryman. 

Landstadt,  /.  inland  town,  country  town. 

Landstrasse,  /.  highway. 

Landstrich,  TO.  district;   climate. 

Landsturm,  TO.  general  levy,  levy  in  mass. 

Landtag,  TO.  diet,  legislature. 

Landvogt,  TO.  governor. 

Landwehr,  /.  first  home  reserve,  militia. 

Landwirt,  TO.  farmer. 

Landwirtschaft,  /.  agriculture. 

landwirtschaftlich,  a.  agricultural. 

lang,  a.  long;  tall;  (of  wine,  etc.)  ropy. — 
lange  Flotte,  dilute  dye  liquor. 

lange,  adv.  long;   far. 

Lange, /.  length;  longitude;  tallness. 

Langebruch,  TO.  longitudinal  fracture. 

langeifdrmig,  a.  of  extended  oval  shape. 

langen,  v.i.  suffice;  reach. — v.t.  seize,  take. 

Langenausdehnung,  /.  linear  expansion. 

Langenbruch,  TO.  longitudinal  fracture. 

Langendurchschnitt,  TO.  longitudinal  section. 

Langengrad,  TO.  degree  of  longitude. 

Langenmass,  n.  linear  measure. 

langgestielt,  p.a.  long-handled. 

langgestreckt,  p.a.  extended,  elongated. 

langhaarig,  a.  long-haired;  flossy  (silk);  long- 
staple  (wool). 

langhalsig,  a.  long-necked. 

langlich,  a.  oblong. 

langlichrund,  a.  elliptical,  oval. 

Langmut,  /.  patience,  forbearance. 

langrund,  a.  oval. 

langs,  prep,  along. 

Langs-,  longitudinal. 

langsam,  a.  slow. 

Langsambinder,  TO.  slow-setting  cement. 

Langschliff,  TO.  long-fibered  mechanical  pulp. 

Langsdurchschnitt,  TO.  longitudinal  section. 

Langsebene,  /.  longitudinal  plane. 

Langsein,  n.  (of  wine)  ropiness. 

Langsstreifen,  TO.  longitudinal  stripe  or  stria. 

langst,  a.  longest. — adv.  long  ago. 

Langstabchen,  n.  bacillus. 

langstapelig,  a.  long-staple. 

langstens,  adv.  at  the  longest. 

Langweile,  /.  ennui,  boredom,  tedium. 

langweilen,  v.t.  tire,  bore. 

langwellig,  a.  of  long  wave  length,  long-wave. 

langwierig,  a.  protracted,  wearisome. 

Lanthan,  n.  lanthanum. 

Lanze,  /.  lance. 

Lappchen,  n.  lobe;  flap,  rag. 

Lappen,  TO.  flap;  rag;  lobe. 

lappig,  a.  lobed,  lobate;  flabby,  flaccid. 

Larche,  /.,  Larchenbaum,  m.  larch. 

Larchenharz,  n.  larch  resin,  Venetian  turpen- 

Larchenpilz,  Larchenschwamm,  TO.  purging 
agaric  (Polyporus  offitinalis). 

Larm,  Larmen,  TO.  noise,  alarm. 

Larve,  /.  larva;  mask. 

las,  pret.  of  lesen. 

lasieren,  v.t.  glaze. 

lassen,  v.t.  let,  leave,  yield,  allow,  have  (some- 
thing done). — v.i.  desist;  look,  suit. — gelas- 
sen,  p.a.  patient,  calm. 

lassig,  a.  negligent,  lazy. 

lasst,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  lassen. 

Last,  /.  load,  burden,  weight. 

lasten,  v.i.  weigh. 

Laster,  n.  vice;  crime. 

lastern,  v.t.  slander,  abuse. 

lastig,  a.  burdensome,  irksome. 

Lasur,  /.  azure;  azurite;  glazing. 

Lasur,  TO.  lapis  lazuli. 

Lasurfarbe,  /.  azure;  glazing  color. 

Lasurit,  m.  azurite;  lapis  lazuli. 

Lasurspat,  TO.  lazulite. 

Lasurstein,  m.  lapis  lazuli. 

lateinisch,  a.  Latin;  roman  (letters). 

Latenz,  /.  latency. 

Laterne, /.  lantern;  lamp. 

Latsche,  Latschenkiefer,  /.  knee  pine  (Pinus 
montana  pumilio). 

Latschenol,  n.  templin  oil. 

Latte,  /.  lath. 

Lattich,  TO.  lettuce. 

Latwerge,  /.  (Pharm.)  electuary,  confection, 

Latz,  w.  bib,  flap,  stomacher. 

lau,  a.  tepid,  lukewarm;  mild. 

Laub  1 

Laub,  n.  foliage,  leaves. 

Laube,  /.  arbor,  bower;  hall. 

Laubholz,  n.  leaved  trees,  deciduous  trees. 

Lauch,  TO.  leek. 

lauchartig,  a.  like  or  of  the  nature  of  leeks. 

lauchgriin,  a.  leek-green. 

Lauer,  m.  (Distilling)  low  wine. 

lauern,  v.i.  lurk,  watch. 

Lauf,  m.  course,  path,  run,  race,  current;  (gun) 

Laufbahn,  /.  race  course;  career;  (Meek.)  run, 

Laufbursche,  m.  errand  boy. 

laufen,  v.i.  run;  go,  move,  turn;  leak. — lauf- 
end,  p. a.  running,  current;  consecutive 
(numbers). — laufendes  Bad,  (Dyeing)  stand- 
ing bath. 

Laufer,  m.  runner;  muller;  rammer;  slider. 

Laufermuhle,  /.  edge  mill. 

Laufglasur,  /.  (Ceram.)  flow  glaze. 

Laufkrahn,  TO.  traveling  crane. 

Laufpass,  TO.  dismissal. 

Laufpfanne,  /.  (Sugar)  cooler. 

Lauge,  /.  lye;  (in  many  technical  phrases) 
liquor;  (Bleaching)  buck. 

laugen,  v.t.  lye,  steep  in  lye;  buck;  lixiviate. 

laugenartig,  a.  of  the  nature  of,  or  resembling, 
lye,  alkaline,  (Old  Chem.)  lixivial. 

Laugenbad,  n.  lye  bath,  lye,  liquor. 

laugenecht,  a.  fast  to  (caustic)  lye. 

Laugenfliissigkeit,  /.  liquor. 

laugenhaft,  a.  like  lye,  alkaline. 

Laugenmesser,  TO.  alkalimeter. 

Laugensalz,  n.  (Old  Chem.)  alkaline  salt,  lixivial 
salt. — fliichtiges  Laugensalz,  sal  volatile 
(commercial  ammonium  carbonate). — min- 
eralisches  Laugensalz,  sodium  carbonate. —  Laugensalz,  potassium  car- 

laugensalzig,  a.  (Old  Chem.)  alkaline,  lixivial. 

Laugenwasser,  n.  lye. 

Laugerei,  /.  lixiviation. 

laugig,  a.  =  laugenartig. 

Laune,  /.  humor,  temper. 

launig,  a.  humorous. 

launisch,  a.  moody,  freakish. 

Laurinfett,  n.  laurin. 

Laurinsaure,  /.  lauric  acid. 

Laus,  /.  louse;  (Tech.)  a  fault  of  some  kind,  as 
a  knot  in  wool  or  a  light  spot  on  a  dyed 

lauschen,  v.i.  listen. 

lauschig,  a.  cosy. 

Lausekorner,  stavesacre  seed;  cocculus 
indicus;  sabadilla  seed. 

laut,  a.  loud;  public. — prep,  according  to. 

Laut,  m.  sound;  tone. 

lautbar,  a.  audible;  public;  notorious, 

Laute,  /.  lute;   (Dyeing)  crutch. 

tauten,  v.i.  sound;  run,  read, 

•5  Lebensweise 

lauten,  v.t.  &  i.  ring. 

lauter,  a.  pure;  clear,  genuine,  unalloyed;  mere. 

Lauter,  TO.  =  Lauer. 

Lauter-.  purifying,  refining,  clarifying. 

Lauterbatterie, /.  (Brewing)  underlet. 

Lauterbeize,  /.   (in  turkey  red  dyeing)  white 

Lauterboden,     m.     (Brewing)     false    bottom, 


Lauterbottich,  m.  (Brewing)  straining  vat,  clari- 
fying tub. 

Lauterflasche,  /.  washing  bottle  (for  gases). 
Lautermaische,/.  (Brewing)  liquid  part  of  mash. 
lautern,  v.t.  purify,  refine,  clear,  clarify,  rectify, 


Lauterofen,  TO.  refining  furnace  (or  kiln). 
Lauterpfanne,  /.  (Sugar)  defecator. 
Lautertuch,  n.  filtering  cloth. 
Lauterung,  /.  purification,  etc.  (see  lautern). 
Lauterungsmittel,  n.  purifying  agent. 
lauwarm,  a.  lukewarm. 
Lavendel,  m.  lavender. 
Lavo-.  levo-,  laevo-. 
lavogyr,  a.  levorotatory. 
Lavulinsaure,  /.  levulinic  acid. 
Lavulose,  /.  levulose. 
La  wine,  /.  avalanche. 
Laxanz,  /.  laxative. 
laxieren,  v.t.  purge. — laxierend,  p.a.  purging, 


Laxiermittel,  n.  laxative,  purgative. 
Laxiersalz,  n.  laxative  salt. — englisches  Laxier- 

salz,  Epsom  salt. 
Lazarett,  n.  hospital. 
Leben,  n.  life. 

leben,  v.i.  live. — lebender  Kalk,  quicklime. 
lebendig,    a.    living,    live.— lebendiger    Kalk, 


Lebensbaum,  TO.  arbor-vitae. 
Lebensdauer,  /.  life  period;  life,  lifetime. 
lebensfahig,  a.  capable  of  living;  (Med.)  viable. 
Lebensfahigkeit,  /.  capacity  for  living,  vitality; 


Lebensholz,  n.  lignum-vitae. 
Lebenskraft,  /.  vital  force;   vitality. 
Lebenslehre,  /.  biology. 

Lebensluft, /.  (Old  Chem.)  vital  air  (oxygen). 
Lebensluftmesser,  m.  eudiometer. 
Lebensmittel,  provisions,  victuals. 
Lebensordnung,  /.  regimen,  diet. 
Lebensprozess,  TO.  vital  process. 
Lebenssaft,  TO.  vital  fluid;    (Bot.)  latex. 
Lebensstrafe,  /.  capital  punishment. 
Lebensunterhalt,  TO.  living,  subsistence. 
Lebensverrichtung,  /.  vital  function. 
Lebensversicherung,  /.  life  insurance. 
Lebensvorgang,  m.  vital  process. 
Lebenswandel,  TO.  life,  conduct. 
Lebenswasser,  n.  aqua-vitae  (spirits). 
Lebensweise,  /.  mode  of  life. 




Leber,  /.  liver;  hepar. 

Leber-.  hepatic. 

Leberblume,  /.,  Leberbliimchen,  n.  hepatica 


Lebereisenerz,  n.  pyrrhotite. 
Lebererz,  n.  hepatic  ore,  esp.  hepatic  cinnabar 

(liver-brown  cinnabar). 
Leberkies,  m.  pyrrhotite. 
Leberklette,  /.  agrimony  (Agrimonia  eupa- 


Lcberkraut,  n.  liverwort,  hepatica. 
Leberopal,  m.  menilite  (brown  opaque  opal). 
Leberstarke,  /.  glycogen. 
Leberstein,  m.  hepatite  (fetid  variety  of  barite) ; 

biliary  calculus,  gallstone. 
Lebertran,  m.  codliver  oil. 
Lebewesen,  n.  living  being,  organism. 
Lebewohl,  n.  farewell. 
lebhaft,    a.    lively,    brisk,    active;     vivacious; 

bright,  vivid,  gay  (colors). 
leblos,  a.  lifeless,  inanimate. 
Lecanorsaure,  /.  lecahoric  acid. 
Lech,  TO.  (Metal.')  regulus,  matt,  metal. 
lechzen,  v.i.  thirst. 
Leek,  m.  &  n.  leak. 
lecken,  v.i.  leak. 
lecken,  v.L  &  i.  lick. 
lecker,  a.  dainty,  nice. 
Leckerei,  /.  dainty,  sweetmeat;  daintiness. 
Leder,  n.  leather. 

Lederabfall,  m.  leather  waste,  leather  cuttings. 
Lederband,  m.  leather  binding. 
Lederetui,  n.  leather  case. 
ledergelb,  a.  buff. 
Ledergummi,  n.  —  Lederharz. 
Lederhandel,  m.  leather  trade. 
Lederharz,  n.  (India)  rubber. 
Lederhaut,  n.  true  skin,  corium. 
Lederleim,  m.  glue  from  leather  waste. 
ledern,  a.  of  leather,  leathern. 
Lederpappe,  /.  leather  board. 
Lederschmiere,  /.  (Leather)  degras,  dubbing. 
Lederzucker,  m.  marshmallow  paste;  (brauner) 

licorice  paste. 

ledig,  a.  exempt;   devoid;  unmarried. 
lediglich,  adv.  only,  solely,  merely,  entirely, 
leer,  a.  empty;   blank;  void;   vacant. 
Leerdarm,  m.  jejunum. 
Leere, /.  vacuum;   emptiness;    vacancy;   gage, 


leeren,  v.t.  empty,  evacuate. 
Leerfass,  n.  (Paper)  emptying  vat. 
Lefze,  /.  lip. 
legen,  v.t.  lay;  put,  place,  plant. — v.r.  lie  down; 

abate;  devote  oneself. 
legieren,  v.t.  alloy. 
Legierung,  /.  alloy;  alloying. 
Leguminose,  /.  legume;  pea  meal. 
Lehen,  n.  fief,  fee. 
Lehm,  m.  loam. 

Lehmguss,  m.  loam  casting. 

lehmig,  a.  loamy. 

Lehmkalk,  m.  argillocalcite  (argillaceous  lime- 

Lehmkitt,  m.  loam  lute. 

Lehmmergel,  m.  loamy  marl. 

Lehmstein,  m.  unburnt  brick,  adobe. 

Lehne,  /.  slope;  support;  back  (of  a  chair); 

lehnen,  v.i.  lean. 

Lehrbuch,  n.  text-book. 

Lehre,/.  teaching,  instruction,  doctrine,  science, 
-ology,  lesson;  apprenticeship;  pattern; 
gage;  balance;  centering. 

lehren,  v.t.  teach,  instruct. — gelehrt,  p.a. 

Lehrer,  TO.  teacher. 

Lehrfach,  n.  teaching;  branch  of  study. 

Lehrkursus,  m.  course  of  study. 

Lehrling,  TO.  apprentice. 

Lehrmittel,  n.  instruction  material,  means  of 

lehrreich,  a.  instructive. 

Lehrstelle,  /.  teaching  position. 

Leib,  TO.  body;  belly;  waist. 

Leibesfrucht,  /.  fetus. 

Leichdorn,  TO.  corn  (callosity). 

Leiche,  /.  corpse,  cadaver;  funeral. 

Leichenalkaloid,  n.  putrefactive  alkaloid,  pto- 

Leichenbeschauer,  TO.  coroner. 

Leichenbestatter,  TO.  undertaker. 

Leichenbase,  /.  putrefactive  base,  ptomaine. 

Leichenfett,  n.  adipocere. 

Leichentuch,  n.  pall,  shroud. 

Leichenwachs,  n.  adipocere. 

Leichnam,  TO.  corpse,  cadaver. 

leicht,  a.  light;  easy;  slight. — adv.  easily,  read- 
ily, lightly,  slightly. 

leichtbeweglich,  a.  (of  liquids)  mobile. 

leichtentzundlich,  a.  easily  inflammable. 

leichtfliichtig,  a.  readily  volatile. 

leichtfliissig,  a.  easily  fusible;  easily  liquefiable; 

Leichtfrucht,  /.  light  grain  (as  oats,  emmer). 

leichtglaubig,  a.  credulous. 

Leichtigkeit,  /.  lightness;  facility,  ease. 

leichtlebig,  a.  lighthearted. 

eichtloslich,  a.  easily  soluble. 

Leichtmetall,  n.  light  metal  (of  sp.  gr.  less  than 
5;  sometimes  applied  specifically  to  the  alkali 
and  alkaline-earth  metals). 

Leichtol,  n.  light  oil. 

eichtsinnig,  a.  frivolous. 

Leid,  n.  sorrow,  pain;  wrong,  harm;    mourning. 

eiden,  v.t.  suffer;  undergo. — v.L  suffer. 

Leiden,  n.  suffering,  distress;  ailment,  malady. 

L.eidenschaft,  /.  passion. 

eider,  adv.  unfortunately;  alas. 

eidig,  a.  fatal;  evil;  tiresome. 




leidlich,  a.  tolerable,  passable,  fair. 

Leidwesen,  n.  sorrow,  regret. 

Leier,  /.  lyre. 

leiern,  v.i.  play  the  lyre;   harp,  drawl. 

leihen,  v.t.  lend;   borrow. 

Leim,  m.  glue;    size. — farbloser  Lcim,  weisser 

Leim,  gelatin. — pflanzlicher  Leim,  gluten. 
leimartig,  a.  gluey,  glutinous,  gelatinous. 
leimen,  v.t.  glue;   size. — leimend,  p.a.  adhesive, 

agglutinative. — ganz    leimen    (Paper)    hard- 

Leimfarbe,  /.  distemper;    (Paper)  size  color. 
Leimfass,  n.  (Paper)  size  tank,  glue  tank. 
Leimfestigkeit,  /.   (Paper)   resistance  (impervi- 

ousness)  due  to  sizing. 

leimgebend,  p.a.  yielding  glue,  gelatigenous. 
Leimglanz,  m.  (Leather)  size. 
Leimgut,   n.   material   for    making    glue,    glue 


leimig,  a.  gluey,  glutinous. 
Leimleder,  n.  leather  scraps  for  making  glue. 
Leimlosung,  /.  glue  solution. 
Leimniederschlag,  m.   (Soap)  =  Leimsiedernie- 


Leimprober,  TO.  glue  tester. 
Leimseife,  /.  filled  soap  (in  which  the  glycerin 

and  lye  are  allowed  to  remain). 
Leimsieder,  m.  glue  boiler. 
Leimsiederniederschlag,  m.  the  solution  of  soap 

in  salt  lye  which  forms  as  an  under  layer  in 

making  curd  soap. 
Leimstoff,  m.  gluten. 
Leimsubstanz,  /.  gelatigenous  substance. 
Leimsuss,  n.  glycine,  glycocoll. 
Leimung,  /.  gluing;   sizing. 
Leimwasser,  n.  glue  water;  size. 
Leimzucker,  TO.  glycine,  glycocoll. 
-lein.  little,  small,  -let,  -kin. 
Lein,  TO.  flax;  linseed. 
Leine,  /.  line,  cord. 
Leineri,  n.  linen, 
leinen,  a.  linen. 
Leinfirnis,  TO.  linseed  varnish  (thickened  linseed 


Leinkraut,  n.  toadflax. 
Leinkuchen,  TO.  linseed  cake,  oil  cake. 
Leinmehl,  m.  linseed  meal. 
Leinol,  n.  linseed  oil. 
Leinolfirnis,  m.  linseed  oil  varnish. 
Leinolsaure,  /.  linoleic  acid. 
Leinoltrockenprozess,  TO.  drying  of  linseed  oil. 
Leinpflanze,  /.  flax. 
Leinsamen.  TO.  flaxseed,  linseed. 
Leinsamenmehl,  n.  flaxseed  meal,  linseed  meal. 
Leinsamenol,  linseed  oil. 
Lein  wand,  /.  linen;    (painter's)  canvas. 
Leinwandband,  TO.  cloth  binding. 
leise,  a.  low,  soft;  slight. — adv.  low,  softly. 
Leiste,  /.  ledge,  border;   list,  selvage;   groin. 
Leisten,  TO.  last. 

leisten,  v.t.  do,  perform,  accomplish,  render,  pay 

Leistung,  /.  work,  performance,  service;  (me- 
chanical) power;  doing,  rendering. 

Leistungsfah'gkeit,  /.  serviceability,  power 
ability;  (Meek.)  efficiency. 

leiten,  v.t.  conduct;  lead;  guide;  govern;  pre- 
side over. 

Lciter,  TO.  conductor;  leader,  guide,  director, 

Leiter,  /.  ladder. 

Leitfaden,  m.  clue;   guide,  manual. 

leitfahig,  a.  conducting,  conductive. 

Leitfahigkeit,  /.  conductivity. 

Leitlinie,  /.  directrix. 

Leitrohr,  TO.,  Leitrohre,  /.  =  Leitungsrohr. 

Leitsatz,  TO.  rule,  guiding  principle. 

Leitstern,  TO.  polestar;   guiding  star. 

Leitung,  /.  conduction,  conducting,  transmis- 
sion (of  electricity);  (electric)  circuit;  (elec- 
tric) wire,  cable,  lead;  leading,  direction; 
conduit;  guide. 

Leitungsdraht,  TO.  conducting  wire. 

Leitungsfahigkeit,  /.  conductivity. 

Leitungskraft,  /.  conducting  power. 

Leitungsrohr,  m.,  Leitungsrohre,  /.  conducting 
tube  or  pipe;  (for  gases)  delivery  tube;  con- 
duit pipe,  conduit. 

Leitungsvermogen,  n.  =  Leitvermogen. 

Leitungswasser,  n.  tap  water. 

Lei  tungs  wider  stand,  TO.  (Elec.)  resistance. 

Leitvermogen,  n.  conducting  power,  (Elec.) 
conductance;  conductivity. 

Lekanorsaure,  /.  lecanoric  acid. 

Lektion,  /.  lesson. 

Lemnische  Erde.  Lemnian  earth. 

Lemongrasol,  n.  lemon-grass  oil. 

Lende, /.  loin;   haunch. 

Lenden-.  lumbar. 

lenken,  v.t.  guide,  direct,  drive,  steer. 

Lenz,  TO.  spring. 

Lerche,  /.  lark;  larch. 

lernen,  v.t.  learn. — kennen  lernen,  become  ac- 
quainted with. 

Lesart,  /.  reading. 

Lese,  /.  vintage;  gathering. 

Lesebuch,  n.  reader. 

lesen,  v.t.  read;  gather;  cull. — v.i.  read;  lec- 

leserlich,  a.  legible. 

Lesestein,  TO.  bog  iron  ore  (form  of  limonite); 

letal,  a.  lethal,  fatal. 

Letten,  TO.  potter's  clay. 

Letterngut,  Letternmetall,  n.  type  metal. 

lettig,  a.  clayish,  clayey. 

letzte,  a.  last;   latest;  lowest. 

letztgenannt,  p.a.  last-named,  latter. 

Leuchamie,  /.  leukemia. 

Leucht-.  illuminating,  lighting,  luminous. 

Leuchtbrenner,  TO.  illuminating  burner. 




Leuchte,  /.  light;  lamp. 

leuchten,  v.i.  give  light,  shine.— leuchtend,  p.a. 
luminous,  bright,  shining. 

Leuchtfarbe,  /.  luminous  paint. 

Leuchtgas,  n.  illuminating  gas. 

Leuchthulle,  /.  luminous  envelope,  (of  the  sun) 

Leuchtkafer,  m.  firefly. 

Leuchtkraft,  /.  illuminating  power,  luminosity. 

Leuchtkraftbestimmung,  Leuchtkraftmessung, 
/.  photometry. 

Leuchtmittel,  n.  illuminant. 

Leuchtol,  n.  illuminating  oil. 

Leuchtpetroleum,  n.  kerosene. 

Leuchtstein,  m.  phosphorescent  stone. 

Leuclitstoff,  TO.  luminous  substance. 

Leuchtwert,  m.  illuminating  value. 

Leuchtwurm,  m.  glowworm. 

leugnen,  v.t.  deny;  retract. 

Leuk-,  Leuko-.  leuc-,  leuco-. 

Leukophan,  m.  leucophane. 

Leukoverbindung,  /.  leuco  compound. 

Leute,  pi.  people;  persons,  men,  the  world, 
hands,  servants. 

leutselig,  a.  humane,  affable,  popular,  kind. 

levantisch,  a.  Levantine. 

levigieren,  v.t.  levigate. 

Levkoje,  /.  stock,  gillyflower. 

Leydner  Flasche.  Leyden  jar. 

Lezithin,  n.  lecithin. 

Ifd.,  abbrev.  Oaufend)  running,  current,  consec- 

Lg.,  abbrev.  (Ligroin)  ligroin. 

Libelle,  /.  level. 

-lich.  A  suffix  forming  adjectives  from  nouns 
(-ly,  -ful,  -ous),  from  verb  roots  (-able,  -ible) 
and  from  adjectives  (-ly,  -ish) ;  as,  schadlich, 
harmful,  moglich,  possible,  siisslich,  sweetish. 

licht,  a.  light,  pale;  bright,  luminous;  clear; 
(of  widths)  in  the  clear,  interior. 

Licht,  n.  light;   candle. 

Lichtart,  /.  kind  of  light. 

Lichtather,  TO.  luminiferous  ether. 

Lichtbild,  n.  photograph. 

lichtblau,  a.  light  blue. 

Lichtbogen,  TO.  luminous  arc,  (electric)  arc. 

lichtbrechend,  p.a.  refracting,  refractive. 

Lichtbrechung,  /.  refraction  of  light,  optical 

Lichtbrechungsvermogen,  n.  (optical)  refrac- 
tive power,  refractivity. 

Lichtdruck,  TO.  photomechanical  printing;  pho- 
tographic printing. 

lichtecht,  a.  fast  to  light. 

Lichteffekt,  TO.  luminous  effect. 

lichtelektrisch,  a.  photoelectric. 

lichtempfindlich,  a.  sensitive  to  light,  optically 

lichten,  v.t.  clear,  thin;   weigh  (anchor). 

Lichtentwickelung,  /.  evolution  of  light. 

Lichterfabrik,  /.  candle  factory. 

lichterloh,  a.  blazing. — adv.  ablaze. 

Lichterscheinung,  /.  luminous  phenomenon. 

lichterzeugend,  p.a.  producing  light,  photo- 

lichtfarben,  lichtfarbig,  a.  light-colored. 

Lichtfarbendruck,  TO.  photomechanical  color 

Lichtform,  /.  candle  mold. 

Lichtfortpflanzung,  /.  transmission  of  light. 

lichtgebend,  p.a.  giving  light,  luminous. 

lichtgelb,  a.  light  yellow.          • 

Lichtgiessen,  n.  candle  molding. 

lichtgriin,  a.  light  green. 

Lichtkegel,  m.  cone  of  light,  luminous  cone. 

Lichtkreis,  m.  circle  of  light,  halo. 

Lichtlchre,  /.  optics. 

Lichtleitung,  /.  (Elec.)  lighting  circuit. 

Lichtmesser,  TO.  photometer. 

Lichtmesskunst,  Lichtmessung,  /.  photometry. 

Lichtpause,  /.  photographic  tracing. 

Lichtpunkt,  TO.  luminous  point,  bright  spot. 

Lichtquelle,  /.  light  source,  source  of  light. 

lichtschluckend,  p.a.  light-absorbing,  (optically) 

Lichtstrahl,  TO.  light  ray,  ray  of  light,  luminous 

Lichttalg,  w.  candle  tallow. 

Lichtung,  /.  clearing,  glade. 

lichtvoll,  a.  luminous,  lucid. 

Lichtwelle,  /.  light  wave. 

Lichtwirkung,  /.  action  of  light;  luminous 

Lid,  n.  lid,  esp.  of  the  eye. 

lieb,  a.  dear,  beloved;   agreeable. 

Liebchen,  n.  sweetheart,  darling. 

Liebe,  /.  love;   favor. 

lieben,  v.t.  love;  like. 

liebenswiirdig,  a.  lovable,  amiable. 

Liebenswiirdigkeit,  /.  amiability,  kindness. 

lieber,  adv.  rather,  sooner,  better. 

Liebhaber,  TO.  lover;   amateur;   buyer. 

Liebig'scher  Kiihler.     Liebig  condenser. 

liebkosen,  v.t.  fondle,  caress. 

lieblich,  a.  lovely,  sweet,  charming. 

Liebling,  TO.  darling,  pet. 

Liebstockel,  TO.  lovage  (Levisticum). 

Lied,  n.  song. 

liederlich,  a.  careless,  disorderly,  dissolute. 

lief,  pret.  of  laufen. 

Lieferant,  TO.  purveyor,  contractor. 

liefern,  v.t.  yield,  produce;  furnish,  supply, 

Lieferung,  /.  supply;  providing;  delivery;  (of 
books,  etc.)  issue,  number,  part. 

liegen,  v.i.  lie;  be  (situated);  matter,  signify. — 
liegend,  p.a.  extended,  horizontal. — liegende 
Schrift,  italics. — gelegen,  p.a.  situated;  con- 
venient; important. 

lieh,  pret.  of  leihen. 




liess,  pret.  of  lassen. 

liest,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  lesen. 

Likor,  m.  liqueur. 

Lila,  Lilak,  TO.  lilac. 

Lilie,  /.  lily. 

Limettol,  n.  lime  oil. 

Limonc,  /.  citron;  (susse)  lime;  (saure,  eigent- 
liche)  lemon. 

Limongras,  n.  lemon  grass. 

Limongrasbl,  n.  lemon-grass  oil. 

Linaloeol,  n.  linaloa  oil. 

lind,  linde,  a.  soft,  mild;    (of  silk)  scoured. 

Linde,  /.  linden. 

Lindenholz,  n.  linden  wood,  basswood. 

lindern,  v.t.  alleviate,  soften,  relieve. — lindernd, 
p.a.  soothing,  palliative. 

Linderungsmittel,  n.  palliative,  lenitive. 

Lineal,  n.  straight  edge,  rule. 

-ling.  A  suffix  used  to  denote  a  person  or  thing 
described,  or  connected  with  the  idea  con- 
veyed, by  the  original  word  (as,  Abkomm- 
ling,  derivative,  descendant;  Jungling, 

Linie,  /.  line. 

Hnienf  ormig,  a.  linear. 

Linienpaar,  n.  pair  of  lines. 

Linienspektrum,  n.  line  spectrum. 

linieren,  liniieren,  v.t.  rule. 

link,  a.  left;  wrong. 

linkisch,  a.  awkward,  clumsy. 

links,  adv.  to  the  left,  on  the  left,  left. 

links-,  to  the  left,  levo-. 

linksdrehend,  p.a.  levorotatory. 

Linksdrehung,  /.  levorotation,  left-handed  po- 

Linksmilchsaure,  /.  levolactic  acid. 

Linkspolarisation,  /.  =  Linksdrehung. 

Linkssaure,  /.  levo  acid. 

Linksschraube,  /.  left-handed  screw. 

Linksweinsaure,  /.  levotartaric  acid. 

Linolensaure,  /.  linolenic  acid. 

Linolsaure,  /.  linoleic  acid. 

Linse, /.  lens;  lentil;  bob  (of  a  pendulum). 

Linsen-.  lenticular. 

linsenahnlich,  linsenartig,  a.  lenticular,  lens- 

Linsenerz,  n.  oolitic  limonite. 

linsenformig,  a.  lens-shaped,  lenticular. 

Linsenglas,  n.  lens. 


Lippen-.  labial. 

liqueszieren,  v.i.  liquefy,  melt. 

liquidieren,  v.t.  liquidate,  settle. 

lischt,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  loschen. 

lispeln,  v.t.  &  i.  lisp;  whisper. 

List,  /.  cunning,  art,  wile. 

Liste,  /.  list,  register,  catalog. 

Listenpreis,  m.  list  price,  catalog  price. 

Hstig,  a.  artful,  cunning,  wily. 

Literkolben,  m.  liter  flask. 

Lithargyrum,  n.  litharge. 

Lithion,  n.  lithia. 

Lithionglimmer,  m.  lithia  mica. 

litt,  pret.  of  leiden. 

Litze,  /.  braid,  lace,  cord,  string. 

11.,  abbrev.  (leicht  loslich)  readily  soluble. 

Lob,  n.  praise;  fame. 

loben,  v.t.  praise. 

Lobrede,  /.  eulogy. 

Loch,  n.  hole;    eye;    pore;    (billiard)  pocket; 


lochen,  v.t.  perforate,  punch. 
locherig,  a.  full  of  holes,  perforated,  porous. 
Lochweite,  /.  width  of  hole  or  aperture. 
Locke,  /.  lock,  curl. 

locken,  v.t.  decoy,  entice,  induce;   curl. 
locker,  a.  loose;   incompact,  spongy;   dissolute, 
locker  n,  v.t.  loosen,  make  loose. — v.r.  slacken, 


Lode,  /.,  Loden,  n.  coarse  cloth. 
lodern,  v.i.  blaze,  flame. 
Loffel,  m.  spoon;  ladle. 
LoffeFkraut,  n.  scurvy  grass  (Cochlearia  officin- 


Loffelstiel,  m.  spoon  handle, 
log,  pret.  of  liigen. 
loh,  a.  blazing,  burning. 
Lohbeize,  /.  tan  liquor;  tanning. 
Lohbruhe,  /.  (Leather)  bark  liquor,  ooze. 
Lohe,/.  tanbark;  tan  liquor,  ooze;  flame,  blaze. 
Loheiche,  /.  tanbark  oak. 
lohen,  v.t.  tan,  steep  in  tan  liquor. 
lohen,  v.i.  blaze,  flame. 
Lohfarbe,  /.  tan  color, 
lohfarbig,  a.  tan-colored,  tan,  tawny. 
Lohfass,  n.  tan  vat. 
lohgar,  a.  (bark)  tanned. 
Lohgerber,  TO.  (bark)  tanner. 
Lohgerberei,  /.  tanning,  bark  tanning;  tannery. 
Lohgrube,  /.  tan  pit. 
Lohmesser,  m.  barkometer. 
Lohn,  w.  reward;  wages,  pay. 
lohnen,  v.t.  pay,  recompense,  reward. — v.i.  pay. 
Lohnfarber,  TO.  job  dyer. 
Lohnung,  Lb'hnung,  /.  pay,  payment. 
Lohprobe,  /.  (Leather)  bark  test. 
Lohpriifer,  Lohprober,  m.  barkometer. 
Lohpulver,  n.  tan  powder. 
Lohrinde,  /.  tan  bark. 
Lokal,  n.  locality,  place;  tavern. 
Lokalfarbe,  /.  natural  color. 
Lorbeer,  TO.  laurel,  bay. 
Lorbeerblatt,  n.  laurel  leaf,  bay  leaf 
Lorbeerol,  n.  laurel  oil,  bay  oil. 
Lorbeerrose,  /.  oleander. 
Los,  n.  lot;  share;  fate;  prize, 
los,  a.  loose,  free. — adv.  on,  up. 
-los.  destitute  of,  -less. 
losbar,  a.  soluble;   dissoluble,  resolvable. 
Losbarkeit,  /.  solubility;  dissolubility. 




losch,  prel.  of  lOschen. 

Loscharbeit,  /.  (Metal.)  charcoal  process. 

Losche,  /.  charcoal  dust,  charcoal  bed;  coal 
dust,  slack,  or  culm;  clinker;  quenching  tub 
or  trough. 

loschcn,  v.t.  extinguish,  quench;  slake  (lime); 
blot;  cancel;  discharge. — v.i.  be  extinguished, 
go  out;  blot. 

Loschkalk,  TO.  quicklime. 

Loschkohle,  /.  quenched  charcoal. 

Loschpapier,  n.  blotting  paper. 

Loschung,  /.  extinguishing,  etc.  (see  loschen). 

Loschwasser,  n.  quenching  water,  tempering 

losdriicken,  v.t.  push  off;   fire  off. 

lose,  a.  loose. 

Losegeld,  n.  ransom. 

Losemittel,  n.  solvent. 

losen,  v.t.  dissolve;  solve;  loosen,  untie,  re- 
deem; fire  off  (a  gun);  make  (money). — 
v.r.  dissolve;  get  loose. — losend,  p.a.  dissolv- 
ing, solvent;  expectorant;  purgative. 

Losevermogen,  n.  dissolving  power. 

Losewirkung,  /.  dissolving  action,  solvent  effect. 

losgehen,  v.i.  become  loose,  come  off,  go  off. 

loskaufen,  v.t.  buy  off;    ransom. 

losl.,  abbrev.  of  loslich. 

Losl.,  abbrev.  of  Loslichkeit. 

loslich,  a.  soluble. 

Loslichkeit,  /.  solubility. 

Loslichkeitsprodukt,  n.  solubility  product. 

loslosen,  v.t.  set  free,  liberate,  separate,  detach, 

losloten,  v.t.  unsolder. 

losplatzen,  v.i.  explode;  burst  out. 

Loss,  m.  loess. 

Idssagen,  v.t.  renounce. 

losschlagen,  v.t.  sell;   beat  off. 

lossprechen,  v.t.  release;   acquit. 

lostrennen,  v.t.  separate;  tear  apart;  unstitch. 

Losung,  /.  casting  of  lots;  excrement;  watch- 

Losung,  /.  solution;  discharge  (of  a  gun); 

Losungsdruck,  m.  solution  pressure. 

Losungsfahigkeit,  /.  dissolving  capacity. 

Losungsmittel,  n.  solvent. 

Losungsvermogen,  n.  dissolving  power. 

Losungswarme,  /.  heat  of  solution. 

Losungswasser,  n.  solvent  water. 

Lot,  n.  solder;  plummet,  plumb,  a  weight  (now 
ten  grams). 

Lotapparat,  m.  soldering  apparatus. 

lotbar,  a.  solderable. 

Lote,  /.  solder,  soldering. 

loten,  v.t.  plumb. — v.i.  sound. 

loten,  v.t.  solder. 

Loten,  n.  soldering. 

Loth,  lothen,  etc.  =  Lot,  loten,  etc. 

lotig,  a.  fine  (silver  or  gold). 

Lotigkeit,  /.  fineness. 

Ldtkolben,  m.  soldering  bit. 

Lotmittel,  n.  solder. 

lotrecht,  a.  perpendicular,  vertical. 

Lotrohr,  n.  blowpipe.,  /.  blowpipe  analysis. 

Lotrohre,  /.  blowpipe. 

Lotrohrflamme,  /.  blowpipe  flame. 

Lotrohrprobe,  /.  blowpipe  test. 

Lotrohrversuch,  m.  blowpipe  experiment  or  test. 

Lotse,  m.  pilot. 

Lotterbube,  m.  idler,  vagabond. 

Lotung,  /.  soldering;    agglutination;    adhesion. 

Loupe,  /.  magnifying  glass. 

Lowe,  m.  lion. 

Lowenmaul,  n.  toadflax;  snapdragon. 

Lowenzahn,  m.  dandelion. 

Lsg.,  abbrev.  (Losung)  solution. 

Lsgg.,  abbrev.  (Losungen)  solutions. 

Luchs,  m.  lynx. 

Liicke,  /.  gap,  void,  space,  deficiency. 

liickenhaft,   a.   having  gaps,   defective,   inter- 

luckig,  a.  (Metal.)  porous,  honeycombed. 

liickig,  a.  =  luckenhaft;  =  luckig. 

lud,  prct.  of  laden. 

Luder,  n.  carrion. 

Luft,  /.  air;   atmosphere. 

Luftabschluss,  m.  exclusion  of  air. 

luftartig,  a.  gaseous,  aeriform. 

Luftbad,  n.  air  bath. 

Luftbehalter,  m.  air  holder,  air  chamber;  lungs. 

luftbestandig,  a.  stable  in  air,  not  affected  by 
the  air. 

Luftblase,  /.  air  bubble;   air  bladder. 

luftdicht,  a.  air-tight. — adv.  hermetically. 

Luftdichtigkeit,  /.  atmospheric  density. 

Luftdruck,  TO.  atmospheric  pressure;    air  pres- 
sure, pneumatic  pressure. 

Luftdruck-.  pneumatic. 

luftecht,  a.  fast  to  air  (atmospheric  influences). 

Lufteintritt,  TO.  entrance  of  air. 

luftempfindlich,  a.  sensitive  to  air. 

liiften,    v.t.   air;     aerate-     ventilate;     weather; 

Liifter,  TO.  ventilator. 

Lufterscheinung,  /.  atmospheric  phenomenon. 

Lufterscheinungslehre,  /.  meteorology. 

Luftfahrt,  /.   aeronautics,   ballooning;   balloon 

Luftfeuchtigkeit,  /.  atmospheric  moisture. 

luftformig,  a.  gaseous,  aeriform. 

Luftgas,  n.  air  gas. 

Luftgiitemesser,  TO.  eudiometer. 

Luftgiitemessung,  /.  eudiometry. 

Lufthahn,  TO.  air  cock. 

lufthaltig,  a.  containing  air. 

luftig,  a.  light,  voluminous;  aerial,  airy,  windy, 

Luftion,  n.  atmospheric  ion. 




Luftkreis,  m.  atmosphere. 

Luftlack,  m.  air-proof  varnish. 

luftleer,  a.  exhausted  (of  air),  void. — luftleerer 

Raum,  vacuum. 

Luftleere, /.  vacuum;  exhaustion  (of  air). 
Luftleeremesser,  TO.  vacuometer,  vacuum  gage. 
Luftmalz,  n.  air-dried  malt. 
Luftmesser,  TO.  aerometer. 
Luftmortel,  TO.  air  mortar,  lime  mortar  (require- 

ing  air  to  harden  it). 

Luftnitrit,  n.  nitrite  made  electrically  from  at- 
mospheric nitrogen. 
Luftpriifer,  m.  air  tester. 
Luftpumpe,  /.  air  pump,  pneumatic  pump. 
Luftraum,  TO.  air  space;   atmosphere. 
Luftrohre,   /.    air    tube,    air    pipe;     windpipe, 


Luftrohren-.  tracheal;  bronchial. 
Luftsauerstoff,  TO.  atmospheric  oxygen. 
Luftsaugapparat,  Luftsauger,  m.  aspirator. 
Luftsaule,  /.  air  column. 
Luftsaure,  /.  carbonic  acid. 
Luftschiff,  n.  airship. 
LuftschifFer,  TO.  aeronaut. 
Luftschopfen,  n.  respiration. 
Luftspiegelung,  /.  mirage. 
Luftstickstoff,  TO.  atmospheric  nitrogen. 
Luftstrom,  TO.,  Luftstromung,  /.  air  current. 
lufttrocken,  a.  air-dry,  air-dried. 
Luftuberschuss,  m.  excess  of  air. 
Liiftung, /.  airing,  etc.  (see  luften). 
Luftverdrangung,  /.  displacement  of  air. 
Luftverdiinnung,  /.  rarefaction  of  air;  vacuum. 
Luftwage,  /.  aerometer. 
Luftweg,  TO.  airway,  air  passage. 
Luftwirkung,  /.  action  of  the  air,  atmospheric 


Luftziegel,  TO.  air-dried  brick. 
Luftzug,  TO.  draft,  current  (of  air) ;  air  duct. 
Luftziindcr,  TO.  pyrophorus  (substance  inflaming 

spontaneously  in  air). 

Luftzutritt,  m.  access  of  air,  admission  of  air. 
Luge,  /.  lie,  falsehood. 
lugen,  v.i.  look  out. 
liigen,    v.i.   lie    (speak   falsely);    deceive;     be 

Liigner,  TO.  liar. 
lullen,  v.t.  luU. 

Lumineszenz,  /.  luminescence. 
Liimmel,  TO.  lubber,  boor. 
Lump,  m.  ragamuffin;  rascal. 

Lumpen,  TO.  rag;   titler  (coarse  sugar  loaf). 
Lumpenbrei,  TO.  (Paper)  first  stuff,  (first)  pulp 

from  rags. 

Lumpenbutte,  /.  (Paper)  rag  tub. 
Lumpengesindel,  n.  rabble,  riffraff. 
Lumpenpapier,  n.  rag  paper. 
Lumpensammler,  m.  rag  picker,  ragman. 
Lumpenwolle,  /.  shoddy. 
Lumpenzucker,    m.    titlers    (sugar    in    coarse 


Lumperei,  /.  trumpery,  trash. 
Lunge,  /.  lung,  lungs. 
Lungen-.  pulmonary. 
Lungenentziindung,  /.  pneumonia. 
Lungenkraut,  n.  lungwort. 
Lungensucht,  /.  (pulmonary)  consumption, 
lungern,  lunkern,  v.t.  (Iron)  pipe. 
Lunker,  n.  (Iron)  pipe  (in  ingots). 
Lunte,  /.  slow  match. 
Lupe,  /.  magnifying  glass. 
Luppe,  /.  (Metal)  bloom,  loop. 
Luppenfrischhiitte,  /.  bloomery. 
Luppenstahl,  TO.  bloom  steel,  steel  in  blooms. 
Lupulinsaure,  /.  lupulic  acid,  lupulinic  acid. 
Lust,/,  pleasure,  joy,  mirth;  desire,  inclination; 


Lustbarkeit,  /.  festivity,  amusement. 
Liister,  TO.  luster. 

liistern,  a.  desirous;  lustful,  wanton. 
Lustfahrt,  /.  excursion. 
Lustfeuer,  n.  bonfire. 
Lustgas,  n.  laughing  gas  (nitrous  oxide). 
Lusthaus,  n.  summer  house, 
lustig,  o.  merry,  jolly;  funny. 
lustrieren,  v.t.  luster. 
Lustseuche,  /.  syphilis. 
Lustspiel,  n.  comedy, 
lustwandeln,  v.i.  walk,  promenade. 
Luteokobaltchlorid,  n.  luteocobaltic  chloride. 
Lutidinsaure,  /.  lutidinic  acid. 
lutieren,  v.t.  lute. 
lutschen,  v.i.  suck. 
Lutter,  TO.  (Distilling)  low  wine. 
Lutterprober,  m.  low-wine  tester. 
Luxus,  m.  luxury. 
Luxus-.  fancy. 

Luzerne,  /.,  Luzernerklee,  m.  lucern,  alfalfa, 
lydischer  Stein.     Lydian  stone  (touchstone). 
Lymphdriise,  /.  lymphatic  gland. 
Lymphe,  /.  lymph. 
Lymphgefass,  n.  lymphatic  vessel. 


m.,  abbrev.  (mit)  with;    (mein,  meine,  meines) 

my,  of  my. 
M.,  abbrev.   (Masse)    mass;     (Monat)   month; 

(Mittelsorte)    medium   grade;     Monatshefte 

fur  Chemie. 
Maal,  n.  mole,  mark. 
Maass,  Maass-.     See  Mass,  Mass-. 
Maat,  m.  mate  (of  a  boat). 
macerieren,  v.t.  macerate. 
Mache,  /.  making,  make,  workmanship. 
machen,  v.t.  make;   do;   cause. — v.r.  make  one- 
self;  procure,  get. — v.i.  deal,  trade. 
Macherei,  /.  making;  make. 
Macht,  /.  might,  power,  force, 
machtig,  a.  mighty,  powerful,  strong,  huge,  big, 

thick;   in  command  (of  something). 
Machtigkeit,  /.  mightiness,  etc.  (see  machtig); 

(Tech.)  thickness,  size,  power,  etc. 
Machwerk,  n.  poor  work;  hack  work. 
M acis,  /.  mace. 

Macisol,  n.  mace  oil,  oil  of  mace. 
Madchen,  n.  girl;  maid. 
Made,  /.  maggot,  mite. 
Magd,  /.  maid,  servant  (girl). 
Magdalarot,  n.  Magdala  red. 
Magen,  m.  stomach;   maw. 
Magen-.  gastric,  gastro-. 
Magenarznei,  /.  stomachic. 
Magenbrei,  m.  chyme. 
Magendarm-.  gastro-intestinal. 
Magendriise,  /.  gastric  gland,  peptic  gland. 
Magenentziindung,  /.  gastritis. 
Magenfliissigkeit,    /.     gastric     fluid,     gastric 


Mageninhalt,  m.  stomach  contents. 
M agenmittel,  n.  stomachic. 
Magenpfortner,  TO.  pylorus. 
Magensaft,  m.  gastric  juice. 
Magenschlund,  m.  esophagus. 
Magenschwache,  /.  dyspepsia. 
magenstarkend,  p.a.  stomachic. 
Magenstarkungsmittel,  n.  stomachic. 
Magenstein,  m.  gastric  concretion. 
mager,  a.  lean;  slender,  thin,  meager. — magerer 

Kalk,  lime  that  does  not  slake  easily. — mag- 

eres  Ol,  mineral  oil  (as  distinguished  from  a 

fatty  oH). 
Magermilch,  /.  skim  milk. 

magern,  v.t.  &  i.  make  or  grow  lean  or  poor; 

specif.  (Ceram.),  diminish  the  plasticity  of, 

Magerungsmittel,  n.  (Ceram.)  a  substance  used 

to  diminish  plasticity. 
Magnesiaglimmer,  m.  magnesium  mica   (bio- 

magnesiahaltig,  a.  containing  magnesia,  mag- 


Magnesitspat,  m.  magnesite. 
Magnesiumjodid,  n.  magnesium  iodide. 
Magnesiumlicht,  n.  magnesium  light. 
Magnesiumpulver,  n.  magnesium  powder. 
Magnesiumsalz,  n.  magnesium  salt. 
Magneteisen,    Magneteisenerz,    n.,    Magnet- 

eisenstein,  m.  magnetic  iron  ore  (magnetite). 
magnetisch,  a.  magnetic. 
magnetisieren,  v.t.  magnetize. 
Magnetisierung,  /.  magnetizing,  magnetization. 
Magnetismus,  m.  magnetism. 
Magnetkies,  m.  magnetic  pyrites  (pyrrhotite) . 
Magsamen,  TO.  poppy  seed. 
M ahagoni,  n.  mahogany. 
mahen,  v.t.  mow. 
Mahl,  n.  meal;   banquet;  mole. 
mahlen,  v.t.  grind,  mill. 
Mahlfeinheit,  /.  fineness  of  grinding. 
Mahlgut,  n.  material  to  be  ground  or  milled. 
Mahlkorn,  n.  grist. 
M ahlzahn,  TO.  molar. 
M ahlzeit,  /.  meal,  repast. 
Mahne,  /.  mane, 
mahnen,  v.t.  remind,  urge;   dun. 
Mai,  TO.  May. 
Maibaum,  TO.  birch. 
Maiblume,  /.  lily-of-the-valley. 
Maifisch,  m.  shad. 
Mais,  w.  maize,  (Indian)  corn. 
Maisbranntwein,  TO.  corn  whisky,  whisky  from 


Maisch,  TO.  =  Maische. 
Maischapparat,  m.  mashing  apparatus,  mash 


Maischbottich,  m.  mash  tub,  mashing  tun. 
Maische,   /.    mash;      grape     juice. — weingare 

Maische  (Distilling)  mash.— zweite  Maische, 

maischen,  v.t.  mash. 





Maischgitter,  n.  (Brewing)  stirrer,  rake. 

Maischgut,  n.  (Brewing)  mash  goods,  mash. 

Maischkessel,  m.  mash  copper. 

Maischpfanne,  /.  mash  copper. 

Maischprozess,  m.  mashing  process. 

Maischung,  /.  mashing;  mash. 

Maischventil,  /.  (Brewing)  grains  valve,  trap. 

Maischwasser,  n.  mash  liquor. 

Maischwiirze,  /.  mash  wort,  grain  wash. 

Maiskolben,  TO.  corncob. 

Maiskrankheit,  /.  pellagra. 

Maismehl,  n.  Indian  meal,  corn  meal. 

Maismehlkleber,  w.  zein. 

Maispistiile,  n.pL  cornsilk,  (Pharm.)  zea. 

Maisspiritus,  m.  spirits  from  maize,  corn  spirit. 

Maisstarke,  /.  maize  starch,  cornstarch. 

Majoran,  m.  marjoram. 

majorenn,  a.  of  age. 

Makel,  m.  spot,  blemish,  flaw. 

makeln,  v.i.  criticize;   act  as  broker. 

Makler,  Makler,  m.  broker,  jobber;  faultfinder. 

Makrele,  /.  mackerel. 

Makrone,  /.  macaroon. 

mal,  adv.  times,  time;  once,  just. 

Mai,  n.  time;    mark,  spot,  mole;    sign,  token; 

(Biol.)  stigma. 
mal.,  abbrev.  of  maleinoid. 
Malachitgriin,  n.  malachite  green. 
Maiachitkiesel,  m.  chrysocolla. 
malaiisch,  a.  Malay,  Malayan. 
Malakkanuss,  /.  Malacca  nut,  marking  nut. 
maiaxieren,  v.t.  malax,  malaxate. 
Maleinsaure,  /.  maleic  acid, 
malen,  v.t.  paint;   depict. 
Maler,  m.  painter. 
Malerei,  /.  painting. 
Malerfarbe,  /.  painter's  color. 
Malernrnis,  m.  painter's  varnish, 
malerisch,  a.  picturesque. 
Malerkolik,  Malerkrankheit,  /.  painter's  colic, 


Malonsaure,  /.  malonic  acid. 
Maive,  Malwe,  /.  mallow. 
Malz,  n.  malt. 

Malzaufguss,  m.  infusion  of  malt,  wort. 
Malzauszug,  TO.  malt  extract;   wort. 
Malzdarre,  /.  malt  kiln. 
Malzeiweiss,  n.  diastase. 
malzen,  malzen,  v.L  malt. 
Malzer,  Malzer,  m.  maltster,  maltman. 
Malzerei,  /.  malt  house. 
Malzessig,  m.  malt  vinegar. 
Malzfabrik,  /.  malting,  malt  house. 
Malzgerste,  /.  malting  barley. 
Malzhaufen,  n.  couching. 
Malzprobe,  /.  malt  test,  malt  testing. 
Malzschrot,  n.  crushed  malt,  malt  grist. 
Malztreber,   pi.   spent  malt,   brewer's    grains, 

spent  grains. 
Malzung,  /.  malting. 

Malzungsschwand,  m.  loss  in  malting,  malting 

Malzzucker,  m.  malt  sugar,  maltose. 

man,  pron.  one,  a  person,  somebody,  they, 
people,  we,  you. 

manch,  pr on.  many  a. 

mancher,  pron.  many  a  one,  many  a  thing, 
many  a. 

mancherlei,  a.  many,  various. 

manchmal,  adv.  often,  sometimes. 

Mandarine,  /.  mandarin  orange,  mandarin 
(Citrus  nobilis). 

Mandarin  enschalenol,  n.  oil  of  mandarin  peel. 

Mandel,  /.  almond;   tonsil;   fifteen;   shock. 

mandelartig,  a.  almond-like,  amygdaline. 

Mandelbliite,  /.  almond  blossom. 

Mandeldruse,  /.  tonsil. 

Mandelentzundung,  /.  tonsillitis. 

mandelfdrmig,  a.  almond-shaped,  amygdaloid. 

Mandelmilch,  /.  almond  milk,  (Pharm.)  emul- 
sion of  almond. 

Mandelol,  n.  almond  oil. 

Mandelsaure,  /.  mandelic  acid. 

Mandelstein,  m.  amygdaloid;  tonsillar  con- 

Mandelstarox,  m.  amygdaloid  storax. 

Mangan,  n.  manganese. 

Manganalaun,  m.  manganese  alum. 

Manganbister,  m.  manganese  bister,  manganese 

Manganblende,  /.  alabandite. 

Manganbraun,  n.  manganese  brown. 

Manganchlorid,  n.  manganese  chloride,  specif., 
manganic  chloride. 

Manganchlorur,  n.  manganous  chloride. 

Mangandioxyd,  n.  manganese  dioxide. 

Manganeisen,  n.  ferromanganese. 

Manganeisenstein,  m.  triplite. 

Manganerz,  n.  manganese  ore. — graues  Man- 
ganerz,  manganite;  pyrolusite. — schwarzes 
Manganerz,  hausmannite. 

manganhaltig,  a.  containing  manganese,  man- 

Manganhydroxyd,  n.  manganic  hydroxide. 

Manganhydroxydul,  n.  manganous  hydroxide. 

Manganhyperoxyd,  n.  manganese  peroxid  - 

Mangani-.  manganic. 

Manganichlorid,  n.  manganic  chloride. 

manganig,  a.  manganous. 

manganigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  manga- 
nous acid,  manganite  of. 

Manganigsaure,  /.  manganous  acid. 

Manganihydroxyd,  n.  manganic  hydroxide. 

Mahganisalz,  n.  manganic  salt. 

Manganisulfat,  n.  manganic  sulfate. 

Manganiverbindung,  /.  manganic  compound. 

Mangankarbid,  n.  manganese  carbide. 

Mangankiesel,  TO.  rhodonite. 

Manganlegierung,  /.  manganese  alloy. 




Mangano-.  manganous,  mangano-. 

Manganoferrum,  n.  ferromanganese. 

Manganohydroxyd,  n.  manganous  hydroxide. 

Manganoion,  n.  manganous  ion. 

Manganokarbonat,  n.  manganous  carbonate. 

Manganosalz,  n.  manganous  salt. 

Manganosulfat,  n.  manganous  sulfate. 

Manganoxyd,  n.  manganese  oxide,  specif.,  man- 
ganic oxide. — rotes  Manganoxyd,  mangano- 
manganic  oxide. 

Manganoxydhydrat,  n.  manganic  hydroxide. 

Manganoxydsalz,  n.  manganic  salt. 

Manganoxydul,  n.  manganous  oxide. 

Manganoxyduloxyd,  n.  mangano  -  manganic 

Manganoxydulsalz,  n.  manganous  salt. 

Manganoxydulverbindung,  /.  manganous  com- 

Manganoxydverbindung,  /.  manganic  com- 

Manganpecherz,  n.  triplite. 

mangansauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  manganic 
acid,  manganate  of. 

Mangansaure,  /.  manganic  acid. 

Mangansaureanhydrid,  n.  manganic  anhydride, 
manganese  trioxide. 

Manganschaum,  m.  bog  manganese;  wad. 

Manganschlamm,  TO.  Weldon  mud  (regenerated 
slime  in  the  Weldon  process). 

Manganspat,  m.  rhodochrosite. 

Manganstahl,  m.  manganese  steel. 

Mangansulfat,  n.  manganese  sulfate. 

Mangansulfiir,  n.  manganous  sulfide. 

Mangansuperoxyd,  n.  manganese  peroxide  (di- 

Manganvitriol,  TO.  manganese  vitriol  (manga- 
nese sulfate). 

Mangel,  TO.  lack,  want,  deficiency;  fault,  de- 
fect; distress,  want. 

mangelhaft,  a.  deficient,  defective,  imperfect. 

mangeln,  v.i.  be  wanting. — v.t.  mangle. 

Manie,  /.  mania. 

Manier,  /.  manner. 

manipulieren,  v.t.  &  i.  manipulate. 

Mann,  m.  man;  husband. 

Mannazucker,  m.  manna  sugar,  mannite. 

Mannchen,  n.  little  man,  mannikin;  male. 

Mannesreife,  /.  puberty. 

mannigfach,  mannigfaltig,  a.  manifold,  various, 

Mannigfaltigkeit,  /.  manifoldness,  variety,  mul- 

mannlich,  a.  male;  masculine;  manly. 

Mannloch,  n.  manhole. 

Mannozuckersaure,  /.  mannosaccharic  acid. 

Mannschaft,  /.  men,  forces,  crew. 

Manschette,  /.  cuff;    (Tech.)  flap,  collar. 

Mantel,  m.  mantle;   casing,  jacket,  case,  shell. 

Mantelsack,  m.  valise. 

Manufaktur,  /.  manufacture;  manufactory. 

Mappe,  /.  portfolio;  case  (for  paper,  etc.). 

Marantastarke,  /.  arrowroot. 

Marchen,  n.  (fairy)  tale,  story. 

marchenhaft,  a.  fabulous,  legendary,  fictitious. 

Marder,  TO.  marten. 

Mare,  /.  news,  report,  story,  tradition. 

margarinsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  margaric 

acid,  margarate  of. 
Margarinsaure,  /.  margaric  acid. 
Marienbad,  n.  water  bath. 
Marienglas,  n.  selenite;  mica. 
Marienkafer,  TO.  ladybird. 
Marine,  /.  navy. 
Marineleim,  TO.  marine  glue, 
marinieren,  v.t.  marinate,  pickle. 
Mark,  n.  marrow;   pith;  pulp;  medulla. 
Mark,  /.  mark  (23.8  cents) ;  boundary. 
Mark-,  medullary. 
Markasit,  m.  marcasite. 
Markasitglanz,  TO.  tetradymite. 
Marke,  /.  mark;   stamp;  brand. 
Marketender,  TO.  sutler. 
Markette,  /.  virgin  wax  in  cake  form. 
Markflussigkeit,  /.  spinal  fluid. 
markieren,  r.t.  mark. 
Markise,  /.  awning,  marquee. 
Markstrahl,  TO.  medullary  ray. 
Marksubstanz,  /.  medullary  substance. 
Markt,  TO.  market,  mart,  fair. 
markten,  v.i.  market;  bargain. 
marktgangig,  a.  market,  current. 
marktreif,  a.  ready  for  market,  marketable. 
Marktzettel,  TO.  market  report. 
Marmor,  m.  marble, 
marmorieren,  v.t.  marble,  vein,  mottle. 
Marmorkiesel,  TO.  a  kind  of  hornstone. 
Marmorpapier,  n.  marbled  paper. 
marode,  a.  tired,  exhausted. 
Marokko,  n.  Morocco. 
Maroquin,  TO.  morocco. 
Marsch,  /.  marsh. 
Marsch,  m.  march. 

Marschboden,  TO.  marsh  land,  marshy  soil. 
Marshische  Probe.  Marsh  test,  Marsh's  test, 
martern,  v.t.  torment,  torture. 
Martinofen,  TO.  Martin  furnace. 
Martinstahl, m.  Martin  steel  (open-hearth  steel). 
Martiusgelb,  TO.  Martius  yellow. 
Masche,  /.  mesh,  stitch;  compartment. 
Maschenweite,  /.  width  of  mesh. 
maschig,  a.  meshed,  netted,  reticulated. 
Maschine,  /.  machine;  engine. 
Maschinelehre,  /.  engineering. 
maschinell,  a.  mechanical. 
Maschinenbauer,     TO.     machine     (or     engine) 

builder,  machinist,  millwright. 
maschinenmassig,  a.  machinelike,  mechanical. 
Maschinenwerk,  n.  machinery. 
Maser,  /.  speckle,  spot,  mark;    (pi.)  measles, 
maserig,  a.  speckled,  streaked,  grained. 




Maserpapier,  n.  speckled  (or  grained)  paper. 

Maske,  /.  mask. 

mass,  pret.  of  messen. 

Mass,  n.  measure. 

Massanalyse,  /.  volumetric  analysis. 

massanalytisch,  a.  volumetric. 

Masse,  /.  mass;  bulk;  stock;  assets;  (Found- 
ing) dry  sand;  (Ceram.)  paste;  (Paper)  pulp. 

Masseinheit,  /.  unit  of  measure. 

Massel,  /.  (Metal.)  pig;  slab,  bloom. 

Massenbewegung,  /.  mass  motion. 

Massengesteine,  unstratified  rocks. 

Massenguss,  m.  dry-sand  casting. 

Massenmoment,  n.  moment  of  inertia. 

Massenwirkung,  /.  mass  action. 

Massenwirkungsgesetz,  n.  law  of  mass  action. 

Masseschlamm,  m.  (Ceram.)  body  slip. 

Masseschlicker,  m.  (Ceram.)  body  paste. 

Massflasche,  /.  measuring  flask. 

Massfliissigkeit,  /.  standard  solution. 

Massformel,  /.  (Pharm.,  standard  formula. 

Massgabe,  /.  measure,  proportion. 

massgebend,  p.a.  determinative,  decisive,  au- 

Massgefass,  n.  measuring  vessel;  graduate. 

Massholder,  m.  (field)  maple. 

massig,  a.  moderate;  temperate. 

-massig.  An  adjective  suffix  signifying  "  in 
the  manner  of  ";  as,  verhaltnismossiy,  pro- 

massigen,  v.t.  moderate,  temper. — gemassigt, 
p.a.  temperate,  moderate. 

Massig keit,  /.  moderation;  temperance. 

Massigung,  /.  moderation. 

massiv,  a.  massive;  unalloyed;  clumsy. 

Massnahme,  /.  mode  of  action;  precaution. 

Massregel,  /.  measure,  step,  expedient. 

Massrohre,  /.  measuring  tube,  graduated  tube, 

Massstab,  m.  scale;   rule,  measure. 

Masssystem,  n.  system  of  measurement. 

Massteil,  TO.  part  by  measure. 

Mast,  /.  feeding,  fattening;  mast,  nuts. 

Mastdarm,  m.  rectum. 

Mastdarm-.  rectal,  recto-. 

masten,  v.t.  feed,  fatten. 

Mastix,  m.,  Mastixharz,  n.  (gum)  mastic. 

Mastixfirnis,  m.  mastic  varnish. 

Mastixkitt,  TO.  mastic  (cement). 

Materialien,  materials,  material. 

Materialpriifungsamt,  n.  bureau  for  testing 
materials  (often  not  translated). 

Materie,  /.  matter. 

Matratze,  /.  mattress. 

tnatrisieren,  v.t.  damp  (paper). 

Matfize,  /.  matrix. 

Matrose,  TO.  sailor,  mariner. 

Matsch,  m.  pulp,  mash;  slush,  mire. 

matt,  a.  dull,  dead,  mat;  (of  glass)  ground; 
faint,  feeble,  weak,  dull. 

Matt,  n.  dullness,  deadness  of  surface. 

Matte,  /.  mat;  meadow. 

Mattfarbe,  /.  deadening  color. 

mattgeschliffen,  p.a.  ground,  frosted. 

Mattglanz,  TO.  dull  finish. 

Mattglasur,  /.  (Ceram.)  mat  glaze. 

Mattgold,  n.  dead  gold,  mat  gold. 

Mattheit,/.  dullness,  etc.  (see  matt). 

mattieren,  v.t.  deaden,  dull,  tarnish. 

mattrot,  a.  dull  red. 

mattschleifen,  v.t.  grind,  frost  (glass). 

mattweiss,  a.  dull  white. 

Mauer,  /.  wall. 

Mauerkalk,  TO.  mortar. 

mauern,  v.t.  build  of  masonry;  wall  in  or  up. 

Mauerpfeffer,  TO.  stonecrop  (Sedum  acre). 

Mauersalpeter,  TO.  wall  saltpeter  (calcium  ni- 

Mauerstein,  TO.  (building)  stone;  (building) 

Mauer werk,  n.  walling;   masonry. 

Mauerziegel,  TO.  (building)  brick. 

Mauken,  n.  (Ceram.)  fermenting,  aging. 

Maul,  n.  mouth;  jaws. 

Maulbeere,  /.  mulberry. 

maulen,  v.i.  pout,  sulk. 

Maulesel,  TO.  mule. 

maulfaul,  a.  taciturn. 

Maulheld,  TO.  braggart. 

Maulkorb,  TO.  muzzle. 

Maulsperre,  /.  lockjaw. 

Maulwurf,  TO.  mole. 

Maurer,  TO.  mason,  bricklayer. 

maurisch,  a.  Moorish. 

Maus,  /.  mouse. 

Mausedreck,  TO.  mouse  dung. 

Mausegift,  n.  ratsbane,  (white)  arsenic. 

Mauser,  /.  moulting. 

mausern,  v.r.  moult. 

mausfahl,  mausfarben,  mausgrau,  a.  mouse- 
colored,  mouse-gray. 

maximal,  a.  maximum,  maximal. 

Maximalwertigkeit,  /.  maximum  valence. 

mazerieren,  v.t.  macerate. 

m.E.,  abbrev.  (meines  Erachtens)  in  my  opinion. 

Mechanik,  /.  mechanics;  mechanism. 

Mechaniker,  m.  mechanician. 

mechanisch,  a.  mechanical,  mechanic. — adv. 

meckern,  v.i.  bleat. 

Meconsaure,  /.  meconic  acid. 

Medaille,  /.  medal. 

Medien,  media,  mediums. 

Medizin,  /.  medicine. 

Medizinalrinde,  /.  officinal  bark. 

Mediziner,  m.  medical  man  or  student. 

mediziniert,  p.a.  medicated. 

medizinisch,  a.  medicinal;   medical. 

Meer,  n.  sea,  ocean. 

Meerbusen,  m.  bay,  gulf. 




Meerenge,  /.  strait,  channel. 

Meeresboden,  m.  sea  bottom. 

Meeresflache,  /.  sea  level;    surface  of  the  sea. 

Meeresgrund,  TO.  sea  bottom. 

Meeresoberflache,  /.  sea  level;  surface  of  the 

Meerfarbe,  /.  sea  green. 

Meerkohl,  m.  sea  kale. 

Meerrettich,  Meerrettig,  m.  horseradish. 

Meersalz,  n.  sea  salt. 

Meerschaum,  m.  meerschaum;  sea  foam. 

Meerschwein,  n.  porpoise. 

M eerschweinchen,  n.  guinea  pig. 

Meerschweintran,  m.  porpoise  oil. 

Meerwasser,  n,  sea  water. 

meerwasserecht,  a.  fast  to  sea  water. 

Meerzwiebel,  /.  squill. 

Megerkraut,  n.  yellow  bedstraw(GaZturre  verurri). 

Mehl,  n.  meal;  flour;  dust,  powder. 

mehlartig,  a.  like  meal  or  flour,  farinaceous. 

Mehlbeere,  /.  haw. 

Mehlbeutel,  TO.  bolter,  sifter. 

Mehlfriichte,  cereals. 

Mehlgips,  TO.  (Min.)  earthy  gypsum. 

mehlig,  a.  mealy,  floury,  farinaceous. 

Mehlkleister,  TO.  flour  paste. 

Mehlkorper,  m.  endosperm  (of  grains). 

Mehlkreide,  /.  (Min.)  earthy  calcite. 

M ehlpulver,  n.  meal  powder. 

Mehltau,  TO.  mildew. 

Mehlzucker,  TO.  brown  sugar;   powdered  sugar. 

mehr,  a.  &  adv.  more.     . 

mehr-.  poly-,  multi-,  many-. 

mehratomig,  a.  polyatomic. 

mehrbasisch,  a.  polybasic. 

Mehrdeutigkeit,  /.  ambiguity. 

Mehrdrehung,  /.  multirotation. 

mehren,  v.t.  increase,  multiply. 

mehrere,  a.  several. 

mehrfach,  mehrfaltig,  a.  manifold,  multiple, 

mehrfarbig,  a.  polychromatic;  pleochroic. 

Mehrfarbigkeit,  /.  polychromatism;  pleochro- 
ism;  (Art)  polychromy. 

mehrflammig,  a.  having  more  than  one  flame. 

mehrgliedrig,  a.  having  several,  or  more,  mem- 

M ehrheit,  /.  majority;  plural. 

mehrkernig,  a.  polynuclear,  having  more  than 
one  nucleus. 

mehrmals,  adv.  several  times,  repeatedly. 

Mehrphasenstrotn,  TO.  (Elec.)  polyphase  cur- 

mehrstiindig,  a.  lasting  for  hours,  of  several 
hours'  duration. 

mehrwertig,  a.  multi valent,  polyvalent. 

Mehrzahl,  /.  majority;  plural. 

mehrzellig,  a.  multicellular. 

meiden,  v.t.  avoid,  shun. 

Meierei,  /.  farm,  dairy  farm. 

Meile,  /.  mile. 

Meiler,  TO.  circular  pile  (esp.  that  used  in  char- 
coal burning),  mound,  stack;  (Brick)  clamp. 

Meiler kohle,  /.  charcoal. 

Meilerverfahren,  n.  pile  charring. 

mein,  pron.  my,  mine. 

Meineid,  TO.  perjury. 

mein  en,  v.t.  &  t.  think;  mean. 

meinethalben,  meinetwegen,  adv.  for  my  sake; 
for  my  part. 

Meinung,  /.  opinion,  idea;   meaning,  intention. 

Meiran,  TO.  marjoram. 

Meise,  /.  titmouse. 

Meissel,  TO.  chisel;    (Med.)  pledget. 

meisselformig,  a.  chisel-shaped. 

meist,  a.  most. — adv.  mostly. 

meistens,  meistenteils,  adv.  for  the  most  part, 

Meister,  TO.  master. 

meisterhaft,  a.  masterly. 

Meister  stuck,  n.  masterpiece;  master  stroke. 

Meisterwurz,  -wurzel,  /.  masterwort. 

Mekoninsaure,  /.  meconinic  acid. 

Mekonsaure,  /.  meconic  acid. 

Melange,  /.  mixture. 

ntelangieren,  v.t.  mix. 

Melasse,  /.  molasses. 

meiden,  v.t.  announce,  inform,  mention. — 
v.r.  present  oneself,  apply. 

melieren,  v.t.  mix;  mottle. 

Melierfasern,  (Paper)  mottling  fibers. 

Melierpapier,  n.  mottled  paper. 

Melilote,  /.,  Melilotenklee,  TO.  melilot. 

Melilotsaure,  /.  melilotic  acid. 

Melis,  Meliszucker,  TO.,  titlers  (coarse  loaf 

Melisse,  /.,  Melissenkraut,  n.  balm,  balm  mint. 

Melissinsaure,  /.  melissic  acid. 

melken,  v.t.  mUk. 

Mellithsaure,  /.  mellitic  acid. 

Melone,  /.  melon. 

Meltau,  TO.  mildew. 

Memme,  /.  coward. 

Meng-.  mixing. 

Menge,/.  quantity,  amount;  multitude,  crowd; 
abundance,  plenty. 

Mengeeinheit,  /.  unit  of  quantity. 

mengen,  v.t.  mix;  blend. 

Mengenbestimmung,/.  quantitative  determina- 

Mengenverhaltnis,  n.  quantitative  relation, 
proportion,  composition. 

Menggestein,  n.  conglomerate. 

Mengkapsel,  /.  mixing  capsule. 

Mengspatel,  TO.  mixing  spatula. 

Mengungsverhaltnis,  n.  proportion  of  ingredi- 

Mennig,  TO.,  Mennige,  /.  minium,  red  lead. 

Mensch,  TO.  man,  human  being. 

Menschen-.  human. 




Menschenalter,  n.  generation. 

Menschenfeind,  TO.  misanthrope. 

Menschenfreund,  m.  philanthropist. 

Menschenkorper,  m.  human  body. 

Menschenlehre,/.  anthropology;  human  teach- 

Menschenpocken,  smallpox. 

menschlich,  a.  human;  humane. 

Mensur,  /.  measure,  measuring  vessel;  duel. 

Mensurglas.n.  measuring  glass,  graduated  glass. 

mephitisch,  a.  mephitic. 

mercerisieren,  v.t.  mercerize. 

Mercur,  Mercur-.     See  Merkur,  Merkur-. 

Mergel,  TO.  marl. 

M ergelart,  /.  (kind  or  variety  of)  marl. 

mergelartig,  a.  marly. 

mergelig,  a.  marly. 

M ergelkalk,  TO.  marly  limestone. 

mergeln,  v.t.  marl. 

merkbar,  a.  perceptible,  noticeable. 

merken,  v.t.  mark,  notice,  perceive. 

merklich,  a.  perceptible,  appreciable. 

Merkmal,  n.  characteristic,  mark,  sign,  indica- 

Merkur,  TO.  mercury. 

Merkurhornerz,  n.  (Min.)  horn  quicksilver, 

Merkuri-.  mercuric,  mercuri-. 

Merkurialien,  pi.  (Pharm.)  mercurials. 

Merkuriammoniumchlorid,  n.  mercuriammo- 
nium  chloride. 

Merkurichlorid,  n.  mercuric  chloride. 

merkurieren,  v.t.  mercurize,  combine  with  mer- 
cury. ' 

Merkurierung,  /.  mercurization. 

Merkurijodid,  n.  mercuric  iodide. 

Merkurinitrat,  n.  mercuric  nitrate. 

Merkurioxyd,  n.  mercuric  oxide. 

Merkurisalz,  n.  mercuric  salt. 

Merkurisulfat,  n.  mercuric  sulfate. 

Merkurisulfid,  n.  mercuric  sulfide. 

Merkuriverbindung,  /.  mercuric  compound. 

Merkuro-.  mercurous. 

Merkurochlorid,  n.  mercurous  chloride. 

Merkuronitrat,  n.  mercurous  nitrate. 

Merkurooxyd,  n.  mercurous  oxide. 

Merkurosalz,  n.  mercurous  salt. 

Merkurosulfid,  n.  mercurous  sulfide. 

Merkuroverbindung,  /.  mercurous  compound. 

merkwurdig,  a.  noteworthy,  remarkable. 

merkwurdigerweise,  adv.  strange  to  say. 

Merochinen,  n.  meroquinene. 

Merotropie,  /.  merotropism,  merotropy. 

Mesoweinsaure,  f,  mesotartaric  acid. 

Mesoxalsaure,  /.  mesoxalic  acid. 

Mess-,  measuring. 

Messapparat,  m.  measuring  apparatus. 

Messband,  n.  tape  measure. 

messbar,  a.  measurable. 

Messbereich,  m.  measuring  range. 

,  /.  mass;   fair,  market. 

messen,  v.t.  measure;  survey;  contain. — ge- 
messen,  p.a.  measured,  etc.;  strict;  formal. 

Messer,  TO.  measurer,  meter. 

Messer,  n.  knife;  cutter. 

Messflasche,  /.  measuring  bottle  (or  flask). 

Messgefass,  n.  measuring  vessel,  measure. 

Messgerate,  measuring  apparatus. 

Messing,  n.  brass. 

Messingblech,  n.  sheet  brass,  brass  plate. 

Messingbliite,  /.  aurichalci te. 

Messingdraht,  TO.  brass  wire. 

messingen,  a.  of  brass,  brass. 

Messinggiesser,  m.  brass  founder. 

Messingnetz,  n.  brass  netting,  brass  gauze. 

Messingschlaglot,  n.  brass  solder. 

Messingspane,  brass  shavings,  brass 

Messkeil,  TO.  measuring  wedge  (inside  caliper 
for  tubing). 

Messkolbchen,  n.  little  measuring  flask. 

Messkolben,  TO.  measuring  flask. 

Messmittel,  n.  means  of  measuring,  measuring 

Messpipette,  /.  pipette  with  a  graduated  scale, 
scale  pipette.  Cf.  Vollpipette. 

Messreihe,  /.  series  of  measurements. 

Messrohr,  TO.  measuring  tube;  specif.,  burette. 

Messserie,  /.  series  of  measurements. 

Messung,  /.  measuring,  measurement,  mensura- 

Messverfahren,  n.  method  or  process  of  meas- 

Messzylinder,  TO.  measuring  cylinder. 

Met,  TO.  mead. 

Metaantimonsaure,  /.  metantimonic  acid. 

metaarsenig,  a.  metarsenious. 

Metaarsensaure,  /.  metarsenic  acid. 

Metableisaure,  /.  metaplumbic  acid. 

Metabolie,  /.  metabolism. 

metabolisch,  a.  metabolic. 

Metaborsaure,  /.  metabolic  acid. 

Metaeisenoxyd,  n.  metaferric  oxide. 

Metaferrihydrat,  n.  metaferric  hydroxide. 

Metakohlensaure,  /.  metacarbonic  acid  (ordi- 
nary carbonic  acid,  HzCOa). 

MetaU,  n.  metal. 

Metall-.  metallic,  metal. 

Metallader,  /.  metallic  vein,  metalliferous  vein. 

metallahnlich,  metallartig,  a.  metallic,  metal- 

Metallamid,  n.  metallic  amide. 

Metallazid,  n.  metallic  azide. 

Metallbeschreibung,  /.  metallography. 

Metallblatt,  n.  (thin)  sheet  of  metal. 

Metallcarbid,  n.  metallic  carbide. 

Metallchlorid,  n.  metallic  chloride. 

Metallchlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  compound  of  a 
metal  and  hydrochloric  acid,  metallic  hydro- 




Metalldampf,  metallic  vapor. 

Metallfarbe,  /.  metallic  color;  bronze  color. 

Metallfarbung,  /.   coloring    of   metal    (specif., 

me  tallochr  ome) . 
Metallgekratz,  n.  waste  metal. 
Metallgemisch,  n.  metallic  mixture,  alloy. 
Metallgewinnung,  /.  extraction  of  metals,  met- 

Metallglanz,  m.  metallic  luster. 
metallglanzend,  p.a.  having  metallic  luster. 
Metallglas,  n.  enamel. 
Metallgold,  n.  Dutch  gold,  Dutch  foil. 
Metallguss,  m.  metal  founding,  metal  casting, 
metallhaltig,  a.  containing  metal,  metalliferous. 
Metallhiitte,  /.  smeltery  (for  metals  other  than 


Metallhydroxyd,  n.  metallic  hydroxide. 
metallisch,  a.  metallic, 
metallisieren,  v.t.  metallize. 
Metallitat,  /.  metallic  nature. 
Metallkalk,  m.  metallic  calx  (oxide). 
Metallkarbonyl,  n.  compound  of  a  metal  with 


Metallkonig,  TO.  metallic  regulus  or  button. 
Metallkorn,    n.    metal    grain;     pi.    granulated 


Metalllegierung,  /.  metallic  alloy. 
Metalllosung,  /.  metallic  solution. 
Metallmutter,  /.  matrix  (of  ores). 
metallorganisch,  a.  organometallic,  metallo- 


Metalloxyd,  n.  metallic  oxide. 
M etalloxydhydrat,  n.  metallic  hydroxide. 
Metallprobe,  /.  test  for  metal,  assay. 
Metallsalz,  n.  metallic  salt. 
Metallschwamm,  TO.  metallic  sponge. 
Metallsilbcr,  n.  imitation  silver  foil. 
Metallspane,  metal  shavings,  turnings  or 


Mctallspektrum,  n.  spectrum  of  a  metal. 
Metallspiegel,  m.  metallic  mirror. 
Metallsulfid,  n.  metallic  sulfide. 
Metallteil,  m.  metal  part,  metallic  part. 
Metalltuch,  n.  wire  cloth. 
Metalliiberzug,   TO.   metallic   coating,    plating, 

M etallurg,  m.  metallurgist. 

metallurgisch,  a.  metallurgic,  metallurgical. 

Metallverarbeitung,  /.  metal  working. 

Metallversetzung,  /.  alloying,  alloy. 

Metallwaren,  metal  wares,  hardware. 

metamer,  a.  metameric. 

Metamerie,  /.  metamerism,  metamery. 

Metanilgelb,  n.  metanil  yellow,  metaniline  yel- 

mctantimonig,  a.  metantimonious. 

Metantimonsaure,  /.  metantimonic  acid. 

melaphosphorig,  a.  metaphosphorous. 

metaphosphorsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with 
metaphosphoric  acid,  metaphosphate  of. 

M etaphosphorsaure,  /.  metaphosphoric  acid. 

Metasaure,  /.  meta  acid. 

metastabil,  a.  metastable. 

Metastellung,  /.  meta  position. 

Metavanadinsaurc,  /.  metavanadic  acid. 

Metaverbindung,  /  meta  compound. 

M etawolframsaure,  /.  metatungstic  acid. 

Metazinnsaure,  /.  metastannic  acid. 

M etazirkonsaure,  /.  metazirconic  acid. 

Metazuckersaure,  /.  metasaccharic  acid. 

Meteoreisen,  n.  meteoric  iron. 

Meteorstaub,  TO.  meteoric  dust. 

Meteorstein,  TO.  meteoric  stone,  aerolite. 

Methacrylsaure,  /.  methacrylic  acid. 

Methan,  n.  methane. 

Mcthode,  /.  method. 

methodisch,  a.  methodical. 

M  ethylarsonsaure,  /.  methylarsonic  acid. 

Me  thy  lather,  TO.  methyl  ether. 

M ethylchlorur,  n.  methyl  chloride. 

M ethylengruppe,  /.  methylene  group. 

Methylenjodid,  n.  methylene  iodide. 

Methylgallusathersaure,  /.  O-methylgallic  acid, 
methyl  ether  of  gallic  acid. 

Methylgriin,  n.  methyl  green. 

M  ethyl  hydrur,  n.  methyl  hydride,  methane. 

methylieren,  v.t.  methylate. 

Methyljodid,  n.  methyl  iodide,  iodomethane. 

Methylwasserstoff,  TO.  methane. 

Methylzinnsaure,  /.  methylstannic  acid. 

Metze,  /.  peck. 

metzeln,  v.t.  massacre,  butcher. 

Metzger,  TO.  butcher. 

meucheln,  v.t.  assassinate. 

meuchlerisch,  adv.  insidiously,  treacherously. 

Meuterei,  /.  mutiny,  sedition. 

m.G.,  abbrev.  (mit  Goldschnitt)  with  gilt  edges. 

miauen,  v.i.  mew. 

mich,  pron.  me,  myself. 

mied,  pret.  of  meiden. 

Miene,  /.  mien,  look,  air,  feature. 

mieten,  v.t.  hire,  rent,  lease. 

Mieter,  TO.  tenant;  lodger. 

Mikrobrenner,  TO.  micro  burner. 

M ikrochemie,  /.  microchemistry. 

Mikroklin,  n.  microcline. 

mikrokosmisch,  a.  microcosmic. 

mikroskopieren,  v.t.  examine  with  the  micro- 

mikroskopisch,  a.  microscopic,  microscopical. 
Milbe,  /.  mite. 

Milch,/,  milk;   milt  (of  fashes). 
milchabtreibend,  p.a.  antigalactic. 

Vlilchachat,  TO.  milk-white  agate. 
Milchader,  /.  lacteal  vessel. 
milchartig,  a.  milky,  lacteal. 
Milchbestandteil,  TO.  constituent  of  milk. 
Milchfalschung,  /.  adulteration  of  milk. 
M ilchfett,  n.  milk  fat. 

Milchglas,  n.  milk  glass;  breast  glass. 




Milchgrad,  TO.  milk  degree  (degree  on  the  galac- 


Milchgute,  /.  quality  of  milk. 
Milchharnen,  n.,  Milchharnfluss,  m.  chyluria. 
milchig,  a.  milky,  lacteal. 
Milchkanal,  m.  lactiferous  duct. 
Milchkugelchen,  n.  milk  globule,  fat  globule  in 


Milchlab,  n.  rennet. 

Milchmesser,  m.  galactometer;  lactometer. 
Milchporzellan,  n.  milk  glass,  glass  porcelain. 
Milchprober,     Milchprufer,     m.     milk     tester 

(specif.,  lactometer). 
Milchprufung,  /.  milk  testing. 
Milchrahm,  m.  cream. 
Milchsaft,     TO.     milky     juice;      (Bot.)     latex; 

(Physiol.)  chyle. 
milchsaftig,  a.  chylous. 
milchsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  lactic  acid, 

lactate  of. 

Milchsaure,  /.  lactic  acid. 
Milchsauregarung,  /.  lactic  fermentation. 
Milchstrasse,  /.  Milky  Way. 
Milchuntersuchung,  /.    examination    of    milk, 

milk  analysis. 

milchvermehrend,  p.a.  galactagog. 
milchvertreibend,  p.a.  antigalactic. 
Milchwage,  /.  lactometer. 
Milchwein,  m.  kumiss. 
Milchwirtschaft,  /.  dairy. 
Milchwurz,  /.  milkwort. 
Milchzucker,  m.  milk  sugar,  lactose. 
Milchzuckersaure,  /.  saccholactic  acid  (mucic 


mild,  milde,  a.  mild,  soft,  gentle;  kind,  chari- 
mildern,  v.t.  temper,  mitigate,  soften;    correct 

Milderungsmittel,     n.     mitigant,     demulcent; 

Militar-.  military. 
Milz,  /.  spleen. 
Milz-.  splenic. 
Mil/brand,  m.  anthrax. 
Milzdruse,  /.  spleen. 
Mimosengummi,   n.   gum  arabic,   esp.   a  fine 


minder.a.  less,  smaller,  inferior,  minor. — adv.  less. 
Minderheit,  /.  minority. 
minderjahrig,  a.  under  age,  minor. 
mindern,  v.t.  &  i.  diminish,  lessen,  decrease. 
minder wertig,  a.  of  lower  valence;    of  inferior 


mindestens,  adv.  at  least,  at  the  least. 
Minengas,  n.  mine  gas. 
Minenpulver,  n.  blasting  powder. 
Mineralbestandteil,  m.  mineral  (inorganic)  con- 
Mineralchemie,  /,  mineral  chemistry,  inorganic 


Mineral  far  be,  /.  mineral  color;  mineral  dye. 

Mineralfett,  n.  mineral  fat  or  grease,  specif., 
vaseline  or  petroleum  jelly. 

Mineralfettwachs,  n.  -  Mineraltalg. 

Mineralgerbung,  /.  mineral  tannage. 

Mineralien,  minerals. 

Mineralienkunde,  /.  mineralogy. 

mineralisch,  a.  mineral. 

Mineralkermes,  m.  kermes  mineral. 

Mineralmohr,  m.  ethiops  mineral  (essentially 
amorphous  HgS). 

Mineralog,  TO.  mineralogist. 

mineralogisch,  a.  mineralogical. 

Mineralol,  n.  mineral  oil;   specif.,  petroleum. 

Mineralpech,  n.  mineral  pitch,  asphalt. 

Mineralreich,  n.  mineral  kingdom. 

Mineralsaure,  /.  mineral  acid. 

Mineralschwarz,  n.  mineral  black  (ground 
graphite  or  graphitic  slate). 

Mineraltalg,  TO.  mineral  tallow  (hatchettite  or 

Mineraltrennung,  /.  separation  of  minerals. 

Mineralturpeth,  m.  turpeth  mineral  (basic  mer- 
curic sulfate). 

Mineralwachs,  n.  mineral  wax,  ozocerite. 

Mineralwasser,  n.  mineral  water. 

Minimalbetrag,  TO.  lowest  amount;  lowest  rate. 

Ministerium,  n.  ministry;  administration. 

Minuszeichen,  n.  minus  sign. 

Minze,  /.  mint. 

mir,  pron.  to  me,  me. 

Mirbanessenz,  /.  essence  of  mirbane  (nitroben- 

Mirbanol,  n.  oil  of  mirbane  (nitrobenzene). 

Mirrhe,  /.  myrrh. 

Mirte,  /.  myrtle. 

Misch-.  mixed;  mixing. 

mischbar,  a.  miscible,  mixable. 

Mischbarkeit,  /.  miscibility. 

mischen,  v.t.  &  r.  mix;  mingle,  blend;  adul- 
terate; alloy  (metals);  (Metal.)  fettle;  (Old 
Chem.)  combine. 

Mischer,  TO.  mixer;  mixing  vessel;  (Dyeing) 
color  mixer. 

Mischfarbe,  /.  mixed  color,  combination  color. 

Mischflasche,  /.  mixing  bottle. 

Mischgas,  n.  mixed  gas. 

Mischgefass,  n.  mixing  vessel. 

Mischglas,  n.  mixing  glass. 

Mischhefe,  /.  composite  yeast. 

Mischinfektion,  /.  mixed  infection. 

Mischkristall,  TO.  mixed  crystal. 

Mischling,  TO.  hybrid,  crossbreed. 

Mischmaschine,  /.  mixing  machine. 

Mischmetall,  n.  mixed  metal,  alloy. 

Mischmiihle,  /.  mixing  mill,  incorporating 

Mischrohr,  n.  mixing  tube. 

Mischung,  /.  mixture;  mixing;  composition; 
blend;  (Old  Chem.)  combination,  compound. 




Mischungsgewicht,  n.  (Old  Chem.)  combining 


Mischungskohle,  /.  (Soda)  mixing  coal. 
Mischungsliicke,  /.  miscibility  gap. 
Mischungsrechnung,  /.  (Math.)  alligation. 
Mischungsregel,  /.  rule  or  law  of  mixtures. 
Mischungsverhiiltnis,  /.  mixing  proportion. 
Mischungswarme,  /.  heat  of  mixing,  heat  of 


M ischventil,  n.  mixing  valve. 
Mischwalzwerk,  n.  (set  of)  mixing  rollers. 
Mischzylinder,  TO.  mixing  cylinder. 
Mispel,  /.  medlar. 
Miss-,  mis-,  dis-,  mal-,  de-,  ill-, 
missachten,  v.t.  disregard;  disdain. 
Missbildung,  /.  malformation;   deformity. 
missbilligen,  v.t.  disapprove  of,  oppose. 
Missbrauch,  TO.  misuse,  abuse, 
missen,  v.t.  miss;   dispense  with. 
Misserfolg,  w.  failure. 
^Missernte,  /.  crop  failure. 
Missetat,  /.  misdeed,  crime. 
missfallen,  P.I.  be  displeasing, 
missfarbig,  o.  discolored;  inharmonious  in  color. 
Missfarbung,  /.  discoloration. 
Missgeschick,  n.  misfortune;  mishap. 
Missgriff,  TO.  mistake,  blunder. 
misshandeln,  v.t.  maltreat. 
misslang,  prct.  of  misslingen. 
misslich,  d.  doubtful,  embarrassing,  precarious, 
misslingen,  v.i.  fail,  miscarry. 
misslungen,  p.p.  of  misslingen. 
missmulig,  a.  ill-humored, 
missraten,  v.i.  =  misslingen. 
misst,  pr.  2  &  3  sing,  of  messen. 
misstrauen,  v.i.  distrust,  mistrust. 
Miss  verbal  tnis,  n.  disproportion,  asymmetry; 

disparity;  inadequacy. 
missverstehen,  v.t.  misunderstand. 
Misswachs,  m.  crop  failure. 
Mist,  TO.  manure,  dung. 
Mistbeet,  n.  hotbed. 
Mistbeize,  /.  (Leather)  dung  bate. 
Mistel,  /.  mistletoe. 
misten,  v.t.  manure,  dung. 
Mistjauche,  /.  liquid  manure,  dung  water. 
mit,   prep,   with;     by,   in,   at. — adv.   together, 

jointly,  also. 

Mit-.  fellow,  joint,  co-,  com-,  sym-. 
Mitarbeiter,    m.   fellow    worker,    collaborator, 

contributor,  assistant. 
mitbegreifen,  v.t.  include. 
Mitbewerber,  TO.  competitor. 
Mitburger,  TO.  fellow  citizen. 
mitfiihren,  v.t.  carry  along,  take  along. 
Mitgefiihl,  n.  sympathy. 
mitgerissen,  p.p.  of  mitreissen. 
Mitgift, /.  dowry. 
Mitglied,  n.  member;  fellow.     ' 
mithin,  conj.  therefore;   of  course. 

Mitleid,  Mitleiden,  n.  compassion,  pity. 

mitmachen,  v.t.  join  in,  take  part  in,  conform  to. 

mitnehmen,  v.t.  take  along,  take,  share;  weaken, 
exhaust,  wear;  maltreat,  criticize. 

mitreissen,  v.t.  carry  over  (in  distillation,  etc.); 
carry  down  (in  precipitation) ;  carry,  pull  or 
drag  along. 

Mitschuldige,  TO.  accessory,  accomplice. 

mitschwingen,  v.i.  covibrate. 

Mittag,  m.  midday,  noon. 

Mittagsesseh,  n.  noon  meal,  dinner. 

Mittagskreis,  TO.,  Mittagslinie,  /.  meridian. 

Mitte,  /.  middle,  midst,  center;  mean. 

mitteilen,  v.t.  communicate,  impart,  give. 

Mitteilung,  /.  communication,  etc.  (see  mit- 

Mittel,  n.  middle;  medium;  means,  agent; 
(Pharm.)  remedy;  (Math.)  mean;  (Mining) 
mass;  average;  mediation. 

Mittel-.  middle,  central,  mean,  median,  medi- 
um, intermediate,  meso-. 

mittelalterlich,  a.  medieval. 

mittelbar,  a.  indirect,  mediate. 

Mittelbauchgegend,  /.  mesogastric  region. 

Mitteleck,  n.,  Mittelecke,  /.  (Cryst.)  lateral 

Mittelfarbe,  /.  intermediate  color;  secondary 

Mittelfell,  n.  mediastinum. 

Mittelfleisch,  n.  perineum. 

Mittelfuss,  TO.  metatarsus.  . 

Mittelglied,  n.  intermediate  member  (of  a  se- 
ries); (Anat.)  middle  phalanx. 

mittelgross,  a.  medium-sized. 

Mittelgrosse,  /.  medium  size. 

Mittelhand,  /.  metacarpus. 

Mittellage,  /.  middle  position. 

mittellang,  a.  of  medium  length. 

Mittellauge,  /.  weak  lye. 

Mittellinie,  /.  median  line;  axis;  equator. 

mittellos,  a.  without  means. 

mittelmassig,  a.  middling,  mediocre,  average. 

Mittelmeer,  n.  Mediterranean  Sea. 

Mittelol,  n.  middle  oil. 

Mittelpunkt,  m.  center,  central  point. 

mittels,  prep,  by  means  of. 

Mittelsalz,  n.  neutral  salt. 

mittelschwer,  a.  medium  heavy;  half-weighted. 

mittelst,  prep,  by  means  of. 

Mittelstand,  m.  middle  class. 

mittelstandig,  o.  occupying  a  middle  position, 

Mittelstrasse,  /.  middle  course. 

Mittelwert,  TO.  mean  value. 

Mittelzahl,  /.  mean. 

Mittelzeug,  n.  (Paper)  middle  stuff,  second 

mitten,  adv.  in  the  middle,  in  the  midst. 

Mitternacht,  /.  midnight. 

mittler,  o.  middle,  mean,  average,  middling. 




mittlerweile,  adv.  meanwhile. 

mitunter,  adv.  occasionally. 

Mitwelt,  /.  present  age,  contemporaries. 

mitwirken,  P.I.  cooperate,  take  part,  assist. 

Mitwirkung,  /.  cooperation,  assistance. 

Mk.,  abbrev.  (Mark,  Marken)  mark,  marks. 

mkr.,  abbrev.  (mikroskopisch)  microscopic (al). 

Mobel,  n.  piece  of  furniture. 

mobil,  a.  mobile;    quick,  active. 

tnoblieren,  v.t.  furnish,  fit  up. 

Mock,  Mockstahl,  m.  German  steel  (made  by 
direct  refining, of  cast  iron). 

Mode,  /.  fashion,  mode. 

Mode-,  fancy,  fashionable. 

Model,  m.  modulus;  mold. 

Modell,  n.  model;    (Founding)  pattern. 

modellieren,  v.t.  model,  mold. 

Modellierholz,  n.  (wooden)  modeling  tool. 

Modellierton,  m.  modeling  clay. 

Modellierwachs,  n.  modeling  wax. 

modeln,  v.t.  model,  mold. 

Moder,  m.  mold;   putridity,  decay. 

moderhaft,  a.  moldy,  musty,  moldering, 

modern,  v.i.  molder,  decay. 

modern,  a.  modern;   fashionable. 

modifizieren,  v.t.  modify. 

Modul,  m.  modulus. 

mogen,  v.i.  be  able,  may;  like,  choose. 

moglich,  a.  possible;   potential;  feasible. 

Moglichkeit,  /.  possibility;   practicability. 

moglichst,  adv.  (as  much)  as  possible. 

Mohn,  m.  poppy. 

Mohnol,  n.  poppy-seed  oil. 

Mohnsaft,  m.  poppy  juice,  opium. 

Mohnsaure,  /.  meconic  acid. 

Mohnstoff,  m.  narcotine. 

Mohr,  m.  (Old  Chem.)  black,  ethiops;  watered 
fabric,  moire;  watered  effect,  moire;  Moor; 
negro. — mineralischer  Mohr,  ethiops  min- 

Mohre,  /.  carrot. 

Mohrrube,  /.  carrot. 

Mohrsches  Salz.  Mohr's  salt  (ammonium  fer- 
rous sulfate). 

moirieren,  v.t.  water,  cloud  (fabrics). 

Mol,  n.  mole,  mol. 

Mol-.  molar. 

Molch,  m.  salamander. 

Molekiil,  Molekel,  n.  molecule. 

Molekularanziehung,  /.  molecular  attraction. 

Molekularbewegung,  /.  molecular  motion  or 

Molekulardruck,  m.  molecular  pressure. 

Molekularformel,  /.  molecular  formula. 

Molekulargewicht,  n.  molecular  weight. 

Molekulargewichtsbestimmung,  /.  molecular 
weight  determination. 

Molekulargrosse,  /.  molecular  magnitude; 
molecular  weight. 

Molekularwarme,  /.  molecular  heat. 

Molekularwirkung,  /.  molecular  action  (or  ef- 

Molekularzustand,  m.  molecular  state  or  condi- 
tion, molecularity. 

Molckiilverbindung,  /.  molecular  compound. 

Mol.-Gew.,  abbrev.  (Molekulargewicht)  molec- 
ular weight. 

Molgewicht,  n.  molar  weight,  gram-molecular 
weight;  inexactly,  molecular  weight. 

Molgrosse,  /.  molar  magnitude. 

molk,  pret.  of  melken. 

Molke,  /.,  Molken,  whey. 

Molkenwesen,  n.,  Molkenw  irtschaft,  Molkerei, 
/.  dairy. 

molkig,  a.  wheyey. 

mollern,  v.t.  (Metal.)  mix  (the  ores  and  fluxes 
for  the  charge). 

Mollerung,  /.    (Metal.)   mixture   (of  ores  and 
fluxes),  charge. 

mollig,  a.  cosy,  snug;  soft;   (of  leather)  plump. 

Mol.-Refr.,  abbrev.  of  Molekularrefraktion. 

Molverhaltnis,  n.  molar  ratio. 

Molvolum,  n.  molar  volume. 

Molybdan,  n.  molybdenum. 

Molybdanblau,  n.  molybdenum  blue. 

Molybdanbleispat,  m.  wulfenite  (PbIvIoO4). 

Molybdanglanz,    Molybdankies,    m.   molybde- 

Molybdanocher,  m.  molybdic  ocher,  molybdite. 

molybdansauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  molyb- 
dic acid,  molybdate  of. 

Molybdansaure,  /.  molybdic  acid. 

Molybdanstahl,  m.  molybdenum  steel. 

Molzustand,  m.  molecular  condition. 

momentan,  a.  momentary. 

Momentbild,  n.  instantaneous  photograph. 

Momcntklemmc,  /.  instantaneous  clamp. 

Mon.,  abbrev.  (Monographic)  monograph. 

monalkyliert,  p.a.  having  one  alkyl  group  in- 
troduced, monalkylated. 

Monat,  TO.  month. 

Monatsfluss,  TO.  menses,  menstruation. 

Monatsheft,  n.  monthly  part  or  number. 

Monch,  m.  monk. 

Monchskappe,  /.  monkshood,  aconite. 

Mond,  TO.  moon. 

mondformig,  a.  crescent-shaped,  lunate. 

Mondgas,  n.  Mond  gas  (named  from  its  inven- 

Mondmilch,  /.  agaric  mineral. 

Mondstein,  m.  moonstone. 

Monocarbonsaure,  /.  monocarboxylic  acid. 

monocyclisch,  a.  monocyclic. 

Monographic,  /.  monograph. 

monoheteroatomig,  a.  monoheteratomic. 

monohydratisch,  a.  monohydric. 

monoklin,  monoklinisch,  a.  monoclinic. 

Monosulfosaure,  /.  monosulfonic  acid. 
Montag,  TO.  Monday. 




Montage,  /.  mounting,  setting  up,  erection. 

Montan-.  mountain;  mining. 

M ontanindustrie,  /.  mining  industry. 

M ontanwachs,  n.  ozocerite. 

montieren,  v.t.  mount;  set  up,  erect  (a  machine). 

Moos,  n.  moss. 

Moosachat,  m.  moss  agate. 

moosartig,  a.  mosslike,  mossy. 

Moospulver,  n.  lycopodium  powder. 

Moosstarke,  /.  lichen  starch,  lichenin. 

Morast,  m.  morass,  bog. 

Morasterz,  n.  bog  ore. 

Mord,  m.  murder. 

mordanzieren,  v.t.  mordant. 

Morder,  m.  murderer. 

Morgen,  m.  morning;  East,  Orient;  acre. 

morgen,  adv.  tomorrow. 

Morgenbrot,  n.  breakfast. 

morgend,  a.  of  tomorrow. 

Morgenland,  n.  East,  Orient. 

morgenlandisch,  a.  oriental. 

Moringagerbsaure,  /.  moringatannic  acid. 

Morphium,  n.  morphine. 

morsch,  a.  rotten,  decayed;    tender  (fabrics). 

Morselle,  /.  lozenge. 

Morser,  TO.  mortar  (the  vessel  and  the  cannon). 

Morserkeule,  /.  pestle. 

Mortel,  TO.  mortar  (the  material). 

Mortelwasche,  /.  thin  mortar,  grout. 

mosaisch,  a.  mosaic. 

Moschee,  /.  mosque. 

Moschus,  m.  musk. 

Moschuswurzel,  /.  musk  root  (specif.,  the  root 

of  Ferula  sumbul). 
Moskovade,  /.  muscovado. 
Most,  TO.  must. 
Mostmesser,  m.  must  gage. 
Mostrich,  TO.  mustard. 
Mostwage,  /.  must  hydrometer. 
Motte,  /.  moth. 
Motze,  /.  (Glass)  marver. 
moussieren,  v.i.  effervesce,  sparkle,  fizz. 
Miicke,  /.  gnat,  midge. 
mucken,  v.i.  sulk;  mutter. 
Muckerei,  /.  bigotry,  hypocrisy. 
miide,  a.  tired,  weary,  fatigued. 
Miidigkeit,  /.  fatigue,  weariness. 
Muff,  TO.,  Muffe,/.  muff;   (Tech.)  sleeve,  socket 


Muffel,  /.  muffle. 
Muffelfarbe,  /.  muffle  color. 
Muffelofen,  TO.  muffle  furnace. 
Muffenrohr,  n.  socket  pipe, 
muffig,  miiffig,  a.  musty,  moldy. 
Miine,  /.  pains,  trouble. 
miihen,  v.r.  trouble,  take  pains. 
Miihle,  /.  mill. 
Muhlenstaub,  TO.  mill  dust. 
Muhlstein,  TO.  millstone. 
Muhsal,  n.  difficulty,  trouble. 

miihsam,  a.  troublesome,  toilsome,  hard, 
Mulde,  /.  trough;    basin,   bowl;    (Metal.)    pig 

mold,  pig. 

Muldenblei,  n.  pig  lead. 
Mull,  n.  dust,  dry  mold. 
Miiller,  TO.  miller. 
Mulm,  w.  ore  dust,  earthy  ore. 
mulmig,  a.  dusty;  earthy. 
multiplizieren,  v.t.  multiply. 
Mumie,  /.  mummy. 
Mumme,  /.  mum  (a  strong  beer). 
Mund,  TO.  mouth;    opening,  muzzle,  vent,  etc. 
Mundart,  /.  dialect;  idiom, 
munden,  v.i.  taste  well, 
miinden,  v.i.  discharge,  empty,  open. 
Mundhohle,  /.  oral  cavity, 
miindig,  a.  of  age. 
Mundklemtne,  /.  lockjaw. 
Mundleim,  TO.  mouth  glue   (to  be  moistened 

with  the  mouth). 
miindlich,  a.  oral,  verbal. 
Mundstiick,  n.  mouthpiece. 
Miindung,  /.   mouth;    aperture,   orifice,    etc.; 

terminus  (of  a  railway). 
Mundwasser,  n.  gargle,  mouth  wash, 
munkeln,  v.i.  whisper. 
Miinster,  n.  minster. 
munter,  a.  live,  lively,  cheerful,  vigorous. 
Miinzanstalt,  /.  mint. 
Miinzbeschickung,  /.  alloyage. 
Miinze,  /.   coin;    money;    medal;    mint   (for 

coining);  mint  (the  herb), 
miinzcn,  v.t.  mint,  coin. 
Miinzgehalt,  TO.  fineness  (of  coins). 
Miinzkenner,  n.  numismatist. 
Miinzwesen,  n.  coinage,  minting. 
Miinzzusatz,  TO.  alloy  (in  coins). 
miirbe,  a.  mellow,  tender,  soft;  brittle,  friable; 

(Metal.)  short. 

Miirbigkeit,  /.  mellowness,  etc.  (see  mvirbe) . 
murmeln,  v.i.  murmur. 
Murmeltier,  n.  marmot. 
murren,  v.i.  murmur,  grumble. 
miirrisch,  a.  peevish,  surly. 
Mus,  n.  pulp;    jam,  marmalade,  (fruit)  sauce, 
musartig.  a.  pulpy,  thick. 
Muschel, /.  (mussel)  shell;  mussel;  external  ear. 
Muschelgold,  n.  ormolu. 
muschelig,  a.  conchoidal;   shelly. 
Muschelkalk,  m.  shell  lime;   shell  limestone. 
Muschelmarmor,  m.  shell  marble,  lumachel. 
Musiker,  m.  musician. 
Musiv-.  mosaic. 

Musivarbeit,  /.  mosaic  work,  mosaic. 
Musivgold,  n.  mosaic  gold. 
Muskatbalsam,  TO.  nutmeg  butter. 
Muskatbirne,  /.  musk  pear. 
Muskatblute,  /.  mace. 
Muskatbliitol,  n.  oil  of  mace,  mace  oil. 
Muskatbutter,  /.  nutmeg  butter. 




Muskate,  /.  nutmeg. 

Muskateller,  m.  muscatel. 

Muskatenbliite,  /.  mace. 

Muskatnuss,  /.  nutmeg. 

Mnskatnussol,  n.  nutmeg  oil. 

Muskel,  m.  muscle. 

Muskel-.  muscular,  myo-. 

Moskeleiweiss,  n.  myosin. 

Muskelfaser,  /.  muscular  fiber. 

Muskelgewebe,  n.  muscular  tissue. 

Muskelstoff,  m.  sarcosine. 

Muskelzucker,  m.  inosite. 

muss,  pr.  1  &  3  sing,  of  mlissen. 

Muss,  n.  =  Mus;  necessity. 

Musse,  /.  leisure. 

Musselin,  m.  muslin. 

miissen,  v.i.  must,  be  obliged,  ought. 

mussieren,  v.i.  effervesce. 

miissig,  a.  idle. 

musste,  pret.  of  miissen. 

Muster,  n.  pattern;  simple,  specimen;  stand- 
ard; example. 

Muster  flasche,  /.  sample  bottle. 

musterhaft,  a.  standard,  typical;  exemplary. 

Musterkarte,  /.  pattern  card. 

mustermassig,  a.  standard,  typical. 

mustern,  v.t.  figure  (fabrics);  emboss  (paper); 
muster;  (Dyeing)  bring  to  shade. — gemustert, 
p.a.  figured,  fancy. 

Mustersammlung,  /.  specimen  collection. 

Musterzeichnung,  /.  design. 

Mut,  m.  courage,  spirit;  humor;  mood;  anger. 

mutmassen,  v.t.  guess,  conjecture, 
mutmasslich,  a.  supposed,  conjectural. 
Mutter,    /.    mother;     matrix;     uterus;     nut, 

female  screw. 

Mutter-,  mother,  maternal,  uterine. 
Muttererde,  /.  garden  mold;  native  soil. 
Mutterfass,  n.  (Vinegar)  mother  vat. 
Mutterform,  /.  (Ceram.)  master  mold;  (Biol ) 

parent  form. 

Muttergestein,  n.  gangue,  matrix. 
Muttergummi,  n.  galbanum. 
Mutterharz,  n.  galbanum. 
Mutterkorn,  n.  ergot. 
Mutterkuchen,  m.  placenta. 
Mutterkiimmel,  m.  cumin. 
Mutterlauge,  /.  mother  liquor. 
Mutterleib,  m.  womb,  uterus. 
Mutterpech,  n.  (Med.)  meconium. 
Mutterschliissel,  m.  nut  wrench. 
Mutter stoff,    m.,    Muttersubstanz,   /.    mother 

substance,  parent  substance. 
Mutterzelle,  /.  mother  cell,  parent  cell, 
mutwillig,  a.  wanton,  mischievous. 
Miitze,  /.  cap. 

miitzenfdrmig,  a.  cap-shaped. 
Myrikawachs,  n.  myrtle  wax. 
Myristicinsaure,  /.  myristicic  acid. 
Myristinsaure,  /.  myristic  acid. 
Myronsaure,  /.  myronic  acid. 
Myrrhe,  /.  myrrh. 
Myrrhenharz,  n.  myrrh. 
Myrte,  /.  myrtle. 


n.,  abbrev.  normal;  (ndrdlich)  northern;  (netto) 

N.,  abbrev.  (nachmittags)  afternoon,  p.m.; 
(nachts)  at  night;  (Nord,  Norden)  north. 

Nabe,  /.  (Mach.)  nave,  boss. 

Nabel,  m.  navel;   (Bo*.)  hilum. 

Nabel-.  umbilical. 

Nabelkraut,  n.  navelwort. 

nach,  prep,  to,  toward,  after,  according  to, 
(smell,  taste)  of. — adv.  behind,  after. 

Nach-.  (with  nouns)  after,  post-,  subsequent, 
secondary,  second,  counter-;  (with  verbs) 
after,  again,  re-,  post-. 

nachahmen,  v.t.  &  i.  imitate,  counterfeit,  adul- 
terate.— nachgeahntt,  p.a.  imitation  counter- 
feit, fictitious. 

Nachbar,  m.  neighbor. 

Nachbarschicht,  /.  neighboring  layer  or  stratum. 

Nachbehandlung,  /.  after-treatment. 

nachbeizen,  v.t.  (Dyeing)  sadden. 

nachbessern,  v.t.  improve  upon,  touch  up,  re- 
touch, repair. 

Nachbild,  n.  after-image;  copy,  imitation. 

nachbilden,  v.t.  copy,  reproduce,  imitate, 

nachchromieren,  v.t.  (Dyeing)  afterchrome, 

nachdem,  adv.  afterward,  hereafter. — conj. 
after,  according  as. 

nachdenken,  v.i.  meditate,  reflect. 

Nachdruck,  m.  energy,  emphasis;  pirated  edi- 
tion, piracy. 

nachdunkeln,  v.t.  (Dyeing)  fill  up,  sadden. 

Nacheifer,  m.  emulation. 

nacheinander,  adv.  one  after  another,  succes- 

Nachen,  m.  boat. 

nachfarben,  v.t.  dye  again,  counterstain. 

nachfixieren,  v.t.  afternx. 

nachfolgen,  v.i.  follow,  succeed. — nachfolgend, 
p.a.  following,  subsequent;  continuous,  con- 

nachforschen,  v.i.  search,  make  search,  investi- 

Nachforschung,  /.  research,  investigation, 
search,  scrutiny. 

Nachfrage,  /.  inquiry;    (Com.)  demand. 

nachfullen,  v.t.  fill  up,  replenish,  add  to. 

nachgaren,  v.i.  undergo  after-fermentation. 

Nachgarfass,  n.  (Brewing)  cleansing  cask. 

Nachgarung,  /.  after-fermentation,  secondary 

nachgeahmt,  p.a.     See  nachahmen. 

nachgeben,  v.i.  give  way,  yield. 

Nachgeburt,  /.  afterbirth. 

nachgemacht,  p.a.     See  nachmachen. 

nachgerben,  v.t.  re-tan. 

Nachgeschmack,  m.  aftertaste. 

nachgiessen,  v.t.  pour  again,  refill. 

Nachguss,  TO.  second  pouring,  refilling;  (Brew- 
ing) after-mash,  second  wort,  also  sparging 
water  and  sparging. 

nachher,  adv.  afterward,  hereafter,  later. 

nachherig,  a.  subsequent. 

nachholen,  v.t.  recover,  make  up. 

Nachhut,  /.  rear,  rear  guard. 

nachkochen,  v.t.  continue  boiling,  boil  again. 

Nachkomme,  TO.  descendant,  successor. 

nachkommen,  v.i.  follow,  overtake,  comply  with, 

nachkupfern,  v.t.  after-treat  with  copper  or  a 
copper  compound. 

Nachlass,  TO.  estate,  assets,  legacy;  reduction; 

nachlassen,  v.i.  temper,  anneal  (glass  or  metals) ; 
slacken,  relax;  abate,  deduct;  leave  behind, 
leave. — v.i.  slacken,  subside. 

nachlassig,  a.  negligent,  remiss. 

Nachlauf,  TO.  second  runnings. 

nachleuchten,  v.i.  shine  afterward,  phosphoresce. 

Nachleuchten,  n.  afterglow,  phosphorescence. 

nachmachen,  v.t.  imitate,  counterfeit. — nach- 
gemacht, p.a.  imitation,  counterfeit,  artificial. 

Nachmaische,  /.  after-mash. 

nachmalig,  a.  subsequent. 

Nachmittag,  TO.  afternoon. 

Nachmiihlenol,  n.  inferior  olive  oil  from  the 

Nachnahme,  /.  reimbursement. — unter  Nach- 
nahme,  C.O.D. 

nachnuancieren,  i-.t.  shade  (colors). 

Nachoxydation,  /.  after-oxidation. 

Nachpresse,  /.  re-pressing  machine;  (Paper) 
press  rolls. 

nachpressen,  v.t.  re-press. 

nachputzen,  r.t.  repolish,  finish  off. 





Nachrede,  /.  epilog;  report,  rumor. 

Nachricht,  /.  news;  information,  notice. 

Nachruf,  m.  obituary  address,  notice,  or  the 
like;  posthumous  fame;  calling  after. 

nachsalzen,  v.t.  resalt. 

nachschlagen,  v.t.  look  up,  refer  to. 

Nachschliissel,  m.  master  key. 

Nachschrift,  /.  postscript. 

nachsehen,  v.i.  look,  search,  see  (to). — v.t.  look 
after,  look  over;  overlook,  excuse. 

nachsetzen,  v.t.  add;   put  after;   postpone. 

Nachsicht,  /.  inspection;  forbearance,  indul- 

nachst,  adv.  &  prep.  next. 

nachste,  a.  next,  nearest. 

Nachstechbier,  n.  feed  beer. 

nachstechen,  v.t.  (Brewing)  top  up. 

nachstehend,  p.a.  following,  below. 

nachstellbar,  a.  regulable. 

nachstellen,  v.t.  regulate. 

nachstens,  adv.  next  time,  shortly. 

Nacht,  /.  night. 

Nachtblau,  n.  night  blue. 

Nachteil,  m.  disadvantage,  detriment,  damage. 

Nachtigall,  /.  nightingale. 

Nachtisch,  m.  dessert. 

Nachtkerze,  /.  night  light;  evening  primrose 

Nachtmahl,  n.  supper. 

Nachtrag,  m.  supplement,  addendum. 

nachtragen,  v.t.  add,  append;  harbor  (a  grudge 
toward  someone). 

nachtraglich,  a.  supplementary,  additional; 
subsequent,  later. 

Nachtripper,  m.  gleet. 

Nachtschatten,  m.  nightshade. 

Nachweichen,  «.,  Nachweiche,  /.  (Brewing) 

Nachweis,  m.  detection;    proof;    information. 

nachweisbar ,  a.  detectable;  demonstrable; 

nachweisen,  v.t.  detect;  prove,  demonstrate, 
establish;  identify;  point  out,  refer  to. 

nachweislich,  a.  =  nachweisbar. 

Nachweisung,  /.  detection;  proof,  demonstra- 
tion; identification;  information;  reference. 

Nachwelt,  /.  posterity. 

Nachwirkung,  /.  after-effect,  secondary  effect. 

Nachwttrze,  /.  second  wort. 

Nacken,  m.  neck,  nape. 

Nacken-.  cervical. 

nackt,  a.  naked,  bare;  plain. 

Nadel, /.  needle;  pin. 

nadelartig,  a.  needle-like,  acicular. 

Nadelchen,  n.  little  needle  (or  pin).  . 

Nadeleisenerz,  n.  needle  iron  ore  (gothite  in 
acicular  crystals). 

Nadelerz,  n.  needle  ore  (aikinite  in  acicular 

naclolformig,  a.  needle-shaped,  acicular. 

Nadelholz,  n.  conifers  (collectively),  esp.  pines 
and  firs. 

Nadelstein,  m.  needlestone  (natrolite). 

Nadelzeolith,  m.  needle  zeolite  (natrolite). 

Nadelzinnerz,  n.  acicular  cassiterite. 

Nafta,  /.  naphtha. 

Naftalin,  n.  naphthalene. 

Nagel,  m.  nail. 

Nagelein,  n.  little  nail;  tack;  clove;  pink. 

nageln,  v.t.  nail. 

nagen,  v.t.  &  i.  gnaw. 

Nager,  m.,  Nagetier,  n.  rodent. 

nahe,  a.  near,  adjacent;  imminent. — adv.  near, 

Nahe, /.nearness,  closeness;  vicinity;  presence. 

nahen,  v.i.  approach. 

nahen,  v.L  sew. 

naher,  a.  nearer,  closer. 

nahern,  v.t.  bring  near. — v.r.  draw  near. 

nahestehend,  p.a.  closely  related  or  connected; 
standing  near. 

nahezu,  adv.  almost,  well-nigh. 

nahm,  pret.  of  nehmen. 

Nahnadel,  /.  sewing  needle. 

Nahr-.  nutritive,  alimentary. 

Nahrboden,  m.  nutritive  substratum,  nutrient 

nahren,  v.t.  feed;  nourish;  support. 

Nahrflussigkeit,  /.  nutrient  (or  nutritive)  liquid 
or  fluid. 

Nahrgeschaft,  n.  nutrition. 

nahrhaft,  a.  nutritive,  nourishing,  nutritious; 
productive;  lucrative. 

Nahrkraft,  /.  nutritive  power. 

Nahrlosung,  /.  nutrient  (or  nutritive)  solution. 

Nahrmittel,  n.  food. 

Nahrsaft,  m.  nutrient  juice;   specif.,  chyle. 

Nahrsalz,  n.  nutrient  salt  (salt  required  for 
proper  nutrition). 

Nahrstoff,  m.  nutritive  substance,  nutrient;  nu- 
tritive material,  foodstuff,  food. 

Nahrstoffgehalt,  m.  nutrient  content,  food  con- 

Nahrsubstrat,  n.  nutritive  substratum. 

Nahrung,  /.  nourishment,  nutriment,  food; 
subsistence;  (Leather)  tawing  paste. 

Nahrungsbrei,  m.  chyme. 

Nahrungsfliissigkeit,  /.  nutritive  liquid;  chyle. 

Nahrungsmittel,  n.  food. 

Nahrungsmittelkunde,  /.  (science  of)  nutrition. 

Nahrungsrohr,  n.  alimentary  canal. 

Nahrungssaft,  m.  nutrient  juice;  specif.,  (Med.) 
chyle,  (Bot.)  sap. 

Nahrungsstoff,  m.  nutritive  substance,  nourish- 
ment, food. 

Nahrungsteilchen,  n.  nutritive  element. 

Nahrungswert,  m.  nutritive  value. 

Naht,  /.  seam,  suture. 

namentlich,  adv.  by  name,  namely,  espec- 




namhaft,  a.  named;  famous,  well  known;   con- 

namlich,  a.  identical. — adv.  namely,  that  is. 
nannte,  pret.  of  nennen. 
Nanziger  Saure.  lactic  acid. 
Napf,  m.  bowl,  basin,  pan. 
Napfchenkobalt,  m.  flaky  metallic  arsenic. 
napfformig,  a.  bowl-shaped. 
Napht-.  naphth-. 
Naphta,  /.  naphtha;  petroleum. 
Naphtacen,  n.  naphthacene. 
Naphtaldehyd,  n.  naphthaldehyde. 
Naphtalin,  n.  naphthalene. 
Naphtalingelb,  n.  naphthalene  yellow. 
Naphtalinsaure,    /.  naphthalenic    acid    (2-hy- 

droxy-  1,4-naphthoquinone). 
Naphtalinsulfosaure,     /.     naphthalenesulfonic 


Naphtalsaure,  /.  naphthalic  acid,  CioH6(CO2H)2. 
Naphtanthrachinon,  n.  naphthanthraquinone. 
Naphtazarin,  n.  naphthazarin. 
Naphtazin,  n.  naphthazine. 
Naphten,  n.  naphthene. 
Naphtidin,  n.  naphthidine. 
Naphtionsaure,  /.  naphthionic  acid. 
Naphto-.  naphtho-. 
Naphtochinon,  n.  naphthoquinone. 
Naphtocumarin,  n.  naphthocoumarin  (or  -cu- 


Naphtoesaure,  /.  naphthoic  acid. 
Naphtol,  n.  naphthol. 
Naphtolblau,  n.  naphthol  blue. 
Naphtolgelb,  n.  naphthol  yellow. 
naphtolieren,  v.t.  naphtholize,  naphtholate. 
Naphtolschwarz,  n.  naphthol  black. 
Naphtoyl,  n.  naphthoyl. 

Naphtsultam,  n.  naphthosultam,  naphsultam. 
Naphtsulton,  n.  naphthosultone,  naphsultone. 
Naphtyl,  n.  naphthyl. 
Naphtylamin,  n.  naphthylamine. 
Naphtylblau,  n.  naphthyl  blue. 
Naphtyridin,  n.  naphthyridine. 
Narbe,  /.  scar;   seam;    (of  leather  and  paper) 

narben,  v.t.  grain   Geather,  paper,  etc.).— ».i. 


Narben,  m.  (Leather,  etc.)  grain. 
Narbenleder,  n.  grain  leather. 
Narbenseite,  /.  grain  side. 
narbig,  a.  scarred,  scarry;  grained  (leather). 
Narde,  /.  spikenard,  nard. 
narkotisch,   a.   narcotic. — narkotische   Mittel, 


narkotisieren,  v.t.  narcotize. 
Narr,  m.  fool. 

narrisch,  a.  foolish;  crazy;  odd;  merry,  funny. 
Narzisse,  /.  narcissus, 
naschen,  v.t.  &  i.  eat,  nibble  (dainties). 
nascierend,  p.a.  nascent. 
Nase,  /.  nose;  beak,  spout,  cam,  tappet,  etc. 

naseln,  v.t.  nasalize. 

Nasen-.  nasal,  naso-. 

Nasenloch,  n.  nostril. 

naseweis,  a.  saucy,  pert. 

Nashorn,  n.  rhinoceros. 

nass,  a.  wet;    moist,  humid,  damp. — nasser 

Weg,  wet  way,  wet  process. 
Nassbleiche,  /.  wet  bleach. 
Nasse,  /.  wetness,  moisture. 
nassen,  v.t.  wet,  moisten. 
Nassprobe,  /.  wet  test. 

Nassprobe,  /.  moisture  test  or  determination. 
Nassverfahren,  n.  wet  process. 
naszierend,  p.a.  nascent. 
Natrium,  n.  sodium. 
Natriumalaun,  m.  sodium  alum. 
Natriumamid,  n.  sodium  amide,  sodamide. 
Natriumben/oat,  n.  sodium  benzoate. 
Natriumbrechweinstein,  m.  antimonyl  sodium 


Natrium  bromatum.  (Pharm.)  sodium  bromide. 
Natriumbromid,  n.  sodium  bromide. 
Natrium  chloratum.  (Pharm.)  sodium  chloride. 
Natrium  chloricum.  (Pharm.)  sodium  chlorate. 
Natriumchlorid,  n.  sodium  chloride. 
Natriumgoldchlorid,  n.  sodium  chloraurate. 
Natriumhydrat,  n.  sodium  hydroxide. 
Natriumhydroxyd,  n.  sodium  hydroxide. 
Natriumhyperjodat,  n.  sodium  periodate. 
Natrium  jodatum.  (Pharm.)  sodium  iodide. 
Natriumjodid,  n.  sodium  iodide. 
Natriumkarbonat,  n.  sodium  carbonate. 
Natriumnitrat,  n.  sodium  nitrate. 
Natriumoxyd,  n.  sodium  oxide. 
Natriumoxydhydrat,  n.  sodium  hydroxide. 
Natriumphosphat,  n.  sodium  phosphate.          • 
Natriumplatinchlorid,    n.    sodium    chloroplati- 


Natriumsulfat,  n.  sodium  sulfate. 
Natriumsulfhydrat,  n.  sodium  hydrosulfide. 
Natriumverbindung,  /.  sodium  compound. 
Natrium wasserstoff,  m.  sodium  hydride. 
Natriumzyanamid,  n.  sodium  cyanamide. 
Natron,  n.  (caustic)   soda,  sodium  hydroxide; 

soda  (Na2O,  cf.  Kali). 
Natronalaun,  m.  soda  alum. 
Natronatzlauge,  /.  caustic  soda  solution. 
Natroncellulose,  /.  (Paper)  soda  pulp. 
Natronglas,  n.  soda  glass. 
natronhaltig,  a.  containing  soda. 
Natronhydrat,  n.  sodium  hydroxide. 
Natronhyperoxyd,  n.  sodium  peroxide. 
Natronkalk,  m.  soda  lime. 
Natronlauge,  /.  soda  lye,  solution  of  caustic 

soda.    . 

Natronmetall,  n.  (metallic)  sodium. 
Natronpastille,  /.   (Pharm.)  troche  of  sodium 


Natronsalpeter,  m.  soda  saltpeter,  Chile  salt- 
peter (NaNO,). 




Natronsalz,  n.  soda  salt,  sodium  salt. 

Natronseife,  /.  soda  soap. 

Natronstoff,  m.  (Paper)  soda  pulp. 

Natronwasserglas,  n.  soda-water  glass,  sodium 

Natronweinstein,  m.  sodium  tartrate. 

Natter,  /.  adder,  viper. 

Natter wurz,  /.  bistort;  cuckoopint. 

Natur,  /.  nature. 

Naturerscheinung,  /.  natural  phenomenon. 

Naturerzeugnis,  /.  natural  product. 

naturfarbig,  a.  of  natural  color,  (of  leather)  fair. 

Naturforscher,  m.  investigator  of  nature,  scien- 
tific investigator,  (formerly)  natural  philos- 
opher; naturalist. 

Naturgas,  n.  natural  gas. 

naturgemass,  a.  according  to  nature,  natural. 

Naturgesetz,  n.  law  of  nature,  natural  law. 

Naturhiirte,  /.  natural  hardness. 

Naturlehre,  /.  natural  science,  natural  philos- 

natiirlich,  a.  natural;  native. 

Naturprodukt,  n.  natural  product. 

Naturreich,  n.  domain  or  kingdom  of  nature. 

Naturwissenschaft,  /.  natural  science. 

Nd.,  abbrev.  (Niederschlag)  precipitate. 

Ndd.,  abbrev.  (Niederschlage)  precipitates. 

Neapelgelb,  n.  Naples  yellow. 

Neapelrot,  n.  Naples  red. 

Nebel,  m.  mist,  fog. 

Nebelapparat,  m.  atomizer. 

Nebelfleck,  m.  nebula. 

nebelig,  a.  misty,  foggy. 

neben,  prep,  beside,  by,  near. 

Neben-.  by-,  side-,  secondary,  accessory,  sub- 
ordinate, adjoining. 

Nebenachse,  /.  secondary  axis. 

Nebenbestandteil,  m.  secondary  ingredient. 

Nebenbeweis,  m.  accessory  proof,  additional 

Nebenbindung,  /.  secondary  union  or  bond, 
linkage  of  the  second  order. 

Nebenbuhler,  m.  competitor,  rival. 

Nebeneinanderstellung, /.  juxtaposition;  com- 

Nebenfarbe,  /.  secondary  or  tertiary  color. 

Nebenflache,  /.  secondary  face. 

Nebenfluss,  m.  tributary. 

Nebengang,  m.  by-way;    (Mining)  lateral  vein. 

Nebengeschmack,  m.  after-taste,  tang. 

nebenher,  adv.  besides,  by  the  way. 

Nebenkette,  /.  side  chain,  subordinate  chain. 

Nebenlinie,  /.  secondary  line;  branch  line. 

Ncbenmensch,  TO.  fellow  man. 

Nebenniere,  /.  suprarenal  capsule. 

Nebennieren-.  suprarenal. 

Nebenprodukt,  n.  by-product. 

Nebenrohr,  n.  side  tube  (or  pipe),  branch  tube 
(or  pipe). 

Nebenrolle,  /.  subordinate  r61e. 

Nebensache,  /.  secondary  matter. 

Nebenschliessung,  /.,  Nebenschluss,  m.  (Elec.) 

Nebenserie,  /.  subordinate  series. 

Nebcnspirale,  /.  secondary  coil. 

Nebenteil,  m.  accessory  part. 

Nebentitel,  m.  subtitle. 

Nebentypus,  TO.  secondary  type. 

Neben winkel,  n.  adjacent  angle. 

Nebenwirkung,  /.  secondary  effect. 

Nebenwort,  n.  adverb. 

nebst,  prep,  besides,  including. 

necken,  v.t.  tease,  chaff. 

Neffe,  w.  nephew. 

Neger,  TO.  negro. 

nehmen,  v.t.  take. 

Neid,  m.  envy;  grudge. 

Neige, /.  inclination,  slope;  dregs,  sediment; 
decline,  wane. 

neigen,  v.t.  incline,  bend. — v.r.  incline,  bend, 
lean,  slope,  dip,  decline,  bow. — geneigt,  p.a. 
inclined,  etc.;  disposed,  favorable. 

Neigung,  /.  inclination;  slope,  pitch,  dip;  ten- 

Neigungsebene,  /.  inclined  plane. 

nein,  inter  j.  no. 

Nekrolog,  TO.  obituary. 

Nelke,  /.  pink  (the  flower) ;  clove. 

Nelkenol,  n.  clove  oil,  (oil  of  cloves). 

Nelkenpfeffer,  TO.  allspice,  pimento. 

Nelkenpfefferwasser,  n.  (Pharm.)  pimento 

Nelkensaure,  /.  eugenol. 

Nelkenstein,  TO.  iolite. 

Nelkenzimt,  m.  clove  cinnamon,  clove  cassia. 

nennen,  v.t.  name,  call,  term. 

nennenswert,  a.  worth  mentioning,  noteworthy. 

Nenner,  TO.  denominator. 

Nennwort,  n.  noun. 

Neodym,  n.  neodymium. 

Neroliol,  n.  neroli  (oil  of  orange  flowers). 

Nerv,  m.  nerve;,  sinew;   fiber;   vein  (of  a  leaf). 

Nerven-.  nerve,  neuro-. 

Nervenkunde,  /.  neurology. 

Nervenstoff,  TO.  nerve  substance,  neural  sub- 

nervig,  a.  nervous;  nerved;  sinewy;  vigorous, 

Nerz,  TO.  mink. 

Nessel,  /.  nettle. 

nett,  a.  neat;  pleasant,  kind;  (Sugar)  pure 

netto,  adv.  net. 

Nettogewicht,  n.  net  weight. 

Netz,  n.  net,  netting;  gauze;  network,  plexus; 
omentum;  (of  a  telescope)  reticle. 

Netzbad,  n.  (Dyeing)  wetting-out  bath. 

Netzbeize,  /.  (in  turkey  red  dyeing)  oil  mor- 

netzen,  v.t.  wet,  moisten,  steep,  soak. 




Netzfass,  n.  steeping  cask  or  tub. 

Net/flotte,  /.  (Dyeing)  wetting-out  liquor 

netzformig,  a.  net-shaped,  reticular. 

Netzhaut,  /.  retina. 

Nelzhaut-.  retinal. 

Netzstander,  TO.  (Paper)  steeping  tub. 

neu,  a.  new. — adv.  newly,  lately, 

Neublau,  n.  new  blue. 

neuer dings,  adv.  newly,  recently;  again. 

Neuerung,  /.  innovation. 

neugebildet,  p.a.  newly  formed. 

Neugelb,  n.  new  yellow. 

Neugewiirz,  n.  allspice,  pimento. 

Neugier,  Neugierde,  /.  curiosity. 

Neugold,  n.  Mannheim  gold. 

Neuheit,  /.  novelty,  newness. 

Neuigkeit,  /.  news;  novelty. 

Neujahr,  n.  New  Year. 

neulich,  adv.  lately,  of  late. — a.  late,  recent. 

Neuling,  m.  novice. 

neon,  a.  nine. 

neunflachig,  a.  nine-sided  (or  -faced). 

neunte,  a.  ninth. 

neunwertig,  a.  nonavalent. 

neunzehn,  a.  nineteen. 

neunzig,  a.  ninety. 

Neurot,  n.  new  red. 

Neusilber,  n.  German  silver. 

Neutralisationswarme,  /.  heat  of  neutralization. 

neulralisieren,  v.t.  neutralize. 

Neutralisierung,  /.  neutralization. 

Neutralitat,  /.  neutrality. 

Neutralsalz,  n.  neutral  salt. 

Neuwieder  Griin.  Neuwied  green  (Paris  green). 

n.F.,  abbrev.  (neue  Folge)  new  series. 

nicht,  adv.  not. — mit  nichten,  not  at  all. 

Nicht-.  non-,  not,  in-,  un-. 

nichtdissoziiert,  p.a.  undissociated,   nondissoci- 


Nichte,  /.  niece. 

Nichtelektrolyt,  n.  nonelectrolyte. 
nichtexistenzTahig,  a.  incapable  of  existence. 
nichtfliichtig,  a.  nonvolatile. 
nichtgasfdrmig,  a.  nongaseous. 
Nichtgerbstoff,  m.  non-tannin,  non-tan. 
nichtig,  a.  null,  void;  futile,  idle. 
Nichtion,  n.  non-ion. 
nichtleitend,  p.a.  nonconducting. 
Nichtleiter,  m.  nonconductor. 
Nichtmetall,  n.  nonmetal. 
nichtmetallisch,  a.  nonmetallic. 
Nichtmischbarkeit,  /.  immiscibility. 
nichts,  n.  nothing,  none. — weisses  Nichts,  nihil 

album  (sublimed  zinc  oxide). 
nichtschmelzbar,  a.  nonfusible,  infusible. 
nichtsdestoweniger,  adv.  nevertheless, 
nichtssagend,  p.a.  meaningless, 
nichts wiir dig,  a.  worthless;  base. 
nichtumwandelbar,  a.  inconvertible. 
Nichtumwandelbarkeit,  /.  inconvertibility. 

Nichtvergriinen,  n.  ungreenable  black. 

nichtwasserig,  a.  nonaqueous. 

Nichtzucker,  m.  nonsugar. 

Nickelantimonglanz,  m.  ullmannite. 

Nickelarsenikkies,  m.  gersdorffite  (NiAsS). 

Nickel  bltite,  /.  nickel  bloom  (annabergite). 

Nickelchlorur,  n.  nickel  (ous)  chloride. 

Nickelcyaniir,  n.  nickelous  cyanide. 

Nickelerz,  n.  nickel  ore. 

Nickelglanz,  m.  nickel  glance  (gersdorffite). 

nickelhaltig,  a.  containing  nickel,  nickeliferous. 

Nickelkies,  TO.  millerite. 

Nickel kohlenoxyd,  n.  nickel  carbonyl. 

Nickellegierung,  /.  nickel  alloy. 

Nickelmiinze,  /.  nickel  coin. 

Nickelocher,  TO.  nickel  ocher  (annabergite). 

Nickeloxyd,  n.  nickel  (ous)  oxide. 

Nickelsalz,  n.  nickel  salt. 

Nickelspeise,  /.  nickel  speiss. 

Nickelspiessglanzerz,  n.  ullmannite. 

Nickelstahl,  m.  nickel  steel. 

Nickelstein,  TO.  (Metal.)  nickel  matt. 

Nickelsulfur,  n.  nickelous  sulfide. 

Nickeluberzug,  TO.  nickelplating. 

Nickelvitriol,  TO.  nickel  sulfate. 

nicken,  v.i.  nod. 

nie,  adv.  never. 

nieder,  a.  low,  lower,  inferior,  secondary. — adv. 
low,  down. 

nieder blasen,  v.t.  blow  out  (a  furnace). 

Niederdruck,  TO.  low  pressure. 

niederdriicken,  v.t.  press  down;  depress. 

niederfallen,  v.i.  fall  down,  precipitate,  settle. 

Niedergang,  TO.  going  down,  descent. 

niedergeschlagen,  p.p.  of  niederschlagen. 

Niederlage,  /.  warehouse;   defeat. 

niederreissen,  v.t.  carry  down,  drag  down;  tear 
down,  destroy. 

Niederschlag,  TO.  precipitate,  precipitation; 
deposit,  sediment. 

niederschlagbar,  a.  precipitable. 

niederschlagen,  v.t.  precipitate;  beat  down, 
quell,  refute,  depress.  —  v.r.  precipitate.  — 
niederschlagend,  p.a.  precipitant;  sedative; 

Niederschlaggefass,  n.  precipitating  vessel. 

Niederschlagmittel,  n.  precipitant. 

Niederschlagsarbeit,  /.  precipitation  process; 
specif.,  (Metal.)  iron  reduction  process  (lib- 
eration of  metals  by  means  of  iron). 

Niederschlagung,  /.  precipitation,  etc.  (see 
niederschlagen) . 

niederschmelzen,  v.t.  melt  down. 

niedertrachtig,  a.  base,  mean. 

Niederung,  /.  low  ground,  flats. 

niedervoltig,  a.  low-voltage. 

niedlich,  a.  neat,  nice,  pretty. 

niedrig,  a.  low. 

menials,  adv.  never. 

niemand,  pron.  nobody,  no  one. 




Niere,  /.  kidney. 

Nieren-.  renal,  nephro-. 

Nierenentziindung,  /.  nephritis. 

nierenformig,  a.  kidney-shaped,  reniform. 

Nierenhaut,  /.  renal  capsule. 

Nierenstein,  m  kidney  stone  (either  spherulite, 
nephrite,  or  renal  calculus). 

Niesemittel,  n.  sternutatory. 

niesen,  v.i.  sneeze. 

Nieswurz,  Nieswurzel,  /.  hellebore. 

Niet,  n.,  Niete,  /.  rivet. 

Nietnagel,  TO.  rivet;  hangnail. 

Nikotin,  n.  nicotine. 

Nikotinsaure,  /.  nicotinic  (or  nicotic)  acid. 

Nilblau,  n.  Nile  blue. 

nimmer,  adv.  never. 

nimmersatt,  a.  insatiable. 

nimmt,  pr.  3  sing,  of  nehmen. 

Niob,  n.  niobium  (columbium). 

Niobsaure,  /.  niobic  (columbic)  acid. 

Niobwasserstoff,  m.  niobium  (columbium)  hy- 

nippen,  v.i.  sip. 

nirgend,  nirgends,  adv.  nowhere. 

-nis.  A  noun  suffix  denoting  quality,  act,  place 
or  concrete  effect;  -ness,  -tion,  etc.;  as, 
Kenntnis,  knowledge,  Ergebm's,  result,  Ge- 
fangnis,  prison. 

nisten,  v.i.  nest. 

Nitrat,  n.  nitrate. 

Nitration,  n.  nitrate  ion. 

nitrieren,  v.t.  nitrate;  nitrify. 

Nitrierung, /.  nitration;  nitrification. 

Nitrit,  n.  nitrite. 

Nitrobenzol,  n.  nitrobenzene. 

Nitrochinon,  n.  nitroquinone. 

Nitrococussaure,  /.  nitrococcic  acid. 

Nitroderivat,  n.  nitro  derivative. 

Nitrofettkorper,  TO.  aliphatic  nitro  compound. 

Nitrofettsaure,  /.  nitro  fatty  acid. 

Nitrogruppe,  /.  nitro  group. 

Nitrohalogenbenzole,  halonitrobenzenes. 

Nitrokohlenstoff,  m.  tetranitromethane. 

Nitrokorper,  m.  nitro  substance,  nitro  com- 

Nitrokupfer,  n.  nitrocopper. 

Nitrolsaure,  /.  nitrolic  acid. 

Nitroschwefelsaure,  /.  nitrosulfuric  acid. 

Nitrose,  /.,  nitrose  Saure.  (Sulfuric  Acid)  a 
solution  of  nitrosylsulfuric  acid  in  sulfuric 
acid,  formed  in  the  lead-chamber  process. 

nitrosieren,  v.t.  treat  with  nitrous  acid,  intro- 
duce the  nitroso  group  into. 

Nitrosisulfosaure,  /.  nitrosisulfonic  acid. 

Nitrosobenzol,  n.  nitrosobenzene. 

Nitrosogruppe,  /.  nitroso  group. 

N  it rosokobaltwasser stuff saure,  /.  cobaltinitrous 

Nitrososulfosaure,  /.  nitrososulfonic  acid. 

Nitrostarke,  /.  nitrostarch. 

Nitrosulfonsaure,  /.  nitrosulfonic  acid   (nitro- 
sylsulfuric acid). 

Nitrosylschwefelsaure,  /.  nitrosylsulfuric  acid. 
Nitrotoluol,  n.  nitrotoluene. 
Nitroverbindung,  /.  nitro  compound. 
Nitroxylgruppe,  /.  nitroxyl  group  (nitro  group). 
Nitroxylol,  n.  nitroxylene. 
Niveau,  n.  level. 

Niveaurohre,  /.  level  tube,  leveling  tube. 
noch,  adv.  still,  yet,  more,  else,  however. 
Nomenklatur,  /.  nomenclature. 
Nonius,  w.  (pi.  Nonien)  vernier. 
Noniuseinteilung,  /.  vernier  scale. 
Nonne,  /.  nun. 

nonocarbozyklisch,  a.  nonacarbocycjic. 
Noppe,  /.  nap;  burl. 
Noppenbeize,  /.  burl  dye. 
Nord,  Norden,  m.  north. 
nordlich,  a.  northerly,  northern,  arctic. 
Nordost,  TO.  northeast;  northeaster. 
normal,  a.  normal;  standard. 

Normalbedingungen,  normal  conditions. 

Normaldruck,  TO.  normal  pressure. 
Normal-Eichungs-Kommission,    /.    a    govern- 
ment bureau  corresponding  to  the  Bureau 
of  Standards. 

Normalessig,  TO.  standard  vinegar,  proof  vine- 

Normalflussigkeit,  /.  =  Normallosung. 

Normalitat,  /.  normality. 

Normallosung,  /.    normal    solution;     standard 

Normalsaure,  /.  normal  acid;   standard  acid. 

Normalstarke,  /.   normal   strength;    standard 

Normalweingeist,  TO.  proof  spirit. 

Normalzustand,  m.  normal  or  standard  state  or 

Normensand,  TO.  (Cement)  standard  sand. 

Not,  /.  need;    necessity,  want;   labor,  travail. 

Notbehelf,  m.  makeshift. 

notdiirftig,  a.  scanty,  needy. 

Notfall,  TO.  emergency,  exigency. 

notgar,  a.  (Leather)  undertanned. 

notgedrungen,    p.a.    compulsory. — adv.  neces- 

notiercn,  v.t.  note. 

notig,  a.  necessary,  needful. 

notigen,  v.t.  necessitate,  force,  urge. 

Notiz,  /.  notice,  note. 

Notizbuch,  n.  note  book. 

notleidend,  p.a.  in  distress,  needy. 

Notmittel,  n.  expedient,  shift. 

Notwehr,  /.  self-defense. 

notwendig,  a.  necessary. 

Notwendigkeit,  /.  necessity. 

Nr.,  Nro.,  abbrev.  (Numero)  number. 

N-Substanz,  /.  nitrogenous  substance. 

Nu,  TO.  moment,  trice. 

Nuance,  /.  shade,  tint. 




nuancieren,  v.t.  shade,  shade  off;   modulate. 

n uc h tern,  a.  empty,  fasting;  sober,  temperate, 
cool;  flat,  insipid. 

Nucleinsaure,  /.  nucleic  acid. 

Nudeln,  noodles;  vermicelli;  macaroni. 

Null,  /.  zero,  nought,  cipher. 

Nulllage,  /.  zero  position. 

Nullpunkt,  m.  zero  point. 

nullwertig,  a.  avalent,  nonvalent. 

numerisch,  a.  numerical. 

Nummer,  /.  number. 

nummerieren,  v.t.  number. 

nun,  adv.  now;  well,  why;  so. 

nunmehr,  a.  at  present,  by  this  time;  hence- 
forth; since  then. 

nunmehrig,  a.  present. 

nur,  adv.  only,  but,  scarcely. 

Nuss,  /.  nut;  specif.,  walnut. 

nussbraun,  a.  nut-brown. 

Nussol,  n.  oil;  specif.,  walnut  oil. 

Niister,  /.  nostrils. 

Nut,  Nute,  /.  groove,  rabbet. 

Nutsche,  /.  suction  filter. 

Nutzanwendung,  /.  practical  application. 

Nutzarbeit,  /.  useful  work. 

nutzbar,  a.  useful;   available. 

nutze,  niitze,  a.  useful,  of  use. 

Nutzeffekt,  m.  useful  effect,  efficiency,  effect, 

nutzen,  v.t.  use. — v.i.  be  of  use. 

Nutzen,  m.  use,  utility,  advantage,  profit. 

Nutzleistung,  /.  useful  work,  useful  effect. 

nutzlich,   a.   useful,   profitable,    advantageous, 

Nutzwirkung,  /.  useful  effect,  efficiency. 

o.,  abbrev.  (oder)  or;   (oben)  above. 

O.,  abbrev.  (Ost)  east. 

Oase,  /.  oasis. 

ob,  conj.  whether,  if;  altho. — prep,  on  account 

Obacht,  /.  heed,  attention. 

Obdach,  n.  shelter. 

oben,  adv.  above;  overhead,  on  top;  before. 

obendrein,  adv.  over  and  above. 

obenhin,  adv.  superficially,  slightly. 

Ober-.  upper,  chief,  high,  supreme,  head,  top, 
epi-,  super-,  supra-. 

Oberbauch-.  epigastric. 

obere,  a.  upper;   high,  higher,  superior,  chief. 

Oberflache,  /.  surface;  area. 

Oberflachenhartung,  /.  (Metal.)  case-hardening. 

Oberflachenspannung,  /.  surface  tension. 

Oberflachenwirkung,  /.  surface  action  or 

oberflachlich,  a.  superficial. 

obergarig,  a.  top-fermenting. 

Obergarung,  /.  top  fermentation. 

Oberhaut,  /.  epidermis. 

Oberhefe,  /.  top  yeast. 

Oberrinde,  /.  outer  bark. 

Oberschicht,  /.  upper  layer,  upper  stratum. 

oberst,  a.  uppermost,  highest. 

Obcrst,  m.  colonel. 

Obertasse,  /.  cup. 

Oberteig,  m.  (Brewing)  upperdough. 

Oberteil,  m.  upper  part,  top  part. 

obgleich,  con/,  altho. 

Obhut,  /.  protection,  care. 

obig,  a.  above,  foregoing. 

Objekttisch,  m.  (Micros.)  stage,  stand. 

Objekttrager,  m.  (Micros.)  slide,  mount,  also 
stage,  stand. 

Oblate,  /.  wafer. 

obliegen,  v.L  be  incumbent  (on),  attend  (to). 

Obliegenheit,  /.  obligation,  duty. 

Obmann,  m.  head  man  (chairman,  superinten- 
dent, etc.). 

obschon,  conj.  altho. 

obsiegen,  v.i.  be  victorious. 

Obst,  n.  fruit. 

Obstbranntwein,  m.  fruit  brandy,  fruit  spirit. 

Obstessig,  TO.  fruit  vinegar. 

Obstmost,  TO.  fruit  juice. 

Obstmns,  n.  fruit  sauce,  fruit  butter,  jam, 

Obstwein,  TO.  fruit  wine,  cider,  perry,  etc. 

Obstzucker,  TO.  fruit  sugar  (levulose). 

obwalten,  v.i.  exist;  prevail,  predominate. 

obwohl,  c.onj.  altho. 

ocherig,  a.  ocherous,  ochery. 

Ochs,  Ochse,  TO.  ox. 

Ochsenfleisch,  n.  beef. 

Ochsengalle,  /.  ox  gall. 

Ochsenklauenfett,  n.  neat's-foot  oil. 

Ochsenleder,  n.  neat's  leather. 

Ocker,  TO.  ocher. 

ockerartig,  a.  like  ocher,  ocherous. 

ockerig,  a.  ocherous,  ochery. 

Oct..     SeeOk1>. 

ode,  a.  waste,  deserted. 

odem,  n.  edema. 

oder,  con/,  or. 

Odermennig,  TO.  agrimony. 

o.  drgl.,  abbrev.  (oder  dergleichen)  or  the  like. 

Oel,  Oel-.     See  6l,  <3l-. 

Ofchen,  n.  little  furnace,  oven  or  stove. 

Of  en,  m.  furnace;  oven;  kiln;  stove. 

Ofenbruch,  TO.  (Zinc)  tatty. 

Ofenkachel,  /.  stove  tile. 

Ofensau,  /.  (Metal.)  furnace  sow. 

ofcntrocken,  a.  kiln-dried;  oven-dried. 

Ofentiir,  Ofentiire,  /.  door  (esp.  the  fire  door) 
of  a  furnace,  oven,  kiln  or  stove;  (Ceram.) 

Ofenziegel,  m.  fire  brick;   stove  tile. 

offen,  a.  open;    clear,  clever,  frank. 

offenbar,  a.  manifest,  obvious,  plain. 

offenbaren,  v.t.  disclose,  reveal. 

offenkundig,  a.  well  known,  notorious;  evident. 

offentlich,  a.  public;   open. 

Offerte,  /.  offer,  proffer. 

offiziell,  officiell,  a.  official. 

Offizier,  TO.  officer. 

Offizin,  /.  dispensary,  apothecary's  shop. 

offizinell,  a.  officinal. 

offnen,  v.t.  open. — offnend,  p.a.  (Med.)  aperi- 

Offnung,  /.  opening;  aperture,  orifice,  mouth; 
dissection;  evacuation. 

Offnungsmittel,  n.  (Med.)  aperient. 

oft,  adv.  often. 





Oheim,  m.  uncle. 

ohne,  prep,  without. — conj.  but  that. 

ohnedem,  ohnedies,  adv.  apart  from  that, 

ohngefahr,  adv.  approximately. — a.  approxi- 

ohnmachtig,  a.  weak,  faint,  unconscious. 

Qhr,  n.  ear. 

Ohr-.  aural,  auricular. 

Ohr,  n.  (Tech.)  ear,  handle,  eye,  catch;  bog 
iron  ore. 

Ohrenblaser,  m.  talebearer. 

Ohrenschmalz,  n.  ear  wax,  cerumen. 

Ohrenstein,  m.,  Ohrensteinchen,  n.  otolith. 

Ohrfinger,  m.  little  finger. 

ohrformig,  a.  auriform. 

Ohrspeicheldruse,  /.  parotid  gland. 

Ohrtrompete,  /.  Eustachian  tube. 

Ohrwachs,  n.  ear  wax,  cerumen. 

Ohrwasser,  n.  endolymph. 

Ohrzehe,  /.  little  toe. 

Oker,  TO.  ocher. 

okerig,  a.  ocherous,  ochery. 

okonomisch,  a.  economic,  economical;  agricul- 

Oktaeder,  n.  octahedron. 

oktaedrisch,  a.  octahedral. 

Okto-.  octa-  (preferred),  octo-. 

oktocarbocyclisch,  a.  octacarbocyclic. 

Oktonaphten,  n.  octanaphthene. 

-d.  (1)  hi  names  of  alcohols  or  phenols  (i.e., 
when  the  ending  signifies  hydroxyl),  -ol. 
(2)  in  names  of  a  few  hydrocarbons,  -ene; 
as,  Benzol,  benzene  (but  the  commercial 
product  is  called  benzol  or  benzole).  (3)  in 
the  case  of  other  compounds,  -ole;  as,  PyrroZ, 

Ol,  n.  oil. 

Olabscheider,  m.  oil  separator;  (Brewing)  oil 

Olanstrich,  TO.  painting  in  oil;   coat  of  oil. 

olartig,  a.  =  olig. 

Olbad,  n.  oil  bath;  (in  turkey  red  dyeing)  green 

Olbaum,  TO.  olive  tree. — falscher  Olbaum,  ole- 

Olbaumgummi,  Olbaumharz,  n.  elemi. 

Olbeere,  /.  olive. 

Olbeize,  /.  oil  mordant;  (in  turkey  red  dyeing) 

olbildend,  p.a.  oil-forming,  olefiant. — olbild- 
endes  Gas,  olefiant  gas  (ethylene). 

Oldrass,  TO.  oil  dregs,  oil  foots. 

Oldruck,  TO.  oleography;  oleograph. 

Olefin,  n.  olefin,  olefine. 

Olefinalkohol,  m.  olefinic  alcohol,  olefin  alcohol. 

Olefinhaloid,  n.  olefin  halide. 

olefinisch,  a.  olefinic. 

Olefinketon,  n.  olefinic  ketone,  olefin  ketone. 

Oleinsaure,  /.  oleic  acid. 

olen,  v.t.  oil. 

Oleokreosot,  n.  (Pharm.)  creosote  oleate. 

Oleum,   n.   fuming   sulfuric   acid;     (in    Latin 

Pharm.  names)  oil. 
Olfabrik,  /.  oil  factory. 
Olfarbe,  /.  oil  color, 
olgar,  a.  chamois. 
Olgas,  n.  oil  gas. 
Olgelager,  n.  oil  dregs,  oil  foots, 
olhaltig,  a.  containing  oil,  oleiferous. 
Olhandel,  TO.  oil  trade. 
Olharz,  n.  oleoresin. 
Olhefen,  oil  dregs,  oil  lees. 
olig,  olicht,  a.  oily,  oleaginous. 
Oligkeit,  /.  oiliness. 
Oligoklas,  m.  oligoclase. 
Olivenol,  n.  olive  oil. 
OIkuchen,  m.  oil  cake. 
Olkugel,  TO.  oil  globule,  oil  drop. 
Olleder,  n.  chamois. 
Olmesser,  m.  eleometer,  oleometer. 
Olmilch,  /.  oil  emulsion. 
Olnussbaum,  TO.  butternut  tree. 
Olprufer,  TO.  oil  tester. 
Olruckstand,  TO.  oil  residue. 
Olsatz,  TO.  oil  sediment,  oil  foots, 
olsauer,   a.   of  or  combined   with   oleic  acid, 

oleate  of. 

Olsaure,  /.  oleic  acid. 
Olschlagen,  n.  oil  pressing. 
Olseife,  /.  oil  soap,  soap  made  from  oil. 
Olsodaseife,  /.  Castile  soap. 
Olstoff,  TO.  olein. 
Olsiiss,  n.  glycerol,  glycerin. 
Oltrester,   oil   marc    (residue  left  after 

expressing  oil  from  olives,  etc.). 
Oltuch,  n.  oilcloth. 
Olung,  /.  oiling. 

Ol  wage,  /.  oil  hydrometer,  eleometer. 
Olzucker,  TO.  (Pharm.')  elaeosaccharum. 
-on.  (as  a  chemical  ending  denoting  the  ketonic 

group)  -one. 

Onanthather,  TO.  oenanthic  (or  enanthic)  ether. 
Onanthsaure,  /.  oenanthic  (or  enanthic)  acid. 
Onanthylsaure,  /.  cenanthylic  (or  enanthylic) 


Onkel,  TO.  uncle. 
Oolith,  m.  oolite. 
opak,  a.  opaque, 
opalartig,  a.  opal-like,  opaline. 
opalisieren,    v.i.    opalesce. —  opalisierend,   p.a. 

Oper,  /.  opera. 
Operment,  n.  orpiment. 
Opfer,  n.  offering,  sacrifice,  victim. 
Opiansaure,  /.  opianic  acid, 
opt.-akt.,  abbrev.   (optisch-aktiv)   optically  ac- 

optisch,  a.  optic,  optical. 
Orangenblute,  /.  orange  blossom. 




Orangenschale,  /.  orange  peel. 

Orden,  TO.  order. 

ordentlich,  a.  ordinary;  regular;  orderly; 
exact;  steady;  downright. 

or  dinar,  a.  ordinary,  regular;  common,  inferior. 

ordnen,  v.t.  order,  arrange,  regulate,  settle. 

Ordnung,  /.  order;   arrangement;   class. 

ordnungsmassig,  a.  orderly,  methodical. — adv. 
duly,  well. 

ordnungswidrig,  a.  irregular,  disorderly. 

organisch,  a.  organic. 

organisieren,  v.t.  organize. 

Organismus,  m.  organism. 

Organometall,  n.  organometallic  compound. 

Orgel,  /.  organ. 

orientieren,  v.t.  orient. 

Orientierung,  /.  orientation. 

Orkan,  m.  hurricane. 

Ornat,  TO.  official  costume. 

Orseille,  /.  archil. 

Orsellinsaure,  /.  orsellinic  acid. 

Orsellsaure,  /.  orsellio  (diorsellinic,  lecanoric) 

Ort,  TO.  place;  locus;  region,  locality. 

Orthoameisensaure,  /.  orthoformic  acid. 

Orthoantimonsaure,  /.  orthoantimonic  acid. 

Orthoarsensaure,  /.  orthoarsenic  acid. 

Orthoborsaure,  /.  orthoboric  acid. 

Orthochinon,  n.  orthoquinone,  o-quinone. 

Orthokieselsaure,  /.  orthosilicic  acid. 

Orthoklas,  m.  orthoclase. 

Orthokohlensaure,  /.  orthocarbonic  acid. 

Orthophosphorsaure,  /.  orthophosphoric  acid. 

Orthosalpetersaure,  /.  orthonitric  acid. 

orthosalpetrig,  a.  orthonitrous. 

Orthosaure,  /.  ortho  acid. 

Orthostellung,  /.  ortho  position. 

Orthoverbindung,  /.  ortho  compound. 

Ortisomerie,  /.  position  isomerism. 

ortlich,  a.  local;   topical. 

Orts-.  local. 

Ortschaft,  /.  place,  village. 

Ortsisomerie,  /.  place  isomerism,  position  isom- 

Ose, /.  (Tech.)  ear,  lug,  eye,  hook,  loop. 

Osenblatt,  n.  (Tech.)  tongue,  lip,  flange. 

Osmiumchlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  acid  contain- 
ing osmium,  chlorine  and  hydrogen  (either 
HsOsCle  or  H2OsClc). 

Osmiumsaure,  /.  osmic  acid. 

Osmiumverbindung,  /.  osmium  compound. 

Osmose,  /.  osmosis,  osmose. 

osmosieren,  v.t.  osmose,  osmosize. 

osmotisch,  a.  osmotic. 

Ost,  TO.  east. 

Ostern,  n.  Easter. 

Osterreich,  n.  Austria. 

osterreichisch,  a.  Austrian. 

Ostindien,  n.  (East)  India. 

ostindisch,  a.  East  Indian. 

ostlich,  a.  eastern,  oriental,  easterly. 

Ostreich,  n.  Austria. 

Ostsee,  /.  Baltic  (Sea). 

Otter,  /.  adder;  otter. 

Oxalather,  TO.  oxalic  ether  (ethyl  oxalate). 

Oxalessigester,  m.  oxalacetic  ester. 

Oxalkyl-.  hydroxyalkyl-. 

oxalsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  oxalic  acid, 
oxalate  of. 

Oxalsaure,  /.  oxalic  acid. 

Oxalursaure,  /.  oxaluric  acid. 

Oxathyl-.  hydroxyethyl-. 

Oxhoft,  n.  hogshead. 

Oxo-.  oxy-,  oxo-.  (A  form  devised  to  denote  the 
substitution  of  O  for  Hz  in  organic  compounds 
and  to  distinguish  from  Oxy-  denoting  OH 
substitution;  thus,  oxopropane,  CHsCOCHs 
or  CH3CH2CHO.  In  English  this  may  be 
translated  oxy-,  hydroxyl  being  indicated  by 
hydroxy-.  If  the  group  is  ketonic,  as  in  the 
first  case  above,  the  form  keto-  is  more 

Oxy-.  oxy-,  hydroxy-.  (In  organic  names  this 
indicates,  in  the  great  majority  of  cases,  the 
hydroxyl  group  and  should  then  be  trans- 
lated hydroxy-  to  conform  to  the  best  usage 
in  English;  e.  g.,  Oxyapfelsaure,  hydroxy- 
malic  acid.  If  the  group  is  known  to  be  ke- 
tonic, the  translation  keto-  is  preferable.) 

Oxyammoniak,  n.  oxyammonia  (hydroxyl- 

Oxybiazol,  n.  oxybiazole. 

Oxybiazolin,  n.  oxybiazoline. 

Oxycarbonsaure,  /.  hydroxycarboxylic  acid. 

Oxychinolin,  n.  hydroxyquinoline. 

Oxychinon,  n.  hydroxyquinone. 

Oxyd,  n.  oxide  (specif.,  a  higher  or  -ic  oxide, 
as  contrasted  with  Oxydul). 

oxydable,  a.  oxidizable. 

oxydartig,  a.  of  the  nature  of,  or  like  an  oxide. 

Oxydase,  /.  oxidase. 

Oxydationsartikel,  TO.  (Calico)  oxidation  style. 

oxydationsfahig,  a.  capable  of  oxidation. 

Oxydationsflamme,  /.  oxidizing  flame. 

Oxydationsmittel,  n.  oxidizing  agent. 

Oxydationsstufe,  /.  stage  or  degree  of  oxidation. 

Oxydationsvorgang,  TO.  oxidation  process. 

Oxydbeschlag,  TO.  coating  of  oxide. 

Oxydchlbrid,  «.  oxychloride, 

oxydhaltig,  a.  containing  oxide  or  oxides, 

Oxydhaut,  /.,  Oxydhautchen,  n.  film  of  oxide. 

Oxydhydrat,  n.  hydtated  oxide  (hydroxide). 

oxydierbar,  a.  oxidizable. 

Oxydierbarkeit,  /.  oxidizability. 

oxydieren,  v.t.  &  i.  oxidize. 

Oxydierung,  /.  oxidation. 

oxydisch,  a.  oxidic,  oxygenic. 

Oxydoxydul,  n.  an  oso-ic  oxide  such  as  FezOt. 

Oxydschicht,  /.  layer  of  oxide. 




Oxydul,  n.   (lower  or  -ous)  oxide,   (formerly) 


oxygenieren,  v.l.  oxygenate,  oxygenize. 
Oxygenierung,  /.  oxygenation. 
Oxyketon,  n.  hydroxy  ketone. 
Oxyketoncarbonsaure,  /.    hydroxyketocarbox- 

ylic  acid. 

Oxymethyl-.  hydroxymethyl-. 
Oxysalz,  n.  oxysalt. 
Oxysaure,  /.  oxyacid  (either  oxacid — an  acid 

containing  oxygen — or  hydroxy  acid). 
Oxyschwefelsaure,  /.  oxysulf uric  acid. 

Oxytoluol,  n.  hydroxytoluene. 

Ozean,  m.  ocean. 

Ozobenzol,  n.  ozobenzene. 

Ozokerit,  m.  ozocerite. 

Ozon,  n.  ozone. 

ozonerzeugend,  p.a.  producing  ozone,  ozonifer- 


ozonhaltig,  a.  containing  ozone,  ozoniferous. 
Ozonisator,  m.  ozonizer. 
ozonisieren,  v.t.  ozonize. 
Ozonsauerstoff,  m.  ozonized  oxygen,  oxygen  in 

the  form  of  ozone. 

Paar,  n.  pair,  couple;  few;  (Meek.)  couple. 

paar,  a.  even;  pair. 

paaren,  v.t.  pair,  couple,  match,  mate. — gepaart, 
p.a.  paired,  etc.,  conjugate. 

Pacht,  /.  lease,  tenure. 

Pachter,  Pachter,  m.  tenant. 

Pack,  m.  pack,  bale,  packet,  bundle. 

packen,  v.t.  seize;  pack. 

Packhaus,  n.  Packhof,  TO.,  warehouse;  custom 

Packpapier,  n.  wrapping  paper. 

Packtuch,  n.  packing  cloth. 

Packzeug,  n.  packing  material,  packing;  pack- 
ing tools. 

PAe.,  abbrev.  (Petroleumather)  petroleum  ether. 

Paket,  n.  packet,  parcel. 

Palast,  m.  palace. 

Palladi-.  palladic. 

Palladichlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  chloropalladic 

Palladiumbromiir,  n.  palladious  bromide. 

Palladiumchlorid,  n.  palladium  chloride,  specif., 
palladic  chloride. 

Palladiumchloriir,  n.  palladious  chloride. 

Palladiumchlorwasserstoff,  m.  chloropalladic 

Palladiumjodur,  n.  palladious  iodide. 

Palladiummohr,  TO.  palladium  black. 

Palladiumoxyd,  n.  palladium  oxide,  specif.,  pal- 
ladic oxide. 

Palladiumoxydul,  n.  palladious  oxide. 

Palladiumsalz,  n.  palladium  salt. 

Palladiumschwamm,  TO.  palladium  sponge. 

Palladiumschwarz,  n.  palladium  black. 

Palladiumwasserstoff,  TO.  palladium  hydride. 

Pallado-.  palladious. 

Palladochlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  chloropalladi- 
ous  acid. 

Palladohydroxyd,  n.  palladious  hydroxide. 

Palme,  /.  palm. 

Palmfett,  n.  palm  oil. 

Palmitinsaure,  /.  palmitic  acid. 

Palmlilie,  /.  yucca. 

Palmol,  n.  palm  oil. 

Palmstarke,  /.  palm  starch,  sago. 

Palmzucker,  TO.  palm  sugar,  jaggery. 

Panier,  n.  banner. 

Pankreas,  n.,  PankreasdrUse,  /.  pancreas. 

pankreatisch,  a.  pancreatic. 

Panloffel,  m.  slipper. 

Panzer,  TO.  cuirass,  armor. 

Panzerblech,  n.,  Panzerplatte,  /.  armor  plate. 

Paonie,  /.  peony. 

Papagei,  m.  parrot. 

Papier,  n.  paper. 

Papierabgange,  waste  paper. 

Papierbogen,  TO.  sheet  of  paper. 

Papierbrei,  TO.  paper  pulp. 

Papierfabrik,  /.  paper  factory,  paper  mill. 

Papierfabrikant,  TO.  paper  maker. 

Papierfabrikation,  /.  paper  making. 

Papierfilter,  n.  paper  filter. 

Papier handel,  m.  paper  trade;  stationery. 

Papierhandlung,  /.  stationer's  shop. 

Papierkohle,  /.  paper  coal  (variety  of  lignite). 

Papierleim,  TO.  paper  size. 

Papiermasse,  /.  paper  pulp. 

Papierpergament,  n.  parchment  paper. 

Papierpriifung,  /.  paper  testing. 

Papiersorte,  /.  sort  or  quality  of  paper. 

Papierstoff,  m.  paper  pulp. 

Papierstreifen,  TO.  paper  strip;  paper  web. 

Papierteig,  TO.  papier-mache'. 

Papierzeichen,  n.  watermark. 

Papierzeug,  n.  paper  pulp,  "  stuff." 

Papillen-.  papillary. 

papinianischer  Topf.  Papin's  digester  (auto- 

Papp,  TO.  paste;  pap. 

Pappband,  w.  board  binding;  volume  bound  irt 

Pappbogen,  w.  sheet  of  pasteboard  (or  card- 

Pappdeckel,  TO.  pasteboard,  paper  board. 

Pappe,  /.  (paper)  board,  pasteboard;  pap; 

Pappel,  /.  poplar. 

Pappelart,  /.  (variety  of)  poplar. 

pappen,  v.t.  &  i.  paste;  work  in  pasteboard. 

Pappendeckel,  TO.  =  Pappdeckel. 

Pappenleim,  TO.  pasteboard  glue. 

Pappenstiel,  TO.  trifle. 

Papphiilse,  /.  pasteboard  case. 

Pappmasse,  /.  papier-machS. 

Pappschachtel,  /.  pasteboard  box. 

Papst,  TO.  pope. 





Parabansaure,  /.  parabanic  acid. 

Farabel,  /.  parabola;   parable. 

parabolisch,  a.  parabolic. 

Paraconsaure,  /.  paraconic  acid. 

Paracyan,  n.  paracyanogen. 

Paradiesapfel,  m.  tomato. 

Paradiesfeige,  /.  banana. 

Paradieskorner,  grains  of  paradise. 

Parafiinbad,  n.  paraffin  bath. 

Paraffinkerze,  /.  paraffin  candle. 

Paraffinol,  w.  paraffin  oil. 

Paraffinsalbe,/.  petrolatum;  paraffin  ointment. 

Parakamphersaure,  /.  paracamphoric  acid. 

Parakautschuk,  m.  Para  rubber. 

Paralyse,  /.  paralysis. 

paramagnetisch,  a.  paramagnetic. 

Paramilchsaure,   /.    paralactic    acid    (d-lactic 


Paranuss,  /.  Brazil  nut. 
Parastellung,  /.  para  position. 
Paraverbindung,  /.  para  compound. 
Paraweinsaure,  /.   paratartaric  acid    (racemic 


Parenthese,  /.  parentheses;  brackets. 
Parfiim,  n.  perfume. 
Parfiimerie,  /.  perfumery. 
Pariser,  a.   Paris. — Pariser  Blau,  Paris  blue; 

Pariser  Griin,  Paris  green. 
parkesieren,  v.t.  (Metal.)  subject  to  the  Parkes 

Parkesieren,  n.  Parkes  process. 

Partei,  /.  part;   party. 

Parteiganger,  m.  partisan. 

parteiisch,  a.  partial,  prejudiced. 

Parterre,  w.  ground  floor;   parterre. 

Partialdruck,  m.  partial  pressure. 

Partie,  /.  parcel,  lot;  batch;  company;  party, 
picnic;  game;  match. 

partiell,  a.  partial. 

Partikel,  /.  particle. 

Partikelchen,  n.  small  particle. 

Passagier,  m.  passenger. 

passen,  v.i.  fit,  be  fit,  be  suited;  wait. — passend, 
p.a.  fit,  suitable,  appropriate. 

passieren,  v.t.  pass;  (Dyeing)  liquor. — v.i.  pass, 

Passivitat,  /.  passivity. 

Pastete,  /.  pie,  pastry. 

pasteurisieren,  v.t.  pasteurize. 

Pastinake,  /.  parsnip. 

pastes,  a.  pasty. 

Pate,  m.  godfather. 

Patentamt,  n.  patent  office. 

Patentsalz,  n.  ammonium  antimony  fluoride. 

Patentschrift,  /.  patent  (the  document),  patent 

Patentschutz,  m.  protection  by  patent. 

Patenttrager,  TO.  patentee. 

Patrone,  /.  cartridge;  pattern;  stencil;  man- 

Patronenhiilse,  /.,    Patronenzy Under,   m.   car- 
tridge case. 

Patsche,  /.  fix,  mess;   slush,  mud. 
patschen,  v.i.  splash;    clap,  slap. 
pattinsonieren,  v.t.  pattinsonize. 
patzig,  a.  saucy. 
Pauke,  /.  (kettle)  drum;    (Anat.)  tympanum; 

Paukenfell,  n.  (kettle)  drumskin;  (Anat.)  mem- 

brana  tympani. 

pauschen,  v.t.  swell;    (Metal.)  refine. 
Pauscht,  TO.  &  n.  (Paper)  post. 
pausen,  v.t.  trace,  calk. 
Pavian,  TO.  baboon. 
Pech,  n.  pitch. 

Pechart,  /.  kind  or  variety  of  pitch 
pechartig,  a.  pitchy,  bituminous. 
PeohMende,  /.  pitchblende. 
Pechdraht,    TO.    pitched    thread,    shoemaker's 

Pecheisenerz,   n.  pitchy  iron   ore  (applied  to 

pitticite,  triplite,  and  a  compact  variety  of 


Pecherde,  /.  bituminous  earth. 
Pecherz,  n.  =  Pechblende;  =  Pecheisenerz. 
pechfinster,  a.  pitch-dark. 
Pechgeschmack,  n.  pitchy  taste. 
Pechglanz,  TO.  pitchy  luster. 
Pechgranat,  TO.  colophonite  (a  variety  of  andra- 

dite  of  pitchy  appearance). 
pechig,  a.  pitchy. 
Pechkiefer,  /.  pitch  pine. 
Pechkohle,  /.  pitch  coal. 
Pechol,  n.  tar  oil,  oil  of  tar. 
pechschwarz,  a.  pitch-black. 
Pechstein,  TO.  pitchstone. 
Pechuran,  n.  pitchblende. 
Pedell,  TO.  beadle,  janitor. 
Pegel,  TO.  water  gage. 
peilen,  v.t.  sound,  take  bearings  of. 
Pein,  /.  pain,  trouble,  torture. 
peinigen,  v.t.  torment,  trouble. 
peinlich,  d.  painful;  precise,  painstaking;  penal. 
Peitsche,  /.  whip. 
peitschen,  v.t.  whip,  beat,  lash. 
peitschenformig,  a.  whip-shaped,  flagelliform. 
Pektinsaure,  /.  pectic  acid. 
Pektinstoff,  TO.  pectin  substance,  pectin. 
Pektinzucker,  TO.  arabinose. 
Pelargonsaure,  /.  pelargonic  acid. 
Pelle,  /.  peel,  skin,  husk. 
Pelz,  TO.  pelt;   fur. 
pelzig,  a.  furry;   cottony. 
Pendel,  n.  pendulum. 
penetrieren,  v.t.  penetrate. 
Pension,  /.  pension;    board;    boarding  house; 

boarding  school. 

pentacarbocyclisch,  a.  pentacarbocyclic. 
Pentadecansaure,  /.  pentadecoic  acid. 
Pentathionsaure,  /.  pentathionic  acid. 




Pentinsaure,  /.  pentinic  acid. 

Pentosurie,  /.  pentosuria. 

Pepsindriise,  /.  peptic  gland. 

pepsinhaltig,  a.  containing  pepsin. 

peptisch,  a.  peptic. 

peptonisieren,  v,t.  peptonize. 

Peraciditat,  /.  superacidity. 

Perborsaure,  /.  perboric  acid. 

Perbromsaure,  /.  perbromic  acid. 

Perchlorsaure,  /.  perchloric  acid. 

Perchromsaure,  /.  perchromic  acid. 

perennierend,  p.a.  perennial. 

perforieren,  v.t.  perforate. 

Pergament,  n.  parchment. 

pergamentieren,  v.t.  parchmentize. 

Pergamentpapier,  n.  parchment  paper. 

perhydrieren,  v.t.  perhydrogenize. 

Periklas,  TO.  periclase,  periclasite. 

periodisch,  a.  periodic,  periodical. 

Periodizitat,  /.  periodicity. 

Perjodat,  n.  periodate. 

Perjodsaure,  /.  periodic  acid. 

Perkohlensaure,  /.  percarbonic  acid. 

Perkussionszundhutchen,  n.  percussion  cap. 

perlartig,  a.  pearly,  nacreous;  beadlike. 

Perlasche,  /.  pearlash. 

Perle,/.  pearl;  bead. 

perlen,  v.t.  form  bubbles,  sparkle;  form  drops; 
glisten  like  pearls. 

perlenartig,  a.  =  perlartig. 

Perlenglanz,  Perlglanz,  TO.  pearly  (or  nacreous) 

Perlglimmer,  m.  (Min.)  margarite. 

Perlgraupen,  pearl  barley. 

perlig,  a.  pearly. 

Perlmoos,  n.  pearl  moss,  carrageen. 

Perlmutter,  /.  mother-of-pearl. 

perlmutterartig,  a.  like  mother-of-pearl,  perla- 
ceous.  , 

Perlmutterblech,  w.  crystallized  tinplate,  moire 

Perlmutterglanz,  TO.  mother-of-pearl  luster,  na- 
creous luster. 

perlmutterglanzend,  p.a.  having  a  mother-of- 
pearl  luster,  pearly. 

Perhnutterpapier,  n.  nacreous  paper. 

Perlrohr,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  bead  tube  (tube  filled 
with  glass  beads). 

Perlsalz,  n.  microcosmic  salt. 

Perlsamen,  TO.  seed  pearl. 

Perlspat,  TO.  pearl  spar  (pearly  dolomite). 

Perlstein,  TO.  perlite;   adularia. 

Perlweiss,  n.  pearl  white. 

Permanentweiss,  «.  permanent  white. 

permeabel,  a.  permeable. 

permutieren,  v.t.  (Math.)  permute. 

Perowskit,  n.  perovskite. 

Perpendikel,  n.  perpendicular;  pendulum. 

Persaure,  /.  peracid. 

Perschwefelsaure,  /.  persulf uric  acid. 

persisch,  a.  Persian. 

personlich,  a.  personal. 

Persulfocyansaure,  /.  perthiocyanic  acid,  per- 

sulfocyanic  acid. 
Persulfomolybdansaure,    /.     persulfomolybdic 

acid,  thiopermolybdic  acid, 
peruanisch,  a.  Peru,  Peruvian. 
Perurinde,  /.  Peruvian  bark. 
Pestilenzkraut,  n.  =  Geissraute. 
Petersilie,  /.  parsley. 
Petri'sches   Schalchen,   Petri-Schale,  /.   Petri 

Petrolather,     Petroleumather,    m.     petroleum 


Petroleumbenzin,  n.  petroleum  benzine. 
Petroleumprufer,  TO.  petroleum  tester. 
Petrolsaure,  /.  petrolic  acid. 
Petschaft,  n.  seal,  signet. 
Petsche,  /.  drying  room;  drying  frame. 
Pf.,  abbrev.  (Pfund)  pound. 
Pfad,  TO.  path. 
Pfaff,  w.  rivet  stamp;   nut  driver;    (Brewing) 

Pfaffe,  TO.  priest. 
Pfaffenhiitchen,  n.  wahoo  (Evonymus  atropur- 


Pfahl,  TO.  stake,  pile,  stick,  pole,  post. 
pfahlen,  v.t.  pale;  prop;  empale. 
Pfahlwurzel,  /.  taproot. 
Pfalz,  /.  Palatinate. 
Pfand,  n.  pledge,  security,  forfeit. 
pfanden,  v.t.  seize,  take  as  a  pledge. 
Pfandgut,  n.  mortgage. 
Pfandleiher,  TO.  pawnbroker. 
Pfannchen,  n.  little  pan. 
Pfanne,/.  pan;  copper,  boiler;  pantile;  (Mach.) 

bearing,  bush;    (Anat.)  socket,  acetabulum. 
Pfannenstein,  TO.  pan  scale;  boiler  scale. 
Pfannenwerk,  n.  salt  works. 
Pfannenziegel,  TO.  pantile. 
Pfanner,  TO.  salt  manufacturer. 
Pfarrer,  TO.  parson. 
Pfau,  TO.  peacock. 
Pfeffer,  TO.  pepper. 
Pfefferkraut,    n.    savory    (Satureia   hortensis); 

peppergrass  (Lepidium);   stonecrop  (Sedum). 
Pfefferkuchen,  TO.  gingerbread. 
Pfefferminze,  /.  peppermint. 
Pfefferminzol,  n.  peppermint  oil. 
Pfeffermiinze,  /.  =  Pfefferminze. 
Pfefferstein,  TO.  peperine. 
Pfeife, /.  pipe;  whistle;  fife. 
pfeifen,  v.t.  &  i.  pipe,  whistle. 
Pfeifenerde,  /.  pipe  clay. 
Pfeifenrohr,  TO.  pipestem. 
Pfeifenton,  TO.  pipe  clay. 
Pfeil,  TO.  arrow;  dart. 
Pfeiler,  TO.  pillar. 

pfeilformig,  a.  arrow-shaped,  sagittate. 
Pfeilgift,  n.  arrow  poison. 




Pfeilwurz,  Pfeflwurzel,  /.  arrowroot. 

Pfeilzeichen,  n.  arrow. 

Pfennig,  m.  penny,  pfennig  (TJW  mark,  about 
%  cent  or  ^  English  penny). 

Pferd,  n.  horse. 

Pferdeharnsaure,  /.  hippuric  acid. 

Pferdekraft,  /.  horsepower. 

Pferdemilch,  /.  mare's  milk. 

Pferdeminze,  /.  horsemint. 

Pferdestarke,  /.  horsepower. 

-pferdig.  (so  many)  horsepower. 

Pfg.,  abbrev.  pfennig,  pfennigs. 

pfiff,  pret.  of  pfeifen. 

Pfiff,  m.  whistle;  trick,  knack. 

pfiffig,  a.  sly,  crafty. 

Pfingsten,  n.  Whitsuntide. 

Pfingstrose,  /.  peony. 

Pfirsich,  m.,  Pfirsche,  /.  peach. 

Pfirsichblute,  /.  peach  blossom. 

Pfirsichbranntwein,  m.  peach  brandy. 

Pfirsiche,  /.  peach. 

Pfirsichholz,  n.  peaeliwood. 

Pfirsichkern,  TO.  peach  kernel. 

pflag,  pret.  of  pflegen. 

Pflanze,  /.  plant. 

Pflanzen-.  plant,  vegetable. 

pflanzen,  v.L  plant. 

Pflanzenalkali,  n.  vegetable  alkali  (old  name 
for  potash,  also  for  plant  alkaloids). 

Pflanzenalkaloid,  n.  plant  alkaloid,  vegetable 

pflanzenartig,  a.  plan tl ike;   vegetable. 

Pflanzenbase,  /.  vegetable  base,  (plant)  alka- 

Pflanzenbeschreibung,  /.  description  of  plants, 

Pflanzenchemie,/.  plant  chemistry,  phytochem- 

Pflanzeneiweiss,  n.  vegetable  albumin  (or  al- 
bumen) ;  vegetable  protein. 

Pflanzenerde,  /.  vegetable  mold,  humus. 

Pflanzenfarbe,  /.  vegetable  color. 

Pflanzenfaser,  /.  vegetable  fiber,  plant  fiber. 

Pflanzenfaserstoff,  TO.,  Pflanzenfibrin,  n.  vege- 
table fibrin  (gluten;  cellulose). 

Pflanzenfett,  n.  vegetable  fat. 

Pflanzenforscher,  TO.  botanist. 

pflanzenfressend,  p.a.  herbivorous. 

Pflanzengriin,  n.  chlorophyl. 

Pflanzenkasein,  n.  vegetable  casein,  legumin. 

Pflanzenkohle,  /.  charcoal. 

Pflanzenkunde,  /.  botany. 

Pflanzenlaugensalz,  n.  (Old  CTtero.)  potash. 

Pflanzenlehre,  /.  botany. 

Pflanzenleim,  TO.  vegetable  glue,  gliadin;  gluten. 

Pflanzenol,  n.  vegetable  oil. 

Pflanzensaft,  TO.  vegetable  juice,  plant  juice, 

Pflanzensaure,  /.  vegetable  acid. 

Pflanzenschleim,  m.  mucilage. 

Pflanzenstoff,  m.  vegetable  matter. 

Pflanzentalg,  TO.  vegetable  tallow. 

Pflanzenwachstum,  TO.  &  n.  plant  growth,  vege- 

Pflanzcnzelle,  /.  plant  cell,  vegetable  cell. 

Pflanzenzellenstoff,  m.  cellulose. 

pflanzlich,  a.  plant,  vegetable. 

Pflaster,  n.  plaster;  pavement,  paving.    ' 

pflastern,  v.t.  plaster;  pave. 

Pflasterstein,  TO.  paving  stone. 

Pflasterziegel,  TO.  paving  brick,  paving  tfle. 

pflatschen,  v.t.  (Calico)  pad. 

Pflatschfarbe,  /.  (Calico)  padding  liquor. 

Pflaume,  /.  plum;   prune. 

Pflege,  /.  care;  nursing,  rearing,  education, 

Pflegekind,  n.  foster  child. 

pflegen,  v.L  be  accustomed,  be  wont;  indulge. — 
v.t.  attend  to,  care  for,  tend,  cultivate,  nurse. 

Pflicht,  /.  duty;   obligation. 

Pflichtbruch,  TO.  perjury. 

pflichtschuldig,  a.  in  duty  bound;   obligatory. 

Pflock,  TO.  peg,  pin,  plug. 

pflog,  pret.  of  pflegen. 

pfliicken,  v.t.  pluck,  pick,  gather. 

Pflug,  TO.  plow. 

pfliigen,  v.t.  plow. 

Pflugschar,  /.  plowshare;    (Anal.)  vomer. 

Pfortader,  /.  portal  vein. 

Pforte,  /.  gate,  door,  entrance. 

Pfortner,  TO.  porter,  doorkeeper;  (Anat.)  py- 

Pfosten,  TO.,  Pfoste,  /.  post. 

Pfote,  /.  paw. 

Pfriem,  Pfriemen,  TO.,  Pfrieme,  /.  punch,  awl. 

Pfriemenkraut,  n.  =  Besenginster. 

Pfropf,  Propfen,  TO.  stopper,  plug,  wad,  cork; 
graft;  (Med.)  thrombus. 

pfropfen,  v.t.  stopper,  cork;  cram;   graft. 

Pfropfenzieher,  TO.  corkscrew. 

Pfuhl,  TO.  pool,  slough. 

Pfiihl,  TO.  &  n.  pillow,  bolster. 

pfui,  inter j.  fie!  shame! 

Pfund,  n.  pound. 

Pfundleder,  n.  sole  leather. 

pfuschen,  v.i.  bungle;  meddle. 

Pfiitze,  /.  puddle,  wallow. 

phagedanisches  Wasser.  (Pharm.)  yellow  mer- 
curial lotion. 

Phanomen,  n.  phenomena. 

Phantasie,  /.  imagination,  fancy. 

phantasieren,  v.i.  imagine,  muse;  be  delirious, 

Phantast,  TO.  dreamer,  visionary. 

Pharmazeut,  TO.  pharmaceutist,  pharmacist. 

Pharmazeutik,  /.  pharmaceutics. 

pharmazeutisch,  a.  pharmaceutical. 

Pharmazie,  /.  pharmacy. 

Pharmakopoe,  /.  pharmacopeia. 

Phasengesetz,  n.  phase  rule. 




Phasenlehre,  /.  doctrine  of  phases. 

Phasenregel,  /.  phase  rule. 

Phasenzahl,  /.  number  of  phases. 

Phasotropie,  /.  phasotropism,  phasotropy. 

Phenol-,  phenol,  phenol-,  phenolic;  (in  com- 
bination with  the  name  of  a  metal)  pheno- 
late (or  phenoxide)  of,  as  Phenolaluminium, 
aluminium  phenolate,  aluminium  phenoxide. 

Phenolcarbonsaure,  /.  phenolcarboxylic  acid. 

Phenolkalium,  n.  potassium  phenolate  (or  phen- 

Phenolkalzium,  n.  calcium  phenolate  (or  phen- 

Phenolnatrium,  n.  sodium  phenolate  (or  phen- 

Phenolquecksilber,  n.  mercury  phenolate  (or 

Phenolsaure,  /.  phenol  acid. 

Phenolschwefelsaure,  '•/.  phenolsulfuric  acid 
(general  term,  ROSOsH,  where  R  is  an  aro- 
matic radical),  specif.,  phenylsulfuric  acid. 

Phenolsulfosaure,  /.  phenolsulf onic  acid. 

Phenolwismut,  m.  &  n.  bismuth  phenolate  (or 

Phenylarsenchloriir,  n.  phenylarsenious  chlor- 

Phenylborchlorid,  n.  phenylboron  chloride. 

Phenylenblau,  n.  phenylene  blue. 

Phenylessigsaure,  /.  phenylacetic  acid. 

Phenylfettsaure,  /.  phenylated  fatty  acid. 

phenylieren,  v.t.  phenylate. 

Phenyljodidchlorid,  n.  phenyl  iodochloride. 

Phenylmilchsaure,  /.  phenyllactic  acid. 

Phenylsaure, /.  phenylic  acid  (phenol). 

Phenylschwefelsaure,  /.  phenylsulfuric  acid. 

Phenylsenfol,  n.  phenyl  mustard  oil. 

Phenylsiliciumchlorid,  n.  phenylsilicon  chloride. 

Phenylwasserstoff,  m.  phenyl  hydride,  benzene. 

Ph.g.,  abbrev.  (Pharmakopoe  germanica)  German 

Philosoph,  m.  philosopher. 

Philosophenwolle,  /.  philosopher's  wool  (sub- 
limed zinc  oxide). 

philosophisch,  a.  philosophical. 

Phlegma,  n.  phlegm. 

phlogistisch,  a.  phlogistic. 

Phlorchinyl,  n.  phlcroquinyl. 

Phdnicin,  n.  phenicin. 

Phosgen,  n.  phosgene,  carbonyl  chloride. 

Phosphat,  n.  phosphate. 

phosphatisch,  a.  phosphatic. 

phosphenylig,  a.  phosphenylous. 

Phosphenylsaure,  /.  phosphenylic  acid. 

Phosphinigsaure,  /.  phosphinous  acid. 

Phosphinsaure,  /.  phosphinic  acid. 

Phosphor,  m.  phosphorus. 

Phosphor-,  phosphorus,  phospho-,  phosphide 

phosphorartig,  a.  like  phosphorus,  phos- 

Phosphorather,  TO.  phosphoric  ether  (ester  of 
phosphoric  acid,  specif.,  ethyl  phosphate). 

Phosphorbasis,  /.  phosphorus  base. 

Phosphorbestimmung,  /.  determination  of  phos- 

Phosphor blei,  n.  lead  phosphide;  (Min.)  pyro- 

Phosphorbromid,  n.  phosphorus  bromida, 
specif.,  phosphorus  pentabromide. 

Phosphorbromiir,  n.  phosphorus  tribromide. 

Phosphorcalcium,  n.  calcium  phosphide. 

Phosphorchlorid,  n.  phosphorus  chloride, 
specif.,  phosphoric  chloride  (phosphorus 

Phosphor  chloriir,«.  phosphorous  chloride  (phos- 
phorus trichloride). 

Phosphoreisen,  n.  iron  phosphide. 

phosphoreszieren,  v.i.  phosphoresce. — phos- 
phoreszierend,  p.a.  phosphorescent. 

Phosphorfleischsaure,  /.  phosphocarnic  acid. 

Phosphorgehalt,  m.  phosphorus  content. 

Phosphorgruppe,  /.  phosphorus  group. 

phosphorhaltig,  a.  containing  phosphorus,  phos- 
phatic, phosphorated. 

phosphorig,  a.  phosphorous. 

phosphorigsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  phos- 
phorous acid,  phosphite  of. 

Phosphorigsaureanhydrid,  n.  phosphorous  an- 
hydride (phosphorus  trioxide). 

phosphorisch,  a.  phosphoric. 

phosphorisieren,  v.L  phosphorize,  phosphorate. 

Phosphorjodid,  n.  phosphorus  iodide,  specif., 
phosphorus  triiodide. 

Phosphorjodiir,  n.  phosphorus  diiodide  (Pzlt). 

Phosphorkalzium,  n.  calcium  phosphide. 

Phosphorkupfer,  n.  copper  phosphide;  (Min.) 

Phosphorkupfererz,  n.  libethenite. 

Phosphorloffel,  m.  phosphorus  spoon  (deflagrat- 
ing spoon). 

Phosphormetall,  n.  (metallic)  phosphide. 

Phosphormolybdansaure,  /.  phosphomolybdic 

Phosphornatrium,  n.  sodium  phosphide. 

Phosphorol,  n.  (Pharm.)  phosphorated  oil. 

Phosphoroxyd,  n.  (any)  phosphorus  oxide. 

Phosphorproteid,  n.  phosphoprotein. 

Phosphorsalz,  n.  microcosmic  salt  (HNaNH4- 

phosphorsauer,  a.  of  or  combined  with  phos- 
phoric acid,  phosphate  of. 

Phosphorsaure,  /.  phosphoric  acid. 

Phosphorsaureanhydrid,  n.  phosphoric  anhy- 
dride (phosphorus  pentoxide). 

Phosphorstahl,  m.  phosphorus  steel. 

Phosphorsulfid,  n.  (any)  phosphorus  sulfide. 

Phosphorverbindung,  /.  phosphorus  com- 

Phosphorvergiftung,  /.  phosphorus  poison- 




Phosphorwasserstoff,  m.  hydrogen  phosphide, 
phosphorus  hydride  (gasformiger,  PH;; 
fliissiger,  P2H4;  fester,  PiKz). 

Phosphorwasserstoffgas,  n.  phosphoretted  hy- 
drogen gas  (phosphine,  PHs). 

Phosphorweinsaure,/.  phosphovinic  acid  (O&s.). 

Phosphorwolframsaure,  /.  phosphotungstic 

Phosphorzink,  n.  zinc  phosphide. 

Phosphorziindholzchen,  n.  phosphorus  match. 

Photochemie,  /.  photochemistry. 

photochemisch,  a.  photochemical. 

photoelektrisch,  a.  photo-electric. 

Photogramm,  n.  photograph. 

Photograph,  m.  photographer. 

Photographic,  /.  photography;   photograph. 

photographieren,  v.t.  photograph. 

photographisch,  a.  photographic. 

photometrisch,  a.  photometric. 

Photosphare,  /.  photosphere. 

Phototropie,  /.  phototropism,  phototropy. 

Phtal-.  phthal-,  phthalo-,  phthalic. 

Phtalaminsaure,  /.  phthalamic  acid. 

Phtalazin,  n.  phthalazine. 

Phtalein,  n.  phthalein. 

Phtalid,  n.  phthalide. 

Phtalmonopersaure,  /.  monoperpht  halic  acid. 

Phtalonsaure,  /.  phthalonic  acid. 

Phtalsaure,  /.  phthalic  acid. 

Physik,  /.  physics;  (Dyeing)  tin  composition 
(solution  of  tin  in  aqua  regia). 

physikalisch,  a.  physical. 

Physikbad,  n.  (Dyeing)  tin  composition. 

Physiker,  m.  physicist. 

Physiksalz,  n.  (Dyeing)  red  spirit. 

Physiolog,  m.  physiologist. 

physisch,  a.  physical. 

Phy tochemie,  /.  phytochemistry. 

phytochemisch,  a.  phytochemical. 

Pianino,  n.  upright  piano. 

Pichapparat,  m.  (Brewing)  pitching  machine. 

pichen,  v.t.  pitch. 

Picke,  /.  pickax,  pick. 

Pickel,  m.  pimple. 

picken,  v.i.  peck,  pick. 

Picolinsaure,  /.  picolinic  acid. 

piepen,  piepsen,  v.i.  peep,  cheep;  whine. 

Pietat,  /.  piety,  reverence. 

Piezoelektrizitat,  /.  piezoelectricity. 

pigmentfrei,  a.  free  from  pigment,  non-pig- 

pigmenthaltig,  a.  containing  pigment,  pig- 

pigmentieren,  v.t.  pigment. — v.i.  become  pig- 

Pik,  m.  peak;  pique;    (at  cards)  spades. 

pikant,  a.  piquant,  pungent.' 

Piknometer,  n.  pycnometer. 

Pikraminsaure,  /.  picramic  acid. 

Pikrinsaure,  /.  picric  acid. 

Pikro-.  picro-. 

Pikryl,  n.  picryl. 

Pilee,  /.,  Pileezucker,  m.  crushed  sugar. 

Pilger,  m.  pilgrim. 

Pille,/.  pill. 

Pilz,  m.  fungus;  mushroom. 

pilzahnlich,  a.  like  a  mushroom  or  fungus,  fun- 

pilzformig,  a.  fungiform. 

pilzig,  a.  fungous,  fungoid. 

Pilzkunde,  /.  mycology. 

Pilzsamen,  m.  spawn  (of  fungi),  mycelium. 

pilztotend,  p. a.  fungicidal. 

Pimarsaure,  /.  pimaric  acid. 

Pimelinsaure,  /.  pimelic  acid. 

Piment,  n.  pimento,  allspice. 

Pimentdl,  n.  pimento  oil,  allspice  oil. 

Pimpernuss,  /.  bladder  nut. 

Pimpinelle,  /.  burnet  saxifrage  (Pimpinella 

Pinakon,  n.  pinacol,  (less  correctly)  pinacone. 

Pinakonbildung,  /.  pinacol  formation. 

Pincette,  /.  =  Pinzette. 

Pinie,  /.  pine  (esp.  Pinus  pinea). 

Pinit,  n.  pinitol,  (less  correctly)  pinite. 

pinken,  v.t.  treat  with  pink  salt. 

Pinksalz,  n.  pink  salt  (ammonium  stannic  chlo- 
ride; less  commonly,  potassium  sodium  tar- 

Pinne,/.  (Tech.)  pin,  peg,  (of  a  hammer)  peen; 
quill  feather. 

Pinsaure,  /.  pinic  acid. 

Pinsel,  m.  (painter's)  brush,  pencil. 

pinseln,  v.t.  pencil,  paint. 

Pinselschimmel,  m.  any  species  of  Penicillium. 

Pinusharz,  n.  pine  resin. 

Pinzette,  /.  forceps,  tweezers,  nippers. 

Piperinsaure,  /.  piperic  acid. 

Pipettengestell,  n.  pipette  stand. 

pipettieren,  v.t.  transfer  or  measure  with  a 
pipette,  pipette. 

Pistazie,/.  pistachio  (nut). 

PistUl,  n.  pestle;    (Bot.)  pistil. 

placken,  v.t.  flatten;  ram;  pester. 

Plackerei,  /.  drudgery. 

Plage,  /.  trouble,  bother,  plague,  drudgery. 

plagen,  v.t.  plague,  trouble,  bother,  worry. 

Plagioklas,  m.  plagioclase. 

Plakat,  n.  placard,  poster. 

Plakatfarbe,  /.  lithographic  color. 

Plan,  m.  plane,  plain;  plan;   (Painting)  ground. 

planieren,  v.t.  plane,  planish,  smooth,  level; 
size  (paper). 

Planiermasse,  /.  (Paper)  size. 

Planierwasser,  n.  glue  water,  size. 

plankonkav,  a.  plano-concave. 

plankonvex,  a.  plano-convex. 

planschen,  v.i.  splash. 

Planspiegel,  m.  plane  mirror. 

plansymmetrisch,  a.  planisymmetric(al). 




Plantage,  /.  plantation. 

plappern,  v.L  babble,  prattle. 

Plasmolyse,  /.  plasmolysis. 

plasmolytisch,  a.  plasmolytic. 

plastisch,  a.  plastic. 

Plastizitat,  /.  plasticity. 

Platane,  /.  plane,  plane  tree. 

Platin,  n.  platinum. 

Platinasbest,  m.  platinized  asbestos. 

Platinblase,  /.  platinum  still. 

Platinblech,  n.  platinum  foil. 

Platinchlorid,    n.    platinum    chloride,    specif., 

platinic  chloride. 

Platinchloriir,  n.  platinous  chloride. 
Platinchlorwasserstoff,   m.,  -stoffsaure,  /.  chlo- 

roplatinic  acid. 
Platincyaniir,  n.  platinous  cyanide;    cyanopla- 

tinite,  platinocyanide. 
Platincyanurwasserstoff.TO.,  -stoffsaure,/.  cyan- 

oplatinous  acid,  platinocyanic  acid. 
Platindraht,  m.  platinum  wire. 
Platinerz,  n.  platinum  ore. 
Platinfolie,  /.  platinum  foil, 
platinhaltig,  a.  containing  platinum,  platinifer- 


Platini-.  platinic,  platini-. 
Platinichlorid,  n.  platinic  chloride. 
Platinichlorwasserstoff,  m.,  -stoffsaure,  /.  chlo- 

roplatinic  acid, 
platinieren,  v.t.  platinize. 
Platinisalz,  n.  platinic  salt. 
.Platiniverbindung,  /.  platinic  compound. 
Platinloffel,  m.  platinum  spoon. 
Platinmetall,  n.  platinum  metal,  metal  of  the 

platinum  group. 
Platinmohr,  TO.  platinum  black. 
Platino-.  platinous,  platino-. 
Platinochlorid,  n.  platinous  chloride. 
Platinochlorwasserstoff,     m.,     -stoffsaure,     /. 

chloroplatinous  acid. 
Platinocyanwasserstoff,  TO.,  -stoffsaure,/.  cyan- 

oplatinous  acid,  platinocyanic  acid. 
Platinoverbindung,  /.  platinous  compound. 
Platinoxyd,  n.  platinum  oxide,  specif.,  platinic 


Platinoxydul,  n.  platinous  oxide. 
Platinoxydulverbindung,    /.     platinous     com- 

Platinoxydverbindung,  /.  platinic  compound. 
Platinozyan-.     See  Platinocyan-. 
Platinsalmiak,  TO.  ammonium  chloroplatinate. 
Platinsaure,  /.  platinic  acid. 
Platinschale,  /.  platinum  dish. 
Platinschiffchen,  n.  platinum  boat. 
Platinschwamm,  TO.  platinum  sponge. 
Platinschwarz,  n.  platinum  black. 
Platinspatel,  TO.  platinum  spatula. 
Platinspitze,  /.  platinum  point. 
Platintiegel,  TO.  platinum  crucible. 
Platinverbindung,  /.  platinum  compound. 

Platinzyan-.     See  Platincyan-. 

platt,  a.  flat;  plain;  level;  low. 

Plattchen,  n.  platelet,  lamella. 

Platte,  /.  plate;  sheet,  slab;  lamina;  planchet; 

leaf  (of  a  table) ;  flagstone;  bald  head. 
Platte,  /.  flatiron. 
platt  en,  v.t.  flatten;  iron;  flag. 
plattenformig,   a.   platelike,   lamellar,   lamelli- 


Plattenkautschuk,  n.  sheet  rubber. 
Plattenkultur,  /.  plate  culture. 
Plattenkupfer,  n.  sheet  copper. 
Plattenturm,  TO.  plate  column,  plate  tower. 
plattieren,  v.t.  plate. 
Plattierung,  /.  plating,  plate. 
Plattine,/.  (Tech.)  plate;   (Metal.)  mill  bar. 
Platz,  w.  place;  room,  spot,  seat,  square,  etc. 
Platzchen,  n.  little  cake,  lozenge,  troche,  tablet. 
platzen,  v.L  burst;   crack. 
plaudern,  v.L  chatter,  gossip. 
Pleochroismus,  TO.  pleochroism. 
Pleuelstange,  /.  connecting  rod. 
Plinse,  Plinze,  /.  pancake,  omelet. 
Plombe,  /.  filling,  plug  (for  teeth), 
plotzlich,  a.  sudden. 
Plumbi-.  plumbic,  plumbi-. 
Plumbisalz,  n.  plumbic  salt. 
Plumbo-.  plumbous,  plumbo-. 
Plumbosalz,  n.  plumbous  salt, 
plump,  a.  bulky,  clumsy,  gross. 
Plunder,  TO.  rubbish,  trumpery. 
pliindern,  v.t.  plunder,  pillage. 
Plunscher,  TO.  plunger. 
pneumatisch,  a.  pneumatic. 
Pobel,  TO.  rabble,  mob. 
pochen,  v.L  beat,  knock,  stamp;  brag;  trust. — 

v.t.  stamp -(ore). 
Pochmehl,  n.  pulverized  ore. 
Pochmiihle,  /.  stamp  mill. 
Pochstempelreihe,  /.  stamp  battery. 
Pochwerk,  n.  stamp  mill. 
Pocke,  /.  pock;    (pi.)  smallpox. 
Pockenlymphe,  /.  vaccine  lymph. 
Pockholz,  Pockenholz,  n.  lignum-vitae,  guaia- 

cum  wood,  pockwood. 
Poesie,  /.  poetry;  poem. 
Pokal,  TO.  goblet,  cup. 
Pokel,  TO.  pickle  (the  liquid). 
Pokelfass,  n.  pickling  tub  or  vat. 
Pokelfleisch,  n.  pickled  meat,  salt  meat. 
pokeln,  v.t.  pickle. 
Pol,  TO.  pole. 

Polarisationsebene,  /.  plajie  of  polarization. 
Polarisationsprisma,  n.  polarizer. 
Polarisationsstrom,  TO.  polarization  current. 
polarisierbar,  a.  polarizable. 
polarisieren,  v.t.  polarize. 
Polarisierung,  /.  polarization. 
Polaritat,  /.  polarity. 
Poleck,  n.,  Polecke,  /.  (Cryst.)  summit. 




Polei,  m.  pennyroyal. 

Poleiol,  n.  pennyroyal  oil. 

Polemik,  /.  polemic,  controversy;   polemics. 

polen,  v.t.  (Metal.)  pole. 

Polen,  n.  (Metal.)  poling;  Poland. 

Police,  /.  (insurance)  policy. 

Polier-.  polishing,  burnishing. 

polieren,  v.t.  polish,  burnish. 

Polierpapier,  n.  polishing  paper,  sandpaper. 

Polierpulver,  n.  polishing  powder. 

Polierrot,  n.  polishing  red,  colcothar,  crocus, 

Politur,  /.  polish;   polishing. 

Polizei,  /.  police;  police  station. 

Polizeidiener,  m.  policeman. 

Polster,  n.  bolster,  cushion. 

Poltergeist,  TO.  hobgoblin;  noisy  fellow. 

poltern,  v.i.  raise  a  racket;  scold. 

Polwechsel,  TO.  change  or  reversal  of  poles. 

Polychromsaure,  /.  polychromic  acid. 

Polyeder,  n.  polyhedron. 

polygonisch,  a.  polygonal. 

polyhedrisch,  a.  polyhedral. 

polyheteroatomig,  a.  polyheteratomic. 

Polyhyperjodat,  n.  polyperiodate. 

Polykieselsaure,  /.  polysilicic  acid. 

polymer,  a.  polymeric. 

Polymeric,  /.  polymerism. 

polymerisieren,  v.t.  &  i.  polymerize. 

Polymolybdansaure,  /.  polymolybdic  acid. 

polymorph,  a.  polymorphous,  polymorphic. 

Polymorphic,  /.  polymorphism,  polymorphy. 

Polythionsaure,  /.  polythionic  acid. 

Pomeranze,  /.  orange,  esp.  bitter  orange. 

Pomeranzenbliitenol,  n.  orange-flower  oil,  ne- 

Pomeranzenliqueur,  TO.  curagao. 

Pomeranzenschalenol,  n.  orange-peel  oil,  orange 

Pompejanisch,  a.  Pompeian. 

Pompelmuse,  /.  shaddock,  grape  fruit. 

Popanz,  TO.  bugbear. 

Porcellan,  n.  =  Porzellan. 

poros,  a.  porous. 

Porositat,  /.  porosity. 

Porphyr,  m.  porphyry. 

porphyrartig,  a.  porphyritic. 

Porphyrfelsen,  m.,  Porphyrgestein,  n.  porphy- 
ritic rock. 

Porsch,  Porst,  m.  marsh  tea  (Ledum 

Portier,  TO.  porter,  doorkeeper. 

Portlandkalk,  TO.  Portland  (lime) stone. 

Porto,  n.  postage. 

portofrei,  a.  post-free,  postpaid. 

Portugalol,  Portugallool,  n.  Portugal  (or  portu- 
gallo)  oil,  orange-peel  oil. 

Portugalwasser,  n.  laurel  water. 

Porzellan,  n.  porcelain,  china. 

Porzellanbrei,  TO.  porcelain  slip. 

Porzellanerde,  /.   porcelain   clay,   china   clay, 

Porzellangriff,  TO.  porcelain  handle. 

Porzellan jaspis,  TO.  porcelain  jasper  (variety  of 
porcelanite) . 

Porzellanmasse,  /.  porcelain  body. 

Porzellanmortel,  TO.  pozzuolana  mortar. 

Porzellanschiffchen,  n.  porcelain  boat. 

Porzellanspat,  TO.  scapolite. 

Porzellantiegel,  TO.  porcelain  crucible. 

Porzellanton,  TO.  porcelain  clay,  kaolin. 

Porzellantonumschlag,  TO.  (Pharm.)  cataplasm 
of  kaolin. 

Posaune,  /.  trombone. 

Pose, /.  quill;   pose. 

Posse,  /.  antic,  fun,  burlesque. 

Possen,  TO.  prank,  trick. 

possierlich,  a.  funny,  droll. 

Post,  /.  post,  mail;  news. 

Postament,  n.  stand,  base,  pedestal. 

Postamt,  n.,  Postanstalt,  /.  post-office. 

Posten,  TO.  post,  place;  item;  sum;  lot,  parcel; 
(Metal.)  batch. 

postfrei,  a.  post-free,  postpaid. 

Postkarte,  /.  postcard,  postal  card;   post  map. 

postlagernd,  p.a.  general  delivery. 

Postverein,  TO.  postal  union. 

Postzeichen,  n.  postmark. 

Potasche,  /.  =  Pottasche. 

Potentialsprung,  TO.    (Elec.)    difference   of  po- 

potentieU,  a.  potential. 

potentiieren,  v.t.  render  potent,  potentize. 

Potenz,  /.  power. 

potenzieren,  v.t.  (Math.)  raise  to  a  higher  power. 

Potenzreihe,  /.  (Math.)  exponential  series. 

Pottasche,  /.  potash  (potassium  carbonate) . 

pottecht,  a.  (Dyeing)  fast  to  potting. 

Pottfisch,  TO.  sperm  whale. 

Pottfischol,  n.  sperm  oil. 

poussieren,  v.t.  push,  promote;   court. 

Pozzolanerde,  /.  pozzuolana. 

Prachtausgabe,  /.  edition  de  luxe. 

Pracht,  /.  pomp,  splendor,  magnificence,  dis- 

prachtig,  prachtvoll,  a.  splendid,  magnificent, 

Praci-.     See  Prazi-. 

pradisponieren,  v.t.  predispose. 

Praexistenz,  /.  preexistence. 

Prageanstalt,  /.  mint. 

pragen,  v.t.  stamp,  coin,  imprint. 

Pragung,  /.  coining,  stamping;   coinage. 

prahlen,  v,i.  boast;    (of  colors)  be  loud. 

Praktikant,  m.  laboratory  worker,  laboratory 
student;   practitioner. 

Praktiker,  TO.  practician,  experienced  person, 

praktisch,  a.  practical. 

praktizieren,  v.t.  practise. 




prall,  a.  stout;  tight. 

prallen,  v.i.  bounce,  bound;  be  reflected. 

Prall  kraft,  /.  resiliency. 

Prallwinkel,  m.  angle  of  reflection. 

Pramie,  /.  premium,  prize. 

prangen,  v.i.  make  a  show,  be  resplendent,  shine. 

Pranke,  /.  clutch. 

Praparat,  n.  preparation. 

Praparatenglas,  n.  preparation  glass. 

Praparatenrohrchen,  n.  preparation  tube,  speci- 
men tube. 

Praparier-.  preparing. 

praparieren,  v.t.  prepare;  (Med.)  dissect. — 
praparieretes  Papier,  (Photog.)  sensitized 

Prapariersalz,  n.  preparing  salt  (sodium  stan- 

Prasenstein,  Prasem,  TO.  prase  (green  variety  of 

prasentieren,  v.t.  present. 

Praseodym,  n.  praseodymium. 

Praseokobaltsalz,  n.  praseocobaltic  salt. 

prasejrvieren,  v.t.  preserve. 

Praservierung,  /.  preservation,  preserving. 

Praservierungsmittel,  n.  preservative. 

prasseln,  v.i.  crackle,  rustle. 

prassen,  v.i.  revel,  carouse. 

Praxis,  /.  practice. 

Prazipitat,  n.  &  m.  precipitate. 

Prazipitation,  /.  precipitation. 

Prazipitationswarme,  /.  heat  of  precipitation. 

prazipitieren,  v.t.  precipitate. 

Prazipitiergefass,  n.  precipitating  vessel. 

Prazipitiermittel,  n.  precipitant. 

priizis,  a.  precise. 

prazisieren,  v.t.  render  precise,  define. 

Prazision,  /.  precision. 

Prazisionswage,  /.  balance  of  precision,  preci- 
sion balance. 

predigen,  v.i.  preach. 

Predigt,  /.  sermon;   preaching. 

Preis,  TO.  price;   value;  rate;  prize;  praise. 

preisen,  v.t.  praise,  commend. 

preisgeben,  v.t.  give  over,  give  up,  expose. 

Preisselbeere,  /.  mountain  cranberry. 

prellen,  v.t.  toss;   make  to  rebound;  cheat. 

Prellstein,  TO.  curbstone. 

Press-,  pressed,  compressed,  expressed,  pressing, 
press;  glazed. 

Pressbeutel,  TO.  pressing  bag,  press  bag,  filter 
bag  (for  presses). 

Presse,  /.  press;   gloss. 

pressen,  v.t.  press;   squeeze,  pinch,  cram. 

Pressfilter,  n.  pressure  filter,  press  filter. 

Pressglanz,  m.  gloss  from  pressing. 

Pressglas,  n.  pressed  glass. 

Presshefe,  /.  pressed  yeast,  compressed  yeast. 

Presskohle,  /.  pressed  charcoal;   pressed  coal. 

Pressling,  m.  something  pressed,  pressed  ar- 
ticle; (pl.t  Sugar)  expressed  beet  pulp. 

Pressluft,  /.  compressed  air. 

Pressmiihle,  /.  pressing  mill. 

Pressol,  n.  fixed  oil. 

Pressriickstand,  m.  expressed  residue. 

Presssack,  TO.  =  Pressbeutel. 

Presssaft,  TO.  expressed  juice,  press  juice. 

Pressspan,  m.  glazed  cardboard 

Presstalg,  TO.  pressed  tallow. 

Presstorf,  TO.  pressed  peat.       ' 

Presstuch,  n.  filter  cloth  (for  presses). 

Pressung,  /.  pressure,  pressing,  compression. 

Pressverfahren,  n.  pressing  process. 

Presswalze,  /.  press  roll. 

Pressziegel,  TO.  pressed  brick. 

Presszucker,  m.  compressed  sugar. 

Preussen,  n.  Prussia. 

preussisch,  a.  Prussian. 

Preussischblau,  n.  Prussian  blue. 

prickeln,  v.t.  prickle,  prick. — prickelnd,  p.a. 
sharp,  pungent. 

pries,  pret.  of  preisen. 

Priester,  TO.  priest,  minister. 

Prima-.  of  first,  prime  or  best  quality. 

primar,  a.  primary. 

Primarkreis,  TO.  primary  circuit. 

Primasoda,  /.  refined  soda. 

Primaware,  /.  prime  or  superior  article  or  goods. 

Primel,  /.  primrose. 

Princip,  n.  principle. 

Prinz,  TO.  prince. 

Prinzip,  n.  principle. 

Prioritat,  /.  priority. 

Prise,  /.  prize;  pinch. 

Prisma,  n.  prism. 

prismaahnlich,  prismaartig,  a.  prism-like,  pris- 

prismaformig,  a.  prism-shaped,  prismatic. 

prismatisch,  a.  prismatic. 

Prismenflache,  /.  prismatic  face. 

prismenformig,  a.  prism-shaped,  prismatic. 

Prismenglas,  n.  prism  glass. 

Prismenkante,  /.  prismatic  edge. 

Prismenspektrum,  n.  prismatic  spectrum. 

Pritsche,  /.  bat;  (Alum)  washing  floor;  (Dye- 
ing) stillage  (to  support  goods  while  drying). 

Privatdozent,  TO.  a  licensed  university  lecturer 
receiving  fees  but  no  salary. 

pro,  prep,  pro,  per. 

probat,  a.  proved,  tried. 

Probe,/,  test;  assay;  sample,  specimen;  proof; 
trial;  probation;  rehearsal. 

Probeabdruck,  TO.  proof,  proof  print. 

Probebogen,  TO.  proof  sheet,  proof. 

Probeessig,  TO.  proof  vinegar. 

Probefarbung,  /.  test  dyeing. 

Probeflaschchen,  n.  sampling  bottle. 

Probeflussigkeit,  /.  test  liquid,  test  liquor. 

Probegewicht,  n.  test  weight,  standard  weight. 

Probegold,  n.  standard  gold. 

Probegut,  n.  sample. 




probehaltig,  a.  proof,  standard. 

Probekorn,  n.  assay  button. 

Probeloffel,  m.  assay  spoon. 

Probemachen,  n.  testing,  assaying. 

Probemass,  n.  standard  measure. 

probemassig,  a.  according  to  sample. 

Probemunze,  /.  proof  coin. 

Probemuster,  n.  sample  for  testing. 

Probenadel,  /.  touch  needle. 

Probenehmen,  n.  sampling. 

Probenglas,  n.  specimen  glass,  specimen  tube. 

Probenstecher,  m.  =  Probestecher. 

Probepapier,  n.  test  paper. 

Prober,  m.  tester. 

Proberohr,  -rohrchen,  n.,  -rohre,  /.  test  tube; 
(Mack.)  trial  pipe. 

Probesaure,  /.  test  acid,  standard  acid. 

Probescherbe,  /.,  Probescherben,  TO.  cupel; 
(Ceram.)  trial  piece. 

Probesilber,  n.  standard  silver. 

Probespiritus,  TO.  proof  spirit. 

Probestecher,  TO.  sampler  (inserted  into  the  ma- 
terial to  be  sampled);  (for  liquids)  thief 
tube;  (Sugar)  proof  stick. 

Probestein,  TO.  touchstone;  sample  stone. 

Probestiick,  n.  specimen,  sample;  test  piece. 

Probetiegel,  TO.  assay  crucible  (see  Tiite) ;  cupel. 

Probewage,  /.  assay  balance. 

Probeweingeist,  m.  proof  spirit. 

Probeziehen,  n.  sampling. 

Probezieher,  m.  sampler. 

Probezinn,  n.  standard  tin. 

Probezylinder,  TO.  trial  jar;  test  tube. 

Probier-.  testing,  test;  assaying,  assay. 

Probierblei,  n.  test  lead,  assay  lead. 

probieren,  v.t.  test;  assay;  try;  prove. 

Probierer,  TO.  tester,  assayer,  analyst. 

Probiergerate,,  -geratschaften,  as- 
saying apparatus. 

Probiergewicht,  n.  assay  weight. 

Probierglas,  n.  test  tube. 

Probierglatte,  /.  test  litharge. 

Probiergold,  n.  standard  gold. 

Probierhahn,  TO.  try  cock,  gage  cock. 

Probierkluft,  /.  assayer's  tongs. 

Probierkorn,  n.  assay  button. 

Probierkunst,  /.  assaying. 

Prdbierlaboratorium,  n.  assay  laboratory. 

Probierloffel,  m.  assay  spoon. 

Probiermetall,  n.  test  metal. 

Probiernadel,  /.  touch  needle. 

Probierofen,  TO.  assay  furnace. 

Probierpapier,  n.  test  paper. 

Probierrohre,  /.  test  tube. 

Probierrohrengestell,  n.  test-tube  rack. 

Probierscherben,  TO.  =  Probescherben. 

Probierstein,  TO.  touchstone. 

Probiertiegel,  TO.  =  Probetiegel. 

Probiertute,  -tiite,  -tutte,  /.  assay  crucible. 
See  Tiite. 

Probierwage,  /.  assay  balance. 

Probierzange,  /.  assayer's  tongs. 

Procent,  n.  percent. 

Prod.,  abbrev.  (Produkt)  product. 

Produzent,  TO.  producer,  grower. 

produzieren,  v.t.  produce. 

Professorat,  n.  professorship. 

professorhaft,  professorisch,  a.  professorial. 

Professorschaft,  Professur,  /.  professorship. 

projizieren,  v.t.  project. 

promovieren,  v.t.  &  i.  graduate. 

Propiolsaure,  /.  propiolic  acid. 

Propionsaure,  /.  propionic  acid. 

prosit,  inter] '.  your  health! 

Proteinkorper,  Proteinstoff,  TO.  protein  sub- 
stance, protein. 

Proteinurie,  /.  albuminuria. 

Protokatechusaure,  /.  protocatechuic  acid. 

Protokoll,  n.  minutes,  record;   protocol. 

Protoxyd,  n.  protoxide. 

Proviant,  TO.  provisions,  victuals. 

Provision, /.  provision;  commission. 

Provisor,  TO.  pharmacist's  assistant,  dispenser. 

provisorisch,  a.  provisional. 

Proz.,  abbrev.  of  Prozent. 

Prozent,  n.  percent. 

Prozentgehalt,  TO.  percent  content,  percentage. 

prozentig,  prozentisch,  a.  percent,  percentage. 

Prozentsatz,  TO.  percentage. 

Prozentteilung,  /.  percentage  scale. 

Prozess,  TO.  process. 

prozessieren,  v.i.  litigate. 

prude,  a.  prudish,  prim. 

priifen,  v.t.  test;  assay;  try;  prove;  taste 
(wine,  etc.);  examine. 

Prufer,  m.  tester,  assayer,  examiner. 

Prufstein,  m.  touchstone. 

Priifung,  /.  test,  testing,  assay,  trial,  examina- 
tion, proof. 

Prufungsschein,  TO.  certificate  (that  a  thing  has 
been  tested). 

Priigel,  TO.  cudgel,  club;  blow;  drubbing, 

Prunellensalz,  Prunellsalz,  n.  sal  prunellc 
(fused  potassium  nitrate). 

Prunk,  m.  pomp,  state,  show. 

PS,  P.S.,  abbrev.  (Pferdestarke)  horsepower.H.P. 

Pseudoharnstoff,  TO.  pseudourea. 

Pseudokatalysator,  m.  pseudocatalyzer. 

Pseudokatalyse,  /.  pseudocatalysis. 

pseudokatalytisch,  a.  pseudocatalytic. 

Pseudolosung,  /.  pseudo  solution. 

Pseudomerie,  /.  pseudomerism. 

pseudomorph,  a.  pseudomorphous. 

Pseudomorphose,  /.  pseudomorphosis;  pseudo- 

Pseudosaure,  /.  pseudo  acid. 

publizieren,  v.t.  publish. 

Puddelarbeiter,  TO.  puddler. 

Puddelbett,  n.  =  Puddelsohle. 




Puddeleisen,  n.  puddled  iron. 

Puddelluppe,  /.  puddle-ball. 

puddeln,  v.t.  puddle. 

Puddelofen,  m.  puddling  furnace. 

Puddelprozess,  TO.  puddling  process. 

Puddelgchlacke,  /.  puddling  slag. 

Puddelsohle,  /.  puddling-furnace  bed. 

Puddelspitze,  /.  puddler's  paddle. 

Puddelstab,  TO.  puddle-bar. 

Puddelstahl,  m.  puddled  steel. 

Puddelverfahren,  n.  puddling  process,  puddling. 

Puddelwalze,  /.  puddle  roll. 

Puddelwerk,  n.  puddling  works. 

Pudel,  m.  poodle;  blunder,  miss. 

Puder,  TO.  powder. 

pudern,  v.t.  powder. 

Puderzucker,  m.  powdered  sugar. 

Puff,  TO.  blow,  thump;  puff. 

puffen,  v.i.  pop. — v.t.  thump,  beat. 

Puts,  TO.  pulse. 

Pulsader,  /.  artery. 

Pulsglas,  n.,  Pulshamm6r,  m.  cryophorus. 

Pulsschlag,  TO.  pulse  beat,  pulsation. 

Pult,  n.  desk. 

Pultfeuerung,  /.  firing  on  stepped  grate  bars. 

Pultofen,  TO.  (Metal.)  back-flame  hearth. 

Pulver,  n.  powder. 

pulverartig,  a.  powdery. 

Pulverfabrik,  /.  powder  factory. 

Pulverflasche,  /.  powder  bottle  (wide-mouthed 


pulverfdrmig,  a.  in  the  form  of  powder,  powdery. 
Pulverglas,  n.  —  Pulverflasche. 
pulverig,  a.  powdery,  pulverulent. 
pulverisierbar,  a.  pulverable. 
pulverisieren,  v.t.  powder,  pulverize. 
Pulverisierung,  /.  pulverization. 
Pulverkorn,  n.  grain  of  powder. 
Pulvermorser,  TO.  powder  mortar. 
Pulvermiihle,  /.  powder  mill. 
pulvern,  v.t.  powder,  pulverize. 
Pulversatz,  TO.  powder  composition. 
Pulverzucker,  m.  powdered  sugar. 
Pumpe,  /.  pump. 
Punkt,  m.  point;   dot;  period. 
punktieren,  v.t.  point;  dot;  punctuate. 
piinktlich,  a.  punctual;  exact. 
Punktstrich,  TO.  semicolon. 
Punktum,  n.  period. 
Punsch,  TO.  punch. 
Punzen,  TO.  punch. 
Pupille,  /.  pupil. 

Puppe,  /.  pupa;    cocoon;    doll;    puppet. 
Purganz,  /.  purgative. 

purgieren,  v.t.  &  i.  purge;  boil  off  (silk)  with  soap. 
Purgierharz,  n.  scammony. 
Purgierkasie,  -kassia,  /.  purging  cassia. 
Purgierlein,  n.  purging  flax. 
Purgiermittel,  n.  purgative. 
Purgiernuss,  /.  purging  nut,  physic  nut. 

Purgiersalz,  n.  purgative  salt, 
purifizieren,  v.t.  purify. 
Purinbascn,  purine  bases. 
Purpur,  m.  purple. 
Purpureokobaltverbindung,  /.  purpureocobaltic 


purpurfarbig,  a.  purple-colored,  purple. 
Purpurholz,  n.  violet  wood. 
Purpurkarmin,  TO.  purple  carmine,  murexide. 
Purpurmuschel,  /.  purple  shell. 
purpurrot,  a.  purple-red,  crimson. 
Purpursaure,  /.  purpuric  acid. 
Purpurschwefelsaure,  /.  sulfopurpuric  acid. 
Purzelbaum,  TO.  somersault. 
purzeln,  v.i.  tumble. 
Pustel,  /.  pustule,  pimple. 
pusten,  v.i.  breathe,  pant. 
Puter,  TO.  turkey. 

Putz,  TO.  plaster,  plastering;  dress,  ornament. 
Putzbaumwolle,  /.  cotton  waste  (for  cleaning). 
putzen,  v.t.  clean,  cleanse,  scour,  polish,  trim, 

dress;  plaster. 
Putzerei,  /.  dressing. 
putzig,  a.  funny,  droll. 
Putzlage,  /.  coat  of  plaster. 
Putzmacherei,  /.  millinery. 
Putzmaschine,  /.  cleaning  machine.  powder,polishing  powder. 
Putzschicht,  /.  =  Putzlage. 
Putztisch,  TO.  dressing  table;    (Ceram.)  cleaning 

Putztuch,  n.  cloth  for  cleaning  or  polishing, 

sponge  cloth. 

Putzwasser,  n.  dilute  acid  for  scouring. 
Puzzolane,  Puzzolanerde,  /.  pozzuolana. 
Puzzuolanerde,  /.  pozzuolana. 
pyramidenformig,  a.  pyramidal. 
Pyramidenwiirfel,  tetrahexahedron. 
Pyritabbrande,  pyrites  cinders. 
pyritisch,  a.  pyritic. 

Pyritofen,  TO.  pyrites  oven,  pyrites  burner. 
Pyroantimonsaure,  /.  pyroantimonic  acid. 
Pyroarsensaure,  /.  pyroarsenic  acid. 
Pyroelektrizitat,  /.  pyroelectricity. 
Pyrogallussaure,  /.  pyrogallic  acid  (pyrogallol). 
pyrogen,  a.  pyrogenic. 
Pyrokatechin,  n.  pyrocatechol. 
pyrometrisch,  a.  pyrometric. 
Pyrophor,  n.  pyrophorus. 
pyrophorisch,  a.  pyrophoric. 
pyrophosphorsauer,   a.   of   or   combined   with 

pyrophosphoric  acid,  pyrophosphate  of. 
Pyrophosphorsaure,  /.  pyrophosphoric  acid. 
Pyrosaure,  /.  pyro  acid. 
Pyroschleimsaure,  /.  pyromucic  acid. 
Pyroschwefelsaure,  /.  pyrosulfuric  acid  (disul- 

furic  acid). 

pyroschweflig,  a.  pyrosulfurous. 
Pyroweinsaure,  /.  pyrotartaric  acid. 
Pyrrol,  n.  pyrrole. 

q.,  abbrev.  (quadrat)  square  (esp.  in  qcm,  square 

centimeter,  etc.). 

qcm.,  abbrev.  square  centimeter (s),  sq.  cm. 
qdm.,  abbrev.  square  decimeter(s),  sq.  dm. 
quabblen,  v.i.  shake,  quiver;  be  flabby. 
quacken,  v.i.  quack;   croak. 
Quacksalbcr,  in.  quack,  charlatan. 
Quader,  Quaderstein,  m.  ashlar;  freestone. 
Quadrat,  n.  square, 
quadrat isch,     a.    square;     quadratic;     (Cryst.) 


Quadratmeter,  m.  square  meter. 
Quadratpyramide,  /.  square  pyramid. 
Quadratwurzel,  /.  square  root. 
Quadratzahl,  /.  square  number,  square. 
Quadratzentimeter,  m.  square  centimeter. 
quadrieren,  v.t.  square. 
Qual,  /.  torment,  agony,  pang, 
qualen,  v.t.  torment,  worry,  afflict. 
Qualitat,  /.  quality. 
Qualle,  /.  jeUyfish. 
Qualm,  m.  dense  smoke,  vapor, 
quantenhaft,   a.  pertaining  to  quanta  or  the 

quantum  theory. 

Quantenhypothese,  /.  quantum  hypothesis. 
Quantentheorie,  /.  quantum  theory. 
Quantitat,  /.  quantity. 
Quantum,    n.    quantum;     quantity,    portion, 


Quark,  m.  curd,  curds;  trash. 
Quart,  Quarte,  /.  quarter,  fourth, 
quartar,  a.  quaternary. 
Quartier,  n.  quarter,  quarters. 
Quarz,  m.  quartz. 
quarzahnlich,  quarzartig,  a.  quartzose,  quartz- 


Quarzfaden,  m.  quartz  thread. 
Quarzfels,  m.  quartz  rock,  quartzite. 
Quarzglas,  n.  quartz  glass, 
quarzig,  a.  quartzy,  quartzose. 
Quarzit,  m.  quartzite. 
Quarzsinter,  m.  siliceous  sinter. 
Quarzziegel,  m.  quartz  brick,  Dinas  brick. 
quasielastisch,  a.  quasi  elastic. 
Quassiaholz,   Quassienholz,  n.  quassia  wood, 


Quast,  TO.,  Quaste,  /.  tassel,  tuft;  brush. 
quaternar,  a.  quaternary. 

Quatsch,  m.  squash;  nonsense. 

Quebrachit,  n.  quebrachitol,  quebrachite. 

Quecke,  /.  couch  grass. 

Quecksilber,  n.  mercury,  quicksilver. 

Quecksilberbogen,  TO.  mercury  arc. 

Quecksilberbranderz,  n.  idrialite. 

Quecksilberbromid,  n.  mercury  bromide, 
specif.,  mercuric  bromide. 

Quecksilberchlorid,  n.  mercury  chloride,  specif., 
mercuric  chloride. 

Quecksilberchloriir,  n.  mercurous  chloride. 

Quecksilbercyanid,  n.  mercuric  cyanide. 

Quecksilberdampf,  TO.  mercury  vapor. 

Quecksilbererz,  n.  mercury  ore. 

Quecksilberfaden,  TO.  mercury  thread. 

Quecksilberfahlerz,  n.  tetrahedrite  containing 

QuecksUberhalogen,  n.  mercury  halide. 

quecksilberhaltig,  o.  containing  mercury,  mer- 

Quecksilberhorncrz,  n.  horn  quicksilver  (na- 
tive calomel). 

Quecksilberjodid,  n.  mercury  iodide,  specif., 
mercuric  iodide. 

Quecksilberjodiir,  n.  mercurous  iodide. 

Quecksilberlebererz,  n.  hepatic  cinnabar. 

Quecksilberlegierung,  /.  mercury  alloy,  amal- 

Quecksilberlicht,  n.  mercury  light. 

Quecksilbermittel,  n.  mercurial. 

Quecksilbermohr,  TO.  ethiops  mineral  (black 
mercuric  sulfide). 

Quecksilberoxyd,  n.  mercuric  oxide. 

Quecksilberoxydsalz,  n.  mercuric  salt. 

Quecksilberoxydul,  n.  mercurous  oxide. 

Quecksilberoxydulsalz,  n.  mercurous  salt. 

Quecksilberpflaster,  n.  (Pharm.)  mercurial 

Quecksilberpille,  /.  blue  pill. 

Quecksilberprazipitat,  n.  (Pharm.')  (mercury) 
precipitate  (rotes,  red  precipitate;  gelbes, 
yellow  precipitate). 

Quecksilberrhodanid,  n.  mercury  thiocyanate, 
specif.,  mercuric  thiocyanate. 

Quecksilberrhodaniir,  n.  mercurous  thiocyan- 

Quecksilbersalbe,  /.  mercurial  ointment. 

Quecksilbersaule,  /.  column  of  mercury. 





Quecksilberspat,  m.  horn  quicksilver. 
Quecksilberspiegel,  TO.  mercury  mirror. 
Quecksilbersublimat,  n.  corrosive  sublimate. 
Quecksilbersulfid,  n.  mercury  sulfide,  specif., 

mercuric  sulfide. 

Quecksilbersulfur,  n.  mercurous  sulfide. 
Quecksilberverbindung,  /.  mercury  compound. 
Quecksilberverfahren,  n.  mercury  process. 
Quecksilbervitriol.  TO.  mercuric  sulfate. 
Quecksilberwanne,  /.  mercury  trough. 
Quecksilberzyanid,  n.  mercuric  cyanide. 
Quell,  m.  =  Quelle. 
quellbar,  a.  capable  of  swelling. 
Quellbottich,  TO.  steeping  vat,  steeping  tub. 
Quelle,  /.,  source;  spring,  well. 
quellen,  v.i.  swell,  spring,  well. — v.t.  soak,  steep. 
Quellgas,  n.  gas  from  springs. 
quellreif,  a.  sufficiently  steeped. 
Quellreife,  /.  sufficient  steeping. 
Quellsalz,  n.  spring  salt,  well  salt. 
Quellstock,  TO.  steep  tanK,  steeping  cistern. 
Quellung,  /.   swelling,    tumefaction;     welling; 

Quellungswarme,  /.  heat  of  swelling,  heat  of 


Quellwasser,  n.  spring  water. 
Quendel,  TO.  wild  thyme. 
quer,  a.  cross,  transverse,  diagonal,  oblique. 
Querachse,  /.  transverse  axis. 
Quercit,  n.  quercitol,  quercite. 
Querdurchmesser,  TO.  transverse  diameter. 
Querdurchschnitt,  TO.  =  Querschnitt. 
Quere,  /.  cross  direction,  transverse  direction; 


querfeldein,  adv.  cross  country. 
querlaufend,  p.a.  transversal,  transverse. 
Querpronl,  n.  cross  section. 
Querriss,    TO.    transverse    crack,    cross    crack; 

cross  section;   (Min.)  fracture. 

querschleifen,    v.t.    grind    (wood)     across    the 


Querschnitt,  m.  cross  section,  transverse  sec- 
tion, crosscut;    cross-sectional  area. 
Querschwingung,  /.  transverse  vibration. 
Querzitronrinde,  /.  quercitron  bark. 
Querzusammenziehung,  /.  lateral  contraction. 
Quetsche,  /.  squeezer,  wringer,  presser,  crusher. 
quetschen,  v.t.  pinch,  squeeze;    crush,  mash; 

bruise,  contuse. 
Quetscher,  m.  pincher,  etc.   (see  quetschen); 

(Dyeing)  squeezer. 
Quetschhahn,  TO.  pinchcock. 
Quetschmiihle,    /.     bruising     mill,     crushing 


Quetschung,  /.  pinching,  etc.  (see  quetschen). 
Quick-,  amalgamating. 
Quickarbeit,  /.  amalgamation. 
Quickbeutel,  m.  amalgamating  skin. 
Quickbrei,  TO.  amalgam. 
quicken,  v.t.  amalgamate. 
Quickerz,  n.  mercury  ore. 
Quickmetall,  n.  amalgamated  metal. 
Quickmiihle,  /.  amalgamating  mill. 
Quickwasser,   n.    (Plating)   quickening  liquid 

(solution  of  a  mercuric  salt). 
quieken,  v.i.  squeak,  squeal. 
Quillajasaure,  /.  quillaic  acid, 
quillt,  pr.  S  sing,  of  quellen. 
Quirl,  TO.  twirling  device,  twirl,  whirl;    (Bot.) 

whorl;  fidgety  person, 
quirlen,  v.t.  twirl;  stir  with  a  whirling  motion. — 

v.i.  twirl,  turn. 
quitt,  a.  even,  quits,  rid. 
Quitte,  /.  quince. 

Quittenkern,  Quittensamen,  TO.  quince  seed, 
quittieren,  v.t.  quit,  leave;  receipt. 
Quittung,  /.  receipt, 
quoll,  pret.  of  quellen. 

R.,  dbbrev.  (Referat)  abstract,  review;  R6au- 
mur;  ring  (cyclic). 

Rabatt,  m.  deduction,  discount;  rebate. 

Rabe,  TO.  raven. 

rabenschwarz,  a.  jet  black. 

Rabenstein,  m.  gallows. 

rac.,  abbrev.  of  racemisch. 

racemisch,  a.  racemic. 

racemisieren,  v.t.  racemize. 

Racemkorper,  m.  racemic  substance  (or  com- 

Rache,  /.  revenge,  vengeance. 

Rachen,  TO.  throat;  mouth;  (Med.)  pharynx, 

Rachen-.  pharyngeal. 

rachen,  v.t.  revenge,  avenge. 

Rad,  n.  wheel. 

Radachse,  /.  axle  or  shaft  of  a  wheel. 

Radbewegung,  /.  rotary  motion,  rotation. 

Raddrehung, /.  rotation;  torsion. 

radebr echen,  v.t.  murder  (a  language) . 

Radelerz,  n.  wheel  ore  (bournonite). 

Kiidelsf iihrer,  TO.  ringleader. 

radern,  v.t.  sift,  screen;  furnish  with  wheels. 

Radertierchen,  n.  rotifer. 

Raderwerk,  n.  wheel  work,  gearing;  sifting  ap- 

Radfahrer,  TO.  wheelman,  cyclist. 

radformig,  a.  wheel-shaped,  rotate. 

radieren,  v.t.  etch;  erase. 

Radierfirnis,  m.  etching  varnish. 

Radiergrund,  m.  etching  ground. 

Radiergummi,  TO.  (rubber)  eraser. 

Radierkunst,  /.  (art  of)  etching. 

Radiermesser,  n.  erasing  knife. 

Radierung,  /.  etching;  erasure. 

Radieschen,  n.  radish. 

radiieren,  v.i.  radiate. 

Radikalessig,  TO.  radial  vinegar  (old  name  for 
acetic  acid,  esp.  glacial  acetic  acid). 

Radioaktivitat,  /.  radioactivity. 

Radiotellur,  n.  radiotellurium. 

Radiothor,  n.  radiothorium. 

Radiumjodid,  n.  radium  iodide. 

Radiumsalz,  n.  radium  salt. 

Radiumstrahlen,  radium  rays. 

radizieren,  v.t.  (Math.)  extract  the  root  of. 

Radkranz,  m,  (wheel)  rim,  tire. 

Radlinie,  /.  cycloid. 

Radreif,  m.  tire;  rim. 

Radschuh,  m.  brake. 

Radspeiche,  /.  spoke. 

Radwelle,  /.  axle;   wheel  and  axle. 

raffen,  v.t.  snatch  up,  snatch  away. 

Raffinade,  /.  refined  sugar. 

Raffination,  /.  refining. 

Raffinationsertrag,  Raffinationswert,  m.  (Sugar) 


Raffinatkupfer,  n.  refined  copper. 
Raffinatsilber,  n.  refined  silver.  ,    * 

Raffinerie,  /.  refinery;  finesse. 
Raffineur,  TO.  refiner, 
raffinieren,  v.t.  refine. 

Raffinierofen,  m.  refining  furnace,  refinery. 
ragen,  v.i.  project,  tower. 
Rahm,  TO.  cream;   crust  (forming  on  the  top  of 

something);  frame;  soot. 
rahmahnlich,  rahmartig,  a.  creamlike,  creamy. 
Rahmen,  TO.  frame,  framing;   compass,  bounds. 
rahmen,  v.t.  skim,  take  the  cream  from;  frame. 

— v.i.  form  a  cream. 
Rahmerz,  n.  a  foamy  variety  of  wad. 
rahmfarbig,  a.  cream-colored. 
rahmig,  a.  sooty;  creamy. 
Rahmkase,  TO.  cream  cheese. 
Rahmmesser,  TO.  creamometer. 
Rain,  m.  ridge,  headland. 
Rainfarn,  m.  tansy. 
Rainfarnol,  n.  tansy  oil. 
Rainweide,  /.  privet. 
Rakete,  /.  rocket;   firecracker. 
Ramiefaser,  /.  ramie  fiber. 
ramifizieren,  v.t.  &  r.  ramify. 
Ramifizierung,  /.  ramification, 
rammen,  v.t.  ram,  beat  down. 
Rammvorrichtung,  /.  ramming  apparatus. 
Rampe, /.  ramp;   platform;  footlights. 
Ramsch,  TO.  lot,  bulk. 
Rand,  TO.  edge;  border,    rim,    margin^    brim; 


Rand-,  marginal. 
Randal,  TO.  row,  disturbance. 
randeln,  randern,  v.t.  edge,  border,  rim;  mill. 
Randerscheibe,  /.  edge  cutter. 
Randgarung, /.  (Brewing)  rim  fermentation. 
rang,  prct,  of  ringen. 





Rang,  m.  rank;  quality;  row,  tier. 

Range,  /.  tomboy,  romp. — m.  urchin. 

Rank,  m.  intrigue,  wile. 

Ranke,  /.  tendril,  runner. 

ranken,  v.i.  (of  plants)  creep,  climb. 

rann,  pret.  of  rinnen. 

rannte,  pret.  of  rennen. 

Ranzel,  n.,  Ranzen,  m.  wallet,  knapsack,  satchel. 

ranzig,  a.  rancid. 

Ranzigkeit,  /.  rancidity,  rancidness. 

Rapp,  m.,  Rappe,  /.  rape,  grape  pomace. 

Rappe,  m.  black  horse. 

Rappel,  ~m,  rage,  madness;  staggers. 

Raps,  TO.  rape. 

Rapso'l,  n.  rape  oil,  rapeseed  oil. 

Rapssaat,  /.  rapeseed,  colza. 

rasch,  o.  quick,  brisk,  swift,  prompt. 

rascheln,  v.i.  rustle. 

Rasen,  TO.  turf,  sod,  lawn. 

rasen,  v.i.  rave,  rage. 

Rasenbleiche,  /.  grass  pleaching,  sun  bleaching. 

Raseneisenerz,  n.,  Raseneisenstein,  m.,  Rasen- 

v    erz,  n.  bog  iron  ore. 

rasieren,  v.t.  shave;  raze. 

Rasiermesser,  n.  razor. 

Rasierseife,  /.  shaving  soap. 

Raspel,  /.  rasp. 

Rasse,  /.  race,  breed,  (of  yeast)  type. 

rasseln,  v.i.  rattle,  clatter. 

Rast,  /.  rest;    (of  a  furnace)  boshes. 

rasten,  v.i.  rest;  halt. 

Rastgarung,  /.  (Brewing)  slow  and  incomplete 

rastlos,  a.  restless. 
rat,  pr.  3  sing,  of  raten. 
Rat,    TO.    counsel,    advice;     means;     council, 

board;  councillor. 

Ratanhiawurzel,  /.  rhatany  root,  rhatany. 
Rate,  Rata,/.  rate;  instalment. 
raten,  v.t.  &  i.  advise,  counsel;    guess,  solve. — 

geraten,  p.a.  advisable. 
Rathaus,  n.  town  hall. 
rationell,  a.  rational. 

ratlich,  a.  advisable,  expedient,  wholesome, 
ratios,  a.  helpless,  perplexed. 
Ratmann,  TO.  councilman. 
ratsam,  a.  advisable. 
Ratschlag,  m.  advice,  counsel. 
ratschlagen,  v.i.  consult,  deliberate. 
Ratschluss,  TO.  resolution,  decree. 
Ratsel,  n.  riddle,  puzzle, 
ratselhaft,  a.  enigmatical,  mysterious. 
Ratte,  /.  rat. 

Rattengift,  n.  rat  poison,  specif.,  white  arsenic. 
Rattenschwanz,  TO.  rat-tail  file, 
ratten,  v.t.  screen,  sieve,  riddle. 
Raub,  TO.  robbery,  plunder;  booty,  prey. 
Rauber,  TO.  robber;  pirate. 
Rauch,  TO.  smoke;  fume;  vapor. 
Rauchachat,  m.  smoky  agate. 

rauchartig,  a.  smoky. 

rauchen,  v.i.  fume;  smoke;  reek. — v.t.  smoke.— 
rauchend,  p.a.  fuming?  smoking. 

Raucher,  TO  fumigator. 

Raucheressenz,  /.  aromatic  essence. 

Raucheressig,  m.  aromatic  vinegar. 

raucherig,  a.  smoky;  dingy. 

rauchern,  v.t.  fumigate;  smoke;  perfume. 

Raucherpulver,  n.  fumigating  powder. 

Raucherung, /.  fumigation;  smoking  (of  meat); 
incense  burning. 

Raucherwerk,  n.  perfume,  perfumes;   incense. 

Rauchfang,  TO.  chimney,  flue. 

Kauchfleisch,  n.  smoked  meat. 

Rauchgas,  n.  smoke  gas,  flue  gas,  chimney  gas. 

rauchig,  a.  smoky;  fumy. 

Rauchkalk,  m.  magnesian  limestone. 

rauchlos,  a.  smokeless. 

Rauchquarz,  TO.  smoky  quartz. 

rauchschwach,  a.  giving  little  smoke,  "  smoke- 

Rauchtabak,  m.  smoking  tobacco. 

Rauchtopas,  TO.  smoky  topaz,  smoky  quartz. 

Rauchverzehrung,  /.  smoke  consumption. 

Rauchwaren,  furs,  peltry. 

raudig,  a.  scabbed,  scabby,  mangy. 

Raufe,  /.  hackle;   rack. 

raufen,  v.t.  pull,  pluck. — v.r.  &  i.  scuffle. 

rauh,  a.  rough  (specif .,  unglazed) ;  raw;  coarse, 
rude;  hoarse. 

Rauhartikel,  m.  (Calico)  raised  style. 

Raum,  TO.  space;  volume;  room,  scope;  hold 
(of  a  ship);  opportunity,  occasion. 

Raumanalyse,  /.  volumetric  analysis  (of  gases). 

Raumbestimmung,  /.  determination  of  volume. 

Raumbild,  n.  space  diagram. 

Raumchemie,  /.  stereochemistry. 

raumchemisch,  a.  stereochemical. 

Raumeinheit,  /.  unit  of  space  or  volume. 

raumen,  v.t.  clear  away,  remove;  clear;  evacu- 
ate, leave. 

Raumgebild(e),  n.  space  diagram. 

Raumgehalt,  TO.  content  by  volume,  spatial  con- 

Raumgeometrie,  /.  solid  geometry. 

Raumgitter,  n.  (Cryst.)  space  lattice,  "  raum- 

Rauminhalt,  TO.  volume,  content,  capacity. 

Raumisomerie,  /.  spatial  isomerism,  stereoisom- 

raumlich,  a.  relating  to  or  occupying  space, 

Raumlichkeit,  /.  quality  of  occupying  space, 
extension;  specific  volume;  spatiality,  space; 
room,  part  (of  a  house). 

Raummass,  n.  measure  of  capacity. 

Raumteil,  TO.  part  by  volume,  volume. 

Raumveranderung,  /.  change  in  volume. 

Raumverhaltnis,  /.  volume  relation,  proportion 
by  volume. 




raunen,  v.t.  &  i.  whisper. 

Raupe,  /.  caterpillar;    worm;    whim,  fancy. 

Rausch,  m.  drunkenness,  intoxication;  rushing, 

rush,  roar;    (Mining)  pounded  ore. 
rauschen,    v.i.    rush,    gurgle,   murmur,   rustle, 

whistle,  roar. 
Rauschgelb,  n.  orpiment. 
Rauschgold,  n.  Dutch  gold,  tinsel. 
Rauschrot,  n.  realgar. 
Rauschsilber,  n.  imitation  silver  foil. 
rauspern,  v.r.  clear  one's  throat. 
Raute,  /.  rue;  rhombus,  diamond. 
Rautenflach,  n.,  Rautenflachner,  m.  rhombo- 


Rautenflache,  /.  rhombus, 
rautenformig,  a.  rhombic,  diamond-shaped. 
Rautenol,  n.  oil  of  rue. 
Rautenspat,  TO.  rhomb  spar  (dolomite). 
razem-.     See  racem-. 
Reagens,  n.  reagent. 
Reagensglas.  n.  test  tube. 
Reagenspapier,  n.  test  paper. 
Reagensrohre,  /.  test  tube. 
Reagenzien,  Reagentien,  reagents. 
Reagenzienflasche,  /.  reagent  bottle. 
reagieren,  v.i.  react. — reagierend,  p.a.  reactive. 
Reagierglas,  n.  test  tube. 
Reagierglasbiirste,  /.  test-tube  brush. 
Reagierglasgestell,  n.  test-tube  stand. 
Reagierglashalter,  TO.  test-tube  holder. 
Reagierkelch,  TO.  test  glass,  test  cup. 
Reagierzylinder,  m.  test  tube. 
Reaktionsbahn,  /.  path  of  a  reaction. 
reaktionsfahig,  a.  capable  of  reacting,  reactive. 
Reaktionsfahigkeit,  /.    capability  of  reacting, 


Reaktionsgemisch,  n.  reaction  mixture. 
Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit,  /.  reaction  velocity. 
Reaktionsgleichung, /.  equation  (of  a  reaction). 
reaktionslos,  a.  reactionless. 
Reaktionslosigkeit,  /.  reactionlessness,  absence 

of  reaction,  nonreaction. 

Reaktionsmasse,  /.  reaction  mass,  mass  result- 
ing from  a  reaction. 
Reaktionsmittel,  n.  reagent. 
Reaktionsstufe,  /.  step  or  stage  of  a  reaction. 
Reaktionsverlauf,  TO.  course  of  a  reaction. 
realisieren,  v.t.  realize. 
Realschule,  /.  industrial  school,  scientific  school 

(for  teaching  science,  modern  languages,  etc.). 
Rebe, /.  vine. 
Rebenruss,  m.,  Rebenschwarz,  m.  vine  black, 

Frankfort  black. 

Rebensaft,  m.  juice  of  the  grape,  wine. 
Rebhuhn,  n.  partridge. 
Reblaus,  /.  vine  louse,  phylloxera. 
Recept,  etc.  =  Rezept,  etc. 
Rechen,  TO.  rake;  rack. 
Rechenknecht,  TO.  ready  reckoner. 
Rechenkunst,  /.  arithmetic. 

Rechenpfennig,  m.  counter,  marker. 

Rechenschaft,  /.  account. — Rechenschaft  ge- 
ben,  give  account,  answer. 

Rechenstift,  TO.  slate  pencil. 

Rechentafel,  /.  reckoning  table;  multiplication 
'table;  slate;  blackboard;  counting  board. 

rechnen,  v.t.  &  i.  calculate,  reckon,  count,  com- 
pute, estimate. 

rechnerisch,  adv.  mathematically. 

Rechnung,  /.  calculation,  etc.  (see  rechnen); 
arithmetic;  calculus;  account;  bill. 

Rechnungsfiihrer,  TO.  bookkeeper,  accountant. 

rechnungsmassig,  a.  in  accordance  with  calcu- 

Rechnungstafel,  /.  reckoning  table. 

recht,  a.  right;  true,  genuine,  legitimate,  own; 
fitting,  agreeable. — adv.  right,  rightly,  very. 

Recht,  n.  right;  justice;   law. 

Recht-.  right,  ortho-,  rect-,  legal. 

Rechte,  /.  right  (side,  hand,  party). 

Rechteck,  n.  rectangle. 

rechteckig,  a.  rectangular. 

rechten,  c.i.  litigate;  dispute;  remonstrate, 

Rechtfertigung,  /.  justification. 

rechtglaubig,  a.  orthodox. 

rechthaberisch,  a.  dogmatical. 

rechtlich,  a.  just,  honest,  legal,  judicial. 

rechtlos,  a.  illegal;  lawless. 

rechtmassig,  a.  legal,  rightful. 

rechts,  adv.  to  the  right,  on  the  right,  dextro- 

Rechts-.  dextro-;  of  the  law,  legal. 

Rechtsanwalt,  TO.  attorney,  solicitor. 

Rechtsbeistand,  TO.  (legal)  counsel. 

rechtsbestandig,  a.  valid,  legal. 

rechtschaffen,  a.  just,  honest,  upright. 

Rechtschreibung,  /.  orthography,  spelling. 

rechtsdrehend,  p.a.  dextrorotatory. 

Rechtsdrehung,  /.  dextrorotation,  right-handed 

Rechtsgelehrte,  TO.  lawyer;  jurist. 

Rechtshandel,  TO.  law  case,  lawsuit. 

rechtskraftig,  a.  valid,  legal. 

Rechtsmilchsaure,  /.  dextrolactic  acid. 

Rechtsmittel,  n.  legal  remedy. 

Rechtspolarisation,  /.  =  Rechtsdrehung. 

Rechtssaure,  /.  dextro  acid. 

Rechtsschraube,  /.  right-handed  screw. 

Rechtsweinsaure,  /.  dextrotartaric  acid. 

rechtwinklig,  a.  right-angled,  rectangular. 

Recipient,  TO.  =  Rezipient. 

reciprok,  a.  reciprocal. 

Reck,  n.,  Recke,  /.  rack,  stretcher,  horizontal 
pole  or  bar. 

recken,  v.t.  stretch,  extend,  rack;  (Metal.) 
shingle,  tilt. 

Reckwalzen,  Reckwerk,  n.  (Metal.)  fin- 
ishing rolls. 

Redakteur,  TO.  editor. 

Redaktion,  /.  editing,  editorship,  editorial  staff, 
editorial  office. 




Rede,  /.  speech,  language,  talk,  discourse; 
rumor;  account. 

reden,  v.t.  &  i,  speak,  talk,  discourse. 

Redensart,  /.  phrase,  expression,  term. 

redigieren,  v.t.  edit. 

rcdlich,  a.  upright,  honest,  fair. 

Redner,  m.  orator,  speaker. 

Rednerbiihne, /.  (public)  platform. 

redselig,  a.  talkative. 

reducierbar,  a.  reducible. 

reducieren,  v.t.  reduce. 

reduktionsfahig,  a.  capable  of  reduction. 

Reduktionsflamme,  /.  reducing  flame. 

Reduktionskraft,  /.  reducing  power. 

Reduktionsmittel,  n.  reducing  agent. 

Reduktionsofen,  m.  reduction  furnace. 

Reduktionsrohre,  /.  reduction  tube. 

reduzierbar,  a.  reducible. 

reduzieren,  v.t.  reduce. 

Reduziersalz,  n.  reducing  salt. 

reell,  a.  real,  sound,  honest. 

Referat,  n.  abstract;   review;  report. 

Referent,  m.  reporter. 

referieren,  v.t.  &  i.  report. 

reflektieren,  v.t.  reflect. — v.i.  reflect,  consider. 

Reflexionsebene,  /.  plane  of  reflection. 

Reflexionsgoniometer,  n.  reflecting  goniometer. 

Reflexionswinkel,  m.  angle  of  reflection. 

refraktar,  a.  refractory. 

Refraktionswinkel,  m.  angle  of  refraction. 

refrigerieren,  v.t.  refrigerate. — v.i.  freeze. 

rege,  a.  moving,  movable,  quick,  active, 

Regel,  /.  rule;  principle,  standard;  (Med.) 

regelbar,  a.  regulable. 

regellos,  a.  anomalous,  irregular. 

regelmassig,  a.  regular;  ordinary. — adv.  regu- 

regeln,  v.t.  regulate,  order,  arrange. 

regen,  v.t.  move,  rouse. — v.r.  stir,  be  active. 

Regen,  m.  rain. 

Regenbogen,  m.  rainbow. 

regenbogenfarbig,  a.  rainbow-colored,  irides- 

Regenbogenhaut,  /.  iris. 

regenerieren,  v.t.  regenerate. 

Regenfang,  m.  cistern. 

Regenguss,  m.  downpour  of  rain. 

regenlos,  a.  rainless. 

Regenmass,  n.,  Regenmesser,  m.  rain  gage. 

Regenmenge,  /.  amount  of  rain. 

Regenschirm,  m.  umbrella. 

Regenwasser,  n.  rain  water. 

Regen wurm,  m.  earthworm. 

Regenzeit,  /.  rainy  season. 

regieren,  v.i.  rule,  reign. — v.t.  rule,  govern,  regu- 
late, manage. 

Regierung,/.  government,  administration;  rule; 

Regieverschluss,  m.  bond. — unter  Regiever- 
schluss,  in  bond,  bonded. 

Register,  n.  index;  (table  of)  contents;  register; 

registrieren,  v.t.  register,  record. 

Regler,  m.  regulator. 

Reglisse,  /.  licorice  (juice  or  drops);  marsh- 
mallow  paste. 

regnen,  v.i.  rain. 

regnerisch,  a.  rainy. 

regsam,  a.  active,  quick,  agile. 

regulieren,  v.t.  regulate. 

Regulierhahn,  m.  regulating  cock. 

regulinisch,  a.  reguline. 

Regung,  /.  motion,  moving;  emotion. 

Reh,  n.  roe. 

Rehbraun,  n.  =  Sammetbraun;   fawn  color. 

rehfarbig,  a.  fawn-colored. 

Rehleder,  n.  doeskin. 

Rehposten,  buckshot. 

reibecht,  a.  fast  to  rubbing. 

reiben,  v.t.  rub;  grind,  triturate  (colors,  etc.); 
rasp,  grate;  scour;  chafe. 

Reibepulver,  n.  abrasive  powder. 

Reiber,  m.  rubber,  brayer,  pestle;  grater. 

Reibkeule,  /.  pestle. 

Reibschale,  /.  mortar. 

Reibstein,  m.  grinding  stone. 

Reibung, /.  friction;  rubbing,  etc.  (see  reiben); 
rub,  difficulty. 

Reibungselektrizitat,  /.  frictional  electricity. 

Reibungsprobe,  /.  friction  test. 

Reibungswarme,  /.  frictional  heat. 

Reibungswiderstand,  m.  frictional  resistance. 

Reibungsziffer,  /.  coefficient  of  friction. 

Reibziindholzchen,  n.  friction  match. 

reich,  a.  rich;   abundant. 

Reich,  n.  empire;  kingdom. 

-reich.  rich  (in),  abounding  (in). 

reichen,  v.t.  reach,  pass,  give. — v.i.  reach,  ex- 
tend, suffice,  last. 

reichhaltig,  a.  plentiful,  abundant. 

reichlich,  a.  abundant,  copious,  rich,  full. 

Reichs-.  imperial,  of  the  empire. 

Reichsadler,  m.  imperial  eagle. 

Reichsanstalt,  /.  Imperial  Institute. 

Reichsanzeiger,  m.  imperial  gazette. 

Reichsarmee,  /.  imperial  army. 

Reichschaum,  m.  (Metal.)  the  zinc  crust,  rich 
in  silver,  etc.,  formed  in  the  Parkes  process. 

Reichschmelzen,  n.  smelting  of  precious  metals. 

Reichsgesundheitsamt,  n.  Imperial  Board  of 

Reichskanzler,  m.  Imperial  Chancellor. 

Reichsland,  n.  imperial  territory,  specif.,  (pi.) 

Reichsmark, /.  imperial  mark  (23.8  cents). 

Reichsstadt,  /.  free  imperial  city. 

Reichsverfassung,  /.  constitution  of  the  empire. 

Reichtum,  m.  wealth,  richness,  abundance. 




Reichweite,  /.  range. 

reif,  o.  ripe. 

Keif,  m.  hoarfrost. 

Reif,  Reif  en,  m.  ring,  hoop;   tire;   collar. 

Reife,/.  ripeness;  maturity;  (of  beer,  etc.)  age; 

reifen,  v.t.  &  i.  ripen,  mature. 

Reigen,  m.  dance. 

Reihe,  /.  series;  row,  succession;  range;  suite, 
train;  rank,  file;  turn. 

reihen,  v.t.  arrange  in  a  series  or  row;  string 
(beads);  baste. 

Reihenfolge,  /.  sequence,  order,  succession. 

Reihenschaltung,  /.  (Elec.)  connection  in  series. 

Reiher,  ra.  heron. 

Reim,  m.  rhyme. 

rein,  a.  pure;  clean,  clear,  tidy;  sheer.— 'adv. 
purely,  clean,  absolutely. 

Reindarstellung,  /.  preparation  in  a  pure  condi- 
tion, purification. 

Reinertrag,  m.  clear  profit,  net  profit. 

Reingewicht,  n.  weight. 

Reinheit,  /.  purity,  pureness,  etc.  (see  rein) . 

reinigen,  v.t.  purify;  refine  (metals,  etc.);  rec- 
tify (spirits);  clean,  cleanse,  scour  (silk), 

Reinigung,  /.  purification,  etc.  (see  reinigen); 

Reinigungsapparat,  m.  purifying  apparatus, 

Reinigungsbehalter,  m.  filtering  basin  or  tank. 

Reinigungsmasse,  /.  purifying  mass. 

Reinigungsmittel,  n.  purifying  agent,  purifier; 
cleansing  agent,  detergent;  purgative. 

Reinkultivierung,  Reinkultur,  Reinzucht,  /. 
(Boot.)  pure  culture,  pure  cultivation. 

Reis,  m.  rice. 

Reis,  n.  twig,  sprig;   shoot,  scion. 

Reisbranntwein,  m.  rice  spirit. 

Reise,  /.  journey,  trip,  travel,  voyage. 

reisen,  v.L  travel,  go,  set  out,  leave. 

Reisig,  Reisicht,  n.  brushwood,  twigs,  prunings. 

Reisige,  m.  horseman,  trooper. 

Reiskorper,  m.  (Med.)  rice  body. 

Reismehl,  n.  rice  flour. 

Reispapier,  n.  rice  paper. 

Reissaus,  n.  flight. 

Reissblei,  n.  graphite. 

Reissbleitiegel,  m.  graphite  crucible. 

Reisschleim,  m.  rice  water. 

reissen,  v.t.  tear,  pull,  drag,  split;  trace,  draw; 
bruise,  crush  (malt);  rough-grind  (glass). — 
v.i.  burst,  split,  crack,  break;  tear  along. — 
v.r.  oneself,  tear  one's  clothes;  scramble  (for). 
— reissend,  p.a.  tearing,  etc.  (see  reissen); 
rapacious;  rapid. 

Reissfestigkeit,  /.  resistance  to  tearing  or  break- 
ing, tenacity,  tensile  strength. 

Reisskohle,  /.  charcoal  crayon. 

Reisskorn,  n.  (Leather)  artificial  grain. 

Reisstarke,  /.  rice  starch. 

Reit-.  riding. 

reiten,  v.t.  &  i.  ride  (horseback). 

Reiter,  m.  rider;   horseman. 

Reiz,  m.  irritation;  irritant;  stimulus;  charm, 
attraction,  grace. 

reizbar,  a.  irritable,  sensitive. 

reizen,  v.t.  irritate,  stimulate,  excite;  charm, 
attract,  allure. 

Reizgift,  n.  irritant  poison. 

reizlos,  a.  nonirritant,  nonstimulating ;  unat- 
tractive, insipid. 

Reizlosigkeit,  /.  nonirritance,  etc.  (see  reizlos). 

Reizmittel,  n.  irritant,  stimulant,  incitement, 

Reizung, /.  irritation,  etc.  (see  reizen). 

Reizwirkung,  /.  irritating  effect;  stimulating 

rekapitulieren,  v.t.  recapitulate. 

Reklame,  /.  advertisement;   puffery. 

reklamieren,  v.t.  claim,  reclaim. 

Rektifikationsapparat,  m.  rectifying  apparatus, 

Rektifikationskolonne,  /.  rectifying  column. 

rektifizieren,  v.t.  rectify. 

Rektifizierung,  /.  rectification. 

relaxieren,  v.t.  &  i.  relax. 

remittieren,  v.t.  &  i.  remit. 

Rendement,  TO.  yield,  rendement. 

Rendita, /.  extent  of  weighting  (fabrics). 

Rennarbeit,  /.  (Iron)  direct  process. 

Rennbahn,  /.  race  course. 

Renneisen,  n.  malleable  iron  extracted  by  the 
direct  process. 

rennen,  v.i.  run;  race. — v.t.  run;  (Metal.)  ex- 
tract (malleable  iron)  directly  from  the  ore. 

Rennherd,  m.,  Rennfeuer,  n.  bloomery  hearth 
(where  malleable  iron  is  extracted  by  the 
direct  process). 

Rennschlacke,  /.  (Iron)  direct-process  slag. 

Rennstahl,  TO.  steel  made  directly  from  the  ore, 
natural  steel. 

Renntier,  n.  reindeer. 

Renommee,  n.  renown. 

renommieren,  v.i.  boast,  brag. — renommiert, 
p.a.  renowned,  well  known. 

renommistisch,  a.  bragging,  boastful. 

rentabel,  a.  profitable. 

Rentabilitat,  /.  profitableness. 

Rente,  /.  rent,  revenue,  income. 

Rentier,  m.  man  of  independent  means. 

rentieren,  v.i.  &  r.  be  profitable,  pay. 

Reparatur,  /.  repair. 

reparieren,  v.t.  repair. 

repassieren,  v.t.  boil  off  (silk)  a  second  time. 

repetieren,  v.t.  &  i.  repeat. 

Reprasentant,  m.  representative. 

reproduzierbar,  a.  reproducible. 

reproduzieren,  v.t.  reproduce. 

Reps,  TO.  rape. 




requirieren,  v.t.  request;   requisition. 

Reseda,  /.  mignonette. — gelbe  Reseda,  dyer's 

Reservage,  Reserve,  /.  (Calico)  resist,  reserve. 

Reservageartikel,  TO.  (Calico)  resist  style. 

Reservagedruck,  m.  resist  printing,  resist  style. 

Reservemittel,  n.  reserve,  resist. 

Reservemuster,  n.  reference  pattern. 

reservieren,  v.t.  reserve;  (Calico)  subject  to 
the  action  of  a  reserve  or  resist. 

Reservierungsmittel,  n.  (Calico)  resist,  reserve. 

resorbieren,  v.t.  resorb,  reabsorb. 

Resorcin,  Resorzin,  n.  resorcinol,  resorcin. 

Respirationsnahrungsmittel,  n.  respiratory  food. 

Rest,  m.  residue;  remainder,  rest,  remains, 

Rest-,  residual. 

restieren,  v.i.  remain,  be  left. 

Reststrahl,  TO.  residual  ray. 

Reststrom,  TO.  residual  current. 

Restvalenz,  /.  residual  valence. 

Resultat,  n.  result. 

resultieren,  v.i.  result. — resultierend,  p.a.  re- 
sulting, resultant. 

Retorte,  /.  retort. 

Retortenbauch,  TO.  belly  or  bulb  of  a  retort. 

Retortengestell,  n.  retort  stand. 

Retortenhals,  TO.  neck  of  a  retort. 

Retortenhalter,  TO.  retort  holder,  retort  stand.- 

Retortenhaus,  n.  retort  house. 

Retortenkohle,  /.  retort  carbon. 

Retortenmiindung,  /.  mouth  of  a  retort. 

Retortenofen,  TO.  retort  furnace. 

Retortenverkokung,  /.  retort  coking. 

Retortenvorstoss,  TO.  adapter;  (Zinc)  con- 
denser (of  clay  or  iron). 

retouchieren,  v.t.  retouch. 

retten,  v.t.  save,  rescue. 

Rettich,  Rettig,  TO.  black  radish. 

Rettungsmittel,  n.  remedy,  resource. 

Reuc,  /.  repentance. 

reuen,  v.t.  repent  of,  regret. 

Reugeld,  n.  forfeit. 

reuig,  reumiitig,  a.  repentant. 

Reusse,  TO.  Russian. 

reverberieren,  v.t.  reverberate. 

Reverberierofen,  m.  reverberatory  furnace,  re- 

Reverenz,  /.  reverence,  bow. 

reversibel,  a.  reversible. 

Rezension,  /.  review,  criticism. 

Rezept,  n.  recipe,  prescription. 

Rezeptur,  /.  dispensing  (of  medicines) ;  receiv- 

Rezipient,  TO.  receiver;    (of  persons)  recipient. 

reziprok,  a.  reciprocal. 

Rhabarber,  TO.  rhubarb. 

Rhabarbergelb,  n.,  Rhabarbersaure,  /.  chryso- 
phanic  acid. 

rheinisch,  rheinlandisch,  a.  Rhenish. 

Rheinwein,  TO.  Rhine  wine,  Rhenish  wine. 

Rhodan,  n.  thiocyanogen,  sulfocyanogen. 

Rhodan-.  thiocyanogen  (or  sulfocyanogen), 
thiocyanate  of,  thiocyano-. 

Rhodanaluminium,  n.  aluminium  thiocyanate. 

Rhodanammonium,  n.  ammonium  thiocyanate. 

Rhodanat,  n.  thiocyanate,  sulf ocyanate.  ^ 

Rhodanbaryum,  n.  barium  thiocyanate. 

Rhodaneisen,  n.  iron  thiocyanate,  esp.  ferric 

Rhodaneisenrot,  n.  ferric  thiocyanate. 

Rhodanid,  n.  thiocyanate,  sulfocyanate  (esp. 
an  -ic  salt;  cf.  Rhodanur). 

Rhodanion,  n.  thiocyanogen  ion,  CNS'. 

Rhodankalium,  n.  potassium  thiocyanate. 

Rhodankalzium,  n.  calcium  thiocyanate. 

Rhodankupfer,  n.  cupric  thiocyanate. 

Rhodanlosung,  /.  thiocyanate  solution. 

Rhodan  me  tall,  n.  (metallic)  thiocyanate. 

Rhodanmethyl,  n.  methyl  thiocyanate. 

Rhodannickel,  TO.  nickel  thiocyanate. 

Rhodantonerde,  /.  aluminium  thiocyanate. 

Rhodanur,  n.  (-ous)  thiocyanate,  (-ous)  sulfo- 

Rhodanverbindung,  /.  thiocyanogen  compound. 

Rhodanwasserstoff,  TO.  hydrogen  thiocyanate, 
thiocyanic  acid. 

Rhodanwasserstoffsaure,  /.  thiocyanic  acid, 
sulfocyanic  acid. 

Rhodanzinn,  Khodanzinnoxyd,  n.  stannic  thio- 

Rhodanzinnoxydul,  n.  st  ami  ous  thiocyanate. 

Rhodinasaure,  /.  rhodinic  acid. 

Rhodiumchlorwasserstoffsaure,  /.  acid  contain- 
ing rhodium,  chlorine  and  hydrogen  (H^RhCb 
and  HsRhCle). 

Rhombendodekaeder,  n.  rhombic  dodecahedron. 

rhombenfo'rmig,  a.  rhomb-shaped,  rhombic. 

rhombisch,  a.  rhombic. 

Rhomboeder,  n.  rhombohedron. 

rhomboedrisch,  a.  rhombohedral. 

rhomboidisch,  a.  rhomboid,  rhomboidal. 

Richtblei,  n.  plumb  line,  plummet. 

richten,  v.t.  direct,  turn;  arrange,  adjust,  set, 
straighten;  dress;  raise,  erect;  judge. — v.r. 
turn,  rise,  conform. 

Richter,  TO.  judge;  justice. 

richtig,  a.  right,  correct,  just,  fair,  true. 

Richtmass,  n.  standard,  gage. 

Richtplatte,  /.  adjusting  plate,  adjusting  table. 

Richtscheit,  n.  rule  straight-edge. 

Richtschnur, /.  chalk  line;  plumb  line. 

Richtung,  /.  direction,  bearing. 

Richtungsanderung,  /.  change  of  direction. 

Ricinolsaure,  /.  ricinoleic  acid. 

Ricinus,  TO.  castor-oil  plant. 

Ricinusol,  n.  castor  oil. 

Ricinusolsaure,  /.  ricinoleic  acid. 

Ricinussamen,  TO.  castor  bean. 

rieb,  pret.  of  reiben, 




Riech-.  smelling,  scented,  odoriferous;  olfac- 

Riechbein,  n.  ethmoid. 

riechen,  v.i.  &  t.  smell. — riechen  nach,  smell  of. 
— riechend,  p.a.  smelling,  redolent,  strong. 

Riechessig,  m.  aromatic  vinegar. 

Riechmittel,  n.  scent. 

Riechnerv,  m.  olfactory  nerve. 

Riechsalz,  n.  smelling  salts. 

Riechstoff,  m.  odoriferous  substance,  perfume. 

Riechwasser,  n.  scented  water. 

Ried,  n.  reed;   moor. 

rief,  pret.  of  rufen. 

Riefe,  /.  groove,  channel. 

Riegel,  m.  rail,  bar,  bolt. 

Riemen,  m.  strap,  thong,  band,  belt;   oar. 

Ries,  n.  ream. 

Riese,  m.  giant. 

Rieselfeld,  n.  field  irrigated  with  sewage. 

Rieseljauche,  /.  sewage  (as  a  fertilizer). 

rieseln,  v.i.  ripple,  gush,  trickle. 

Riesen-.  gigantic,  colossal. 

Riesenschlange,  /.  python,  boa  constrictor, 

riet,  pret.  of  raten. 

Riff,  n.  reef,  ridge. 

riffeln,  v.t.  ripple  (flax);    channel,  groove. 

RUle,  /.  furrow,  groove. 

Rind,  n.  neat,  animal  of  the  ox  kind;  (pi.) 

Rinde,  /.  rind;    bark,  cortex;   crust. 

Rindcn-.  cortical,  bark. 

Rindengewebe,  n.  cortical  tissue. 

Rindenschicht,  /.  cortical  layer. 

Rinder-.  beef,  cattle,  bovine. 

Rinderbraten,  m.  roast  beef. 

Rinderfett,  n.  beef  suet,  beef  fat. 

Rindertalg,  m.  beef  tallow. 

Rindfleisch,  n.  beef. 

Rindfleischbriihe,  /.  beef  broth,  beef  tea. 

Rindsgalle,  /.  ox  gall. 

Rindsklauenfett,  n.  neat's-foot  oil. 

Rindsleder,  n.  neat's  leather. 

Rindstalg,  m.  beef  tallow,  beef  fat. 

Rindvieh,  n.  cattle. 

Ring,  m.  ring;   link;    coil;    collar,  band,  hoop. 

Ring-.  (Org.  Chem.)  cyclic,  ring. 

Ringalkohol,  m.  cyclic  alcohol. 

Ringamin,  n.  cycl  c  amine 

Ringbildung,  /.  ring  formation. 

Ringelblume,  /.  marigold  (Calendula). 

ringelig,  a.  ringlike,  annular. 

ringeln,  v.t.  ring;  curl;   girdle  (trees). — v.r.  curl. 

ringen,  v.i.  struggle,  wrestle. — v.t.  wring;  ring; 

ringformig,  a.  cyclic;   ring-shaped,  annular. 

Ringketon,  TO.  cyclic  ketone. 

Ringofen,  m.  (Ceram.)  annular  kiln,  Hofmann 

rings,  adv.  around. 

Ringschicht,  /.  annular  layer. 

Ringspannung,  /.  ring  tension. 

ringsum,  adi\  around,  all  around. 

ringungesattigt,  p.a.  cyclically  unsaturated, 
containing  an  unsaturated  ring. 

Ringverbindung,  /.  cyclic  compound,  ring  com- 

Rinne,  /.  channel,  groove,  furrow,  gutter. 

rinnen,  P.I.  run,  flow;   leak. 

Rinnstein,  m.  sink;   gutter;  gutter  stone. 


rippen,  v.t.  rib. — gerippt,  p.a.  ribbed,  fluted, 
corded,  laid  (paper). 

Rippen-.  ribbed;   costal. 

Rippenfell,  TO.,  Rippenhaut,  /.  (costal)  pleura. 

Rippentrichter,  m.  ribbed  funnel. 

Risigallum,  n.  realgar. 

Rispe,  /  panicle. 

riss,  pret.  of  reissen. 

Riss,  m.  fissure,  crack,  flaw;  rent,  tear,  gap; 
draft,  sketch,  design. 

rissig,  a.  fissured,  cracked,  flawy,  torn. 

ritt,  pret.  of  reiten. 

Hitter,  >m.  knight. 

ritterlich,  a.  chivalrous,  knightly,  valiant. 

Rittersporn,  m.  larkspur. 

Rittmeister,  m.  cavalry  captain. 

Ritz,  m.  Ritze,  /.  rift,  slit,  fissure,  crack,  chink, 

ritzen,  v.t.  slit,  crack,  scratch. 

Rizin-.     See-  Ricin-. 

Rk.,  abbrev.  (Reaktion)  reaction. 

Rkk.,  abbrev.  (Reaktionen)  reactions. 

Robbe,  /.  seal. 

Robbentran,  m.  seal  oil. 

roch,  pret.  of  riechen. 

Roche,  m.  ray  (fish). 

Rochellesalz,  n.  Rochelle  salt,  potassium 
sodium  tartrate. 

rocheln,  v.i.  rattle. 

Rochen,  m.  =  Roche. 

Rock,  m.coat;  gown,  robe;  skirt,  petticoat;  frock. 

Rockschoss,  m.  coat  tail. 

roden,  v.t.  root  out,  grub,  clear. 

Rogen,  m.  roe,  spawn. 

Rogenstein,  m.  oolite. 

rogensteinartig,  a.  oolitic. 

Roggen,  m.  rye. 

Roggenbrot,  TO.  rye  bread. 

Roggenmehl,  TO.  rye  flour. 

Roggenmutter,  /.  ergot. 

roh,  a.  raw,  crude;   rough,  coarse;  gross. 

Roharbeit,  /.  (Metal.)  ore  smelting. 

Rohbenzol,  TO.  crude  benzene,  benzol  (or  ben- 
zole) . 

Roheisen,  n.  crude  iron,  pig  iron. 

Rohertrag,  m.  gross  returns. 

Roherz,  TO.  raw  ore. 

Rohfaserbestimmung,  /.  determination  of 
crude  fiber. 




Rohfrischen,  n.  (Metal.)  first  refining. 

Rohfrischperiode,  /.  (Iron)  boiling  stage, 

Rohfrucht,  /.  (Brewing)  unmalted  grain. 

Rohmaterial,  n.  raw  material. 

Rohmetall,  n.  crude  metal. 

Rohnaphta,  /.  crude  naphtha;  crude  petroleum. 

Rohofcn,  TO.  ore  furnace. 

Rohol,  n.  crude  oil. 

Rohr,  n.  tube;  pipe;  reed,  cane;  flue;  barrel 
(of  a  gun). 

Rohrchen,  n.  little  tube  or  pipe;  tubule;  cane; 
reed  (in  an  organ). 

Rohre,  /.  tube;  pipe;  nozzle,  spout;  conduit; 
shaft,  tunnel. 

rohrenartig,  a.  tubular;   fistular. 

rohrenformig,  a.  =  rShrenartig. 

Rohrenkassie,  /.  purging  cassia. 

Rohrenklemme,  /.  tube  clamp. 

Rohrenlot,  n.  pipe  solder. 

Rohrenmanna,  /.  flake  manna. 

Rohrennudeln,  -macaroni. 

Rohrenofen,  TO.  tube  furnace  (for  heating  tubes 
liable  to  explosion). 

Rohrentrager,  TO.  tube  (or  pipe)  support. 

Rohrenwerk,  n.  tubing;   piping. 

rohrformig,  a.  tubular. 

rohrig,  a.  tubular;  fistular. 

Rohrmiihle,  /.  tube  mill. 

Rohrschlange,  /.  coil  (of  pipe),  worm,  spiral 

Rohrstock,  m.  ca